Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static void OnLoad()
            Config = MainMenu.AddMenu(Menuname, Menuname);

            AddKeyBind(Config, "Manual E->Q", "manualeq", 'A', KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive);
            AddKeyBind(Config, "R Spam", "flee", 'T', KeyBind.BindTypes.PressToggle);
            AddBool(Config, "Disable Orbwalker", "disorb", false);

            combo = Config.AddSubMenu("Combo Settings", "Combo Settings");
            combo.AddGroupLabel("Melee Settings");
            AddBool(combo, "Use [Q]", "useqcm");
            AddBool(combo, "Use [W]", "usewcm");
            AddBool(combo, "Use [E]", "useecm");
            AddBool(combo, "Smart [E]", "useecme");
            combo.AddGroupLabel("Ranged Settings");
            AddBool(combo, "Use [Q]", "useqcr");
            AddBool(combo, "Use [W]", "usewcr");
            AddBool(combo, "Use [E]", "useecr");
            AddBool(combo, "Auto Change Forms ([R])", "usercf");

            harass = Config.AddSubMenu("Harass Settings", "harass Settings");
            harass.AddGroupLabel("Melee Settings");
            AddBool(harass, "Use [Q]", "useqhm");
            harass.AddGroupLabel("Ranged Settings");
            AddBool(harass, "Use [Q]", "useqhr");
            AddBool(harass, "Use [W]", "usewhr");

            laneclear = Config.AddSubMenu("Lane Clear Settings", "Lane Clear Settings");
            AddValue(laneclear, "Minimum minions hit For W/Q", "minhitwq", 2, 0, 10);
            AddValue(laneclear, "Minimum Mana", "minmana", 30);
            laneclear.AddGroupLabel("Melee Settings");
            AddBool(laneclear, "Use [Q]", "useqlm");
            AddBool(laneclear, "Use [W]", "usewlm");
            AddBool(laneclear, "Use [E]", "useelm");
            laneclear.AddGroupLabel("Ranged Settings");
            AddBool(laneclear, "Use [Q]", "useqlr");
            AddBool(laneclear, "Use [W]", "usewlr");

            drawings = Config.AddSubMenu("Drawings", "Drawings");
            AddBool(drawings, "Draw [Q]", "drawq");
            AddBool(drawings, "Draw [E]", "drawe");
            AddBool(drawings, "Draw Timers", "drawtimers");

            misc = Config.AddSubMenu("Misc Settings", "Misc Settings");
            AddBool(misc, "Auto E On Interruptable", "autoeint");
            AddBool(misc, "Auto E On Dash", "autoedash");
            AddBool(misc, "Auto E On Gap Closers", "autoegap");
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static void Initialize()
            _spells = EloBuddy.SDK.Spells.SpellDatabase.GetSpellInfoList(MyHero.BaseSkinName);

            #region Initialize Menu
            Config = MainMenu.AddMenu("EBPredictioner", "asdasdasdsad");
            Config.AddGroupLabel("Taken logic from AIMBot, huge credits to iCreative.");
            Config.Add("ENABLED", new CheckBox("Enabled"));
            //Config.Add("SPREDHITC", new ComboBox("HitChance", 0, "High", "Medium", "Low"));
            Config.Add("SPREDHITC", new Slider("HitChance", 60));

            #region Initialize Spells
            var slots = new HashSet<SpellSlot>();
            foreach (var info in _spells)
            foreach (var slot in slots)
                if (Config[String.Format("{0}{1}", ObjectManager.Player.ChampionName, slot)] == null)
                    Config.Add(String.Format("{0}{1}", ObjectManager.Player.ChampionName, slot), new CheckBox("Convert Spell " + slot.ToString()));

            #region Initialize Events
            Spellbook.OnCastSpell += EventHandlers.Spellbook_OnCastSpell;
            AIHeroClient.OnProcessSpellCast += EventHandlers.Obj_AI_Hero_OnProcessSpellCast;
            Game.OnTick += Game_OnTick;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static void Initialize()
            #region Initialize Menu
            Config = MainMenu.AddMenu("SDKPredictioner", "sdkpaksldjaskdjlkasjdk");
            Config.Add("ENABLED", new CheckBox("Enabled"));
            Config.Add("SPREDHITC", new ComboBox("HitChance", 1, "Very High", "High", "Medium"));
            #region Initialize Spells
            foreach (var spell in SpellDatabase.Spells)
                if (spell.ChampionName == ObjectManager.Player.CharData.BaseSkinName && Config[String.Format("{0}{1}", ObjectManager.Player.ChampionName, spell.Slot)] == null)
                    Spells[(int)spell.Slot] = new Spell(spell.Slot, spell.Range);
                    Spells[(int)spell.Slot].SetSkillshot(spell.Delay / 1000f, spell.Radius, spell.MissileSpeed, spell.Collisionable, spell.Type);
                    Config.Add(String.Format("{0}{1}", ObjectManager.Player.ChampionName, spell.Slot), new CheckBox("Convert Spell " + spell.Slot.ToString()));

            #region Initialize Events
            Spellbook.OnCastSpell += EventHandlers.Spellbook_OnCastSpell;
            AIHeroClient.OnProcessSpellCast += EventHandlers.Obj_AI_Hero_OnProcessSpellCast;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public static void CreateMenu()
     Menu = MainMenu.AddMenu("Evade Skillshot", "Evade");
     foreach (var spell in SpellDatabase.Spells.Where(i => HeroManager.Enemies.Any(a => string.Equals(a.ChampionName, i.ChampionName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))))
         Menu.AddGroupLabel(string.Format("{0} ({1})", spell.SpellName, spell.Slot));
         Menu.Add("DangerLevel", new Slider("Danger Level", spell.DangerValue, 1, 5));
         Menu.Add("IsDangerous", new CheckBox("Is Dangerous", spell.IsDangerous));
         Menu.Add("DisableFoW", new CheckBox("Disable FoW Dodging", false));
         Menu.Add("Draw", new CheckBox("Draw", false));
         Menu.Add("Enabled", new CheckBox("Enabled", !spell.DisabledByDefault));
     Menu.Add("DrawStatus", new CheckBox("Draw Evade Status"));
     Menu.Add("EnabledA", new KeyBind("Enabled", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.PressToggle, 'K'));
     Menu.Add("OnlyDangerous", new KeyBind("Dodge Only Dangerous", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 32));
Ejemplo n.º 5
 internal static void Attach(Menu menu)
     menu.AddBool("Items.Enabled", "Use Items");
     menu.AddBool("Items.UseTIA", "Use Tiamat");
     menu.AddBool("Items.UseHDR", "Use Hydra");
     menu.AddBool("Items.UseBRK", "Use BORK");
     menu.AddBool("Items.UseBLG", "Use Bilgewater");
     menu.AddBool("Items.UseYMU", "Use Youmu");
     menu.AddGroupLabel("Combo :");
     menu.AddBool("Combo.UseQ", "Use Q");
     menu.AddBool("Combo.UseQ2", "Use Q2");
     menu.AddBool("Combo.StackQ", "Stack Q if not in Range");
     menu.AddBool("Combo.UseW", "Use W");
     menu.AddBool("Combo.UseE", "Use E");
     menu.AddBool("Combo.UseEQ", "Use EQ");
     menu.AddBool("Combo.ETower", "Use E under Tower", false);
     menu.AddBool("Combo.EAdvanced", "Predict E position with Waypoints");
     menu.AddBool("Combo.NoQ2Dash", "Dont Q2 while dashing", false);
     menu.AddBool("Combo.UseIgnite", "Use Ignite");
     menu.AddGroupLabel("Ult Settings ");
     foreach (var hero in HeroManager.Enemies)
         menu.AddBool("ult" + hero.ChampionName, "Ult " + hero.ChampionName);
     menu.AddSList("Combo.UltMode", "Ult Prioritization", new string[] { "Lowest Health", "TS Priority", "Most enemies" }, 0);
     menu.AddSlider("Combo.knockupremainingpct", "Knockup Remaining % for Ult", 95, 40, 100);
     menu.AddBool("Combo.UseR", "Use R");
     menu.AddBool("Combo.UltTower", "Ult under Tower", false);
     menu.AddBool("Combo.UltOnlyKillable", "Ult only Killable", false);
     menu.AddBool("Combo.RPriority", "Ult if priority 5 target is knocked up", true);
     menu.AddSlider("Combo.RMinHit", "Min Enemies for Ult", 1, 1, 5);
     menu.AddBool("Combo.OnlyifMin", "Only Ult if minimum enemies met", false);
     menu.AddSlider("Combo.MinHealthUlt", "Minimum health to Ult %", 0, 0, 100);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public static void LoadItems()
            #region ItemsMenu

            ItemMenu = config.AddSubMenu("Items", "Items");
                ItemMenu.Add("UseItems", new KeyBind("Only Use Combo Key Press", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 32));
                ItemMenu.Add("Use" + "Locket of the Iron Solari", new CheckBox("Use Locket"));
                ItemMenu.Add("Use" + "Randuin's Omen", new CheckBox("Use Randuin"));
                ItemMenu.Add("Randuin", new Slider("Use X Enemies In Range for randuin", 2, 1, 5));
                ItemMenu.Add("Use" + "Face of the Mountain", new CheckBox("Use FOM"));
                ItemMenu.Add("Use" + "Mikael's Crucible", new CheckBox("Use Mikaels"));

                BuffTypemenu = config.AddSubMenu("Buff Type", "Buff Type");
                    BuffTypemenu.Add("blind", new CheckBox("Blind"));
                    BuffTypemenu.Add("charm", new CheckBox("Charm"));
                    BuffTypemenu.Add("fear", new CheckBox("Fear"));
                    BuffTypemenu.Add("flee", new CheckBox("Flee"));
                    BuffTypemenu.Add("snare", new CheckBox("Snare"));
                    BuffTypemenu.Add("taunt", new CheckBox("Taunt"));
                    BuffTypemenu.Add("suppression", new CheckBox("Suppression"));
                    BuffTypemenu.Add("stun", new CheckBox("Stun"));
                    BuffTypemenu.Add("polymorph", new CheckBox("Polymorph"));
                    BuffTypemenu.Add("silence", new CheckBox("Silence"));


               Allymenu = config.AddSubMenu("Use For Him", "Use For Him");
                foreach (var hero in ObjectManager.Get<AIHeroClient>().Where(x => x.IsAlly))
                    Allymenu.Add(hero.ChampionName, new CheckBox(hero.ChampionName));



            Game.OnUpdate += Game_OnUpdate;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public static void Create()
     s_Config = MainMenu.AddMenu("Target Selector", "TargetSelector.Root");
     s_Config.AddGroupLabel("Target Selector Mode");
     s_Config.Add("TargetSelector.Root.iTargettingMode", new ComboBox("Selected Mode:", 0, "Auto", "Lowest HP", "Most AD", "Most AP", "Closest", "Near Mouse", "Less Attack", "Less Cast"));
     s_Config.AddLabel("(Higher value means higher priority)");
     foreach (var enemy in HeroManager.Enemies)
         s_Config.Add(string.Format("TargetSelector.Priority.{0}", enemy.ChampionName), new Slider(enemy.ChampionName, 1, 1, 5));
     s_Config.AddGroupLabel("Selected Target Settings");
     s_Config.Add("TargetSelector.Root.blFocusSelected", new CheckBox("Focus Selected Target"));
     s_Config.Add("TargetSelector.Root.iFocusSelectedExtraRange", new Slider("Extra Focus Selected Range", 0, 0, 250));
     s_Config.Add("TargetSelector.Root.blOnlyAttackSelected", new CheckBox("Only Attack Selected Target", false));
     s_Config.Add("TargetSelector.Root.SelectedTargetColor", new CheckBox("Selected Target Color", false));
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public OKTWdash(Spell qwer)
            DashSpell = qwer;

            Sub = Config.AddSubMenu(qwer.Slot + " Dash Config");
            Sub.Add("DashMode", new Slider("Dash MODE (0 : Cursor | 1 : Side | 2 : Safe Pos)", 2, 0, 2));
            Sub.Add("EnemyCheck", new Slider("Block dash in x enemies", 3, 0, 5));
            Sub.Add("WallCheck", new CheckBox("Block dash in wall"));
            Sub.Add("TurretCheck", new CheckBox("Block dash under turret"));
            Sub.Add("AAcheck", new CheckBox("Dash only in AA range"));
            Sub.Add("GapcloserMode", new Slider("Gapcloser MODE (0 : Cursor | 1 : Away - Safe Pos | 2 : Disable)", 1, 0, 2));

            foreach (var enemy in ObjectManager.Get<AIHeroClient>().Where(enemy => enemy.IsEnemy))
                Sub.Add("EGCchampion" + enemy.NetworkId, new CheckBox("Gapclose " + enemy.ChampionName));

            AntiGapcloser.OnEnemyGapcloser += AntiGapcloser_OnEnemyGapcloser;
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public static void Game_OnGameLoad()
            Menu = MainMenu.AddMenu("Humanizer", "Humanizer");

            spells = Menu.AddSubMenu("Spells", "Spells");
            foreach (var spell in Items)
                spells.Add("Enabled" + spell, new CheckBox("Delay " + spell));
                spells.Add("MinDelay" + spell, new Slider("Minimum Delay", 80));
                spells.Add("MaxDelay" + spell, new Slider("Maximum Delay", 200, 100, 400));
                LastCast.Add(spell, 0);
            spells.Add("DrawSpells", new CheckBox("Draw Blocked Spell Count"));

            move = Menu.AddSubMenu("Movement", "Movement");
            move.Add("MovementEnabled", new CheckBox("Enabled"));
            move.Add("MovementHumanizeDistance", new CheckBox("Humanize Movement Distance"));
            move.Add("MovementHumanizeRate", new CheckBox("Humanize Movement Rate"));
            move.Add("MinDelay", new Slider("Minimum Delay", 80));
            move.Add("MaxDelay", new Slider("Maximum Delay", 200, 100, 400));
            move.Add("DrawMove", new CheckBox("Draw Blocked Movement Count"));

            BlockedSpells = new Render.Text("Blocked Spells: ", Drawing.Width - 200, Drawing.Height - 600, 28, Color.Green);
            BlockedSpells.VisibleCondition += sender => getCheckBoxItem(spells, "DrawSpells");
            BlockedSpells.TextUpdate += () => "Blocked Spells: " + BlockedSpellCount;

            BlockedMovement = new Render.Text("Blocked Move: ", Drawing.Width - 200, Drawing.Height - 625, 28, Color.Green);
            BlockedMovement.VisibleCondition += sender => getCheckBoxItem(move, "DrawMove");
            BlockedMovement.TextUpdate += () => "Blocked Move: " + BlockedMoveCount;

            EloBuddy.Player.OnIssueOrder += Obj_AI_Base_OnIssueOrder;
            Spellbook.OnCastSpell += Spellbook_OnCastSpell;
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public static void CreateMenu()
            evadeMenu = Program.Menu.AddSubMenu("Evade Skillshot", "Evade");
            evadeMenu.AddGroupLabel("Credit: Evade#");

            evadeMenu.AddGroupLabel("Use Spells to Dodge");
            foreach (var spell in EvadeSpellDatabase.Spells)
                evadeMenu.AddGroupLabel(string.Format("{0} ({1})", spell.Name, spell.Slot));
                evadeMenu.Add(spell.Slot + "Tower", new CheckBox("Under Tower", false));
                evadeMenu.Add(spell.Slot + "Delay", new Slider("Extra Delay", 100, 0, 150));
                evadeMenu.Add(spell.Slot + "DangerLevel", new Slider("If Danger Level >=", 1, 1, 5));
                evadeMenu.Add(spell.Slot + "Enabled", new CheckBox("Enabled"));

            evadeMenu.AddGroupLabel("Dodge :");
            foreach (var spell in SpellDatabase.Spells.Where(i => HeroManager.Enemies.Any(a => string.Equals(a.ChampionName, i.ChampionName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))))
                evadeMenu.AddGroupLabel(string.Format("{0} ({1})", spell.SpellName, spell.Slot));
                evadeMenu.Add(spell.SpellName + "DangerLevel", new Slider("Danger Level", spell.DangerValue, 1, 5));
                evadeMenu.Add(spell.SpellName + "IsDangerous", new CheckBox("Is Dangerous", spell.IsDangerous));
                evadeMenu.Add(spell.SpellName + "DisableFoW", new CheckBox("Disable FoW Dodging", false));
                evadeMenu.Add(spell.SpellName + "Draw", new CheckBox("Draw", false));
                evadeMenu.Add(spell.SpellName + "Enabled", new CheckBox("Enabled", false));

            evadeMenu.AddGroupLabel("Settings :");
            evadeMenu.Add("DrawStatus", new CheckBox("Draw Evade Status"));
            evadeMenu.Add("Enabled", new KeyBind("Enabled", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.PressToggle, 'K'));
            evadeMenu.Add("OnlyDangerous", new KeyBind("Dodge Only Dangerous", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 32));
Ejemplo n.º 11
        private static void LoadSpellMenu(Menu parent)
            foreach (var unit in Heroes.Where(h => h.Player.Team != Player.Team))
                // new menu per spell
                foreach (var entry in Somedata.Spells)
                    if (entry.ChampionName == unit.Player.ChampionName.ToLower())

                        // activation parameters
                        parent.Add(entry.SDataName + "predict", new CheckBox("enabled"));
                        parent.Add(entry.SDataName + "danger", new CheckBox("danger", entry.HitType.Contains(HitType.Danger)));
                        parent.Add(entry.SDataName + "crowdcontrol", new CheckBox("crowdcontrol", entry.HitType.Contains(HitType.CrowdControl)));
                        parent.Add(entry.SDataName + "ultimate", new CheckBox("danger ultimate", entry.HitType.Contains(HitType.Ultimate)));
                        parent.Add(entry.SDataName + "forceexhaust", new CheckBox("force exhaust", entry.HitType.Contains(HitType.ForceExhaust)));

                        LeagueSharp.Common.Utility.DelayAction.Add(5000, () => parent[entry.SDataName + "predict"].Cast<CheckBox>().CurrentValue = entry.SpellTags.Contains(SpellTags.Damage) || entry.SpellTags.Contains(SpellTags.CrowdControl));
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public CoreSpell CreateMenu(Menu root)
                if (Player.GetSpellSlot(Name) == SpellSlot.Unknown)
                    return null;

                Menu = root;//.AddSubMenu(DisplayName, "m" + Name);

                Menu.Add("use" + Name, new CheckBox("Use " + DisplayName, false));

                if (Category.Any(t => t == MenuType.Stealth))
                    Menu.Add("Stealth" + Name + "pct", new CheckBox("Use on Stealth"));

                if (Category.Any(t => t == MenuType.SlowRemoval))
                    Menu.Add("use" + Name + "sr", new CheckBox("Use on Slows"));

                if (Category.Any(t => t == MenuType.EnemyLowHP))
                    Menu.Add("enemylowhp" + Name + "pct", new Slider("Use on Enemy HP % <=", DefaultHP));

                if (Category.Any(t => t == MenuType.SelfLowHP))
                    Menu.Add("selflowhp" + Name + "pct", new Slider("Use on Hero HP % <=", DefaultHP));

                if (Category.Any(t => t == MenuType.SelfMuchHP))
                    Menu.Add("selfmuchhp" + Name + "pct", new Slider("Use on Hero Dmg Dealt % >=", 25));

                if (Category.Any(t => t == MenuType.SelfLowMP))
                    Menu.Add("selflowmp" + Name + "pct", new Slider("Use on Hero Mana % <=", DefaultMP));

                if (Category.Any(t => t == MenuType.SelfCount))
                    Menu.Add("selfcount" + Name, new Slider("Use on # Near Hero >=", 3, 1, 5));

                if (Category.Any(t => t == MenuType.SelfMinMP))
                    Menu.Add("selfminmp" + Name + "pct", new Slider("Minimum Mana/Energy %", 40));

                if (Category.Any(t => t == MenuType.SelfMinHP))
                    Menu.Add("selfminhp" + Name + "pct", new Slider("Minimum HP %", 40));

                if (Category.Any(t => t == MenuType.SpellShield))
                    Menu.Add("ss" + Name + "all", new CheckBox("Use on Any Spell", false));
                    Menu.Add("ss" + Name + "cc", new CheckBox("Use on Crowd Control"));

                if (Category.Any(t => t == MenuType.Zhonyas))
                    Menu.Add("use" + Name + "norm", new CheckBox("Use on Dangerous (Spells)", false));
                    Menu.Add("use" + Name + "ulti", new CheckBox("Use on Dangerous (Ultimates Only)"));

                if (Category.Any(t => t == MenuType.ActiveCheck))
                    Menu.Add("mode" + Name, new ComboBox("Mode: ", 0, "Always", "Combo"));

            catch (Exception e)
                Chat.Print("<font color=\"#FFF280\">Exception thrown at CoreSpell.CreateMenu: </font>: " + e.Message);

            return this;
Ejemplo n.º 13
 public static void Init(Menu mainMenu)
     MenuLocal = mainMenu.AddSubMenu("Mana Settings", "MinMana");
     MenuLocal.Add("MinMana.Jungle.DontCheckEnemyBuff", new ComboBox("Don't check min. mana if I'm taking:", 2, "Off", "Ally Buff", "Enemy Buff", "Both"));
     MenuLocal.Add("MinMana.Jungle.DontCheckBlueBuff", new CheckBox("Don't check min. mana if I have Blue Buff"));
     MenuLocal.Add("MinMana.Jungle.Default", new CheckBox("Load Recommended Settings")).OnValueChange +=
         (sender, args) =>
             if (args.NewValue)
Ejemplo n.º 14
        private static void OnLoad()
            Menu = MainMenu.AddMenu("Aatrox", "Aatrox");
            Menu.AddLabel("Ported from BrianSharp - Berb");

            ComboMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Combo");
            ComboMenu.Add("Q", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
            ComboMenu.Add("W", new CheckBox("Use W"));
            ComboMenu.Add("WHpU", new Slider("-> Switch To Heal If Hp <", 50));
            ComboMenu.Add("E", new CheckBox("Use E"));
            ComboMenu.Add("R", new CheckBox("Use R"));
            ComboMenu.Add("RHpU", new Slider("-> If Enemy Hp <", 60));
            ComboMenu.Add("RCountA", new Slider("-> Or Enemy >=", 2, 1, 5));

            HarassMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Harass");
            HarassMenu.Add("AutoE", new KeyBind("Auto E", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.PressToggle, 'H'));
            HarassMenu.Add("AutoEHpA", new Slider("-> If Hp >=", 50));
            HarassMenu.Add("Q", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
            HarassMenu.Add("QHpA", new Slider("-> If Hp >=", 20));
            HarassMenu.Add("E", new CheckBox("Use E"));

            ClearMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Clear");
            ClearMenu.Add("Q", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
            ClearMenu.Add("W", new CheckBox("Use W"));
            ClearMenu.Add("WPriority", new CheckBox("-> Priority Heal"));
            ClearMenu.Add("WHpU", new Slider("-> Switch To Heal If Hp <", 50));
            ClearMenu.Add("E", new CheckBox("Use E"));
            ClearMenu.Add("Item", new CheckBox("Use Tiamat/Hydra Item"));

            FleeMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Flee");
            FleeMenu.Add("Q", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
            FleeMenu.Add("E", new CheckBox("Use E"));

            KSMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Kill Steal");
            KSMenu.Add("Q", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
            KSMenu.Add("E", new CheckBox("Use E"));
            KSMenu.Add("Smite", new CheckBox("Use Smite"));
            KSMenu.Add("Ignite", new CheckBox("Use Ignite"));

            GapMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Anti Gap Closer");
            GapMenu.Add("Q", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
            foreach (
                var spell in
                    AntiGapcloser.Spells.Where(i => HeroManager.Enemies.Any(a => i.ChampionName == a.ChampionName)))
                GapMenu.Add(spell.ChampionName + "_" + spell.Slot,
                    new CheckBox("-> Skill " + spell.Slot + " Of " + spell.ChampionName));

            IntMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Interrupt");
            IntMenu.Add("Q", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
            foreach (
                var spell in
                    Interrupter.Spells.Where(i => HeroManager.Enemies.Any(a => i.ChampionName == a.ChampionName)))
                IntMenu.Add(spell.ChampionName + "_" + spell.Slot,
                    new CheckBox("-> Skill " + spell.Slot + " Of " + spell.ChampionName));

            SmiteMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Smite Mob");
            SmiteMenu.Add("Smite", new CheckBox("Use Smite"));
            SmiteMenu.Add("Auto", new CheckBox("-> Auto Smite"));
            SmiteMenu.Add("Baron", new CheckBox("-> Baron Nashor"));
            SmiteMenu.Add("Dragon", new CheckBox("-> Dragon"));
            SmiteMenu.Add("Red", new CheckBox("-> Red Brambleback"));
            SmiteMenu.Add("Blue", new CheckBox("-> Blue Sentinel"));
            SmiteMenu.Add("Krug", new CheckBox("-> Ancient Krug"));
            SmiteMenu.Add("Gromp", new CheckBox("-> Gromp"));
            SmiteMenu.Add("Raptor", new CheckBox("-> Crimson Raptor"));
            SmiteMenu.Add("Wolf", new CheckBox("-> Greater Murk Wolf"));

            DrawMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Drawings");
            DrawMenu.Add("Q", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
            DrawMenu.Add("E", new CheckBox("Use E"));
            DrawMenu.Add("R", new CheckBox("Use R"));

            Q = new Spell(SpellSlot.Q, 650);
            Q2 = new Spell(SpellSlot.Q, 650);
            W = new Spell(SpellSlot.W);
            E = new Spell(SpellSlot.E, 1075);
            R = new Spell(SpellSlot.R, 550);
            Q.SetSkillshot(0.6f, 250, 2000, false, SkillshotType.SkillshotCircle);
            Q2.SetSkillshot(0.6f, 150, 2000, false, SkillshotType.SkillshotCircle);
            E.SetSkillshot(0.25f, 35, 1250, false, SkillshotType.SkillshotLine);

            Tiamat = ItemData.Tiamat_Melee_Only.GetItem();
            Hydra = ItemData.Ravenous_Hydra_Melee_Only.GetItem();

            foreach (var spell in myHero.Spellbook.Spells.Where(i => i.Name.ToLower().Contains("smite") && (i.Slot == SpellSlot.Summoner1 || i.Slot == SpellSlot.Summoner2)))
                Smite = spell.Slot;

            Ignite = myHero.GetSpellSlot("summonerdot");

            Game.OnTick += OnTick;
            Gapcloser.OnGapcloser += Gapcloser_OnGapcloser;
            Interrupter.OnPossibleToInterrupt += OnPossibleToInterrupt;
            Drawing.OnDraw += OnDraw;
Ejemplo n.º 15
        public static void Menu()
            Miscc = MainMenu.AddMenu("PortAIO Misc", "berbsicmisc");
            Miscc.AddGroupLabel("Options ");
            Miscc.Add("intro", new CheckBox("Load Intro?", true));
            Miscc.Add("resetorb", new CheckBox("Reset Orbwalker", false)).OnValueChange += Loader_OnValueChange;
            Miscc.AddGroupLabel("Champion Dual Port : ");
            if (Champion.Contains(ObjectManager.Player.ChampionName))
                if (Player.ChampionName.Equals(Champion[0]))
                    Miscc.Add("soraka", new ComboBox("Use addon for Soraka : ", 0, "Sophie Soraka", "ChallengerSeries"));
                if (Player.ChampionName.Equals(Champion[1]))
                    Miscc.Add("kogmaw", new ComboBox("Use addon for Kog'Maw : ", 0, "Sharpshooter", "ChallengerSeries", "OKTW", "Marksman II", "ExorAIO"));
                if (Player.ChampionName.Equals(Champion[2]))
                    Miscc.Add("leesin", new ComboBox("Use addon for Lee Sin : ", 0, "ValvraveSharp", "El Lee Sin : Reborn", "FreshBooster"));
                if (Player.ChampionName.Equals(Champion[3]))
                    Miscc.Add("kalista", new ComboBox("Use addon for Kalista : ", 0, "Marksman II", "iKalista - Reborn", "ChallengerSeries", "HastaKalista", "ExorAIO"));
                if (Player.ChampionName.Equals(Champion[4]))
                    Miscc.Add("diana", new ComboBox("Use addon for Diana : ", 0, "ElDiana", "Nechrito Diana", "ExorAIO"));
                if (Player.ChampionName.Equals(Champion[5]))
                    Miscc.Add("cait", new ComboBox("Use addon for Caitlyn : ", 0, "OKTW", "ExorAIO", "ChallengerSeries", "Marksman II"));
                if (Player.ChampionName.Equals(Champion[6]))
                    Miscc.Add("twitch", new ComboBox("Use addon for Twitch : ", 0, "OKTW", "Infected Twitch", "iTwitch", "ExorAIO", "Marksman II"));
                if (Player.ChampionName.Equals(Champion[7]))
                    Miscc.Add("nidalee", new ComboBox("Use addon for Nidalee : ", 0, "Kurisu", "Nechrito", "D_Nidalee"));
                if (Player.ChampionName.Equals(Champion[8]))
                    Miscc.Add("lucian", new ComboBox("Use addon for Lucian : ", 0, "LCS Lucian", "ChallengerSeries", "iLucian", "Marksman II", "OKTW", "Hoola Lucian", "ExorAIO"));
                if (Player.ChampionName.Equals(Champion[9]))
                    Miscc.Add("ashe", new ComboBox("Use addon for Ashe : ", 0, "OKTW", "ChallengerSeries", "Marksman II", "ExorAIO"));
                if (Player.ChampionName.Equals(Champion[10]))
                    Miscc.Add("vayne", new ComboBox("Use addon for Vayne : ", 0, "Vayne 2.0", "VayneHunterReborn", "hi im gosu", "hVayne SDK", "ExorAIO", "Challenger Series", "Marksman II"));
                if (Player.ChampionName.Equals(Champion[11]))
                    Miscc.Add("jayce", new ComboBox("Use addon for Jayce : ", 0, "OKTW", "Hoe's Jayce"));
                if (Player.ChampionName.Equals(Champion[12]))
                    Miscc.Add("yasuo", new ComboBox("Use addon for Yasuo : ", 0, "ValvraveSharp", "YasuoPro", "GosuMechanics", "YasuoSharpV2", "Firestorm AIO"));
                if (Player.ChampionName.Equals(Champion[13]))
                    Miscc.Add("katarina", new ComboBox("Use addon for Katarina : ", 0, "Staberina", "e.Motion Katarina"));
                if (Player.ChampionName.Equals(Champion[14]))
                    Miscc.Add("xerath", new ComboBox("Use addon for Xerath : ", 0, "OKTW", "ElXerath"));
                if (Player.ChampionName.Equals(Champion[15]))
                    Miscc.Add("gragas", new ComboBox("Use addon for Gragas : ", 0, "Drunk Carry", "Nechrito"));
                if (Player.ChampionName.Equals(Champion[16]))
                    Miscc.Add("draven", new ComboBox("Use addon for Draven : ", 0, "Sharp Shooter/Exor", "Tyler1", "Marksman II", "ExorAIO", "MoonDraven"));
                if (Player.ChampionName.Equals(Champion[17]))
                    Miscc.Add("ezreal", new ComboBox("Use addon for Ezreal : ", 0, "OKTW", "iDzEzreal", "Marksman II", "ExorAIO"));
                if (Player.ChampionName.Equals(Champion[18]))
                    Miscc.Add("brand", new ComboBox("Use addon for Brand : ", 0, "TheBrand", "OKTW", "yol0Brand"));
                if (Player.ChampionName.Equals(Champion[19]))
                    Miscc.Add("blitzcrank", new ComboBox("Use addon for Blitzcrank : ", 0, "FreshBooster", "OKTW", "KurisuBlitz"));
                if (Player.ChampionName.Equals(Champion[20]))
                    Miscc.Add("corki", new ComboBox("Use addon for Corki : ", 0, "ElCorki", "OKTW", "D-Corki", "Marksman II", "ExorAIO"));
                if (Player.ChampionName.Equals(Champion[21]))
                    Miscc.Add("darius", new ComboBox("Use addon for Darius : ", 0, "ExorAIO", "OKTW", "KurisuDarius"));
                if (Player.ChampionName.Equals(Champion[22]))
                    Miscc.Add("evelynn", new ComboBox("Use addon for Evelynn : ", 0, "Evelynn#", "OKTW", "ExorAIO"));
                if (Player.ChampionName.Equals(Champion[23]))
                    Miscc.Add("jhin", new ComboBox("Use addon for Jhin : ", 0, "Jhin Virtuoso", "OKTW", "hJhin", "Marksman II", "ExorAIO"));
                if (Player.ChampionName.Equals(Champion[24]))
                    Miscc.Add("kindred", new ComboBox("Use addon for Kindred : ", 0, "Kindred Yin Yang", "OKTW", "Marksman II"));
                if (Player.ChampionName.Equals(Champion[25]))
                    Miscc.Add("lux", new ComboBox("Use addon for Lux : ", 0, "MoonLux", "OKTW", "ElLux", "ExorAIO"));
                if (Player.ChampionName.Equals(Champion[26]))
                    Miscc.Add("morgana", new ComboBox("Use addon for Morgana : ", 0, "Kurisu Morgana", "OKTW"));
                if (Player.ChampionName.Equals(Champion[27]))
                    Miscc.Add("quinn", new ComboBox("Use addon for Quinn : ", 0, "GFuel Quinn", "OKTW", "ExorAIO", "Marksman II"));
                if (Player.ChampionName.Equals(Champion[28]))
                    Miscc.Add("twistedfate", new ComboBox("Use addon for TwistedFate : ", 0, "Esk0r", "OKTW"));
                if (Player.ChampionName.Equals(Champion[29]))
                    Miscc.Add("kayle", new ComboBox("Use addon for Kayle : ", 0, "SephKayle", "OKTW", "D_Kayle"));
                if (Player.ChampionName.Equals(Champion[30]))
                    Miscc.Add("jax", new ComboBox("Use addon for Jax : ", 0, "xQx Jax", "NoobJaxReloaded", "ExorAIO"));
                if (Player.ChampionName.Equals(Champion[31]))
                    Miscc.Add("sion", new ComboBox("Use addon for Sion : ", 0, "UnderratedAIO", "SimpleSion"));
                if (Player.ChampionName.Equals(Champion[32]))
                    Miscc.Add("ryze", new ComboBox("Use addon for Ryze : ", 0, "ExorAIO", "ElEasy Ryze", "SluttyRyze", "Arcane Ryze", "Sergix Ryze", "HeavenStrikeRyze"));
                if (Player.ChampionName.Equals(Champion[33]))
                    Miscc.Add("sona", new ComboBox("Use addon for Sona : ", 0, "vSupport", "ElEasy Sona"));
                if (Player.ChampionName.Equals(Champion[34]))
                    Miscc.Add("trundle", new ComboBox("Use addon for Trundle : ", 0, "ElTrundle", "FastTrundle", "UnderratedAIO"));
                if (Player.ChampionName.Equals(Champion[35]))
                    Miscc.Add("gangplank", new ComboBox("Use addon for GangPlank : ", 0, "UnderratedAIO"));
                if (Player.ChampionName.Equals(Champion[36]))
                    Miscc.Add("poppy", new ComboBox("Use addon for Poppy : ", 0, "UnderratedAIO", "BadaoKingdom"));
                if (Player.ChampionName.Equals(Champion[37]))
                    Miscc.Add("shaco", new ComboBox("Use addon for Shaco : ", 0, "UnderratedAIO", "ChewyMoon's Shaco"));
                if (Player.ChampionName.Equals(Champion[38]))
                    Miscc.Add("leblanc", new ComboBox("Use addon for LeBlanc : ", 0, "PopBlanc", "xQx LeBlanc", "FreshBooster", "LeBlanc II", "Badao LeBlanc"));
                if (Player.ChampionName.Equals(Champion[39]))
                    Miscc.Add("Ekko", new ComboBox("Use addon for Ekko : ", 0, "OKTW", "ElEkko", "EkkoGod"));
                if (Player.ChampionName.Equals(Champion[40]))
                    Miscc.Add("Rumble", new ComboBox("Use addon for Rumble : ", 0, "Underrated Rumble", "ElRumble"));
                if (Player.ChampionName.Equals(Champion[41]))
                    Miscc.Add("Riven", new ComboBox("Use addon for Riven : ", 0, "NechritoRiven", "Heaven Strike Riven", "KurisuRiven", "Hoola Riven"));
                if (Player.ChampionName.Equals(Champion[42]))
                    Miscc.Add("Graves", new ComboBox("Use addon for Graves : ", 0, "OKTW", "D-Graves", "Marksman II", "ExorAIO"));
                if (Player.ChampionName.Equals(Champion[43]))
                    Miscc.Add("Elise", new ComboBox("Use addon for Elise : ", 0, "GFuel Elise", "D-Elise", "GOD Elise"));
                if (Player.ChampionName.Equals(Champion[44]))
                    Miscc.Add("rengar", new ComboBox("Use addon for Rengar : ", 0, "ElRengar", "D-Rengar", "PrideStalker"));
                if (Player.ChampionName.Equals(Champion[45]))
                    Miscc.Add("zed", new ComboBox("Use addon for Zed : ", 0, "ValvraveSharp", "Ze-D is Back", "iDZed"));
                if (Player.ChampionName.Equals(Champion[46]))
                    Miscc.Add("ahri", new ComboBox("Use addon for Ahri : ", 0, "OKTW", "AhriSharp"));
                if (Player.ChampionName.Equals(Champion[47]))
                    Miscc.Add("reksai", new ComboBox("Use addon for RekSai : ", 0, "D-RekSai", "HeavenStrike"));
                if (Player.ChampionName.Equals(Champion[48]))
                    Miscc.Add("volibear", new ComboBox("Use addon for VoliBear : ", 0, "Underrated Voli", "VoliPower"));
                if (Player.ChampionName.Equals(Champion[49]))
                    Miscc.Add("anivia", new ComboBox("Use addon for Anivia : ", 0, "OKTW", "ExorAIO", "Firestorm AIO"));
                if (Player.ChampionName.Equals(Champion[50]))
                    Miscc.Add("taliyah", new ComboBox("Use addon for Taliyah : ", 0, "Taliyah", "TophSharp"));
                if (Player.ChampionName.Equals(Champion[51]))
                    Miscc.Add("janna", new ComboBox("Use addon for Janna : ", 0, "LCS Janna", "FreshBooster"));
                if (Player.ChampionName.Equals(Champion[52]))
                    Miscc.Add("irelia", new ComboBox("Use addon for Irelia : ", 0, "ChallengerSeries", "IreliaGOD", "Irelia II", "Irelia Reloaded"));
                if (Player.ChampionName.Equals(Champion[53]))
                    Miscc.Add("sivir", new ComboBox("Use addon for Sivir : ", 0, "OKTW", "ExorAIO", "iSivir", "Marksman II"));
                if (Player.ChampionName.Equals(Champion[54]))
                    Miscc.Add("jarvan", new ComboBox("Use addon for Jarvan : ", 0, "BrianSharp", "D_Jarvan"));
                if (Player.ChampionName.Equals(Champion[55]))
                    Miscc.Add("braum", new ComboBox("Use addon for Braum : ", 0, "OKTW", "FreshBooster"));
                if (Player.ChampionName.Equals(Champion[56]))
                    Miscc.Add("karma", new ComboBox("Use addon for Karma : ", 0, "Spirit Karma", "Esk0r Karma", "ExorAIO"));
                if (Player.ChampionName.Equals(Champion[57]))
                    Miscc.Add("teemo", new ComboBox("Use addon for Teemo : ", 0, "Sharpshooter", "Swiftly Teemo", "Marksman II"));
                if (Player.ChampionName.Equals(Champion[58]))
                    Miscc.Add("cassiopeia", new ComboBox("Use addon for Cassiopeia : ", 0, "SAutoCarry", "Seph Cassio", "ExorAIO"));
                if (Player.ChampionName.Equals(Champion[59]))
                    Miscc.Add("bard", new ComboBox("Use addon for Bard : ", 0, "Asuna Bard", "FreshBooster"));
                if (Player.ChampionName.Equals(Champion[60]))
                    Miscc.Add("olaf", new ComboBox("Use addon for Olaf : ", 0, "ExorAIO", "Olaf is Back", "UnderratedAIO Olaf"));
                if (Player.ChampionName.Equals(Champion[61]))
                    Miscc.Add("gnar", new ComboBox("Use addon for Gnar : ", 0, "SluttyGnar", "Marksman II"));
                if (Player.ChampionName.Equals(Champion[62]))
                    Miscc.Add("renekton", new ComboBox("Use addon for Renekton : ", 0, "ExorAIO", "UnderratedAIO"));
                if (Player.ChampionName.Equals(Champion[63]))
                    Miscc.Add("jinx", new ComboBox("Use addon for Jinx : ", 0, "OKTW", "Marksman II", "GENESIS Jinx", "ExorAIO"));
                if (Player.ChampionName.Equals(Champion[64]))
                    Miscc.Add("syndra", new ComboBox("Use addon for Syndra : ", 0, "OKTW", "Kortatu Syndra"));
                if (Player.ChampionName.Equals(Champion[65]))
                    Miscc.Add("aatrox", new ComboBox("Use addon for Aatrox : ", 0, "BrianSharp", "KappaSeries"));
                if (Player.ChampionName.Equals(Champion[66]))
                    Miscc.Add("missfortune", new ComboBox("Use addon for MissFortune : ", 0, "OKTW", "Marksman II", "ExorAIO"));
                if (Player.ChampionName.Equals(Champion[67]))
                    Miscc.Add("mundo", new ComboBox("Use addon for Dr.Mundo : ", 0, "Hestia's Mundo", "ExorAIO"));
                if (Player.ChampionName.Equals(Champion[68]))
                    Miscc.Add("akali", new ComboBox("Use addon for Akali : ", 0, "xQx Akali", "ExorAIO"));
                if (Player.ChampionName.Equals(Champion[69]))
                    Miscc.Add("thresh", new ComboBox("Use addon for Thresh : ", 0, "OKTW", "Thesh the Ruler", "Thresh the Chain Warden", "Slutty Thresh", "yol0 Thresh", "Dark Star Thresh", "Thresh by Asuvril"));
                if (Player.ChampionName.Equals(Champion[70]))
                    Miscc.Add("amumu", new ComboBox("Use addon for Amumu : ", 0, "Shine#", "ExorAIO"));
                if (Player.ChampionName.Equals(Champion[71]))
                    Miscc.Add("azir", new ComboBox("Use addon for Azir : ", 0, "HeavenStrikeAzir", "Creator Of Elo"));
                if (Player.ChampionName.Equals(Champion[72]))
                    Miscc.Add("kassadin", new ComboBox("Use addon for Kassadin : ", 0, "Kassawin", "Preserved Kassadin"));
                if (Player.ChampionName.Equals(Champion[73]))
                    Miscc.Add("tristana", new ComboBox("Use addon for Tristana : ", 0, "ElTristana", "ExorAIO", "Marksman II"));
                if (Player.ChampionName.Equals(Champion[74]))
                    Miscc.Add("zac", new ComboBox("Use addon for Zac : ", 0, "Underrated Zac", "The Secret Flubber"));
                if (Player.ChampionName.Equals(Champion[75]))
                    Miscc.Add("annie", new ComboBox("Use addon for Annie : ", 0, "OKTW Annie", "OAnnie"));
                if (Player.ChampionName.Equals(Champion[76]))
                    Miscc.Add("karthus", new ComboBox("Use addon for Karthus : ", 0, "OKTW Karthus", "KarthusSharp"));
                if (Player.ChampionName.Equals(Champion[77]))
                    Miscc.Add("udyr", new ComboBox("Use addon for Udyr : ", 0, "D_Udyr", "ExorAIO"));
                if (Player.ChampionName.Equals(Champion[78]))
                    Miscc.Add("veigar", new ComboBox("Use addon for Veigar : ", 0, "FreshBooster", "ExorAIO"));
                if (Player.ChampionName.Equals(Champion[79]))
                    Miscc.Add("warwick", new ComboBox("Use addon for Warwick : ", 0, "Warwick | The Blood Hunter", "ExorAIO"));
                if (Player.ChampionName.Equals(Champion[80]))
                    Miscc.Add("illaoi", new ComboBox("Use addon for Illaoi : ", 0, "Tentacle Kitty", "Flowers Illaoi"));
                if (Player.ChampionName.Equals(Champion[81]))
                    Miscc.Add("hecarim", new ComboBox("Use addon for Hecarim : ", 0, "Justy Hecarim", "UnderratedAIO"));
                if (Player.ChampionName.Equals(Champion[82]))
                    Miscc.Add("urgot", new ComboBox("Use addon for Urgot : ", 0, "OKTW", "Marksman II"));
                if (Player.ChampionName.Equals(Champion[83]))
                    Miscc.Add("varus", new ComboBox("Use addon for Varus : ", 0, "ElVarus", "Marksman II", "OKTW"));
                if (Player.ChampionName.Equals(Champion[84]))
                    Miscc.Add("malzahar", new ComboBox("Use addon for Malzahar : ", 0, "OKTW", "SurvivorMalzahar"));
                Miscc.AddLabel("This champion is not supported for these feature.");
            Miscc.AddGroupLabel("Util Dual-Port :");
            Miscc.Add("evadeCB", new ComboBox("Which Evade?", 0, "ezEvade", "Evade#"));
            Miscc.Add("activatorCB", new ComboBox("Which Activator?", 0, "ElUtilitySuite", "NabbActivator", "Activator#"));
            Miscc.Add("trackerCB", new ComboBox("Which Tracker?", 0, "NabbTracker", "Tracker#"));
            Miscc.Add("predictionerCB", new ComboBox("Which Predictioner?", 0, "EB", "SDK", "OKTW", "SPred", "L#"));
            Miscc.Add("orbwalkerCB", new ComboBox("Which Orbwalk/TargetSelect?", 1, "NOPE", "L#"));
            Miscc.AddGroupLabel("Util Changes");
            Miscc.AddLabel("Please F5 after making any changes below >>");
            Miscc.Add("champ", new CheckBox("Champ only mode? (No utils will load)", false));
            Miscc.Add("util", new CheckBox("Util only mode? (No champs will load)", false));
            Miscc.Add("activator", new CheckBox("Enable Activator?"));
            Miscc.Add("tracker", new CheckBox("Enable Tracker?"));
            Miscc.Add("recall", new CheckBox("Enable Recall Tracker?"));
            Miscc.Add("skin", new CheckBox("Enable Skin Hack?", false));
            Miscc.Add("evade", new CheckBox("Enable Evade?", false));
            Miscc.Add("predictioner", new CheckBox("Enable Predictioner?", true));
            Miscc.Add("dzaware", new CheckBox("Enable DZAwareness?", false));
            Miscc.Add("godTracker", new CheckBox("Enable God Jungle Tracker?", false));
            Miscc.Add("human", new CheckBox("Enable Humanizer?", false));
            Miscc.Add("gank", new CheckBox("Enable GankAlerter?", false));
            Miscc.Add("cheat", new CheckBox("Enable TheCheater?", false));
            Miscc.Add("randomult", new CheckBox("Enable Random Ult?", false));
            Miscc.Add("banwards", new CheckBox("Enable Sebby BanWars?", false));
            Miscc.Add("antialistar", new CheckBox("Enable AntiAlistar?", false));
            Miscc.Add("traptrack", new CheckBox("Enable TrapTracker?", false));
            Miscc.Add("limitedShat", new CheckBox("Enable LimitedShat?", false));
            Miscc.Add("autoLevel", new CheckBox("Enable Auto Level?", false));
            Miscc.Add("chatLogger", new CheckBox("Enable Chat Logger?", false));
            Miscc.Add("autoFF", new CheckBox("Enable Auto FF?", false));
            Miscc.Add("urfSpell", new CheckBox("Enable URF Spam Speller?", false));
            Miscc.Add("pastingSharp", new CheckBox("Enable PastingSharp?", false));
            Miscc.Add("emoteSpammer", new CheckBox("Enable Emote Spammer?", false));
            Miscc.Add("antiStealth", new CheckBox("Enable Anti Stealth (ElUtil)?", false));
            Miscc.Add("reform", new CheckBox("Enable Toxic Player Reform Program?", false));
            Miscc.Add("ping", new CheckBox("Enable Ping Block?", false));
            Miscc.Add("feed", new CheckBox("Enable Black Feeder 2.0?", false));
            Miscc.Add("mes", new CheckBox("Enable Mastery Emote Spammer?", false));
            Miscc.Add("dev", new CheckBox("Enable Developer Sharp?", false));
            Miscc.Add("cursor", new CheckBox("Enable VCursor?", false));
            Miscc.Add("condemn", new CheckBox("Enable Asuna Condemn (Vayne Only)?", false));

            var credits = Miscc.AddSubMenu("Credits");
            credits.AddLabel("Nathan or jQuery");
            credits.AddLabel("Kortatu- Admin");
            credits.AddLabel("imsosharp - f**k you but no f**k you because your scripts are cool/amazing");
            credits.AddLabel("karmapanda - L# version kappa");
            credits.AddLabel("Beaving - Admin");
            credits.AddLabel("iMeh - Admin (a really nice guy - this guy makes L#'s customer service beautiful)");

            //Miscc.Add("orbwalker", new CheckBox("Enable L# Orbwalker (HIGHLY BETA)?", false));
            public static bool orbwalker { get { return Miscc["orbwalker"].Cast<CheckBox>().CurrentValue; } }
            public static bool VCursor { get { return Miscc["VCursor"].Cast<CheckBox>().CurrentValue; } }
            //Miscc.Add("VCursor", new CheckBox("Enable VCursor?", false));
            Miscc.Add("stream", new CheckBox("Enable StreamBuddy?", false));
            public static bool stream { get { return Miscc["stream"].Cast<CheckBox>().CurrentValue; } }
            public static bool baseUlt { get { return Miscc["baseUlt"].Cast<CheckBox>().CurrentValue; } }

            if (BaseUltList.Contains(ObjectManager.Player.ChampionName))
                Miscc.Add("baseUlt", new CheckBox("Enable Base Ult?", false));
Ejemplo n.º 16
        public static void Initialize(Menu menu)
            var enemies = HeroManager.Enemies;
            if (enemies.Any(o => o.ChampionName.Equals("Kalista")))
                menu.Add("Oathsworn", new CheckBox("Block Oathsworn Knockup (Kalista R)"));

            foreach (var unit in enemies)
                if (!BlockedSpells.ContainsKey(unit.ChampionName))

                var name = unit.ChampionName.Equals("MonkeyKing") ? "Wukong" : unit.ChampionName;
                foreach (var spell in BlockedSpells[unit.ChampionName])
                    var slot = spell.Slot.Equals(48) ? SpellSlot.R : spell.Slot;
                    menu.Add(unit.ChampionName + spell.MenuName, new CheckBox(spell.DisplayName));

            Game.OnUpdate += Game_OnUpdate;
            Menu = menu;
Ejemplo n.º 17
 public void CreateMenu(Menu rootMenu)
     potionsMenu = rootMenu.AddSubMenu("Potions", "Potions");
     potionsMenu.Add("Potions.Activated", new CheckBox("Potions activated"));
     potionsMenu.Add("Potions.Health", new CheckBox("Health potions"));
     potionsMenu.Add("Potions.Biscuit", new CheckBox("Biscuits"));
     potionsMenu.Add("Potions.RefillablePotion", new CheckBox("Refillable Potion"));
     potionsMenu.Add("Potions.HuntersPotion", new CheckBox("Hunters Potion"));
     potionsMenu.Add("Potions.CorruptingPotion", new CheckBox("Corrupting Potion"));
     potionsMenu.Add("Potions.Player.Health", new Slider("Health percentage", 20));
Ejemplo n.º 18
        /// <summary>
        ///     Evader constructor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="_evade">The evader menu.</param>
        /// <param name="method">The evade method.</param>
        /// <param name="spl">The evade spell.</param>
        public Evader(out Menu _evade, EvadeMethods method = EvadeMethods.None, Spell spl = null)
            SpecialMethod = method;
            EvadeSpell = spl;
            evade = MainMenu.AddMenu("Evade", "SCommon.Evade.Root");

            foreach (var enemy in HeroManager.Enemies)
                foreach (
                    var spell in
                            p => p.ChampionName == enemy.ChampionName && p.EvadeMethods.HasFlag(method)))
                    evade.Add(string.Format("SCommon.Evade.Spell.{0}", spell.SpellName),
                        new CheckBox(string.Format("{0} ({1})", spell.ChampionName, spell.Slot)));

                new Slider("Evade Method: (0 : Near Turret | 1 : Less Enemies | 2 : Auti) ", 2, 0, 2));
            evade.Add("EVADEENABLE", new CheckBox("Enabled"));

            if (ObjectManager.Player.CharData.BaseSkinName == "Morgana")
                evade.AddGroupLabel("Ally Shielding");
                foreach (var ally in HeroManager.Allies)
                    if (!ally.IsMe)
                        evade.Add("shield" + ally.ChampionName, new CheckBox("Shield " + ally.ChampionName, false));

                evade.Add("SHIELDENABLED", new CheckBox("Enabled"));

            _evade = evade;
            m_evade_thread = new Thread(EvadeThread);
            Game.OnUpdate += Game_OnUpdate;
            Obj_AI_Base.OnProcessSpellCast += AIHeroClient_OnProcessSpellCast;

                "<font color='#ff3232'>SCommon: </font><font color='#d4d4d4'>Evader loaded for champion {0} !</font>",
Ejemplo n.º 19
        private void InitMenu()
            ComboMenu = MainMenu.AddSubMenu("Combo Settings:", "Combo Settings: ");
            ComboMenu.Add("useq", new CheckBox("Auto Q", true));
            ComboMenu.AddLabel("1 : PRADA | 2 : MARKSMAN | 3 : VHR | 4: SharpShooter");
            ComboMenu.Add("qmode", new Slider("Q Mode: ", 1, 1, 4));
            ComboMenu.AddLabel("1 : NEVER | 2 : E-NOT-READY | 3 : ALWAYS ");
            ComboMenu.Add("qantigc", new Slider("Use Q Antigapcloser ", 1, 1, 3));
            ComboMenu.Add("focus2w", new CheckBox("Try To Focus 2W", false));
            ComboMenu.Add("dontattackwhileinvisible", new CheckBox("Smart Invisible Attacking", true));
            ComboMenu.Add("user", new CheckBox("Use R In Combo", false));

            CondemnMenu = MainMenu.AddSubMenu("Condemn Settings:", "Condemn Settings:");
            CondemnMenu.Add("usee", new CheckBox("Auto E", true));
            CondemnMenu.Add("edelay", new Slider("E Delay (in ms) ", 0, 0, 100));
            CondemnMenu.AddLabel("1 : PRADASMART | 2 : PRADAPERFECT | 3 : MARKSMAN");
            CondemnMenu.AddLabel("4 : SHARPSHOOTER | 5 : GOSU | 6 : VHR");
            CondemnMenu.AddLabel("7 : PRADALEGACY | 8 : FASTEST | 9 : OLDPRADA");
            CondemnMenu.Add("emode", new Slider("E Mode : ", 8, 1, 9));
            CondemnMenu.Add("useeinterrupt", new CheckBox("Use E To Interrupt", true));
            CondemnMenu.Add("useeantigapcloser", new CheckBox("Use E AntiGapcloser", true));
            CondemnMenu.Add("ewhenmeleesnear", new CheckBox("Use E when Melee near", false));
            CondemnMenu.Add("epushdist", new Slider("E Push Distance : ", 425, 300, 470));
            CondemnMenu.Add("ehitchance", new Slider("Condemn Hitchance : ", 50, 0, 100));
            CondemnMenu.Add("semiautoekey", new KeyBind("Semi Automatic Condemn", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, "E".ToCharArray()[0]));

            HarassMenu = MainMenu.AddSubMenu("Harass Settings:", "Harass Settings: ");
            HarassMenu.Add("usee3rdwproc", new CheckBox("Use E as 3rd W Proc", false));
            HarassMenu.Add("useqonlyon2stackedenemies", new CheckBox("Use Q If Enemy Have 2W Stacks", false));
            HarassMenu.Add("useqonenemiesnotcs", new CheckBox("Use Q Bonus On ENEMY not CS", false));

            FarmMenu = MainMenu.AddSubMenu("Farm Settings:", "Farm Settings: ");
            FarmMenu.Add("useqfarm", new CheckBox("Use Q",true));
            FarmMenu.Add("useejgfarm", new CheckBox("Use E Jungle",true));

            DrawMenu = MainMenu.AddSubMenu("Drawing Settings:", "Drawing Settings: ");
            DrawMenu.Add("drawwstacks", new CheckBox("Draw W Stacks", true));
Ejemplo n.º 20
        public static void OnLoad()
            if (myHero.Hero != Champion.KogMaw)

            Menu = MainMenu.AddMenu("SharpShooter Kog", "kogmaw");
            Menu.AddLabel("Ported from SharpShooter - Berb");
            Menu.Add("useQ", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
            Menu.Add("useW", new CheckBox("Use W"));
            Menu.Add("useE", new CheckBox("Use E"));
            Menu.Add("useR", new CheckBox("Use R"));
            Menu.Add("manaW", new CheckBox("Keep Mana For W"));
            Menu.Add("dontw", new KeyBind("Don't move in combo", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.PressToggle, 'A'));
            Menu.Add("rLimit", new Slider("R stack limit", 3, 1, 6));

            Menu.Add("onlyRHP", new CheckBox("Only R if HP of target < than X"));
            Menu.Add("hpOfTarget", new Slider("HP% Of Target"));
            Menu.Add("useQH", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
            Menu.Add("useEH", new CheckBox("Use E"));
            Menu.Add("useRH", new CheckBox("Use R"));
            Menu.Add("rLimitH", new Slider("R stack limit", 1, 1, 6));
            Menu.Add("manaH", new Slider("Do Harass if mana is greater than :", 60, 1));
            Menu.AddGroupLabel("Lane Clear");
            Menu.Add("useELC", new CheckBox("Use E"));
            Menu.Add("useRLC", new CheckBox("Use R"));
            Menu.Add("rLimitLC", new Slider("R stack limit", 1, 1, 6));
            Menu.Add("manaLC", new Slider("Do Lane Clear if mana is greater than :", 60, 1));
            Menu.AddGroupLabel("Jungle Clear");
            Menu.Add("useWJG", new CheckBox("Use W"));
            Menu.Add("useEJG", new CheckBox("Use E"));
            Menu.Add("useRJG", new CheckBox("Use R"));
            Menu.Add("rLimitJG", new Slider("R stack limit", 2, 1, 6));
            Menu.Add("manaJG", new Slider("Do Jungle if mana is greater than :", 60, 1));

            Q = new EloBuddy.SDK.Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.Q, 950, SkillShotType.Linear, 250, 1650, 70);
            W = new EloBuddy.SDK.Spell.Active(SpellSlot.W, (uint)myHero.GetAutoAttackRange());
            E = new EloBuddy.SDK.Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.E, 650, SkillShotType.Linear, 500, 1400, 120);
            R = new EloBuddy.SDK.Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.R, 1800, SkillShotType.Circular, 1200, int.MaxValue, 120);

            Drawing.OnDraw += OnDraw;
            Game.OnTick += OnTick;
            Orbwalker.OnPreAttack += OnPreAttack;
Ejemplo n.º 21
        public CoreItem CreateMenu(Menu root)
                Menu = root;//.AddSubMenu(Name, "m" + Name);
                Menu.Add("use" + Name, new CheckBox("Use " + DisplayName ?? Name));
                Menu.Add("prior" + Name, new Slider(DisplayName + " Priority [7 == Highest]", Priority, 1, 7));

                if (Category.Any(t => t == MenuType.SelfLowHP) && (Name.Contains("Pot") || Name.Contains("Flask") || Name.Contains("Biscuit")))
                    Menu.Add("use" + Name + "cbat", new CheckBox("Use Only In Combat", false));

                if (Category.Any(t => t == MenuType.EnemyLowHP))
                    Menu.Add("enemylowhp" + Name + "pct", new Slider("Use on Enemy HP % <=", Name == "Botrk" || Name == "Cutlass" ? 65 : DefaultHP));

                if (Category.Any(t => t == MenuType.SelfLowHP))
                    Menu.Add("selflowhp" + Name + "pct", new Slider("Use on Hero HP % <=", DefaultHP <= 35 || DefaultHP >= 90 ? (Name == "Botrk" || Name == "Cutlass" ? 65 : 35) : 55));

                if (Category.Any(t => t == MenuType.SelfMuchHP))
                    Menu.Add("selfmuchhp" + Name + "pct", new Slider("Use on Hero Dmg Dealt % >=", Duration == 101 ? 30 : 45));

                if (Category.Any(t => t == MenuType.SelfLowMP))
                    Menu.Add("selflowmp" + Name + "pct", new Slider("Use on Hero Mana % <=", DefaultMP));

                if (Category.Any(t => t == MenuType.SelfCount))
                    Menu.Add("selfcount" + Name, new Slider("Use On Enemy Near Count >=", 2, 1, 5));

                if (Category.Any(t => t == MenuType.SelfMinMP))
                    Menu.Add("selfminmp" + Name + "pct", new Slider("Minimum Mana %", 55));

                if (Category.Any(t => t == MenuType.SelfMinHP))
                    Menu.Add("selfminhp" + Name + "pct", new Slider("Minimum HP %", 55));

                if (Category.Any(t => t == MenuType.Zhonyas))
                    Menu.Add("use" + Name + "norm", new CheckBox("Use on Dangerous (Spells)", false));
                    Menu.Add("use" + Name + "ulti", new CheckBox("Use on Dangerous (Ultimates Only)"));

                if (Category.Any(t => t == MenuType.Cleanse))
                    if (Id == 3222)
                        Menu.AddGroupLabel(Name + " Unique Buffs");
                        foreach (var b in Data.Buffdata.BuffList.Where(x => x.MenuName != null && (x.Cleanse || x.DoT)).OrderByDescending(x => x.DoT).ThenBy(x => x.Evade).ThenBy(x => x.MenuName))
                            string xdot = b.DoT && b.Cleanse ? "[Danger]" : (b.DoT ? "[DoT]" : "[Danger]");

                            if (b.Champion != null)
                                foreach (var ene in Activator.Heroes.Where(x => x.Player.IsEnemy && b.Champion == x.Player.ChampionName))
                                    Menu.Add(Name + b.Name + "cc", new CheckBox(b.MenuName + " " + xdot));
                                Menu.Add(Name + b.Name + "cc", new CheckBox(b.MenuName + " " + xdot));

                    Menu.AddGroupLabel(Name + " Buff Types");
                    Menu.Add(Name + "cexh", new CheckBox("Exhaust", true));
                    Menu.Add(Name + "csupp", new CheckBox("Supression"));
                    Menu.Add(Name + "cstun", new CheckBox("Stuns"));
                    Menu.Add(Name + "ccharm", new CheckBox("Charms"));
                    Menu.Add(Name + "ctaunt", new CheckBox("Taunts"));
                    Menu.Add(Name + "cflee", new CheckBox("Flee/Fear"));
                    Menu.Add(Name + "csnare", new CheckBox("Snares"));
                    Menu.Add(Name + "cpolymorph", new CheckBox("Polymorphs"));
                    Menu.Add(Name + "csilence", new CheckBox("Silences", false));
                    Menu.Add(Name + "cblind", new CheckBox("Blinds", false));
                    Menu.Add(Name + "cslow", new CheckBox("Slows", false));
                    if (Id == 3222)
                        Menu.Add(Name + "cpoison", new CheckBox("Poisons", false));

                    Menu.Add("use" + Name + "number", new Slider("Min Buffs to Use", DefaultHP / 5, 1, 5));
                    Menu.Add("use" + Name + "time", new Slider("Min Durration to Use", 500, 250, 2000));
                    Menu.AddLabel("^ Will not use unless the buff durration (stun, snare, etc) last at least this long (ms, 500 = 0.5 seconds)");
                    if (Id == 3222)
                        Menu.Add("use" + Name + "od", new CheckBox("Use for Unique Only", false));
                        Menu.Add("use" + Name + "dot", new Slider("Use for DoTs only if HP% <", 35));

                    Menu.Add("use" + Name + "delay", new Slider("Activation Delay (in ms)", 55, 0, 500));

                if (Category.Any(t => t == MenuType.ActiveCheck))
                    Menu.Add("mode" + Name, new ComboBox("Mode: ", 0, "Always", "Combo"));


            catch (Exception e)
                Chat.Print("<font color=\"#FFF280\">Exception thrown at CoreItem.CreateMenu: </font>: " + e.Message);

            return this;
Ejemplo n.º 22
        public LastPositions()
            R = new Spell(SpellSlot.R);
            if (player.ChampionName == "Ezreal")
                R.SetSkillshot(1.2f, 160f, 2000f, false, SkillshotType.SkillshotLine);
            if (player.ChampionName == "Jinx")
                R.SetSkillshot(0.6f, 140f, 1700f, true, SkillshotType.SkillshotLine);
            if (player.ChampionName == "Ashe")
                R.SetSkillshot(0.25f, 130f, 1600f, true, SkillshotType.SkillshotLine);
            if (player.ChampionName == "Draven")
                R.SetSkillshot(0.4f, 160f, 2000f, true, SkillshotType.SkillshotLine);
            if (player.ChampionName == "Lux")
                R.SetSkillshot(0.5f, 190f, float.MaxValue, false, SkillshotType.SkillshotLine);
            if (player.ChampionName == "Ziggs")
                R.SetSkillshot(0.1f, 525f, 1750f, false, SkillshotType.SkillshotCircle);
            if (player.ChampionName == "Gangplank")
                R.SetSkillshot(0.1f, 600f, R.Speed, false, SkillshotType.SkillshotCircle);
            if (player.ChampionName == "Xerath")
                R.SetSkillshot(0.7f, 120f, float.MaxValue, false, SkillshotType.SkillshotCircle);
            SpawnPos = ObjectManager.Get<Obj_SpawnPoint>().FirstOrDefault(x => x.IsEnemy).Position;
            config = MainMenu.AddMenu("RandomUlt", "By Soresu");
            config.AddGroupLabel("Block keys : ");
            config.Add("OrbBlock1", new KeyBind("Disabled Key #1 : ", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 65));
            config.Add("OrbBlock2", new KeyBind("Disabled Key #2 : ", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 88));
            config.Add("OrbBlock3", new KeyBind("Disabled Key #3 : ", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 67));
            config.Add("ComboBlock", new KeyBind("Disabled by Combo", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 32));
            config.Add("OnlyCombo", new CheckBox("Only Combo key"));
            config.AddGroupLabel("RandomUlt Settings : ");
            config.Add("RandomUltDrawings", new CheckBox("Draw possible place", false));
            if (SupportedChamps())
                config.Add("UseR", new CheckBox("Use R"));
                if (player.ChampionName == "Gangplank")
                    config.Add("gpWaves", new Slider("GP ult waves to damage", 2, 1, 7));
                if (player.ChampionName == "Xerath")
                    config.Add("XerathUlts", new Slider("Xerath ults to damage", 2, 1, 3));
                if (player.ChampionName == "Draven")
                    config.Add("Backdamage", new CheckBox("Count second hit"));
                    config.Add("CallBack", new CheckBox("Reduce time between hits"));
                config.Add("Hitchance", new Slider("Hitchance", 3, 1, 5));

                config.AddGroupLabel("Don't Ult");
                foreach (var e in HeroManager.Enemies)
                    config.Add(e.ChampionName + "DontUltRandomUlt", new CheckBox(e.ChampionName, false));

                config.AddGroupLabel("Configuration : ");
                config.Add("Alliesrange", new Slider("Allies min range from the target", 1500, 500, 2000));
                config.Add("EnemiesAroundYou", new Slider("Block if enemies around you", 600, 0, 2000));
                config.Add("waitBeforeUlt", new Slider("Wait time before ults(ms)", 600, 0, 3000));
                config.Add("BaseUltFirst", new CheckBox("BaseUlt has higher priority", false));
                config.Add("Collision", new CheckBox("Calc damage reduction"));
                config.Add("drawNotification", new CheckBox("Draw notification"));

            Enemies = HeroManager.Enemies.Select(x => new Positions(x)).ToList();
            Game.OnUpdate += Game_OnUpdate;
            Drawing.OnDraw += Drawing_OnDraw;
            Obj_AI_Base.OnTeleport += Obj_AI_Base_OnTeleport;
Ejemplo n.º 23
Archivo: Jinx.cs Proyecto: CONANLXF/AIO
 public override bool MiscMenu(Menu config)
     config.Add("SwapQ", new CheckBox("Q: Always swap to Minigun", false));
     config.Add("SwapDistance", new CheckBox("Q: Swap for distance"));
     config.Add("SwapAOE", new CheckBox("Q: Swap for AOE", false));
     config.Add("MinWRange", new Slider("W: Min. range", 525 + 65 * 2, 0, 1200));
     config.Add("AutoEI", new CheckBox("E: on immobile"));
     config.Add("AutoES", new CheckBox("E: on slowed"));
     config.Add("AutoED", new CheckBox("E: on dashing", false));
     config.Add("CastR", new KeyBind("R: (2000 Range)", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'T'));
     config.Add("ROverKill", new CheckBox("R: Kill Steal"));
     config.Add("MinRRange", new Slider("R: Min. range", 300, 0, 1500));
     config.Add("MaxRRange", new Slider("R: Max. range", 1700, 0, 4000));
     config.Add("PingCH", new CheckBox("R: Ping Killable Enemy with R"));
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 24
        public CoreSum CreateMenu(Menu root)
                Menu = root;//.AddSubMenu(DisplayName, "m" + Name);


                if (!Name.Contains("smite") && !Name.Contains("teleport"))
                    Menu.Add("use" + Name, new CheckBox("Use " + DisplayName));

                if (Name == "summonersnowball")
                    Activator.UseEnemyMenu = true;

                if (Name == "summonerheal")
                    Activator.UseAllyMenu = true;
                    Menu.Add("selflowhp" + Name + "pct", new Slider("Use on Hero HP % <=", 20));
                    Menu.Add("selfmuchhp" + Name + "pct", new Slider("Use on Hero Dmg Dealt % >=", 45));
                    Menu.Add("use" + Name + "tower", new CheckBox("Include Tower Damage", false));
                    Menu.Add("mode" + Name, new ComboBox("Mode: ", 1, "Always", "Combo"));

                if (Name == "summonerboost")
                    Activator.UseAllyMenu = true;
                    Menu.AddGroupLabel(DisplayName + " Buff Types");
                    Menu.Add(Name + "cstun", new CheckBox("Stuns"));
                    Menu.Add(Name + "ccharm", new CheckBox("Charms"));
                    Menu.Add(Name + "ctaunt", new CheckBox("Taunts"));
                    Menu.Add(Name + "cflee", new CheckBox("Flee/Fear"));
                    Menu.Add(Name + "csnare", new CheckBox("Snares"));
                    Menu.Add(Name + "cexh", new CheckBox("Exhaust", false));
                    Menu.Add(Name + "csupp", new CheckBox("Supression", false));
                    Menu.Add(Name + "csilence", new CheckBox("Silences", false));
                    Menu.Add(Name + "cpolymorph", new CheckBox("Polymorphs", false));
                    Menu.Add(Name + "cblind", new CheckBox("Blinds", false));
                    Menu.Add(Name + "cslow", new CheckBox("Slows", false));
                    Menu.Add(Name + "cpoison", new CheckBox("Poisons", false));

                    Menu.Add("use" + Name + "number", new Slider("Min Buffs to Use", 1, 1, 5));
                    Menu.Add("use" + Name + "time", new Slider("Min Durration to Use", 500, 250, 2000));
                    Menu.AddLabel("^ Will not use unless the buff durration (stun, snare, etc) last at least this long (ms, 500 = 0.5 seconds)");
                    Menu.Add("use" + Name + "od", new CheckBox("Use for Dangerous Only", false));
                    Menu.Add("use" + Name + "delay", new Slider("Activation Delay (in ms)", 150, 0, 500));
                    Menu.Add("mode" + Name, new ComboBox("Mode: ", 0, "Always", "Combo"));

                if (Name == "summonerdot")
                    Activator.UseEnemyMenu = true;
                    Menu.Add("idmgcheck", new Slider("Combo Damage Check %", 100, 1, 200));

                    switch (Player.ChampionName)
                        case "Ahri":
                            Menu.Add("ii" + Player.ChampionName, new CheckBox(Player.ChampionName + ": Check Charm", false));
                        case "Cassiopeia":
                            Menu.Add("ii" + Player.ChampionName, new CheckBox(Player.ChampionName + ": Check Poison", false));
                        case "Diana":
                            Menu.Add("ii" + Player.ChampionName, new CheckBox(Player.ChampionName + ": Check Moonlight?", false));

                    Menu.Add("itu", new CheckBox("Dont Ignite Near Turret"));
                    Menu.Add("igtu", new Slider("-> Ignore after Level", 11, 1, 18));
                    Menu.Add("mode" + Name, new ComboBox("Mode: ", 0, "Killsteal", "Combo"));

                if (Name == "summonermana")
                    Activator.UseAllyMenu = true;
                    Menu.Add("selflowmp" + Name + "pct", new Slider("Minimum Mana % <=", 40));

                if (Name == "summonerbarrier")
                    Activator.UseAllyMenu = true;
                    Menu.Add("selflowhp" + Name + "pct", new Slider("Use on Hero HP % <=", 20));
                    Menu.Add("selfmuchhp" + Name + "pct", new Slider("Use on Hero Dmg Dealt % >=", 45));
                    Menu.Add("use" + Name + "ulti", new CheckBox("Use on Dangerous (Ultimates Only)"));
                    Menu.Add("f" + Name, new CheckBox("-> Force Barrier", false));
                    Menu.Add("use" + Name + "tower", new CheckBox("Include Tower Damage"));
                    Menu.Add("mode" + Name, new ComboBox("Mode: ", 1, "Always", "Combo"));

                if (Name == "summonerexhaust")
                    Activator.UseEnemyMenu = true;
                    Menu.Add("a" + Name + "pct", new Slider("Exhaust on ally HP %", 35));
                    Menu.Add("e" + Name + "pct", new Slider("Exhaust on enemy HP %", 45));
                    Menu.Add("use" + Name + "ulti", new CheckBox("Use on Dangerous (Utimates Only)"));
                    Menu.Add("f" + Name, new CheckBox("-> Force Exhaust"));
                    Menu.Add("mode" + Name, new ComboBox("Mode: ", 0, "Always", "Combo"));

                if (Name == "summonersmite")
                    Activator.UseEnemyMenu = true;
                    Menu.Add("usesmite", new KeyBind("Use Smite", true, KeyBind.BindTypes.PressToggle, 'M'));
                    Menu.Add("smiteskill", new CheckBox("Smite + Ability"));
                    Menu.Add("smitesmall", new CheckBox("Smite Small Camps"));
                    Menu.Add("smitelarge", new CheckBox("Smite Large Camps"));
                    Menu.Add("smitesuper", new CheckBox("Smite Epic Camps"));
                    Menu.Add("smitemode", new ComboBox("Smite Enemies: ", 1, "Killsteal", "Combo", "Nope"));
                    Menu.Add("savesmite", new CheckBox("Save a Smite Charge"));

                if (Name == "summonerteleport")
                    Activator.UseAllyMenu = true;
                    Menu.Add("telesound", new CheckBox("Enable Sound", false));
                    Menu.Add("telelowhp2", new CheckBox("Ping Low Health Allies", false));
                    Menu.Add("teleulthp2", new CheckBox("Ping Dangerous Activity", false));

            catch (Exception e)
                Chat.Print("<font color=\"#FFF280\">Exception thrown at CoreSum.CreateMenu: </font>: " + e.Message);

            return this;
Ejemplo n.º 25
 public override bool MiscMenu(Menu config)
     config.Add("ChargeR.Enable", new CheckBox("Charge R with Q", false));
     config.Add("ChargeR.Cooldown", new Slider("^ if R cooldown >", 20, 10, 120));
     config.Add("ChargeR.MinMana", new Slider("^^ And Min. Mana > %", 50, 0, 100));
     config.Add("CastR", new KeyBind("Cast R (2000 Range)", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'T'));
     config.Add("PingCH", new CheckBox("Ping Killable Enemy with R"));
     config.Add("PingDH", new CheckBox("Draw Killable Enemy with R"));
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 26
        public void LoadOKTW()
            Sub = Config.AddSubMenu("Activator OKTW©");

            teleport = Player.GetSpellSlot("SummonerTeleport");
            heal = Player.GetSpellSlot("summonerheal");
            barrier = Player.GetSpellSlot("summonerbarrier");
            ignite = Player.GetSpellSlot("summonerdot");
            exhaust = Player.GetSpellSlot("summonerexhaust");
            flash = Player.GetSpellSlot("summonerflash");
            cleanse = Player.GetSpellSlot("SummonerBoost");
            smite = Player.GetSpellSlot("summonersmite");

            if (smite == SpellSlot.Unknown)
                smite = Player.GetSpellSlot("itemsmiteaoe");
            if (smite == SpellSlot.Unknown)
                smite = Player.GetSpellSlot("s5_summonersmiteplayerganker");
            if (smite == SpellSlot.Unknown)
                smite = Player.GetSpellSlot("s5_summonersmitequick");
            if (smite == SpellSlot.Unknown)
                smite = Player.GetSpellSlot("s5_summonersmiteduel");

            if (smite != SpellSlot.Unknown)
                Sub.AddGroupLabel("Summoner > Smite");
                Sub.Add("SmiteEnemy", new CheckBox("Auto Smite enemy under 50% hp"));
                Sub.Add("SmiteEnemyKS", new CheckBox("Auto Smite enemy KS"));
                Sub.Add("Smite", new KeyBind("Auto Smite mobs OKTW", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.PressToggle, 'N'));
                Sub.Add("Rdragon", new CheckBox("Dragon"));
                Sub.Add("Rbaron", new CheckBox("Baron"));
                Sub.Add("Rherald", new CheckBox("Herald"));
                Sub.Add("Rred", new CheckBox("Red"));
                Sub.Add("Rblue", new CheckBox("Blue"));

            if (exhaust != SpellSlot.Unknown)
                Sub.AddGroupLabel("Summoner > Exhaust");
                Sub.Add("Exhaust", new CheckBox("Exhaust"));
                Sub.Add("Exhaust1", new CheckBox("Exhaust if Channeling Important Spell"));
                Sub.Add("Exhaust2", new CheckBox("Always in combo", false));

            if (heal != SpellSlot.Unknown)
                Sub.AddGroupLabel("Summoner > Heal");
                Sub.Add("Heal", new CheckBox("Heal"));
                Sub.Add("AllyHeal", new CheckBox("AllyHeal"));
            if (barrier != SpellSlot.Unknown)
                Sub.AddGroupLabel("Summoner > Barrier");
                Sub.Add("Barrier", new CheckBox("Barrier"));
            if (ignite != SpellSlot.Unknown)
                Sub.AddGroupLabel("Summoner > Ignite");
                Sub.Add("Ignite", new CheckBox("Ignite"));

            if (cleanse != SpellSlot.Unknown)
                Sub.AddGroupLabel("Summoner > Cleanse");
                Sub.Add("Cleanse", new CheckBox("Cleanse"));

            Sub.Add("pots", new CheckBox("Potion, ManaPotion, Flask, Biscuit"));

            // OFFENSIVE
            Sub.AddGroupLabel("Item > BOTRK");
            Sub.Add("Botrk", new CheckBox("Botrk"));
            Sub.Add("BotrkKS", new CheckBox("Botrk KS"));
            Sub.Add("BotrkLS", new CheckBox("Botrk LifeSaver"));
            Sub.Add("BotrkCombo", new CheckBox("Botrk always in combo", false));

            Sub.AddGroupLabel("Item > Cutlass");
            Sub.Add("Cutlass", new CheckBox("Cutlass"));
            Sub.Add("CutlassKS", new CheckBox("Cutlass KS"));
            Sub.Add("CutlassCombo", new CheckBox("Cutlass always in combo"));

            Sub.AddGroupLabel("Item > Hextech");
            Sub.Add("Hextech", new CheckBox("Hextech"));
            Sub.Add("HextechKS", new CheckBox("Hextech KS"));
            Sub.Add("HextechCombo", new CheckBox("Hextech always in combo"));

            Sub.AddGroupLabel("Item > Youmuus");
            Sub.Add("Youmuus", new CheckBox("Youmuus"));
            Sub.Add("YoumuusR", new CheckBox("TwitchR, AsheQ"));
            Sub.Add("YoumuusKS", new CheckBox("Youmuus KS"));
            Sub.Add("YoumuusCombo", new CheckBox("Youmuus always in combo", false));

            Sub.AddGroupLabel("Item > Hydra");
            Sub.Add("Hydra", new CheckBox("Hydra"));
            Sub.Add("HydraTitanic", new CheckBox("Hydra Titanic"));

            Sub.AddGroupLabel("Item > FrostQueen");
            Sub.Add("FrostQueen", new CheckBox("FrostQueen"));

            // DEF
            Sub.AddGroupLabel("Item > Defensive");
            Sub.Add("Randuin", new CheckBox("Randuin"));
            Sub.Add("FaceOfTheMountain", new CheckBox("FaceOfTheMountain"));
            Sub.Add("Zhonya", new CheckBox("Zhonya"));

            foreach (var enemy in ObjectManager.Get<AIHeroClient>().Where(enemy => enemy.Team != Player.Team))
                var spell = enemy.Spellbook.Spells[3];
                Sub.Add("spellZ" + spell.SData.Name,
                    new CheckBox(enemy.ChampionName + ": " + spell.Name,
                        spell.SData.TargettingType == SpellDataTargetType.Unit));

            Sub.Add("Seraph", new CheckBox("Seraph"));
            Sub.Add("Solari", new CheckBox("Solari"));

            // CLEANSERS

            Sub.Add("Clean", new CheckBox("Quicksilver, Mikaels, Mercurial, Dervish"));

            foreach (var ally in ObjectManager.Get<AIHeroClient>().Where(ally => ally.IsAlly))
                Sub.Add("MikaelsAlly" + ally.ChampionName, new CheckBox("Mikaels :" + ally.ChampionName));

            Sub.Add("CSSdelay", new Slider("Delay x ms", 0, 0, 1000));
            Sub.Add("cleanHP", new Slider("Use only under % HP", 80));
            Sub.Add("CleanSpells", new CheckBox("ZedR FizzR MordekaiserR PoppyR VladimirR"));
            Sub.Add("Stun", new CheckBox("Stun"));
            Sub.Add("Snare", new CheckBox("Snare"));
            Sub.Add("Charm", new CheckBox("Charm"));
            Sub.Add("Fear", new CheckBox("Fear"));
            Sub.Add("Suppression", new CheckBox("Suppression"));
            Sub.Add("Taunt", new CheckBox("Taunt"));
            Sub.Add("Blind", new CheckBox("Blind"));

            Game.OnUpdate += Game_OnGameUpdate;
            Orbwalker.OnPostAttack += Orbwalker_OnPostAttack;
            Spellbook.OnCastSpell += Spellbook_OnCastSpell;
            Obj_AI_Base.OnProcessSpellCast += Obj_AI_Base_OnProcessSpellCast;
Ejemplo n.º 27
        public void CreateMenu(Menu rootMenu)
            cleanseMenu = rootMenu.AddSubMenu("Cleanse/QSS", "CleanseV3");

            cleanseMenu.Add("CleanseActivated", new CheckBox("Use Cleanse"));

            cleanseMenu.AddGroupLabel("Spells to QSS");
            foreach (var spell in Spells)
                cleanseMenu.Add(spell.MenuName != null ? spell.MenuName.Replace(" ", string.Empty) : spell.Name, new CheckBox(string.IsNullOrEmpty(spell.MenuName) ? spell.Name : spell.MenuName));


            cleanseMenu.AddGroupLabel("Humanizer Delay");
            cleanseMenu.Add("CleanseMaxDelay", new Slider("Delay (MS)", 800, 0, 1500));
Ejemplo n.º 28
        public static void OnLoad()
            if (myHero.Hero != Champion.Draven)

            Chat.Print("<font color=\"#7CFC00\"><b>League Of Draven:</b></font> Loaded");

            Menu = MainMenu.AddMenu("League Of Draven", "draven");
            Menu.AddLabel("Ported from Exory's Ultima Series + Extra's - Berb");

            Menu.Add("useQ", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
            Menu.Add("useW", new CheckBox("Use W"));
            Menu.Add("useE", new CheckBox("Use E"));
            Menu.Add("useR", new CheckBox("Use R"));
            Menu.Add("enemyCount", new Slider("Use R if it will hit X enemies", 2, 1, 5));
            Menu.Add("useQH", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
            Menu.Add("useWH", new CheckBox("Use W"));
            Menu.Add("useEH", new CheckBox("Use E"));
            Menu.Add("manaH", new Slider("Mininum Mana for Harass", 65));
            Menu.AddGroupLabel("Lane Clear");
            Menu.Add("useQLC", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
            Menu.Add("useELC", new CheckBox("Use E"));
            Menu.Add("manaLC", new Slider("Mininum Mana for Lane Clear", 90));
            Menu.AddGroupLabel("Jungle Clear");
            Menu.Add("useQJG", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
            Menu.Add("useEJG", new CheckBox("Use E"));
            Menu.Add("manaJG", new Slider("Mininum Mana for Jungle Clear", 65));
            Menu.Add("interrupt", new CheckBox("Interrupter"));
            Menu.Add("gapcloser", new CheckBox("Gapcloser"));
            Menu.Add("catchaxe", new CheckBox("Auto Catch Axe"));
            Menu.Add("onlycatch", new CheckBox("Only catch when orbwalking?"));
            Menu.Add("drawe", new CheckBox("Draw E"));
            Menu.Add("drawr", new CheckBox("Draw R"));
            Menu.Add("drawaxe", new CheckBox("Draw Axe Catch Range"));
            Menu.Add("drawaxedrop", new CheckBox("Draw Axe Object"));
            Menu.Add("mine", new Slider("Mininum Mana for E", 65));
            Menu.Add("catchaxerange", new Slider("Axe Catch Range", 600, 0, 2000));


            Q = new EloBuddy.SDK.Spell.Active(SpellSlot.Q, (uint)myHero.GetAutoAttackRange());
            W = new EloBuddy.SDK.Spell.Active(SpellSlot.W);
            E = new EloBuddy.SDK.Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.E, 1020, SkillShotType.Linear, 250, 1400, 120);
            R = new EloBuddy.SDK.Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.R, 2500, SkillShotType.Linear, 400, 2000, 160);

            Game.OnTick += OnUpdate;
            Drawing.OnDraw += Drawing_OnDraw;
            Orbwalker.OnPreAttack += Orbwalker_OnPreAttack;
            GameObject.OnCreate += GameObject_OnCreate;
            GameObject.OnDelete += GameObject_OnDelete;
            Player.OnIssueOrder += Player_OnIssueOrder;
            EloBuddy.SDK.Events.Gapcloser.OnGapcloser += OnEnemyGapcloser;
            EloBuddy.SDK.Events.Interrupter.OnInterruptableSpell += OnInterruptableTarget;
            Obj_AI_Base.OnProcessSpellCast += Obj_AI_Base_OnProcessSpellCast;
Ejemplo n.º 29
 internal static void AttachToMenu()
     skillShots = YasuoPro.YasuoMenu.Config.AddSubMenu("Skillshots", "Skillshots");
     foreach (var hero in HeroManager.Enemies)
         foreach (var spell in SpellDatabase.Spells)
             if (String.Equals(spell.ChampionName, hero.ChampionName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                 skillShots.Add("DangerLevel" + spell.MenuItemName, new Slider("Danger level", spell.DangerValue, 5, 1));
                 if (spell.CollisionObjects.Contains(CollisionObjectTypes.YasuoWall))
                     skillShots.AddBool("EvadeW" + spell.MenuItemName, "Evade with W");
                 skillShots.AddBool("EvadeE" + spell.MenuItemName, "Evade with E");
                 skillShots.Add("IsDangerous" + spell.MenuItemName, new CheckBox("Is Dangerous", spell.IsDangerous));
                 skillShots.Add("Delay" + spell.MenuItemName, new Slider("Windwall Delay", 0, 0, 1000));
Ejemplo n.º 30
 private static void InitMenu()
     config = MainMenu.AddMenu("Irelia", "Irelia");
     config.Add("useqcombo", new ComboBox("Q Combo MODE : ", 0, "CHALLENGER", "BRONZE", "NEVER"));
     config.Add("useecombo", new ComboBox("Use E Combo", 0, "CHALLENGER", "BRONZE", "NEVER"));
     config.Add("usewcombo", new CheckBox("Use W Combo"));
     config.Add("usercombo", new KeyBind("Use R Combo", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'U'));
     config.Add("useeks", new CheckBox("Use E KS if Q on CD"));
     config.Add("qgc", new ComboBox("Q Gapcloser Mode : ", 0, "ONLY-CLOSEST-TO-TARGET", "ALL-KILLABLE-MINIONS"));
     config.Add("mindistqgapcloser", new Slider("Min Distance for Q Gapclose", 350, 325, 625));
     config.Add("useqfarm", new ComboBox("Q Farm Mode: ", 0, "ONLY-UNKILLABLE", "ALWAYS", "NEVER"));