Ejemplo n.º 1
 public void SetPlane(Vector3D point1, Vector3D point2, Vector3D point3)
     Normal = (point2 - point1).CrossProduct(point3 - point1);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public override void ShaderEvent(IrrlichtNETCP.MaterialRendererServices services, int userData)
            if (updateOnce)
                updateOnce = true;

            if (Reference.Viewer.SkyQuality == Viewer.ShaderLevelType.High)
                Matrix4 worldViewProj = Reference.VideoDriver.GetTransform(TransformationState.Projection);
                worldViewProj *= Reference.VideoDriver.GetTransform(TransformationState.View);
                worldViewProj *= Reference.VideoDriver.GetTransform(TransformationState.World);
                services.SetVertexShaderConstant("WVPMatrix", worldViewProj.ToShader());

            Vector3D camPos, camPosXZ;
            camPosXZ = camPos = new Vector3D(Reference.Viewer.Camera.Position.X, Reference.Viewer.Camera.Position.Y, Reference.Viewer.Camera.Position.Z);
            camPosXZ.Y = 0f;

            //// Sun position calculation
            SkyMaths.AltAzAngles sunAngles = SkyMaths.CalculateSunPosition(julianDay + (float)worldTime.TimeOfDay.TotalDays, LATITUDE);
            sunPosition = SkyMaths.MoveAroundPoint(camPosXZ, 12500f, sunAngles.azimuth, -sunAngles.altitude);
            if (sunNode != null)
                sunNode.Position = sunPosition * 0.4f;

            //// Moon position (approximate inverse of the sun, l0lz.)
            moonPosition = sunPosition;
            moonPosition.X *= -1.0f;
            moonPosition.Y *= -1.0f;
            moonPosition.Z *= -1.0f;
            moonPosition = moonPosition.Normalize();
            if (moonNode != null)
                moonNode.Position = moonPosition * 9000.0f;

            // Set the sun normalized vector and the sunTheta to the shader
            Vector3D sunNormedPos = new Vector3D();
            sunNormedPos = sunPosition - camPosXZ;
            sunNormedPos = sunNormedPos.Normalize();
            float sunTheta = SkyMaths.VectorToTheta(sunNormedPos);

            // Sun lightning direction
            Vector3D sunDirection = new Vector3D();
            sunDirection = sunPosition - camPosXZ;
            sunDirection = sunDirection.Normalize();

            // Stars and moon opacity
            moonIntensity = SkyMaths.Saturate(SkyMaths.Lerp(sunAngles.altitude, 0f, SUN_SET)) * 0.95f;
            moonIntensity += 0.05f;

            // A hack to kill the orange tones in the nightsky
            float darkness = 1f - (moonIntensity - 0.05f);

            // Calculate the constant matrices
            SkyMaths.xyYColor _zenithColors = SkyMaths.SkyZenithColor(turbidity, sunTheta);
            Vector3D _zenithColorsVector = new Vector3D(_zenithColors.x, _zenithColors.y, _zenithColors.Y);
            SkyMaths.xyYCoeffs _distribCoeffs = SkyMaths.DistributionCoefficients(turbidity);

            if (Reference.Viewer.SkyQuality == Viewer.ShaderLevelType.High)
                services.SetVertexShaderConstant("SunTheta", sunTheta);
                services.SetVertexShaderConstant("SunVector", sunNormedPos.ToShader());
                services.SetVertexShaderConstant("NightDarkness", darkness);
                services.SetVertexShaderConstant("ZenithColor", _zenithColorsVector.ToShader());

                for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                    services.SetVertexShaderConstant("_xDistribCoeffs[" + i + "]", _distribCoeffs.x[i]);
                    services.SetVertexShaderConstant("_yDistribCoeffs[" + i + "]", _distribCoeffs.y[i]);
                    services.SetVertexShaderConstant("_YDistribCoeffs[" + i + "]", _distribCoeffs.Y[i]);

                // Set the adaptative luminance and gamma corrections
                float gamma = 1f / (1.6f + (turbidity - 2f) * 0.1f);
                services.SetVertexShaderConstant("InvGammaCorrection", 1.5f * gamma);
                services.SetVertexShaderConstant("InvPowLumFactor", gamma);
                services.SetVertexShaderConstant("InvNegMaxLum", -1.25f / SkyMaths.MaximumLuminance(turbidity, sunTheta, _zenithColors, _distribCoeffs));

                float calcAlpha = ((12 - 1) * 60 * 60 + (60 - 1) * 60 + 60) - ((worldTime.Hour - 1) * 60 * 60 + (worldTime.Minute - 1) * 60 + worldTime.Second);
                calcAlpha = 1 - Math.Abs(calcAlpha) / cloudChangeSec;
                calcAlpha = Util.Clamp<float>(calcAlpha, 0, 1);
                calcAlpha = calcAlpha * calcAlpha;

                float minAlpha = 0.05f;
                calcAlpha = (calcAlpha * 1.5f) + minAlpha;
                calcAlpha = Util.Clamp<float>(calcAlpha, 0, 1);

                services.SetPixelShaderConstant("CloudAlpha", calcAlpha);
                services.SetPixelShaderConstant("BlendingRate", 0);

            // Clouds coloring
            float[] atmoCol = SkyMaths.AtmosphereColor(turbidity, sunTheta, _zenithColors, _distribCoeffs);
            Vector3D atmoColVec = new Vector3D(atmoCol[0], atmoCol[1], atmoCol[2]);
            float dayState = SkyMaths.Saturate(SkyMaths.Lerp(sunAngles.altitude, (float)(Math.PI * 1f / (6f - turbidity / 2f)), SUN_RISE));

            // Sun lightning intensity
            float sunIntensity = SkyMaths.Saturate(SkyMaths.Lerp(sunAngles.altitude, SUN_SET, SUN_RISE));

            base.ShaderEvent(services, userData);