Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs rendering of particles.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="iterator">The particle iterator object.</param>
        /// <param name="context">The render context containing rendering information.</param>
        protected override void Render(ref RenderContext context, ref ParticleIterator iterator)
            Vector2 origin = new Vector2(context.Texture.Width / 2f, context.Texture.Height / 2f);

            this.SpriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Deferred, context.BlendState, SamplerState.PointClamp, DepthStencilState.None, RasterizerState.CullNone, null, this.Transformation);
                    Particle* particle = iterator.First;
                    Particle particle = iterator.First;
                        Single scale = particle->Scale / context.Texture.Width;

                        Vector2 position = new Vector2
                            X = particle->Position.X,
                            Y = particle->Position.Y

                        this.SpriteBatch.Draw(context.Texture, position, null, new Color(particle->Colour), particle->Rotation.Z, origin, scale, SpriteEffects.None, 0f);
                        Single scale = particle.Scale / context.Texture.Width;

                        Vector2 position = new Vector2
                            X = particle.Position.X,
                            Y = particle.Position.Y

                        this.SpriteBatch.Draw(context.Texture, position, null, new Color(particle.Colour), particle.Rotation.Z, origin, scale, SpriteEffects.None, 0f);
                    while (iterator.MoveNext(&particle));
                    while (iterator.MoveNext(ref particle));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void RenderEffect(ParticleEffect effect, ref Matrix world,
                                                        ref Matrix view,
                                                        ref Matrix projection,
                                                        ref Vector3 camera)
            Guard.ArgumentNull("effect", effect);

            RenderContext context = new RenderContext
                CameraPosition = camera,
                Projection = projection,
                View = view,
                World = world


                for (int i = 0; i < effect.Count; i++)
                    Emitter emitter = effect[i];

                    // Skip if the emitter does not have a texture...
                    if (emitter.ParticleTexture == null)

                    // Skip if the emitter blend mode is 'None'...
                    if (emitter.BlendMode == EmitterBlendMode.None)

                    if (emitter.ActiveParticlesCount > 0)
                        fixed (Particle* particleArray = emitter.Particles)
                            context.BlendState = BlendStateFactory.GetBlendState(emitter.BlendMode);
                            context.Count = emitter.ActiveParticlesCount;
                            context.ParticleArray = particleArray;
                            context.Texture = emitter.ParticleTexture;

                            this.Render(ref context);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Renders the specified particle effect.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="effect">The particle effect to render.</param>
        /// <param name="worldMatrix">The world transformation matrix.</param>
        /// <param name="viewMatrix">The view matrix.</param>
        /// <param name="projectionMatrix">The projection matrix.</param>
        /// <param name="cameraPosition">The camera matrix.</param>
        public void RenderEffect(ParticleEffect effect, ref Matrix worldMatrix,
                                                        ref Matrix viewMatrix,
                                                        ref Matrix projectionMatrix,
                                                        ref Vector3 cameraPosition)
                this.PreRender(ref worldMatrix, ref viewMatrix, ref projectionMatrix);

                //Pre-multiply any proxies world matrices with the passed in world matrix
                if (effect.Proxies != null && worldMatrix != Matrix.Identity)
                    effect.SetFinalWorld(ref worldMatrix);

                for (Int32 i = 0; i < effect.Emitters.Count; i++)
                    AbstractEmitter emitter = effect.Emitters[i];

                    // Skip if the emitter does not have a texture...
                    if (emitter.ParticleTexture == null)

                    // Skip if the emitter blend mode is set to 'None'...
                    if (emitter.BlendMode == EmitterBlendMode.None)

                    // Skip if the emitter has no active particles...
                    if (emitter.ActiveParticlesCount == 0)

                    BlendState blendState = BlendStateFactory.GetBlendState(emitter.BlendMode);

                    RenderContext context = new RenderContext(emitter.BillboardStyle, emitter.BillboardRotationalAxis, blendState, emitter.ParticleTexture, ref worldMatrix, ref viewMatrix, ref projectionMatrix, ref cameraPosition, emitter.ActiveParticlesCount, emitter.UseVelocityAsBillboardAxis);

                    Counters.ParticlesDrawn += emitter.ActiveParticlesCount;
                    fixed (Particle* buffer = emitter.Particles)
                    Particle[] buffer = emitter.Particles;
                        ParticleIterator iterator = new ParticleIterator(buffer, emitter.Budget, emitter.ActiveIndex, emitter.ActiveParticlesCount);

                        this.Render(ref context, ref iterator);
Ejemplo n.º 4
 /// <summary>
 /// Performs rendering of particles.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="context">The render context containing rendering information.</param>
 /// <param name="iterator">The particle iterator object.</param>
 protected abstract void Render(ref RenderContext context, ref ParticleIterator iterator);
        protected override unsafe void Render(ref RenderContext context)
            Guard.IsTrue(this._basicEffect == null, "BillboardRenderer is not ready! Did you forget to LoadContent?");

            Particle* particle = context.ParticleArray;
            Vector3 cameraPosition = context.CameraPosition;
            SetDataOptions setDataOptions = SetDataOptions.NoOverwrite;

            //TODO - cyclics buffers not quite working, though no sign of a perf increase for it anyway
            //if (_vertexBufferPosition + context.Count * VerticesPerParticle > MaxVertices)
                //Too much to fit in the remaining space - start at the beginning and discard
                _vertexBufferPosition = 0;
                setDataOptions = SetDataOptions.Discard;

                fixed (VertexPositionVectorColorTexture* vertexArray = _vertices)
                //Where to start writing vertices into the array
                VertexPositionVectorColorTexture* verts = vertexArray + _vertexBufferPosition;

                for (int i = 0; i < context.Count; i++)
                    Guard.ArgumentGreaterThan("context.Count", context.Count, MaxParticles);

                    //TODO: If/when we move to a custom vertex shader use this to billboard http://forums.create.msdn.com/forums/t/16106.aspx - or copy the 3d sample
                    //TODO - take rotation into account
                    //TODO - take texture size into account - partially done Need a overall scale factor
                    //TODO - any way to merge particles that share a texture/blend - we can avoid a draw call in that case. I think it will need sorting outside the renderer

                    //TODO - needs a 'Use world transform' flag to optimize
                    var position = context.World != Matrix.Identity
                                        ? Vector3.Transform(particle->Position, context.World)
                                        : particle->Position;

                    //Calculate the corner offsets 2 and 4 are reflections of 0 and 1
                    var sizeX = particle->Scale*context.Texture.Width;
                    var sizeY = particle->Scale*context.Texture.Height;
                    _cornerOffsets[0].X = -sizeX;
                    _cornerOffsets[0].Y = -sizeY;
                    _cornerOffsets[1].X = sizeX;
                    _cornerOffsets[1].Y = -sizeY;
                    _cornerOffsets[2].X = sizeX;
                    _cornerOffsets[2].Y = sizeY;
                    _cornerOffsets[3].X = -sizeX;
                    _cornerOffsets[3].Y = sizeY;

                    //Work out the billboard transformation
                    Matrix billboard;
                    Matrix.CreateBillboard(ref position, ref cameraPosition, ref _up, -context.CameraPosition, out billboard);

                    //Create the 4 vertices
                    //Transform the corner offsets by billboard to make them camera facing
                    for (int j = 0; j < VerticesPerParticle; j++)
                        Vector3.Transform(ref _cornerOffsets[j], ref billboard, out verts->Position);
                        verts->Color = particle->Colour; 
                        verts->TextureCoordinate = _cornerUvs[j];

            int vertexCount = context.Count * VerticesPerParticle;

            base.GraphicsDeviceService.GraphicsDevice.BlendState = context.BlendState;

            //Xbox need the vertex buffer to be set to null before SetData is called
            //Windows does not
            //TODO: Is this a bug? see http://forums.create.msdn.com/forums/p/61885/399495.aspx#399495
            _vertexBuffer.SetData(_vertices, _vertexBufferPosition, vertexCount, setDataOptions);
            Debug.WriteLine("{0} vertex pos, {2} count {1} options", _vertexBufferPosition, setDataOptions, vertexCount/4);

            _basicEffect.View = context.View;
            _basicEffect.Projection = context.Projection;
            _basicEffect.Texture = context.Texture;

            foreach (EffectPass effectPass in _basicEffect.CurrentTechnique.Passes)
                base.GraphicsDeviceService.GraphicsDevice.DrawIndexedPrimitives(PrimitiveType.TriangleList, 0, _vertexBufferPosition, vertexCount, 
                                             //TODO - index buffer not quite right when cyclic buffer enabled
                                             _vertexBufferPosition /4 * 6 , vertexCount / 3);

            //Move to the next free part of the array
            _vertexBufferPosition += vertexCount;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 protected abstract unsafe void Render(ref RenderContext context);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs rendering of particles.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="iterator">The particle iterator object.</param>
        /// <param name="context">The render context containing rendering information.</param>
        protected override void Render(ref RenderContext context, ref ParticleIterator iterator)
            Int32 vertexCount = 0;
            Vector3 cameraPos = context.CameraPosition;
            Vector3 rotationAxis = context.BillboardRotationalAxis;
            bool squareTexture = (context.Texture.Height == context.Texture.Width);
            float aspectRatio = context.Texture.Height / (float)context.Texture.Width ;

            SetDataOptions setDataOptions = SetDataOptions.NoOverwrite;

            //Use the SpriteBatch style of filling buffers
            if (_vertexBufferPosition + context.Count * VerticesPerParticle > NumVertices)
                //Too much to fit in the remaining space - start at the beginning and discard
                _vertexBufferPosition = 0;
                setDataOptions = SetDataOptions.Discard;

                fixed (ParticleVertex* vertexArray = Vertices)
                    ParticleVertex* verts = vertexArray +_vertexBufferPosition;
                    int vertexIndex = _vertexBufferPosition;
                    var particle = iterator.First;
                        Single scale = particle->Scale;
                        Vector3 position = particle->Position;
                        Vector3 rotation = particle->Rotation;
                        Vector4 colour = particle->Colour;
                        //Work out our world transform - and set a flag to avoid some multiplies if world ends up as zero
                        bool worldIsNotIdentity = true;
                        Matrix effectWorld;
                        if (context.WorldIsIdentity)
                            if (particle->EffectProxyIndex > 0)
                                effectWorld = ParticleEffectProxy.Proxies[particle->EffectProxyIndex].World;
                                worldIsNotIdentity = false;
                                effectWorld = Matrix.Identity; //Makes the compiler happy though we will never actually use it.
                            effectWorld = particle->EffectProxyIndex > 0 ? ParticleEffectProxy.Proxies[particle->EffectProxyIndex].FinalWorld : context.World;

                        Single scale = particle.Scale;
                        Vector3 position = particle.Position;
                        Vector3 rotation = particle.Rotation;
                        Vector4 colour = particle.Colour;
                        //If we have a proxy then multiply in the proxy world matrix
                        bool worldIsNotIdentity = true;
                        Matrix effectWorld;
                        if (context.WorldIsIdentity)
                            if (particle.EffectProxyIndex > 0)
                                effectWorld = ParticleEffectProxy.Proxies[particle.EffectProxyIndex].World;
                                worldIsNotIdentity = false;
                                effectWorld = Matrix.Identity;
                                    //Makes the compiler happy though we will never actually use it.
                            effectWorld = particle.EffectProxyIndex > 0
                                              ? ParticleEffectProxy.Proxies[particle.EffectProxyIndex].FinalWorld
                                              : context.World;

                        //Individual particle transformations - scale and rotation
                        //The Rotation setup will fill in the top 3x3 so we just need to initialise 44
                        var transform = new Matrix {M44 = 1};

                        float scaleX = scale;
                        float scaleY = squareTexture ? scale : scale * aspectRatio;
                        //ScaleZ is always 1 so no need multiple into M_3

                        //Inline the rotation and scale calculations and do each element in one go
                        //Fast rotation matrix - see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rotation_matrix#General_rotations
                        //This set matches
                        //Matrix temp2 = Matrix.CreateRotationX(rotation.X) * Matrix.CreateRotationY(rotation.Y) * Matrix.CreateRotationZ(rotation.Z); //Matches math od Rotx*RotY*RotZ
                        //var cosX = (float) Math.Cos(rotation.X);
                        //var cosY = (float) Math.Cos(rotation.Y);
                        //var cosZ = (float) Math.Cos(rotation.Z);
                        //var sinX = (float) Math.Sin(rotation.X);
                        //var sinY = (float) Math.Sin(rotation.Y);
                        //var sinZ = (float) Math.Sin(rotation.Z);
                        //transform.M11 = cosY*cosZ;
                        //transform.M12 = cosY * sinZ;
                        //transform.M13 = -sinY;
                        //transform.M21 = sinX*sinY*cosZ - cosX * sinZ;
                        //transform.M22 = sinX*sinY*sinZ + cosX*cosZ;
                        //transform.M23 = sinX*cosY;
                        //transform.M31 = cosX*sinY*cosZ + sinX * sinZ;
                        //transform.M32 = cosX*sinY*sinZ - sinX * cosZ;
                        //transform.M33 = cosX * cosY;

                        //This set matches
                        //Matrix temp2 = Matrix.CreateScale(new VEctor3(scaleX, scaleY,1) * Matrix.CreateRotationZ(rotation.Z) * Matrix.CreateRotationX(rotation.Y) * Matrix.CreateRotationY(rotation.X) ; //Matches YawPitchRoll order
                        //Matrix temp = Matrix.CreateScale(new VEctor3(scaleX, scaleY,1) * Matrix.CreateFromYawPitchRoll(rotation.X, rotation.Y, rotation.Z);
                        //TODO - can we optimise out a rotation e.g.fast path if rotation.Y=0 etc
                        //TODO - can we optimise out rotation(s) if we know its a billboard? That overwrites much of the transform
                        var cosX = (float)Math.Cos(rotation.Y);
                        var cosY = (float)Math.Cos(rotation.X);
                        var cosZ = (float)Math.Cos(rotation.Z);
                        var sinX = (float)Math.Sin(rotation.Y);
                        var sinY = (float)Math.Sin(rotation.X);
                        var sinZ = (float)Math.Sin(rotation.Z);
                        var cosYcosZ = cosY*cosZ;
                        var cosYsinZ = cosY*sinZ;
                        var sinXsinY = sinX*sinY;
                        transform.M11 = (cosYcosZ + sinXsinY * sinZ) * scaleX;
                        transform.M12 = (cosX * sinZ) * scaleX;
                        transform.M13 = (sinX * cosYsinZ - sinY * cosZ) * scaleX;
                        transform.M21 = (sinXsinY * cosZ - cosYsinZ) * scaleY;
                        transform.M22 = (cosX * cosZ) *scaleY;
                        transform.M23 = (sinY * sinZ + sinX * cosYcosZ) * scaleY;
                        transform.M31 = cosX * sinY;
                        transform.M32 = -sinX;
                        transform.M33 = cosX * cosY;

                        switch (context.BillboardStyle)
                            case BillboardStyle.None:
                                //Position the particle without a multiplication!
                                transform.M41 = position.X;
                                transform.M42 = position.Y;
                                transform.M43 = position.Z;
                                //Just apply the world
                                //TODO - we can just do this in Basic effect instead of per vertex - only if there is no proxy, sort of a fast path!
                                if (worldIsNotIdentity)
                                    Matrix.Multiply(ref transform, ref effectWorld, out transform);

                            default: //Its billboarded

                                Vector3 worldPos;
                                if (worldIsNotIdentity)
                                    Vector3.Transform(ref position, ref effectWorld, out worldPos);
                                    worldPos = position;

                                //Apply the billboard (which includes the world translation)
                                Matrix billboardMatrix;
                                if (context.BillboardStyle == BillboardStyle.Spherical)
                                    //Spherical billboards (always face the camera)
                                    Matrix.CreateBillboard(ref worldPos, ref cameraPos, ref Up, Forward,
                                                           out billboardMatrix);
                                    //HACK: For progenitor DBP use the velocity as the axis for a per particle axis
                                    if (context.UseVelocityAsBillboardAxis)
                                        Matrix.CreateConstrainedBillboard(ref worldPos, ref cameraPos, ref particle->Velocity,
                                                                          Forward, null, out billboardMatrix);
                                        Matrix.CreateConstrainedBillboard(ref worldPos, ref cameraPos, ref particle.Velocity,
                                                                          Forward, null, out billboardMatrix);

                                        //Cylindrical billboards have a vector they are allowed to rotate around
                                        Matrix.CreateConstrainedBillboard(ref worldPos, ref cameraPos, ref rotationAxis,
                                                                          Forward, null, out billboardMatrix);


                                Matrix.Multiply(ref transform, ref billboardMatrix, out transform);

                        Vector3 v1;
                        Vector3 v2;
                        Vector3 v3;
                        Vector3 v4;

                        Vector3.Transform(ref inv1, ref transform, out v1);
                        Vector3.Transform(ref inv2, ref transform, out v2);
                        Vector3.Transform(ref inv3, ref transform, out v3);
                        Vector3.Transform(ref inv4, ref transform, out v4);

                        //inline particle value assignments - removes 4 calls with their parameters and its a struct anyway
                        verts->Position.X = v1.X;
                        verts->Position.Y = v1.Y;
                        verts->Position.Z = v1.Z;
                        verts->Colour.X = colour.X;
                        verts->Colour.Y = colour.Y;
                        verts->Colour.Z = colour.Z;
                        verts->Colour.W = colour.W;

                        verts->Position.X = v2.X;
                        verts->Position.Y = v2.Y;
                        verts->Position.Z = v2.Z;
                        verts->Colour.X = colour.X;
                        verts->Colour.Y = colour.Y;
                        verts->Colour.Z = colour.Z;
                        verts->Colour.W = colour.W;

                        verts->Position.X = v3.X;
                        verts->Position.Y = v3.Y;
                        verts->Position.Z = v3.Z;
                        verts->Colour.X = colour.X;
                        verts->Colour.Y = colour.Y;
                        verts->Colour.Z = colour.Z;
                        verts->Colour.W = colour.W;

                        verts->Position.X = v4.X;
                        verts->Position.Y = v4.Y;
                        verts->Position.Z = v4.Z;
                        verts->Colour.X = colour.X;
                        verts->Colour.Y = colour.Y;
                        verts->Colour.Z = colour.Z;
                        verts->Colour.W = colour.W;
                        //inline particle value assignments - removes 4 calls with their parameters and its a struct anyway

                        this.Vertices[vertexIndex].Position = v1;
                        this.Vertices[vertexIndex].Colour = colour;
                        this.Vertices[vertexIndex++].TextureCoordinate = uv1;
                        this.Vertices[vertexIndex].Position = v2;
                        this.Vertices[vertexIndex].Colour = colour;
                        this.Vertices[vertexIndex++].TextureCoordinate = uv2;
                        this.Vertices[vertexIndex].Position = v3;
                        this.Vertices[vertexIndex].Colour = colour;
                        this.Vertices[vertexIndex++].TextureCoordinate = uv3;
                        this.Vertices[vertexIndex].Position = v4;
                        this.Vertices[vertexIndex].Colour = colour;
                        this.Vertices[vertexIndex++].TextureCoordinate = uv4;
                        vertexCount += 4;
                    while (iterator.MoveNext(&particle));
                    while (iterator.MoveNext(ref particle));

                    base.GraphicsDeviceService.GraphicsDevice.BlendState = context.BlendState;
                    this.BasicEffect.Texture = context.Texture;

                    //Xbox need the vertex buffer to be set to null before SetData is called
                    //Windows does not
                    //TODO: Is this a bug? see http://forums.create.msdn.com/forums/p/61885/399495.aspx#399495
#if XBOX
                    if (setDataOptions == SetDataOptions.Discard)
                    _vertexBuffer.SetData(_vertexBufferPosition * ParticleVertex.Size, Vertices, _vertexBufferPosition, vertexCount, ParticleVertex.Size, setDataOptions);                    
                    Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("position: {0} Count: {1} Hint: {2}", _vertexBufferPosition, vertexCount, setDataOptions));

                    foreach (EffectPass pass in this.BasicEffect.CurrentTechnique.Passes)
                        base.GraphicsDeviceService.GraphicsDevice.DrawIndexedPrimitives(PrimitiveType.TriangleList, 0, _vertexBufferPosition, vertexCount,
                                                                                        _vertexBufferPosition/4*6, vertexCount/2);

                    //Move to the next free part of the array
                    _vertexBufferPosition += vertexCount;