Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static VTXBodyPart ReadBodyPart(BinaryReader br, int offset, BodyPart bodypart)
            br.BaseStream.Seek(offset, SeekOrigin.Begin);

            // Read bodypart
            VTXBodyPart vtxbody = new VTXBodyPart();
            vtxbody.num_models = br.ReadInt32();
            vtxbody.model_offset = br.ReadInt32();

            //// If there is more than one model, create a switch to select between them
            //// (it seems that only one model is supposed to be seen at a given time,
            //// but I don't know the mechanism in the engine that selects a desired
            //// model)
            //if (part.num_models > 1)
            //    partSwitch = new Switch();

            // Process models
            vtxbody.Models = new VTXModel[vtxbody.num_models];
            for (int i = 0; i < vtxbody.num_models; i++)
                Model currentModel = bodypart.Models[i];
                vtxbody.Models[i] = ReadModel(br, offset + vtxbody.model_offset + (i * 8), currentModel); // 8 bytes for VTXModel

            return vtxbody;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private static BodyPart ReadBodyPart(BinaryReader br, int offset)
            // Read bodypart struct
            br.BaseStream.Seek(offset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            MDLBodyPart mdlbp = new MDLBodyPart();
            mdlbp.mdl_name_index = br.ReadInt32();
            mdlbp.num_models = br.ReadInt32();
            mdlbp.body_part_base = br.ReadInt32();
            mdlbp.model_offset = br.ReadInt32();

            BodyPart bodypart = new BodyPart(mdlbp);
            // Process bodyparts the models
            if (mdlbp.num_models > 1)
                int test = 2;
            for (int i = 0; i < mdlbp.num_models; i++)
                Model model = ReadModel(br, offset + mdlbp.model_offset + (i * 120)); // 120 bytes for MDLModel

            return bodypart;