Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static void Initialize()
            _spells = EloBuddy.SDK.Spells.SpellDatabase.GetSpellInfoList(MyHero.BaseSkinName);

            #region Initialize Menu
            Config = MainMenu.AddMenu("EBPredictioner", "asdasdasdsad");
            Config.AddGroupLabel("Taken logic from AIMBot, huge credits to iCreative.");
            Config.Add("ENABLED", new CheckBox("Enabled"));
            //Config.Add("SPREDHITC", new ComboBox("HitChance", 0, "High", "Medium", "Low"));
            Config.Add("SPREDHITC", new Slider("HitChance", 60));

            #region Initialize Spells
            var slots = new HashSet<SpellSlot>();
            foreach (var info in _spells)
            foreach (var slot in slots)
                if (Config[String.Format("{0}{1}", ObjectManager.Player.ChampionName, slot)] == null)
                    Config.Add(String.Format("{0}{1}", ObjectManager.Player.ChampionName, slot), new CheckBox("Convert Spell " + slot.ToString()));

            #region Initialize Events
            Spellbook.OnCastSpell += EventHandlers.Spellbook_OnCastSpell;
            AIHeroClient.OnProcessSpellCast += EventHandlers.Obj_AI_Hero_OnProcessSpellCast;
            Game.OnTick += Game_OnTick;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static void OnLoad()
            Config = MainMenu.AddMenu(Menuname, Menuname);

            AddKeyBind(Config, "Manual E->Q", "manualeq", 'A', KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive);
            AddKeyBind(Config, "R Spam", "flee", 'T', KeyBind.BindTypes.PressToggle);
            AddBool(Config, "Disable Orbwalker", "disorb", false);

            combo = Config.AddSubMenu("Combo Settings", "Combo Settings");
            combo.AddGroupLabel("Melee Settings");
            AddBool(combo, "Use [Q]", "useqcm");
            AddBool(combo, "Use [W]", "usewcm");
            AddBool(combo, "Use [E]", "useecm");
            AddBool(combo, "Smart [E]", "useecme");
            combo.AddGroupLabel("Ranged Settings");
            AddBool(combo, "Use [Q]", "useqcr");
            AddBool(combo, "Use [W]", "usewcr");
            AddBool(combo, "Use [E]", "useecr");
            AddBool(combo, "Auto Change Forms ([R])", "usercf");

            harass = Config.AddSubMenu("Harass Settings", "harass Settings");
            harass.AddGroupLabel("Melee Settings");
            AddBool(harass, "Use [Q]", "useqhm");
            harass.AddGroupLabel("Ranged Settings");
            AddBool(harass, "Use [Q]", "useqhr");
            AddBool(harass, "Use [W]", "usewhr");

            laneclear = Config.AddSubMenu("Lane Clear Settings", "Lane Clear Settings");
            AddValue(laneclear, "Minimum minions hit For W/Q", "minhitwq", 2, 0, 10);
            AddValue(laneclear, "Minimum Mana", "minmana", 30);
            laneclear.AddGroupLabel("Melee Settings");
            AddBool(laneclear, "Use [Q]", "useqlm");
            AddBool(laneclear, "Use [W]", "usewlm");
            AddBool(laneclear, "Use [E]", "useelm");
            laneclear.AddGroupLabel("Ranged Settings");
            AddBool(laneclear, "Use [Q]", "useqlr");
            AddBool(laneclear, "Use [W]", "usewlr");

            drawings = Config.AddSubMenu("Drawings", "Drawings");
            AddBool(drawings, "Draw [Q]", "drawq");
            AddBool(drawings, "Draw [E]", "drawe");
            AddBool(drawings, "Draw Timers", "drawtimers");

            misc = Config.AddSubMenu("Misc Settings", "Misc Settings");
            AddBool(misc, "Auto E On Interruptable", "autoeint");
            AddBool(misc, "Auto E On Dash", "autoedash");
            AddBool(misc, "Auto E On Gap Closers", "autoegap");
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static void Create(Menu menuToAttach)
            s_Config = MainMenu.AddMenu("Target Selector", "TargetSelector.Root");
            s_Config.Add("TargetSelector.Root.blFocusSelected", new CheckBox("Focus Selected Target"));
                new Slider("Extra Focus Selected Range", 0, 0, 250));
            s_Config.Add("TargetSelector.Root.blOnlyAttackSelected", new CheckBox("Only Attack Selected Target", false));
            s_Config.Add("TargetSelector.Root.SelectedTargetColor", new CheckBox("Selected Target Color", false));

            s_Config.AddGroupLabel("Champion Priority");
            foreach (var enemy in HeroManager.Enemies)
                s_Config.Add(string.Format("TargetSelector.Priority.{0}", enemy.ChampionName),
                    new Slider(enemy.ChampionName, 1, 1, 5));
            s_Config.AddLabel("0 : Auto");
            s_Config.AddLabel("1 : Low HP");
            s_Config.AddLabel("2 : Most AD");
            s_Config.AddLabel("3 : Most AP");
            s_Config.AddLabel("4 : Closest");
            s_Config.AddLabel("5 : Near Mouse");
            s_Config.AddLabel("6 : Less Attack");
            s_Config.AddLabel("7 : Less Cast");
            s_Config.Add("TargetSelector.Root.iTargettingMode", new Slider("Targetting Mode", 0, 0, 7));
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public static void Initialize()
            #region Initialize Menu
            Config = MainMenu.AddMenu("SDKPredictioner", "sdkpaksldjaskdjlkasjdk");
            Config.Add("ENABLED", new CheckBox("Enabled"));
            Config.Add("SPREDHITC", new ComboBox("HitChance", 1, "Very High", "High", "Medium"));
            #region Initialize Spells
            foreach (var spell in SpellDatabase.Spells)
                if (spell.ChampionName == ObjectManager.Player.CharData.BaseSkinName && Config[String.Format("{0}{1}", ObjectManager.Player.ChampionName, spell.Slot)] == null)
                    Spells[(int)spell.Slot] = new Spell(spell.Slot, spell.Range);
                    Spells[(int)spell.Slot].SetSkillshot(spell.Delay / 1000f, spell.Radius, spell.MissileSpeed, spell.Collisionable, spell.Type);
                    Config.Add(String.Format("{0}{1}", ObjectManager.Player.ChampionName, spell.Slot), new CheckBox("Convert Spell " + spell.Slot.ToString()));

            #region Initialize Events
            Spellbook.OnCastSpell += EventHandlers.Spellbook_OnCastSpell;
            AIHeroClient.OnProcessSpellCast += EventHandlers.Obj_AI_Hero_OnProcessSpellCast;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public static void Create()
     s_Config = MainMenu.AddMenu("Target Selector", "TargetSelector.Root");
     s_Config.AddGroupLabel("Target Selector Mode");
     s_Config.Add("TargetSelector.Root.iTargettingMode", new ComboBox("Selected Mode:", 0, "Auto", "Lowest HP", "Most AD", "Most AP", "Closest", "Near Mouse", "Less Attack", "Less Cast"));
     s_Config.AddLabel("(Higher value means higher priority)");
     foreach (var enemy in HeroManager.Enemies)
         s_Config.Add(string.Format("TargetSelector.Priority.{0}", enemy.ChampionName), new Slider(enemy.ChampionName, 1, 1, 5));
     s_Config.AddGroupLabel("Selected Target Settings");
     s_Config.Add("TargetSelector.Root.blFocusSelected", new CheckBox("Focus Selected Target"));
     s_Config.Add("TargetSelector.Root.iFocusSelectedExtraRange", new Slider("Extra Focus Selected Range", 0, 0, 250));
     s_Config.Add("TargetSelector.Root.blOnlyAttackSelected", new CheckBox("Only Attack Selected Target", false));
     s_Config.Add("TargetSelector.Root.SelectedTargetColor", new CheckBox("Selected Target Color", false));
Ejemplo n.º 6
        private static void Loading_OnLoadingComplete(EventArgs args)
            if (Player.Instance.Hero != Champion.TahmKench) return;

            Menu = MainMenu.AddMenu("Kench Unbenched", "kbswag");
            Menu.AddGroupLabel("Kench Unbenched");

            ComboMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Combo Menu", "combomenuKench");
            ComboMenu.AddGroupLabel("Combo Settings");
            ComboMenu.Add("Combo.Q", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
            ComboMenu.Add("Combo.QOnlyStun", new CheckBox("Use Q Only Stun / Out of AA"));
            ComboMenu.Add("Combo.W.Enemy", new CheckBox("Use W on Enemy"));
            ComboMenu.Add("Combo.W.Minion", new CheckBox("Use W on Minions to Spit"));
            ComboMenu.Add("Combo.E", new CheckBox("Use E"));

            HarassMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Harass Menu", "harassmenuKench");
            HarassMenu.AddGroupLabel("Harass Settings");
            HarassMenu.Add("Harass.Q", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
            HarassMenu.Add("Harass.W.Enemy", new CheckBox("Use W on Enemy"));
            HarassMenu.Add("Harass.W.Minion", new CheckBox("Use W on Minions to Spit"));
            HarassMenu.Add("Harass.E", new CheckBox("Use E"));

            FarmingMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Farm Menu", "farmmenuKench");
            FarmingMenu.AddGroupLabel("Farm Settings");
            FarmingMenu.AddLabel("LastHit Settings");
            FarmingMenu.Add("LastHit.Q", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
            FarmingMenu.AddLabel("WaveClear Settings");
            FarmingMenu.Add("WaveClear.Q", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
            FarmingMenu.AddLabel("Jungle Settings");
            FarmingMenu.Add("Jungle.Q", new CheckBox("Use Q"));


            KillStealMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("KillSteal Menu");
            KillStealMenu.AddGroupLabel("KillSteal Settings");
            KillStealMenu.Add("KillSteal.Q", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
            KillStealMenu.Add("KillSteal.W.Swallow", new CheckBox("Use W Swallow"));
            KillStealMenu.Add("KillSteal.W.Spit", new CheckBox("Use W Swallow/Spit"));

            DrawMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Draw Menu", "drawMenuKench");
            DrawMenu.AddGroupLabel("Draw Settings");
            DrawMenu.Add("Draw.Q", new CheckBox("Draw Q"));
            DrawMenu.Add("Draw.W", new CheckBox("Draw W"));
            DrawMenu.Add("Draw.E", new CheckBox("Draw E"));
            DrawMenu.AddLabel("Off CD Colour");

            Drawing.OnDraw += Drawing_OnDraw;
            Obj_AI_Base.OnProcessSpellCast += KenchCheckManager.Obj_AI_Base_OnProcessSpellCast;
            Game.OnTick += Game_OnTick;
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public static void Init(Menu nParentMenu)
            menu = nParentMenu;
            menu.AddGroupLabel("Auto Bush Revealer");

            foreach (var ward in _wards)
                menu.Add("AutoBush." + ward.Key, new CheckBox(ward.Value));

            var useMenuItemName = "Use." + ObjectManager.Player.ChampionName;
            var useMenuItemText = "Use " + ObjectManager.Player.ChampionName;

            switch (ObjectManager.Player.ChampionName)
                case "Corki":
                        menu.Add(useMenuItemName, new CheckBox(useMenuItemText + " Q"));
                case "Ashe":
                        menu.Add(useMenuItemName, new CheckBox(useMenuItemText + " E"));
                case "Caitlyn":
                        menu.Add(useMenuItemName, new CheckBox(useMenuItemText + " W"));
                case "Quinn":
                        menu.Add(useMenuItemName, new CheckBox(useMenuItemText + " W"));
                case "Kalista":
                        menu.Add(useMenuItemName, new CheckBox(useMenuItemText + " W"));
                case "Jinx":
                        menu.Add(useMenuItemName, new CheckBox(useMenuItemText + " E"));
            menu.Add("AutoBushEnabled", new CheckBox("Enabled"));
            menu.Add("AutoBushKey", new KeyBind("Key", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 32));
            new Helper();

            ChampionSpell = GetSpell();

            Game.OnUpdate += Game_OnGameUpdate;
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public static void Init(Menu nParentMenu)
            LocalMenu = nParentMenu;
            LocalMenu.Add("Emote.Kill", new ComboBox("Kill:", 0, "Off", "Master Badge", "Laugh", "Taunt", "Joke", "Dance"));
            LocalMenu.Add("Emote.Assist", new ComboBox("Assist:", 0, "Off", "Master Badge", "Laugh", "Taunt", "Joke", "Dance"));
            LocalMenu.Add("Emote.Victory", new ComboBox("Victory:", 0, "Off", "Master Badge", "Laugh", "Taunt", "Joke", "Dance"));
            LocalMenu.Add("Emote.Enable", new CheckBox("Enable:"));

            Game.OnNotify += GameOnOnNotify;
Ejemplo n.º 9
 internal static void Attach(Menu menu)
     menu.AddBool("Items.Enabled", "Use Items");
     menu.AddBool("Items.UseTitanic", "Use Titanic");
     menu.AddBool("Items.UseTIA", "Use Tiamat");
     menu.AddBool("Items.UseHDR", "Use Hydra");
     menu.AddBool("Items.UseBRK", "Use BORK");
     menu.AddBool("Items.UseBLG", "Use Bilgewater");
     menu.AddBool("Items.UseYMU", "Use Youmu");
     menu.AddGroupLabel("Combo :");
     menu.AddBool("Combo.UseQ", "Use Q");
     menu.AddBool("Combo.UseQ2", "Use Q2");
     menu.AddBool("Combo.StackQ", "Stack Q if not in Range");
     menu.AddBool("Combo.UseE", "Use E");
     menu.AddBool("Combo.UseEQ", "Use EQ");
     menu.AddSList("Combo.Mode", "Mode", new string[] { "Old", "Beta" }, 0);
     menu.AddBool("Combo.ETower", "Use E under Tower", false);
     menu.AddBool("Combo.EAdvanced", "Predict E position with Waypoints");
     menu.AddBool("Combo.EToSafety", "E towards base if unhealthy", false);
     menu.AddBool("Combo.UseIgnite", "Use Ignite");
     menu.AddGroupLabel("Ult Settings ");
     foreach (var hero in HeroManager.Enemies)
         menu.AddBool("ult" + hero.NetworkId, "Ult " + hero.ChampionName);
     menu.AddSList("Combo.UltMode", "Ult Prioritization", new string[] { "Lowest Health", "TS Priority", "Most enemies" }, 0);
     menu.AddSlider("Combo.knockupremainingpct", "Knockup Remaining % for Ult", 95, 40, 100);
     menu.AddBool("Combo.UseR", "Use R");
     menu.AddBool("Combo.UltTower", "Ult under Tower", false);
     menu.AddBool("Combo.UltOnlyKillable", "Ult only Killable", false);
     menu.AddBool("Combo.RPriority", "Ult if priority 5 target is knocked up", true);
     menu.AddSlider("Combo.RMinHit", "Min Enemies for Ult", 1, 1, 5);
     menu.AddBool("Combo.OnlyifMin", "Only Ult if minimum enemies met", false);
     menu.AddSlider("Combo.MinHealthUlt", "Minimum health to Ult %", 0, 0, 100);
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public static void Init(Menu mainMenu)
     MenuLocal = mainMenu.AddSubMenu("Jungle", "Jungle");
         MenuLocal.AddGroupLabel("Item Settings : ");
         MenuLocal.Add("Jungle.Youmuu.BlueRed", new ComboBox("Items: Use for Blue/Red", 3, "Off", "Red", "Blue", "Both"));
         MenuLocal.Add("Jungle.Youmuu.BaronDragon", new ComboBox("Items: Use for Baron/Dragon", 3, "Off", "Dragon", "Baron", "Both"));
         MenuLocal.Add("Jungle.Item", new ComboBox("Items: Other (Tiamat/Hydra)", 1, "Off", "On"));
     Game.OnUpdate += OnUpdate;
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public static void Init(Menu ParentMenu)
            MenuLocal = ParentMenu.AddSubMenu("R:", "MenuR");

            MenuLocal.Add("MenuR.R.Enabled", new KeyBind("Enabled:", true, KeyBind.BindTypes.PressToggle, 'K'));
            MenuLocal.Add("MenuR.R.OnyChampionSpells", new KeyBind("Dodge Only Champion Spells:", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 32));

            foreach (var displayName in BuffListCaption)
                MenuLocal.Add("Buff." + displayName, new CheckBox(displayName));

            MenuLocal.AddGroupLabel("Enemy Spells:");
            foreach (var c in HeroManager.Enemies.SelectMany(t => Evade.SpellDatabase.Spells.Where(s => s.Type == SpellData.SkillShotType.SkillshotTargeted).Where(c =>string.Equals(c.ChampionName, t.ChampionName,StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)).OrderBy(s => s.ChampionName)))
                MenuLocal.Add("BuffT." + c.ChampionName + c.Slot, new CheckBox(c.ChampionName + " : " + c.Slot));

            Obj_AI_Base.OnProcessSpellCast += ObjAiHeroOnOnProcessSpellCast;
            Game.OnUpdate += GameOnOnUpdate;
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public override bool ComboMenu(Menu config)
            config.Add("UseQC", new CheckBox("Q"));
            config.Add("UseWC", new CheckBox("W"));
            config.Add("UseEC", new CheckBox("E"));

                config.Add("UseRC", new CheckBox("Use R"));
                config.Add("UseRCMinRange", new Slider("Min. Range", 200, 200, 1000));
                config.Add("UseRCMaxRange", new Slider("Max. Range", 1500, 500, 2000));
                config.Add("DrawRMin", new CheckBox("Draw Min. R Range"));//.SetValue(new Circle(true, Color.DarkRed)));
                config.Add("DrawRMax", new CheckBox("Draw Max. R Range"));//.SetValue(new Circle(true, Color.DarkMagenta)));
            return true;
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public override bool ComboMenu(Menu config)
            config.Add("UseQC", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
            config.Add("UseWC", new CheckBox("Use W", false));
            config.Add("UseEC", new CheckBox("Use E"));
            config.Add("UseWKs", new CheckBox("Use W Kill Steal", false));
            config.Add("UseWCS", new CheckBox("Complete E stacks with W", false));

            config.AddGroupLabel("Don't Use E On");
                foreach (var enemy in ObjectManager.Get<AIHeroClient>().Where(enemy => enemy.Team != Player.Team))
                    config.Add("DontUseE" + enemy.ChampionName, new CheckBox(enemy.ChampionName, false));

            return true;
Ejemplo n.º 14
        public static void Init(Menu mainMenu)
            MenuLocal = mainMenu.AddSubMenu("Jungle", "Jungle");

                MenuLocal.Add("Jungle.Youmuu.BlueRed", new ComboBox("Items: Use for Blue/Red", 3, "Off", "Red", "Blue", "Both"));
                MenuLocal.Add("Jungle.Youmuu.BaronDragon", new ComboBox("Items: Use for Baron/Dragon", 3, "Off", "Dragon", "Baron", "Both"));
                MenuLocal.Add("Jungle.Item", new ComboBox("Items: Other (Tiamat/Hydra)", 1, "Off", "On"));

                MenuLocal.AddGroupLabel("Min. Mana Control");
                MenuLocal.Add("MinMana.Jungle", new Slider("Min. Mana %:", 20));
                MenuLocal.Add("MinMana.DontCheckEnemyBuff", new ComboBox("Don't Check Min. Mana -> If Taking:", 2, "Off", "Ally Buff", "Enemy Buff", "Both"));
                MenuLocal.Add("MinMana.DontCheckBlueBuff", new CheckBox("Don't Check Min. Mana -> If Have Blue Buff:"));

            Game.OnUpdate += OnUpdate;
Ejemplo n.º 15
 public static void CreateMenu()
     Menu = MainMenu.AddMenu("Evade Skillshot", "Evade");
     foreach (var spell in SpellDatabase.Spells.Where(i => HeroManager.Enemies.Any(a => string.Equals(a.ChampionName, i.ChampionName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))))
         Menu.AddGroupLabel(string.Format("{0} ({1})", spell.SpellName, spell.Slot));
         Menu.Add("DangerLevel", new Slider("Danger Level", spell.DangerValue, 1, 5));
         Menu.Add("IsDangerous", new CheckBox("Is Dangerous", spell.IsDangerous));
         Menu.Add("DisableFoW", new CheckBox("Disable FoW Dodging", false));
         Menu.Add("Draw", new CheckBox("Draw", false));
         Menu.Add("Enabled", new CheckBox("Enabled", !spell.DisabledByDefault));
     Menu.Add("DrawStatus", new CheckBox("Draw Evade Status"));
     Menu.Add("EnabledA", new KeyBind("Enabled", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.PressToggle, 'K'));
     Menu.Add("OnlyDangerous", new KeyBind("Dodge Only Dangerous", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 32));
Ejemplo n.º 16
        public static void Init()
            MenuLocal = Modes.ModeConfig.MenuConfig.AddSubMenu("Harass", "Harass");
                MenuLocal.Add("Harass.UseQ", new CheckBox("Q:"));
                MenuLocal.Add("Harass.UseW", new ComboBox("W:", 2, "Off", "On", "On: After Q"));
                MenuLocal.Add("Harass.UseW.Return", new CheckBox("W: Auto Return"));
                MenuLocal.Add("Harass.UseE", new CheckBox("E:", false));

                MenuLocal.AddGroupLabel("Toggle Harass");
                    MenuLocal.Add("Toggle.Active", new ComboBox("Active:", 2, "Just with Laneclear Mode", "Just with Lasthit Mode", "Both"));
                    MenuLocal.Add("Toggle.UseQ", new CheckBox("Q:", false));//.SetValue(false).SetFontStyle(FontStyle.Regular, Q.MenuColor()));
                    MenuLocal.Add("Toggle.UseW", new CheckBox("W:", false));//.SetValue(false).SetFontStyle(FontStyle.Regular, W.MenuColor()));
                    MenuLocal.Add("Toggle.UseE", new CheckBox("E:", false));//.SetValue(false).SetFontStyle(FontStyle.Regular, E.MenuColor()));

            Game.OnUpdate += GameOnOnUpdate;
Ejemplo n.º 17
        public OKTWdash(Spell qwer)
            DashSpell = qwer;

            Sub = Config.AddSubMenu(qwer.Slot + " Dash Config");
            Sub.Add("DashMode", new Slider("Dash MODE (0 : Cursor | 1 : Side | 2 : Safe Pos)", 2, 0, 2));
            Sub.Add("EnemyCheck", new Slider("Block dash in x enemies", 3, 0, 5));
            Sub.Add("WallCheck", new CheckBox("Block dash in wall"));
            Sub.Add("TurretCheck", new CheckBox("Block dash under turret"));
            Sub.Add("AAcheck", new CheckBox("Dash only in AA range"));
            Sub.Add("GapcloserMode", new Slider("Gapcloser MODE (0 : Cursor | 1 : Away - Safe Pos | 2 : Disable)", 1, 0, 2));

            foreach (var enemy in ObjectManager.Get<AIHeroClient>().Where(enemy => enemy.IsEnemy))
                Sub.Add("EGCchampion" + enemy.NetworkId, new CheckBox("Gapclose " + enemy.ChampionName));

            AntiGapcloser.OnEnemyGapcloser += AntiGapcloser_OnEnemyGapcloser;
Ejemplo n.º 18
        public static void Initialize()
            localMenu = Program.MenuActivator;
            localMenu.AddGroupLabel("Pink Ward");
            localMenu.Add("Pink.Use", new CheckBox("Enable Pink Ward"));

            var enemyChampions = new[]
                                         "Akali", "KhaZix", "Talon", "Shaco", "MonkeyKing", "Vayne", "Rengar", "Ezreal", "Sivir"

            List<AIHeroClient> enemies = HeroManager.Enemies;

            foreach (var e in from fenemies in enemies from fBigBoys in enemyChampions  where fBigBoys == fenemies.ChampionName select fenemies)
                localMenu.Add("UsePink." + e.ChampionName, new CheckBox(Utils.Tab +  "For: " + e.ChampionName));

            Obj_AI_Base.OnProcessSpellCast += OnProcessSpellCast;
            GameObject.OnCreate += OnCreate;
            Game.OnUpdate += Game_OnUpdate;
Ejemplo n.º 19
        internal static void Init()

            Spells.RemoveAll(i => !HeroManager.Enemies.Any(a => string.Equals(a.ChampionName, i.ChampionName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)));

            evadeMenu = Program.Menu.AddSubMenu("Evade Targeted SkillShot", "EvadeTarget");
            evadeMenu.Add("W", new CheckBox("Use W"));
            evadeMenu.AddGroupLabel("Auto Attack");
            evadeMenu.Add("B", new CheckBox("Basic Attack", false));
            evadeMenu.Add("BHpU", new Slider("-> If Hp < (%)", 35));
            evadeMenu.Add("C", new CheckBox("Crit Attack", false));
            evadeMenu.Add("CHpU", new Slider("-> If Hp < (%)", 40));

            foreach (var spell in Spells.Where(i => HeroManager.Enemies.Any(a => string.Equals(a.ChampionName, i.ChampionName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))))
                evadeMenu.Add(spell.MissileName, new CheckBox(spell.MissileName + " (" + spell.Slot + ")", false));

            Game.OnUpdate += OnUpdateTarget;
            GameObject.OnCreate += ObjSpellMissileOnCreate;
            GameObject.OnDelete += ObjSpellMissileOnDelete;
Ejemplo n.º 20
        public static void Game_OnGameLoad()
            Menu = MainMenu.AddMenu("Humanizer", "Humanizer");

            spells = Menu.AddSubMenu("Spells", "Spells");
            foreach (var spell in Items)
                spells.Add("Enabled" + spell, new CheckBox("Delay " + spell));
                spells.Add("MinDelay" + spell, new Slider("Minimum Delay", 80));
                spells.Add("MaxDelay" + spell, new Slider("Maximum Delay", 200, 100, 400));
                LastCast.Add(spell, 0);
            spells.Add("DrawSpells", new CheckBox("Draw Blocked Spell Count"));

            move = Menu.AddSubMenu("Movement", "Movement");
            move.Add("MovementEnabled", new CheckBox("Enabled"));
            move.Add("MovementHumanizeDistance", new CheckBox("Humanize Movement Distance"));
            move.Add("MovementHumanizeRate", new CheckBox("Humanize Movement Rate"));
            move.Add("MinDelay", new Slider("Minimum Delay", 80));
            move.Add("MaxDelay", new Slider("Maximum Delay", 200, 100, 400));
            move.Add("DrawMove", new CheckBox("Draw Blocked Movement Count"));

            BlockedSpells = new Render.Text("Blocked Spells: ", Drawing.Width - 200, Drawing.Height - 600, 28, Color.Green);
            BlockedSpells.VisibleCondition += sender => getCheckBoxItem(spells, "DrawSpells");
            BlockedSpells.TextUpdate += () => "Blocked Spells: " + BlockedSpellCount;

            BlockedMovement = new Render.Text("Blocked Move: ", Drawing.Width - 200, Drawing.Height - 625, 28, Color.Green);
            BlockedMovement.VisibleCondition += sender => getCheckBoxItem(move, "DrawMove");
            BlockedMovement.TextUpdate += () => "Blocked Move: " + BlockedMoveCount;

            EloBuddy.Player.OnIssueOrder += Obj_AI_Base_OnIssueOrder;
            Spellbook.OnCastSpell += Spellbook_OnCastSpell;
Ejemplo n.º 21
        public static void CreateMenu()
            evadeMenu = Program.Menu.AddSubMenu("Evade Skillshot", "Evade");
            evadeMenu.AddGroupLabel("Credit: Evade#");

            evadeMenu.AddGroupLabel("Use Spells to Dodge");
            foreach (var spell in EvadeSpellDatabase.Spells)
                evadeMenu.AddGroupLabel(string.Format("{0} ({1})", spell.Name, spell.Slot));
                evadeMenu.Add(spell.Slot + "Tower", new CheckBox("Under Tower", false));
                evadeMenu.Add(spell.Slot + "Delay", new Slider("Extra Delay", 100, 0, 150));
                evadeMenu.Add(spell.Slot + "DangerLevel", new Slider("If Danger Level >=", 1, 1, 5));
                evadeMenu.Add(spell.Slot + "Enabled", new CheckBox("Enabled"));

            evadeMenu.AddGroupLabel("Dodge :");
            foreach (var spell in SpellDatabase.Spells.Where(i => HeroManager.Enemies.Any(a => string.Equals(a.ChampionName, i.ChampionName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))))
                evadeMenu.AddGroupLabel(string.Format("{0} ({1})", spell.SpellName, spell.Slot));
                evadeMenu.Add(spell.SpellName + "DangerLevel", new Slider("Danger Level", spell.DangerValue, 1, 5));
                evadeMenu.Add(spell.SpellName + "IsDangerous", new CheckBox("Is Dangerous", spell.IsDangerous));
                evadeMenu.Add(spell.SpellName + "DisableFoW", new CheckBox("Disable FoW Dodging", false));
                evadeMenu.Add(spell.SpellName + "Draw", new CheckBox("Draw", false));
                evadeMenu.Add(spell.SpellName + "Enabled", new CheckBox("Enabled", false));

            evadeMenu.AddGroupLabel("Settings :");
            evadeMenu.Add("DrawStatus", new CheckBox("Draw Evade Status"));
            evadeMenu.Add("Enabled", new KeyBind("Enabled", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.PressToggle, 'K'));
            evadeMenu.Add("OnlyDangerous", new KeyBind("Dodge Only Dangerous", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 32));
Ejemplo n.º 22
        public static void CreateMenu()
            Menu = MainMenu.AddMenu("Evade", "Evade");

            //Create the evade spells submenus.
            evadeSpells = Menu.AddSubMenu("Evade spells", "evadeSpells");
            foreach (var spell in EvadeSpellDatabase.Spells)
                evadeSpells.Add("DangerLevel" + spell.Name, new Slider("Danger level", spell.DangerLevel, 5, 1));
                if (spell.IsTargetted && spell.ValidTargets.Contains(SpellValidTargets.AllyWards))
                    evadeSpells.Add("WardJump" + spell.Name, new CheckBox("WardJump"));
                evadeSpells.Add("Enabled" + spell.Name, new CheckBox("Enabled"));

            //Create the skillshots submenus.
            skillShotsY = Menu.AddSubMenu("Skillshots", "Skillshots");
            foreach (var hero in ObjectManager.Get<AIHeroClient>())
                if (hero.Team != ObjectManager.Player.Team || Config.TestOnAllies)
                    foreach (var spell in SpellDatabase.Spells)
                        if (String.Equals(spell.ChampionName, hero.ChampionName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                            skillShotsY.Add("DangerLevel" + spell.MenuItemName, new Slider("Danger level", spell.DangerValue, 5, 1));
                            skillShotsY.Add("IsDangerous" + spell.MenuItemName, new CheckBox("Is Dangerous", spell.IsDangerous));
                            skillShotsY.Add("Draw" + spell.MenuItemName, new CheckBox("Draw"));
                            skillShotsY.Add("Enabled" + spell.MenuItemName, new CheckBox("Enabled", !spell.DisabledByDefault));

            // Shielding Menu
            shielding = Menu.AddSubMenu("Ally shielding", "Shielding");
            foreach (var ally in ObjectManager.Get<AIHeroClient>())
                if (ally.IsAlly && !ally.IsMe)
                    shielding.Add("shield" + ally.ChampionName, new CheckBox("Shield " + ally.ChampionName));

            collision = Menu.AddSubMenu("Collision", "Collision");
            collision.Add("MinionCollision", new CheckBox("Minion collision"));
            collision.Add("HeroCollision", new CheckBox("Hero collision"));
            collision.Add("YasuoCollision", new CheckBox("Yasuo wall collision"));
            collision.Add("EnableCollision", new CheckBox("Enabled"));
            //TODO add mode.

            drawings = Menu.AddSubMenu("Drawings", "Drawings");
            drawings.Add("EnabledColor", new CheckBox("Enabled spell color"));//.SetValue(Color.White));
            drawings.Add("DisabledColor", new CheckBox("Disabled spell color"));//.SetValue(Color.Red));
            //drawings.Add("MissileColor", "Missile color").SetValue(Color.LimeGreen));
            //drawings.Add("Border", "Border Width").SetValue(new Slider(1, 5, 1)));
            drawings.Add("EnableDrawings", new CheckBox("Enabled"));

            misc = Menu.AddSubMenu("Misc", "Misc");
            misc.Add("BlockSpells", new ComboBox("Block spells while evading", 1, "No", "Only dangerous", "Always"));
            misc.Add("DisableFow", new CheckBox("Disable fog of war dodging", false));
            misc.Add("ShowEvadeStatus", new CheckBox("Show Evade Status", false));
            if (ObjectManager.Player.CharData.BaseSkinName == "Olaf")
                misc.Add("DisableEvadeForOlafR", new CheckBox("Automatic disable Evade when Olaf's ulti is active!"));

            Menu.Add("Enabled", new KeyBind("Enabled", true, KeyBind.BindTypes.PressToggle, 'K'));
            Menu.Add("OnlyDangerous", new KeyBind("Dodge only dangerous", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 32));
Ejemplo n.º 23
 internal static void AttachToMenu()
     skillShots = YasuoPro.YasuoMenu.Config.AddSubMenu("Skillshots", "Skillshots");
     foreach (var hero in HeroManager.Enemies)
         foreach (var spell in SpellDatabase.Spells)
             if (String.Equals(spell.ChampionName, hero.ChampionName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                 skillShots.Add("DangerLevel" + spell.MenuItemName, new Slider("Danger level", spell.DangerValue, 5, 1));
                 if (spell.CollisionObjects.Contains(CollisionObjectTypes.YasuoWall))
                     skillShots.AddBool("EvadeW" + spell.MenuItemName, "Evade with W");
                 skillShots.AddBool("EvadeE" + spell.MenuItemName, "Evade with E");
                 skillShots.Add("IsDangerous" + spell.MenuItemName, new CheckBox("Is Dangerous", spell.IsDangerous));
                 skillShots.Add("Delay" + spell.MenuItemName, new Slider("Windwall Delay", 0, 0, 1000));
Ejemplo n.º 24
        public void CreateMenu(Menu rootMenu)
            cleanseMenu = rootMenu.AddSubMenu("Cleanse/QSS", "CleanseV3");

            cleanseMenu.Add("CleanseActivated", new CheckBox("Use Cleanse"));

            cleanseMenu.AddGroupLabel("Spells to QSS");
            foreach (var spell in Spells)
                cleanseMenu.Add(spell.MenuName != null ? spell.MenuName.Replace(" ", string.Empty) : spell.Name, new CheckBox(string.IsNullOrEmpty(spell.MenuName) ? spell.Name : spell.MenuName));


            cleanseMenu.AddGroupLabel("Humanizer Delay");
            cleanseMenu.Add("CleanseMaxDelay", new Slider("Delay (MS)", 800, 0, 1500));
Ejemplo n.º 25
 public override bool LaneClearMenu(Menu config)
     config.AddGroupLabel("Q Settings : ");
     config.Add("Lane.UseQ", new CheckBox("Q: Everytime"));
     config.Add("Lane.UseQ.AARange", new CheckBox("Q: Auto of AA Range"));
     config.Add("Lane.Q.HeatlhPrediction", new CheckBox("Q: Health Prediciton"));
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 26
 public override bool HarassMenu(Menu config)
     config.AddGroupLabel("Q Settings : ");
         config.Add("UseQH", new CheckBox("Use Q:"));
         config.Add("UseQTH", new KeyBind("Toggle:", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.PressToggle, 'T'));
         foreach (var enemy in ObjectManager.Get<AIHeroClient>().Where(enemy => enemy.Team != ObjectManager.Player.Team))
             config.Add("DontQToggleHarass" + enemy.ChampionName, new CheckBox("Don't Q : " + enemy.ChampionName, false));
     config.AddGroupLabel("W Settings : ");
         config.Add("UseWH", new CheckBox("Use W:"));
         config.Add("UseWTH", new KeyBind("Toggle:", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.PressToggle, 'H'));
         foreach (var enemy in ObjectManager.Get<AIHeroClient>().Where(enemy => enemy.Team != ObjectManager.Player.Team))
             config.Add("DontWToggleHarass" + enemy.ChampionName, new CheckBox("Don't W : " + enemy.ChampionName, false));
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 27
        public static void Initialize(Menu menu)
            var enemies = HeroManager.Enemies;
            if (enemies.Any(o => o.ChampionName.Equals("Kalista")))
                menu.Add("Oathsworn", new CheckBox("Block Oathsworn Knockup (Kalista R)"));

            foreach (var unit in enemies)
                if (!BlockedSpells.ContainsKey(unit.ChampionName))

                var name = unit.ChampionName.Equals("MonkeyKing") ? "Wukong" : unit.ChampionName;
                foreach (var spell in BlockedSpells[unit.ChampionName])
                    var slot = spell.Slot.Equals(48) ? SpellSlot.R : spell.Slot;
                    menu.Add(unit.ChampionName + spell.MenuName, new CheckBox(spell.DisplayName));

            Game.OnUpdate += Game_OnUpdate;
            Menu = menu;
Ejemplo n.º 28
        public CoreItem CreateMenu(Menu root)
                Menu = root;//.AddSubMenu(Name, "m" + Name);
                Menu.Add("use" + Name, new CheckBox("Use " + DisplayName ?? Name));
                Menu.Add("prior" + Name, new Slider(DisplayName + " Priority [7 == Highest]", Priority, 1, 7));

                if (Category.Any(t => t == MenuType.SelfLowHP) && (Name.Contains("Pot") || Name.Contains("Flask") || Name.Contains("Biscuit")))
                    Menu.Add("use" + Name + "cbat", new CheckBox("Use Only In Combat", false));

                if (Category.Any(t => t == MenuType.EnemyLowHP))
                    Menu.Add("enemylowhp" + Name + "pct", new Slider("Use on Enemy HP % <=", Name == "Botrk" || Name == "Cutlass" ? 65 : DefaultHP));

                if (Category.Any(t => t == MenuType.SelfLowHP))
                    Menu.Add("selflowhp" + Name + "pct", new Slider("Use on Hero HP % <=", DefaultHP <= 35 || DefaultHP >= 90 ? (Name == "Botrk" || Name == "Cutlass" ? 65 : 35) : 55));

                if (Category.Any(t => t == MenuType.SelfMuchHP))
                    Menu.Add("selfmuchhp" + Name + "pct", new Slider("Use on Hero Dmg Dealt % >=", Duration == 101 ? 30 : 45));

                if (Category.Any(t => t == MenuType.SelfLowMP))
                    Menu.Add("selflowmp" + Name + "pct", new Slider("Use on Hero Mana % <=", DefaultMP));

                if (Category.Any(t => t == MenuType.SelfCount))
                    Menu.Add("selfcount" + Name, new Slider("Use On Enemy Near Count >=", 2, 1, 5));

                if (Category.Any(t => t == MenuType.SelfMinMP))
                    Menu.Add("selfminmp" + Name + "pct", new Slider("Minimum Mana %", 55));

                if (Category.Any(t => t == MenuType.SelfMinHP))
                    Menu.Add("selfminhp" + Name + "pct", new Slider("Minimum HP %", 55));

                if (Category.Any(t => t == MenuType.Zhonyas))
                    Menu.Add("use" + Name + "norm", new CheckBox("Use on Dangerous (Spells)", false));
                    Menu.Add("use" + Name + "ulti", new CheckBox("Use on Dangerous (Ultimates Only)"));

                if (Category.Any(t => t == MenuType.Cleanse))
                    if (Id == 3222)
                        Menu.AddGroupLabel(Name + " Unique Buffs");
                        foreach (var b in Data.Buffdata.BuffList.Where(x => x.MenuName != null && (x.Cleanse || x.DoT)).OrderByDescending(x => x.DoT).ThenBy(x => x.Evade).ThenBy(x => x.MenuName))
                            string xdot = b.DoT && b.Cleanse ? "[Danger]" : (b.DoT ? "[DoT]" : "[Danger]");

                            if (b.Champion != null)
                                foreach (var ene in Activator.Heroes.Where(x => x.Player.IsEnemy && b.Champion == x.Player.ChampionName))
                                    Menu.Add(Name + b.Name + "cc", new CheckBox(b.MenuName + " " + xdot));
                                Menu.Add(Name + b.Name + "cc", new CheckBox(b.MenuName + " " + xdot));

                    Menu.AddGroupLabel(Name + " Buff Types");
                    Menu.Add(Name + "cexh", new CheckBox("Exhaust", true));
                    Menu.Add(Name + "csupp", new CheckBox("Supression"));
                    Menu.Add(Name + "cstun", new CheckBox("Stuns"));
                    Menu.Add(Name + "ccharm", new CheckBox("Charms"));
                    Menu.Add(Name + "ctaunt", new CheckBox("Taunts"));
                    Menu.Add(Name + "cflee", new CheckBox("Flee/Fear"));
                    Menu.Add(Name + "csnare", new CheckBox("Snares"));
                    Menu.Add(Name + "cpolymorph", new CheckBox("Polymorphs"));
                    Menu.Add(Name + "csilence", new CheckBox("Silences", false));
                    Menu.Add(Name + "cblind", new CheckBox("Blinds", false));
                    Menu.Add(Name + "cslow", new CheckBox("Slows", false));
                    if (Id == 3222)
                        Menu.Add(Name + "cpoison", new CheckBox("Poisons", false));

                    Menu.Add("use" + Name + "number", new Slider("Min Buffs to Use", DefaultHP / 5, 1, 5));
                    Menu.Add("use" + Name + "time", new Slider("Min Durration to Use", 500, 250, 2000));
                    Menu.AddLabel("^ Will not use unless the buff durration (stun, snare, etc) last at least this long (ms, 500 = 0.5 seconds)");
                    if (Id == 3222)
                        Menu.Add("use" + Name + "od", new CheckBox("Use for Unique Only", false));
                        Menu.Add("use" + Name + "dot", new Slider("Use for DoTs only if HP% <", 35));

                    Menu.Add("use" + Name + "delay", new Slider("Activation Delay (in ms)", 55, 0, 500));

                if (Category.Any(t => t == MenuType.ActiveCheck))
                    Menu.Add("mode" + Name, new ComboBox("Mode: ", 0, "Always", "Combo"));


            catch (Exception e)
                Chat.Print("<font color=\"#FFF280\">Exception thrown at CoreItem.CreateMenu: </font>: " + e.Message);

            return this;
Ejemplo n.º 29
        public Lulu()
            Q = SpellManager.Q;
            W = SpellManager.W;
            E = SpellManager.E;
            R = SpellManager.R;

            Menu = MainMenu.AddMenu("Lulu", "Lulu");

            pixMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Pix", "Pix");
            pixMenu.Add("QPixCombo", new CheckBox("Use in Combo", false));
            pixMenu.Add("QPixHarass", new CheckBox("Use in Harass", false));
            pixMenu.Add("EQPixCombo", new CheckBox("Use in Combo"));
            pixMenu.Add("EQPixHarass", new CheckBox("Use in Harass"));

            qMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Q", "Q");
            qMenu.Add("QCombo", new CheckBox("Use in Combo"));
            qMenu.Add("QHarass", new CheckBox("Use in Harass"));
            qMenu.Add("QGapcloser", new CheckBox("Use Q on Gapcloser"));
            qMenu.Add("QImpaired", new CheckBox("Auto Q Movement Impaired", false));
            qMenu.Add("QFarm", new KeyBind("Use Q to Farm", true, KeyBind.BindTypes.PressToggle, 'K'));
            qMenu.Add("QLC", new CheckBox("Use in LaneClear"));
            qMenu.Add("QLH", new CheckBox("Use in LastHit", false));

            wMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("W", "W");
            wMenu.AddGroupLabel("Enemy Priority");
            foreach (var enemy in Enemies)
                wMenu.Add(enemy.NetworkId + "WPriority", new Slider(enemy.ChampionName, 1, 0, 5));
            wMenu.Add("WPriority", new CheckBox("Priority Enabled", false));
            wMenu.Add("WCombo", new CheckBox("Use on Enemy in Combo"));
            wMenu.Add("WHarass", new CheckBox("Use on Enemy in Harass"));
            wMenu.Add("WGapcloser", new CheckBox("Use W on Gapcloser"));
            wMenu.Add("WInterrupter", new CheckBox("Use W to Interrupt"));

            eMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("E", "E");
            eMenu.AddGroupLabel("Ally Shielding");
            foreach (var ally in Allies)
                eMenu.Add(ally.NetworkId + "EPriority", new Slider(ally.ChampionName + " Min Health", 20));
            eMenu.Add("EAuto", new CheckBox("Use E on Allies"));
            eMenu.Add("ECombo", new CheckBox("Use on Enemy in Combo"));
            eMenu.Add("EHarass", new CheckBox("Use on Enemy in Harass"));

            rMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("R", "R");
            foreach (var ally in Allies)
                rMenu.Add(ally.NetworkId + "RPriority", new Slider(ally.ChampionName + " Min Health", 15));
            rMenu.Add("RAuto", new CheckBox("Use R on Allies"));
            rMenu.Add("RForce", new KeyBind("Force Ult Ally", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'K'));
            rMenu.Add("RInterrupter", new CheckBox("Use R on Interrupt"));
            rMenu.Add("RKnockup", new CheckBox("Auto R to Knockup"));
            rMenu.Add("RKnockupEnemies", new Slider("Min Enemes to Knockup", 2, 1, 5));

            ksMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Killsteal", "Killsteal");
            ksMenu.Add("KSEnabled", new CheckBox("Enabled"));
            ksMenu.Add("KSQ", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
            ksMenu.Add("KSE", new CheckBox("Use E"));
            ksMenu.Add("KSEQ", new CheckBox("Use E->Q"));

            Q.SetManaCondition(ManaManager.ManaMode.Combo, 5);
            Q.SetManaCondition(ManaManager.ManaMode.Harass, 5);
            Q.SetManaCondition(ManaManager.ManaMode.Farm, 30);

            W.SetManaCondition(ManaManager.ManaMode.Combo, 15);
            W.SetManaCondition(ManaManager.ManaMode.Harass, 15);

            E.SetManaCondition(ManaManager.ManaMode.Combo, 10);
            E.SetManaCondition(ManaManager.ManaMode.Harass, 10);

            fleeMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Flee", "Flee");
            fleeMenu.Add("Flee", new KeyBind("Flee", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'T'));
            fleeMenu.Add("FleeW", new CheckBox("Use W"));
            fleeMenu.Add("FleeMove", new CheckBox("Move to Cursor Position"));

            drawMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Drawings", "Drawings");
            drawMenu.Add("DrawQ", new CheckBox("Draw Q"));//, System.Drawing.Color.Purple, Q.Range));
            drawMenu.Add("DrawW", new CheckBox("Draw W/E"));//, System.Drawing.Color.Purple, W.Range));
            drawMenu.Add("DrawR", new CheckBox("Draw R"));//, System.Drawing.Color.Purple, R.Range));
            drawMenu.Add("DrawPix", new CheckBox("Draw Pix"));

            miscMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Misc", "Misc");
            miscMenu.Add("Support", new CheckBox("Support Mode", false));

            superMMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Superman", "Speedy Up!");
            foreach (var ally in Allies.Where(a => a.Team == ObjectManager.Player.Team))
                superMMenu.Add(ally.NetworkId + "WEPriority", new Slider(ally.ChampionName + " Priority", 1, 0, 5));
            superMMenu.Add("Superman", new KeyBind("Use Speedy Up!", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'A'));

            ManaBarIndicator.Initialize(drawMenu, ManaCostDictionary);

            CustomAntiGapcloser.OnEnemyGapcloser += CustomAntiGapcloser_OnEnemyGapcloser;
            CustomInterrupter.OnInterruptableTarget += CustomInterrupter_OnInterruptableTarget;
Ejemplo n.º 30
        public static void Game_OnGameLoad()
                Player = ObjectManager.Player;
                MapId = (int)LeagueSharp.Common.Utility.Map.GetMap().Type;
                Rand = new Random();


                Origin = MainMenu.AddMenu("Activator", "activator");

                cmenu = Origin.AddSubMenu("Cleansers", "cmenu");
                SubMenu(cmenu, false);
                GetItemGroup("Items.Cleansers").ForEach(t => NewItem((CoreItem) NewInstance(t), cmenu));

                dmenu = Origin.AddSubMenu("Defensives", "dmenu");
                SubMenu(dmenu, false);
                GetItemGroup("Items.Defensives").ForEach(t => NewItem((CoreItem) NewInstance(t), dmenu));

                smenu = Origin.AddSubMenu("Summoners", "smenu");
                GetItemGroup("Summoners").ForEach(t => NewSumm((CoreSum) NewInstance(t), smenu));
                SubMenu(smenu, true, true);

                omenu = Origin.AddSubMenu("Offensives", "omenu");
                SubMenu(omenu, true);
                GetItemGroup("Items.Offensives").ForEach(t => NewItem((CoreItem) NewInstance(t), omenu));

                imenu = Origin.AddSubMenu("Consumables", "imenu");
                GetItemGroup("Items.Consumables").ForEach(t => NewItem((CoreItem) NewInstance(t), imenu));

                amenu = Origin.AddSubMenu("Auto Spells", "amenu");
                SubMenu(amenu, false);
                GetItemGroup("Spells.Evaders").ForEach(t => NewSpell((CoreSpell) NewInstance(t), amenu));
                GetItemGroup("Spells.Shields").ForEach(t => NewSpell((CoreSpell) NewInstance(t), amenu));
                GetItemGroup("Spells.Health").ForEach(t => NewSpell((CoreSpell) NewInstance(t), amenu));
                GetItemGroup("Spells.Slows").ForEach(t => NewSpell((CoreSpell) NewInstance(t), amenu));
                GetItemGroup("Spells.Heals").ForEach(t => NewSpell((CoreSpell) NewInstance(t), amenu));

                zmenu = Origin.AddSubMenu("Misc/Settings", "settings");
                if (SmiteInGame)
                    zmenu.Add("drawsmitet", new CheckBox("Draw Smite Text"));
                    zmenu.Add("drawfill", new CheckBox("Draw Smite Fill"));
                    zmenu.Add("drawsmite", new CheckBox("Draw Smite Range"));
                zmenu.Add("acdebug", new CheckBox("Debug", false));
                zmenu.Add("autolevelup", new CheckBox("Auto Level Ultimate"));
                zmenu.Add("autotrinket", new CheckBox("Auto Upgrade Trinket", false));
                zmenu.Add("healthp", new ComboBox("Ally Priority:", 1, "Low HP", "Most AD/AP", "Most HP"));
                zmenu.Add("weightdmg", new Slider("Weight Income Damage (%)", 115, 100, 150));
                zmenu.Add("usecombo", new KeyBind("Combo (active)", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 32));
                zmenu.AddGroupLabel("Spell Database");

                // drawings

                // handlers

                // tracks dangerous or lethal buffs/auras

                // tracks gameobjects

                // on bought item
                Shop.OnBuyItem += Obj_AI_Base_OnPlaceItemInSlot;

                // on level up
                Obj_AI_Base.OnLevelUp += Obj_AI_Base_OnLevelUp;

                Chat.Print("<b>Activator#</b> - Loaded!");

                // init valid auto spells
                foreach (var autospell in Lists.Spells)
                    if (Player.GetSpellSlot(autospell.Name) != SpellSlot.Unknown)
                        Game.OnUpdate += autospell.OnTick;

                // init valid summoners
                foreach (var summoner in Lists.Summoners)
                    if (summoner.Slot != SpellSlot.Unknown ||
                        summoner.ExtraNames.Any(x => Player.GetSpellSlot(x) != SpellSlot.Unknown))
                        Game.OnUpdate += summoner.OnTick;

                // find items (if F5)
                foreach (var item in Lists.Items)
                    if (!LeagueSharp.Common.Items.HasItem(item.Id))

                    if (!Lists.BoughtItems.Contains(item))
                        Game.OnUpdate += item.OnTick;
                        Chat.Print("<b>Activator#</b> - <font color=\"#FFF280\">" + item.Name + "</font> active!");

                // Utility.DelayAction.Add(3000, CheckEvade);

            catch (Exception e)
                Chat.Print("Exception thrown at <font color=\"#FFF280\">Activator.OnGameLoad</font>");