Ejemplo n.º 1
        public float SignedDistance(ref IndexedVector3 position, float margin, ConvexShape shape0, ref IndexedMatrix wtrs0, ref GjkEpaSolver2Results results)
            using (GjkEpaSolver2MinkowskiDiff shape = BulletGlobals.GjkEpaSolver2MinkowskiDiffPool.Get())
                using (GJK gjk = BulletGlobals.GJKPool.Get())
                    SphereShape shape1 = BulletGlobals.SphereShapePool.Get();
                    IndexedMatrix wtrs1 = IndexedMatrix.CreateFromQuaternion(IndexedQuaternion.Identity);
                    wtrs0._origin = position;

                    Initialize(shape0, ref wtrs0, shape1, ref wtrs1, ref results, shape, false);
                    IndexedVector3 guess      = new IndexedVector3(1);
                    GJKStatus      gjk_status = gjk.Evaluate(shape, ref guess);
                    if (gjk_status == GJKStatus.Valid)
                        IndexedVector3 w0 = IndexedVector3.Zero;
                        IndexedVector3 w1 = IndexedVector3.Zero;
                        for (int i = 0; i < gjk.m_simplex.rank; ++i)
                            float p = gjk.m_simplex.p[i];
                            w0 += shape.Support(ref gjk.m_simplex.c[i].d, 0) * p;
                            IndexedVector3 temp = -gjk.m_simplex.c[i].d;
                            w1 += shape.Support(ref temp, 1) * p;
                        results.witnesses0 = wtrs0 * w0;
                        results.witnesses1 = wtrs0 * w1;
                        IndexedVector3 delta   = results.witnesses1 - results.witnesses0;
                        float          margin2 = shape0.GetMarginNonVirtual() + shape1.GetMarginNonVirtual();
                        float          length  = delta.Length();
                        results.normal      = delta / length;
                        results.witnesses0 += results.normal * margin2;
                        return(length - margin2);
                        if (gjk_status == GJKStatus.Inside)
                            if (Penetration(shape0, ref wtrs0, shape1, ref wtrs1, ref gjk.m_ray, ref results))
                                IndexedVector3 delta  = results.witnesses0 - results.witnesses1;
                                float          length = delta.Length();
                                if (length >= MathUtil.SIMD_EPSILON)
                                    results.normal = delta / length;
        public bool CalcPenDepth(ISimplexSolverInterface simplexSolver, ConvexShape convexA, ConvexShape convexB, ref IndexedMatrix transA, ref IndexedMatrix transB,
                                 ref IndexedVector3 v, ref IndexedVector3 pa, ref IndexedVector3 pb, IDebugDraw debugDraw)
            bool check2d = convexA.IsConvex2d() && convexB.IsConvex2d();

            float          minProj = float.MaxValue;
            IndexedVector3 minNorm = IndexedVector3.Zero;
            IndexedVector3 minA = IndexedVector3.Zero, minB = IndexedVector3.Zero;
            IndexedVector3 seperatingAxisInA, seperatingAxisInB;
            IndexedVector3 pInA, qInB, pWorld, qWorld, w;

            IndexedVector4[] supportVerticesABatch  = new IndexedVector4[NUM_UNITSPHERE_POINTS + ConvexShape.MAX_PREFERRED_PENETRATION_DIRECTIONS * 2];
            IndexedVector4[] supportVerticesBBatch  = new IndexedVector4[NUM_UNITSPHERE_POINTS + ConvexShape.MAX_PREFERRED_PENETRATION_DIRECTIONS * 2];
            IndexedVector3[] seperatingAxisInABatch = new IndexedVector3[NUM_UNITSPHERE_POINTS + ConvexShape.MAX_PREFERRED_PENETRATION_DIRECTIONS * 2];
            IndexedVector3[] seperatingAxisInBBatch = new IndexedVector3[NUM_UNITSPHERE_POINTS + ConvexShape.MAX_PREFERRED_PENETRATION_DIRECTIONS * 2];

            int numSampleDirections = NUM_UNITSPHERE_POINTS;

            for (int i = 0; i < numSampleDirections; i++)
                IndexedVector3 norm    = sPenetrationDirections[i];
                IndexedVector3 negNorm = -norm;

                IndexedBasisMatrix.Multiply(ref seperatingAxisInABatch[i], ref negNorm, ref transA._basis);
                IndexedBasisMatrix.Multiply(ref seperatingAxisInBBatch[i], ref norm, ref transB._basis);
                //seperatingAxisInABatch[i] = (-norm) * transA._basis;
                //seperatingAxisInBBatch[i] = norm * transB._basis;

                int numPDA = convexA.GetNumPreferredPenetrationDirections();
                if (numPDA > 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i < numPDA; i++)
                        IndexedVector3 norm;
                        convexA.GetPreferredPenetrationDirection(i, out norm);
                        IndexedBasisMatrix.Multiply(ref norm, ref transA._basis, ref norm);
                        sPenetrationDirections[numSampleDirections] = norm;
                        IndexedVector3 negNorm = -norm;
                        IndexedBasisMatrix.Multiply(ref seperatingAxisInABatch[numSampleDirections], ref negNorm, ref transA._basis);
                        IndexedBasisMatrix.Multiply(ref seperatingAxisInBBatch[numSampleDirections], ref norm, ref transB._basis);

                int numPDB = convexB.GetNumPreferredPenetrationDirections();
                if (numPDB > 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i < numPDB; i++)
                        IndexedVector3 norm;
                        convexB.GetPreferredPenetrationDirection(i, out norm);
                        IndexedBasisMatrix.Multiply(ref norm, ref transB._basis, ref norm);
                        sPenetrationDirections[numSampleDirections] = norm;
                        IndexedVector3 negNorm = -norm;
                        IndexedBasisMatrix.Multiply(ref seperatingAxisInABatch[numSampleDirections], ref negNorm, ref transA._basis);
                        IndexedBasisMatrix.Multiply(ref seperatingAxisInBBatch[numSampleDirections], ref norm, ref transB._basis);

            convexA.BatchedUnitVectorGetSupportingVertexWithoutMargin(seperatingAxisInABatch, supportVerticesABatch, numSampleDirections);
            convexB.BatchedUnitVectorGetSupportingVertexWithoutMargin(seperatingAxisInBBatch, supportVerticesBBatch, numSampleDirections);

            for (int i = 0; i < numSampleDirections; i++)
                IndexedVector3 norm = sPenetrationDirections[i];
                if (check2d)
                    // shouldn't this be Y ?
                    norm.Z = 0;
                if (norm.LengthSquared() > 0.01f)
                    seperatingAxisInA = seperatingAxisInABatch[i];
                    seperatingAxisInB = seperatingAxisInBBatch[i];

                    pInA = new IndexedVector3(supportVerticesABatch[i].X, supportVerticesABatch[i].Y, supportVerticesABatch[i].Z);
                    qInB = new IndexedVector3(supportVerticesBBatch[i].X, supportVerticesBBatch[i].Y, supportVerticesBBatch[i].Z);

                    IndexedMatrix.Multiply(out pWorld, ref transA, ref pInA);
                    IndexedMatrix.Multiply(out qWorld, ref transB, ref qInB);
                    if (check2d)
                        // shouldn't this be Y ?
                        pWorld.Z = 0f;
                        qWorld.Z = 0f;

                    IndexedVector3.Subtract(out w, ref qWorld, ref pWorld);
                    float delta = IndexedVector3.Dot(ref norm, ref w);
                    //find smallest delta
                    if (delta < minProj)
                        minProj = delta;
                        minNorm = norm;
                        minA    = pWorld;
                        minB    = qWorld;
            int numSampleDirections = NUM_UNITSPHERE_POINTS;

                int numPDA = convexA.GetNumPreferredPenetrationDirections();
                if (numPDA > 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i < numPDA; i++)
                        IndexedVector3 norm;
                        convexA.GetPreferredPenetrationDirection(i, out norm);
                        norm = IndexedVector3.TransformNormal(norm, transA);
                        sPenetrationDirections[numSampleDirections] = norm;

                int numPDB = convexB.GetNumPreferredPenetrationDirections();
                if (numPDB > 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i < numPDB; i++)
                        IndexedVector3 norm = IndexedVector3.Zero;
                        convexB.GetPreferredPenetrationDirection(i, out norm);
                        norm = IndexedVector3.TransformNormal(norm, transB);
                        sPenetrationDirections[numSampleDirections] = norm;

            for (int i = 0; i < numSampleDirections; i++)
                IndexedVector3 norm = sPenetrationDirections[i];
                if (check2d)
                    norm.Z = 0f;
                if (norm.LengthSquared() > 0.01f)
                    seperatingAxisInA = IndexedVector3.TransformNormal(-norm, transA);
                    seperatingAxisInB = IndexedVector3.TransformNormal(norm, transB);
                    pInA   = convexA.LocalGetSupportVertexWithoutMarginNonVirtual(ref seperatingAxisInA);
                    qInB   = convexB.LocalGetSupportVertexWithoutMarginNonVirtual(ref seperatingAxisInB);
                    pWorld = IndexedVector3.Transform(pInA, transA);
                    qWorld = IndexedVector3.Transform(qInB, transB);
                    if (check2d)
                        pWorld.Z = 0.0f;
                        qWorld.Z = 0.0f;

                    w = qWorld - pWorld;
                    float delta = IndexedVector3.Dot(norm, w);
                    //find smallest delta
                    if (delta < minProj)
                        minProj = delta;
                        minNorm = norm;
                        minA    = pWorld;
                        minB    = qWorld;

            //add the margins

            minA += minNorm * convexA.GetMarginNonVirtual();
            minB -= minNorm * convexB.GetMarginNonVirtual();
            //no penetration
            if (minProj < 0f)

            float extraSeparation = 0.5f;///scale dependent
            minProj += extraSeparation + (convexA.GetMarginNonVirtual() + convexB.GetMarginNonVirtual());

            if (debugDraw)
                IndexedVector3 color = new IndexedVector3(0, 1, 0);
                debugDraw.drawLine(minA, minB, color);
                color = new IndexedVector3(1, 1, 1);
                IndexedVector3 vec  = minB - minA;
                float          prj2 = IndexedVector3.Dot(minNorm, vec);
                debugDraw.drawLine(minA, minA + (minNorm * minProj), color);
#endif //DEBUG_DRAW

            GjkPairDetector gjkdet = BulletGlobals.GjkPairDetectorPool.Get();
            gjkdet.Initialize(convexA, convexB, simplexSolver, null);

            float          offsetDist = minProj;
            IndexedVector3 offset     = minNorm * offsetDist;

            ClosestPointInput input = ClosestPointInput.Default();

            IndexedVector3 newOrg = transA._origin + offset;

            IndexedMatrix displacedTrans = transA;
            displacedTrans._origin = newOrg;

            input.m_transformA             = displacedTrans;
            input.m_transformB             = transB;
            input.m_maximumDistanceSquared = float.MaxValue;

            MinkowskiIntermediateResult res = new MinkowskiIntermediateResult();

            gjkdet.GetClosestPoints(ref input, res, debugDraw, false);

            float correctedMinNorm = minProj - res.m_depth;

            //the penetration depth is over-estimated, relax it
            float penetration_relaxation = 1f;
            minNorm *= penetration_relaxation;

            if (res.m_hasResult)
                pa = res.m_pointInWorld - minNorm * correctedMinNorm;
                pb = res.m_pointInWorld;
                v  = minNorm;

                if (debugDraw != null)
                    IndexedVector3 color = new IndexedVector3(1, 0, 0);
                    debugDraw.drawLine(pa, pb, color);
