Defines arrays of colors and positions used for interpolating color blending in a multicolor gradient.
Ejemplo n.º 1
 public void ClonePerformanceTest()
     var colorBlend = new ColorBlend(new[] { Color.Black, Color.White }, new[] { 0.0f, 1.0f });
     var gradientTheme = new GradientTheme("aa", 0, 20, new VectorStyle(), new VectorStyle(), colorBlend,
                                           colorBlend, colorBlend, 5) { NoDataValues = new List<double> { -9999 } };
     TestHelper.AssertIsFasterThan(30,() => gradientTheme.Clone());
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public void ToBrushTest()
     ColorBlend colorBlend = new ColorBlend(new Color[] {Color.Blue, Color.GreenYellow, Color.Red}, new float[] {0f, 500f, 1000f} );
     System.Drawing.Drawing2D.LinearGradientBrush lgb = colorBlend.ToBrush(new Rectangle(0, 0, 100, 100), 0.5f);
     Assert.AreEqual(1.0f, lgb.InterpolationColors.Positions[2]);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void CloneGradientThemeWithNoDataValues()
            var colorBlend = new ColorBlend(new[]{Color.Black, Color.White}, new[]{0.0f,1.0f});
            var gradientTheme = new GradientTheme("aa", 0, 20, new VectorStyle(), new VectorStyle(), colorBlend,
                                                  colorBlend, colorBlend)
                                                  {NoDataValues = new List<double>{-9999}};

            var gradientThemeClone = gradientTheme.Clone();

            Assert.AreEqual(gradientTheme.NoDataValues, ((GradientTheme)gradientThemeClone).NoDataValues);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public static CategorialTheme CreateCategorialTheme(string attribute, VectorStyle defaultStyle, ColorBlend blend, 
            int numberOfClasses, IList<IComparable> values, List<string> categories)
            if (defaultStyle == null)
                defaultStyle = new VectorStyle
                                       GeometryType = typeof (IPolygon)

            var categorialTheme = new CategorialTheme(attribute, defaultStyle);

            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfClasses; i++)
                string label = (categories != null)
                                   ? categories[i]
                                   : values[i].ToString();

                Color color = (numberOfClasses > 1)
                                  ? blend.GetColor((float) i/(numberOfClasses - 1))
                                  : ((SolidBrush) defaultStyle.Fill).Color;
                var vectorStyle = (VectorStyle) defaultStyle.Clone();

                if (defaultStyle.GeometryType == typeof(IPoint))
                    vectorStyle.Fill = new SolidBrush(color);
                    vectorStyle.Line.Width = 16;
                    vectorStyle.Shape = defaultStyle.Shape;
                else if ((defaultStyle.GeometryType == typeof(IPolygon)) || (defaultStyle.GeometryType == typeof(IMultiPolygon)))
                    vectorStyle.Fill = new SolidBrush(color);
                else if ((defaultStyle.GeometryType == typeof(ILineString)) || (defaultStyle.GeometryType == typeof(IMultiLineString)))
                    vectorStyle.Line = new Pen(color, defaultStyle.Line.Width);
                    vectorStyle.Fill = new SolidBrush(color);

                CategorialThemeItem categorialThemeItem = (values[i] != null)
                                                              ? new CategorialThemeItem(label, vectorStyle, vectorStyle.LegendSymbol, values[i])
                                                              : new CategorialThemeItem(label, vectorStyle, vectorStyle.LegendSymbol);


            return categorialTheme;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public void GenerateThemeItems()
     var colorBlend = new ColorBlend(new[] { Color.Black, Color.White }, new[] { 0.0f, 1.0f });
     var gradientTheme = new GradientTheme("aa", 0, 3, new VectorStyle(), new VectorStyle(), colorBlend,
                                           colorBlend, colorBlend,3) { NoDataValues = new List<double> { -9999 } };
     //assert 3 items were 0,1.5 and 3
     //use toString to make sure the machines decimal separator is used
     Assert.AreEqual(1.5.ToString(), gradientTheme.ThemeItems[1].Range);
     Assert.AreEqual("3", gradientTheme.ThemeItems[2].Range);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public void CloneGradientThemeWithNoDataValues()
            var colorBlend = new ColorBlend(new[]{Color.Black, Color.White}, new[]{0.0f,1.0f});
            var gradientTheme = new GradientTheme("aa", 0, 20, new VectorStyle(), new VectorStyle(), colorBlend,
                                                  colorBlend, colorBlend,5)
                                                  {NoDataValues = new List<double>{-9999}};

            var gradientThemeClone = (GradientTheme)gradientTheme.Clone();

            Assert.AreEqual(gradientTheme.NoDataValues, (gradientThemeClone).NoDataValues);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public static QuantityTheme CreateQuantityTheme(string attribute, VectorStyle defaultStyle, ColorBlend blend,
                                                        int numberOfClasses, IList <Interval> intervals, float minSize, float maxSize, bool skipColors, bool skipSizes)
            if (defaultStyle == null)
                defaultStyle = new VectorStyle();
                defaultStyle.GeometryType = typeof(IPolygon);

            var quantityTheme = new QuantityTheme(attribute, defaultStyle);

            var totalMinValue = (float)intervals[0].Min;
            var totalMaxValue = (float)intervals[intervals.Count - 1].Max;

            if (totalMinValue == totalMaxValue)

            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfClasses; i++)
                Color color = numberOfClasses > 1
                                  ? blend.GetColor(1 - (float)i / (numberOfClasses - 1))
                                  : ((SolidBrush)defaultStyle.Fill).Color;

                float size = defaultStyle.Line.Width;

                if (!skipSizes)
                    var minValue = (float)intervals[i].Min;
                    var maxValue = (float)intervals[i].Max;

                    float width = maxValue - minValue;
                    float mean  = minValue + 0.5f * width;

                    float fraction = (mean - totalMinValue) / (totalMaxValue - totalMinValue);

                    size = minSize + fraction * (maxSize - minSize);

                var vectorStyle = new VectorStyle
                    GeometryType = defaultStyle.GeometryType

                if (defaultStyle.GeometryType == typeof(IPoint))
                    if (skipColors)
                        color = ((SolidBrush)defaultStyle.Fill).Color;

                    vectorStyle.Fill  = new SolidBrush(color);
                    vectorStyle.Shape = defaultStyle.Shape;

                    if (!skipSizes)
                        vectorStyle.ShapeSize  = Convert.ToInt32(size);
                        vectorStyle.Line.Width = size;
                else if ((defaultStyle.GeometryType == typeof(IPolygon)) || (defaultStyle.GeometryType == typeof(IMultiPolygon)))
                    if (skipColors)
                        color = ((SolidBrush)defaultStyle.Fill).Color;
                    vectorStyle.Fill          = new SolidBrush(color);
                    vectorStyle.Line          = new Pen(color, size);
                    vectorStyle.Outline.Width = (defaultStyle.Outline.Width - defaultStyle.Line.Width) + size;
                else if ((defaultStyle.GeometryType == typeof(ILineString)) || (defaultStyle.GeometryType == typeof(IMultiLineString)))
                    if (skipColors)
                        color = defaultStyle.Line.Color;
                    vectorStyle.Line          = new Pen(color, size);
                    vectorStyle.Outline.Width = (defaultStyle.Outline.Width - defaultStyle.Line.Width) + size;
                    vectorStyle.Fill = new SolidBrush(color);

                quantityTheme.AddStyle(vectorStyle, intervals[i]);

Ejemplo n.º 8
        public static QuantityTheme CreateQuantityTheme(string attribute, VectorStyle defaultStyle, ColorBlend blend,
                                                        int numberOfClasses, IList <Interval> intervals)
            float minSize = defaultStyle.Line.Width;
            float maxSize = defaultStyle.Line.Width;

            return(CreateQuantityTheme(attribute, defaultStyle, blend, numberOfClasses, intervals, minSize, maxSize, false, false));
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public static GradientTheme CreateGradientTheme(string attribute, VectorStyle defaultStyle, ColorBlend blend,
                                                 float minValue, float maxValue, int sizeMin, int sizeMax, bool skipColors, bool skipSizes)
     return(CreateGradientTheme(attribute, defaultStyle, blend, minValue, maxValue, sizeMin, sizeMax, skipColors,
                                skipSizes, 8));
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public static GradientTheme CreateGradientTheme(string attribute, VectorStyle defaultStyle, ColorBlend blend, 
            float minValue, float maxValue, int sizeMin, int sizeMax, bool skipColors, bool skipSizes, int numberOfClasses)
            if(defaultStyle == null)
                defaultStyle = new VectorStyle();
                defaultStyle.GeometryType = typeof(IPolygon);

            Color minColor = (skipColors)? ((SolidBrush) defaultStyle.Fill).Color : blend.GetColor(0);
            Color maxColor = (skipColors) ? ((SolidBrush)defaultStyle.Fill).Color : blend.GetColor(1);

            var deltaWith = (defaultStyle.Outline.Width - defaultStyle.Line.Width);

            float minOutlineSize = deltaWith + sizeMin;
            float maxOutlineSize = deltaWith + sizeMax;

            // Use default styles if not working with VectorLayers (i.e. RegularGridCoverageLayers)
            var minStyle = (VectorStyle) defaultStyle.Clone();
            var maxStyle = (VectorStyle) defaultStyle.Clone();

            minStyle.GeometryType = defaultStyle.GeometryType;
            maxStyle.GeometryType = defaultStyle.GeometryType;

            if (defaultStyle.GeometryType == typeof(IPoint))
                minStyle.Fill = new SolidBrush(minColor);
                maxStyle.Fill = new SolidBrush(maxColor);
                minStyle.Shape = defaultStyle.Shape;
                maxStyle.Shape = defaultStyle.Shape;
                if (!skipSizes)
                    minStyle.Line.Width = sizeMin;
                    maxStyle.Line.Width = sizeMax;
                    minStyle.ShapeSize = sizeMin;
                    maxStyle.ShapeSize = sizeMax;
            else if ((defaultStyle.GeometryType == typeof(IPolygon)) || (defaultStyle.GeometryType == typeof(IMultiPolygon)))
                minStyle.Fill = new SolidBrush(minColor);
                maxStyle.Fill = new SolidBrush(maxColor);
                minStyle.Outline = new Pen(defaultStyle.Outline.Color, minOutlineSize);
                maxStyle.Outline = new Pen(defaultStyle.Outline.Color, maxOutlineSize);
            else if ((defaultStyle.GeometryType == typeof(ILineString)) || (defaultStyle.GeometryType == typeof(IMultiLineString)))
                minStyle.Line = new Pen(minColor, sizeMin);
                maxStyle.Line = new Pen(maxColor, sizeMax);
                minStyle.Outline = new Pen(defaultStyle.Outline.Color, minOutlineSize);
                maxStyle.Outline = new Pen(defaultStyle.Outline.Color, maxOutlineSize);
                minStyle.Fill = new SolidBrush(minColor);
                maxStyle.Fill = new SolidBrush(maxColor);
                minStyle.Outline = new Pen(minColor, minOutlineSize);
                maxStyle.Outline = new Pen(maxColor, maxOutlineSize);

            var gradientTheme = new GradientTheme(attribute, minValue, maxValue, minStyle, maxStyle, blend, blend, null, numberOfClasses);
            return gradientTheme;
Ejemplo n.º 11
        protected virtual void GetPreview(Dataset dataset, Size size, Graphics g,
                                          BoundingBox displayBbox, ProjectionInfo mapProjection, Map map)
            double[] geoTrans = new double[6];

            // not rotated, use faster display method
            if ((!_useRotation ||
                 (geoTrans[1] == 1 && geoTrans[2] == 0 && geoTrans[4] == 0 && Math.Abs(geoTrans[5]) == 1))
                && !_haveSpot && _transform == null)
                GetNonRotatedPreview(dataset, size, g, displayBbox, mapProjection);
            // not rotated, but has spot...need default rotation
            else if ((geoTrans[0] == 0 && geoTrans[3] == 0) && _haveSpot)
                geoTrans = new[] { 999.5, 1, 0, 1000.5, 0, -1 };

            _geoTransform = new GeoTransform(geoTrans);
            double DsWidth = _imagesize.Width;
            double DsHeight = _imagesize.Height;
            double left, top, right, bottom;
            double GndX = 0, GndY = 0, ImgX = 0, ImgY = 0, PixX, PixY;
            double[] intVal = new double[Bands];
            double imageVal = 0, SpotVal = 0;
            double bitScalar = 1.0;
            Bitmap bitmap = null;
            Point bitmapTL = new Point(), bitmapBR = new Point();
            Geometries.Point imageTL = new Geometries.Point(), imageBR = new Geometries.Point();
            BoundingBox shownImageBbox, trueImageBbox;
            int bitmapLength, bitmapHeight;
            int displayImageLength, displayImageHeight;

            int iPixelSize = 3; //Format24bppRgb = byte[b,g,r] 

            if (dataset != null)
                //check if image is in bounding box
                if ((displayBbox.Left > _envelope.Right) || (displayBbox.Right < _envelope.Left)
                    || (displayBbox.Top < _envelope.Bottom) || (displayBbox.Bottom > _envelope.Top))

                // init histo
                _histogram = new List<int[]>();
                for (int i = 0; i < _lbands + 1; i++)
                    _histogram.Add(new int[256]);

                // bounds of section of image to be displayed
                left = Math.Max(displayBbox.Left, _envelope.Left);
                top = Math.Min(displayBbox.Top, _envelope.Top);
                right = Math.Min(displayBbox.Right, _envelope.Right);
                bottom = Math.Max(displayBbox.Bottom, _envelope.Bottom);

                trueImageBbox = new BoundingBox(left, bottom, right, top);

                // put display bounds into current projection
                if (_transform != null)
#if !DotSpatialProjections
                    shownImageBbox = GeometryTransform.TransformBox(trueImageBbox, _transform.MathTransform);
                    shownImageBbox = GeometryTransform.TransformBox(trueImageBbox, _transform.Source, _transform.Target);
                    shownImageBbox = trueImageBbox;

                // find min/max x and y pixels needed from image
                imageBR.X =
                                                _geoTransform.GroundToImage(shownImageBbox.BottomRight).X))) + 1);
                imageBR.Y =
                                                _geoTransform.GroundToImage(shownImageBbox.BottomRight).Y))) + 1);
                imageTL.X =
                imageTL.Y =

                // stay within image
                if (imageBR.X > _imagesize.Width)
                    imageBR.X = _imagesize.Width;
                if (imageBR.Y > _imagesize.Height)
                    imageBR.Y = _imagesize.Height;
                if (imageTL.Y < 0)
                    imageTL.Y = 0;
                if (imageTL.X < 0)
                    imageTL.X = 0;

                displayImageLength = (int)(imageBR.X - imageTL.X);
                displayImageHeight = (int)(imageBR.Y - imageTL.Y);

                // find ground coordinates of image pixels
                Geometries.Point groundBR = _geoTransform.ImageToGround(imageBR);
                Geometries.Point groundTL = _geoTransform.ImageToGround(imageTL);

                // convert ground coordinates to map coordinates to figure out where to place the bitmap
                bitmapBR = new Point((int)map.WorldToImage(trueImageBbox.BottomRight).X + 1,
                                     (int)map.WorldToImage(trueImageBbox.BottomRight).Y + 1);
                bitmapTL = new Point((int)map.WorldToImage(trueImageBbox.TopLeft).X,

                bitmapLength = bitmapBR.X - bitmapTL.X;
                bitmapHeight = bitmapBR.Y - bitmapTL.Y;

                // check to see if image is on its side
                if (bitmapLength > bitmapHeight && displayImageLength < displayImageHeight)
                    displayImageLength = bitmapHeight;
                    displayImageHeight = bitmapLength;
                    displayImageLength = bitmapLength;
                    displayImageHeight = bitmapHeight;

                // scale
                if (_bitDepth == 12)
                    bitScalar = 16.0;
                else if (_bitDepth == 16)
                    bitScalar = 256.0;
                else if (_bitDepth == 32)
                    bitScalar = 16777216.0;

                // 0 pixels in length or height, nothing to display
                if (bitmapLength < 1 || bitmapHeight < 1)

                //initialize bitmap
                bitmap = new Bitmap(bitmapLength, bitmapHeight, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);
                BitmapData bitmapData = bitmap.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, bitmapLength, bitmapHeight),
                                                        ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, bitmap.PixelFormat);

                        // turn everything to _noDataInitColor, so we can make fill transparent
                        byte cr = _noDataInitColor.R;
                        byte cg = _noDataInitColor.G;
                        byte cb = _noDataInitColor.B;

                        for (int y = 0; y < bitmapHeight; y++)
                            byte* brow = (byte*)bitmapData.Scan0 + (y * bitmapData.Stride);
                            for (int x = 0; x < bitmapLength; x++)
                                Int32 offsetX = x * 3;
                                brow[offsetX++] = cb;
                                brow[offsetX++] = cg;
                                brow[offsetX] = cr;

                        // create 3 dimensional buffer [band][x pixel][y pixel]
                        double[][] tempBuffer = new double[Bands][];
                        double[][][] buffer = new double[Bands][][];
                        for (int i = 0; i < Bands; i++)
                            buffer[i] = new double[displayImageLength][];
                            for (int j = 0; j < displayImageLength; j++)
                                buffer[i][j] = new double[displayImageHeight];

                        Band[] band = new Band[Bands];
                        int[] ch = new int[Bands];

                        Double[] noDataValues = new Double[Bands];
                        Double[] scales = new Double[Bands];
                        ColorTable colorTable = null;

                        // get data from image
                        for (int i = 0; i < Bands; i++)
                            tempBuffer[i] = new double[displayImageLength * displayImageHeight];
                            band[i] = dataset.GetRasterBand(i + 1);

                            //get nodata value if present
                            Int32 hasVal = 0;
                            band[i].GetNoDataValue(out noDataValues[i], out hasVal);
                            if (hasVal == 0) noDataValues[i] = Double.NaN;
                            band[i].GetScale(out scales[i], out hasVal);
                            if (hasVal == 0) scales[i] = 1.0;

                                (int)(imageBR.X - imageTL.X),
                                (int)(imageBR.Y - imageTL.Y),
                                tempBuffer[i], displayImageLength, displayImageHeight, 0, 0);

                            // parse temp buffer into the image x y value buffer
                            long pos = 0;
                            for (int y = 0; y < displayImageHeight; y++)
                                for (int x = 0; x < displayImageLength; x++, pos++)
                                    buffer[i][x][y] = tempBuffer[i][pos];

                            if (band[i].GetRasterColorInterpretation() == ColorInterp.GCI_BlueBand) ch[i] = 0;
                            else if (band[i].GetRasterColorInterpretation() == ColorInterp.GCI_GreenBand) ch[i] = 1;
                            else if (band[i].GetRasterColorInterpretation() == ColorInterp.GCI_RedBand) ch[i] = 2;
                            else if (band[i].GetRasterColorInterpretation() == ColorInterp.GCI_Undefined)
                                if (Bands > 1)
                                    ch[i] = 3; // infrared
                                    ch[i] = 4;
                                    if (_colorBlend == null)
                                        Double dblMin, dblMax;
                                        band[i].GetMinimum(out dblMin, out hasVal);
                                        if (hasVal == 0) dblMin = Double.NaN;
                                        band[i].GetMaximum(out dblMax, out hasVal);
                                        if (hasVal == 0) dblMax = double.NaN;
                                        if (Double.IsNaN(dblMin) || Double.IsNaN(dblMax))
                                            double dblMean, dblStdDev;
                                            band[i].GetStatistics(0, 1, out dblMin, out dblMax, out dblMean, out dblStdDev);
                                            //double dblRange = dblMax - dblMin;
                                            //dblMin -= 0.1*dblRange;
                                            //dblMax += 0.1*dblRange;
                                        Single[] minmax = new float[] { Convert.ToSingle(dblMin), 0.5f * Convert.ToSingle(dblMin + dblMax), Convert.ToSingle(dblMax) };
                                        Color[] colors = new Color[] { Color.Blue, Color.Yellow, Color.Red };
                                        _colorBlend = new ColorBlend(colors, minmax);
                                    intVal = new Double[3];
                            else if (band[i].GetRasterColorInterpretation() == ColorInterp.GCI_GrayIndex) ch[i] = 0;
                            else if (band[i].GetRasterColorInterpretation() == ColorInterp.GCI_PaletteIndex)
                                colorTable = band[i].GetRasterColorTable();
                                ch[i] = 5;
                                intVal = new Double[3];
                            else ch[i] = -1;

                        // store these values to keep from having to make slow method calls
                        int bitmapTLX = bitmapTL.X;
                        int bitmapTLY = bitmapTL.Y;
                        double imageTop = imageTL.Y;
                        double imageLeft = imageTL.X;
                        double dblMapPixelWidth = map.PixelWidth;
                        double dblMapPixelHeight = map.PixelHeight;
                        double dblMapMinX = map.Envelope.Min.X;
                        double dblMapMaxY = map.Envelope.Max.Y;
                        double geoTop, geoLeft, geoHorzPixRes, geoVertPixRes, geoXRot, geoYRot;

                        // get inverse values
                        geoTop = _geoTransform.Inverse[3];
                        geoLeft = _geoTransform.Inverse[0];
                        geoHorzPixRes = _geoTransform.Inverse[1];
                        geoVertPixRes = _geoTransform.Inverse[5];
                        geoXRot = _geoTransform.Inverse[2];
                        geoYRot = _geoTransform.Inverse[4];

                        double dblXScale = (imageBR.X - imageTL.X) / (displayImageLength - 1);
                        double dblYScale = (imageBR.Y - imageTL.Y) / (displayImageHeight - 1);
                        double[] dblPoint;

                        // get inverse transform  
                        // NOTE: calling transform.MathTransform.Inverse() once and storing it
                        // is much faster than having to call every time it is needed
#if !DotSpatialProjections
                        IMathTransform inverseTransform = null;
                        if (_transform != null)
                            inverseTransform = _transform.MathTransform.Inverse();

                        for (PixY = 0; PixY < bitmapBR.Y - bitmapTL.Y; PixY++)
                            byte* row = (byte*)bitmapData.Scan0 + ((int)Math.Round(PixY) * bitmapData.Stride);

                            for (PixX = 0; PixX < bitmapBR.X - bitmapTL.X; PixX++)
                                // same as Map.ImageToGround(), but much faster using stored values...rather than called each time
                                GndX = dblMapMinX + (PixX + bitmapTLX) * dblMapPixelWidth;
                                GndY = dblMapMaxY - (PixY + bitmapTLY) * dblMapPixelHeight;

                                // transform ground point if needed
                                if (_transform != null)
#if !DotSpatialProjections
                                    dblPoint = inverseTransform.Transform(new[] { GndX, GndY });
                                    dblPoint = new double[] { GndX, GndY };
                                    Reproject.ReprojectPoints(dblPoint, null, _transform.Source, _transform.Target, 0, 1);
                                    GndX = dblPoint[0];
                                    GndY = dblPoint[1];

                                // same as GeoTransform.GroundToImage(), but much faster using stored values...
                                ImgX = (geoLeft + geoHorzPixRes * GndX + geoXRot * GndY);
                                ImgY = (geoTop + geoYRot * GndX + geoVertPixRes * GndY);

                                if (ImgX < imageTL.X || ImgX > imageBR.X || ImgY < imageTL.Y || ImgY > imageBR.Y)

                                // color correction
                                for (int i = 0; i < Bands; i++)
                                    intVal[i] =
                                        buffer[i][(int)((ImgX - imageLeft) / dblXScale)][
                                            (int)((ImgY - imageTop) / dblYScale)];

                                    imageVal = SpotVal = intVal[i] = intVal[i] / bitScalar;
                                    if (ch[i] == 4)
                                        if (imageVal != noDataValues[i])
                                            Color color = _colorBlend.GetColor(Convert.ToSingle(imageVal));
                                            intVal[0] = color.B;
                                            intVal[1] = color.G;
                                            intVal[2] = color.R;
                                            //intVal[3] = ce.c4;
                                            intVal[0] = cb;
                                            intVal[1] = cg;
                                            intVal[2] = cr;

                                    else if (ch[i] == 5 && colorTable != null)
                                        if (imageVal != noDataValues[i])
                                            ColorEntry ce = colorTable.GetColorEntry(Convert.ToInt32(imageVal));
                                            intVal[0] = ce.c3;
                                            intVal[1] = ce.c2;
                                            intVal[2] = ce.c1;
                                            //intVal[3] = ce.c4;
                                            intVal[0] = cb;
                                            intVal[1] = cg;
                                            intVal[2] = cr;


                                        if (_colorCorrect)
                                            intVal[i] = ApplyColorCorrection(imageVal, SpotVal, ch[i], GndX, GndY);

                                            // if pixel is within ground boundary, add its value to the histogram
                                            if (ch[i] != -1 && intVal[i] > 0 && (_histoBounds.Bottom >= (int)GndY) &&
                                                _histoBounds.Top <= (int)GndY &&
                                                _histoBounds.Left <= (int)GndX && _histoBounds.Right >= (int)GndX)

                                        if (intVal[i] > 255)
                                            intVal[i] = 255;

                                // luminosity
                                if (_lbands >= 3)
                                    _histogram[_lbands][(int)(intVal[2] * 0.2126 + intVal[1] * 0.7152 + intVal[0] * 0.0722)]

                                WritePixel(PixX, intVal, iPixelSize, ch, row);

            if (_transparentColor != Color.Empty)
            g.DrawImage(bitmap, new Point(bitmapTL.X, bitmapTL.Y));
Ejemplo n.º 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a <see cref="GradientTheme"/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="attribute">Name of the feature attribute</param>
        /// <param name="defaultStyle">Default <see cref="VectorStyle"/> to base this theme on</param>
        /// <param name="blend"><see cref="ColorBlend"/>
        ///   defining the min and max colors
        ///   Note: Silently assumes 2 Colors defined
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="minValue">Minimum value of the feature attribute values</param>
        /// <param name="maxValue">Maximum value of the feature attribute values</param>
        /// <param name="sizeMin">Minimum line/point size in pixels</param>
        /// <param name="sizeMax">Maximum line/point size in pixels</param>
        /// <param name="skipColors">Use the min and max colors (false) or the defaultStyle fill color (true)</param>
        /// <param name="skipSizes">Let the size of a point depend on the value (false) or use the defaultStyle size (true)</param>
        /// <param name="numberOfClasses">The number of classes (ThemeItems) to generate (default = 8)</param>
        /// <returns>A new <see cref="GradientTheme"/></returns>
        public static GradientTheme CreateGradientTheme(string attribute, VectorStyle defaultStyle, ColorBlend blend,
                                                        double minValue, double maxValue, int sizeMin, int sizeMax, bool skipColors, bool skipSizes, int numberOfClasses = 8)
            if (defaultStyle == null)
                defaultStyle = new VectorStyle {
                    GeometryType = typeof(IPolygon)

            Color minColor = (skipColors) ? ((SolidBrush)defaultStyle.Fill).Color : blend.GetColor(0);
            Color maxColor = (skipColors) ? ((SolidBrush)defaultStyle.Fill).Color : blend.GetColor(1);

            var deltaWidth = (defaultStyle.Outline.Width - defaultStyle.Line.Width);

            float minOutlineSize = deltaWidth + sizeMin;
            float maxOutlineSize = deltaWidth + sizeMax;

            // Use default styles if not working with VectorLayers (i.e. RegularGridCoverageLayers)
            var minStyle = (VectorStyle)defaultStyle.Clone();
            var maxStyle = (VectorStyle)defaultStyle.Clone();

            minStyle.GeometryType = defaultStyle.GeometryType;
            maxStyle.GeometryType = defaultStyle.GeometryType;

            if (defaultStyle.GeometryType == typeof(IPoint))
                UpdateMinMaxForPoints(defaultStyle, sizeMin, sizeMax, minStyle, maxStyle, minColor, maxColor, skipSizes);
            else if ((defaultStyle.GeometryType == typeof(IPolygon)) || (defaultStyle.GeometryType == typeof(IMultiPolygon)))
                UpdateMinMaxForPolygons(defaultStyle, minStyle, maxStyle, minColor, maxColor, minOutlineSize, maxOutlineSize);
            else if ((defaultStyle.GeometryType == typeof(ILineString)) || (defaultStyle.GeometryType == typeof(IMultiLineString)))
                UpdateMinMaxForLineStrings(defaultStyle, sizeMin, sizeMax, minStyle, maxStyle, minColor, maxColor, minOutlineSize, maxOutlineSize, skipSizes);
                //use for unknown geometry..
                minStyle.Fill    = new SolidBrush(minColor);
                maxStyle.Fill    = new SolidBrush(maxColor);
                minStyle.Outline = CreatePen(minColor, minOutlineSize, defaultStyle.Outline);
                maxStyle.Outline = CreatePen(maxColor, maxOutlineSize, defaultStyle.Outline);

            return(new GradientTheme(attribute, minValue, maxValue, minStyle, maxStyle, blend, blend, null, numberOfClasses));
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public static QuantityTheme CreateQuantityTheme(string attribute, VectorStyle defaultStyle, ColorBlend blend,
                                                        int numberOfClasses, IList <IComparable> values, float minSize, float maxSize, bool skipColors, bool skipSizes, QuantityThemeIntervalType intervalType)
            var intervals = ThemeFactoryHelper.GetIntervalsForNumberOfClasses(values.Select(i => Convert.ToSingle(i)).ToList(),
                                                                              intervalType, numberOfClasses);

            return(CreateQuantityTheme(attribute, defaultStyle, blend, numberOfClasses, intervals, minSize, maxSize, skipColors, skipSizes));
Ejemplo n.º 14
 /// <summary>
 /// Build a list of CSS/XML-like <see cref="ColorBlend"/> objects from a <see cref="GradientTheme"/> <see cref="ColorBlend"/>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="colorBlend">The original <see cref="ColorBlend"/> with colors and positions</param>
 /// <returns>An array of object containing a color and position; to be used to store as XML</returns>
 private static colorBlend[] CreateBlendsFromTheme(ColorBlend colorBlend)
     var fillColorBlends = new List<colorBlend>();
     for (int i = 0; i < colorBlend.Positions.Length; i++)
         var fillBlend = new colorBlend();
         fillBlend.color = ColorTranslator.ToHtml(colorBlend.Colors[i]);
         fillBlend.position = colorBlend.Positions[i];
     return fillColorBlends.ToArray();
Ejemplo n.º 15
 public GradientTheme(string attributeName, double minValue, double maxValue, IStyle minStyle, IStyle maxStyle,
                      ColorBlend fillColorBlend, ColorBlend lineColorBlend, ColorBlend textColorBlend) : this(attributeName, minValue, maxValue, minStyle, maxStyle,
                                                                                                              fillColorBlend, lineColorBlend, textColorBlend, 8)
Ejemplo n.º 16
        public static GradientTheme CreateGradientTheme(string attribute, VectorStyle defaultStyle, ColorBlend blend,
                                                        float minValue, float maxValue, int sizeMin, int sizeMax, bool skipColors, bool skipSizes, int numberOfClasses)
            if (defaultStyle == null)
                defaultStyle = new VectorStyle();
                defaultStyle.GeometryType = typeof(IPolygon);

            Color minColor = (skipColors)? ((SolidBrush)defaultStyle.Fill).Color : blend.GetColor(0);
            Color maxColor = (skipColors) ? ((SolidBrush)defaultStyle.Fill).Color : blend.GetColor(1);

            var deltaWith = (defaultStyle.Outline.Width - defaultStyle.Line.Width);

            float minOutlineSize = deltaWith + sizeMin;
            float maxOutlineSize = deltaWith + sizeMax;

            // Use default styles if not working with VectorLayers (i.e. RegularGridCoverageLayers)
            var minStyle = (VectorStyle)defaultStyle.Clone();
            var maxStyle = (VectorStyle)defaultStyle.Clone();

            minStyle.GeometryType = defaultStyle.GeometryType;
            maxStyle.GeometryType = defaultStyle.GeometryType;

            if (defaultStyle.GeometryType == typeof(IPoint))
                minStyle.Fill  = new SolidBrush(minColor);
                maxStyle.Fill  = new SolidBrush(maxColor);
                minStyle.Shape = defaultStyle.Shape;
                maxStyle.Shape = defaultStyle.Shape;
                if (!skipSizes)
                    minStyle.Line.Width = sizeMin;
                    maxStyle.Line.Width = sizeMax;
                    minStyle.ShapeSize  = sizeMin;
                    maxStyle.ShapeSize  = sizeMax;
            else if ((defaultStyle.GeometryType == typeof(IPolygon)) || (defaultStyle.GeometryType == typeof(IMultiPolygon)))
                minStyle.Fill    = new SolidBrush(minColor);
                maxStyle.Fill    = new SolidBrush(maxColor);
                minStyle.Outline = new Pen(defaultStyle.Outline.Color, minOutlineSize);
                maxStyle.Outline = new Pen(defaultStyle.Outline.Color, maxOutlineSize);
            else if ((defaultStyle.GeometryType == typeof(ILineString)) || (defaultStyle.GeometryType == typeof(IMultiLineString)))
                minStyle.Line    = new Pen(minColor, sizeMin);
                maxStyle.Line    = new Pen(maxColor, sizeMax);
                minStyle.Outline = new Pen(defaultStyle.Outline.Color, minOutlineSize);
                maxStyle.Outline = new Pen(defaultStyle.Outline.Color, maxOutlineSize);
                minStyle.Fill    = new SolidBrush(minColor);
                maxStyle.Fill    = new SolidBrush(maxColor);
                minStyle.Outline = new Pen(minColor, minOutlineSize);
                maxStyle.Outline = new Pen(maxColor, maxOutlineSize);

            var gradientTheme = new GradientTheme(attribute, minValue, maxValue, minStyle, maxStyle, blend, blend, null, numberOfClasses);

Ejemplo n.º 17
        private ColorBlend GetColorBlend(Band band)
            if (_colorBlend != null)
                return _colorBlend;

            int hasVal;

            //Get minimum raster value
            double dblMin;
            band.GetMinimum(out dblMin, out hasVal);
            if (hasVal == 0) dblMin = Double.NaN;

            //Get maximum raster value
            double dblMax;
            band.GetMaximum(out dblMax, out hasVal);
            if (hasVal == 0) dblMax = double.NaN;

            if (double.IsNaN(dblMin) || double.IsNaN(dblMax))
                return null;

            double dblMean, dblStdDev;
            band.GetStatistics(0, 1, out dblMin, out dblMax, out dblMean,
                                   out dblStdDev);
            // ToDo: Colorblend positions
            var minmax = new[]
                    0.5f*Convert.ToSingle(dblMin + dblMax),

            _colorBlend = new ColorBlend(new[] { Color.Blue, Color.Yellow, Color.Red }, minmax);
            return _colorBlend;

Ejemplo n.º 18
        public static CategorialTheme CreateCategorialTheme(string attribute, VectorStyle defaultStyle, ColorBlend blend,
                                                            int numberOfClasses, IList <IComparable> values, List <string> categories)
            if (defaultStyle == null)
                defaultStyle = new VectorStyle
                    GeometryType = typeof(IPolygon)

            var categorialTheme = new CategorialTheme(attribute, defaultStyle);

            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfClasses; i++)
                string label = (categories != null)
                                   ? categories[i]
                                   : values[i].ToString();

                Color color = (numberOfClasses > 1)
                                  ? blend.GetColor((float)i / (numberOfClasses - 1))
                                  : ((SolidBrush)defaultStyle.Fill).Color;

                var vectorStyle = (VectorStyle)defaultStyle.Clone();

                if (defaultStyle.GeometryType == typeof(IPoint))
                    vectorStyle.Fill       = new SolidBrush(color);
                    vectorStyle.Line.Width = 16;
                    vectorStyle.Shape      = defaultStyle.Shape;
                else if ((defaultStyle.GeometryType == typeof(IPolygon)) || (defaultStyle.GeometryType == typeof(IMultiPolygon)))
                    vectorStyle.Fill = new SolidBrush(color);
                else if ((defaultStyle.GeometryType == typeof(ILineString)) || (defaultStyle.GeometryType == typeof(IMultiLineString)))
                    vectorStyle.Line = new Pen(color, defaultStyle.Line.Width);
                    vectorStyle.Fill = new SolidBrush(color);

                CategorialThemeItem categorialThemeItem = (values[i] != null)
                                                              ? new CategorialThemeItem(label, vectorStyle, vectorStyle.LegendSymbol, values[i])
                                                              : new CategorialThemeItem(label, vectorStyle, vectorStyle.LegendSymbol);


Ejemplo n.º 19
        public static QuantityTheme CreateQuantityTheme(string attribute, VectorStyle defaultStyle, ColorBlend blend, 
            int numberOfClasses, IList<Interval> intervals)
            float minSize = defaultStyle.Line.Width;
            float maxSize = defaultStyle.Line.Width;

            return CreateQuantityTheme(attribute, defaultStyle, blend, numberOfClasses, intervals, minSize, maxSize, false, false);
Ejemplo n.º 20
        public void GradientThemeScaleToWithColorBlends()
            var blend = new ColorBlend(new[]{Color.Black, Color.White}, new[]{0f, 1f});
            var theme = ThemeFactory.CreateGradientTheme("", null, blend, 0.0, 5.0, 3, 3, false, true, 3);

            AssertColor(Color.Black, theme.GetFillColor(-1.0));
            AssertColor(Color.Black, theme.GetFillColor(0.0));
            AssertColor(Color.FromArgb(255, 64, 64, 64), theme.GetFillColor(1.25));
            AssertColor(Color.FromArgb(255, 128, 128, 128), theme.GetFillColor(2.5));
            AssertColor(Color.FromArgb(255, 191, 191, 191), theme.GetFillColor(3.75));
            AssertColor(Color.White, theme.GetFillColor(5.0));
            AssertColor(Color.White, theme.GetFillColor(6.0));

            theme.ScaleTo(-2.0, 1.0);

            AssertColor(Color.Black, theme.GetFillColor(-3.0));
            AssertColor(Color.Black, theme.GetFillColor(-2.0));
            AssertColor(Color.FromArgb(255, 64, 64, 64), theme.GetFillColor(-1.25));
            AssertColor(Color.FromArgb(255, 128, 128, 128), theme.GetFillColor(-0.5));
            AssertColor(Color.FromArgb(255, 191, 191, 191), theme.GetFillColor(0.25));
            AssertColor(Color.White, theme.GetFillColor(1.0));
            AssertColor(Color.White, theme.GetFillColor(2.0));
Ejemplo n.º 21
        public static QuantityTheme CreateQuantityTheme(string attribute, VectorStyle defaultStyle, ColorBlend blend, 
            int numberOfClasses, IList<Interval> intervals, float minSize, float maxSize, bool skipColors, bool skipSizes)
            if (defaultStyle == null)
                defaultStyle = new VectorStyle();
                defaultStyle.GeometryType = typeof(IPolygon);

            var quantityTheme = new QuantityTheme(attribute, defaultStyle);
            var totalMinValue = (float) intervals[0].Min;
            var totalMaxValue = (float) intervals[intervals.Count - 1].Max;
            if (totalMinValue == totalMaxValue)
                return null;

            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfClasses; i++)
                Color color = numberOfClasses > 1
                                  ? blend.GetColor(1 - (float) i/(numberOfClasses - 1))
                                  : ((SolidBrush) defaultStyle.Fill).Color;

                float size = defaultStyle.Line.Width;

                if (!skipSizes)
                    var minValue = (float) intervals[i].Min;
                    var maxValue = (float) intervals[i].Max;
                    float width = maxValue - minValue;
                    float mean = minValue + 0.5f * width;

                    float fraction = (mean - totalMinValue) / (totalMaxValue - totalMinValue);

                    size = minSize + fraction * (maxSize - minSize);

                var vectorStyle = new VectorStyle
                                          GeometryType = defaultStyle.GeometryType

                if (defaultStyle.GeometryType == typeof(IPoint))
                    if (skipColors)
                        color = ((SolidBrush)defaultStyle.Fill).Color;

                    vectorStyle.Fill = new SolidBrush(color);
                    vectorStyle.Shape = defaultStyle.Shape;

                    if (!skipSizes)
                        vectorStyle.ShapeSize = Convert.ToInt32(size);
                        vectorStyle.Line.Width = size;

                else if ((defaultStyle.GeometryType == typeof(IPolygon)) || (defaultStyle.GeometryType == typeof(IMultiPolygon)))
                    if (skipColors)
                        color = ((SolidBrush)defaultStyle.Fill).Color;
                    vectorStyle.Fill = new SolidBrush(color);
                    vectorStyle.Line = new Pen(color, size);
                    vectorStyle.Outline.Width = (defaultStyle.Outline.Width - defaultStyle.Line.Width) + size;
                else if ((defaultStyle.GeometryType == typeof(ILineString)) || (defaultStyle.GeometryType == typeof(IMultiLineString)))
                    if (skipColors)
                        color = defaultStyle.Line.Color;
                    vectorStyle.Line = new Pen(color, size);
                    vectorStyle.Outline.Width = (defaultStyle.Outline.Width - defaultStyle.Line.Width) + size;
                    vectorStyle.Fill = new SolidBrush(color);
                quantityTheme.AddStyle(vectorStyle, intervals[i]);

            return quantityTheme;
Ejemplo n.º 22
        private void GetNonRotatedPreview(Dataset dataset, Size size, Graphics g,
                                          Envelope bbox, ProjectionInfo mapProjection)
            double[] geoTrans = new double[6];

            // default transform
            if (!_useRotation && !HaveSpot || (geoTrans[0] == 0 && geoTrans[3] == 0))
                geoTrans = new[] { 999.5, 1, 0, 1000.5, 0, -1 };
            Bitmap bitmap = null;
            var geoTransform = new GeoTransform(geoTrans);
            int DsWidth = 0;
            int DsHeight = 0;
            BitmapData bitmapData = null;
            double[] intVal = new double[Bands];
            int p_indx;
            double bitScalar = 1.0;

            double dblImginMapW = 0, dblImginMapH = 0, dblLocX = 0, dblLocY = 0;

            int iPixelSize = 3; //Format24bppRgb = byte[b,g,r] 

            if (dataset != null)
                //check if image is in bounding box
                if ((bbox.MinX > _envelope.MaxX) || (bbox.MaxX < _envelope.MinX)
                    || (bbox.MaxY < _envelope.MinY) || (bbox.MinY > _envelope.MaxY))

                DsWidth = _imageSize.Width;
                DsHeight = _imageSize.Height;

                Histogram = new List<int[]>();
                for (int i = 0; i < Bands + 1; i++)
                    Histogram.Add(new int[256]);

                double left = Math.Max(bbox.MinX, _envelope.MinX);
                double top = Math.Min(bbox.MaxY, _envelope.MaxY);
                double right = Math.Min(bbox.MaxX, _envelope.MaxX);
                double bottom = Math.Max(bbox.MinY, _envelope.MinY);

                double x1 = Math.Abs(geoTransform.PixelX(left));
                double y1 = Math.Abs(geoTransform.PixelY(top));
                double imgPixWidth = geoTransform.PixelXwidth(right - left);
                double imgPixHeight = geoTransform.PixelYwidth(bottom - top);

                //get screen pixels image should fill 
                double dblBBoxW = bbox.Width;
                double dblBBoxtoImgPixX = imgPixWidth / dblBBoxW;
                dblImginMapW = size.Width * dblBBoxtoImgPixX * geoTransform.HorizontalPixelResolution;

                double dblBBoxH = bbox.Height;
                double dblBBoxtoImgPixY = imgPixHeight / dblBBoxH;
                dblImginMapH = size.Height * dblBBoxtoImgPixY * -geoTransform.VerticalPixelResolution;

                if ((dblImginMapH == 0) || (dblImginMapW == 0))

                // ratios of bounding box to image ground space
                double dblBBoxtoImgX = size.Width / dblBBoxW;
                double dblBBoxtoImgY = size.Height / dblBBoxH;

                // set where to display bitmap in Map
                if (bbox.MinX != left)
                    if (bbox.MaxX != right)
                        dblLocX = (_envelope.MinX - bbox.MinX) * dblBBoxtoImgX;
                        dblLocX = size.Width - dblImginMapW;
                if (bbox.MaxY != top)
                    if (bbox.MinY != bottom)
                        dblLocY = (bbox.MaxY - _envelope.MaxY) * dblBBoxtoImgY;
                        dblLocY = size.Height - dblImginMapH;

                bitScalar = GetBitScalar();

                    bitmap = new Bitmap((int)Math.Round(dblImginMapW), (int)Math.Round(dblImginMapH),
                    bitmapData =
                            new Rectangle(0, 0, (int)Math.Round(dblImginMapW), (int)Math.Round(dblImginMapH)),
                            ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, bitmap.PixelFormat);

                    byte cr = _noDataInitColor.R;
                    byte cg = _noDataInitColor.G;
                    byte cb = _noDataInitColor.B;

                    Double[] noDataValues = new Double[Bands];
                    Double[] scales = new Double[Bands];

                    ColorTable colorTable = null;
                        double[][] buffer = new double[Bands][];
                        Band[] band = new Band[Bands];
                        int[] ch = new int[Bands];
                        // get data from image
                        for (int i = 0; i < Bands; i++)
                            buffer[i] = new double[(int)Math.Round(dblImginMapW) * (int)Math.Round(dblImginMapH)];
                            band[i] = dataset.GetRasterBand(i + 1);

                            //get nodata value if present
                            Int32 hasVal = 0;
                            band[i].GetNoDataValue(out noDataValues[i], out hasVal);
                            if (hasVal == 0) noDataValues[i] = Double.NaN;
                            band[i].GetScale(out scales[i], out hasVal);
                            if (hasVal == 0) scales[i] = 1.0;

                            band[i].ReadRaster((int)Math.Round(x1), (int)Math.Round(y1), (int)Math.Round(imgPixWidth),
                                               buffer[i], (int)Math.Round(dblImginMapW), (int)Math.Round(dblImginMapH),
                                               0, 0);

                            switch (band[i].GetRasterColorInterpretation())
                                case ColorInterp.GCI_BlueBand:
                                    ch[i] = 0;
                                case ColorInterp.GCI_GreenBand:
                                    ch[i] = 1;
                                case ColorInterp.GCI_RedBand:
                                    ch[i] = 2;
                                case ColorInterp.GCI_Undefined:
                                    if (Bands > 1)
                                        ch[i] = 3; // infrared
                                        ch[i] = 4;
                                        if (_colorBlend == null)
                                            Double dblMin, dblMax;
                                            band[i].GetMinimum(out dblMin, out hasVal);
                                            if (hasVal == 0) dblMin = Double.NaN;
                                            band[i].GetMaximum(out dblMax, out hasVal);
                                            if (hasVal == 0) dblMax = double.NaN;
                                            if (Double.IsNaN(dblMin) || Double.IsNaN(dblMax))
                                                double dblMean, dblStdDev;
                                                band[i].GetStatistics(0, 1, out dblMin, out dblMax, out dblMean, out dblStdDev);
                                                //double dblRange = dblMax - dblMin;
                                                //dblMin -= 0.1*dblRange;
                                                //dblMax += 0.1*dblRange;
                                            Single[] minmax = new float[] { Convert.ToSingle(dblMin), 0.5f * Convert.ToSingle(dblMin + dblMax), Convert.ToSingle(dblMax) };
                                            Color[] colors = new Color[] { Color.Blue, Color.Yellow, Color.Red };
                                            _colorBlend = new ColorBlend(colors, minmax);
                                        intVal = new Double[3];
                                case ColorInterp.GCI_GrayIndex:
                                    ch[i] = 0;
                                case ColorInterp.GCI_PaletteIndex:
                                    colorTable = band[i].GetRasterColorTable();
                                    ch[i] = 5;
                                    intVal = new Double[3];
                                    ch[i] = -1;

                        if (BitDepth == 32)
                            ch = new[] { 0, 1, 2 };

                        p_indx = 0;
                        for (int y = 0; y < Math.Round(dblImginMapH); y++)
                            byte* row = (byte*)bitmapData.Scan0 + (y * bitmapData.Stride);
                            for (int x = 0; x < Math.Round(dblImginMapW); x++, p_indx++)
                                for (int i = 0; i < Bands; i++)
                                    intVal[i] = buffer[i][p_indx]/bitScalar;
                                    Double imageVal = intVal[i] = intVal[i]/bitScalar;
                                    if (ch[i] == 4)
                                        if (imageVal != noDataValues[i])
                                            Color color = _colorBlend.GetColor(Convert.ToSingle(imageVal));
                                            intVal[0] = color.B;
                                            intVal[1] = color.G;
                                            intVal[2] = color.R;
                                            //intVal[3] = ce.c4;
                                            intVal[0] = cb;
                                            intVal[1] = cg;
                                            intVal[2] = cr;

                                    else if (ch[i] == 5 && colorTable != null)
                                        if (imageVal != noDataValues[i])
                                            ColorEntry ce = colorTable.GetColorEntry(Convert.ToInt32(imageVal));
                                            intVal[0] = ce.c3;
                                            intVal[1] = ce.c2;
                                            intVal[2] = ce.c1;
                                            //intVal[3] = ce.c4;
                                            intVal[0] = cb;
                                            intVal[1] = cg;
                                            intVal[2] = cr;
                                        if (ColorCorrect)
                                            intVal[i] = ApplyColorCorrection(intVal[i], 0, ch[i], 0, 0);

                                            if (Bands >= 3)
                                                    (int) (intVal[2]*0.2126 + intVal[1]*0.7152 + intVal[0]*0.0722)]++;

                                    if (intVal[i] > 255)
                                        intVal[i] = 255;

                                WritePixel(x, intVal, iPixelSize, ch, row);
                    if (bitmapData != null)
            if (TransparentColor != Color.Empty)
            g.DrawImage(bitmap, new Point((int)Math.Round(dblLocX), (int)Math.Round(dblLocY)));
Ejemplo n.º 23
 public static GradientTheme CreateGradientTheme(string attribute, VectorStyle defaultStyle, ColorBlend blend, 
     float minValue, float maxValue, int sizeMin, int sizeMax, bool skipColors, bool skipSizes)
     return CreateGradientTheme(attribute, defaultStyle, blend, minValue, maxValue, sizeMin, sizeMax, skipColors,
                                skipSizes, 8);