Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void settingsToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string startingIP = settings.eth32Address;

            Config cfgDialog = new Config(dev, this.settings);

            if (cfgDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                string configFile = Application.StartupPath + "\\dishConfig.xml";
                configFileHandler.writeConfig(configFile, cfgDialog.settings);
                RollingLogger.setupRollingLogger(settings.positionFileLog, settings.maxPosLogSizeBytes, settings.maxPosLogFiles);
                appConfigured = true;
            if (appConfigured)
                string resultString = Regex.Match(settings.outputPort, @"\d+").Value;
                Int32.TryParse(resultString, out outputPortNum);

                azEncoder = new Encoder(this.dev, this.settings, true);
                elEncoder = new Encoder(this.dev, this.settings, false);

Ejemplo n.º 2
        public MainForm(Eth32 dev)
            //set up UI control attributes (auto-generated)

            this.dev = dev;

            //setup for jog button handler thread, triggering event
            jogEvent          = new ManualResetEvent(false);
            this.buttonThread = new Thread(buttonThreadHandler);

            //try to read config file - open config dialog if not found
            string configFile = Application.StartupPath + "\\dishConfig.xml";

            if (File.Exists(configFile))
                settings      = configFileHandler.readConfig(configFile);
                appConfigured = true;
            }//if config exists
                settings = new configModel();
                Config cfgDialog = new Config(dev, this.settings);
                if (cfgDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                    configFileHandler.writeConfig(configFile, cfgDialog.settings);
                    appConfigured = true;
            }//no config found

            state = DishState.Unknown;

            //set up presets, set up various Motion control objects, logger but only if config exists and is valid.
            if (appConfigured)
                //get presets array
                Presets = settings.getPresetList();
                foreach (presets p in Presets)
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(p.Text))
                presetSelector.SelectedIndex = 0;

                RollingLogger.setupRollingLogger(settings.positionFileLog, settings.maxPosLogSizeBytes, settings.maxPosLogFiles);
            }//if config exists
Ejemplo n.º 3
        //update position display
        private void updatePosition()
            if ((DateTime.Now - messageTime).TotalSeconds > 30)
                Message.Text = "";

            //read actual form encoders
            //if (dev.Connected && state == DishState.Stopped)
            //    azPos = azReadPosition();
            //    elPos = elReadPosition();
            //set up display variables in deg, min, sec format
            GeoAngle AzAngle = GeoAngle.FromDouble(azPos, true);
            GeoAngle ElAngle = GeoAngle.FromDouble(elPos);

            //convert to RA/DEC
            RaDec astro = celestialConversion.CalcualteRaDec(elPos, azPos, settings.latitude, settings.longitude);
            //set up RA DEC as deg,min,sec
            GeoAngle Dec = GeoAngle.FromDouble(astro.Dec);
            GeoAngle RA  = GeoAngle.FromDouble(astro.RA, true);

            //log position every tenth time through
            string posLog = string.Format("RA {0:D3} : {1:D2}\t DEC {2:D3} : {3:D2}", RA.Degrees, RA.Minutes, Dec.Degrees, Dec.Minutes);

            if (currentIncrement % 9 == 0)
                currentIncrement = 0;

            //show AZ, EL on main form
            this.Azimuth.Text   = string.Format("{0:D3} : {1:D2}", AzAngle.Degrees, AzAngle.Minutes);
            this.Elevation.Text = string.Format("{0:D2} : {1:D2}", ElAngle.Degrees, ElAngle.Minutes);

            //show RA,DEC on main form
            this.RA.Text  = string.Format("{0:D3} : {1:D2}", RA.Degrees, RA.Minutes);
            this.DEC.Text = string.Format("{0:D2} : {1:D2}", Dec.Degrees, Dec.Minutes);

            //if celestial track is set, check to make sure command position is above horizon if so then enable motion
            //probably have to have a completely seperate velocity track loop here - PID loop may not be satisfactor
            //-----NEEDS TESTING
            if (trackCelestial)
                AltAz aa = celestialConversion.CalculateAltAz(RAcommand, decCommand, settings.latitude, settings.longitude);
                if (aa.Alt < 0)
                    Message.Text   = "Requested position is below horizon!";
                    trackMoon      = false;
                    messageTime    = DateTime.Now;
                    trackCelestial = false;
                GeoAngle cAzAngle = GeoAngle.FromDouble(aa.Az, true);
                GeoAngle cElAngle = GeoAngle.FromDouble(aa.Alt);
                azCommand           = aa.Az;
                elCommand           = aa.Alt;
                this.commandAz.Text = string.Format("{0:D3} : {1:D2}", cAzAngle.Degrees, cAzAngle.Minutes);
                this.commandEl.Text = string.Format("{0:D2} : {1:D2}", cElAngle.Degrees, cElAngle.Minutes);

                if (state != DishState.Moving && state != DishState.Tracking && aa.Alt > 1.0)

            //if Lunar track is set, check to make sure Moon position is above horizon if so then enable motion
            //probably have to have a completely seperate velocity track loop here - PID loop may not be satisfactor
            //-----NEEDS TESTING
            if (trackMoon)
                SunCalc sc    = new SunCalc();
                long    eDate = sc.epochDate(DateTime.UtcNow);
                double  jdate = sc.toJulian(eDate);
                AltAz   aa    = sc.getMoonPosition(eDate, settings.latitude, settings.longitude);
                if (aa.Alt < 0)
                    Message.Text = "Moon is below horizon!";
                    trackMoon    = false;
                    messageTime  = DateTime.Now;
                moonRiseSet mrs = sc.getMoonTimes(eDate, settings.latitude, settings.longitude, true);
                azCommand = aa.Az;
                elCommand = aa.Alt;
                GeoAngle mAzAngle = GeoAngle.FromDouble(aa.Az, true);
                GeoAngle mElAngle = GeoAngle.FromDouble(aa.Alt);
                this.commandAz.Text = string.Format("{0} : {1}", mAzAngle.Degrees, mAzAngle.Minutes);
                this.commandEl.Text = string.Format("{2}{0} : {1}", mElAngle.Degrees, mElAngle.Minutes, mElAngle.IsNegative ? "-" : "");

                double Alt = elCommand;
                if (Alt > 90.0)
                    Alt = Alt - 90.0;
                RaDec    mastro = celestialConversion.CalcualteRaDec(Alt, azCommand, settings.latitude, settings.longitude);
                GeoAngle mDec   = GeoAngle.FromDouble(mastro.Dec);
                GeoAngle mRA    = GeoAngle.FromDouble(mastro.RA, true);

                this.commandRA.Text  = string.Format("{0:D3} : {1:D2}", mRA.Degrees, mRA.Minutes);
                this.commandDec.Text = string.Format("{0:D2} : {1:D2}", mDec.Degrees, mDec.Minutes);
                if (state != DishState.Moving && state != DishState.Tracking && aa.Alt > 1.0)

            //send stop command if we have to here
            if (state != DishState.Stopped && state != DishState.Unknown)
                if (azPid.Complete && elPid.Complete)