public void ContinueSizing(int clientX)
            // calculate offset
            int offset = clientX - _lastClientX;

            // no-op for zero offset
            if (offset == 0)

            if (!_cellWidthsFixed)
                // do fixups once during each size operation
                // This actually causes the cells to change size in many cases, which is incredibly annoying.
                // TableHelper.SynchronizeCellWidthsForEditing(_table);
                _cellWidthsFixed = true;

            // check for abort condition
            if (AbortOnMinimumColumnWidth(offset))

            // perform the sizing (middle of the table mode)
            if (_rightColumn != null)
                _leftColumn.Width  = Math.Max(_leftColumn.Width + offset, MINIMUM_COLUMN_WIDTH);
                _rightColumn.Width = Math.Max(_rightColumn.Width - offset, MINIMUM_COLUMN_WIDTH);
            // perform the sizing (end of the table mode)
                // change left column
                _leftColumn.Width = Math.Max(_leftColumn.Width + offset, MINIMUM_COLUMN_WIDTH);

                // set the table width to prevent table wierdness

            // update last client x
            _lastClientX = clientX;

            // make sure we continue showing the sizing cursor
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private IHTMLElement GetTargetCell(Point clientPoint)
            // maximum amount of scanning buffer is based on cell spacing
            int maxScanningRange = Math.Max(TableHelper.GetAttributeAsInteger(_table.cellSpacing), 2);

            // copy client point so we can modify the x-coordinate while scanning
            Point targetPoint = new Point(clientPoint.X, clientPoint.Y);

            // if we go past the end of the table allow the cell closest to the cursor
            // to become the target cell (necessary for sizing the table larger)
            Point          xTargetPoint = new Point(targetPoint.X, targetPoint.Y);
            IHTMLTableCell targetCell   = null;

            while (targetCell == null && xTargetPoint.X >= (targetPoint.X - maxScanningRange))   // 0 )
                // determine the cell we are over
                targetCell = _editorContext.ElementFromClientPoint(xTargetPoint) as IHTMLTableCell;

                // screen cells that don't belong to us
                if (!HTMLElementHelper.ElementsAreEqual(_table as IHTMLElement, TableHelper.GetContainingTableElement(targetCell as IHTMLElement) as IHTMLElement))
                    targetCell = null;


            // if we got a target cell then ensure that the point is over the document area
            if (targetCell != null)
                if (_editorContext.PointIsOverDocumentArea(clientPoint))
                    return(targetCell as IHTMLElement);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public void ProcessCell(IHTMLTableCell cell)
     // for the first cell processed, note its color
     if (!_firstCellProcessed)
         _backgroundColor.Color = TableHelper.GetColorForHtmlColor(cell.bgColor);
         _firstCellProcessed    = true;
     // for subsequent cells, if any of them differ from the first cell
     // then the background color is mixed
     else if (!_backgroundColor.IsMixed)
         if (_backgroundColor.Color != TableHelper.GetColorForHtmlColor(cell.bgColor))
             _backgroundColor.IsMixed = true;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public void ProcessCell(IHTMLTableCell cell)
     // for the first cell processed, note its alignment
     if (!_firstCellProcessed)
         _verticalAlignment  = TableHelper.GetVAlignmentForHtmlAlignment(cell.vAlign);
         _firstCellProcessed = true;
     // for subsequent cells, if any of them differ from the first cell
     // then the alignment is mixed
     else if (_verticalAlignment != VerticalAlignment.Mixed) // optimize
         if (_verticalAlignment != TableHelper.GetVAlignmentForHtmlAlignment(cell.vAlign))
             _verticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Mixed;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public void ProcessCell(IHTMLTableCell cell)
     // for the first cell processed, note its alignment
     if (!_firstCellProcessed)
         _horizontalAlignment = TableHelper.GetAlignmentForHtmlAlignment(cell.align);
         _firstCellProcessed  = true;
     // for subsequent cells, if any of them differ from the first cell
     // then the alignment is mixed
     else if (_horizontalAlignment != HorizontalAlignment.Mixed)
         if (_horizontalAlignment != TableHelper.GetAlignmentForHtmlAlignment(cell.align))
             _horizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Mixed;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public TableSelection(MarkupRange markupRange)
            // calculate the begin and end cells
            IHTMLTableCell beginCell;
            IHTMLTableCell endCell;
            ArrayList      selectedCells;

            FindCellRange(markupRange, out selectedCells, out beginCell, out endCell);

            // see if the two cells have a single containing table
            IHTMLTable table = GetSelectedTable(beginCell, endCell, markupRange) as IHTMLTable;

            // if we have a table then calculate the rest of our states
            if (table != null)
                // validate the table selection
                if (ValidateTableSelection(table, markupRange, out _entireTableSelected))
                    _table = table;

                    _beginCell = beginCell;
                    _endCell   = endCell;

                    // filter selected cells to only include direct descendents of this table (no
                    // cells from nested tables)
                    _selectedCells = new ArrayList();
                    foreach (IHTMLElement cell in selectedCells)
                        if (HTMLElementHelper.ElementsAreEqual(TableHelper.GetContainingTableElement(cell) as IHTMLElement, _table as IHTMLElement))

                    _hasContiguousSelection = !HTMLElementHelper.ElementsAreEqual(_beginCell as IHTMLElement, _endCell as IHTMLElement);

                    _beginRow = GetContainingRowForCell(beginCell);
                    _endRow   = GetContainingRowForCell(endCell);

                    _beginColumn = new HTMLTableColumn(_table, beginCell);
                    _endColumn   = new HTMLTableColumn(_table, endCell);
        protected override void OnElementAttached()
            // call base

            // determine whether the cell is editable
            _cellIsEditable = TableHelper.TableElementIsEditable(HTMLElement, ElementRange);

            // if editable then do our thing
            if (_cellIsEditable)
                // add ourselves to the list of cell element behaviors

                // if the table has no borders then set a runtime style that lets the user see the borders
                    HTMLElement as IHTMLElement2);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        private static bool TableElementIsContainedInUnselectableTable(IHTMLElement element)
            IHTMLTable table = TableHelper.GetContainingTableElement(element);

            if (table != null)
                object unselectable = (table as IHTMLElement).getAttribute("unselectable", 0);
                if (unselectable != null)
                    return(unselectable.ToString() == "on");
Ejemplo n.º 9
        private IHTMLElement GetSelectedTable(IHTMLTableCell beginCell, IHTMLTableCell endCell, MarkupRange selectionMarkupRange)
            // screen null cases
            if (beginCell == null || endCell == null)

            // get containing tables
            IHTMLTable beginTable = TableHelper.GetContainingTableElement(beginCell as IHTMLElement);
            IHTMLTable endTable   = TableHelper.GetContainingTableElement(endCell as IHTMLElement);

            // see if they are from the same table
            if (HTMLElementHelper.ElementsAreEqual(beginTable as IHTMLElement, endTable as IHTMLElement))
                return(beginTable as IHTMLElement);
Ejemplo n.º 10
        private void InitializeSizingContext(IHTMLTableCell targetCell)
            IHTMLTableRow  row      = TableHelper.GetContainingRowElement(targetCell as IHTMLTableCell);
            IHTMLTableCell leftCell = row.cells.item(_pendingLeftColumnIndex, _pendingLeftColumnIndex) as IHTMLTableCell;

            _leftColumn = new HTMLTableColumn(_table, leftCell);

            if (_pendingRightColumnIndex != -1)
                IHTMLTableCell rightCell = row.cells.item(_pendingRightColumnIndex, _pendingRightColumnIndex) as IHTMLTableCell;
                _rightColumn = new HTMLTableColumn(_table, rightCell);
                _rightColumn = null;

            // force a fixup of cell widths on the next call to ContinueSizing
            // (we do this during ContinueSizing so that table column borders don't
            // visible "jump" on MouseDown)

            _cellWidthsFixed = false;
Ejemplo n.º 11
        private bool ValidateTableSelection(IHTMLTable table, MarkupRange selectionMarkupRange, out bool tableFullySelected)
            // assume table is not fully selected
            tableFullySelected = false;

            // first check to see that this is a "Writer" editable table
            if (!TableHelper.TableElementContainsWriterEditingMark(table as IHTMLElement))

            // get elemental objects we need to analyze the table
            IHTMLElement tableElement     = table as IHTMLElement;
            MarkupRange  tableMarkupRange = selectionMarkupRange.Clone();

            tableMarkupRange.MoveToElement(table as IHTMLElement, true);

            // analyze selection
            bool selectionAtTableStart = tableMarkupRange.Start.IsEqualTo(selectionMarkupRange.Start);
            bool selectionAtTableEnd   = tableMarkupRange.End.IsEqualTo(selectionMarkupRange.End);

            // is the table fully selected?
            if (selectionAtTableStart && selectionAtTableEnd)
                tableFullySelected = true;
                MarkupRange selectionMarkupRange2 = selectionMarkupRange.Clone();
                // is the selection bounded by the table
                IHTMLElement beginParentTable = selectionMarkupRange2.Start.SeekElementLeft(ElementFilters.CreateEqualFilter(tableElement));
                IHTMLElement endParentTable   = selectionMarkupRange2.End.SeekElementRight(ElementFilters.CreateEqualFilter(tableElement));
                return(beginParentTable != null && endParentTable != null);
Ejemplo n.º 12
        private void HandleMouseMove(TableColumnMouseEventArgs ea)
            // cell element we are over
            IHTMLElement targetCell = GetTargetCell(ea.ClientPoint);

            // if there is no element then we are done
            if (targetCell == null)
                // reset state

            // get the cell and row
            IHTMLTableCell cell = targetCell as IHTMLTableCell;
            IHTMLTableRow  row  = TableHelper.GetContainingRowElement(cell);

            // convert the client point to cell-local coordinates & calcualte our comparison x values
            TableCellEditingElementBehavior cellBehavior = _tableEditingContext.GetCellBehavior(targetCell);

            if (cellBehavior == null)

            Point cellLocalMousePt  = cellBehavior.TransformGlobalToLocal(ea.ClientPoint);
            int   cellSpacing       = TableHelper.GetAttributeAsInteger(_table.cellSpacing);
            int   cellSpacingOffset = cellSpacing / 2;
            int   compareX          = cellLocalMousePt.X;
            int   cellStartX        = 0 - cellSpacingOffset;
            int   cellEndX          = targetCell.offsetWidth + cellSpacingOffset;

            // if the mouse is near the edge of the cell then update the pending sizing action
            // (unless the mouse is near the edge of the first cell where no sizing is supported)
            if (MouseNearCellEdge(compareX, cellStartX, cellSpacing) || MouseNearCellEdge(compareX, cellEndX, cellSpacing))
                if (MouseNearCellEdge(compareX, cellStartX, cellSpacing))
                    if (cell.cellIndex > 0)
                        int leftIndex  = cell.cellIndex - 1;
                        int rightIndex = cell.cellIndex;
                        _sizingOperation.TrackPending(ea.ClientPoint.X, leftIndex, rightIndex);
                        ea.Handled = true;
                else if (MouseNearCellEdge(compareX, cellEndX, cellSpacing))
                    int leftIndex  = cell.cellIndex;
                    int rightIndex = cell.cellIndex < (row.cells.length - 1) ? cell.cellIndex + 1 : -1;

                    _sizingOperation.TrackPending(ea.ClientPoint.X, leftIndex, rightIndex);
                    ea.Handled = true;
            else // mouse is not near the edge of the cell, reset pending action