Ejemplo n.º 1
        //runs every time update is called in the main program
        //this will handle any changes to the obj
        public override void update()
            //resets the x and the y
            rect.X = x;
            rect.Y = y;
            //checks if the player is dead
            if (health < 1)
                kill = true;
            //knocks back the enemy
            if (this.knockBack == true)

            //checks if the player is the same x as enemy and if so do nothing

            if (ObjectsList.playerx == x)
            //checks if its greater and if so try to go right
            else if (ObjectsList.playerx > x)
                //checks if i am going to hit a wall and if i dont move
                rect.X += 2;
                if (!ObjectsList.collision(this))
                    x += 2;
                rect.X -= 2;
            //trys to go left
                //checks if I would hit a wall
                rect.X -= 2;
                if (!ObjectsList.collision(this))
                    x -= 2;
                rect.X += 2;
            //trys to move up or down and if i hit a wall change dirrects

            rect.Y += (int)slope;
            if (!ObjectsList.collision(this))
                y += (int)slope;
                slope *= -1;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public override void update()
     //adds the x
     this.x += movementx;
     //this will find the new y
     this.y      = (double)(((((double)slope) / ((double)xdir))) * (this.x - this.startX) + this.yInt);
     this.rect.Y = (int)y;
     this.rect.X = (int)x;
     //this will kill the bullet after being in the air for so long
     if (x - startX > 1000 || x - startX < -1000)
         this.kill = true;
     //if it collides kill it
     if (ObjectsList.collision(this))
         this.kill = true;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        //this will be called every frame do things that i want to run every time
        public override void update()
            //this refreshs the rect for the hit boxs
            rect.X = x;
            rect.Y = y;
            //this will be used for enemys so they know where the player is
            ObjectsList.playerx = x;
            ObjectsList.playery = y;
            //this will check if the player is dead
            if (health <= 0)
                //do death screen here
            //this will be used for
            //This will display the first frame
            if (walkingTimer < 15)
                walkAnimation = 0;
                //display the second frame
                walkAnimation = 1;
                //resets the walk timer
                if (walkingTimer >= 30)
                    walkingTimer = 0;
            //this will check if the button is getting pressed
            if (LarrysAngelWarfare.mouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed)
                //this will add one to the CD timer
                //this will checks if it can run
                if (gunTimer == gunSpeed)
                    //resets the gun timer
                    gunTimer = 0;
                    //creates a new bullet
                    Objects bullet = new Bullets();
                    //sets the x and why of the bullet based on your x and y
                    bullet.setx(x + 32);
                    bullet.sety(y + 16);
                    //finding if the bullet should go left or right
                    if (x - moveScreenX - LarrysAngelWarfare.mouseState.X > 0)
                        bullet.moveX = -1;
                        bullet.moveX = 1;
                    //finds the x direction (the run of the slope)
                    bullet.xdir = (x - moveScreenX - LarrysAngelWarfare.mouseState.X);

                    //finds the rise of the slope
                    bullet.slope = (y - moveScreenY - LarrysAngelWarfare.mouseState.Y);

                    //this will init the bullet making
                    bullet.init(this.spriteBatch, this.Content);
                    //this will add the bullet to the obj list
                    //dels the old bullet obj
                    bullet = null;

            //this will move the plaeyer right
            if (Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.W))
                //this will check if the player can move up
                rect.Y -= 8;
                //this will change the animation side for example this will show the right frame
                walkAnimationSide = 0;
                //this will check if i collide with the wall
                if (!ObjectsList.collision(this))
                    //if i dont i move the player

                    if (screenY >= -192 + 16)
                        screenY -= 8;
                        moveScreenY -= 8;

                    y -= 8;
                //move back the rect
                rect.Y += 8;
            //checks if the player can move down
            if (Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.S))
                //change the animation
                walkAnimationSide = 0;
                //moves the rect obj
                rect.Y += 8;

                if (!ObjectsList.collision(this))
                    if (screenY <= 192)
                        screenY += 8;
                        moveScreenY += 8;
                    y += 8;
                rect.Y -= 8;
            if (Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.A))
                walkAnimationSide = 2;
                rect.X           -= 8;
                if (!ObjectsList.collision(this))
                    if (screenX >= 200)
                        screenX -= 8;
                        moveScreenX -= 8;
                    x -= 8;
                rect.X += 8;
            if (Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.D))
                walkAnimationSide = 1;
                rect.X           += 8;
                if (!ObjectsList.collision(this))
                    //this is used to move the screen when the player moves in a box
                    if (screenX <= 300)
                        screenX += 8;
                        moveScreenX += 8;
                    x += 8;
            rect.X -= 8;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 /// <summary>
 /// this will be called for ever tick
 /// </summary>
 public override void update()
     //resets the x and y
     rect.X = x;
     rect.Y = y;
     //add one to the walktimer
     //this will find what sprite they are on
     if (walkingTimer < 15)
         walkAnimation = 0;
         walkAnimation = 1;
         if (walkingTimer >= 30)
             walkingTimer = 0;
     //this will only move if its near the player
     if (x - 600 < ObjectsList.playerx && x + 600 > ObjectsList.playerx && y - 300 < ObjectsList.playerx && y + 300 > ObjectsList.playery)
         if (x != ObjectsList.playerx)
             if (x > ObjectsList.playerx)
                 // this will move the rect and see if the can move
                 rect.X           -= 8;
                 walkAnimationSide = 2;
                 if (!ObjectsList.collision(this))
                     x -= 8;
                 rect.X += 8;
             {// this will move the rect and see if the can move
                 rect.X           += 8;
                 walkAnimationSide = 1;
                 if (!ObjectsList.collision(this))
                     x += 8;
                 rect.X -= 8;
         }// this will move the rect and see if the can move
     if (y != ObjectsList.playery)
         if (y < ObjectsList.playery)
             walkAnimationSide = 0;
             rect.Y           += 8;
             if (!ObjectsList.collision(this))
                 y += 8;
             rect.Y -= 8;
         }// this will move the rect and see if the can move
             rect.Y           -= 8;
             walkAnimationSide = 0;
             if (!ObjectsList.collision(this))
                 y -= 8;
             rect.Y += 8;
     if (health < 1)
         //this will check if they are dead and if kill them if they are dead
         this.kill = true;
     //do knock back if its true
     if (this.knockBack == true)
Ejemplo n.º 5
        //this will load the level in
        public void load(string levelImg, SpriteBatch spriteBatch, ContentManager Content)
            //this will find the map image
            image = Content.Load <Texture2D>(levelImg);
            //this will make a colour array
            MapColours = new Color[image.Width * image.Height];
            //get all the data for the image
            image.GetData <Color>(MapColours);

            //shift 2 to the right so i lines up the colours correctly
            int coloumCounter = -2;
            int rowCounter    = 0;

            //do a foreach loop of all the colours in the colour map
            foreach (Color colour in MapColours)
                //adds one the colour
                coloumCounter += 1;
                //this will change rows
                if (coloumCounter == image.Width - 1)
                    rowCounter   += 1;
                    coloumCounter = -1;

                if (colour == new Color(0, 0, 0))
                    //this will add a background dungeon
                    Objects background = new BackWallStone();
                    background.sety(rowCounter * 64);
                    background.setx(coloumCounter * 64);
                    background.init(spriteBatch, Content);
                    background = null;
                //this will check the colour of the obj and based on it add a wall
                else if (colour == new Color(255, 94, 139))
                    Objects wall = new Wall();
                    wall.sety(rowCounter * 64);
                    wall.setx(coloumCounter * 64);
                    wall.init(spriteBatch, Content);
                    wall = null;
                else if (colour == new Color(77, 77, 77))
                    Objects torch = new Torch();
                    torch.sety(rowCounter * 64);
                    torch.setx(coloumCounter * 64);
                    torch.init(spriteBatch, Content);
                    torch = null;
                    //this will add a background dungeon
                    Objects background = new BackWallStone();
                    background.sety(rowCounter * 64);
                    background.setx(coloumCounter * 64);
                    background.init(spriteBatch, Content);
                    background = null;
                //this will check the colour of the obj and based on it add a player
                else if (colour == new Color(94, 94, 255))
                    Objects player = new Player();
                    player.sety(rowCounter * 64);
                    player.setx(coloumCounter * 64);
                    player.init(spriteBatch, Content);

                    player = null;
                    //this will add a background dungeon
                    Objects background = new BackWallStone();
                    background.sety(rowCounter * 64);
                    background.setx(coloumCounter * 64);
                    background.init(spriteBatch, Content);
                    background = null;
                //this will check the colour of the obj and based on it add a demon
                else if (colour == new Color(140, 0, 0))
                    Objects demon = new Demon();
                    demon.sety(rowCounter * 64);
                    demon.setx(coloumCounter * 64);
                    demon.init(spriteBatch, Content);
                    demon = null;
                    //this will add a background dungeon
                    Objects background = new BackWallStone();
                    background.sety(rowCounter * 64);
                    background.setx(coloumCounter * 64);
                    background.init(spriteBatch, Content);
                    background = null;
                //this will check the colour of the obj and based on it add a bloodFountain
                else if (colour == new Color(127, 255, 197))
                    Objects bloodFountain = new BloodFountianSmall();
                    bloodFountain.sety(rowCounter * 64);
                    bloodFountain.setx(coloumCounter * 64);
                    bloodFountain.init(spriteBatch, Content);
                    //do this to save memory
                    bloodFountain = null;
                    //this will add a background dungeon
                    Objects background = new BackWallStone();
                    background.sety(rowCounter * 64);
                    background.setx(coloumCounter * 64);
                    background.init(spriteBatch, Content);
                    background = null;
                //this will check the colour of the obj and based on it add a bloodfountain
                else if (colour == new Color(255, 255, 255))
                    Objects bloodFountain = new BloodFountianBig();
                    bloodFountain.sety(rowCounter * 64);
                    bloodFountain.setx(coloumCounter * 64);
                    bloodFountain.init(spriteBatch, Content);
                    bloodFountain = null;
                    //this will add a background dungeon
                    Objects background = new BackWallStone();
                    background.sety(rowCounter * 64);
                    background.setx(coloumCounter * 64);
                    background.init(spriteBatch, Content);
                    background = null;
                //this will check the colour of the obj and based on it add a wall dark
                else if (colour == new Color(44, 44, 44))
                    Objects wall = new Wall();
                    wall.sety(rowCounter * 64);
                    wall.setx(coloumCounter * 64);
                    wall.init(spriteBatch, Content);
                    wall.image = Images.darkWall;
                    wall = null;
                else if (colour == new Color(6, 12, 33))
                //this will check the colour of the obj and based on it add a wall blood
                    Objects wall = new Wall();
                    wall.sety(rowCounter * 64);
                    wall.setx(coloumCounter * 64);
                    wall.init(spriteBatch, Content);
                    wall.image = Images.stoneWall;
                    wall = null;
                //this will be for the blob enemy
                else if (colour == new Color(126, 32, 44))
                    Objects blob = new Blob();
                    blob.sety(rowCounter * 64);
                    blob.setx(coloumCounter * 64);
                    blob.init(spriteBatch, Content);

                    blob = null;
                    //this will add a background dungeon
                    Objects background = new BackWallStone();
                    background.sety(rowCounter * 64);
                    background.setx(coloumCounter * 64);
                    background.init(spriteBatch, Content);
                    background = null;
                //this will be used for water
                else if (colour == new Color(0, 38, 255))
                    Objects background = new Backgrounds();
                    background.sety(rowCounter * 64);
                    background.setx(coloumCounter * 64);
                    background.init(spriteBatch, Content);
                    background.weather = 2;

                    background = null;
                //this is rain
                else if (colour == new Color(64, 64, 64))
                    Objects background = new Backgrounds();
                    background.sety(rowCounter * 64);
                    background.setx(coloumCounter * 64);
                    background.init(spriteBatch, Content);
                    background.weather = 0;
                    background         = null;
                //this will be used for snow
                else if (colour == new Color(128, 128, 128))
                    Objects background = new Backgrounds();
                    background.sety(rowCounter * 64);
                    background.setx(coloumCounter * 64);
                    background.init(spriteBatch, Content);
                    background.weather = 1;
                    background         = null;
                //this will be used for the night sky
                else if (colour == new Color(0, 255, 255))
                    Objects background = new Backgrounds();
                    background.sety(rowCounter * 64);
                    background.setx(coloumCounter * 64);
                    background.init(spriteBatch, Content);
                    background.weather = 3;
                    background         = null;
                //this will be used for the night stars
                else if (colour == new Color(244, 244, 244))
                    Objects background = new Backgrounds();
                    background.sety(rowCounter * 64);
                    background.setx(coloumCounter * 64);
                    background.init(spriteBatch, Content);
                    background.weather = 4;
                    background         = null;
                //this will be used to spawn player with water background
                else if (colour == new Color(81, 38, 255))
                    Objects background = new Backgrounds();
                    background.sety(rowCounter * 64);
                    background.setx(coloumCounter * 64);
                    background.init(spriteBatch, Content);
                    background.weather = 2;
                    background         = null;

                    Objects player = new Player();
                    player.sety(rowCounter * 64);
                    player.setx(coloumCounter * 64);
                    player.init(spriteBatch, Content);

                    player = null;