Ejemplo n.º 1
		public VariableReference (EvaluationContext ctx, CorValRef var, string name, DC.ObjectValueFlags flags)
			: base (ctx)
			this.flags = flags;
			this.var = var;
			this.name = name;
		static string Resolve (this ComposedType type, EvaluationContext ctx, List<object> args)
			string name;

			if (type.HasNullableSpecifier) {
				args.Insert (0, type.BaseType.Resolve (ctx));
				name = "System.Nullable`1";
			} else {
				name = type.BaseType.Resolve (ctx, args);

			if (type.PointerRank > 0)
				name += new string ('*', type.PointerRank);

			if (type.ArraySpecifiers.Count > 0) {
				foreach (var spec in type.ArraySpecifiers) {
					if (spec.Dimensions > 1)
						name += "[" + new string (',', spec.Dimensions - 1) + "]";
						name += "[]";

			return name;
		public VariableReference (EvaluationContext ctx, TargetVariable var, DC.ObjectValueFlags flags): base (ctx)
			this.flags = flags;
			this.var = var;
			if (!var.CanWrite)
				flags |= DC.ObjectValueFlags.ReadOnly;
		public TypeValueReference (EvaluationContext ctx, object type)
			: base (ctx)
			this.type = type;
			fullName = ctx.Adapter.GetDisplayTypeName (ctx, type);
			name = GetTypeName (fullName);
		public FieldReference (EvaluationContext ctx, TargetStructObject thisobj, TargetType type, TargetFieldInfo field): base (ctx)
			this.type = type;
			this.field = field;
			if (!field.IsStatic)
				this.thisobj = thisobj;
		public BaseTypeViewSource (EvaluationContext ctx, IObjectSource objectSource, object type, object obj)
			this.ctx = ctx;
			this.type = type;
			this.obj = obj;
			this.objectSource = objectSource;
		public PropertyValueReference (EvaluationContext ctx, PropertyInfoMirror property, object obj, TypeMirror declaringType, Value[] indexerArgs): base (ctx)
			this.property = property;
			this.obj = obj;
			this.declaringType = declaringType;
			this.indexerArgs = indexerArgs;
			flags = ObjectValueFlags.Property;
			if (property.GetSetMethod (true) == null)
				flags |= ObjectValueFlags.ReadOnly;
			MethodMirror getter = property.GetGetMethod (true);
			if (getter.IsStatic)
				flags |= ObjectValueFlags.Global;
			if (getter.IsPublic)
				flags |= ObjectValueFlags.Public;
			else if (getter.IsPrivate)
				flags |= ObjectValueFlags.Private;
			else if (getter.IsFamily)
				flags |= ObjectValueFlags.Protected;
			else if (getter.IsFamilyAndAssembly)
				flags |= ObjectValueFlags.Internal;
			else if (getter.IsFamilyOrAssembly)
				flags |= ObjectValueFlags.InternalProtected;
			if (property.DeclaringType.IsValueType)
				flags |= ObjectValueFlags.ReadOnly; // Setting property values on structs is not supported by sdb
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public override void CopyFrom(Mono.Debugging.Evaluation.EvaluationContext gctx)
            MdbEvaluationContext ctx = (MdbEvaluationContext)gctx;

            thread = ctx.thread;
            frame  = ctx.frame;
		public static LiteralValueReference CreateObjectLiteral (EvaluationContext ctx, string name, object value)
			LiteralValueReference val = new LiteralValueReference (ctx);
			val.name = name;
			val.objValue = value;
			val.objLiteral = true;
			return val;
		public static ObjectValue CreateRawView (EvaluationContext ctx, IObjectSource objectSource, object obj)
			RawViewSource src = new RawViewSource (ctx, objectSource, obj);
			src.Connect ();
			ObjectValue val = ObjectValue.CreateObject (src, new ObjectPath ("Raw View"), "", "", ObjectValueFlags.Group|ObjectValueFlags.ReadOnly|ObjectValueFlags.NoRefresh, null);
			val.ChildSelector = "";
			return val;
		public FilteredMembersSource (EvaluationContext ctx, IObjectSource objectSource, object type, object obj, BindingFlags bindingFlags)
			this.ctx = ctx;
			this.obj = obj;
			this.type = type;
			this.bindingFlags = bindingFlags;
			this.objectSource = objectSource;
Ejemplo n.º 12
		public string TargetObjectToString (EvaluationContext ctx, object obj)
			object res = ctx.Adapter.TargetObjectToObject (ctx, obj);
			if (res == null)
				return null;
				return res.ToString ();
		static ObjectValue CreateNode (EvaluationContext ctx, IObjectSource objectSource, object type, object obj, BindingFlags bindingFlags, string label)
			FilteredMembersSource src = new FilteredMembersSource (ctx, objectSource, type, obj, bindingFlags);
			src.Connect ();
			ObjectValue val = ObjectValue.CreateObject (src, new ObjectPath (label), "", "", ObjectValueFlags.Group|ObjectValueFlags.ReadOnly|ObjectValueFlags.NoRefresh, null);
			val.ChildSelector = "";
			return val;
		public virtual EvaluationResult ToExpression (EvaluationContext ctx, object obj)
			if (obj == null)
				return new EvaluationResult ("null");
			else if (obj is IntPtr) {
				IntPtr p = (IntPtr) obj;
				return new EvaluationResult ("0x" + p.ToInt64 ().ToString ("x"));
			} else if (obj is char) {
				char c = (char) obj;
				string str;
				if (c == '\'')
					str = @"'\''";
				else if (c == '"')
					str = "'\"'";
					str = EscapeString ("'" + c + "'");
				return new EvaluationResult (str, ((int) c) + " " + str);
			else if (obj is string) {
				string val = "\"" + EscapeString ((string) obj) + "\"";
				string display = val;
				if (val.Length > EllipsizeLength + 2)
					display = "\"" + EscapeString ((string) obj, EllipsizeLength) + "\"";
				return new EvaluationResult (val, display);
			} else if (obj is bool)
				return new EvaluationResult (((bool)obj) ? "true" : "false");
			else if (obj is decimal)
				return new EvaluationResult (((decimal)obj).ToString (System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
			else if (obj is EvaluationResult)
				return (EvaluationResult) obj;
			if (ctx.Options.IntegerDisplayFormat == IntegerDisplayFormat.Hexadecimal) {
				string fval = null;
				if (obj is sbyte)
					fval = ((sbyte)obj).ToString ("x2");
				else if (obj is int)
					fval = ((int)obj).ToString ("x4");
				else if (obj is short)
					fval = ((short)obj).ToString ("x8");
				else if (obj is long)
					fval = ((long)obj).ToString ("x16");
				else if (obj is byte)
					fval = ((byte)obj).ToString ("x2");
				else if (obj is uint)
					fval = ((uint)obj).ToString ("x4");
				else if (obj is ushort)
					fval = ((ushort)obj).ToString ("x8");
				else if (obj is ulong)
					fval = ((ulong)obj).ToString ("x16");
				if (fval != null)
					return new EvaluationResult ("0x" + fval);
			return new EvaluationResult (obj.ToString ());
		public static ObjectValue CreateBaseTypeView (EvaluationContext ctx, IObjectSource objectSource, object type, object obj)
			BaseTypeViewSource src = new BaseTypeViewSource (ctx, objectSource, type, obj);
			src.Connect ();
			string tname = ctx.Adapter.GetDisplayTypeName (ctx, type);
			ObjectValue val = ObjectValue.CreateObject (src, new ObjectPath ("base"), tname, "{" + tname + "}", ObjectValueFlags.Type|ObjectValueFlags.ReadOnly|ObjectValueFlags.NoRefresh, null);
			val.ChildSelector = "";
			return val;
		public PropertyValueReference (EvaluationContext ctx, PropertyInfoMirror property, object obj, TypeMirror declaringType, MethodMirror getter, Value[] indexerArgs): base (ctx)
			this.property = property;
			this.obj = obj;
			this.declaringType = declaringType;
			this.indexerArgs = indexerArgs;
			flags = GetFlags (property, getter);
		public override void CopyFrom (EvaluationContext ctx)
			base.CopyFrom (ctx);
			SoftEvaluationContext other = (SoftEvaluationContext) ctx;
			frame = other.frame;
			stackVersion = other.stackVersion;
			Thread = other.Thread;
			session = other.session;
Ejemplo n.º 18
		public ObjectValue CreateObjectValue (EvaluationContext ctx, IObjectValueSource source, ObjectPath path, object obj, ObjectValueFlags flags)
			try {
				return CreateObjectValueImpl (ctx, source, path, obj, flags);
			} catch (Exception ex) {
				ctx.WriteDebuggerError (ex);
				return ObjectValue.CreateFatalError (path.LastName, ex.Message, flags);
Ejemplo n.º 19
		public override void CopyFrom (EvaluationContext ctx)
			base.CopyFrom (ctx);
			frame = ((CorEvaluationContext) ctx).frame;
			frameIndex = ((CorEvaluationContext) ctx).frameIndex;
			evalTimestamp = ((CorEvaluationContext) ctx).evalTimestamp;
			Thread = ((CorEvaluationContext) ctx).Thread;
			Session = ((CorEvaluationContext) ctx).Session;
Ejemplo n.º 20
 public RemoteRawValue(EvaluationContext gctx, IObjectSource source, object targetObject)
     this.ctx = gctx.Clone ();
     ctx.Options.AllowTargetInvoke = true;
     ctx.Options.AllowMethodEvaluation = true;
     this.targetObject = targetObject;
     this.source = source;
     Connect ();
Ejemplo n.º 21
		public ArrayElementGroup (EvaluationContext ctx, ICollectionAdaptor array, int[] baseIndices, int firstIndex, int lastIndex)
			this.array = array;
			this.ctx = ctx;
			this.bounds = array.GetDimensions ();
			this.baseIndices = baseIndices;
			this.firstIndex = firstIndex;
			this.lastIndex = lastIndex;
		public static LiteralValueReference CreateTargetObjectLiteral (EvaluationContext ctx, string name, object value)
			LiteralValueReference val = new LiteralValueReference (ctx);
			val.name = name;
			val.value = value;
			val.type = ctx.Adapter.GetValueType (ctx, value);
			val.objCreated = true;
			return val;
		Value NormalizeValue (EvaluationContext ctx, Value value)
			if (variable.Type.IsPointer) {
				long addr = (long) ((PrimitiveValue) value).Value;

				return new PointerValue (value.VirtualMachine, variable.Type, addr);

			return ctx.Adapter.IsNull (ctx, value) ? null : value;
		public static LiteralValueReference CreateVoidReturnLiteral (EvaluationContext ctx, string name)
			LiteralValueReference val = new LiteralValueReference (ctx);
			val.name = name;
			val.value = val.objValue = new EvaluationResult ("No return value.");
			val.type = typeof (EvaluationResult);
			val.objLiteral = true;
			val.objCreated = true;
			return val;
		public NamespaceValueReference (EvaluationContext ctx, string name) : base (ctx)
			namspace = name;

			int i = namspace.LastIndexOf ('.');
			if (i != -1)
				this.name = namspace.Substring (i+1);
				this.name = namspace;
Ejemplo n.º 26
		public string TargetObjectToString (EvaluationContext ctx, object obj)
			object res = ctx.Adapter.TargetObjectToObject (ctx, obj);
			if (res == null)
				return null;
			if (res is EvaluationResult)
				return ((EvaluationResult) res).DisplayValue;
				return res.ToString ();
		static string Resolve (this AstType type, EvaluationContext ctx, List<object> args)
			if (type is PrimitiveType)
				return Resolve ((PrimitiveType) type, ctx, args);
			else if (type is ComposedType)
				return Resolve ((ComposedType) type, ctx, args);
			else if (type is MemberType)
				return Resolve ((MemberType) type, ctx, args);
			else if (type is SimpleType)
				return Resolve ((SimpleType) type, ctx, args);

			return null;
Ejemplo n.º 28
		public FieldReference (EvaluationContext ctx, CorValRef thisobj, CorType type, FieldInfo field)
			: base (ctx)
			this.thisobj = thisobj;
			this.type = type;
			this.field = field;
			if (!field.IsStatic)
				this.thisobj = thisobj;

			loader = delegate {
				return ((CorValRef)Value).Val;
Ejemplo n.º 29
		public PropertyReference (EvaluationContext ctx, PropertyInfo prop, CorValRef thisobj, CorType declaringType, CorValRef[] index)
			: base (ctx)
			this.prop = prop;
			this.declaringType = declaringType;
			this.module = declaringType.Class.Module;
			this.index = index;
			if (!prop.GetGetMethod (true).IsStatic)
				this.thisobj = thisobj;

			loader = delegate {
				return ((CorValRef)Value).Val;
		public PropertyValueReference (EvaluationContext ctx, PropertyInfoMirror property, object obj, TypeMirror declaringType, MethodMirror getter, Value[] indexerArgs): base (ctx)
			this.declaringType = declaringType;
			this.indexerArgs = indexerArgs;
			this.property = property;
			this.getter = getter;
			this.obj = obj;

			var objectMirror = obj as ObjectMirror;
			if (objectMirror != null)
				EnsureContextHasDomain (objectMirror.Domain);

			flags = GetFlags (property, getter);
Ejemplo n.º 31
		public FieldReference (EvaluationContext ctx, CorValRef thisobj, CorType type, FieldInfo field, string vname, ObjectValueFlags vflags) : base (ctx)
			this.thisobj = thisobj;
			this.type = type;
			this.field = field;
			this.vname = vname;
			if (field.IsStatic)
				this.thisobj = null;

			flags = vflags | GetFlags (field);

			loader = delegate {
				return ((CorValRef)Value).Val;
 public virtual ValidationResult ValidateExpression(EvaluationContext ctx, string expression)
     return(new ValidationResult(true, null));
Ejemplo n.º 33
 public ArrayValueReference(EvaluationContext ctx, object arr, int[] indices)
     : base(ctx)
     this.indices = indices;
     adaptor      = ctx.Adapter.CreateArrayAdaptor(ctx, arr);
        public virtual EvaluationResult ToExpression(EvaluationContext ctx, object obj)
            if (obj == null)
                return(new EvaluationResult("null"));
            else if (obj is IntPtr)
                IntPtr p = (IntPtr)obj;
                return(new EvaluationResult("0x" + p.ToInt64().ToString("x")));
            else if (obj is char)
                char   c = (char)obj;
                string str;
                if (c == '\'')
                    str = @"'\''";
                else if (c == '"')
                    str = "'\"'";
                    str = EscapeString("'" + c + "'");
                return(new EvaluationResult(str, ((int)c) + " " + str));
            else if (obj is string)
                return(new EvaluationResult("\"" + EscapeString((string)obj) + "\""));
            else if (obj is bool)
                return(new EvaluationResult(((bool)obj) ? "true" : "false"));
            else if (obj is decimal)
                return(new EvaluationResult(((decimal)obj).ToString(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)));
            else if (obj is EvaluationResult)

            if (ctx.Options.IntegerDisplayFormat == IntegerDisplayFormat.Hexadecimal)
                string fval = null;
                if (obj is sbyte)
                    fval = ((sbyte)obj).ToString("x2");
                else if (obj is int)
                    fval = ((int)obj).ToString("x4");
                else if (obj is short)
                    fval = ((short)obj).ToString("x8");
                else if (obj is long)
                    fval = ((long)obj).ToString("x16");
                else if (obj is byte)
                    fval = ((byte)obj).ToString("x2");
                else if (obj is uint)
                    fval = ((uint)obj).ToString("x4");
                else if (obj is ushort)
                    fval = ((ushort)obj).ToString("x8");
                else if (obj is ulong)
                    fval = ((ulong)obj).ToString("x16");

                if (fval != null)
                    return(new EvaluationResult("0x" + fval));

            return(new EvaluationResult(obj.ToString()));
 public virtual IEnumerable <ValueReference> GetParameters(EvaluationContext ctx)
Ejemplo n.º 36
 LiteralValueReference(EvaluationContext ctx) : base(ctx)
Ejemplo n.º 37
 public virtual void CopyFrom(EvaluationContext ctx)
     options   = ctx.options.Clone();
     Evaluator = ctx.Evaluator;
     Adapter   = ctx.Adapter;
Ejemplo n.º 38
 public ExpressionValueSource(EvaluationContext ctx)
     this.ctx = ctx;
Ejemplo n.º 39
        public ObjectValue[] GetChildren(ObjectPath path, int firstItemIndex, int count, EvaluationOptions options)
            EvaluationContext cctx = ctx.WithOptions(options);

            if (path.Length > 1)
                // Looking for children of an array element
                int[]  idx = StringToIndices(path [1]);
                object obj = array.GetElement(idx);
                return(cctx.Adapter.GetObjectValueChildren(cctx, new ArrayObjectSource(array, path[1]), obj, firstItemIndex, count));

            int  lowerBound;
            int  upperBound;
            bool isLastDimension;

            if (bounds.Length > 1)
                int rank = baseIndices.Length;
                lowerBound      = 0;
                upperBound      = bounds [rank] - 1;
                isLastDimension = rank == bounds.Length - 1;
                lowerBound      = 0;
                upperBound      = bounds [0] - 1;
                isLastDimension = true;

            int len;
            int initalIndex;

            if (!IsRange)
                initalIndex = lowerBound;
                len         = upperBound + 1;
                initalIndex = firstIndex;
                len         = lastIndex - firstIndex + 1;

            if (firstItemIndex == -1)
                firstItemIndex = 0;
                count          = len;

            // Make sure the group doesn't have too many elements. If so, divide
            int div = 1;

            while (len / div > MaxChildCount)
                div *= 10;

            if (div == 1 && isLastDimension)
                // Return array elements

                ObjectValue[] values  = new ObjectValue [count];
                ObjectPath    newPath = new ObjectPath("this");

                int[] curIndex = new int [baseIndices.Length + 1];
                Array.Copy(baseIndices, curIndex, baseIndices.Length);
                string curIndexStr = IndicesToString(baseIndices);
                if (baseIndices.Length > 0)
                    curIndexStr += ",";

                for (int n = 0; n < values.Length; n++)
                    int         index = n + initalIndex + firstItemIndex;
                    string      sidx  = curIndexStr + index.ToString();
                    ObjectValue val;
                    string      ename = "[" + sidx.Replace(",", ", ") + "]";
                    if (index > upperBound)
                        val = ObjectValue.CreateUnknown(sidx);
                        curIndex [curIndex.Length - 1] = index;
                        object elem = array.GetElement(curIndex);
                        val = cctx.Adapter.CreateObjectValue(cctx, this, newPath.Append(sidx), elem, ObjectValueFlags.ArrayElement);
                        if (elem != null && !cctx.Adapter.IsNull(cctx, elem))
                            TypeDisplayData tdata = cctx.Adapter.GetTypeDisplayData(cctx, cctx.Adapter.GetValueType(cctx, elem));
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tdata.NameDisplayString))
                                ename = cctx.Adapter.EvaluateDisplayString(cctx, elem, tdata.NameDisplayString);
                    val.Name   = ename;
                    values [n] = val;
            else if (!isLastDimension && div == 1)
                // Return an array element group for each index

                List <ObjectValue> list = new List <ObjectValue> ();
                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    int         index = i + initalIndex + firstItemIndex;
                    ObjectValue val;

                    // This array must be created at every call to avoid sharing
                    // changes with all array groups
                    int[] curIndex = new int [baseIndices.Length + 1];
                    Array.Copy(baseIndices, curIndex, baseIndices.Length);
                    curIndex [curIndex.Length - 1] = index;

                    if (index > upperBound)
                        val = ObjectValue.CreateUnknown("");
                        ArrayElementGroup grp = new ArrayElementGroup(cctx, array, curIndex);
                        val = grp.CreateObjectValue();
                // Too many elements. Split the array.

                // Don't make divisions of 10 elements, min is 100
                if (div == 10)
                    div = 100;

                // Create the child groups
                int i = initalIndex + firstItemIndex;
                len += i;
                List <ObjectValue> list = new List <ObjectValue> ();
                while (i < len)
                    int end = i + div - 1;
                    if (end > len)
                        end = len - 1;
                    ArrayElementGroup grp = new ArrayElementGroup(cctx, array, baseIndices, i, end);
                    i += div;
Ejemplo n.º 40
 public ArrayElementGroup(EvaluationContext ctx, ICollectionAdaptor array)
     : this(ctx, array, new int [0])
Ejemplo n.º 41
 public ArrayElementGroup(EvaluationContext ctx, ICollectionAdaptor array, int[] baseIndices)
     : this(ctx, array, baseIndices, 0, -1)
Ejemplo n.º 42
 public ValueReference(EvaluationContext ctx)
     this.ctx        = ctx;
     originalOptions = ctx.Options;
 public ValueReference Evaluate(EvaluationContext ctx, string exp)
     return(Evaluate(ctx, exp, null));
 public virtual ValueReference GetCurrentException(EvaluationContext ctx)
Ejemplo n.º 45
 protected ValueReference(EvaluationContext ctx)
     originalOptions = ctx.Options;
     Context         = ctx;
 public virtual ValueReference GetThisReference(EvaluationContext ctx)
Ejemplo n.º 47
 public virtual void SetValue(EvaluationContext ctx, object value)
     Value = value;
 public virtual IEnumerable <ValueReference> GetLocalVariables(EvaluationContext ctx)
Ejemplo n.º 49
 public virtual object GetValue(EvaluationContext ctx)
 public NullValueReference(EvaluationContext ctx, object type)
     : base(ctx)
     this.type = type;
 public EvaluationResult TargetObjectToExpression(EvaluationContext ctx, object obj)
     return(ToExpression(ctx, ctx.Adapter.TargetObjectToObject(ctx, obj)));