Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a guaranteed unique name for an element in the canvas
        /// </summary>
        public static void EnsureUniqueNames(Canvas cnv, bool setTag)
            foreach (UIElement element in cnv.Children)
                string thisName = element.GetValue(Canvas.NameProperty).ToString();
                string newName  = thisName;

                if (thisName == string.Empty)

                newName = EnsureUniqueNameSingle(_parentCanvas, newName);

                element.SetValue(Canvas.NameProperty, newName);
                if (setTag)
                    element.SetValue(Canvas.TagProperty, thisName);

                // we also need to update contoller body names for joins, static bodies
                foreach (UIElement elementSub in cnv.Children)
                    if (elementSub is PhysicsJoint)
                        PhysicsJoint thisJoint = elementSub as PhysicsJoint;
                        if (thisJoint.BodyOne == thisName)
                            thisJoint.BodyOne = newName;
                        if (thisJoint.BodyTwo == thisName)
                            thisJoint.BodyTwo = newName;
                    if (elementSub is PhysicsStaticHolder)
                        PhysicsStaticHolder thisHolder = elementSub as PhysicsStaticHolder;
                        if (thisHolder.Body == thisName)
                            thisHolder.Body = newName;
                    PhysicsJointMain physJoint = elementSub.GetValue(PhysicsJointMain.PhysicsJointProperty) as PhysicsJointMain;
                    if (physJoint != null)
                        if (physJoint.BodyOne == thisName)
                            physJoint.BodyOne = newName;
                        if (physJoint.BodyTwo == thisName)
                            physJoint.BodyTwo = newName;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a single joint objectt from a Canvas into the simulation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cnvContainer">The Canvas to add joints from</param>
        public void AddJoint(PhysicsJoint joint)
            if (!PhysicsObjects.ContainsKey(joint.BodyOne))
                throw new Exception("A PhysicsJoint exists with an invalid BodyOne value of '" + joint.BodyOne + "'.");
            if (!PhysicsObjects.ContainsKey(joint.BodyTwo))
                throw new Exception("A PhysicsJoint exists with an invalid BodyTwo value of '" + joint.BodyTwo + "'.");

            Body body1 = PhysicsObjects[joint.BodyOne].BodyObject;
            Body body2 = PhysicsObjects[joint.BodyTwo].BodyObject;

            Geom geom1 = PhysicsObjects[joint.BodyOne].GeometryObject;
            Geom geom2 = PhysicsObjects[joint.BodyTwo].GeometryObject;

            Vector2 ptCollisionCenter = new Vector2((float)(joint.GetCenter().X), (float)(joint.GetCenter().Y));

            RevoluteJoint revoluteJoint = JointFactory.Instance.CreateRevoluteJoint(Simulator, body1, body2, ptCollisionCenter);

            joint.RevoluteJointObject = revoluteJoint;

            if (joint.AngleSpringEnabled)
                float       springConstant    = joint.AngleSpringConstant;
                float       dampeningConstant = joint.AngleSpringDampningConstant;
                AngleSpring angleSpring       = new AngleSpring(body1, body2, springConstant, dampeningConstant);

            if (joint.CollisionGroup > 0)
                geom1.CollisionGroup = joint.CollisionGroup;
                geom2.CollisionGroup = joint.CollisionGroup;

            joint.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds a single joint objectt from a Canvas into the simulation.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="cnvContainer">The Canvas to add joints from</param>
 public void AddJoint(PhysicsJoint joint)
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a Physics Joint to the simulation
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="joint"></param>
        public void AddPhysicsJoint(PhysicsJoint joint)
            string bodyOne = joint.BodyOne;
            string bodyTwo = joint.BodyTwo;
            short collisionGroup = Convert.ToInt16(joint.CollisionGroup);
            bool isAngleSpringEnabled = joint.AngleSpringEnabled;
            float springConstant = (float)joint.AngleSpringConstant;
            float angleLowerLimit = (float)joint.AngleLowerLimit;
            float angleUpperLimit = (float)joint.AngleUpperLimit;

            Point center = joint.GetCenter();
            xna.Vector2 ptCollisionCenter = new xna.Vector2((float)center.X, (float)center.Y);

            if (!PhysicsObjects.ContainsKey(bodyOne))
                throw new Exception("Cannot add joint for an invalid BodyOne value of '" + bodyOne + "'. If using Behaviors, did you forgot to add a PhysicsObjectBehavior?");
            if (!PhysicsObjects.ContainsKey(bodyTwo))
                throw new Exception("Cannot add joint for an invalid BodyTwo value of '" + bodyTwo + "'. If using Behaviors, did you forgot to add a PhysicsObjectBehavior?");

            Body body1 = PhysicsObjects[bodyOne].BodyObject;
            Body body2 = PhysicsObjects[bodyTwo].BodyObject;

            xna.Vector2 ptCollisionCenterA = _boundaryHelper.ScreenToWorld(ptCollisionCenter);
            xna.Vector2 ptCollisionCenterB = _boundaryHelper.ScreenToWorld(ptCollisionCenter);

            // account for offset within body
            ptCollisionCenterA -= body1.Position;
            ptCollisionCenterB -= body2.Position;

            // DEMO: (5) Create Joints
            if (joint.IsWeldJoint)
                WeldJoint weldJoint = new WeldJoint(body1, body2, ptCollisionCenterA, ptCollisionCenterB);
                if (joint.IsDistanceJoint)
                    DistanceJoint distanceJoint = new DistanceJoint(body1, body2, ptCollisionCenterA, ptCollisionCenterB);


                    RevoluteJoint revoluteJoint = new RevoluteJoint(body1, body2, ptCollisionCenterA, ptCollisionCenterB);


                    if (isAngleSpringEnabled)
                        AngleJoint aj = new AngleJoint(body1, body2);
                        aj.TargetAngle = 0;
                        aj.Softness = springConstant;



                    if (angleUpperLimit != -1 && angleLowerLimit != -1)
                        float upperAngle = (float)PhysicsUtilities.DegreesToRadians(angleUpperLimit);
                        float lowerAngle = (float)PhysicsUtilities.DegreesToRadians(angleLowerLimit);

                        revoluteJoint.LimitEnabled = true;
                        revoluteJoint.LowerLimit = lowerAngle;
                        revoluteJoint.UpperLimit = upperAngle;

            if (collisionGroup > 0)

                foreach (Fixture f in PhysicsObjects[bodyOne].BodyObject.FixtureList)
                    f.CollisionGroup = collisionGroup;
                foreach (Fixture f in PhysicsObjects[bodyTwo].BodyObject.FixtureList)
                    f.CollisionGroup = collisionGroup;

            // get rid of the UI representation of the joint
            joint.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;

Ejemplo n.º 5
        private static void BodyTwoChanged(DependencyObject obj, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs args)
            PhysicsJoint joint = obj as PhysicsJoint;

            joint.JointMain.BodyTwo = Convert.ToString(args.NewValue);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        private static void CollisionGroupChanged(DependencyObject obj, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs args)
            PhysicsJoint joint = obj as PhysicsJoint;

            joint.JointMain.CollisionGroup = Convert.ToInt32(args.NewValue);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        private static void AngleSpringDampningConstantChanged(DependencyObject obj, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs args)
            PhysicsJoint joint = obj as PhysicsJoint;

            joint.JointMain.AngleSpringDampningConstant = Convert.ToInt32(args.NewValue);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        private static void AngleSpringEnabledChanged(DependencyObject obj, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs args)
            PhysicsJoint joint = obj as PhysicsJoint;

            joint.JointMain.AngleSpringEnabled = Convert.ToBoolean(args.NewValue);