Ejemplo n.º 1
    public override void OnUpdate()
        needle.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0f, 0f, rollDirection * shipHeading.getRoll(refTransform, Firespitter.Tools.WorldUp(vessel)));

        if (useOffset)
            pitch = shipHeading.getPitch(refTransform, Firespitter.Tools.WorldUp(vessel));
            if (pitch > 90f)
                pitch -= 180f; pitch *= -1f;
            if (pitch < -90f)
                pitch += 180f; pitch *= -1f;
            if (testCage)
                discMat.SetTextureOffset("_MainTex", new Vector2(0f, cageOffset));
                discMat.SetTextureOffset("_MainTex", new Vector2(0f, Mathf.Clamp(pitch * pitchOffsetMultiplier, -pitchOffsetLimit, pitchOffsetLimit) + cageOffset));
Ejemplo n.º 2
    // Update is called once per frame
    public override void OnUpdate()
        //.LookAt(refDirection.forward, new Vector3(0f, 1f, 0f));
        //needle.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(refDirection.forward, Firespitter.Tools.worldUp(vessel));
        needle.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0f, 0f, rollDirection * shipHeading.getRoll(refTransform, Firespitter.Tools.WorldUp(vessel)));

        if (useOffset)
            pitch = shipHeading.getPitch(refTransform, Firespitter.Tools.WorldUp(vessel));
            if (pitch > 90f)
                pitch -= 180f; pitch *= -1f;
            if (pitch < -90f)
                pitch += 180f; pitch *= -1f;
            if (testCage)
                discMat.SetTextureOffset("_MainTex", new Vector2(0f, cageOffset));
                discMat.SetTextureOffset("_MainTex", new Vector2(0f, Mathf.Clamp(pitch * pitchOffsetMultiplier, -pitchOffsetLimit, pitchOffsetLimit) + cageOffset));

        //if (angleJoint != null)
        //	angleJoint.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(Mathf.Clamp(getPitch()*-0.2f, -5f, 5f), 0f, 0f));

Ejemplo n.º 3
    private void menuFlightData()

        int i = 0; // putting ++i in the [] gives it the value before incrementation

        textArray[++i] = "climbRate: " + climbrateString;
        textArray[++i] = "radar alt: " + radarAltitudeString;
        textArray[++i] = "sea alt  : " + altitudeString;
        textArray[++i] = "speed    : " + speedString;
        textArray[++i] = "heading  : " + Math.Round(FlightGlobals.ship_heading, 1).ToString().PadLeft(6) + " deg";
        textArray[++i] = "hover ht.: " + hoverString;

        //Vector3 orientation = Firespitter.Tools.ShipHeading.orientation(vessel);
        Vector3 worldUp = Firespitter.Tools.WorldUp(vessel);

        refTransform.position = vessel.ReferenceTransform.position; // part.transform.position;

//        refTransform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(vessel.ReferenceTransform.up, -vessel.ReferenceTransform.forward);
        //refTransform.rotation = vessel.ReferenceTransform.rotation; // part.transform.rotation;

        //Vector3 pitch = shipHeadingTool.getPitchRaw(refTransform, worldUp);
        //Vector3 roll = shipHeadingTool.getRollRaw(refTransform, worldUp);

        float pitch = shipHeadingTool.getPitch(refTransform, worldUp);
        float roll  = shipHeadingTool.getRoll(refTransform, worldUp);

        textArray[++i] = "pitch" + Math.Round(pitch, 1).ToString().PadLeft(6) + " deg";
        textArray[++i] = "roll" + Math.Round(roll, 1).ToString().PadLeft(6) + " deg";

        //textArray[++i] = "pitchX" + Math.Round(pitch.x, 1).ToString().PadLeft(6) + " deg";
        //textArray[++i] = "pitcY" + Math.Round(pitch.y, 1).ToString().PadLeft(6) + " deg";
        //textArray[++i] = "pitchZ" + Math.Round(pitch.z, 1).ToString().PadLeft(6) + " deg";

        //textArray[++i] = "yaw" + Math.Round(orientation.y, 1).ToString().PadLeft(6) + " deg";


        foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Vector2d> kvp in resourceDictionary)
            if (kvp.Key == "LiquidFuel" || kvp.Key == "ElectricCharge")
                string fuelName = kvp.Key;
                if (kvp.Key == "ElectricCharge")
                    fuelName = "Battery  ";
                else if (kvp.Key == "LiquidFuel")
                    fuelName = "Lqd Fuel ";
                textArray[++i] = fuelName + ": " + (int)kvp.Value.x + " / " + (int)kvp.Value.y;

        textArray[linesPerPage - 1] = "root/flight_data";
        if (buttonArray[(int)ButtonNames.back])
            menuState = menuMainMenu;