/// <summary>
        /// Moves the the given piece in the bitboards.  May want to consider moving all of
        /// the movePiece logic into the ChessPosition.removePiece function.  This routine
        /// basically mimics the ChessBitboard.removePiece and ChessBitboard.addPiece so maybe
        /// simply call those routines to to simplify the logic.  Currenty only being done
        /// for a small optimization gain.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="piece">Piece we are deleting, note that the ChessPostion
        /// class ignores the color of the piece as basically it is color blind.</param>
        /// <param name="square"></param>
        /// <param name="Pieces">Current bitboards to update.</param>
        public void movePiece(Chess.Pieces piece, BitboardSquare from, BitboardSquare to)
            // Move the piece.
            removePiece(piece, from.getSquareMask());
            addPiece(piece, to.getSquareMask());
            // Remove any prevoious Enpasant.
            Enpasant = 0x00;
            // See if this move puts a pawn in danger of Enpasant
            if (piece == Chess.Pieces.BPAWN || piece == Chess.Pieces.WPAWN)
                if (isPotentialEnpasant(from.getSquareMask(), to.getSquareMask()))
                    // Set square of pawn susceptible to enpasant attack.
                    Enpasant = to.getSquareMask();
            Board = (Board & (~from.getSquareMask())) | to.getSquareMask();
            // Update attacker rotated boards:
            Bitboard maskFrom = from.getA8H1Mask(); // getBitSquare(coFrom.A8H1Square);
            Bitboard maskTo   = to.getA8H1Mask();   //getBitSquare(coTo.A8H1Square);

            RotatedA8H1 = (RotatedA8H1 & (~maskFrom)) | maskTo;
            maskFrom    = from.getA1H8Mask(); //getBitSquare(coFrom.A1H8Square);
            maskTo      = to.getA1H8Mask();   //getBitSquare(coTo.A1H8Square);
            RotatedA1H8 = (RotatedA1H8 & (~maskFrom)) | maskTo;
            maskFrom    = from.getR90Mask();  //getBitSquare(coFrom.R90Square);
            maskTo      = to.getR90Mask();    //getBitSquare(coTo.R90Square);
            RotatedR90  = (RotatedR90 & (~maskFrom)) | maskTo;
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds the given piece to the bitboards.  May want to consider moving all of
        /// the addPiece logic into the ChessPosition.removePiece function.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="piece">Piece we are deleting, note that the ChessPostion
        /// class ignores the color of the piece as basically it is color blind.</param>
        /// <param name="Pieces">Current bitboards to update.</param>
        public void addPiece(Chess.Pieces piece, BitboardSquare to)
            // Add the piece to the piece board.
            addPiece(piece, to.getSquareMask());
            // Update main board.
            Board = Board | to.getSquareMask();
            // Update rotated boards:
            Bitboard maskTo = to.getA8H1Mask(); // getBitSquare(coTo.A8H1Square);

            RotatedA8H1 = RotatedA8H1 | maskTo;
            maskTo      = to.getA1H8Mask(); // getBitSquare(coTo.A1H8Square);
            RotatedA1H8 = RotatedA1H8 | maskTo;
            maskTo      = to.getR90Mask();  // getBitSquare(coTo.R90Square);
            RotatedR90  = RotatedR90 | maskTo;
        /// <summary>
        /// Removes the given piece from the bitboards.  May want to consider moving all of
        /// the removePiece logic into the ChessPosition.removePiece function.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="piece">Piece we are deleting, note that the ChessPostion
        /// class ignores the color of the piece as basically it is color blind.</param>
        /// <param name="square"></param>
        /// <param name="Pieces"></param>
        public void removePiece(Chess.Pieces piece, BitboardSquare square)
            // Get the squares.
            // BitboardSquare bbSquare = new BitboardSquare(square);
            Bitboard mask = square.getSquareMask(); // getBitSquare(bbSquare.Square);

            removePiece(piece, mask);
            Board = Board & ~mask;

            // Update rotated boards:
            mask        = square.getA8H1Mask(); // getBitSquare(bbSquare.A8H1Square);
            RotatedA8H1 = RotatedA8H1 & ~mask;
            mask        = square.getA1H8Mask(); // getBitSquare(bbSquare.A1H8Square);
            RotatedA1H8 = RotatedA1H8 & ~mask;
            mask        = square.getR90Mask();  // getBitSquare(bbSquare.R90Square);
            RotatedR90  = RotatedR90 & ~mask;