Ejemplo n.º 1
        public virtual void Deserialize(byte[] data, Pointer p)
            int numScripts = BitPacker.GetInt(data, p);

            for (int i = 0; i < numScripts; i++)
                uint scriptId = BitPacker.GetUInt(data, p);

            int numEffects = BitPacker.GetInt(data, p);

            for (int i = 0; i < numEffects; i++)
                uint   effectId = BitPacker.GetUInt(data, p);
                Effect e        = Effect.GetEffect(effectId);

                if (e != null)
                    e.Deserialize(data, p);

                Effects.AttachEffect(this, null, effectId);

            PhysicalState.Position.X = BitPacker.GetDouble(data, p);
            PhysicalState.Position.Y = BitPacker.GetDouble(data, p);
            PhysicalState.Position.Z = BitPacker.GetDouble(data, p);

            PhysicalState.Rotation.X = BitPacker.GetDouble(data, p);
            PhysicalState.Rotation.Y = BitPacker.GetDouble(data, p);
            PhysicalState.Rotation.Z = BitPacker.GetDouble(data, p);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public override void Deserialize(byte[] data, Pointer p)
     base.Deserialize(data, p);
     PhaseID      = BitPacker.GetInt(data, p);
     PhaseName    = BitPacker.GetString(data, p);
     ResponseTime = BitPacker.GetLong(data, p);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public virtual void Deserialize(byte[] data, Pointer p, bool includeSubComponents)
     if (!includeSubComponents)
     lock (m_Components)
         int count = BitPacker.GetInt(data, p);
         for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
             uint       typeHash = BitPacker.GetUInt(data, p);
             IComponent wisp     = Factory.Instance.CreateObject(typeHash) as IComponent;
             if (wisp == null)
                 throw new ArgumentException("Error deserializing wisp object.  Did you remember to register the Wisp Object's ISerializableWispObject.TypeHash with the Factory? Try: |> Factory.Instance.Register(typeof(YourCharacterComponentClassName), () => { return new YourCharacterComponentClassName(); });|");
             if (wisp is IComponent)
                 AddComponent(wisp as IComponent);
             wisp.Deserialize(data, p, includeSubComponents);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public override bool DeSerialize(byte[] data, Pointer p)
            base.DeSerialize(data, p);

            GameMessageKind = BitPacker.GetInt(data, p);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public override bool DeSerialize(byte[] data, Pointer p)
            base.DeSerialize(data, p);
            IsRefresh      = BitPacker.GetBool(data, p);
            IsServerPacket = BitPacker.GetBool(data, p);
            int num = BitPacker.GetInt(data, p);

            for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
                if (!IsRefresh)
                    MatchNotificationType kind = (MatchNotificationType)BitPacker.GetInt(data, p);

                Game theGame = BitPacker.GetComponent(data, p, IsServerPacket) as Game;

                bool hasTargetPlayer = BitPacker.GetBool(data, p);
                if (!IsRefresh && hasTargetPlayer)
                    TargetPlayers.Add(BitPacker.GetComponent(data, p, false) as ICharacterInfo);
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public override void Deserialize(byte[] data, Pointer p, bool includeComponents)
     Properties = BitPacker.GetPropertyBag(data, p);
     Stats      = BitPacker.GetStatBag(data, p);
     ID         = BitPacker.GetInt(data, p);
     base.Deserialize(data, p, includeComponents);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public override void Deserialize(byte[] data, Pointer p)
            GamesPlayed             = BitPacker.GetInt(data, p);
            RatingMean              = BitPacker.GetDouble(data, p);
            RatingStandardDeviation = BitPacker.GetDouble(data, p);

            base.Deserialize(data, p);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public void Deserialize(byte[] data, Pointer p)
            LastLogin          = new DateTime(BitPacker.GetLong(data, p), DateTimeKind.Utc);
            UserSince          = new DateTime(BitPacker.GetLong(data, p), DateTimeKind.Utc);
            LastPasswordChange = new DateTime(BitPacker.GetLong(data, p), DateTimeKind.Utc);

            ID = new Guid(BitPacker.GetString(data, p));

            Email    = BitPacker.GetString(data, p);
            Username = BitPacker.GetString(data, p);

            IsLocked   = BitPacker.GetBool(data, p);
            IsOnline   = BitPacker.GetBool(data, p);
            IsApproved = BitPacker.GetBool(data, p);

            Roles = BitPacker.GetStringList(data, p);

            int notes = BitPacker.GetInt(data, p);

            for (int i = 0; i < notes; i++)
                ServiceLogEntry sle = new ServiceLogEntry();
                sle.Account      = ID;
                sle.EntryBy      = BitPacker.GetString(data, p);
                sle.Note         = BitPacker.GetString(data, p);
                sle.EntryType    = BitPacker.GetString(data, p);
                sle.CharacterId  = BitPacker.GetInt(data, p);
                sle.TimeStampUTC = new DateTime(BitPacker.GetLong(data, p), DateTimeKind.Utc);

            AddedProperties = BitPacker.GetPropertyBag(data, p);

            int numSessions = BitPacker.GetInt(data, p);

            for (int i = 0; i < numSessions; i++)
                DateTime login  = new DateTime(BitPacker.GetLong(data, p), DateTimeKind.Utc);
                DateTime logout = new DateTime(BitPacker.GetLong(data, p), DateTimeKind.Utc);
                string   ip     = BitPacker.GetString(data, p);
                ip = ip.Substring(0, ip.LastIndexOf("]") + 1);
                AccountProfile.Session s = new AccountProfile.Session(login, logout, ip);

            //LoginSessions = LoginSessions.OrderBy(session => session.LogoutUTC).ToList();
            CurrentLoginTime = new DateTime(BitPacker.GetLong(data, p), DateTimeKind.Utc);

            int characters = BitPacker.GetInt(data, p);

            for (int i = 0; i < characters; i++)
                ICharacterInfo ci = BitPacker.GetComponent(data, p) as ICharacterInfo;
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public override bool DeSerialize(byte[] data, Pointer p)
     base.DeSerialize(data, p);
     ServerName     = BitPacker.GetString(data, p);
     MaxPlayers     = BitPacker.GetInt(data, p);
     CurrentPlayers = BitPacker.GetInt(data, p);
     UserID         = BitPacker.GetString(data, p);
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public override bool DeSerialize(byte[] data, Pointer p)
     base.DeSerialize(data, p);
     LoginConnectionType = (ConnectionType)BitPacker.GetInt(data, p);
     m_AccountName       = BitPacker.GetString(data, p); // System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data, 4, userLen);
     m_Password          = BitPacker.GetString(data, p); // System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data, 8 + userLen, passLen);
     IsNewAccount        = BitPacker.GetBool(data, p);
     Parms = BitPacker.GetPropertyBag(data, p);
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public override void DeserializeValue(byte[] dat, Pointer p)
            int num = BitPacker.GetInt(dat, p);

            m_Value = new DateTime[num];
            for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
                Name       = BitPacker.GetString(dat, p);
                m_Value[i] = new DateTime(BitPacker.GetLong(dat, p), DateTimeKind.Utc);
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public override void DeserializeValue(byte[] dat, Pointer p)
            int num = BitPacker.GetInt(dat, p);

            m_Value = new bool[num];
            for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
                Name       = BitPacker.GetString(dat, p);
                m_Value[i] = BitPacker.GetBool(dat, p);
Ejemplo n.º 13
 public override bool DeSerialize(byte[] data, Pointer p)
     base.DeSerialize(data, p);
     AuthTicket         = new Guid(BitPacker.GetString(data, p));
     ServerName         = BitPacker.GetString(data, p);
     ServerIP           = BitPacker.GetString(data, p);
     ServerPort         = BitPacker.GetInt(data, p);
     TargetResource     = new Guid(BitPacker.GetString(data, p));
     IsAssistedTransfer = BitPacker.GetBool(data, p);
Ejemplo n.º 14
        public override bool DeSerialize(byte[] data, Pointer p)
            base.DeSerialize(data, p);

            int num = BitPacker.GetInt(data, p);

            for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
                Characters.Add(BitPacker.GetComponent(data, p, false) as ICharacterInfo);

 public override bool DeSerialize(byte[] data, Pointer p)
     //Log.LogMsg("Attempting deserialize Rijndael Request.");
     base.DeSerialize(data, p);
     this.m_ServerVersion     = new Version(BitPacker.GetString(data, p));
     this.m_PublicRSAKey      = BitPacker.GetBytes(data, p);
     this.m_ConnectionKeySize = BitPacker.GetInt(data, p);
     this.ServerName          = BitPacker.GetString(data, p);
     this.MaxPlayers          = BitPacker.GetInt(data, p);
     this.CurrentPlayers      = BitPacker.GetInt(data, p);
     //Log.LogMsg("Deserialized Rijndael Request." + PublicRSAKey);
Ejemplo n.º 16
        public void Deserialize(byte[] data, Pointer p)
            int count = BitPacker.GetInt(data, p);

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                string key   = BitPacker.GetString(data, p);
                string value = BitPacker.GetString(data, p);
                if (!Configs.ContainsKey(key))
                    Configs.Add(key, value);
Ejemplo n.º 17
        public override bool DeSerialize(byte[] data, Pointer p)
            base.DeSerialize(data, p);

            Remove        = BitPacker.GetBool(data, p);
            PropertyBagId = new Guid(BitPacker.GetString(data, p));
            int numProps = BitPacker.GetInt(data, p);

            Properties = new Property[numProps];
            for (int i = 0; i < numProps; i++)
                Properties[i] = BitPacker.GetProperty(data, p, null);
Ejemplo n.º 18
        public virtual void Deserialize(byte[] data, Pointer p)
            CurrentSessionID = new Guid(BitPacker.GetString(data, p));
            Username         = BitPacker.GetString(data, p);
            MaxCharacters = BitPacker.GetInt(data, p);

            // Roles
            int numRoles = BitPacker.GetInt(data, p);
            UserRoles = new string[numRoles];
            for (int i = 0; i < numRoles; i++)
                UserRoles[i] = BitPacker.GetString(data, p);

            // IPs
            int numIPs = BitPacker.GetInt(data, p);
            LoginHistoryIP = new Queue <string>();
            for (int i = 0; i < numIPs; i++)
                LoginHistoryIP.Enqueue(BitPacker.GetString(data, p));

            // Login times
            int numLogins = BitPacker.GetInt(data, p);
            LoginHistoryTime = new Queue <DateTime>();
            for (int i = 0; i < numLogins; i++)
                LoginHistoryTime.Enqueue(new DateTime(BitPacker.GetLong(data, p), DateTimeKind.Utc));

            // Logoff times
            int numLogouts = BitPacker.GetInt(data, p);
            LogoffHistoryTime = new Queue <DateTime>();
            for (int i = 0; i < numLogouts; i++)
                LogoffHistoryTime.Enqueue(new DateTime(BitPacker.GetLong(data, p), DateTimeKind.Utc));

            // Misc
            m_CurrentSessionID = new Guid(BitPacker.GetString(data, p));
            m_CurrentLoginTime = new DateTime(BitPacker.GetLong(data, p), DateTimeKind.Utc);
            m_CurrentIP        = BitPacker.GetString(data, p);
Ejemplo n.º 19
        public void Deserialize(byte[] data, Pointer p)
            IsEnabled      = BitPacker.GetBool(data, p);
            SampleInterval = TimeSpan.FromTicks(BitPacker.GetLong(data, p));
            Category       = BitPacker.GetString(data, p);
            CounterName    = BitPacker.GetString(data, p);
            InstanceName   = BitPacker.GetString(data, p);
            HelpText       = BitPacker.GetString(data, p);
            int numHistory = BitPacker.GetInt(data, p);

            for (int i = 0; i < numHistory; i++)
                HistoryItem hi = new HistoryItem();
                hi.Value     = BitPacker.GetSingle(data, p);
                hi.Timestamp = new DateTime(BitPacker.GetLong(data, p), DateTimeKind.Utc);
Ejemplo n.º 20
        public override bool DeSerialize(byte[] data, Pointer p)
            base.DeSerialize(data, p);

            ReplyCode          = (ReplyType)BitPacker.GetInt(data, p);
            ReplyPacketID      = BitPacker.GetInt(data, p);
            ReplyMessage       = BitPacker.GetString(data, p);
            ReplyPacketType    = BitPacker.GetInt(data, p);
            ReplyPacketSubType = BitPacker.GetInt(data, p);

            bool hasProps = BitPacker.GetBool(data, p);

            if (hasProps)
                Parms = BitPacker.GetPropertyBag(data, p);
Ejemplo n.º 21
        public void Deserialize(byte[] data, Pointer p)
            AllowRemoteConnections = BitPacker.GetBool(data, p);
            TotalUserCount         = BitPacker.GetInt(data, p);
            UserDataStore          = BitPacker.GetString(data, p);

            int count = BitPacker.GetInt(data, p);

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                string   username  = BitPacker.GetString(data, p);
                string[] roles     = BitPacker.GetStringList(data, p).ToArray();
                bool     isLocked  = BitPacker.GetBool(data, p);
                Guid     id        = new Guid(BitPacker.GetString(data, p));
                string   email     = BitPacker.GetString(data, p);
                DateTime lastLogin = new DateTime(BitPacker.GetLong(data, p), DateTimeKind.Utc);
                User     urs       = new User(username, roles, isLocked, id, email, lastLogin);
Ejemplo n.º 22
        public override bool DeSerialize(byte[] data, Pointer p)
            base.DeSerialize(data, p);
            Kind = (MatchNotificationType)BitPacker.GetInt(data, p);

            bool haveGame = BitPacker.GetBool(data, p);

            if (haveGame)
                TheGame = BitPacker.GetComponent(data, p, false) as IGame;

            bool haveTargetPlayer = BitPacker.GetBool(data, p);

            if (haveTargetPlayer)
                TargetPlayer = BitPacker.GetComponent(data, p, false) as ICharacterInfo;

            TheGameID = new Guid(BitPacker.GetString(data, p));
Ejemplo n.º 23
        public override void Deserialize(byte[] data, Pointer p, bool includeSubComponents)
            // General match info
            Owner  = BitPacker.GetInt(data, p);
            GameID = new Guid(BitPacker.GetString(data, p));

            // Options
            Properties = BitPacker.GetPropertyBag(data, p);

            // Players
            int numPlayers = BitPacker.GetInt(data, p);

            for (int i = 0; i < numPlayers; i++)
                CharacterInfo ci = new CharacterInfo();
                ci.Properties = BitPacker.GetPropertyBag(data, p);
                ci.Stats      = BitPacker.GetStatBag(data, p);
                ci.ID         = BitPacker.GetInt(data, p);
                Players.Add(ci.ID, ci);

            base.Deserialize(data, p, includeSubComponents);
Ejemplo n.º 24
 public override bool DeSerialize(byte[] dat, Pointer p)
     base.DeSerialize(dat, p);
     ListenOnPort = BitPacker.GetInt(dat, p);
Ejemplo n.º 25
 public override void Deserialize(byte[] data, Pointer p)
     base.Deserialize(data, p);
     Version = BitPacker.GetInt(data, p);
Ejemplo n.º 26
 /// <summary>
 /// Takes raw data and constructs members from it.
 /// Override this method to reconstitute the packet object from raw data in the form of the ArrayList argument
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>failure or success</returns>
 public virtual bool DeSerialize(byte[] dat, Pointer p)
     PacketID  = BitPacker.GetInt(dat, p);
     SentOnUTC = BitPacker.GetLong(dat, p);
Ejemplo n.º 27
 public override void DeserializeValue(byte[] dat, Pointer p)
     Name    = BitPacker.GetString(dat, p);
     m_Value = BitPacker.GetInt(dat, p);