Ejemplo n.º 1
        private static bool CheckTile(MapFile EMF, int x, int y)
            if (EMF.WarpLookup[y, x] != null)
                return false;

            if (EMF.TileLookup[y, x] != null)
                switch (EMF.TileLookup[y, x].spec)
                    case TileSpec.Wall:
                    case TileSpec.ChairDown:
                    case TileSpec.ChairLeft:
                    case TileSpec.ChairRight:
                    case TileSpec.ChairUp:
                    case TileSpec.ChairDownRight:
                    case TileSpec.ChairUpLeft:
                    case TileSpec.ChairAll:
                    case TileSpec.Chest:
                    case TileSpec.BankVault:
                    case TileSpec.NPCBoundary:
                    case TileSpec.MapEdge:
                    case TileSpec.Board1:
                    case TileSpec.Board2:
                    case TileSpec.Board3:
                    case TileSpec.Board4:
                    case TileSpec.Board5:
                    case TileSpec.Board6:
                    case TileSpec.Board7:
                    case TileSpec.Board8:
                    case TileSpec.Jukebox:
                        return false;

            return true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /*** Functions for loading/checking the different pub/map files ***/
        //tries to load the map that MainPlayer.ActiveCharacter is hanging out on
        private bool _tryLoadMap(int mapID = -1)
                if (mapID < 0)
                    mapID = MainPlayer.ActiveCharacter.CurrentMap;

                string mapFile = Path.Combine("maps", string.Format("{0,5:D5}.emf", mapID));

                    MapCache.Add(mapID, new MapFile(mapFile));
                    MapCache[mapID] = new MapFile(mapFile);

                //map renderer construction moved to be more closely coupled to loading of the map
                (m_mapRender ?? (m_mapRender = new EOMapRenderer(EOGame.Instance, m_api))).SetActiveMap(MapCache[mapID]);
                return false;

            return true;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private static void ProcessFiles(string src, string dst, bool singleFile)
            string[] inFiles = singleFile ? new[] {src} : Directory.GetFiles(src, "*.emf");

            for (int map = 0; map < inFiles.Length; ++map)
                MapFile EMF = new MapFile(inFiles[map]);
                bool changesMade = false;

                string lastPart = inFiles[map].Substring(inFiles[map].Contains('\\') ? inFiles[map].LastIndexOf('\\') + 1 : 0,
                    inFiles[map].Length - inFiles[map].LastIndexOf('\\') - 1);

                for (int i = EMF.TileRows.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i)
                    TileRow tr = EMF.TileRows[i];
                    for (int j = tr.tiles.Count - 1; j >= 0; --j)
                        Tile tt = tr.tiles[j];
                        if (tt.x > EMF.Width || tr.y > EMF.Height)
                            Console.WriteLine("[MAP {3}] Tile {0}x{1} ({2}) is out of map bounds. Removing.", tt.x, tr.y, Enum.GetName(typeof(TileSpec), tt.spec), lastPart);
                            changesMade = true;

                for (int i = EMF.WarpRows.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i)
                    WarpRow tr = EMF.WarpRows[i];
                    for (int j = tr.tiles.Count - 1; j >= 0; --j)
                        Warp tt = tr.tiles[j];
                        if (tt.x > EMF.Width || tr.y > EMF.Height)
                            Console.WriteLine("[MAP {2}] Warp {0}x{1} is out of map bounds. Removing.", tt.x, tr.y, lastPart);
                            changesMade = true;

                for(int i = EMF.NPCSpawns.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i)
                    NPCSpawn npc = EMF.NPCSpawns[i];
                    NPCRecord npcRec = (NPCRecord)ENF.Data.Find(rec => ((NPCRecord) rec).ID == npc.id);
                    if (npc.id > ENF.Data.Count || npcRec == null)
                        Console.WriteLine("[MAP {0}] NPC Spawn {1}x{2} uses non-existent NPC #{3}. Removing.", lastPart, npc.x, npc.y, npc.id);
                        changesMade = true;

                    if (npc.x > EMF.Width || npc.y > EMF.Height)
                        Console.WriteLine("[MAP {0}] NPC Spawn {1}x{2} ({3}) is out of map bounds. Removing.", lastPart, npc.x, npc.y, npcRec.Name);
                        changesMade = true;

                    if (!CheckTile(EMF, npc.x, npc.y))
                        Console.WriteLine("[MAP {0}] NPC Spawn {1}x{2} ({3}) is invalid...", lastPart, npc.x, npc.y, npcRec.Name);
                        bool found = false;
                        for (int row = npc.y - 2; row < npc.y + 2; ++row)
                            if (found) break;
                            for (int col = npc.x - 2; col < npc.x + 2; ++col)
                                if (found) break;
                                if (CheckTile(EMF, col, row))
                                    Console.WriteLine("[MAP {0}] Found valid spawn point. Continuing.", lastPart);
                                    found = true;

                        if (!found)
                            Console.WriteLine("[MAP {0}] NPC couldn't spawn anywhere valid! Removing.");
                            changesMade = true;

                for (int i = EMF.Chests.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i)
                    MapChest chest = EMF.Chests[i];
                    ItemRecord rec = EIF.GetItemRecordByID(chest.item);
                    if (chest.item > EIF.Data.Count || rec == null)
                        Console.WriteLine("[MAP {0}] Chest Spawn {1}x{2} uses non-existent Item #{3}. Removing.", lastPart, chest.x, chest.y, chest.item);
                        changesMade = true;

                    if (chest.x > EMF.Width || chest.y > EMF.Height ||
                        (EMF.TileLookup[chest.y, chest.x] ?? new Tile { spec = TileSpec.Wall }).spec != TileSpec.Chest)
                        Console.WriteLine("[MAP {0}] Chest Spawn {1}x{2} points to a non-chest. Removing.", lastPart, chest.x, chest.y);
                        changesMade = true;

                if (!changesMade)
                    Console.WriteLine("Map {0} processed without any errors. No changes made.", lastPart);

                if (map == 0 && singleFile && inFiles.Length == 1)

                EMF.Save(Path.Combine(dst, lastPart));
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public MiniMapRenderer(MapFile mapRef, SpriteBatch spriteBatch, EOMapRenderer parentRenderer)
     Map = mapRef;
     _spriteBatch = spriteBatch;
     _parentRenderer = parentRenderer;