public MainWindow()


            backgroundImage.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden;
            drawBorder.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden;
            colorRect.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden;

            buttons = new Ellipse[] { red_selector, blue_selector, green_selector, eraser_selector, background_selector, refresh_selector };
            drawController = new DrawController(drawingCanvas, backgroundImage, colorRect, image1, buttons);
            soundController = new SoundController();
            cardController = new CardController();
            kinectController = new KinectController(drawController, image1, soundController, buttons);
 public void selectCard(int index)
     if (matched.Contains(index))
     setCardBorder(index, Brushes.Yellow);
     if (selected.Count() == 2)
         bool isMatching = cards.ElementAt(index).checkMatch(cards.ElementAt(selected.First()));
         foreach (int i in selected)
             setCardBorder(i, isMatching ? Brushes.Green : Brushes.Black);
             if (isMatching)
                 // remove the card from list
                 Console.WriteLine("remove card at index " + i);
                 // card can only be removed by replacement of another blank card at the same spot on the grid
                 CardController blankCard = new CardController(true, true, cards.ElementAt(i).topYcoordinate, cards.ElementAt(i).leftXcoordinate, i);
                 Button blank = new Button
                     Width = CardController.width,
                     Height = CardController.height
                 Canvas.SetLeft(blank, blankCard.rightXcoordinate);
                 Canvas.SetTop(blank, blankCard.topYcoordinate);
        // determines whether or not this card matches with another
        public Boolean checkMatch(CardController other)
            // Need to get the filename or some association of what matches with what, 
            // and compare this.index with other.matchingIndexs
            Console.WriteLine("Checking to see if a match between " + ((Image)button.Content).Source.ToString() + " and " + ((Image)other.button.Content).Source.ToString());
            if (((Image)button.Content).Source.ToString().Equals(((Image)other.button.Content).Source.ToString()))
                return true;

            return false;