Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor for TitleName
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="lang">string holding Language ID</param>
        /// <param name="nam">string holding title name associated with specific language</param>
        public TitleName(string lang, string nam)
            // VALIDATION

            // LANG
            // trim
            lang = lang.Trim();

            if ((!Utility_Methods.ValidateLanguageID(lang)) && (!lang.Equals("generic")))
                throw new InvalidDataException("TitleName langID must either be 'generic' or have the format 'lang_' followed by 1-2 letters, ending in 1-2 numbers");

            // NAM
            // trim and ensure 1st is uppercase
            nam = Utility_Methods.FirstCharToUpper(nam.Trim());

            if (!Utility_Methods.ValidateName(nam))
                throw new InvalidDataException("TitleName name must be 1-40 characters long and contain only valid characters (a-z and ') or spaces");

            this.langID = lang;
            this.name   = nam;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor for BaseLanguage
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id">String holding language ID</param>
        /// <param name="nam">String holding language name</param>
        public BaseLanguage(String id, String nam)
            // VALIDATION

            // ID
            // trim
            id = id.Trim();

            if (!Utility_Methods.ValidateLanguageID(id, "baseLang"))
                throw new InvalidDataException("BaseLanguage ID must have the format 'lang_' followed by 1-2 letters");

            // NAM
            // trim and ensure 1st is uppercase
            nam = Utility_Methods.FirstCharToUpper(nam.Trim());

            if (!Utility_Methods.ValidateName(nam))
                throw new InvalidDataException("BaseLanguage name must be 1-40 characters long and contain only valid characters (a-z and ') or spaces");

            this.id   = id;
            this.name = nam;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor for Terrain
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id">String holding terrain code</param>
        /// <param name="desc">String holding terrain description</param>
        /// <param name="tc">double holding terrain travel cost</param>
        public Terrain(String id, string desc, double tc, double[] combatMods)
            // VALIDATION

            // ID
            // trim
            id = id.Trim();

            if (!Utility_Methods.ValidateTerrainID(id))
                throw new InvalidDataException("Terrain ID must have the format 'terr_' followed by some letters");

            // DESC
            // trim and ensure 1st is uppercase
            desc = Utility_Methods.FirstCharToUpper(desc.Trim());

            if (!Utility_Methods.ValidateName(desc))
                throw new InvalidDataException("Terrain description must be 1-40 characters long and contain only valid characters (a-z and ') or spaces");

            // TC
            if (tc < 1)
                throw new InvalidDataException("Terrain travelCost must be a double >= 1");

            this.id          = id;
            this.description = desc;
            this.travelCost  = tc;
            this.combatMods  = combatMods;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor for Place_Serialised taking seperate values.
        /// For creating Place_Serialised from CSV file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id">String holding place ID</param>
        /// <param name="nam">String holding place name</param>
        /// <param name="own">String holding Place owner (ID)</param>
        /// <param name="tiHo">String holding place title holder (charID)</param>
        /// <param name="rnk">String holding Place rank (ID)</param>
        public Place_Serialised(String id, String nam, byte r, String tiHo = null, string own = null)
            // VALIDATION

            // ID
            // trim and ensure is uppercase
            id = id.Trim().ToUpper();

            if (!Utility_Methods.ValidatePlaceID(id))
                throw new InvalidDataException("Place_Serialised id must be 5 characters long, start with a letter, and end in at least 2 numbers");

            // NAM
            // trim and ensure 1st is uppercase
            nam = Utility_Methods.FirstCharToUpper(nam.Trim());

            if (!Utility_Methods.ValidateName(nam))
                throw new InvalidDataException("Place_Serialised name must be 1-40 characters long and contain only valid characters (a-z and ') or spaces");

            // TIHO
            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tiHo))
                // trim and ensure 1st is uppercase
                tiHo = Utility_Methods.FirstCharToUpper(tiHo.Trim());

                if (!Utility_Methods.ValidateCharacterID(tiHo))
                    throw new InvalidDataException("Place_Serialised titleHolder must have the format 'Char_' followed by some numbers");

            // OWNER
            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(owner))
                // trim and ensure 1st is uppercase
                owner = Utility_Methods.FirstCharToUpper(owner.Trim());

                if (!Utility_Methods.ValidateCharacterID(owner))
                    throw new InvalidDataException("Place_Serialised owner must have the format 'Char_' followed by some numbers");

            this.id          = id;
            this.name        = nam;
            this.owner       = own;
            this.titleHolder = tiHo;
            this.rank        = r;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor for Trait
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id">String holding trait ID</param>
        /// <param name="nam">String holding trait name</param>
        /// <param name="effs">Dictionary(string, double) holding trait effects</param>
        public Trait(String id, String nam, Dictionary <Globals_Game.Stats, double> effs)
            // VALIDATION

            // ID
            // trim
            id = id.Trim();

            if (!Utility_Methods.ValidateTraitID(id))
                throw new InvalidDataException("Trait ID must have the format 'trait_' followed by some numbers");

            // NAM
            // trim and ensure 1st is uppercase
            nam = Utility_Methods.FirstCharToUpper(nam.Trim());

            if (!Utility_Methods.ValidateName(nam))
                throw new InvalidDataException("Trait name must be 1-40 characters long and contain only valid characters (a-z and ') or spaces");

            // effect values
            double[] effVals = new double[effs.Count];
            effs.Values.CopyTo(effVals, 0);

            for (int i = 0; i < effVals.Length; i++)
                if ((effVals[i] < -0.99) || (effVals[i] > 0.99))
                    throw new InvalidDataException("All Trait effect values must be doubles between -0.99 and 0.99");

            this.id      = id;
            this.name    = nam;
            this.effects = effs;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor for Ailment
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id">String holding ailment ID</param>
        /// <param name="descr">string holding ailment description</param>
        /// <param name="wh">string holding ailment date</param>
        /// <param name="eff">uint holding current ailment effect</param>
        /// <param name="minEff">uint holding minimum ailment effect</param>
        public Ailment(String id, string descr, string wh, uint eff, uint minEff)
            // VALIDATION

            // ID
            // trim and ensure 1st is uppercase
            id = Utility_Methods.FirstCharToUpper(id.Trim());

            if (!Utility_Methods.ValidateAilmentID(id))
                throw new InvalidDataException("Ailment ID must have the format 'Ail_' followed by some numbers");

            // DESCR
            // trim and ensure 1st is uppercase
            descr = Utility_Methods.FirstCharToUpper(descr.Trim());

            if (!Utility_Methods.ValidateName(descr))
                throw new InvalidDataException("Ailment description must be 1-40 characters long and contain only valid characters (a-z and ') or spaces");

            // WHEN
            // trim and ensure 1st is uppercase
            wh = Utility_Methods.FirstCharToUpper(wh.Trim());

            // check contains season
            if (!wh.Contains("Spring"))
                if (!wh.Contains("Summer"))
                    if (!wh.Contains("Autumn"))
                        if (!wh.Contains("Winter"))
                            throw new InvalidDataException("Ailment 'when' must specify the season and year in which the ailment occurred");

            // EFF
            // check must be 1-5
            if ((eff < 1) || (eff > 5))
                throw new InvalidDataException("Ailment effect must be a uint between 1-5");

            // MINEFF
            // check not > 1
            if (minEff > 1)
                throw new InvalidDataException("Ailment minimumEffect must be a uint less than 2");

            this.ailmentID     = id;
            this.description   = descr;
            this.when          = wh;
            this.effect        = eff;
            this.minimumEffect = minEff;