Restart() public method

Restart the measurement from scratch.
public Restart ( string what_are_we_testing_here ) : void
what_are_we_testing_here string
return void
        void RunBenchmark()
            // Create a number of levels for us to play with:

              int maxLevel = 1000;
              for( int i = 3; i < maxLevel; ++i )
            CreateLevel( i );

              // Run a specified number of tests
              // to retrieve all levels in different
              // ways:

              int nLevels = GetElementsOfType( typeof( Level ) )

              int nRuns = 1000;

              JtTimer totalTimer = new JtTimer(
            "TOTAL TIME" );

              using( totalTimer )
            for( int i = 0; i < nRuns; ++i )
              BenchmarkAllLevels( nLevels );

              totalTimer.Report( "Retrieve all levels:" );

              // Run a specified number of tests
              // to retrieve a randomly selected
              // specific level:

              nRuns = 1000;
              Random rand = new Random();
              totalTimer.Restart( "TOTAL TIME" );

              using( totalTimer )
            for( int i = 0; i < nRuns; ++i )
              int iLevel = rand.Next( 1, maxLevel );
              BenchmarkSpecificLevel( iLevel );

            "Retrieve specific named level:" );
        public Result Execute(
            ExternalCommandData commandData,
            ref string message,
            ElementSet elements)
            UIApplication app = commandData.Application;
              _doc = app.ActiveUIDocument.Document;

              // create a number of levels for us to play with:

              int maxLevel = 1000;
              for( int i = 3; i < maxLevel; ++i )
            CreateLevel( i );

              // run a specified number of tests
              // to retrieve all levels in different
              // ways:

              int nLevels = GetElementsOfType( typeof( Level ) )

              int nRuns = 1000;

              JtTimer totalTimer = new JtTimer(
            "TOTAL TIME" );

              using( totalTimer )
            for( int i = 0; i < nRuns; ++i )
              BenchmarkAllLevels( nLevels );

              totalTimer.Report( "Retrieve all levels:" );

              // run a specified number of tests
              // to retrieve a randomly selected
              // specific level:

              nRuns = 1000;
              Random rand = new Random();
              totalTimer.Restart( "TOTAL TIME" );

              using( totalTimer )
            for( int i = 0; i < nRuns; ++i )
              int iLevel = rand.Next( 1, maxLevel );
              BenchmarkSpecificLevel( iLevel );

            "Retrieve specific named level:" );

              return Result.Failed;