Ejemplo n.º 1
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds an entity to this Virtual Machine.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="entity">The entity to add.</param>
 public void AddEntity(VMEntity entity)
     entity.ObjectID = ObjectId++;
     ObjectsById.Add(entity.ObjectID, entity);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void DrawActionsOf(VMEntity obj)
            objNameLabel.Text = "Active Object: " + obj.ToString();

            for (int i = 0; i < obj.Thread.Queue.Count; i++)
                actionView.Items.Add(new ListViewItem(obj.Thread.Queue[i].Name, (i == 0) ? 0 : 1));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public Simantics(VM vm)
            this.vm = vm;

            ActiveEntity = vm.Entities.FirstOrDefault(x => x is VMAvatar);

            aq = new ActionQueue();
            aq.target = ActiveEntity;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public static void AddToObjList(List<VMEntity> list, VMEntity entity)
     if (list.Count == 0) { list.Add(entity); return; }
     int id = entity.ObjectID-1;
     int max = list.Count-1;
     int min = 0;
     while (max-1>min)
         int mid = (max+min) / 2;
         int nid = list[mid].ObjectID;
         if (id < nid) max = mid;
         else min = mid;
     list.Insert((list[min].ObjectID>id)?min:((list[max].ObjectID > id)?max:max+1), entity);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new UILotControl instance.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="vm">A SimAntics VM instance.</param>
        /// <param name="World">A World instance.</param>
        public UILotControl(TSO.Simantics.VM vm, World World)
            this.vm = vm;
            this.World = World;

            ActiveEntity = vm.Entities.FirstOrDefault(x => x is VMAvatar);
            MouseEvt = this.ListenForMouse(new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle(0, 0,
                GlobalSettings.Default.GraphicsWidth, GlobalSettings.Default.GraphicsHeight), OnMouse);
            testimg = new UIImage();
            testimg.X = 20;
            testimg.Y = 20;

            Queue = new UIInteractionQueue(ActiveEntity);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public void PushUserInteraction(int interaction,VMEntity caller,VMContext context)
            var    Action   = TreeTable.InteractionByIndex[(uint)interaction];
            ushort ActionID = Action.ActionFunction;

            var function = GetBHAVWithOwner(ActionID,context);

            var routine = context.VM.Assemble(function.bhav);

                new TSO.Simantics.engine.VMQueuedAction
                Callee            = this,
                CodeOwner         = function.owner,
                Routine           = routine,
                Name              = TreeTableStrings.GetString((int)Action.TTAIndex),
                StackObject       = this,
                InteractionNumber = interaction,
                Priority          = VMQueuePriority.UserDriven
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public void RemoveRoomPortal(VMEntity obj)
     var room = GetObjectRoom(obj);
     VMRoomPortal target = null;
     foreach (var port in RoomInfo[room].Portals)
         if (port.ObjectID == obj.ObjectID)
             target = port;
     if (target != null) RoomInfo[room].Portals.Remove(target);
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public void RegisterObjectPos(VMEntity obj)
     var pos = obj.Position;
     if (pos.Level < 1) return;
     while (pos.Level > ObjectsAt.Count) ObjectsAt.Add(new Dictionary<int, List<short>>());
     if (!ObjectsAt[pos.Level-1].ContainsKey(pos.TileID)) ObjectsAt[pos.Level - 1][pos.TileID] = new List<short>();
     ObjectsAt[pos.Level - 1][pos.TileID].Add(obj.ObjectID);
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public ushort GetObjectRoom(VMEntity obj)
     if (obj.Position == LotTilePos.OUT_OF_WORLD) return 0;
     if (obj.Position.Level < 1 || obj.Position.Level > _Arch.Stories) return 0;
     return Architecture.Rooms[obj.Position.Level - 1].Map[obj.Position.TileX + obj.Position.TileY*_Arch.Width];
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public override void PlaceInSlot(VMEntity obj, int slot)
     HandObject = obj;
     obj.Container = this;
     obj.ContainerSlot = (short)slot;
     obj.WorldUI.Container = this.WorldUI;
     obj.WorldUI.ContainerSlot = slot;
     obj.Position = Position; //TODO: is physical position the same as the slot offset position?
     if (obj.WorldUI is ObjectComponent)
         var objC = (ObjectComponent)obj.WorldUI;
         objC.ForceDynamic = true;
Ejemplo n.º 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new UILotControl instance.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="vm">A SimAntics VM instance.</param>
        /// <param name="World">A World instance.</param>
        public UILotControl(TSO.Simantics.VM vm, World World)
            this.vm = vm;
            this.World = World;

            ActiveEntity = vm.Entities.FirstOrDefault(x => x is VMAvatar);
            MouseEvt = this.ListenForMouse(new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle(0, 0,
                GlobalSettings.Default.GraphicsWidth, GlobalSettings.Default.GraphicsHeight), OnMouse);
            testimg = new UIImage();
            testimg.X = 20;
            testimg.Y = 20;

            Queue = new UIInteractionQueue(ActiveEntity);

            ObjectHolder = new UIObjectHolder(vm, World, this);
            QueryPanel = new UIQueryPanel(World);
            QueryPanel.OnSellBackClicked += ObjectHolder.SellBack;
            QueryPanel.X = 177;
            QueryPanel.Y = GlobalSettings.Default.GraphicsHeight - 228;

            vm.OnDialog += vm_OnDialog;
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public void LiveModeUpdate(UpdateState state, bool scrolled)
            //ActiveEntity = vm.Entities.Where(x => x is VMAvatar).ElementAt(0);
            //Queue.QueueOwner = ActiveEntity;
            if (ActiveEntity == null || ActiveEntity.Dead)
                ActiveEntity = vm.Entities.FirstOrDefault(x => x is VMAvatar); //try and hook onto a sim if we have none selected.
                Queue.QueueOwner = ActiveEntity;

            if (MouseIsOn && ActiveEntity != null)

                if (state.MouseState.X != OldMX || state.MouseState.Y != OldMY)
                    OldMX = state.MouseState.X;
                    OldMY = state.MouseState.Y;
                    var newHover = World.GetObjectIDAtScreenPos(state.MouseState.X, state.MouseState.Y, GameFacade.GraphicsDevice);
                    //if (newHover == 0) newHover = ActiveEntity.ObjectID;
                    if (ObjectHover != newHover)
                        ObjectHover = newHover;
                        if (ObjectHover > 0)
                            var menu = vm.GetObjectById(ObjectHover).GetPieMenu(vm, ActiveEntity);
                            InteractionsAvailable = (menu.Count > 0);
                ObjectHover = 0;

            if (!scrolled)
            { //set cursor depending on interaction availability
                CursorType cursor;
                if (ObjectHover == 0)
                    cursor = CursorType.LiveNothing;
                    if (InteractionsAvailable)
                        if (vm.GetObjectById(ObjectHover) is VMAvatar) cursor = CursorType.LivePerson;
                        else cursor = CursorType.LiveObjectAvail;
                        cursor = CursorType.LiveObjectUnavail;

Ejemplo n.º 13
        public override void ClearSlot(int slot)
            HandObject.SetValue(VMStackObjectVariable.ContainerId, 0);
            HandObject.SetValue(VMStackObjectVariable.SlotNumber, 0);
            HandObject.WorldUI.Container = null;
            HandObject.WorldUI.ContainerSlot = 0;

            if (HandObject.WorldUI is ObjectComponent)
                var objC = (ObjectComponent)HandObject.WorldUI;
                objC.ForceDynamic = false;

            HandObject = null;
Ejemplo n.º 14
        public UIPieMenu(List<VMPieMenuInteraction> pie, VMEntity obj, VMEntity caller, UILotControl parent)
            m_PieButtons = new List<UIButton>();
            this.m_Obj = obj;
            this.m_Caller = caller;
            this.m_Parent = parent;
            this.ButtonStyle = new TextStyle
                Font = GameFacade.MainFont,
                Size = 12,
                Color = new Color(0xA5, 0xC3, 0xD6),
                SelectedColor = new Color(0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF),
                CursorColor = new Color(255, 255, 255)

            m_Bg = new UIImage(TextureGenerator.GetPieBG(GameFacade.GraphicsDevice));
            m_Bg.SetSize(0, 0); //is scaled up later
            this.AddAt(0, m_Bg);

            m_PieTree = new UIPieMenuItem()
                Category = true

            for (int i = 0; i < pie.Count; i++)
                string[] depth = pie[i].Name.Split('/');

                var category = m_PieTree; //set category to root
                for (int j = 0; j < depth.Length-1; j++) //iterate through categories
                    if (category.Children.ContainsKey(depth[j]))
                        category = category.Children[depth[j]];
                        var newCat = new UIPieMenuItem()
                            Category = true,
                            Name = depth[j],
                            Parent = category
                        category.Children.Add(depth[j], newCat);
                        category = newCat;
                //we are in the category, put the interaction in here;

                var item = new UIPieMenuItem()
                    Category = false,
                    Name = depth[depth.Length-1],
                    ID = pie[i].ID
                if (!category.Children.ContainsKey(item.Name)) category.Children.Add(item.Name, item);

            m_CurrentItem = m_PieTree;
            m_PieButtons = new List<UIButton>();

            VMAvatar Avatar = (VMAvatar)caller;
            m_Head = new SimAvatar(Avatar.Avatar); //talk about confusing...

Ejemplo n.º 15
        // Begin Container SLOTs interface

        public abstract void PlaceInSlot(VMEntity obj,int slot);
Ejemplo n.º 16
        public void ExecuteEntryPoint(int entry,VMContext context,bool runImmediately)
            if (EntryPoints[entry].ActionFunction > 255)
                BHAV            bhav;
                GameIffResource CodeOwner;
                ushort          ActionID = EntryPoints[entry].ActionFunction;
                if (ActionID < 4096)
                { //global
                    bhav      = context.Globals.Resource.Get <BHAV>(ActionID);
                    CodeOwner = context.Globals.Resource;
                else if (ActionID < 8192)
                { //local
                    bhav      = Object.Resource.Get <BHAV>(ActionID);
                    CodeOwner = Object.Resource;
                { //semi-global
                    bhav      = SemiGlobal.Resource.Get <BHAV>(ActionID);
                    CodeOwner = SemiGlobal.Resource;

                var routine = context.VM.Assemble(bhav);
                if (bhav == null)
                    return;               //throw new Exception("Invalid BHAV call!");
                short[]  Args     = null;
                VMEntity StackOBJ = null;
                if (entry == 1)
                    if (MainParam != 0)
                        Args      = new short[4];
                        Args[0]   = MainParam;
                        MainParam = 0;
                    if (MainStackOBJ != 0)
                        StackOBJ     = context.VM.GetObjectById(MainStackOBJ);
                        MainStackOBJ = 0;

                var action = new TSO.Simantics.engine.VMQueuedAction
                    Callee    = this,
                    CodeOwner = CodeOwner,
                    /** Main function **/
                    StackObject = StackOBJ,
                    Routine     = routine,
                    Args        = Args

                if (runImmediately)
Ejemplo n.º 17
        public void SetInfo(VMEntity entity, bool bought)
            var obj = entity.Object;
            var def = entity.MasterDefinition;
            if (def == null) def = entity.Object.OBJ;
            CTSS catString = obj.Resource.Get<CTSS>(def.CatalogStringsID);
            if (catString != null)
                DescriptionText.CurrentText = catString.GetString(0) + "\r\n" + catString.GetString(1);
                ObjectNameText.Caption = catString.GetString(0);
                DescriptionText.CurrentText = entity.ToString();
                ObjectNameText.Caption = entity.ToString();
            StringBuilder motivesString = new StringBuilder();
            motivesString.AppendFormat(GameFacade.Strings.GetString("206", "19") + "${0}\r\n", def.Price);
            if (def.RatingHunger != 0) { motivesString.AppendFormat(AdStrings[0], def.RatingHunger); }
            if (def.RatingComfort != 0) { motivesString.AppendFormat(AdStrings[1], def.RatingComfort); }
            if (def.RatingHygiene != 0) { motivesString.AppendFormat(AdStrings[2], def.RatingHygiene); }
            if (def.RatingBladder != 0) { motivesString.AppendFormat(AdStrings[3], def.RatingBladder); }
            if (def.RatingEnergy != 0) { motivesString.AppendFormat(AdStrings[4], def.RatingEnergy); }
            if (def.RatingFun != 0) { motivesString.AppendFormat(AdStrings[5], def.RatingFun); }
            if (def.RatingRoom != 0) { motivesString.AppendFormat(AdStrings[6], def.RatingRoom); }

            var sFlags = def.RatingSkillFlags;
            for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
                if ((sFlags & (1 << i)) > 0) motivesString.Append(AdStrings[i+7]);

            MotivesText.CurrentText = motivesString.ToString();
            ObjectOwnerText.Caption = GameFacade.Strings.GetString("206", "24", new string[] { "You" });

            SpecificTabButton.Disabled = !bought;

            if (entity is VMGameObject) {
                var objects = entity.MultitileGroup.Objects;
                ObjectComponent[] objComps = new ObjectComponent[objects.Count];
                for (int i=0; i<objects.Count; i++) {
                    objComps[i] = (ObjectComponent)objects[i].WorldUI;
                var thumb = World.GetObjectThumb(objComps, entity.MultitileGroup.GetBasePositions(), GameFacade.GraphicsDevice);
                if (Thumbnail.Texture != null) Thumbnail.Texture.Dispose();
                Thumbnail.Texture = thumb;
            } else
                if (Thumbnail.Texture != null) Thumbnail.Texture.Dispose();
                Thumbnail.Texture = null;
Ejemplo n.º 18
 /// <summary>
 /// Removes an entity from this Virtual Machine.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="entity">The entity to remove.</param>
 public void RemoveEntity(VMEntity entity)
     if (Entities.Contains(entity))
     entity.Dead = true;
Ejemplo n.º 19
        public override void Update(TSO.Common.rendering.framework.model.UpdateState state)
            if (ActiveEntity == null || ActiveEntity.Dead)
                ActiveEntity = vm.Entities.FirstOrDefault(x => x is VMAvatar); //try and hook onto a sim if we have none selected.
                Queue.QueueOwner = ActiveEntity;

            if (Visible)
                if (ShowTooltip) GameFacade.Screens.TooltipProperties.UpdateDead = false;

                var scrolled = World.TestScroll(state);
                if (MouseIsOn && ActiveEntity != null)

                    if (state.MouseState.X != OldMX || state.MouseState.Y != OldMY) {
                        OldMX = state.MouseState.X;
                        OldMY = state.MouseState.Y;
                        var newHover = World.GetObjectIDAtScreenPos(state.MouseState.X, state.MouseState.Y, GameFacade.GraphicsDevice);
                        if (newHover == 0) newHover = ActiveEntity.ObjectID;
                        if (ObjectHover != newHover)
                            ObjectHover = newHover;
                            if (ObjectHover > 0)
                                var menu = vm.GetObjectById(ObjectHover).GetPieMenu(vm, ActiveEntity);
                                InteractionsAvailable = (menu.Count > 0);
                    ObjectHover = 0;

                if (!scrolled)
                { //set cursor depending on interaction availability
                    CursorType cursor;
                    if (ObjectHover == 0)
                        cursor = CursorType.LiveNothing;
                        if (InteractionsAvailable)
                            if (vm.GetObjectById(ObjectHover) is VMAvatar) cursor = CursorType.LivePerson;
                            else cursor = CursorType.LiveObjectAvail;
                            cursor = CursorType.LiveObjectUnavail;


                //set cutaway around mouse

                var cuts = vm.Context.Blueprint.Cutaway;
                Rectangle newCut;
                if (WallsMode == 0){
                    newCut = new Rectangle(-1, -1, 1024, 1024); //cut all; walls down.
                else if (WallsMode == 1)
                    var mouseTilePos = World.State.WorldSpace.GetTileAtPosWithScroll(new Vector2(state.MouseState.X, state.MouseState.Y + 128));
                    newCut = new Rectangle((int)(mouseTilePos.X - 1.5), (int)(mouseTilePos.Y - 1.5), 4, 4);
                    newCut = new Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0); //walls up or roof

                if (!newCut.Equals(MouseCutRect)) {
                    if (cuts.Contains(MouseCutRect)) cuts.Remove(MouseCutRect);
                    MouseCutRect = newCut;
                    vm.Context.Blueprint.Damage.Add(new tso.world.model.BlueprintDamage(tso.world.model.BlueprintDamageType.WALL_CUT_CHANGED));
Ejemplo n.º 20
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds an entity to this Virtual Machine.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="entity">The entity to add.</param>
 public void AddEntity(VMEntity entity)
     entity.ObjectID = ObjectId;
     ObjectsById.Add(entity.ObjectID, entity);
     AddToObjList(this.Entities, entity);
     ObjectId = NextObjID();
Ejemplo n.º 21
        public void UnregisterObjectPos(VMEntity obj)
            var pos = new VMTilePos(obj.WorldUI.TileX, obj.WorldUI.TileY, obj.WorldUI.Level);

Ejemplo n.º 22
 public override void PlaceInSlot(VMEntity obj, int slot)
     HandObject = obj;
     obj.SetValue(VMStackObjectVariable.ContainerId, this.ObjectID);
     obj.SetValue(VMStackObjectVariable.SlotNumber, (short)slot);
     obj.WorldUI.Container = this.WorldUI;
     obj.WorldUI.ContainerSlot = slot;
     if (obj.WorldUI is ObjectComponent)
         var objC = (ObjectComponent)obj.WorldUI;
         objC.ForceDynamic = true;
Ejemplo n.º 23
 public ushort GetObjectRoom(VMEntity obj)
     return(Blueprint.Rooms.Map[(int)(obj.Position.X + 0.5) + (int)(obj.Position.Y + 0.5) * Blueprint.Width]);
Ejemplo n.º 24
        public override void Update(UpdateState state)

            if (state.KeyboardState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Tab))
                if (!TabLastPressed)
                    //switch active sim

                    ActiveEntity = vm.Entities.FirstOrDefault(x => (x is VMAvatar && x.ObjectID > ActiveEntity.ObjectID && x.Object.OBJ.GUID == 0x7FD96B54));
                    if (ActiveEntity == null) ActiveEntity = vm.Entities.FirstOrDefault(x => (x is VMAvatar && x.Object.OBJ.GUID == 0x7FD96B54));
                    Queue.QueueOwner = ActiveEntity;

                    TabLastPressed = true;

            } else TabLastPressed = false;

            if (Visible)
                if (ShowTooltip) GameFacade.Screens.TooltipProperties.UpdateDead = false;

                bool scrolled = false;
                if (RMBScroll)
                    Vector2 scrollBy = new Vector2();
                    if (state.TouchMode)
                        scrollBy = new Vector2(RMBScrollX - state.MouseState.X, RMBScrollY - state.MouseState.Y);
                        RMBScrollX = state.MouseState.X;
                        RMBScrollY = state.MouseState.Y;
                        scrollBy /= 128f;
                    } else
                        scrollBy = new Vector2(state.MouseState.X - RMBScrollX, state.MouseState.Y - RMBScrollY);
                        scrollBy *= 0.0005f;
                    scrolled = true;
                if (MouseIsOn)
                    if (state.MouseState.RightButton == ButtonState.Pressed)
                        if (RMBScroll == false)
                            RMBScroll = true;
                            RMBScrollX = state.MouseState.X;
                            RMBScrollY = state.MouseState.Y;
                        RMBScroll = false;
                        if (!scrolled && GlobalSettings.Default.EdgeScroll && !state.TouchMode) scrolled = World.TestScroll(state);


                if (LiveMode) LiveModeUpdate(state, scrolled);
                else if (CustomControl != null) CustomControl.Update(state, scrolled);
                else ObjectHolder.Update(state, scrolled);

                //set cutaway around mouse

                var cuts = vm.Context.Blueprint.Cutaway;
                Rectangle newCut;
                if (WallsMode == 0){
                    newCut = new Rectangle(-1, -1, 1024, 1024); //cut all; walls down.
                else if (WallsMode == 1)
                    var mouseTilePos = World.State.WorldSpace.GetTileAtPosWithScroll(new Vector2(state.MouseState.X, state.MouseState.Y + 128));
                    newCut = new Rectangle((int)(mouseTilePos.X - 5.5), (int)(mouseTilePos.Y - 5.5), 11, 11);
                    newCut = new Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0); //walls up or roof

                if (!newCut.Equals(MouseCutRect)) {
                    if (cuts.Contains(MouseCutRect)) cuts.Remove(MouseCutRect);
                    MouseCutRect = newCut;
                    vm.Context.Blueprint.Damage.Add(new tso.world.model.BlueprintDamage(tso.world.model.BlueprintDamageType.WALL_CUT_CHANGED));
Ejemplo n.º 25
        // End Container SLOTs interface
        public List<VMPieMenuInteraction> GetPieMenu(VM vm, VMEntity caller)
            var pie = new List<VMPieMenuInteraction>();
            if (TreeTable == null) return pie;

            for (int i = 0; i < TreeTable.Interactions.Length; i++)
                var action = TreeTable.Interactions[i];

                bool CanRun = false;
                if (action.TestFunction != 0 && (((TTABFlags)action.Flags & TTABFlags.Debug) != TTABFlags.Debug))
                    caller.ObjectData[(int)VMStackObjectVariable.HideInteraction] = 0;
                    var Behavior = GetBHAVWithOwner(action.TestFunction, vm.Context);
                    CanRun = (VMThread.EvaluateCheck(vm.Context, caller, new VMQueuedAction()
                        Callee = this,
                        CodeOwner = Behavior.owner,
                        StackObject = this,
                        Routine = vm.Assemble(Behavior.bhav),
                    }) == VMPrimitiveExitCode.RETURN_TRUE);
                    if (caller.ObjectData[(int)VMStackObjectVariable.HideInteraction] == 1) CanRun = false;
                    CanRun = true;

                if (CanRun) pie.Add(new VMPieMenuInteraction()
                    Name = TreeTableStrings.GetString((int)action.TTAIndex),
                    ID = (byte)action.TTAIndex

            return pie;
Ejemplo n.º 26
        public override void ClearSlot(int slot)
            HandObject.Container = null;
            HandObject.ContainerSlot = -1;
            HandObject.WorldUI.Container = null;
            HandObject.WorldUI.ContainerSlot = 0;

            if (HandObject.WorldUI is ObjectComponent)
                var objC = (ObjectComponent)HandObject.WorldUI;
                objC.ForceDynamic = false;

            HandObject = null;
Ejemplo n.º 27
 public abstract void PlaceInSlot(VMEntity obj, int slot);
Ejemplo n.º 28
        public void AddRoomPortal(VMEntity obj)
            var room = GetObjectRoom(obj);

            //find other portal part, must be in other room to count...
            foreach (var obj2 in obj.MultitileGroup.Objects)
                var room2 = GetObjectRoom(obj2);
                if (obj != obj2 && room2 != room && obj2.EntryPoints[15].ActionFunction != 0)
                    RoomInfo[room].Portals.Add(new VMRoomPortal(obj.ObjectID, room2));
Ejemplo n.º 29
        public void PushUserInteraction(int interaction, VMEntity caller, VMContext context)
            var Action = TreeTable.InteractionByIndex[(uint)interaction];
            ushort ActionID = Action.ActionFunction;

            var function = GetBHAVWithOwner(ActionID, context);

            VMEntity carriedObj = caller.GetSlot(0);

            var routine = context.VM.Assemble(function.bhav);
                new TSO.Simantics.engine.VMQueuedAction
                    Callee = this,
                    CodeOwner = function.owner,
                    Routine = routine,
                    Name = TreeTableStrings.GetString((int)Action.TTAIndex),
                    StackObject = this,
                    Args = ((Action.MaskFlags & InteractionMaskFlags.AvailableWhenCarrying) > 0)
                        ? new short[] { (carriedObj == null)?(short)0:carriedObj.ObjectID, 0, 0, 0 }:null,
                    InteractionNumber = interaction,
                    Priority = VMQueuePriority.UserDriven
Ejemplo n.º 30
        public VMPlacementResult GetObjPlace(VMEntity target, LotTilePos pos)
            //ok, this might be confusing...
            short allowedHeights = target.GetValue(VMStackObjectVariable.AllowedHeightFlags);
            short weight = target.GetValue(VMStackObjectVariable.Weight);
            var tflags = (VMEntityFlags)target.GetValue(VMStackObjectVariable.Flags);
            bool noFloor = (allowedHeights&1)==0;

            VMPlacementError status = (noFloor)?VMPlacementError.HeightNotAllowed:VMPlacementError.Success;

            if ((tflags & VMEntityFlags.HasZeroExtent) > 0 ||
                pos.Level < 1 || pos.Level > ObjectsAt.Count || (!ObjectsAt[pos.Level - 1].ContainsKey(pos.TileID)))
                return new VMPlacementResult { Status = status };
            var objs = ObjectsAt[pos.Level - 1][pos.TileID];
            foreach (var id in objs)
                var obj = VM.GetObjectById(id);
                if (obj == null || obj.MultitileGroup == target.MultitileGroup) continue;
                var flags = (VMEntityFlags)obj.GetValue(VMStackObjectVariable.Flags);
                if ((flags & VMEntityFlags.HasZeroExtent) == 0)
                    status = VMPlacementError.CantIntersectOtherObjects;

                    //this object is technically solid. Check if we can place on top of it
                    if (allowedHeights>1 && obj.TotalSlots() > 0 && (obj.GetSlot(0) == null || obj.GetSlot(0) == target))
                        //first check if we have a slot 0, which is what we place onto. then check if it's empty,
                        //then check if the object can support this one's weight.
                        //we also need to make sure that the height of this specific slot is allowed.

                        if (((1 << (obj.GetSlotHeight(0) - 1)) & allowedHeights) > 0)
                            if (weight < obj.GetValue(VMStackObjectVariable.SupportStrength))
                                return new VMPlacementResult
                                    Status = VMPlacementError.Success,
                                    Container = obj
                                status = VMPlacementError.CantSupportWeight;
                            if (noFloor)
                                if ((allowedHeights & (1 << 3)) > 0) status = VMPlacementError.CounterHeight;
                                else status = (obj.GetSlotHeight(0) == 8) ? VMPlacementError.CannotPlaceComputerOnEndTable : VMPlacementError.HeightNotAllowed;
            return new VMPlacementResult
                Status = status
Ejemplo n.º 31
 public override void PlaceInSlot(VMEntity obj, int slot)
     if (SlotContainees != null)
         if (slot > -1 && slot < SlotContainees.Length)
             SlotContainees[slot] = obj;
             //if (obj is VMAvatar) obj.Direction = this.Direction;
             obj.SetValue(VMStackObjectVariable.ContainerId, this.ObjectID);
             obj.SetValue(VMStackObjectVariable.SlotNumber, (short)slot);
             obj.WorldUI.Container = this.WorldUI;
             obj.WorldUI.ContainerSlot = slot;
Ejemplo n.º 32
 public void RemoveObjectInstance(VMEntity target)
     if (target is VMGameObject) Blueprint.RemoveObject((ObjectComponent)target.WorldUI);
     else Blueprint.RemoveAvatar((AvatarComponent)target.WorldUI);
Ejemplo n.º 33
 /// <summary>
 /// Removes an entity from this Virtual Machine.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="entity">The entity to remove.</param>
 public void RemoveEntity(VMEntity entity)
     if (Entities.Contains(entity))
         if (entity.ObjectID < ObjectId) ObjectId = entity.ObjectID; //this id is now the smallest free object id.
     entity.Dead = true;
Ejemplo n.º 34
 public void UnregisterObjectPos(VMEntity obj)
     var pos = obj.Position;
     if (ObjectsAt[pos.Level - 1].ContainsKey(pos.TileID)) ObjectsAt[pos.Level - 1][pos.TileID].Remove(obj.ObjectID);
Ejemplo n.º 35
 public void SetSelected(VMMultitileGroup Group)
     if (Holding != null) ClearSelected();
     Holding = new UIObjectSelection();
     Holding.Group = Group;
     Holding.PreviousTile = Holding.Group.BaseObject.Position;
     Holding.Dir = Group.Objects[0].Direction;
     VMEntity[] CursorTiles = new VMEntity[Group.Objects.Count];
     for (int i = 0; i < Group.Objects.Count; i++)
         var target = Group.Objects[i];
         if (target is VMGameObject) ((ObjectComponent)target.WorldUI).ForceDynamic = true;
         CursorTiles[i] = vm.Context.CreateObjectInstance(0x00000437, new LotTilePos(target.Position), tso.world.model.Direction.NORTH).Objects[0];
         CursorTiles[i].SetPosition(new LotTilePos(0,0,1), Direction.NORTH, vm.Context);
         ((ObjectComponent)CursorTiles[i].WorldUI).ForceDynamic = true;
     Holding.TilePosOffset = new Vector2(0, 0);
     Holding.CursorTiles = CursorTiles;