Ejemplo n.º 1
        public Joint UpdateJoint(Kinect.JointType jt, Joint rawJoint, TRANSFORM_SMOOTH_PARAMETERS smoothingParams)
            Joint prevFilteredJoint;
            Joint prevRawJoint;
            Joint prevTrend;

            Joint filteredJoint;
            Joint predictedJoint;
            Joint diff;
            Joint trend;
            float fDiff;

            prevFilteredJoint = history[jt].FilteredJoint;
            prevTrend         = history[jt].Trend;
            prevRawJoint      = history[jt].RawJoint;

            // if joint is invalid, reset the filter
            bool jointIsValid = JointPositionIsValid(rawJoint);

            if (!jointIsValid)
                history[jt].FrameCount = 0;

            // initial start values
            if (history[jt].FrameCount == 0)
                filteredJoint = rawJoint;
                trend         = new Joint();
            else if (history[jt].FrameCount == 1)
                filteredJoint = Joint.Scale(Joint.Add(rawJoint, prevRawJoint), 0.5f);
                diff          = Joint.Subtract(filteredJoint, prevFilteredJoint);
                trend         = Joint.Add(Joint.Scale(diff, smoothingParams.fCorrection), Joint.Scale(prevTrend, 1.0f - smoothingParams.fCorrection));
                // First apply jitter filter
                diff  = Joint.Subtract(rawJoint, prevFilteredJoint);
                fDiff = diff.Position.sqrMagnitude;// CSVectorLength(diff);

                if (fDiff <= smoothingParams.fJitterRadius)
                    filteredJoint = Joint.Add(Joint.Scale(rawJoint, fDiff / smoothingParams.fJitterRadius),
                                              Joint.Scale(prevFilteredJoint, 1.0f - fDiff / smoothingParams.fJitterRadius));
                    filteredJoint = rawJoint;

                // Now the double exponential smoothing filter
                filteredJoint = Joint.Add(Joint.Scale(filteredJoint, 1.0f - smoothingParams.fSmoothing),
                                          Joint.Scale(Joint.Add(prevFilteredJoint, prevTrend), smoothingParams.fSmoothing));

                diff  = Joint.Subtract(filteredJoint, prevFilteredJoint);
                trend = Joint.Add(Joint.Scale(diff, smoothingParams.fCorrection), Joint.Scale(prevTrend, 1.0f - smoothingParams.fCorrection));

            // Predict into the future to reduce latency
            predictedJoint = Joint.Add(filteredJoint, Joint.Scale(trend, smoothingParams.fPrediction));

            // Check that we are not too far away from raw data
            diff  = Joint.Subtract(predictedJoint, rawJoint);
            fDiff = diff.Position.sqrMagnitude;//   XMVector3Length(vLength);

            if (fDiff > smoothingParams.fMaxDeviationRadius)
                predictedJoint = Joint.Add(Joint.Scale(predictedJoint, smoothingParams.fMaxDeviationRadius / fDiff),
                                           Joint.Scale(rawJoint, 1.0f - smoothingParams.fMaxDeviationRadius / fDiff));

            // Save the data from this frame
            history[jt].RawJoint      = rawJoint;
            history[jt].FilteredJoint = filteredJoint;
            history[jt].Trend         = trend;

            // Output the data
            filteredJoints[jt] = predictedJoint;

Ejemplo n.º 2
        private static void CreateJoint(Dictionary <string, Joint> list, Transform bone, Joint parent)
            // check that it is not already created
            Joint node = list.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Key == bone.name).Value;

            if (node != null)

            // create the joint and add to the list
            node = new Joint();
            node.SetRawtData(bone.position, bone.rotation);
            list.Add(bone.name, node);

            // if this is a child joint, set the property
            if (parent != null)

            // traverse children to create tree
            foreach (Transform child in bone)
                CreateJoint(list, child, node);