Ejemplo n.º 1
            private void DismantleItem(Mobile from, Item item)
                if (!from.InRange(item.GetWorldLocation(), 2))
                    from.SendMessage("You need to be closer to it.");
                else if (!item.IsChildOf(from.Backpack) && !item.Movable)
                    from.SendMessage("It can't be dismantled.");

                from.SendMessage("You dismantle the object.");
                Effects.PlaySound(item.GetWorldLocation(), item.Map, 0x3B3);

                if (item is Container)
                    if (item is TrapableContainer)
                        (item as TrapableContainer).ExecuteTrap(from);

Ejemplo n.º 2
		private void DestroyFurniture( Mobile from, Item item )
			if ( !from.InRange( item.GetWorldLocation(), 3 ) )
				from.SendLocalizedMessage( 500446 ); // That is too far away.
			else if ( !item.IsChildOf( from.Backpack ) && !item.Movable )
				from.SendLocalizedMessage( 500462 ); // You can't destroy that while it is here.

			from.SendLocalizedMessage( 500461 ); // You destroy the item.
			Effects.PlaySound( item.GetWorldLocation(), item.Map, 0x3B3 );

			if ( item is Container )
				if ( item is TrapableContainer )
					(item as TrapableContainer).ExecuteTrap( from );

Ejemplo n.º 3
		public static void Resurrect(Mobile m, Item item)
			if (m.Alive)

			if (!m.InRange(item.GetWorldLocation(), ResurrectRange))
				m.SendLocalizedMessage(500446); // That is too far away.
			else if (m.Map != null && m.Map.CanFit(m.Location, 16, false, false))

				/*PlayerMobile pres = m as PlayerMobile;

				if (pres.MurderBounty > 0)
					m.SendGump( new ResurrectGump( m, m, pres.MurderBounty ) );
				m.SendGump(new ResurrectGump(m, ResurrectMessage.VirtueShrine));
				m.SendLocalizedMessage(502391); // Thou can not be resurrected there!
Ejemplo n.º 4
		public static void Resurrect( Mobile m, Item item )
			if ( m.Alive )

			if ( !m.InRange( item.GetWorldLocation(), ResurrectRange ) )
				m.SendLocalizedMessage( 500446 ); // That is too far away.
			else if( m.Map != null && m.Map.CanFit( m.Location, 16, false, false ) )
				m.CloseGump( typeof( ResurrectGump ) );
				m.SendGump( new ResurrectGump( m, ResurrectMessage.VirtueShrine ) );
				m.SendLocalizedMessage( 502391 ); // Thou can not be resurrected there!
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public override void OnResponse(NetState state, RelayInfo info)
            if (info.ButtonID == 0) // Cancel
            if (m_Mobile.Deleted || m_Moongate.Deleted || m_Mobile.Map == null)

            int[] switches = info.Switches;

            if (switches.Length == 0)

            int switchID  = switches[0];
            int listIndex = switchID / 100;
            int listEntry = switchID % 100;

            if (listIndex < 0 || listIndex >= m_Lists.Length)

            var list = m_Lists[listIndex];

            if (listEntry < 0 || listEntry >= list.Entries.Length)

            var entry = list.Entries[listEntry];
            var map   = entry.Map ?? list.Map;

            if (m_Mobile.Map == map && m_Mobile.InRange(entry.Location, 1))
                m_Mobile.SendLocalizedMessage(1019003); // You are already there.
            if (m_Mobile.IsStaff())
                //Staff can always use a gate!
            else if (!m_Mobile.InRange(m_Moongate.GetWorldLocation(), 1) || m_Mobile.Map != m_Moongate.Map)
                m_Mobile.SendLocalizedMessage(1019002); // You are too far away to use the gate.
            else if (m_Mobile.Player && SpellHelper.RestrictRedTravel && m_Mobile.Murderer && map != Map.Felucca && !Siege.SiegeShard)
                m_Mobile.SendLocalizedMessage(1019004); // You are not allowed to travel there.
            else if (Engines.VvV.VvVSigil.ExistsOn(m_Mobile) && map != Engines.VvV.ViceVsVirtueSystem.Facet)
                m_Mobile.SendLocalizedMessage(1019004); // You are not allowed to travel there.
            else if (m_Mobile.Criminal)
                m_Mobile.SendLocalizedMessage(1005561, "", 0x22); // Thou'rt a criminal and cannot escape so easily.
            else if (SpellHelper.CheckCombat(m_Mobile))
                m_Mobile.SendLocalizedMessage(1005564, "", 0x22); // Wouldst thou flee during the heat of battle??
            else if (m_Mobile.Spell != null)
                m_Mobile.SendLocalizedMessage(1049616); // You are too busy to do that at the moment.

            BaseCreature.TeleportPets(m_Mobile, entry.Location, map);

            m_Mobile.Combatant = null;
            m_Mobile.Warmode   = false;
            m_Mobile.Hidden    = true;

            m_Mobile.MoveToWorld(entry.Location, map);

            Effects.PlaySound(entry.Location, map, 0x1FE);

Ejemplo n.º 6
            protected override void OnTarget(Mobile from, object targeted)
                if (m_Item.Deleted)

                Item item = targeted as Item;

                if (null != item)
                    bool valid = (item is IDyable ||
                                  item is BaseBook || item is BaseClothing ||
                                  item is BaseJewel || item is BaseStatuette ||
                                  item is BaseWeapon || item is Runebook ||
                                  item is Spellbook);

                    if (!valid && item is BaseArmor)
                        CraftResourceType restype = CraftResources.GetType(((BaseArmor)item).Resource);
                        if ((CraftResourceType.Leather == restype || CraftResourceType.Metal == restype) &&
                            ArmorMaterialType.Bone != ((BaseArmor)item).MaterialType)
                            valid = true;

                    if (!valid && FurnitureAttribute.Check(item))
                        if (!from.InRange(m_Item.GetWorldLocation(), 1) || !from.InRange(item.GetWorldLocation(), 1))
                            from.SendLocalizedMessage(500446);   // That is too far away.
                            BaseHouse house = BaseHouse.FindHouseAt(item);

                            if (house == null || (!house.IsLockedDown(item) && !house.IsSecure(item)))
                                from.SendLocalizedMessage(501022);   // Furniture must be locked down to paint it.
                            else if (!house.IsCoOwner(from))
                                from.SendLocalizedMessage(501023);   // You must be the owner to use this item.
                                valid = true;

                    // need to add any bags, chests, boxes, crates not IDyable but dyable by natural dyes

                    if (valid)
                        item.Hue = PlantPigmentHueInfo.GetInfo(m_Item.PigmentHue).Hue;

                        if (--m_Item.UsesRemaining > 0)


                from.SendLocalizedMessage(1042083);   // You cannot dye that.
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public virtual void Fill_OnTarget(Mobile from, object targ)
            if (!IsEmpty || !Fillable || !ValidateUse(from, false))

            if (targ is BaseBeverage)
                BaseBeverage bev = (BaseBeverage)targ;

                if (bev.IsEmpty || !bev.ValidateUse(from, true))

                this.Content  = bev.Content;
                this.Poison   = bev.Poison;
                this.Poisoner = bev.Poisoner;

                if (bev.Quantity > this.MaxQuantity)
                    this.Quantity = this.MaxQuantity;
                    bev.Quantity -= this.MaxQuantity;
                    this.Quantity += bev.Quantity;
                    bev.Quantity   = 0;
//I ADDED for fill pitcher from statics part 1 of 3
            //StaticTarget: Hardcoded usualy item looking and Ocean Edges..
            //Items: created in game
            //LandTiles: Hard coded - Floor and Deap ocean
            else if (targ is Item /*&& ((((Item)targ).ItemID != null))*/ && AbleToGetWater(((Item)targ).ItemID))            //trying to clear up yellow. Item is never null
                FillPitcherWithWater(from, this, targ);

            else if (targ is StaticTarget /*&& ((((StaticTarget)targ).ItemID != null))*/ && AbleToGetWater(((StaticTarget)targ).ItemID))            //trying to clear up yellow. Item is never null
                FillPitcherWithWater(from, this, targ);
//I ADDED FIN for fill pitcher from statics part 1 of 3
            else if (targ is Item)
                Item         item = (Item)targ;
                IWaterSource src;

                src = (item as IWaterSource);

                if (src == null && item is AddonComponent)
                    src = (((AddonComponent)item).Addon as IWaterSource);

                if (src == null || src.Quantity <= 0)

                if (from.Map != item.Map || !from.InRange(item.GetWorldLocation(), 2) || !from.InLOS(item))
                    from.LocalOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, 1019045);                       // I can't reach that.

                this.Content  = BeverageType.Water;
                this.Poison   = null;
                this.Poisoner = null;

                if (src.Quantity > this.MaxQuantity)
                    this.Quantity = this.MaxQuantity;
                    src.Quantity -= this.MaxQuantity;
                    this.Quantity += src.Quantity;
                    src.Quantity   = 0;

                from.SendLocalizedMessage(1010089);                   // You fill the container with water.
            else if (targ is Cow)
                Cow cow = (Cow)targ;

                if (cow.TryMilk(from))
                    Content  = BeverageType.Milk;
                    Quantity = MaxQuantity;
                    from.SendLocalizedMessage(1080197);                       // You fill the container with milk.
            else if (targ is LandTarget)
                int tileID = ((LandTarget)targ).TileID;

                PlayerMobile player = from as PlayerMobile;

                if (player != null)
                    QuestSystem qs = player.Quest;

                    if (qs is WitchApprenticeQuest)
                        FindIngredientObjective obj = qs.FindObjective(typeof(FindIngredientObjective)) as FindIngredientObjective;

                        if (obj != null && !obj.Completed && obj.Ingredient == Ingredient.SwampWater)
                            bool contains = false;

                            for (int i = 0; !contains && i < m_SwampTiles.Length; i += 2)
                                contains = (tileID >= m_SwampTiles[i] && tileID <= m_SwampTiles[i + 1]);

                            if (contains)

                                player.SendLocalizedMessage(1055035);                                   // You dip the container into the disgusting swamp water, collecting enough for the Hag's vile stew.
                protected override void OnTick()
                    Item item = (Item)m_Item;

                    if (!m_From.InRange(item.GetWorldLocation(), 1))

                    if (m_Item.LockLevel == 0 || m_Item.LockLevel == -255)
                        // LockLevel of 0 means that the door can't be picklocked
                        // LockLevel of -255 means it's magic locked
                        item.SendLocalizedMessageTo(m_From, 502073);                           // This lock cannot be picked by normal means

                    if (m_From.Skills[SkillName.Lockpicking].Value < m_Item.RequiredSkill)
                         * // Do some training to gain skills
                         * m_From.CheckSkill( SkillName.Lockpicking, 0, m_Item.LockLevel );*/

                        // The LockLevel is higher thant the LockPicking of the player
                        m_From.SendMessage("Trying to manipulate the contraption resulted in a broken lockpick.");

                    if (m_From.CheckTargetSkill(SkillName.Lockpicking, m_Item, m_Item.LockLevel, m_Item.MaxLockLevel))
                        // Success! Pick the lock!
                        m_From.SendMessage("Woot! You succeed at picking the lock.");
                        // The player failed to pick the lock
                        item.SendLocalizedMessageTo(m_From, 502075);                           // You are unable to pick the lock.

                        // ==== Random Item Disintergration upon Failure ====
                        if ((Core.SA) && m_Item is TreasureMapChest)
                            int i_Num = 0; Item i_Destroy = null;

                            BaseContainer m_chest = m_Item as BaseContainer;
                            Item          Dust    = new DustPile();

                            for (int i = 10; i > 0; i--)
                                i_Num = Utility.Random(m_chest.Items.Count);
                                // Make sure DustPiles aren't called for destruction
                                if ((m_chest.Items.Count > 0) && m_chest.Items[i_Num] is DustPile)
                                    for (int ci = (m_chest.Items.Count - 1); ci >= 0; ci--)
                                        i_Num = ci;
                                        if (i_Num < 0)
                                            i_Num = 0;

                                        if (m_chest.Items[i_Num] is DustPile)
                                            i_Destroy = null;
                                            i_Destroy = m_chest.Items[i_Num];
                                            i_Num     = i_Num; i = 0;
                                        // Nothing left but Dust
                                        if (ci < 0 && i > 0)
                                            i_Destroy = null; i = 0;
                                // Item targetted =+= prepare for object DOOM! >;D
                                    i_Destroy = m_chest.Items[i_Num]; i = 0;
                            // Delete chosen Item and drop a Dust Pile
                            if (i_Destroy is Gold)
                                if (i_Destroy.Amount > 1000)
                                    i_Destroy.Amount -= 1000;

                                Dust.Hue = 1177; m_chest.DropItem(Dust);
                            else if (i_Destroy != null)
                                i_Destroy.Delete(); m_chest.DropItem(Dust);
                            Effects.PlaySound(m_chest.Location, m_chest.Map, 0x1DE);
                            m_chest.PublicOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, 2004, false, "The sound of gas escaping is heard from the chest.");
Ejemplo n.º 9
            protected override void OnTarget(Mobile from, object targeted)
                if (m_Tub == null || m_Tub.Deleted)

                if (targeted is Item)
                    Item item = (Item)targeted;

                    if (item is IDyable && m_Tub.AllowDyables)
                        if (!from.InRange(m_Tub.GetWorldLocation(), 1) || !from.InRange(item.GetWorldLocation(), 1))
                            from.SendLocalizedMessage(500446); // That is too far away.
                        else if (item.Parent is Mobile)
                            from.SendLocalizedMessage(500861); // Can't Dye clothing that is being worn.
                        else if (!item.Movable)
                            from.SendMessage("You cannot dye items that are locked down.");
                        else if (((IDyable)item).Dye(from, m_Tub))

                    else if ((FurnitureAttribute.Check(item) || (item is PotionKeg)) && m_Tub.AllowFurniture)
                        if (!from.InRange(m_Tub.GetWorldLocation(), 1) || !from.InRange(item.GetWorldLocation(), 1))
                            from.SendLocalizedMessage(500446); // That is too far away.
                            bool okay = (item.IsChildOf(from.Backpack));

                            if (!okay)
                                if (item.Parent == null)
                                    BaseHouse house = BaseHouse.FindHouseAt(item);

                                    if (house == null || (!house.IsLockedDown(item) && !house.IsSecure(item)))
                                        from.SendLocalizedMessage(501022); // Furniture must be locked down to paint it.
                                    else if (!house.IsCoOwner(from))
                                        from.SendLocalizedMessage(501023); // You must be the owner to use this item.
                                        okay = true;
                                    from.SendLocalizedMessage(1048135); // The furniture must be in your backpack to be painted.

                            if (okay)

                                item.Hue = m_Tub.DyedHue;
                    else if ((item is Runebook || item is RecallRune) && m_Tub.AllowRunebooks)
                        if (!from.InRange(m_Tub.GetWorldLocation(), 1) || !from.InRange(item.GetWorldLocation(), 1))
                            from.SendLocalizedMessage(500446); // That is too far away.
                        else if (!item.Movable)
                            from.SendLocalizedMessage(1049776); // You cannot dye runes or runebooks that are locked down.

                            item.Hue = m_Tub.DyedHue;
                    else if (item is MonsterStatuette && m_Tub.AllowStatuettes)
                        if (!from.InRange(m_Tub.GetWorldLocation(), 1) || !from.InRange(item.GetWorldLocation(), 1))
                            from.SendLocalizedMessage(500446); // That is too far away.
                        else if (!item.Movable)
                            from.SendLocalizedMessage(1049779); // You cannot dye statuettes that are locked down.

                            item.Hue = m_Tub.DyedHue;
                    else if ((item is BaseArmor && (((BaseArmor)item).MaterialType == ArmorMaterialType.Leather || ((BaseArmor)item).MaterialType == ArmorMaterialType.Studded) || item is ElvenBoots || item is WoodlandBelt) && m_Tub.AllowLeather)
                        if (!from.InRange(m_Tub.GetWorldLocation(), 1) || !from.InRange(item.GetWorldLocation(), 1))
                            from.SendLocalizedMessage(500446); // That is too far away.
                        else if (!item.Movable)
                            from.SendLocalizedMessage(1042419); // You may not dye leather items which are locked down.
                        else if (item.Parent is Mobile)
                            from.SendLocalizedMessage(500861); // Can't Dye clothing that is being worn.
                            item.Hue = m_Tub.DyedHue;
Ejemplo n.º 10
                protected override void OnTick()
                    Item item = (Item)m_Item;

                    if (m_From.Skills[SkillName.Lockpicking].Base < 1)
                        int cycle = 10;

                        while (cycle > 0)
                            m_From.CheckTargetSkill(SkillName.Lockpicking, m_Item, 0, 10);

                    if (!m_From.InRange(item.GetWorldLocation(), 1))

                    if (m_Item.LockLevel == 0 || m_Item.LockLevel == -255)
                        // LockLevel of 0 means that the door can't be picklocked
                        // LockLevel of -255 means it's magic locked
                        if (m_Lockpick.ItemID == 0x3A75)
                            m_From.PrivateOverheadMessage(0, 1150, false, "This lock cannot be hacked by normal means.", m_From.NetState);
                            m_From.PrivateOverheadMessage(0, 1150, false, "This lock cannot be picked by normal means.", m_From.NetState);


                    if ((m_From.Skills[SkillName.Lockpicking].Value + 2) < m_Item.RequiredSkill)
                         * // Do some training to gain skills
                         * m_From.CheckSkill( SkillName.Lockpicking, 0, m_Item.LockLevel );*/

                        // The LockLevel is higher thant the LockPicking of the player
                        if (m_Lockpick.ItemID == 0x3A75)
                            m_From.PrivateOverheadMessage(0, 1150, false, "You don't see how that lock can be hacked.", m_From.NetState);
                            m_From.PrivateOverheadMessage(0, 1150, false, "You don't see how that lock can be manipulated.", m_From.NetState);

                    if (m_From.CheckTargetSkill(SkillName.Lockpicking, m_Item, m_Item.LockLevel, m_Item.MaxLockLevel))
                        // Success! Pick the lock!
                        if (m_Lockpick.ItemID == 0x3A75)
                            m_From.PlaySound(0x54B); m_From.PrivateOverheadMessage(0, 1150, false, "Your skill at hacking worked.", m_From.NetState);
                            m_From.PlaySound(0x4A); m_From.PrivateOverheadMessage(0, 1150, false, "The lock quickly yields to your skill.", m_From.NetState);

                        // The player failed to pick the lock

                        if (m_Lockpick.ItemID == 0x3A75)
                            m_From.PrivateOverheadMessage(0, 1150, false, "You are unable to hack the lock.", m_From.NetState);
                            m_From.PrivateOverheadMessage(0, 1150, false, "You are unable to pick the lock.", m_From.NetState);

                        // ==== Random Item Disintergration upon Failure ====
                        if (m_Item is TreasureMapChest)
                            int i_Num = 0; Item i_Destroy = null;

                            BaseContainer m_chest = m_Item as BaseContainer;
                            Item          Dust    = new DustPile();

                            for (int i = 10; i > 0; i--)
                                i_Num = Utility.Random(m_chest.Items.Count);
                                // Make sure DustPiles aren't called for destruction
                                if ((m_chest.Items.Count > 0) && m_chest.Items[i_Num] is DustPile)
                                    for (int ci = (m_chest.Items.Count - 1); ci >= 0; ci--)
                                        i_Num = ci;
                                        if (i_Num < 0)
                                            i_Num = 0;

                                        if (m_chest.Items[i_Num] is DustPile)
                                            i_Destroy = null;
                                            i_Destroy = m_chest.Items[i_Num];
                                            i         = 0;
                                        // Nothing left but Dust
                                        if (ci < 0 && i > 0)
                                            i_Destroy = null; i = 0;
                                // Item targeted =+= prepare for object DOOM! >;D
                                    i_Destroy = m_chest.Items[i_Num]; i = 0;
                            // Delete chosen Item and drop a Dust Pile
                            if (i_Destroy is Gold)
                                if (i_Destroy.Amount > 1000)
                                    i_Destroy.Amount -= 1000;

                                Dust.Hue = 1177; m_chest.DropItem(Dust);
                            else if (i_Destroy != null)
                                i_Destroy.Delete(); m_chest.DropItem(Dust);
                            Effects.PlaySound(m_chest.Location, m_chest.Map, 0x1DE);
                            m_chest.PublicOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, 2004, false, "The sound of gas escaping is heard from the chest.");
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public override void OnResponse(NetState state, RelayInfo info)
            if (info.ButtonID == 0)               // Cancel
            else if (m_Mobile.Deleted || m_Moongate.Deleted || m_Mobile.Map == null)

            if (info.ButtonID == 2)               //City
                ArrayList a = new ArrayList();

                foreach (Item i in World.Items.Values)
                    if (i is CityManagementStone)
                        CityManagementStone s = (CityManagementStone)i;

                        if (s.HasMoongate == true && s.IsRegistered == true)

                if (a.Count == 0)
                    m_Mobile.SendGump(new NoCitiesGump());
                    m_Mobile.SendGump(new PCMoongateGump(m_Moongate, 0, null, null));

            int[] switches = info.Switches;

            if (switches.Length == 0)

            int switchID  = switches[0];
            int listIndex = switchID / 100;
            int listEntry = switchID % 100;

            if (listIndex < 0 || listIndex >= m_Lists.Length)

            PMList list = m_Lists[listIndex];

            if (listEntry < 0 || listEntry >= list.Entries.Length)

            PMEntry entry = list.Entries[listEntry];

            if (!m_Mobile.InRange(m_Moongate.GetWorldLocation(), 1) || m_Mobile.Map != m_Moongate.Map)
                m_Mobile.SendLocalizedMessage(1019002);                   // You are too far away to use the gate.
            else if (m_Mobile.Player && m_Mobile.Kills >= 5 && list.Map != Map.Felucca)
                m_Mobile.SendLocalizedMessage(1019004);                   // You are not allowed to travel there.
            else if (Factions.Sigil.ExistsOn(m_Mobile) && list.Map != Factions.Faction.Facet)
                m_Mobile.SendLocalizedMessage(1019004);                   // You are not allowed to travel there.
            else if (m_Mobile.Criminal)
                m_Mobile.SendLocalizedMessage(1005561, "", 0x22);                   // Thou'rt a criminal and cannot escape so easily.
            else if (SpellHelper.CheckCombat(m_Mobile))
                m_Mobile.SendLocalizedMessage(1005564, "", 0x22);                   // Wouldst thou flee during the heat of battle??
            else if (m_Mobile.Spell != null)
                m_Mobile.SendLocalizedMessage(1049616);                   // You are too busy to do that at the moment.
            else if (m_Mobile.Map == list.Map && m_Mobile.InRange(entry.Location, 1))
                m_Mobile.SendLocalizedMessage(1019003);                   // You are already there.
                CityManagementStone outgoingCity = null;
                Region currentRegion             = Region.Find(m_Mobile.Location, m_Mobile.Map);

                if (currentRegion != null)
                    if (currentRegion is PlayerCityRegion)
                        PlayerCityRegion pcr = (PlayerCityRegion)currentRegion;

                        outgoingCity = pcr.Stone;

                if (outgoingCity != null && outgoingCity.TravelTax >= 1)
                    m_Mobile.SendGump(new PCMoongateToll2Gump(m_Moongate, outgoingCity, entry.Location, list.Map));
                    BaseCreature.TeleportPets(m_Mobile, entry.Location, list.Map);

                    m_Mobile.Combatant = null;
                    m_Mobile.Warmode   = false;
                    m_Mobile.Hidden    = true;

                    m_Mobile.MoveToWorld(entry.Location, list.Map);

                    Effects.PlaySound(entry.Location, list.Map, 0x1FE);
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public static void OnLoomLoop(ILoom loom, Mobile from, int hue, Item thread)
            if (loom.Phase > 4)
                loom.Phase = 0;
                Item item = new BoltOfCloth();
                item.Hue = hue;
                from.SendLocalizedMessage(500368); // You create some cloth and put it in your backpack.

            LoomQuotaAttachment att = (LoomQuotaAttachment)XmlAttach.FindAttachment(from, typeof(LoomQuotaAttachment));

            if (att == null)
                att = new LoomQuotaAttachment();
                XmlAttach.AttachTo(from, att);

            if (from.NetState == null) // player logged off
            if (thread.Deleted || thread.Amount < 1 || !(thread is BaseClothMaterial))
                from.SendMessage("You finished processing all the threads/yarns.");
            else if (!thread.IsChildOf(from.Backpack))
                from.SendMessage("You can not continue without the threads/yarns in your backpack.");
            else if (loom is Item)
                Item loom1 = (Item)loom;

                if (loom1.Deleted)
                    from.SendMessage("Where did the loom go?");
                else if (!from.InRange(loom1.GetWorldLocation(), 3))
                    from.SendMessage("You are too far away from the loom to continue your work.");
                else if (loom.Looming)
                    from.SendMessage("That loom is being used.");
                    if (att.getNumLooms() < LoomQuotaAttachment.m_LoomQuotaCap)
                        if (Utility.Random(20 * att.getNumLooms()) < 1)
                            from.PublicOverheadMessage(Server.Network.MessageType.Emote, 51, false, "*looming*");
                        loom.BeginLoom(new LoomCallback(BaseClothMaterial.OnLoomLoop), from, thread.Hue, thread);
                        from.SendMessage("You are too occupied with the " + LoomQuotaAttachment.m_LoomQuotaCap.ToString() + " looms you are running.");
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public void DoEffect(Mobile atk, Mobile def)
            double chances = GetChances(atk, def);

            NextUse = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(CooldownTime);
            Item weapon = Weapon(def);

            if (def.Spell != null)
                if (def.Spell.IsCasting && (GetBonus(def.Skills[SkillName.ArtMagique].Value, 0.2, 5) + GetBonus(def.Skills[SkillName.Meditation].Value, 0.2, 5)) <= Utility.RandomDouble())

            if (chances >= Utility.RandomDouble())
                new WaitTimer(def, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2 * WaitTime)).Start();
                if (weapon != null)
                    if (atk is ScriptMobile)
                        ScriptMobile mob = (ScriptMobile)atk;
                        if (mob.PVPInfo != null)
                            if (!mob.PVPInfo.CurrentEvent.mode.AllowLoot())
                                DoAnimation(atk, def, Sounds.SuccessDrop);

                                BaseWeapon.BlockEquip(def, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(chances * BlockEquipDuration));
                                atk.Stam -= (int)((1 - chances) * 150);
                                def.Damage(15, atk);

                    double malus = (weapon.Layer == Layer.OneHanded) ? 0.5 : 0.3;
                    if (malus * chances >= Utility.RandomDouble() && !atk.Mounted) //Steal the weapon
                        DoAnimation(atk, def, Sounds.SuccessSteal);
                    else                                                           //Drop the weapon
                        weapon.MoveToWorld(weapon.GetWorldLocation(), weapon.Map);
                        DoAnimation(atk, def, Sounds.SuccessDrop);
                    BaseWeapon.BlockEquip(def, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(chances * BlockEquipDuration));
                else                                                               //Fail
                    DoAnimation(atk, def, Sounds.Whip);
                atk.Stam -= (int)((1 - chances) * 150);
                def.Damage(15, atk);
                new WaitTimer(def, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(WaitTime)).Start();
                DoAnimation(atk, def, Sounds.Miss);

Ejemplo n.º 14
        public virtual void Fill_OnTarget(Mobile from, object targ)
            if (!IsEmpty || !Fillable || !ValidateUse(from, false))

            if (targ is Aquarium)
                Aquarium aquarium = targ as Aquarium;

                if (aquarium.WaterLevel < Aquarium.MaxWaterLevel)
                    int waterNeeded = Aquarium.MaxWaterLevel - aquarium.WaterLevel;
                    int waterUsed   = waterNeeded;

                    if (Quantity < waterUsed)
                        waterUsed = Quantity;

                    aquarium.WaterLevel += waterUsed;
                    Quantity            -= waterUsed;


                    from.SendMessage("You add water to the aquarium.");

            if (targ is BaseBeverage)
                BaseBeverage bev = (BaseBeverage)targ;

                if (bev.IsEmpty || !bev.ValidateUse(from, true))

                this.Content  = bev.Content;
                this.Poison   = bev.Poison;
                this.Poisoner = bev.Poisoner;

                if (bev.Quantity > this.MaxQuantity)
                    this.Quantity = this.MaxQuantity;
                    bev.Quantity -= this.MaxQuantity;
                    this.Quantity += bev.Quantity;
                    bev.Quantity   = 0;

            if (targ is Aquarium)
                Aquarium aquarium = targ as Aquarium;

                if (aquarium.WaterLevel < Aquarium.MaxWaterLevel)
                    int waterNeeded = Aquarium.MaxWaterLevel - aquarium.WaterLevel;
                    int waterAdded  = waterNeeded;

                    if (Quantity < waterAdded)
                        waterAdded = Quantity;

                    Quantity            -= waterAdded;
                    aquarium.WaterLevel += waterAdded;


                    from.SendMessage("You add water to the aquarium.");

                    from.SendMessage("That aquarium is already full of water.");

            else if (targ is BaseWaterContainer)
                BaseWaterContainer bwc = targ as BaseWaterContainer;

                if (Quantity == 0 || (Content == BeverageType.Water && !IsFull))
                    int iNeed = Math.Min((MaxQuantity - Quantity), bwc.Quantity);

                    if (iNeed > 0 && !bwc.IsEmpty && !IsFull)
                        bwc.Quantity -= iNeed;
                        Quantity     += iNeed;
                        Content       = BeverageType.Water;

            else if (targ is Item)
                Item         item = (Item)targ;
                IWaterSource src;

                src = (item as IWaterSource);

                if (src == null && item is AddonComponent)
                    src = (((AddonComponent)item).Addon as IWaterSource);

                if (src == null || src.Quantity <= 0)

                if (from.Map != item.Map || !from.InRange(item.GetWorldLocation(), 2) || !from.InLOS(item))
                    from.LocalOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, 1019045); // I can't reach that.

                this.Content  = BeverageType.Water;
                this.Poison   = null;
                this.Poisoner = null;

                if (src.Quantity > this.MaxQuantity)
                    this.Quantity = this.MaxQuantity;
                    src.Quantity -= this.MaxQuantity;
                    this.Quantity += src.Quantity;
                    src.Quantity   = 0;

                from.SendLocalizedMessage(1010089); // You fill the container with water.

            else if (targ is LandTarget)
                int tileID = ((LandTarget)targ).TileID;

                PlayerMobile player = from as PlayerMobile;

                if (player != null)
Ejemplo n.º 15
        public static void OnSpunLoop(ISpinningWheel wheel, Mobile from, int hue, Item cotton)
            Item item = new SpoolOfThread(3);

            item.Hue = hue;

            SpinningWheelQuotaAttachment att = (SpinningWheelQuotaAttachment)XmlAttach.FindAttachment(from, typeof(SpinningWheelQuotaAttachment));

            if (att == null)
                att = new SpinningWheelQuotaAttachment();
                XmlAttach.AttachTo(from, att);

            if (from.NetState == null) // player logged off
            if (cotton.Deleted || cotton.Amount < 1 || !(cotton is Flax))
                from.SendMessage("You finished processing all the flax.");
            else if (!cotton.IsChildOf(from.Backpack))
                from.SendMessage("You can not continue without the flax in your backpack.");
            else if (wheel is Item)
                Item wheel1 = (Item)wheel;

                if (wheel1.Deleted)
                    from.SendMessage("Where did the spinning wheel go?");
                else if (!from.InRange(wheel1.GetWorldLocation(), 3))
                    from.SendMessage("You are too far away from the spinning wheel to continue your work.");
                else if (wheel.Spinning)
                    from.SendLocalizedMessage(502656); // That spinning wheel is being used.
                    if (att.getNumWheels() < SpinningWheelQuotaAttachment.m_WheelQuotaCap)
                        if (Utility.Random(6 * att.getNumWheels()) < 1)
                            from.PublicOverheadMessage(Server.Network.MessageType.Emote, 51, false, "*spinning*");
                        wheel.BeginSpin(new SpinCallback(Flax.OnSpunLoop), from, cotton.Hue, cotton);
                        from.SendMessage("You are too occupied with the " + SpinningWheelQuotaAttachment.m_WheelQuotaCap.ToString() + " spinning wheels you are running.");
            from.SendLocalizedMessage(1010577); // You put the spools of thread in your backpack.
Ejemplo n.º 16
        public static void IDItem(Mobile from, Item examine, object o, bool automatic)
            if (!examine.Movable)
                from.SendMessage("That cannot move so you cannot identify it.");
            else if (!from.InRange(examine.GetWorldLocation(), 3))
                from.SendMessage("You will need to get closer to identify that.");
            else if (!(examine.IsChildOf(from.Backpack)) && Server.Misc.MyServerSettings.IdentifyItemsOnlyInPack())
                from.SendMessage("This must be in your backpack to identify.");
            else if ((examine is UnknownLiquid) || (examine is UnknownReagent) || (examine is UnknownKeg))
                from.SendMessage("You need to use Taste Identification to identify that.");
            else if (examine is UnknownScroll)
                bool CanID = automatic;
                int  bonus = 0;

                if (from.CheckTargetSkill(SkillName.ItemID, o, -5, 120))
                    CanID = true;

                if (from.Skills[SkillName.Inscribe].Base >= 5)
                    if (from.CheckSkill(SkillName.Inscribe, 0, 120))
                        CanID = true;
                    bonus = 1;
                    if (from.Skills[SkillName.Inscribe].Base >= 50)
                        bonus = 2;

                if (examine is LibraryScroll1 || examine is LibraryScroll2 || examine is LibraryScroll3 || examine is LibraryScroll4 || examine is LibraryScroll5 || examine is LibraryScroll6)
                    bonus = 0;

                if (CanID)

                    if (Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 100) > 10)
                        UnknownScroll rolls       = (UnknownScroll)examine;
                        int           scrollLevel = rolls.ScrollLevel + bonus;
                        if (scrollLevel > 6)
                            scrollLevel = 6;

                        int paperType = 1;

                        if (rolls.ScrollType == 1)                           // MAGERY
                            if (scrollLevel == 2)
                                paperType = Utility.RandomMinMax(13, 24);
                            else if (scrollLevel == 3)
                                paperType = Utility.RandomMinMax(25, 36);
                            else if (scrollLevel == 4)
                                paperType = Utility.RandomMinMax(37, 48);
                            else if (scrollLevel == 5)
                                paperType = Utility.RandomMinMax(49, 60);
                            else if (scrollLevel == 6)
                                paperType = Utility.RandomMinMax(57, 64);
                                paperType = Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 12);
                        else if (rolls.ScrollType == 3)                           // BARD
                            paperType = Utility.RandomMinMax(82, 97);
                            if (scrollLevel == 2)
                                paperType = Utility.RandomMinMax(68, 70);
                            else if (scrollLevel == 3)
                                paperType = Utility.RandomMinMax(71, 73);
                            else if (scrollLevel == 4)
                                paperType = Utility.RandomMinMax(74, 76);
                            else if (scrollLevel == 5)
                                paperType = Utility.RandomMinMax(77, 79);
                            else if (scrollLevel == 6)
                                paperType = Utility.RandomMinMax(80, 81);
                                paperType = Utility.RandomMinMax(65, 67);

                        string paperName = "";

                        if (paperType == 1)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new ReactiveArmorScroll()); paperName = "reactive armor";
                        else if (paperType == 2)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new ClumsyScroll()); paperName = "clumsy";
                        else if (paperType == 3)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new CreateFoodScroll()); paperName = "create food";
                        else if (paperType == 4)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new FeeblemindScroll()); paperName = "feeblemind";
                        else if (paperType == 5)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new HealScroll()); paperName = "heal";
                        else if (paperType == 6)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new MagicArrowScroll()); paperName = "magic arrow";
                        else if (paperType == 7)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new NightSightScroll()); paperName = "night sight";
                        else if (paperType == 8)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new WeakenScroll()); paperName = "weaken";
                        else if (paperType == 9)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new AgilityScroll()); paperName = "agility";
                        else if (paperType == 10)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new CunningScroll()); paperName = "cunning";
                        else if (paperType == 11)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new CureScroll()); paperName = "cure";
                        else if (paperType == 12)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new HarmScroll()); paperName = "harm";
                        else if (paperType == 13)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new MagicTrapScroll()); paperName = "magic trap";
                        else if (paperType == 14)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new MagicUnTrapScroll()); paperName = "magic untrap";
                        else if (paperType == 15)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new ProtectionScroll()); paperName = "protection";
                        else if (paperType == 16)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new StrengthScroll()); paperName = "strength";
                        else if (paperType == 17)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new BlessScroll()); paperName = "bless";
                        else if (paperType == 18)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new FireballScroll()); paperName = "fireball";
                        else if (paperType == 19)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new MagicLockScroll()); paperName = "magic lock";
                        else if (paperType == 20)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new PoisonScroll()); paperName = "poison";
                        else if (paperType == 21)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new TelekinisisScroll()); paperName = "telekinesis";
                        else if (paperType == 22)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new TeleportScroll()); paperName = "teleport";
                        else if (paperType == 23)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new UnlockScroll()); paperName = "unlock";
                        else if (paperType == 24)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new WallOfStoneScroll()); paperName = "wall of stone";
                        else if (paperType == 25)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new ArchCureScroll()); paperName = "arch cure";
                        else if (paperType == 26)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new ArchProtectionScroll()); paperName = "arch protection";
                        else if (paperType == 27)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new CurseScroll()); paperName = "curse";
                        else if (paperType == 28)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new FireFieldScroll()); paperName = "fire field";
                        else if (paperType == 29)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new GreaterHealScroll()); paperName = "greater heal";
                        else if (paperType == 30)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new LightningScroll()); paperName = "lightning";
                        else if (paperType == 31)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new ManaDrainScroll()); paperName = "mana drain";
                        else if (paperType == 32)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new RecallScroll()); paperName = "recall";
                        else if (paperType == 33)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new BladeSpiritsScroll()); paperName = "blade spirits";
                        else if (paperType == 34)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new DispelFieldScroll()); paperName = "dispel field";
                        else if (paperType == 35)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new IncognitoScroll()); paperName = "incognito";
                        else if (paperType == 36)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new MagicReflectScroll()); paperName = "magic reflect";
                        else if (paperType == 37)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new MindBlastScroll()); paperName = "mind blast";
                        else if (paperType == 38)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new ParalyzeScroll()); paperName = "paralyze";
                        else if (paperType == 39)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new PoisonFieldScroll()); paperName = "poison field";
                        else if (paperType == 40)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new SummonCreatureScroll()); paperName = "summon creature";
                        else if (paperType == 41)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new DispelScroll()); paperName = "dispel";
                        else if (paperType == 42)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new EnergyBoltScroll()); paperName = "energy bolt";
                        else if (paperType == 43)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new ExplosionScroll()); paperName = "explosion";
                        else if (paperType == 44)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new InvisibilityScroll()); paperName = "invisibility";
                        else if (paperType == 45)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new MarkScroll()); paperName = "mark";
                        else if (paperType == 46)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new MassCurseScroll()); paperName = "mass curse";
                        else if (paperType == 47)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new ParalyzeFieldScroll()); paperName = "paralyze field";
                        else if (paperType == 48)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new RevealScroll()); paperName = "reveal";
                        else if (paperType == 49)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new ChainLightningScroll()); paperName = "chain lightning";
                        else if (paperType == 50)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new EnergyFieldScroll()); paperName = "energy field";
                        else if (paperType == 51)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new FlamestrikeScroll()); paperName = "flamestrike";
                        else if (paperType == 52)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new GateTravelScroll()); paperName = "gate travel";
                        else if (paperType == 53)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new ManaVampireScroll()); paperName = "mana vampire";
                        else if (paperType == 54)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new MassDispelScroll()); paperName = "mass dispel";
                        else if (paperType == 55)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new MeteorSwarmScroll()); paperName = "meteor swarm";
                        else if (paperType == 56)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new PolymorphScroll()); paperName = "polymorph";
                        else if (paperType == 57)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new EarthquakeScroll()); paperName = "earthquake";
                        else if (paperType == 58)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new EnergyVortexScroll()); paperName = "energy vortex";
                        else if (paperType == 59)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new ResurrectionScroll()); paperName = "resurrection";
                        else if (paperType == 60)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new SummonAirElementalScroll()); paperName = "summon air elemental";
                        else if (paperType == 61)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new SummonDaemonScroll()); paperName = "summon daemon";
                        else if (paperType == 62)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new SummonEarthElementalScroll()); paperName = "summon earth elemental";
                        else if (paperType == 63)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new SummonFireElementalScroll()); paperName = "summon fire elemental";
                        else if (paperType == 64)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new SummonWaterElementalScroll()); paperName = "summon water elemental";
                        else if (paperType == 65)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new CurseWeaponScroll()); paperName = "curse weapon";
                        else if (paperType == 66)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new BloodOathScroll()); paperName = "blood oath";
                        else if (paperType == 67)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new CorpseSkinScroll()); paperName = "corpse skin";
                        else if (paperType == 68)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new EvilOmenScroll()); paperName = "evil omen";
                        else if (paperType == 69)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new PainSpikeScroll()); paperName = "pain spike";
                        else if (paperType == 70)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new WraithFormScroll()); paperName = "wraith form";
                        else if (paperType == 71)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new MindRotScroll()); paperName = "mind rot";
                        else if (paperType == 72)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new SummonFamiliarScroll()); paperName = "summon familiar";
                        else if (paperType == 73)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new AnimateDeadScroll()); paperName = "animate dead";
                        else if (paperType == 74)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new HorrificBeastScroll()); paperName = "horrific beast";
                        else if (paperType == 75)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new PoisonStrikeScroll()); paperName = "poison strike";
                        else if (paperType == 76)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new WitherScroll()); paperName = "wither";
                        else if (paperType == 77)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new StrangleScroll()); paperName = "strangle";
                        else if (paperType == 78)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new LichFormScroll()); paperName = "lich form";
                        else if (paperType == 79)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new ExorcismScroll()); paperName = "exorcism";
                        else if (paperType == 80)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new VengefulSpiritScroll()); paperName = "vengeful spirit";
                        else if (paperType == 81)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new VampiricEmbraceScroll()); paperName = "vampiric embrace";
                        else if (paperType == 82)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new ArmysPaeonScroll()); paperName = "army's paeon sheet music";
                        else if (paperType == 83)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new EnchantingEtudeScroll()); paperName = "enchanting etude sheet music";
                        else if (paperType == 84)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new EnergyCarolScroll()); paperName = "energy carol sheet music";
                        else if (paperType == 85)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new EnergyThrenodyScroll()); paperName = "energy threnody sheet music";
                        else if (paperType == 86)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new FireCarolScroll()); paperName = "fire carol sheet music";
                        else if (paperType == 87)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new FireThrenodyScroll()); paperName = "fire threnody sheet music";
                        else if (paperType == 88)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new FoeRequiemScroll()); paperName = "foe requiem sheet music";
                        else if (paperType == 89)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new IceCarolScroll()); paperName = "ice carol sheet music";
                        else if (paperType == 90)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new IceThrenodyScroll()); paperName = "ice threnody sheet music";
                        else if (paperType == 91)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new KnightsMinneScroll()); paperName = "knight's minne sheet music";
                        else if (paperType == 92)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new MagesBalladScroll()); paperName = "mage's ballad sheet music";
                        else if (paperType == 93)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new MagicFinaleScroll()); paperName = "magic finale sheet music";
                        else if (paperType == 94)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new PoisonCarolScroll()); paperName = "poison carol sheet music";
                        else if (paperType == 95)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new PoisonThrenodyScroll()); paperName = "poison threnody sheet music";
                        else if (paperType == 96)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new SheepfoeMamboScroll()); paperName = "shepherd's dance sheet music";
                            from.AddToBackpack(new SinewyEtudeScroll()); paperName = "sinewy etude sheet music";

                        from.SendMessage("This seems to be a scroll of " + paperName + ".");
                        string paperName = "useless scribbles";
                        switch (Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 6))
                        case 1: paperName = "useless scribbles"; break;

                        case 2: paperName = "a useless recipe"; break;

                        case 3: paperName = "a useless list of monsters"; break;

                        case 4: paperName = "useless writings"; break;

                        case 5: paperName = "a useless drawing"; break;

                        case 6: paperName = "a useless map"; break;
                        from.SendMessage("This seems to be " + paperName + ".");
                    int nReaction = Utility.RandomMinMax(0, 10);

                    if (nReaction > 8)
                        from.FixedParticles(0x374A, 10, 15, 5021, EffectLayer.Waist);
                        int nPoison = Utility.RandomMinMax(0, 10);
                        if (nPoison > 9)
                            from.ApplyPoison(from, Poison.Deadly);
                        else if (nPoison > 7)
                            from.ApplyPoison(from, Poison.Greater);
                        else if (nPoison > 4)
                            from.ApplyPoison(from, Poison.Regular);
                            from.ApplyPoison(from, Poison.Lesser);
                        from.SendMessage("You accidentally trigger a poison spell!");
                    else if (nReaction > 6)
                        from.FixedParticles(0x3709, 10, 30, 5052, EffectLayer.LeftFoot);
                        Spells.SpellHelper.Damage(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.5), from, from, Utility.RandomMinMax(5, 40), 0, 100, 0, 0, 0);
                        from.SendMessage("You accidentally trigger a fire spell!");
                    else if (nReaction > 4)
                        from.FixedParticles(0x36BD, 20, 10, 5044, EffectLayer.Head);
                        Spells.SpellHelper.Damage(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.5), from, from, Utility.RandomMinMax(5, 40), 0, 100, 0, 0, 0);
                        from.SendMessage("You accidentally trigger an explosion spell!");
                        from.SendMessage("Failing to read the scroll, you throw it out.");
            else if (examine is UnknownWand)
                if (from.CheckTargetSkill(SkillName.ItemID, o, -5, 120) || automatic)
                    Server.Items.UnknownWand.WandType(examine, from, from);
                    int nReaction = Utility.RandomMinMax(0, 10);

                    if (nReaction > 6)
                        from.FixedParticles(0x3709, 10, 30, 5052, EffectLayer.LeftFoot);
                        Spells.SpellHelper.Damage(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.5), from, from, Utility.RandomMinMax(5, 40), 0, 100, 0, 0, 0);
                        from.SendMessage("The wands bursts into flames!");
                    else if (nReaction > 4)
                        from.FixedParticles(0x36BD, 20, 10, 5044, EffectLayer.Head);
                        Spells.SpellHelper.Damage(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.5), from, from, Utility.RandomMinMax(5, 40), 0, 100, 0, 0, 0);
                        from.SendMessage("The wand explodes in your hands!");
                        from.SendMessage("Failing to figure out the wand, you throw it out.");
            else if (examine is UnidentifiedArtifact)
                UnidentifiedArtifact relic = (UnidentifiedArtifact)examine;

                if (relic.IDAttempt > 5 && !automatic)
                    from.SendMessage("Only a vendor can identify this item now as too many attempts were made.");
                else if (from.CheckTargetSkill(SkillName.ItemID, o, -5, 120) || automatic)
                    Container   pack  = (Container)relic;
                    List <Item> items = new List <Item>();
                    foreach (Item item in pack.Items)
                    foreach (Item item in items)

                    from.SendMessage("You successfully identify the artifact.");
                    relic.IDAttempt = relic.IDAttempt + 1;
                    from.SendMessage("You can't seem to identify this artifact.");
            else if (examine is UnidentifiedItem)
                UnidentifiedItem relic = (UnidentifiedItem)examine;

                if (relic.IDAttempt > 5 && !automatic)
                    from.SendMessage("Only a vendor can identify this item now as too many attempts were made.");
                else if (relic.SkillRequired != "ItemID" && !automatic)
                    from.SendMessage("You are using the wrong skill to figure this out.");
                else if (from.CheckTargetSkill(SkillName.ItemID, o, -5, 120) || automatic)
                    Container   pack  = (Container)relic;
                    List <Item> items = new List <Item>();
                    foreach (Item item in pack.Items)
                    foreach (Item item in items)

                    from.SendMessage("You successfully identify the item.");
                    relic.IDAttempt = relic.IDAttempt + 1;
                    from.SendMessage("You can't seem to identify this item.");
            else if (Server.Misc.RelicItems.IsRelicItem(examine) == true)
                from.SendMessage(Server.Misc.RelicItems.IdentifyRelicValue(from, from, examine));
            else if (o is Item)
                if (o is BaseWeapon || o is BaseArmor)
                    from.SendMessage("You will need to use arms lore on that type of item.");
                    from.SendMessage("This item has already been examined by someone.");
            else if (o is Mobile)
                from.SendLocalizedMessage(500353);                   // You are not certain...
Ejemplo n.º 17
            protected override void OnTarget(Mobile from, object targeted)
                // Use the same targetting logic as a regular dye tub, only with uses
                // decrementation (providing not just a color swatch)

                if (targeted is ColorSwatch)
                    ColorSwatch cs = (ColorSwatch)targeted;
                    if (cs.Amount > 1)
                        cs = null;

                        cs           = new ColorSwatch();
                        cs.Stackable = false;

                    cs.StoredColorName = m_Tub.StoredColorNamePrefix + "shade of " + m_Tub.StoredColorName;
                    cs.Hue             = m_Tub.Hue;
                else if (targeted is Item)
                    Item item = (Item)targeted;

                    if (item is BaseClothing)
                        if (!from.InRange(m_Tub.GetWorldLocation(), 1) || !from.InRange(item.GetWorldLocation(), 1))
                            from.SendLocalizedMessage(500446);                                          // That is too far away.
                        else if (!item.IsChildOf(from.Backpack))
                            from.SendMessage("The item you are dying must be in your backpack.");

                        else if (item.Parent is Mobile)
                            from.SendLocalizedMessage(500861);                                          // Can't Dye clothing that is being worn.
                        else if (((IDyable)item).Dye(from, m_Tub))
                            if (--m_Tub.m_Uses == 0)
                                from.AddToBackpack(new DyeTub());

                            item.Hue = m_Tub.Hue;
                        from.SendMessage("You can only dye clothing with special dyes. You're trying to dye {0}", targeted);
Ejemplo n.º 18
            protected override void OnTarget(Mobile from, object targeted)
                if (targeted is Item)
                    Item item = (Item)targeted;

                    if (item is IDyable && m_Tub.AllowDyables)
                        if (!from.InRange(m_Tub.GetWorldLocation(), 1) || !from.InRange(item.GetWorldLocation(), 1))
                            from.SendLocalizedMessage(500446);                               // That is too far away.
                        else if (item.Parent is Mobile)
                            from.SendLocalizedMessage(500861);                               // Can't Dye clothing that is being worn.
                        else if (((IDyable)item).Dye(from, m_Tub))
                    else if (FurnitureAttribute.Check(item))
                        if (!from.InRange(m_Tub.GetWorldLocation(), 1) || !from.InRange(item.GetWorldLocation(), 1))
                            from.SendLocalizedMessage(500446);                               // That is too far away.
                            bool okay = (item.IsChildOf(from.Backpack));

                            if (!okay)
                                if (item.Parent == null)
                                    BaseHouse house = BaseHouse.FindHouseAt(item);

                                    if (house == null || (!house.IsLockedDown(item) && !house.IsSecure(item)))
                                        from.SendLocalizedMessage(501022);                                           // Furniture must be locked down to paint it.
                                    else if (!house.IsCoOwner(from))
                                        from.SendLocalizedMessage(501023);                                           // You must be the owner to use this item.
                                        okay = true;
                                    from.SendLocalizedMessage(1048135);                                       // The furniture must be in your backpack to be painted.

                            if (okay)
                                item.Hue = m_Tub.DyedHue;
                    else if ((item is Runebook || item is RecallRune) && m_Tub.AllowRunebooks)
                        if (!from.InRange(m_Tub.GetWorldLocation(), 1) || !from.InRange(item.GetWorldLocation(), 1))
                            from.SendLocalizedMessage(500446);                               // That is too far away.
                        else if (!item.Movable)
                            from.SendLocalizedMessage(1049776);                               // You cannot dye runes or runebooks that are locked down.
                            item.Hue = m_Tub.DyedHue;
                    else if (item is ILevelable ||
                             item is IGiftable ||
                             item is RibbonTree ||
                             item is RibbonTreeSmall ||
                             item is DragonOrbStatue ||
                             item is BaseBoatDeed ||
                             item is HouseDeed ||
                             item is HousePlacementTool ||
                             item is BaseDockedBoat ||
                             item is MagicCloak ||
                             item is MagicHat ||
                             item is Pillows ||
                             item is ResearchBag ||
                             item is ColoredWallTorch ||
                             item is MagicPigment ||
                             item is BaseQuiver ||
                             item is MagicBelt ||
                             item is MagicSash ||
                             item is MagicBoots ||
                             item is MagicRobe ||
                             item is HairDyeBottle ||
                             item is HairDyePotion ||
                             item is ThrowingGloves ||
                             item is BagOfTricks ||
                             item is LevelPugilistGloves ||
                             item is LevelThrowingGloves ||
                             item is GiftPugilistGloves ||
                             item is GiftThrowingGloves ||
                             item is PugilistGlove ||
                             item is PugilistGloves)
                        if (!from.InRange(m_Tub.GetWorldLocation(), 1) || !from.InRange(item.GetWorldLocation(), 1))
                            from.SendLocalizedMessage(500446);                               // That is too far away.
                        else if (!item.Movable)
                            from.SendLocalizedMessage(1042083);                               // You cannot dye that.
                        else if (item.Parent is Mobile)
                            from.SendLocalizedMessage(500861);                               // Can't Dye clothing that is being worn.
                            item.Hue = m_Tub.DyedHue;

                        if ((item is BaseBoatDeed || item is BaseDockedBoat) && item.Hue < 1)
                            item.Hue = 0x5BE;
                    else if (item is DDRelicRugAddonDeed)
                        if (!from.InRange(m_Tub.GetWorldLocation(), 1) || !from.InRange(item.GetWorldLocation(), 1))
                            from.SendLocalizedMessage(500446);                               // That is too far away.
                        else if (!item.Movable)
                            from.SendLocalizedMessage(1042083);                               // You cannot dye that.
                            item.Hue = m_Tub.DyedHue;
                            DDRelicRugAddonDeed relic = (DDRelicRugAddonDeed)item;
                            relic.RelicColor = m_Tub.DyedHue;
                    else if (item is HenchmanFamiliarItem || item is WaxPainting || item is WaxSculptors || item is WaxSculptorsD || item is WaxSculptorsE || item is ColorCandleShort || item is ColorCandleLong)
                        if (!from.InRange(m_Tub.GetWorldLocation(), 1) || !from.InRange(item.GetWorldLocation(), 1))
                            from.SendLocalizedMessage(500446);                               // That is too far away.
                        else if (!item.Movable)
                            from.SendLocalizedMessage(1042083);                               // You cannot dye that.
                            item.Hue = m_Tub.DyedHue;
                    else if ((item is MyTentEastAddonDeed) || (item is MyTentSouthAddonDeed))
                        if (!from.InRange(m_Tub.GetWorldLocation(), 1) || !from.InRange(item.GetWorldLocation(), 1))
                            from.SendLocalizedMessage(500446);                               // That is too far away.
                        else if (!item.Movable)
                            from.SendLocalizedMessage(1042083);                               // You cannot dye that.
                            item.Hue = m_Tub.DyedHue;
                            if (item is MyTentEastAddonDeed)
                                MyTentEastAddonDeed tent = (MyTentEastAddonDeed)item; tent.TentColor = m_Tub.DyedHue;
                                MyTentSouthAddonDeed tent = (MyTentSouthAddonDeed)item; tent.TentColor = m_Tub.DyedHue;
                    else if ((item is MyCircusTentEastAddonDeed) || (item is MyCircusTentSouthAddonDeed))
                        if (!from.InRange(m_Tub.GetWorldLocation(), 1) || !from.InRange(item.GetWorldLocation(), 1))
                            from.SendLocalizedMessage(500446);                               // That is too far away.
                        else if (!item.Movable)
                            from.SendLocalizedMessage(1042083);                               // You cannot dye that.
                            item.Hue = m_Tub.DyedHue;
                            if (item is MyCircusTentEastAddonDeed)
                                MyCircusTentEastAddonDeed tent = (MyCircusTentEastAddonDeed)item; tent.TentColor1 = m_Tub.DyedHue;
                                MyCircusTentSouthAddonDeed tent = (MyCircusTentSouthAddonDeed)item; tent.TentColor1 = m_Tub.DyedHue;
                    else if (item is MonsterStatuette && m_Tub.AllowStatuettes)
                        if (!from.InRange(m_Tub.GetWorldLocation(), 1) || !from.InRange(item.GetWorldLocation(), 1))
                            from.SendLocalizedMessage(500446);                               // That is too far away.
                        else if (!item.Movable)
                            from.SendLocalizedMessage(1049779);                               // You cannot dye statuettes that are locked down.
                            item.Hue = m_Tub.DyedHue;
                    else if (item is BaseArmor && (Server.Misc.MaterialInfo.IsAnyKindOfClothItem(item) || item is ElvenBoots) && m_Tub.AllowLeather)
                        if (!from.InRange(m_Tub.GetWorldLocation(), 1) || !from.InRange(item.GetWorldLocation(), 1))
                            from.SendLocalizedMessage(500446);                               // That is too far away.
                        else if (!item.Movable)
                            from.SendLocalizedMessage(1042419);                               // You may not dye leather items which are locked down.
                        else if (item.Parent is Mobile)
                            from.SendLocalizedMessage(500861);                               // Can't Dye clothing that is being worn.
                            item.Hue = m_Tub.DyedHue;
                    else if (item is BaseArmor && (Server.Misc.MaterialInfo.IsAnyKindOfMetalItem(item) || Server.Misc.MaterialInfo.IsAnyKindOfWoodItem(item)) && m_Tub.AllowArmor)
                        if (!from.InRange(m_Tub.GetWorldLocation(), 1) || !from.InRange(item.GetWorldLocation(), 1))
                            from.SendLocalizedMessage(500446);                               // That is too far away.
                        else if (!item.Movable)
                            from.SendLocalizedMessage(1042083);                               // You cannot dye that.
                        else if (item.Parent is Mobile)
                            from.SendMessage("Can't Dye armor that is equipped.");
                            item.Hue = m_Tub.DyedHue;
                    else if (item is BaseWeapon && m_Tub.AllowWeapons)
                        if (!from.InRange(m_Tub.GetWorldLocation(), 1) || !from.InRange(item.GetWorldLocation(), 1))
                            from.SendLocalizedMessage(500446);                               // That is too far away.
                        else if (!item.Movable)
                            from.SendLocalizedMessage(1042083);                               // You cannot dye that.
                        else if (item.Parent is Mobile)
                            from.SendMessage("Can't Dye weapons that are equipped.");
                            item.Hue = m_Tub.DyedHue;
Ejemplo n.º 19
                protected override void OnTick()
                    Item item = (Item)this.m_Item;

                    if (!this.m_From.InRange(item.GetWorldLocation(), 1))

                    if (this.m_Item.LockLevel == 0 || this.m_Item.LockLevel == -255)
                        // LockLevel of 0 means that the door can't be picklocked
                        // LockLevel of -255 means it's magic locked
                        item.SendLocalizedMessageTo(this.m_From, 502073); // This lock cannot be picked by normal means

                    if (m_From.Skills[SkillName.Lockpicking].Value < m_Item.RequiredSkill - m_Lockpick.SkillBonus)
                         * // Do some training to gain skills
                         * m_From.CheckSkill( SkillName.Lockpicking, 0, m_Item.LockLevel );*/
                        // The LockLevel is higher thant the LockPicking of the player
                        item.SendLocalizedMessageTo(this.m_From, 502072); // You don't see how that lock can be manipulated.

                    int maxlevel = m_Item.MaxLockLevel;
                    int minLevel = m_Item.LockLevel;

                    if (m_Item is Skeletonkey)
                        minLevel -= m_Lockpick.SkillBonus;
                        maxlevel -= m_Lockpick.SkillBonus; //regulars subtract the bonus from the max level

                    if (m_Lockpick is MasterSkeletonKey || m_From.CheckTargetSkill(SkillName.Lockpicking, m_Item, minLevel, maxlevel))
                        // Success! Pick the lock!
                        item.SendLocalizedMessageTo(this.m_From, 502076); // The lock quickly yields to your skill.
                        // The player failed to pick the lock
                        item.SendLocalizedMessageTo(this.m_From, 502075); // You are unable to pick the lock.

                        if (item is TreasureMapChest && ((Container)item).Items.Count > 0 && 0.25 > Utility.RandomDouble())
                            Container cont = (Container)item;

                            Item toBreak = cont.Items[Utility.Random(cont.Items.Count)];

                            if (!(toBreak is Container))
                                Effects.PlaySound(item.Location, item.Map, 0x1DE);
                                m_From.SendMessage(0x20, "The sound of gas escaping is heard from the chest.");
Ejemplo n.º 20
        protected virtual void EndLockpick(object state)
            object[]      objs         = (object[])state;
            ILockpickable lockpickable = objs[0] as ILockpickable;
            Mobile        from         = objs[1] as Mobile;

            Item item = (Item)lockpickable;

            if (!from.InRange(item.GetWorldLocation(), 1))

            if (lockpickable.LockLevel == 0 || lockpickable.LockLevel == -255)
                // LockLevel of 0 means that the door can't be picklocked
                // LockLevel of -255 means it's magic locked
                item.SendLocalizedMessageTo(from, 502073); // This lock cannot be picked by normal means

            if (from.Skills[SkillName.Lockpicking].Value < lockpickable.RequiredSkill - SkillBonus)
                 * // Do some training to gain skills
                 * from.CheckSkill( SkillName.Lockpicking, 0, lockpickable.LockLevel );*/
                // The LockLevel is higher thant the LockPicking of the player
                item.SendLocalizedMessageTo(from, 502072); // You don't see how that lock can be manipulated.

            int maxlevel = lockpickable.MaxLockLevel;
            int minLevel = lockpickable.LockLevel;

            if (lockpickable is Skeletonkey)
                minLevel -= SkillBonus;
                maxlevel -= SkillBonus; //regulars subtract the bonus from the max level

            if (this is MasterSkeletonKey || from.CheckTargetSkill(SkillName.Lockpicking, lockpickable, minLevel, maxlevel))
                // Success! Pick the lock!

                item.SendLocalizedMessageTo(from, 502076); // The lock quickly yields to your skill.
                // The player failed to pick the lock
                item.SendLocalizedMessageTo(from, 502075); // You are unable to pick the lock.

                if (item is TreasureMapChest && ((Container)item).Items.Count > 0 && 0.25 > Utility.RandomDouble())
                    Container cont = (Container)item;

                    Item toBreak = cont.Items[Utility.Random(cont.Items.Count)];

                    if (!(toBreak is Container))
                        Effects.PlaySound(item.Location, item.Map, 0x1DE);
                        from.SendMessage(0x20, "The sound of gas escaping is heard from the chest.");
Ejemplo n.º 21
        public virtual void Fill_OnTarget(Mobile from, object targ)
            if (!IsEmpty || !Fillable || !ValidateUse(from, false))

            if (targ is BaseBeverage)
                BaseBeverage bev = (BaseBeverage)targ;

                if (bev.IsEmpty || !bev.ValidateUse(from, true))

                this.Content  = bev.Content;
                this.Poison   = bev.Poison;
                this.Poisoner = bev.Poisoner;

                if (bev.Quantity > this.MaxQuantity)
                    this.Quantity = this.MaxQuantity;
                    bev.Quantity -= this.MaxQuantity;
                    this.Quantity += bev.Quantity;
                    bev.Quantity   = 0;
            else if (targ is BaseWaterContainer)
                BaseWaterContainer bwc = targ as BaseWaterContainer;

                if (Quantity == 0 || (this.Content == BeverageType.Water && !this.IsFull))
                    int I_Need = Math.Min((MaxQuantity - Quantity), bwc.Quantity);

                    if ((I_Need > 0) && !bwc.IsEmpty && !IsFull)
                        bwc.Quantity -= I_Need;
                        Quantity     += I_Need;
                        Content       = BeverageType.Water;

            else if (targ is Item)
                Item         item = (Item)targ;
                IWaterSource src;

                src = (item as IWaterSource);

                if (src == null && item is AddonComponent)
                    src = (((AddonComponent)item).Addon as IWaterSource);

                if (src == null || src.Quantity <= 0)

                if (from.Map != item.Map || !from.InRange(item.GetWorldLocation(), 2) || !from.InLOS(item))
                    from.LocalOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, 1019045);                       // I can't reach that.

                this.Content  = BeverageType.Water;
                this.Poison   = null;
                this.Poisoner = null;

                if (src.Quantity > this.MaxQuantity)
                    this.Quantity = this.MaxQuantity;
                    src.Quantity -= this.MaxQuantity;
                    this.Quantity += src.Quantity;
                    src.Quantity   = 0;

                from.SendLocalizedMessage(1010089);                   // You fill the container with water.
            else if (targ is StaticTarget)
                StaticTarget src = (StaticTarget)targ;

                if (src == null)

                if (src.ItemID >= 2881 && src.ItemID <= 2884 || src.ItemID == 3707 || src.ItemID == 5453 || src.ItemID >= 13549 && src.ItemID <= 13608)
                    if (!from.InRange(src.Location, 2) || !from.InLOS(src))
                        from.LocalOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, 1019045);                         // I can't reach that.

                    this.Content  = BeverageType.Water;
                    this.Poison   = null;
                    this.Poisoner = null;
                    this.Quantity = this.MaxQuantity;

                    from.SendLocalizedMessage(1010089); // You fill the container with water.
            }                                           ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
            else if (targ is Cow)
                Cow cow = (Cow)targ;

                if (cow.TryMilk(from))
                    Content  = BeverageType.Milk;
                    Quantity = MaxQuantity;
                    from.SendLocalizedMessage(1080197);                       // You fill the container with milk.
Ejemplo n.º 22
 public static Region GetRegion(this Item item)
     return(Region.Find(item.GetWorldLocation(), item.Map));
Ejemplo n.º 23
		private void DestroyFurniture( Mobile from, Item item )
			if ( !from.InRange( item.GetWorldLocation(), 3 ) || !from.InLOS(item) )
                from.LocalOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, 1019045); // I can't reach that.
		    if ( !item.IsChildOf( from.Backpack ) && !item.Movable )
		        from.SendLocalizedMessage( 500462 ); // You can't destroy that while it is here.

		    from.SendLocalizedMessage( 500461 ); // You destroy the item.
			Effects.PlaySound( item.GetWorldLocation(), item.Map, 0x3B3 );

			if ( item is Container )
				if ( item is TrapableContainer )
					(item as TrapableContainer).ExecuteTrap( from );

Ejemplo n.º 24
        public override void OnResponse(NetState state, RelayInfo info)
            if (info.ButtonID == 0)               // Cancel
            else if (m_Mobile.Deleted || m_Moongate.Deleted || m_Mobile.Map == null)

            int[] switches = info.Switches;

            if (switches.Length == 0)

            int switchID  = switches[0];
            int listIndex = switchID / 100;
            int listEntry = switchID % 100;

            if (listIndex < 0 || listIndex >= m_Lists.Length)

            PMList list = m_Lists[listIndex];

            if (listEntry < 0 || listEntry >= list.Entries.Length)

            PMEntry entry = list.Entries[listEntry];

            if (!m_Mobile.InRange(m_Moongate.GetWorldLocation(), 1) || m_Mobile.Map != m_Moongate.Map)
                m_Mobile.SendLocalizedMessage(1019002);                   // You are too far away to use the gate.
            else if (m_Mobile.Player && m_Mobile.Kills >= 5 && list.Map != Map.Felucca)
                m_Mobile.SendLocalizedMessage(1019004);                   // You are not allowed to travel there.
            else if (Factions.Sigil.ExistsOn(m_Mobile) && list.Map != Factions.Faction.Facet)
                m_Mobile.SendLocalizedMessage(1019004);                   // You are not allowed to travel there.
            else if (m_Mobile.Criminal)
                m_Mobile.SendLocalizedMessage(1005561, "", 0x22);                   // Thou'rt a criminal and cannot escape so easily.
            else if (Server.Spells.SpellHelper.CheckCombat(m_Mobile))
                m_Mobile.SendLocalizedMessage(1005564, "", 0x22);                   // Wouldst thou flee during the heat of battle??
            else if (m_Mobile.Spell != null)
                m_Mobile.SendLocalizedMessage(1049616);                   // You are too busy to do that at the moment.
            else if (m_Mobile.Map == list.Map && m_Mobile.InRange(entry.Location, 1))
                m_Mobile.SendLocalizedMessage(1019003);                   // You are already there.
                BaseCreature.TeleportPets(m_Mobile, entry.Location, list.Map);

                m_Mobile.Combatant = null;
                m_Mobile.Warmode   = false;
                m_Mobile.Hidden    = true;

                m_Mobile.MoveToWorld(entry.Location, list.Map);

                Effects.PlaySound(entry.Location, list.Map, 0x1FE);
Ejemplo n.º 25
            protected override void OnTarget(Mobile from, object o)
                if (o is Item)
                    string        runes       = null;
                    StringBuilder translation = new StringBuilder();

                    Item item = o as Item;
                    if (from.InRange(item.GetWorldLocation(), 1))
                        if (from.CheckTargetSkill(SkillName.ItemID, o, 50, 100))
                            if (from.Skills.ItemID.Value > 35)
                                if (item.Weight >= 1 && item.Amount > 1)
                                    double pounds = (double)(item.Weight / 2);
                                    from.SendMessage("You'd estimate this objects invdividual weight at {0} pounds.", pounds);

                                if (item.Weight >= 1 && item.Amount == 1)
                                    double pounds = (double)(item.Weight / 2);
                                    from.SendMessage("You'd estimate this objects weight at {0} pounds.", pounds);

                                if (item.Weight < 1)
                                    from.SendMessage("You need a scale to accurately gauge this item's weight.");

                            if (o is BaseWeapon)
                                BaseWeapon weapon = o as BaseWeapon;

                                if (from.Skills.ItemID.Value > 65)
                                    if (weapon.Attributes.AttackChance != 0)
                                        runes += "AZE";
                                        if (from.Skills.Inscribe.Value > 65)
                                            translation.AppendFormat("Accuracy Bonus: +{0}\n", weapon.Attributes.AttackChance.ToString());

                                    if (weapon.Attributes.DefendChance != 0)
                                        runes += "BYZ";
                                        if (from.Skills.Inscribe.Value > 65)
                                            translation.AppendFormat("Evasion Bonus: +{0}\n", weapon.Attributes.DefendChance.ToString());

                                    if (weapon.Attributes.WeaponDamage != 0)
                                        runes += "CXS";
                                        if (from.Skills.Inscribe.Value > 65)
                                            translation.AppendFormat("Damage Bonus: +{0}\n", weapon.Attributes.WeaponDamage.ToString());

                                if (from.Skills.ItemID.Value > 75)
                                    if (weapon.Attributes.WeaponSpeed != 0)
                                        runes += "DWE";
                                        if (from.Skills.Inscribe.Value > 75)
                                            translation.AppendFormat("Speed Bonus: +{0}\n", weapon.Attributes.WeaponSpeed.ToString());

                                    if (weapon.Attributes.SpellDamage != 0)
                                        runes += "EVE";
                                        if (from.Skills.Inscribe.Value > 75)
                                            translation.AppendFormat("Spell Damage Bonus: +{0}\n", weapon.Attributes.SpellDamage.ToString());

                                    if (weapon.WeaponAttributes.HitLowerAttack != 0)
                                        runes += "ADF";
                                        if (from.Skills.Inscribe.Value > 75)
                                            translation.AppendFormat("Break Attack: {0}\n", weapon.WeaponAttributes.HitLowerAttack.ToString());

                                    if (weapon.WeaponAttributes.HitLowerDefend != 0)
                                        runes += "FVS";
                                        if (from.Skills.Inscribe.Value > 75)
                                            translation.AppendFormat("Break Defense: {0}\n", weapon.WeaponAttributes.HitLowerDefend.ToString());

                                if (from.Skills.ItemID.Value > 80)
                                    if (weapon.Attributes.BonusStam != 0)
                                        runes += "FUW";
                                        if (from.Skills.Inscribe.Value > 80)
                                            translation.AppendFormat("Bonus Stam: {0}\n", weapon.Attributes.BonusStam.ToString());

                                    if (weapon.Attributes.BonusHits != 0)
                                        runes += "GTA";
                                        if (from.Skills.Inscribe.Value > 80)
                                            translation.AppendFormat("Bonus Hits: {0}\n", weapon.Attributes.BonusHits.ToString());

                                    if (weapon.Attributes.BonusMana != 0)
                                        runes += "HHS";
                                        if (from.Skills.Inscribe.Value > 80)
                                            translation.AppendFormat("Bonus Mana: {0}\n", weapon.Attributes.BonusMana.ToString());

                                    if (weapon.Attributes.BonusDex != 0)
                                        runes += "IRA";
                                        if (from.Skills.Inscribe.Value > 80)
                                            translation.AppendFormat("Bonus Dex: {0}\n", weapon.Attributes.BonusDex.ToString());

                                    if (weapon.Attributes.BonusStr != 0)
                                        runes += "JQA";
                                        if (from.Skills.Inscribe.Value > 80)
                                            translation.AppendFormat("Bonus Str: {0}\n", weapon.Attributes.BonusStr.ToString());

                                    if (weapon.Attributes.BonusInt != 0)
                                        runes += "KPL";
                                        if (from.Skills.Inscribe.Value > 80)
                                            translation.AppendFormat("Bonus Int: {0}\n", weapon.Attributes.BonusInt.ToString());

                                if (from.Skills.ItemID.Value > 85)
                                    if (weapon.Attributes.LowerManaCost != 0)
                                        runes += "LOL";
                                        if (from.Skills.Inscribe.Value > 85)
                                            translation.AppendFormat("Lower Mana Cost: {0\n}%", weapon.Attributes.LowerManaCost.ToString());

                                if (from.Skills.ItemID.Value > 90)
                                    if (weapon.WeaponAttributes.HitColdArea != 0)
                                        runes += "MNT";
                                        if (from.Skills.Inscribe.Value > 90)
                                            translation.AppendFormat("Frost Radius ({0}%)\n", weapon.WeaponAttributes.HitColdArea.ToString());

                                    if (weapon.WeaponAttributes.HitDispel != 0)
                                        runes += "NKA";
                                        if (from.Skills.Inscribe.Value > 90)
                                            translation.AppendFormat("Hit Dispel ({0})\n", weapon.WeaponAttributes.HitDispel.ToString());

                                    if (weapon.WeaponAttributes.HitEnergyArea != 0)
                                        runes += "ONN";
                                        if (from.Skills.Inscribe.Value > 90)
                                            translation.AppendFormat("Shock Radius ({0}%)\n", weapon.WeaponAttributes.HitEnergyArea.ToString());

                                    if (weapon.WeaponAttributes.HitPoisonArea != 0)
                                        runes += "PQA";
                                        if (from.Skills.Inscribe.Value > 90)
                                            translation.AppendFormat("Corrosion Radius ({0}%)\n", weapon.WeaponAttributes.HitPoisonArea.ToString());

                                    if (weapon.WeaponAttributes.HitFireArea != 0)
                                        runes += "QRQ";
                                        if (from.Skills.Inscribe.Value > 90)
                                            translation.AppendFormat("Burn Radius ({0}%)\n", weapon.WeaponAttributes.HitFireArea.ToString());

                                    if (weapon.WeaponAttributes.HitPhysicalArea != 0)
                                        runes += "RSS";
                                        if (from.Skills.Inscribe.Value > 90)
                                            translation.AppendFormat("Physical Area Hit ({0})\n", weapon.WeaponAttributes.HitPhysicalArea.ToString());

                                    if (weapon.WeaponAttributes.HitHarm != 0)
                                        runes += "STZ";
                                        if (from.Skills.Inscribe.Value > 90)
                                            translation.AppendFormat("Hit Harm ({0})\n", weapon.WeaponAttributes.HitHarm.ToString());

                                    if (weapon.WeaponAttributes.HitFireball != 0)
                                        runes += "TBS";
                                        if (from.Skills.Inscribe.Value > 90)
                                            translation.AppendFormat("Hit Fireball ({0})\n", weapon.WeaponAttributes.HitFireball.ToString());

                                    if (weapon.WeaponAttributes.HitMagicArrow != 0)
                                        runes += "UDD";
                                        if (from.Skills.Inscribe.Value > 90)
                                            translation.AppendFormat("Hit Magic Arrow ({0})\n", weapon.WeaponAttributes.HitMagicArrow.ToString());

                                    if (weapon.WeaponAttributes.HitLightning != 0)
                                        runes += "VSD";
                                        if (from.Skills.Inscribe.Value > 90)
                                            translation.AppendFormat("Hit Lightning ({0})\n", weapon.WeaponAttributes.HitLightning.ToString());

                                if (from.Skills.ItemID.Value > 95)
                                    if (weapon.WeaponAttributes.HitLeechHits != 0)
                                        runes += "WXS";
                                        if (from.Skills.Inscribe.Value > 95)
                                            translation.AppendFormat("Hit Life Leech ({0})\n", weapon.WeaponAttributes.HitLeechHits.ToString());

                                    if (weapon.WeaponAttributes.HitLeechStam != 0)
                                        runes += "BXY";
                                        if (from.Skills.Inscribe.Value > 95)
                                            translation.AppendFormat("Hit Stamina Leech ({0})\n", weapon.WeaponAttributes.HitLeechStam.ToString());

                                    if (weapon.WeaponAttributes.HitLeechMana != 0)
                                        runes += "YAZ";
                                        if (from.Skills.Inscribe.Value > 95)
                                            translation.AppendFormat("Hit Mana Leech ({0})\n", weapon.WeaponAttributes.HitLeechMana.ToString());

                                if ((!weapon.WeaponAttributes.IsEmpty) || (!weapon.Attributes.IsEmpty && runes != null))
                                    from.SendMessage("Runic Symbols:");
                                    from.Send(new AsciiMessage(Serial.MinusOne, -1, MessageType.Regular, 1152, 8, "Runes", runes));

                                    if (from.Skills.Inscribe.Value > 65)
                                        from.SendMessage("\nYour skill in inscription allows you to decode some of the runes:");

                            if (o is BaseArmor)
                                BaseArmor armor = o as BaseArmor;

                                if (from.Skills.ItemID.Value > 65)
                                    if (armor.Attributes.AttackChance != 0)
                                        runes += "AZS";
                                        if (from.Skills.Inscribe.Value > 65)
                                            translation.AppendFormat("Accuracy Bonus: +{0}\n", armor.Attributes.AttackChance.ToString());

                                    if (armor.Attributes.DefendChance != 0)
                                        runes += "BYZ";
                                        if (from.Skills.Inscribe.Value > 65)
                                            translation.AppendFormat("Evasion Bonus: +{0}\n", armor.Attributes.DefendChance.ToString());

                                    if (armor.Attributes.WeaponDamage != 0)
                                        runes += "CXS";
                                        if (from.Skills.Inscribe.Value > 65)
                                            translation.AppendFormat("Weapon Damage: +{0}\n", armor.Attributes.WeaponDamage.ToString());

                                if (from.Skills.ItemID.Value > 75)
                                    if (armor.Attributes.WeaponSpeed != 0)
                                        runes += "DMW";
                                        if (from.Skills.Inscribe.Value > 75)
                                            translation.AppendFormat("Weapon Speed: +{0}\n", armor.Attributes.WeaponSpeed.ToString());

                                    if (armor.Attributes.SpellDamage != 0)
                                        runes += "EUL";
                                        if (from.Skills.Inscribe.Value > 75)
                                            translation.AppendFormat("Spell Damage: +{0}\n", armor.Attributes.SpellDamage.ToString());

                                if (from.Skills.ItemID.Value > 80)
                                    if (armor.Attributes.BonusStam != 0)
                                        runes += "FSV";
                                        if (from.Skills.Inscribe.Value > 80)
                                            translation.AppendFormat("Bonus Stam: {0}\n", armor.Attributes.BonusStam.ToString());

                                    if (armor.Attributes.BonusHits != 0)
                                        runes += "GKB";
                                        if (from.Skills.Inscribe.Value > 65)
                                            translation.AppendFormat("Bonus Hits: {0}\n", armor.Attributes.BonusHits.ToString());

                                    if (armor.Attributes.BonusMana != 0)
                                        runes += "HJK";
                                        if (from.Skills.Inscribe.Value > 80)
                                            translation.AppendFormat("Bonus Mana: {0}\n", armor.Attributes.BonusMana.ToString());

                                    if (armor.Attributes.BonusDex != 0)
                                        runes += "IQS";
                                        if (from.Skills.Inscribe.Value > 80)
                                            translation.AppendFormat("Bonus Dex: {0}\n", armor.Attributes.BonusDex.ToString());

                                    if (armor.Attributes.BonusStr != 0)
                                        runes += "JKH";
                                        if (from.Skills.Inscribe.Value > 80)
                                            translation.AppendFormat("Bonus Str: {0}\n", armor.Attributes.BonusStr.ToString());

                                    if (armor.Attributes.BonusInt != 0)
                                        runes += "KLD";
                                        if (from.Skills.Inscribe.Value > 80)
                                            translation.AppendFormat("Bonus Int: {0}\n", armor.Attributes.BonusInt.ToString());

                                if (from.Skills.ItemID.Value > 85)
                                    if (armor.Attributes.LowerManaCost != 0)
                                        runes += "LMN";
                                        if (from.Skills.Inscribe.Value > 80)
                                            translation.AppendFormat("Lower Mana Cost: {0}%\n", armor.Attributes.LowerManaCost.ToString());

                                if (!(armor.Attributes.IsEmpty) && runes != null)
                                    from.SendMessage("Runic Symbols:");
                                    from.Send(new AsciiMessage(Serial.MinusOne, -1, MessageType.Regular, 1152, 8, "Runes", runes));

                                    if (from.Skills.Inscribe.Value > 65)
                                        from.SendMessage("Your skill in inscription allows you to decode some of the runes:");

                            if (o is BaseJewel)
                                BaseJewel jewel = o as BaseJewel;

                                if (from.Skills.ItemID.Value > 65)
                                    if (jewel.Attributes.AttackChance != 0)
                                        runes += "AZN";
                                        if (from.Skills.Inscribe.Value > 65)
                                            translation.AppendFormat("Accuracy Bonus: +{0}\n", jewel.Attributes.AttackChance.ToString());

                                    if (jewel.Attributes.DefendChance != 0)
                                        runes += "BXS";
                                        if (from.Skills.Inscribe.Value > 65)
                                            translation.AppendFormat("Evasion Bonus: +{0}\n", jewel.Attributes.DefendChance.ToString());

                                    if (jewel.Attributes.WeaponDamage != 0)
                                        runes += "CYE";
                                        if (from.Skills.Inscribe.Value > 65)
                                            translation.AppendFormat("Weapon Damage: +{0}\n", jewel.Attributes.WeaponDamage.ToString());

                                if (from.Skills.ItemID.Value > 75)
                                    if (jewel.Attributes.WeaponSpeed != 0)
                                        runes += "DUL";
                                        if (from.Skills.Inscribe.Value > 75)
                                            translation.AppendFormat("Weapon Speed: +{0}\n", jewel.Attributes.WeaponSpeed.ToString());

                                    if (jewel.Attributes.SpellDamage != 0)
                                        runes += "EVA";
                                        if (from.Skills.Inscribe.Value > 75)
                                            translation.AppendFormat("Spell Damage: +{0}\n", jewel.Attributes.SpellDamage.ToString());

                                if (from.Skills.ItemID.Value > 80)
                                    if (jewel.Attributes.BonusStam != 0)
                                        runes += "FSF";
                                        if (from.Skills.Inscribe.Value > 80)
                                            translation.AppendFormat("Bonus Stam: {0}\n", jewel.Attributes.BonusStam.ToString());
                                    if (jewel.Attributes.BonusHits != 0)
                                        runes += "GBA";
                                        if (from.Skills.Inscribe.Value > 80)
                                            translation.AppendFormat("Bonus Hits: {0}\n", jewel.Attributes.BonusHits.ToString());

                                    if (jewel.Attributes.BonusMana != 0)
                                        runes += "HKG";
                                        if (from.Skills.Inscribe.Value > 80)
                                            translation.AppendFormat("Bonus Mana: {0}\n", jewel.Attributes.BonusMana.ToString());

                                    if (jewel.Attributes.BonusDex != 0)
                                        runes += "IDA";
                                        if (from.Skills.Inscribe.Value > 80)
                                            translation.AppendFormat("Bonus Dex: {0}\n", jewel.Attributes.BonusDex.ToString());

                                    if (jewel.Attributes.BonusStr != 0)
                                        runes += "KSS";
                                        if (from.Skills.Inscribe.Value > 80)
                                            translation.AppendFormat("Bonus Str: {0}\n", jewel.Attributes.BonusStr.ToString());

                                    if (jewel.Attributes.BonusInt != 0)
                                        runes += "LQL";
                                        if (from.Skills.Inscribe.Value > 80)
                                            translation.AppendFormat("Bonus Int: {0}\n", jewel.Attributes.BonusInt.ToString());

                                if (from.Skills.ItemID.Value > 85)
                                    if (jewel.Attributes.LowerManaCost != 0)
                                        runes += "MTN";
                                        if (from.Skills.Inscribe.Value > 65)
                                            translation.AppendFormat("Lower Mana Cost: {0}%\n", jewel.Attributes.LowerManaCost.ToString());

                                if (!jewel.Attributes.IsEmpty)
                                    from.SendMessage("Runic Symbols:");
                                    from.Send(new AsciiMessage(Serial.MinusOne, -1, MessageType.Regular, 1152, 8, "Runes", runes));

                                    if (from.Skills.Inscribe.Value > 65)
                                        from.SendMessage("\nYour skill in inscription allows you to decode some of the runes:");

                            if (o is BaseClothing)
                                BaseClothing clothes = o as BaseClothing;

                                if (from.Skills.ItemID.Value > 65)
                                    if (clothes.Attributes.AttackChance != 0)
                                        runes += "AZR";
                                        if (from.Skills.Inscribe.Value > 65)
                                            translation.AppendFormat("Accuracy Bonus: +{0}\n", clothes.Attributes.AttackChance.ToString());

                                    if (clothes.Attributes.DefendChance != 0)
                                        runes += "BYE";
                                        if (from.Skills.Inscribe.Value > 65)
                                            translation.AppendFormat("Evasion Bonus: +{0}\n", clothes.Attributes.DefendChance.ToString());

                                    if (clothes.Attributes.WeaponDamage != 0)
                                        runes += "CXS";
                                        if (from.Skills.Inscribe.Value > 65)
                                            translation.AppendFormat("Weapon Damage: +{0}\n", clothes.Attributes.WeaponDamage.ToString());

                                if (from.Skills.ItemID.Value > 75)
                                    if (clothes.Attributes.WeaponSpeed != 0)
                                        runes += "DMV";
                                        if (from.Skills.Inscribe.Value > 75)
                                            translation.AppendFormat("Weapon Speed: +{0}\n", clothes.Attributes.WeaponSpeed.ToString());

                                    if (clothes.Attributes.SpellDamage != 0)
                                        runes += "EUR";
                                        if (from.Skills.Inscribe.Value > 75)
                                            translation.AppendFormat("Spell Damage: +{0}\n", clothes.Attributes.SpellDamage.ToString());

                                if (from.Skills.ItemID.Value > 80)
                                    if (clothes.Attributes.BonusStam != 0)
                                        runes += "FTL";
                                        if (from.Skills.Inscribe.Value > 80)
                                            translation.AppendFormat("Bonus Stam: {0}\n", clothes.Attributes.BonusStam.ToString());
                                    if (clothes.Attributes.BonusHits != 0)
                                        runes += "GHB";
                                        if (from.Skills.Inscribe.Value > 80)
                                            translation.AppendFormat("Bonus Hits: {0}\n", clothes.Attributes.BonusHits.ToString());
                                    if (clothes.Attributes.BonusMana != 0)
                                        runes += "HTA";
                                        if (from.Skills.Inscribe.Value > 80)
                                            translation.AppendFormat("Bonus Mana: {0}\n", clothes.Attributes.BonusMana.ToString());
                                    if (clothes.Attributes.BonusDex != 0)
                                        runes += "IQL";
                                        if (from.Skills.Inscribe.Value > 80)
                                            translation.AppendFormat("Bonus Dex: {0}\n", clothes.Attributes.BonusDex.ToString());
                                    if (clothes.Attributes.BonusStr != 0)
                                        runes += "JHA";
                                        if (from.Skills.Inscribe.Value > 80)
                                            translation.AppendFormat("Bonus Str: {0}\n", clothes.Attributes.BonusStr.ToString());
                                    if (clothes.Attributes.BonusInt != 0)
                                        runes += "KNO";
                                        if (from.Skills.Inscribe.Value > 80)
                                            translation.AppendFormat("Bonus Int: {0}\n", clothes.Attributes.BonusInt.ToString());

                                if (from.Skills.ItemID.Value > 85)
                                    if (clothes.Attributes.LowerManaCost != 0)
                                        runes += "LPL";
                                        if (from.Skills.Inscribe.Value > 85)
                                            translation.AppendFormat("Lower Mana Cost: {0}%\n", clothes.Attributes.LowerManaCost.ToString());

                                if (!clothes.Attributes.IsEmpty && runes != null)
                                    from.SendMessage("Runic Symbols:");
                                    from.Send(new AsciiMessage(Serial.MinusOne, -1, MessageType.Regular, 1152, 8, "Runes", runes));

                                    if (from.Skills.Inscribe.Value > 65)
                                        from.SendMessage("\nYour skill in inscription allows you to decode some of the runes:");

                            from.SendLocalizedMessage(500353); // You are not certain...
                        from.SendMessage("You are too far away.");

                else if (o is Mobile)

                    from.SendLocalizedMessage(500353); // You are not certain...

                EventSink.InvokeSkillUsed(new SkillUsedEventArgs(from, from.Skills[SkillName.ItemID]));
Ejemplo n.º 26
        public virtual void Fill_OnTarget(Mobile from, object targ)
            if (!IsEmpty || !Fillable || !ValidateUse(from, false))

            if (targ is BaseBeverage)
                BaseBeverage bev = (BaseBeverage)targ;

                if (bev.IsEmpty || !bev.ValidateUse(from, true))

                this.Content  = bev.Content;
                this.Poison   = bev.Poison;
                this.Poisoner = bev.Poisoner;

                if (bev.Quantity > this.MaxQuantity)
                    this.Quantity = this.MaxQuantity;
                    bev.Quantity -= this.MaxQuantity;
                    this.Quantity += bev.Quantity;
                    bev.Quantity   = 0;
            else if (targ is BaseWaterContainer)
                BaseWaterContainer bwc = targ as BaseWaterContainer;

                if (Quantity == 0 || (Content == BeverageType.Water && !IsFull))
                    int iNeed = Math.Min((MaxQuantity - Quantity), bwc.Quantity);

                    if (iNeed > 0 && !bwc.IsEmpty && !IsFull)
                        bwc.Quantity -= iNeed;
                        Quantity     += iNeed;
                        Content       = BeverageType.Water;

            else if (targ is Item)
                Item         item = (Item)targ;
                IWaterSource src;

                src = (item as IWaterSource);

                if (src == null && item is AddonComponent)
                    src = (((AddonComponent)item).Addon as IWaterSource);

                if (src == null || src.Quantity <= 0)

                if (from.Map != item.Map || !from.InRange(item.GetWorldLocation(), 2) || !from.InLOS(item))
                    from.LocalOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, 1019045);                       // I can't reach that.

                this.Content  = BeverageType.Water;
                this.Poison   = null;
                this.Poisoner = null;

                if (src.Quantity > this.MaxQuantity)
                    this.Quantity = this.MaxQuantity;
                    src.Quantity -= this.MaxQuantity;
                    this.Quantity += src.Quantity;
                    src.Quantity   = 0;

                from.SendLocalizedMessage(1010089);                   // You fill the container with water.
            else if (targ is Cow)
                Cow cow = (Cow)targ;

                if (cow.TryMilk(from))
                    Content  = BeverageType.Milk;
                    Quantity = MaxQuantity;
                    from.SendLocalizedMessage(1080197);                       // You fill the container with milk.
            else if (targ is LandTarget)
                int tileID = ((LandTarget)targ).TileID;

                PlayerMobile player = from as PlayerMobile;

                if (player != null)
                    QuestSystem qs = player.Quest;

                    if (qs is WitchApprenticeQuest)
                        FindIngredientObjective obj = qs.FindObjective(typeof(FindIngredientObjective)) as FindIngredientObjective;

                        if (obj != null && !obj.Completed && obj.Ingredient == Ingredient.SwampWater)
                            bool contains = false;

                            for (int i = 0; !contains && i < m_SwampTiles.Length; i += 2)
                                contains = (tileID >= m_SwampTiles[i] && tileID <= m_SwampTiles[i + 1]);

                            if (contains)

                                player.SendLocalizedMessage(1055035);                                   // You dip the container into the disgusting swamp water, collecting enough for the Hag's vile stew.
Ejemplo n.º 27
            protected override void OnTarget(Mobile from, object targeted)
                if (targeted is Item)
                    Item item = (Item)targeted;

                    if (item is IDyable && m_Tub.AllowDyables)
                        if (!from.InRange(m_Tub.GetWorldLocation(), 1) || !from.InRange(item.GetWorldLocation(), 1))
                            from.SendLocalizedMessage(500446); // That is too far away.
                        else if (item.IsLockedDown)
                            from.SendLocalizedMessage(1061637); // You are not allowed to access this.
                        else if (item.Parent is Mobile)
                            from.SendLocalizedMessage(500861); // Can't Dye clothing that is being worn.
                        else if (((IDyable)item).Dye(from, m_Tub))
                    else if ((FurnitureAttribute.Check(item) || (item is PotionKeg)) && m_Tub.AllowFurniture)
                        if (!from.InRange(m_Tub.GetWorldLocation(), 1) || !from.InRange(item.GetWorldLocation(), 1))
                            from.SendLocalizedMessage(500446); // That is too far away.
                            bool okay = (item.IsChildOf(from.Backpack));

                            if (!okay)
                                if (item.Parent == null)
                                    BaseHouse house = BaseHouse.FindHouseAt(item);

                                    if (!house.IsCoOwner(from))
                                        from.SendLocalizedMessage(501023); // You must be the owner to use this item.
                                    else if (house == null || (!house.IsLockedDown(item) && !house.IsSecure(item)) && (!(item is AddonComponent) || !house.Addons.ContainsKey(((AddonComponent)item).Addon)))
                                        from.SendLocalizedMessage(501022); // Furniture must be locked down to paint it.
                                        okay = true;
                                    from.SendLocalizedMessage(1048135); // The furniture must be in your backpack to be painted.

                            if (okay)
                                item.Hue = m_Tub.DyedHue;
                    else if ((item is Runebook || item is RecallRune) && m_Tub.AllowRunebooks)
                        if (!from.InRange(m_Tub.GetWorldLocation(), 1) || !from.InRange(item.GetWorldLocation(), 1))
                            from.SendLocalizedMessage(500446); // That is too far away.
                        else if (!item.Movable)
                            from.SendLocalizedMessage(1049776); // You cannot dye runes or runebooks that are locked down.
                            item.Hue = m_Tub.DyedHue;
                    else if ((item is MonsterStatuette || item is MongbatDartboard || item is FelineBlessedStatue) && m_Tub.AllowStatuettes)
                        if (!from.InRange(m_Tub.GetWorldLocation(), 1) || !from.InRange(item.GetWorldLocation(), 1))
                            from.SendLocalizedMessage(500446); // That is too far away.
                        else if (!item.Movable)
                            from.SendLocalizedMessage(1049779); // You cannot dye statuettes that are locked down.
                            item.Hue = m_Tub.DyedHue;
                    else if (m_Tub.AllowLeather)
                        if ((item is BaseArmor && (((BaseArmor)item).MaterialType == ArmorMaterialType.Leather || ((BaseArmor)item).MaterialType == ArmorMaterialType.Studded)) ||
                            (item is BaseClothing && (((BaseClothing)item).DefaultResource == CraftResource.RegularLeather) || item is WoodlandBelt || item is BarbedWhip ||
                             item is BladedWhip || item is SpikedWhip))
                            if (!from.InRange(m_Tub.GetWorldLocation(), 1) || !from.InRange(item.GetWorldLocation(), 1))
                                from.SendLocalizedMessage(500446); // That is too far away.
                            else if (!item.Movable)
                                from.SendLocalizedMessage(1042419); // You may not dye leather items which are locked down.
                            else if (item.Parent is Mobile)
                                from.SendLocalizedMessage(500861); // Can't Dye clothing that is being worn.
                                item.Hue = m_Tub.DyedHue;
                    else if ((item is BaseArmor && (((BaseArmor)item).MaterialType == ArmorMaterialType.Chainmail || ((BaseArmor)item).MaterialType == ArmorMaterialType.Ringmail || ((BaseArmor)item).MaterialType == ArmorMaterialType.Plate)) && m_Tub.AllowMetal)
                        if (!from.InRange(m_Tub.GetWorldLocation(), 1) || !from.InRange(item.GetWorldLocation(), 1))
                            from.SendLocalizedMessage(500446); // That is too far away.
                        else if (!item.Movable)
                            from.SendLocalizedMessage(1042419); // You may not dye leather items which are locked down.
                        else if (item.Parent is Mobile)
                            from.SendLocalizedMessage(500861); // Can't Dye clothing that is being worn.
                            item.Hue = m_Tub.DyedHue;
Ejemplo n.º 28
        public virtual void Fill_OnTarget(Mobile from, object targ)
            if (!IsEmpty || !Fillable || !ValidateUse(from, false))

            if (targ is BaseBeverage)
                BaseBeverage bev = (BaseBeverage)targ;

                if (bev.IsEmpty || !bev.ValidateUse(from, true))

                this.Content  = bev.Content;
                this.Poison   = bev.Poison;
                this.Poisoner = bev.Poisoner;

                //STARMOD: Teiravon beverage edit
                from.Emote("*pours some {1} into a {0}*", ((this.GetType()).Name).ToLower(), ((bev.Content).ToString()).ToLower());
                //ENDMOD: Teiravon beverage edit

                if (bev.Quantity > this.MaxQuantity)
                    this.Quantity = this.MaxQuantity;
                    bev.Quantity -= this.MaxQuantity;
                    this.Quantity += bev.Quantity;
                    bev.Quantity   = 0;
            else if (targ is Item)
                Item         item = (Item)targ;
                IWaterSource src;

                src = (item as IWaterSource);

                if (src == null && item is AddonComponent)
                    src = (((AddonComponent)item).Addon as IWaterSource);

                if (src == null || src.Quantity <= 0)

                if (from.Map != item.Map || !from.InRange(item.GetWorldLocation(), 2) || !from.InLOS(item))
                    from.LocalOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, 1019045);                       // I can't reach that.

                this.Content  = BeverageType.Water;
                this.Poison   = null;
                this.Poisoner = null;

                if (src.Quantity > this.MaxQuantity)
                    this.Quantity = this.MaxQuantity;
                    src.Quantity -= this.MaxQuantity;
                    this.Quantity += src.Quantity;
                    src.Quantity   = 0;

                //STARTMOD: Beverage edit
                from.Emote("*fills a {0} with water*", ((this.GetType()).Name).ToLower());
                //ENDMOD: Beverage edit
                from.SendLocalizedMessage(1010089);                   // You fill the container with water.
            else if (targ is LandTarget)
                int tileID = ((LandTarget)targ).TileID;

                PlayerMobile player = from as PlayerMobile;

                if (player != null)
                    QuestSystem qs = player.Quest;

                    if (qs is WitchApprenticeQuest)
                        FindIngredientObjective obj = qs.FindObjective(typeof(FindIngredientObjective)) as FindIngredientObjective;

                        if (obj != null && !obj.Completed && obj.Ingredient == Ingredient.SwampWater)
                            bool contains = false;

                            for (int i = 0; !contains && i < m_SwampTiles.Length; i += 2)
                                contains = (tileID >= m_SwampTiles[i] && tileID <= m_SwampTiles[i + 1]);

                            if (contains)

                                player.SendLocalizedMessage(1055035);                                   // You dip the container into the disgusting swamp water, collecting enough for the Hag's vile stew.
Ejemplo n.º 29
            protected override void OnTarget(Mobile from, object targeted)
                if (this.m_Item.Deleted)

                Item item  = targeted as Item;
                bool valid = false;

                if (item != null)
                    if (m_Item.BooksOnly && !(item is Spellbook))
                        valid = false;
                        valid = (item is IDyable ||
                                 item is BaseBook || item is BaseClothing ||
                                 item is BaseJewel || item is BaseStatuette ||
                                 item is BaseWeapon || item is Runebook ||
                                 item is BaseTalisman || item is Spellbook ||
                                 item.IsArtifact || BasePigmentsOfTokuno.IsValidItem(item));

                        if (!valid && item is BaseArmor)
                            CraftResourceType restype = CraftResources.GetType(((BaseArmor)item).Resource);
                            if ((CraftResourceType.Leather == restype || CraftResourceType.Metal == restype) &&
                                ArmorMaterialType.Bone != ((BaseArmor)item).MaterialType)
                                valid = true;

                        if (!valid && FurnitureAttribute.Check(item))
                            if (!from.InRange(this.m_Item.GetWorldLocation(), 1) || !from.InRange(item.GetWorldLocation(), 1))
                                from.SendLocalizedMessage(500446); // That is too far away.
                                BaseHouse house = BaseHouse.FindHouseAt(item);

                                if (house == null || (!house.IsLockedDown(item) && !house.IsSecure(item)))
                                    from.SendLocalizedMessage(501022); // Furniture must be locked down to paint it.
                                else if (!house.IsCoOwner(from))
                                    from.SendLocalizedMessage(501023); // You must be the owner to use this item.
                                    valid = true;

                    if (valid)
                        item.Hue = m_Item.Hue;

                        if (--this.m_Item.UsesRemaining > 0)


                from.SendLocalizedMessage(1042083); // You cannot dye that.
Ejemplo n.º 30
                protected override void OnTick()
                    Item item = (Item)m_Item;

                    if (!m_From.InRange(item.GetWorldLocation(), 1))

                    bool canPsy = m_From.Competences[CompType.Psychologie].roll(10);

                    foreach (NubiaMobile m in m_From.GetMobilesInRange(6))
                        if (m is NubiaPlayer && m != m_From)
                            if (m.Competences[CompType.PerceptionAuditive].intRoll(false) >= m_From.Competences[CompType.Discretion].intRoll())
                                if (canPsy)
                                    m_From.SendMessage("{0} semble vous avoir repérez, vous manquez de discretion !", m.Name);
                                m_From.PrivateOverheadMessage(Server.Network.MessageType.Emote, 0, false, "*crochète une serrure*", m.NetState);

                    if (m_From.Competences[CompType.Crochetage].getPureMaitrise() < m_Item.MiniMaitrise ||
                        m_From.Competences[CompType.Crochetage].getPureMaitrise() + 20 < (int)m_Item.Serrure)
                         * // Do some training to gain skills
                         * m_From.CheckSkill( SkillName.Lockpicking, 0, m_Item.LockLevel );*/

                        // The LockLevel is higher thant the LockPicking of the player
                        m_From.SendMessage("Réussite impossible");
                        item.SendLocalizedMessageTo(m_From, 502072); // You don't see how that lock can be manipulated.

                    int malus = 0;

                    if (m_Lockpick == null)
                        malus = -4;
                        m_From.SendMessage("Vous n'avez pas d'outils, malus de circonstance de " + malus.ToString());

                    if (m_From.Competences[CompType.Crochetage].roll((int)m_Item.Serrure + malus))
                        // Success! Pick the lock!
                        item.SendLocalizedMessageTo(m_From, 502076); // The lock quickly yields to your skill.
                        // The player failed to pick the lock
                        item.SendLocalizedMessageTo(m_From, 502075); // You are unable to pick the lock.

                    //Consomation du lockPick
                    if (m_Lockpick != null && !m_From.Competences[CompType.Crochetage].roll((int)m_Item.Serrure))
Ejemplo n.º 31
        private void Detonate_OnTick(object state)
            if (Deleted)

            object[] states = (object[])state;
            Mobile   from   = (Mobile)states[0];
            int      timer  = (int)states[1];

            object parent = FindParent(from);

            if (timer == 0)
                Point3D loc;
                Map     map;
                Mobile  m = from;

                if (parent is Item)
                    Item item = (Item)parent;

                    loc = item.GetWorldLocation();
                    map = item.Map;
                else if (parent is Mobile)
                    if (m_Users != null && m_Users[m_Users.Count - 1] is Mobile)
                        m = (Mobile)m_Users[m_Users.Count - 1];
                        m = (Mobile)parent;

                    loc = m.Location;
                    map = m.Map;

                Explode(m, true, loc, map);
                m_Timer = null;
                if (parent is Item)
                    ((Item)parent).PublicOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, 906, true, timer.ToString());
                else if (parent is Mobile)
                    ((Mobile)parent).PublicOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, 906, true, timer.ToString());

                states[1] = timer - 1;