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Welcome to Transformania Time

This rather unofficial document is meant to help any new developers get up to speed with what's going on in the source code.

First off, here is the stack of technologies being used:

  • ASP.Net MVC5
  • C# as backend code
  • Entity Framework 6
  • SQL Server / LocalDB
  • Javascript for frontend code (as if there's any alternative)
  • Git for source control
  • SignalR for chat / realtime notifications
  • T4MVC for strong typing in MVC

Interested in contributing code to Transformania Time?

Please read through if you would like to contribute code to the project. We happily accept merge requests!

Good tools to have

Below are some tools I keep in my developer environment used daily:

  • Visual Studio 2022 Community
  • SQL Server Management Studio (provides a nice way to access the database in greater detail. Visual Studio also has some limited built in tools for this)
  • 7-Zip or another similar file archiving program (to extract the SQL backups)
  • Sourcetree (GUI for Git; command line via Bash also works fine if you are comfortable with it)
  • The AutoT4MVC extension for Visual Studio to regenerate T4MVC's files automatically when MVC controllers are changed

Setting up your development environment

Thanks to Tempest, TT now has an automated build system which uses Cake, a Make/Rake like build system built on the Roslyn compiler. To set up your development environment you will need to run the build script which will:

  • Build TT
  • Create your DB
  • Seed your DB with initial data
  • Run unit tests

You will need to relax the default PowerShell scripting policy slightly to run the build script. From a PowerShell prompt, execute the following (you only need to do this once)

Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser

To run the default build, kick off the following from PowerShell within the TT directory


By default, the build will attempt to use SQL Server 2014 LocalDB (or newer) however if you are using SQL Server 2012 you will want to use

./build.ps1 --dbType="localdb_v1"

If you are running a full SQL Express instance (any version) and have localhost set as an alias you can use

./build.ps1 --dbType="server"

If you are running a remote SQL server (any version) you can use

./build.ps1 --dbType="remoteserver" --dbServer="" --dbUserId="username" --dbName="Stats"

If you don't want to specify the database settings every time you run the build script, you may set environment variables which have the parameters preconfigured. The parameter names are TT_VARNAME. For example, if you want to change dbType, set a variable named TT_DBTYPE.

Migrating Database

When schema changes have been made, you can use the build system to update your development database simply by running the default build. If you only specifically want to run migrations and nothing else, use:

./build.ps1 --target="Migrate"

If you need to force a specific migration to retrigger, you can delete the row created by the migration you wish to rerun in the table dbo.VersionInfo .

Again, you can use the --dbType= argument suitable for your environment.

Re-creating Database

To re-create your DB from scratch you can do the following

./build.ps1 --target="Recreate-DB"

This will drop your existing database, recreate from migrations and apply the seed data. For convenience's sake, a default user with username "Developer" and password "password" is automatically seeded with full permissions.

Running turn updates in dev environment

To run turn updates in a dev environment, you can do the following

./build.ps1 --target="Turn-Update"

Feature Toggles

We are starting to use a concept known as Feature Toggles to allow us to work on new functionality but wrap it up behind boolen switches so we can publish code to production but not show any of the new work. We use a library called FeatureSwitch to do this.

All of the feature toggles should be defined in both AppSettings.config (if you add new toggles, please also add them to AppSettings.sample.config and notify the team!) and TT.Domain\Features.cs. Toggles defined in the sample config should always default to disabled.

The toggles can be tested using FeatureContext.IsEnabled<ToggleClass>().

Random things to know

This repo has a few different projects in it, having evolved from a simple server that hosted the singleplayer Transformania Time game (the gameshow one) to also including some experiments with AngularJS (Fashion Wars) and HTML5 canvas (Bombie). These have nothing to do with the core multiplayer TT game so they should be left alone for the time being unless you're just curious. (As June 24, a different repo was created and all future code in those projects will go there. TT gameshow code will stay here.)

Guts / Project Organization

There are few conventions I've tried to follow to keep organized. The big ones are:

Commands & Queries

We're in the process of moving away from the Procedures detailed below and instead towards Domain Driven Design. As part of this, we are borrowing the concept of Commands and Queries to update and query the domain. The general principle is that instead of lots of procedures that modify the underlying DB, we have a Domain which is responsible for managing all business rules inside it. That Domain can be queried, which will return Data Transfer Objects. These DTOs are flattened objects that simply contain the data required to fulfil the query, nothing more. On the update side, we use Commands which don't return any data from the Domain, but instead allow us to modify it but manipulating the entities inside.

Using this approach, there should be no direct manipulation of any Domain Entities except through a DomainCommand object. There should be no direct reading of the domain or database except through the use of a DomainQuery or DomainQuerySingle object.

DomainCommand, DomainQuery and DomainQuerySingle all follow a common convention. To use them, create an object which extends the Dommain* object you need and then override the Execute(IDataContext context) method. Inside of that method, Use the setter on ContextQuery and pass it a lambda with your query inside. Examples can be found in CreateChatRoom, UpdateTome, GetTomes and GetTomeFromItem.

Commands and Queries can have any input passed into them validated before executing the query to ensure the input is valid. Override the Validate() method and throw a DomainException for any validation failures.

Used Controllers

  • PvPController has most of the core game methods such as moving, cleansing, attacking, etc.
  • PvPAdminController has administrator / moderator type methods used to keep the game running without having to directly alter the database.
  • NPCController has methods for interacting with non-player characters, namely interacting with merchants and Rusty as well as some mind control stuff
  • SettingsController deals with various customization aspects, allowing player to write bio, RP classified ads, respond to polls, etc.
  • InfoController deals mainly with static information and pages
  • ItemController deals with interaction with inventory items. A lot more methods should be refactored into here from PvPController.
  • TransformaniaTimeController is for non TT-multiplayer stuff such as singleplayer gameshow, Fashion Wars, and Bombie. Pleave leave this alone
  • AccountController deals with account registrations, login, etc. This is all code straight from Simple Membership
  • ContributionController deals with contributed content pages and actions.
  • CovenantController deals with anything covenant related: joining, leaving, donating Arpeyjis, using furniture, etc

Unused Controllers

  • HomeController (template code, should be removed)
  • DuelController (was meant to be used for some realtime 1v1 or group based dueling using SignalR that unfortunately never materialized... yet)
  • TFWorldController (unused code from an early prototype of a multiplayer game similar to this)


  • Try to keep any calls that directly alter a database in the Procedures folder. (Exceptions to this are Contribution and PvPAdmin controllers, where code is generally single-use enough that it's okay.)


  • Everything in realtime (chat, realtime notifications, etc) is kept in the Chat folder. ChatHub deals with chat and NoticeHub deals with notices, as the name implies. DuelHub has some semi-abandoned dueling code


  • Images are (generally speaking) divided into animate forms (portraits), item forms, (itemPortraits), and animal forms (animalPortraits). Every image (except a few such as GIFS) also have thumbnail versions to be loaded when the page does not call for a larger view. This sizes on a hell of a lot of bandwidth as Arrhae has shown with processed IIS logs.