Ejemplo n.º 1
 //public BaseWeapon(Vector2 centerLoc, int atkDelayInMS, float damage, int range, int critRate, int critMultiplier, int splash, int splashDmgPerc, eProjectile projectileType, IHaveTarget owner, Vector2 projectileSpawnOffset)
 public BaseWeapon(Vector2 centerLoc, WeaponStruct ws, IHaveTarget owner)
     CenterLocation        = centerLoc;
     RoF                   = new SimpleTimer(ws.AttackDelay);
     Damage                = ws.Damage;
     DamageType            = ws.DamageType;
     Range                 = ws.Range;
     CritRate              = ws.CritChance;
     CritMultiplier        = ws.CritMultiplier;
     Splash                = ws.Splash;
     SplashDmgPerc         = ws.SplashDmgPerc;
     ProjectileType        = ws.ProjectileType;
     Owner                 = owner;
     ProjectileSpawnOffset = ws.ProjectileSpawnOffset;
     ShootFX               = ws.ShootFX;
     ImpactFX              = ws.ImpactFX;
     if (ws.Range >= 96)
         IsRanged = true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static void LoadRunners()
            string[] enemyXmls = Directory.GetFiles("Data/Enemies", "*.xml");

            foreach (string path in enemyXmls)
                XDocument doc = XDocument.Load(path);

                // ID
                RunnerStruct rs = new RunnerStruct(int.Parse(doc.Root.Element("ID").Value));

                #region Basic
                XElement BasicNode = doc.Root.Element("Basic");
                if (BasicNode != null)
                    XElement basic;

                    basic = BasicNode.Element("HP");
                    if (basic != null)
                        rs.HP = int.Parse(basic.Value);
                    basic = null;

                    basic = BasicNode.Element("HPRegen");
                    if (basic != null)
                        rs.HPRegen = int.Parse(basic.Value);
                    basic = null;

                    basic = BasicNode.Element("Bounty");
                    if (basic != null)
                        rs.Bounty = int.Parse(basic.Value);
                    basic = null;

                    basic = BasicNode.Element("Velocity");
                    if (basic != null)
                        rs.Velocity = float.Parse(basic.Value);
                    basic = null;

                    basic = BasicNode.Element("IsMelee");
                    if (basic != null)
                        rs.IsMelee = bool.Parse(basic.Value);
                    basic = null;

                    basic = BasicNode.Element("IsGround");
                    if (basic != null)
                        rs.IsGround = bool.Parse(basic.Value);
                    basic = null;

                    basic = BasicNode.Element("Recycles");
                    if (basic != null)
                        rs.Recycles = bool.Parse(basic.Value);
                    basic = null;

                    basic = BasicNode.Element("Armor");
                    if (basic != null)
                        rs.Armor = (eArmorType)Enum.Parse(typeof(eArmorType), basic.Value);
                    basic = null;

                    basic = BasicNode.Element("Name");
                    if (basic != null)
                        rs.Name = basic.Value;
                        throw new NullReferenceException("The name MUST be supplied. " + path);
                    basic = null;

                    basic = BasicNode.Element("Animation");
                    if (basic != null)
                        rs.AnimationType = (eAnimation)Enum.Parse(typeof(eAnimation), basic.Value);
                        throw new NullReferenceException("The animation MUST be supplied. " + path);
                    basic = null;
                    throw new NullReferenceException("The Basic Node MUST be supplied. " + path);

                #region Immunities
                XElement ImmunitiesNode = doc.Root.Element("Immunities");
                if (ImmunitiesNode != null)
                    XElement immunity;

                    immunity = ImmunitiesNode.Element("Stun");
                    if (immunity != null)
                        rs.ImmuneStun = bool.Parse(immunity.Value);
                    immunity = null;

                    immunity = ImmunitiesNode.Element("Slow");
                    if (immunity != null)
                        rs.ImmuneSlow = bool.Parse(immunity.Value);
                    immunity = null;

                    immunity = ImmunitiesNode.Element("Rooted");
                    if (immunity != null)
                        rs.ImmuneRooted = bool.Parse(immunity.Value);
                    immunity = null;

                    immunity = ImmunitiesNode.Element("ArmorReduction");
                    if (immunity != null)
                        rs.ImmuneArmorReduction = bool.Parse(immunity.Value);
                    immunity = null;

                #region Weapons
                XElement wpnMainNode = doc.Root.Element("Weapons");
                if (wpnMainNode != null)
                    foreach (XElement wpnNode in wpnMainNode.Elements())
                        int      splashValue = 0;
                        XElement splash      = wpnNode.Element("Splash");
                        if (splash != null)
                            splashValue = int.Parse(splash.Value);

                        int      splashDmgPercValue = 0;
                        XElement splashDmgPerc      = wpnNode.Element("SplashDmgPercentage");
                        if (splashDmgPerc != null)
                            splashDmgPercValue = int.Parse(splash.Value);

                        int      critRateValue = 0;
                        XElement critRate      = wpnNode.Element("CritRate");
                        if (critRate != null)
                            critRateValue = int.Parse(splash.Value);

                        eDamageType dmgTypeValue = eDamageType.Normal;
                        XElement    dmgType      = wpnNode.Element("DamageType");
                        if (dmgType != null)
                            dmgTypeValue = (eDamageType)Enum.Parse(typeof(eDamageType), dmgType.Value);

                        int      critMultiplierValue = 0;
                        XElement critMultiplier      = wpnNode.Element("CritMultiplier");
                        if (critMultiplier != null)
                            critMultiplierValue = int.Parse(splash.Value);

                        XElement    projectileNode = wpnNode.Element("Projectile");
                        eProjectile projectileType;
                        if (projectileNode != null)
                            projectileType = (eProjectile)Enum.Parse(typeof(eProjectile), projectileNode.Value);
                            projectileType = eProjectile.None;

                        WeaponStruct ws;
                        if (projectileType != eProjectile.None)
                            ws = new WeaponStruct(int.Parse(wpnNode.Element("Range").Value), int.Parse(wpnNode.Element("RoF").Value), float.Parse(wpnNode.Element("Damage").Value), projectileType, splashValue, splashDmgPercValue, eAttackableTargets.All)
                                DamageType = dmgTypeValue
                            ws = new WeaponStruct(int.Parse(wpnNode.Element("Range").Value), int.Parse(wpnNode.Element("RoF").Value), float.Parse(wpnNode.Element("Damage").Value), splashValue, splashDmgPercValue, eAttackableTargets.All)
                                DamageType = dmgTypeValue

                        XElement shootFXNode = wpnNode.Element("ShootFX");
                        if (shootFXNode != null)
                            ws.ShootFX = int.Parse(shootFXNode.Value);
                        XElement impactFXNode = wpnNode.Element("ImpactFX");
                        if (impactFXNode != null)
                            ws.ImpactFX = int.Parse(impactFXNode.Value);

                        #region Modifiers
                        XElement modifierNode = wpnNode.Element("Stunchance");
                        if (modifierNode != null)
                            ws.WeaponModifiers.StunChance = int.Parse(modifierNode.Value);
                        modifierNode = null;
                        modifierNode = wpnNode.Element("Slows");
                        if (modifierNode != null)
                            ws.WeaponModifiers.Slows = bool.Parse(modifierNode.Value);
                        modifierNode = null;
                        modifierNode = wpnNode.Element("RootChance");
                        if (modifierNode != null)
                            ws.WeaponModifiers.RootChance = int.Parse(modifierNode.Value);
                        modifierNode = null;
                        modifierNode = wpnNode.Element("ArmorReductionValue");
                        if (modifierNode != null)
                            ws.WeaponModifiers.ArmorReductionValue = int.Parse(modifierNode.Value);
                        modifierNode = null;


Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static void LoadDefenders()
            string[] defenderXmls = Directory.GetFiles("Data/Defenders", "*.xml");

            foreach (string path in defenderXmls)
                XDocument      doc = XDocument.Load(path);
                DefenderStruct ds;

                XElement IDNode = doc.Root.Element("ID");
                if (IDNode != null)
                    ds = new DefenderStruct(int.Parse(IDNode.Value));
                    throw new NullReferenceException("ID node missing. " + path);

                #region General
                XElement generalNode;

                generalNode = doc.Root.Element("Name");
                if (generalNode != null)
                    ds.Name = generalNode.Value;
                    throw new NullReferenceException("Name node missing. " + path);
                generalNode = null;

                generalNode = doc.Root.Element("Description");
                if (generalNode != null)
                    ds.Desc = generalNode.Value;
                    throw new NullReferenceException("Desc node missing. " + path);
                generalNode = null;

                generalNode = doc.Root.Element("HP");
                if (generalNode != null)
                    ds.HP = int.Parse(generalNode.Value);
                    throw new NullReferenceException("HP node missing. " + path);
                generalNode = null;

                generalNode = doc.Root.Element("IsMelee");
                if (generalNode != null)
                    ds.IsMelee = bool.Parse(generalNode.Value);
                generalNode = null;

                generalNode = doc.Root.Element("MeleeSightRange");
                if (generalNode != null)
                    ds.MeleeSightRange = int.Parse(generalNode.Value);
                generalNode = null;

                generalNode = doc.Root.Element("SpawnDelay");
                if (generalNode != null)
                    ds.SpawnDelay = int.Parse(generalNode.Value);
                generalNode = null;

                generalNode = doc.Root.Element("Armor");
                if (generalNode != null)
                    ds.ArmorType = (eArmorType)Enum.Parse(typeof(eArmorType), generalNode.Value);
                generalNode = null;

                generalNode = doc.Root.Element("Animation");
                if (generalNode != null)
                    ds.AnimationType = (eAnimation)Enum.Parse(typeof(eAnimation), generalNode.Value);
                    throw new NullReferenceException("Animation node missing. " + path);
                generalNode = null;

                generalNode = doc.Root.Element("Velocity");
                if (generalNode != null)
                    ds.Velocity = float.Parse(generalNode.Value);
                generalNode = null;

                generalNode = doc.Root.Element("IsGround");
                if (generalNode != null)
                    ds.IsGround = bool.Parse(generalNode.Value);
                generalNode = null;

                generalNode = doc.Root.Element("HPRegen");
                if (generalNode != null)
                    ds.HPRegen = int.Parse(generalNode.Value);
                generalNode = null;


                #region Weapons
                XElement weaponsMainNode = doc.Root.Element("Weapons");
                if (weaponsMainNode != null)
                    foreach (XElement wpnNode in weaponsMainNode.Elements())
                        XElement wpnRange      = wpnNode.Element("Range");
                        int      wpnRangeValue = 0;
                        if (wpnRange != null)
                            wpnRangeValue = int.Parse(wpnRange.Value);

                        XElement wpnRoF      = wpnNode.Element("RoF");
                        int      wpnRoFValue = 0;
                        if (wpnRoF != null)
                            wpnRoFValue = int.Parse(wpnRoF.Value);

                        XElement wpnDmg      = wpnNode.Element("Damage");
                        int      wpnDmgValue = 0;
                        if (wpnDmg != null)
                            wpnDmgValue = int.Parse(wpnDmg.Value);

                        XElement wpnSplash      = wpnNode.Element("Splash");
                        int      wpnSplashValue = 0;
                        if (wpnSplash != null)
                            wpnSplashValue = int.Parse(wpnSplash.Value);

                        XElement wpnSplashDmgPerc      = wpnNode.Element("SplashDmgPercentage");
                        int      wpnSplashDmgPercValue = 0;
                        if (wpnSplashDmgPerc != null)
                            wpnSplashDmgPercValue = int.Parse(wpnDmg.Value);

                        XElement           wpnAttackableTargets = wpnNode.Element("AttackableTargets");
                        eAttackableTargets wpnAttackableTargetsValue;
                        if (wpnAttackableTargets == null)
                            wpnAttackableTargetsValue = eAttackableTargets.Ground;
                            wpnAttackableTargetsValue = (eAttackableTargets)Enum.Parse(typeof(eAttackableTargets), wpnAttackableTargets.Value);

                        XElement    dmgType      = wpnNode.Element("DamageType");
                        eDamageType dmgTypeValue = eDamageType.Normal;
                        if (dmgType != null)
                            dmgTypeValue = (eDamageType)Enum.Parse(typeof(eDamageType), dmgType.Value);

                        WeaponStruct ws = new WeaponStruct(wpnRangeValue, wpnRoFValue, wpnDmgValue, wpnSplashValue, wpnSplashDmgPercValue, wpnAttackableTargetsValue)
                            DamageType = dmgTypeValue

                        XElement shootFXNode = wpnNode.Element("ShootFX");
                        if (shootFXNode != null)
                            ws.ShootFX = int.Parse(shootFXNode.Value);
                        XElement impactFXNode = wpnNode.Element("ImpactFX");
                        if (impactFXNode != null)
                            ws.ImpactFX = int.Parse(impactFXNode.Value);

                        #region Modifiers
                        XElement modifierNode = wpnNode.Element("Stunchance");
                        if (modifierNode != null)
                            ws.WeaponModifiers.StunChance = int.Parse(modifierNode.Value);
                        modifierNode = null;
                        modifierNode = wpnNode.Element("Slows");
                        if (modifierNode != null)
                            ws.WeaponModifiers.Slows = bool.Parse(modifierNode.Value);
                        modifierNode = null;
                        modifierNode = wpnNode.Element("RootChance");
                        if (modifierNode != null)
                            ws.WeaponModifiers.RootChance = int.Parse(modifierNode.Value);
                        modifierNode = null;
                        modifierNode = wpnNode.Element("ArmorReductionValue");
                        if (modifierNode != null)
                            ws.WeaponModifiers.ArmorReductionValue = int.Parse(modifierNode.Value);
                        modifierNode = null;


Ejemplo n.º 4
        public static void LoadTowers()
            string[] towerXmls = Directory.GetFiles("Data/Towers", "*.xml");

            foreach (string path in towerXmls)
                XDocument doc = XDocument.Load(path);

                #region Required
                XElement RequiredNode = doc.Root.Element("Required");
                if (RequiredNode == null)
                    throw new Exception("Required node missing. " + path);

                TowerStruct ts       = new TowerStruct(int.Parse(RequiredNode.Element("ID").Value));
                XElement    required = RequiredNode.Element("Name");
                if (required != null)
                    ts.Name = required.Value;
                    throw new Exception("Name missing." + path);
                required = null;

                required = RequiredNode.Element("Description");
                if (required != null)
                    ts.Desc = required.Value;
                    throw new Exception("Description missing." + path);
                required = null;

                required = RequiredNode.Element("Cost");
                if (required != null)
                    ts.Cost = int.Parse(required.Value);
                    throw new Exception("Cost missing." + path);
                required = null;

                required = RequiredNode.Element("Icon");
                if (required != null)
                    ts.Icon = Common.str2Tex("Icons/" + required.Value);
                    throw new Exception("Icon missing." + path);
                required = null;

                required = RequiredNode.Element("Animation");
                if (required != null)
                    ts.AnimationType = (eAnimation)Enum.Parse(typeof(eAnimation), required.Value);
                    throw new Exception("Animation missing." + path);
                required = null;

                #region Basic
                XElement basicNode = doc.Root.Element("Basic");
                if (basicNode != null)
                    XElement basic;

                    basic = basicNode.Element("BuildSize");
                    if (basic != null)
                        ts.BuildSize = Common.Str2Point(basic.Value);
                    basic = null;

                    basic = basicNode.Element("BuildTime");
                    if (basic != null)
                        ts.BuildTimeInMS = int.Parse(basic.Value);
                    basic = null;

                    basic = basicNode.Element("Supply");
                    if (basic != null)
                        ts.SupplyCost = int.Parse(basic.Value);
                    basic = null;

                    basic = basicNode.Element("UpgradeTime");
                    if (basic != null)
                        ts.UpgTimeInMS = int.Parse(basic.Value);
                    basic = null;

                #region Advanced
                XElement advancedNode = doc.Root.Element("Advanced");
                if (advancedNode != null)
                    XElement advanced;

                    advanced = advancedNode.Element("IncomePerTick");
                    if (advanced != null)
                        ts.IncomePerTick = int.Parse(advanced.Value);
                    advanced = null;

                    advanced = advancedNode.Element("IncomeTickDelay");
                    if (advanced != null)
                        ts.IncomeTickDelayInMS = int.Parse(advanced.Value);
                    advanced = null;

                    advanced = advancedNode.Element("IncomePerWave");
                    if (advanced != null)
                        ts.IncomePerWave = int.Parse(advanced.Value);
                    advanced = null;

                #region Weapons
                XElement wpnNode = doc.Root.Element("Weapons");
                if (wpnNode != null)
                    foreach (XElement wpn in wpnNode.Elements())
                        XElement wpnRange = wpn.Element("Range");
                        if (wpnRange == null)
                            throw new Exception("Weapon has no range. " + path);

                        XElement wpnRoF = wpn.Element("RoF");
                        if (wpnRoF == null)
                            throw new Exception("Weapon has no RoF. " + path);

                        XElement wpnDmg = wpn.Element("Damage");
                        if (wpnDmg == null)
                            throw new Exception("Weapon has no Damage. " + path);

                        XElement wpnProjectileType = wpn.Element("Projectile");
                        if (wpnProjectileType == null)
                            throw new Exception("Weapon has no Projectile. " + path);

                        XElement wpnSplash = wpn.Element("Splash");
                        int      wpnSplashValue;
                        if (wpnSplash == null)
                            wpnSplashValue = 0;
                            wpnSplashValue = int.Parse(wpnSplash.Value);

                        XElement wpnSplashDmgPercentage = wpn.Element("SplashDmgPercentage");
                        int      wpnSplashDmgPercentageValue;
                        if (wpnSplashDmgPercentage == null)
                            wpnSplashDmgPercentageValue = 0;
                            wpnSplashDmgPercentageValue = int.Parse(wpnSplashDmgPercentage.Value);

                        XElement           wpnAttackableTargets = wpn.Element("AttackableTargets");
                        eAttackableTargets wpnAttackableTargetsValue;
                        if (wpnAttackableTargets == null)
                            wpnAttackableTargetsValue = eAttackableTargets.Ground;
                            wpnAttackableTargetsValue = (eAttackableTargets)Enum.Parse(typeof(eAttackableTargets), required.Value);

                        WeaponStruct ws = new WeaponStruct(int.Parse(wpnRange.Value), int.Parse(wpnRoF.Value), int.Parse(wpnDmg.Value), (eProjectile)Enum.Parse(typeof(eProjectile), wpnProjectileType.Value), wpnSplashValue, wpnSplashDmgPercentageValue, wpnAttackableTargetsValue);

                        XElement wpnProjectileSpawnOffset = wpn.Element("ProjectileSpawnOffset");
                        if (wpnProjectileSpawnOffset != null)
                            ws.ProjectileSpawnOffset = Common.Str2Vector(wpnProjectileSpawnOffset.Value);

                        XElement wpnCritical;
                        wpnCritical = wpn.Element("CritRate");
                        if (wpnCritical != null)
                            ws.CritChance = int.Parse(wpnCritical.Value);

                        XElement wpnCritMultiplier;
                        wpnCritMultiplier = wpn.Element("CritMultiplier");
                        if (wpnCritMultiplier != null)
                            ws.CritMultiplier = int.Parse(wpnCritMultiplier.Value);

                        XElement shootFXNode = wpn.Element("ShootFX");
                        if (shootFXNode != null)
                            ws.ShootFX = int.Parse(shootFXNode.Value);
                        XElement impactFXNode = wpn.Element("ImpactFX");
                        if (impactFXNode != null)
                            ws.ImpactFX = int.Parse(impactFXNode.Value);

                        #region Modifiers
                        XElement modifierNode = wpn.Element("Stunchance");
                        if (modifierNode != null)
                            ws.WeaponModifiers.StunChance = int.Parse(modifierNode.Value);
                        modifierNode = null;
                        modifierNode = wpn.Element("Slows");
                        if (modifierNode != null)
                            ws.WeaponModifiers.Slows = bool.Parse(modifierNode.Value);
                        modifierNode = null;
                        modifierNode = wpn.Element("RootChance");
                        if (modifierNode != null)
                            ws.WeaponModifiers.RootChance = int.Parse(modifierNode.Value);
                        modifierNode = null;
                        modifierNode = wpn.Element("ArmorReductionValue");
                        if (modifierNode != null)
                            ws.WeaponModifiers.ArmorReductionValue = int.Parse(modifierNode.Value);
                        modifierNode = null;


                #region Spawn
                XElement spawnMainNode = doc.Root.Element("Spawns");
                if (spawnMainNode != null)
                    ts.MaxRallyPointRange     = int.Parse(spawnMainNode.Attribute("maxRallyPointRange").Value);
                    ts.RallyPointPersuitRange = int.Parse(spawnMainNode.Attribute("persuitRange").Value);
                    foreach (XElement spawnNode in spawnMainNode.Elements())
                        ts.Spawns = true;
                        int defID = int.Parse(spawnNode.Element("ID").Value);
                        DefenderSpawnStruct ds = new DefenderSpawnStruct(defID);

                        XElement initialAmountNode = spawnNode.Element("InitialAmount");
                        if (initialAmountNode != null)
                            ds.InitialAmount = int.Parse(initialAmountNode.Value);

                        XElement spawnUpgCost = spawnNode.Element("UpgCntCost");
                        if (spawnUpgCost != null)
                            ds.UpgCntCost = int.Parse(spawnUpgCost.Value);

                        XElement maxNode = spawnNode.Element("Max");
                        if (maxNode != null)
                            ds.Max = int.Parse(maxNode.Value);


                #region Upgrades (to another tower)
                XElement towerUpgradeMainNode = doc.Root.Element("Upgrades");
                if (towerUpgradeMainNode != null)
                    foreach (XElement towerUpgNode in towerUpgradeMainNode.Elements())
                        ts.Upgrades.Add(new TowerUpgrade(int.Parse(towerUpgNode.Element("NewTowerID").Value),

                #region Categories
                XElement catMainNode = doc.Root.Element("Categories");
                if (catMainNode != null)
                    foreach (XElement catIDNode in catMainNode.Elements())

                #region info
                XElement infoMainNode = doc.Root.Element("Info");
                if (infoMainNode != null)
                    foreach (XElement infoNode in infoMainNode.Elements())
                        ts.Info.Add(new StringBuilder(infoNode.Value));

                #region Requirements
                XElement requiredMainNode = doc.Root.Element("Requirements");
                if (requiredMainNode != null)
                    foreach (XElement requiredOrNode in requiredMainNode.Elements())
                        List <int> requirementsAND = new List <int>();
                        foreach (XElement requiredAndNode in requiredOrNode.Elements())
