Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            if (this.Session["ANSEController"] == null)
                ANSEController controller = new ANSEController();


                this.Session["ANSEController"] = controller;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Roots the request to the appriopriate rendering function, based off of the given
        /// query string (Content=???, Topic=???, or Overview=???)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            Response.BufferOutput = false;

            //load in the session instance of the ANSEController, if one does not
            //exist then redirect to the index page
            if (this.Session["ANSEController"] == null)
                controller = new ANSEController();
                this.Session["ANSEController"] = controller;

                if (this.Session["ANSEController"] == null)
                    Response.Write("Failed to read ASP.NET session variable.");
            controller = (ANSEController)Session["ANSEController"];

            // if a sample was specified in the query string, then create a frame with
            // the sample in the top and the 'InfoPages' in the bottom
            if (Request.QueryString["Sample"] != null)
            // if a Topic was specified in the query string, then create a page that
            // shows the thumbnails and description of each child sample within that topic
            else if (Request.QueryString["Topic"] != null)
            //if a Content page was specified then show that page
            else if (Request.QueryString["Content"] != null)
            //show content using sequence ID
            else if (Request.QueryString["SampleSequenceID"] != null)
                string newSequenceId = string.Empty;
                string id            = controller.GetSampleIDFromSequenceID(Request.QueryString["SampleSequenceID"], ref newSequenceId);
                ShowSample(id, newSequenceId);
            //if nothing was specified to be shown, then show a default screen
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            String currentPageUrl = "";
            String outputHTML     = "";

            //load in the session instance of the ANSEController, if one does not
            //exist then redirect to the index page
            if (this.Session["ANSEController"] == null)
                controller = new ANSEController();
                this.Session["ANSEController"] = controller;

                if (this.Session["ANSEController"] == null)
                    Response.Write("Failed to read ASP.NET session variable.");
            controller = (ANSEController)Session["ANSEController"];

            //find the XML data for the specified sample
            String  sampleID        = Request.QueryString["SampleID"];
            String  page            = Request.QueryString["Page"];
            String  showTab         = Request.QueryString["ShowTab"];
            String  doNotLoadSample = Request.QueryString["DoNotLoadSample"];
            XmlNode sampleNode      = controller.GetSamplesByID(sampleID);

            //see if the the page exists, if not then select a new page
            XmlNode selPageNode = controller.FindNodeByAttribute(sampleNode["InfoPages"], "Title", page);

            if (page == null || page.Length == 0 || selPageNode == null)
                    page = sampleNode["InfoPages"]["InfoPage"].Attributes["Title"].InnerText;
                catch (Exception)
                    page = "";

            if (page.Length > 0)
                Response.SetCookie(new HttpCookie("CurrentInfoPage", page));

            //create the tabs for the info pages, then display the selected page
            string selectedURL = string.Empty;

            if (sampleNode["InfoPages"] != null)
                outputHTML += "<STYLE>" +
                              "td { color:#1A3B69; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 8pt; font-weight: bold; }" +

                outputHTML += "<TABLE style=\"Z-INDEX: 102; LEFT: 0px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 0px\" scroll=\"no\" unselectable=\"on\" BORDER=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" width=\"100%\">";
                outputHTML += "<TR><TD><IMG SRC=\"images/tabs/Tab-Background.gif\"></TD><TD><IMG SRC=\"images/tabs/Tab-Background.gif\"></TD>";

                int  tabNum    = 0;
                int  activeTab = -2;
                bool lastTab   = false;

                XmlNode infoPageNode = sampleNode["InfoPages"]["InfoPage"];
                while (infoPageNode != null)
                    if (infoPageNode.NextSibling == null)
                        lastTab = true;

                    String title  = infoPageNode.Attributes["Title"].InnerText;
                    String url    = "GetInfoPage.aspx?SampleID=" + sampleID + "&Page=" + Server.UrlEncode(title) + "&ShowTab=true&SampleSequenceID=" + Request.QueryString["SampleSequenceID"];
                    string aStyle = "style=\"color:#757575; text-decoration:none;\"";
                    if (title == page)                    //if drawing the active tab
                        aStyle = "style=\"color:#1A3B69; text-decoration:none;\"";
                    String aTag = "<A " + aStyle + " HREF=\"" + url + "\">" + title + "</A>";

                    if (title == page)                    //if drawing the active tab
                        selectedURL    = url;
                        currentPageUrl = sampleNode.Attributes["Path"].Value + "\\" + infoPageNode.InnerText;
                        activeTab      = tabNum;

                        if (tabNum == 0)
                            outputHTML += "<TD><IMG SRC=\"images/tabs/Tab-Body-EndLeftActive.gif\"></TD><TD nowrap BACKGROUND=\"images/tabs/Tab-Body-BGActive.gif\">";
                            outputHTML += "<TD><IMG SRC=\"images/tabs/Tab-Body-RightisActive.gif\"></TD><TD nowrap BACKGROUND=\"images/tabs/Tab-Body-BGActive.gif\">";
                        outputHTML += aTag;
                        if (lastTab)
                            outputHTML += "</TD><TD><IMG SRC=\"images/tabs/Tab-Body-EndRightActive.gif\">";
                        if (tabNum == 0)
                            outputHTML += "<TD><IMG SRC=\"images/tabs/Tab-Body-EndLeftInactive.gif\"></TD><TD nowrap BACKGROUND=\"images/tabs/Tab-Body-BGInactive.gif\">";
                        else if (activeTab == tabNum - 1)
                            outputHTML += "<TD><IMG SRC=\"images/tabs/Tab-Body-LeftisActive.gif\"></TD><TD nowrap BACKGROUND=\"images/tabs/Tab-Body-BGInactive.gif\">";
                            outputHTML += "<TD><IMG SRC=\"images/tabs/Tab-Body-NoneActive.gif\"></TD><TD nowrap BACKGROUND=\"images/tabs/Tab-Body-BGInactive.gif\">";

                        outputHTML += aTag;
                        if (lastTab)
                            outputHTML += "</TD><TD><IMG SRC=\"images/tabs/Tab-Body-EndRightInactive.gif\">";

                    infoPageNode = infoPageNode.NextSibling;

                outputHTML += "<TD width=\"100%\" BACKGROUND=\"images/tabs/Tab-Background.gif\">&nbsp;</TD>";

                // Add Previous/Next sample buttons
                if (sampleID.Length > 6 && sampleID.StartsWith("Sample"))
                    if (Request.QueryString["SampleSequenceID"] != null)
                        int sequenseId = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["SampleSequenceID"]);

                        string linkStyle = "style=\"line-height:23px; padding-bottom:1px; padding-top:1px; padding-right:10px; padding-left:10px; border:1 solid #1A3B69; background-color:#FFFFFF; color:#1A3B69; text-decoration:none; margin-right:20px;\"";
                        outputHTML += "<TD nowrap BACKGROUND=\"images/tabs/Tab-Background.gif\"><A HIDEFOCUS TARGET=\"Content\" " + linkStyle + " HREF=\"content.aspx?SampleSequenceID=" + (sequenseId - 1).ToString() + "\">< Previous</A></TD>";
                        outputHTML += "<TD nowrap BACKGROUND=\"images/tabs/Tab-Background.gif\"><A HIDEFOCUS TARGET=\"Content\" " + linkStyle + " HREF=\"content.aspx?SampleSequenceID=" + (sequenseId + 1).ToString() + "\">Next ></A></TD>";
                outputHTML += "</TR></TABLE>";

                if (showTab == "true")
                    string outputHTMLScript = string.Empty;
                    if (doNotLoadSample == "true")
                        outputHTMLScript = "<SCRIPT>" +
                                           "function onLoad()" +
                                           "{" +
                                           "  onResize();" +
                                           "}" +
                        outputHTMLScript = "<SCRIPT>" +
                                           "function onLoad()" +
                                           "{" +
                                           "if(parent.document.getElementById(\"sampleView\")!= null)" +
                                           "   {" +
                                           "	   parent.document.getElementById(\"sampleView\").src=\""+ selectedURL.Replace("ShowTab=true", "ShowTab=false") + "\";" +
                                           "   }" +
                                           "  onResize();" +
                                           "}" +

                    Response.Write("<BODY scroll=\"no\" unselectable=\"on\" ID=\"SampleTabBody\" onresize=\"onResize();\" onload=\"onLoad();\" style=\"background-repeat:no-repeat;\" topmargin=\"0\" leftmargin=\"0\" rightmargin=\"0\">");
                    Response.Write("<IMG ID=\"BackImage3\" style=\"Z-INDEX: 101; LEFT: 200px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 0px\" src=\"images/HeaderRight3.bmp\">");

                    // Reload sample content script
                    if (selectedURL.Length > 0)
                        outputHTMLScript = "<SCRIPT>" +
                                           "function onResize()" +
                                           "{" +
                                           "if(parent.parent.parent.document.getElementById(\"navigationFrame\") != null && document.getElementById(\"BackImage3\") != null)" +
                                           "{" +
                                           "var imageLeft = document.body.clientWidth - 382;" +
                                           "var imageLeftMost = 370 - parent.parent.parent.document.getElementById(\"navigationFrame\").offsetWidth;" +
                                           "imageLeftMost = imageLeftMost - 2;" +
                                           "if(imageLeft < imageLeftMost)" +
                                           "{" +
                                           "	imageLeft = imageLeftMost;"+
                                           "}" +
                                           "document.getElementById(\"BackImage3\").style.left = imageLeft;" +
                                           "}" +
                                           "}" +

                    // Write tab control output

                    //display the selected page
                    if (currentPageUrl.Length > 0)
                        if (currentPageUrl.ToUpper().IndexOf(".ASPX") > 0 ||
                            currentPageUrl.ToUpper().IndexOf(".HTM") > 0 ||
                            currentPageUrl.ToUpper().IndexOf(".HTML") > 0)
                            currentPageUrl = currentPageUrl.ToLower().Replace("._aspx", ".aspx");
                            currentPageUrl = currentPageUrl.ToLower().Replace("._htm", ".htm");
                            currentPageUrl = currentPageUrl.ToLower().Replace("._html", ".html");
                            page           = " " + page;
                            currentPageUrl = Server.MapPath(currentPageUrl);

                            if (page.IndexOf("C#") > 0 || page.IndexOf("C #") > 0 || page.IndexOf("C Sharp") > 0)
                                SourceRenderer scth = new SourceRenderer();
                                Response.Write(scth.ProcessFile(currentPageUrl, "c#"));
                            else if (page.IndexOf("VB.") > 0 || page.IndexOf("VB .") > 0 || page.IndexOf("VisualBasic") > 0 ||
                                     page.IndexOf("Visual Basic") > 0)
                                SourceRenderer scth = new SourceRenderer();
                                Response.Write(scth.ProcessFile(currentPageUrl, "vb"));
                            else if (page.IndexOf("HTML") > 0 || page.IndexOf("ASPX") > 0)
                                SourceRenderer scth = new SourceRenderer();
                                Response.Write(scth.ProcessFile(currentPageUrl, "aspx"));
                                StreamReader file;
                                file = new StreamReader(currentPageUrl);
                                if (currentPageUrl.IndexOf(".htm") <= 0)
                                if (currentPageUrl.IndexOf(".htm") <= 0)