Ejemplo n.º 1
        void item_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            MenuItem item = (MenuItem)sender;

            Type  editorType = (Type)item.Tag;
            Label label      = (Label)item.Parent.Tag;
            DesignerPropertyEditor editor = (DesignerPropertyEditor)label.Tag;

            Debug.Check(_selectedObject == editor.SelectedObject);

            Nodes.Node node = _selectedObject as Nodes.Node;

            if (node != null)

            Attachments.Attachment attach = _selectedObject as Attachments.Attachment;

            if (attach != null)

            SelectedObject = _selectedObject;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        protected override void CloneProperties(Behaviac.Design.Attachments.Attachment newattach)

            TransitionCondition con = (TransitionCondition)newattach;

            con.TargetFSMNodeId = this.TargetFSMNodeId;

            if (this._opl != null)
                con._opl = (RightValueDef)this._opl.Clone();

            if (this._opr1 != null)
                con._opr1 = (RightValueDef)this._opr1.Clone();

            con._operator = this._operator;

            if (_opr2 != null)
                con._opr2 = (RightValueDef)_opr2.Clone();

            con._effectors = new List <TransitionEffector>();
            foreach (TransitionEffector effector in this._effectors)
                con._effectors.Add(new TransitionEffector(effector));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        protected override void CloneProperties(Behaviac.Design.Attachments.Attachment newattach)

            Effector prec = (Effector)newattach;

            prec._phase = _phase;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        protected override void CloneProperties(Behaviac.Design.Attachments.Attachment newattach)

            StartCondition con = (StartCondition)newattach;

            con.TargetFSMNodeId = this.TargetFSMNodeId;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        protected override void CloneProperties(Behaviac.Design.Attachments.Attachment newattach)

            Precondition prec = (Precondition)newattach;

            prec._binary = _binary;
            prec._phase  = _phase;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        protected string GetGeneratedClassName(Attachment attachment, string btClassName, string nodeName)
            if (ShouldGenerateClass())
                return string.Format("{0}_{1}_{2}", attachment.ExportClass, btClassName, nodeName);

            return attachment.ExportClass;
Ejemplo n.º 7
        protected override void GenerateConstructor(Attachment attachment, StreamWriter stream, string indent, string className)
            base.GenerateConstructor(attachment, stream, indent, className);

            AlwaysTransition alwaysTransition = attachment as AlwaysTransition;
            if (alwaysTransition == null)

            stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\t\tthis->SetTargetStateId({1}, {2});", indent, alwaysTransition.TargetFSMNodeId, alwaysTransition.TransitionPhase);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        protected override void CloneProperties(Behaviac.Design.Attachments.Attachment newattach)

            AlwaysTransition con = (AlwaysTransition)newattach;

            con.TargetFSMNodeId = this.TargetFSMNodeId;

            con._statusPhase = this._statusPhase;
Ejemplo n.º 9
        protected override void GenerateConstructor(Attachment attachment, StreamWriter stream, string indent, string className)
            base.GenerateConstructor(attachment, stream, indent, className);

            WaitTransition waitTransition = attachment as WaitTransition;
            if (waitTransition == null)

            stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\t\tthis.TargetStateId = {1};", indent, waitTransition.TargetFSMNodeId);
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public static AttachmentCsExporter CreateInstance(Attachment attachment)
            if (attachment != null)
                Type exporterType = getExporterType(attachment.GetType());
                if (exporterType != null)
                    return (AttachmentCsExporter)Activator.CreateInstance(exporterType);

            return new AttachmentCsExporter();
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public void GenerateClass(Attachment attachment, StreamWriter stream, string indent, string nodeName, string btClassName)
            if (ShouldGenerateClass())
                string className = GetGeneratedClassName(attachment, btClassName, nodeName);

                stream.WriteLine("{0}\tclass {1} : behaviac.{2}\r\n{0}\t{{", indent, className, attachment.ExportClass);

                GenerateMethod(attachment, stream, indent);

                stream.WriteLine("{0}\t}}\r\n", indent);
Ejemplo n.º 12
        protected override void GenerateMethod(Attachment attachment, StreamWriter stream, string indent)
            Event evt = attachment as Event;
            Debug.Check(evt != null);

            stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\tpublic void Initialize(string eventName, string referencedBehavior, TriggerMode mode, bool once)", indent);
            stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\t{{", indent);
            stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\t\tthis.m_event = Action.LoadMethod(eventName);", indent);
            stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\t\tthis.m_referencedBehaviorPath = referencedBehavior;", indent);
            stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\t\tthis.m_triggerMode = mode;", indent);
            stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\t\tthis.m_bTriggeredOnce = once;", indent);
            stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\t}}", indent);
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public override void GenerateInstance(Attachment attachment, StreamWriter stream, string indent, string nodeName, string agentType, string btClassName)
            base.GenerateInstance(attachment, stream, indent, nodeName, agentType, btClassName);

            Event evt = attachment as Event;
            if (evt == null)

            string triggerMode = (evt.TriggerMode == TriggerMode.Transfer) ? "TM_Transfer" : "TM_Return";
            string triggeredOnce = evt.TriggeredOnce ? "true" : "false";

            stream.WriteLine("{0}\t{1}->Initialize(\"{2}\", \"{3}\", {4}, {5});", indent, nodeName, evt.Task.GetExportValue(), evt.ReferenceFilename, triggerMode, triggeredOnce);
Ejemplo n.º 14
        public virtual void GenerateInstance(Attachment attachment, StreamWriter stream, string indent, string nodeName, string agentType, string btClassName)
            string className = GetGeneratedClassName(attachment, btClassName, nodeName);

            // create a new instance of the node
            stream.WriteLine("{0}\t{1} {2} = new {1}();", indent, className, nodeName);

            // set its basic properties
            stream.WriteLine("{0}\t{1}.SetClassNameString(\"{2}\");", indent, nodeName, attachment.ExportClass);
            stream.WriteLine("{0}\t{1}.SetId({2});", indent, nodeName, attachment.Id);
            stream.WriteLine("#if !BEHAVIAC_RELEASE");
            stream.WriteLine("{0}\t{1}.SetAgentType(\"{2}\");", indent, nodeName, agentType.Replace("::", "."));
Ejemplo n.º 15
        public static AttachmentCppExporter CreateInstance(Attachment attachment)
            if (attachment != null)
                string attachmentExporter = "PluginBehaviac.NodeExporters." + attachment.ExportClass + "CppExporter";
                Type exporterType = Type.GetType(attachmentExporter);
                if (exporterType != null)
                    return (AttachmentCppExporter)Activator.CreateInstance(exporterType);

            return new AttachmentCppExporter();
Ejemplo n.º 16
        public override void GenerateInstance(Attachment attachment, StreamWriter stream, string indent, string nodeName, string agentType, string btClassName)
            string className = GetGeneratedClassName(attachment, btClassName, nodeName);

            // create a new instance of the node
            stream.WriteLine("{0}\t{1}* {2} = BEHAVIAC_NEW {1};", indent, className, nodeName);

            // set its basic properties
            stream.WriteLine("{0}\t{1}->SetClassNameString(\"{2}\");", indent, nodeName, attachment.ExportClass);
            stream.WriteLine("{0}\t{1}->SetId({2});", indent, nodeName, attachment.Id);
            stream.WriteLine("#if !BEHAVIAC_RELEASE");
            stream.WriteLine("{0}\t{1}->SetAgentType(\"{2}\");", indent, nodeName, agentType);
Ejemplo n.º 17
        protected override void GenerateConstructor(Attachment attachment, StreamWriter stream, string indent, string className)
            base.GenerateConstructor(attachment, stream, indent, className);

            Event evt = attachment as Event;
            if (evt == null)

            string triggerMode = (evt.TriggerMode == TriggerMode.Transfer) ? "TriggerMode.TM_Transfer" : "TriggerMode.TM_Return";
            string triggeredOnce = evt.TriggeredOnce ? "true" : "false";

            stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\t\tthis.Initialize(\"{1}\", \"{2}\", {3}, {4});",
                indent, evt.Task.GetExportValue(), evt.ReferenceFilename, triggerMode, triggeredOnce);
Ejemplo n.º 18
        public void GenerateClass(Attachment attachment, StreamWriter stream, string indent, string nodeName, string btClassName)
            if (ShouldGenerateClass())
                string className = GetGeneratedClassName(attachment, btClassName, nodeName);

                stream.WriteLine("{0}\tclass BEHAVIAC_API {1} : public {2}\r\n{0}\t{{", indent, className, attachment.ExportClass);
                stream.WriteLine("{0}\tpublic:\r\n{0}\t\tBEHAVIAC_DECLARE_DYNAMIC_TYPE({1}, {2});", indent, className, attachment.ExportClass);

                GenerateMethod(attachment, stream, indent);

                stream.WriteLine("{0}\t}};\r\n", indent);
Ejemplo n.º 19
        protected override void GenerateMethod(Attachment attachment, StreamWriter stream, string indent)
            Event evt = attachment as Event;
            if (evt == null)

            stream.WriteLine("{0}\tpublic:", indent);

            stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\tvoid Initialize(const char* eventName, const char* referencedBehavior, TriggerMode mode, bool once)", indent);
            stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\t{{", indent);
            stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\t\tthis->m_event = Action::LoadMethod(eventName);", indent);
            stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\t\tthis->m_referencedBehaviorPath = referencedBehavior;", indent);
            stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\t\tthis->m_triggerMode = mode;", indent);
            stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\t\tthis->m_bTriggeredOnce = once;", indent);
            stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\t}}", indent);
Ejemplo n.º 20
        public override void GenerateInstance(Attachment attachment, StreamWriter stream, string indent, string nodeName, string agentType, string btClassName)
            base.GenerateInstance(attachment, stream, indent, nodeName, agentType, btClassName);

            Event evt = attachment as Event;
            Debug.Check(evt != null);

            if (evt.EventName != null)
                string eventName = evt.EventName.GetExportValue().Replace("\"", "\\\"");

                stream.WriteLine("{0}\t{1}.Initialize(\"{2}\", \"{3}\", {4}, {5});",
                    indent, nodeName, eventName, evt.ReferenceFilename,
                    (evt.TriggerMode == TriggerMode.Transfer) ? "TriggerMode.TM_Transfer" : "TriggerMode.TM_Return",
                    evt.TriggeredOnce ? "true" : "false");
        protected override void GenerateMember(Attachment attachment, StreamWriter stream, string indent)
            base.GenerateMember(attachment, stream, indent);

            TransitionCondition transition = attachment as TransitionCondition;
            if (transition == null)

            if (transition.Opl != null)
                RightValueCppExporter.GenerateClassMember(transition.Opl, stream, indent, "opl");

            if (transition.Opr2 != null)
                RightValueCppExporter.GenerateClassMember(transition.Opr2, stream, indent, "opr2");
Ejemplo n.º 22
        protected override void CloneProperties(Behaviac.Design.Attachments.Attachment newattach)

            Predicate prec = (Predicate)newattach;

            //prec._negate = _negate;
            if (this._opl != null)
                prec._opl = (RightValueDef)this._opl.Clone();

            if (this._opr != null)
                prec._opr = (VariableDef)this._opr.Clone();

            prec._operator = this._operator;
        protected override void GenerateConstructor(Attachment attachment, StreamWriter stream, string indent, string className)
            base.GenerateConstructor(attachment, stream, indent, className);

            TransitionCondition transition = attachment as TransitionCondition;
            if (transition == null)

            stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\t\tthis->SetTargetStateId({1});", indent, transition.TargetFSMNodeId);

            if (transition.Opl != null)
                RightValueCppExporter.GenerateClassConstructor(transition.Opl, stream, indent, "opl");

            if (transition.Opr2 != null)
                RightValueCppExporter.GenerateClassConstructor(transition.Opr2, stream, indent, "opr2");
Ejemplo n.º 24
        protected override void GenerateConstructor(Attachment attachment, StreamWriter stream, string indent, string className)
            base.GenerateConstructor(attachment, stream, indent, className);

            PluginBehaviac.Events.Effector effector = attachment as PluginBehaviac.Events.Effector;
            if (effector == null)

            string phase = "Effector.EPhase.E_SUCCESS";
            switch (effector.Phase)
                case EffectorPhase.Failure:
                    phase = "Effector.EPhase.E_FAILURE";

                case EffectorPhase.Both:
                    phase = "Effector.EPhase.E_BOTH";
            stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\t\tthis.Phase = {1};", indent, phase);
Ejemplo n.º 25
        public static void ShowObject(ObjectPair obj)
            BehaviorTreeList behaviorTreeList = BehaviorManager.Instance as BehaviorTreeList;

            if (behaviorTreeList == null)

            Nodes.Node             node   = null;
            Attachments.Attachment attach = null;

            if (obj.Obj is Nodes.Node)
                node = (Nodes.Node)obj.Obj;
            else if (obj.Obj is Attachments.Attachment)
                attach = (Attachments.Attachment)obj.Obj;
                node   = attach.Node;

            if (node != null)
                behaviorTreeList.ShowNode(node, obj.Root);

                if (BehaviorTreeViewDock.LastFocused != null)
                    BehaviorTreeView behaviorTreeView = BehaviorTreeViewDock.LastFocused.BehaviorTreeView;

                    if (behaviorTreeView != null)
                        behaviorTreeView.SelectedNodePending       = node;
                        behaviorTreeView.SelectedAttachmentPending = attach;

Ejemplo n.º 26
        protected override void GenerateMember(Attachment attachment, StreamWriter stream, string indent)
            base.GenerateMember(attachment, stream, indent);

            AttachAction attach = attachment as AttachAction;
            if (attach == null)

            RightValueCsExporter.GenerateClassMember(attach.Opl, stream, indent, "opl");

            if (!attach.IsAction())
                if (attach.IsCompute() && attach.Opr1 != null)
                    RightValueCsExporter.GenerateClassMember(attach.Opr1, stream, indent, "opr1");

                if (attach.Opr2 != null)
                    RightValueCsExporter.GenerateClassMember(attach.Opr2, stream, indent, "opr2");
Ejemplo n.º 27
        public override void GenerateClass(Attachment attachment, StreamWriter stream, string indent, string nodeName, string btClassName)
            if (ShouldGenerateClass())
                string className = GetGeneratedClassName(attachment, btClassName, nodeName);

                stream.WriteLine("{0}\t[behaviac.GeneratedTypeMetaInfo()]", indent);
                stream.WriteLine("{0}\tclass {1} : behaviac.{2}\r\n{0}\t{{", indent, className, attachment.ExportClass);

                stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\tpublic {1}()", indent, className);
                stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\t{{", indent);

                GenerateConstructor(attachment, stream, indent, className);

                stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\t}}", indent);

                GenerateMethod(attachment, stream, indent);

                GenerateMember(attachment, stream, indent);

                stream.WriteLine("{0}\t}}\r\n", indent);
Ejemplo n.º 28
        protected override void GenerateConstructor(Attachment attachment, StreamWriter stream, string indent, string className)
            base.GenerateConstructor(attachment, stream, indent, className);

            PluginBehaviac.Events.Precondition precondition = attachment as PluginBehaviac.Events.Precondition;
            if (precondition == null)

            string phase = "Precondition.EPhase.E_ENTER";
            switch (precondition.Phase)
                case PreconditionPhase.Update:
                    phase = "Precondition.EPhase.E_UPDATE";

                case PreconditionPhase.Both:
                    phase = "Precondition.EPhase.E_BOTH";
            stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\t\tthis.Phase = {1};", indent, phase);

            string isAnd = (precondition.BinaryOperator == BinaryOperator.And) ? "true" : "false";
            stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\t\tthis.IsAnd = {1};", indent, isAnd);
Ejemplo n.º 29
 protected virtual void CloneProperties(Attachment newattach) {
     newattach._id = this._id;
     newattach._enable = this._enable;
     newattach._prefabAttachmentId = this._prefabAttachmentId;
     //newattach._node = this._node; // The node should be the new one.
     newattach._label = this._label;
     newattach._baselabel = this._baselabel;
     newattach._description = this._description;
Ejemplo n.º 30
 protected override void CloneProperties(Attachment newattach)
Ejemplo n.º 31
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new subitm which can render an attachment on the node.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="backgroundNormal">The background brush used when the subitem is not selected.</param>
 /// <param name="backgroundSelected">The background brush used when the subitem is selected. If it cannot be selected, use null.</param>
 /// <param name="labelFont">The font used to draw the label.</param>
 /// <param name="labelBrush">The brush used to draw the label.</param>
 protected SubItemAttachment(Attachments.Attachment attach, Brush backgroundNormal, Brush backgroundSelected, Font labelFont, Brush labelBrush) :
     base(backgroundNormal, backgroundSelected, labelFont, labelBrush, Alignment.Center, false)
     _attachment = attach;
Ejemplo n.º 32
 protected override void CloneProperties(Attachment newattach)
Ejemplo n.º 33
        protected override void GenerateMethod(Behaviac.Design.Attachments.Attachment attachment, StreamWriter stream, string indent)
            base.GenerateMethod(attachment, stream, indent);

            TransitionCondition transition = attachment as TransitionCondition;

            if (transition == null)

            stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\tprotected override EBTStatus update_impl(behaviac.Agent pAgent, behaviac.EBTStatus childStatus)", indent);
            stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\t{{", indent);
            stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\t\tEBTStatus result = EBTStatus.BT_SUCCESS;", indent);

                string typeName = Plugin.GetNativeTypeName(transition.Opl.ValueType);
                typeName = typeName.Replace("::", ".");

                RightValueCsExporter.GenerateCode(attachment, transition.Opl, stream, indent + "\t\t\t", typeName, "opl", "");
                RightValueCsExporter.GenerateCode(attachment, transition.Opr2, stream, indent + "\t\t\t", typeName, "opr2", "");

                if (transition.Opl != null && transition.Opl.IsMethod)
                    RightValueCsExporter.PostGenerateCode(transition.Opl, stream, indent + "\t\t\t", typeName, "opl", "");

                if (transition.Opr2 != null && transition.Opr2.IsMethod)
                    RightValueCsExporter.PostGenerateCode(transition.Opr2, stream, indent + "\t\t\t", typeName, "opr2", "");

                switch (transition.Operator)
                case OperatorTypes.Equal:
                    stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\t\tbool op = (opl == opr2);", indent);

                case OperatorTypes.NotEqual:
                    stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\t\tbool op = (opl != opr2);", indent);

                case OperatorTypes.Greater:
                    stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\t\tbool op = (opl > opr2);", indent);

                case OperatorTypes.GreaterEqual:
                    stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\t\tbool op = (opl >= opr2);", indent);

                case OperatorTypes.Less:
                    stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\t\tbool op = (opl < opr2);", indent);

                case OperatorTypes.LessEqual:
                    stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\t\tbool op = (opl <= opr2);", indent);

                    stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\t\tbool op = false;", indent);

            stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\t\tif (!op)", indent);
            stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\t\t\tresult = EBTStatus.BT_FAILURE;", indent);

            stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\t\treturn result;", indent);
            stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\t}}", indent);
        protected override void GenerateMethod(Behaviac.Design.Attachments.Attachment attachment, StreamWriter stream, string indent)
            base.GenerateMethod(attachment, stream, indent);

            TransitionCondition transition = attachment as TransitionCondition;

            if (transition == null)

            stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\tvirtual EBTStatus update_impl(Agent* pAgent, EBTStatus childStatus)", indent);
            stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\t{{", indent);
            stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\t\tBEHAVIAC_UNUSED_VAR(pAgent);", indent);
            stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\t\tBEHAVIAC_UNUSED_VAR(childStatus);", indent);
            stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\t\tEBTStatus result = BT_SUCCESS;", indent);

                string typeName = Plugin.GetNativeTypeName(transition.Opl.ValueType);

                RightValueCppExporter.GenerateCode(attachment, transition.Opl, stream, indent + "\t\t\t", typeName, "opl", "");
                RightValueCppExporter.GenerateCode(attachment, transition.Opr2, stream, indent + "\t\t\t", typeName, "opr2", "");

                if (transition.Opl != null && transition.Opl.IsMethod)
                    RightValueCppExporter.PostGenerateCode(transition.Opl, stream, indent + "\t\t\t", typeName, "opl", "");

                if (transition.Opr2 != null && transition.Opr2.IsMethod)
                    RightValueCppExporter.PostGenerateCode(transition.Opr2, stream, indent + "\t\t\t", typeName, "opr2", "");

                switch (transition.Operator)
                case OperatorTypes.Equal:
                    stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\t\tbool op = Details::Equal(opl, opr2);", indent);

                case OperatorTypes.NotEqual:
                    stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\t\tbool op = !Details::Equal(opl, opr2);", indent);

                case OperatorTypes.Greater:
                    stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\t\tbool op = Details::Greater(opl, opr2);", indent);

                case OperatorTypes.GreaterEqual:
                    stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\t\tbool op = Details::GreaterEqual(opl, opr2);", indent);

                case OperatorTypes.Less:
                    stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\t\tbool op = Details::Less(opl, opr2);", indent);

                case OperatorTypes.LessEqual:
                    stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\t\tbool op = Details::LessEqual(opl, opr2);", indent);

                    stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\t\tbool op = false;", indent);

            stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\t\tif (!op)", indent);
            stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\t\t\tresult = BT_FAILURE;", indent);

            stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\t\treturn result;", indent);
            stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\t}}", indent);
Ejemplo n.º 35
 protected virtual void GenerateMethod(Attachment attachment, StreamWriter stream, string indent)
     stream.WriteLine("{0}\tprotected:", indent);
Ejemplo n.º 36
        protected override void GenerateMethod(Attachment attachment, StreamWriter stream, string indent)
            base.GenerateMethod(attachment, stream, indent);

            AttachAction attach = attachment as AttachAction;
            if (attach == null)

            stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\tvirtual EBTStatus update_impl(Agent* pAgent, EBTStatus childStatus)", indent);
            stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\t{{", indent);
            stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\t\tEBTStatus result = BT_SUCCESS;", indent);

            if (attach.IsAction())
                string method = MethodCppExporter.GenerateCode(attach.Opl.Method, stream, indent + "\t\t\t", string.Empty, string.Empty, "opl");

                stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\t\t{1};", indent, method);
                MethodCppExporter.PostGenerateCode(attach.Opl.Method, stream, indent + "\t\t\t", string.Empty, string.Empty, "opl");
            else if (attach.IsAssign())
                if (attach.Opl != null && !attach.Opl.IsMethod && attach.Opl.Var != null && attach.Opr2 != null)
                    PropertyDef prop = attach.Opl.Var.Property;
                    if (prop != null)
                        RightValueCppExporter.GenerateCode(attach.Opr2, stream, indent + "\t\t\t", attach.Opr2.NativeType, "opr2", "opr2");

                        string property = PropertyCppExporter.GetProperty(prop, attach.Opl.Var.ArrayIndexElement, stream, indent + "\t\t\t", "opl", "attach");
                        string propName = prop.BasicName.Replace("[]", "");

                        if (prop.IsArrayElement && attach.Opl.Var.ArrayIndexElement != null)
                            ParameterCppExporter.GenerateCode(attach.Opl.Var.ArrayIndexElement, stream, indent + "\t\t\t", "int", "opl_index", "attach_opl");
                            property = string.Format("({0})[opl_index]", property);

                        string propBasicName = prop.BasicName.Replace("[]", "");
                        if (!prop.IsArrayElement && (prop.IsPar || prop.IsCustomized))
                            uint id = Behaviac.Design.CRC32.CalcCRC(propBasicName);

                            stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\t\tBEHAVIAC_ASSERT(behaviac::MakeVariableId(\"{1}\") == {2}u);", indent, propBasicName, id);
                            stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\t\tpAgent->SetVariable(\"{1}\", opr2, {2}u);", indent, propBasicName, id);
                            stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\t\t{1} = opr2;", indent, property);

                        if (attach.Opr2.IsMethod)
                            RightValueCppExporter.PostGenerateCode(attach.Opr2, stream, indent + "\t\t\t", attach.Opr2.NativeType, "opr2", string.Empty);
            else if (attach.IsCompare())
                string typeName = DataCppExporter.GetGeneratedNativeType(attach.Opl.ValueType);

                RightValueCppExporter.GenerateCode(attach.Opl, stream, indent + "\t\t\t", typeName, "opl", "");
                RightValueCppExporter.GenerateCode(attach.Opr2, stream, indent + "\t\t\t", typeName, "opr2", "");

                if (attach.Opl != null && attach.Opl.IsMethod)
                    RightValueCppExporter.PostGenerateCode(attach.Opl, stream, indent + "\t\t\t", typeName, "opl", "");

                if (attach.Opr2 != null && attach.Opr2.IsMethod)
                    RightValueCppExporter.PostGenerateCode(attach.Opr2, stream, indent + "\t\t\t", typeName, "opr2", "");

                switch (attach.Operator)
                    case OperatorTypes.Equal:
                        stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\t\tbool op = Details::Equal(opl, opr2);", indent);

                    case OperatorTypes.NotEqual:
                        stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\t\tbool op = !Details::Equal(opl, opr2);", indent);

                    case OperatorTypes.Greater:
                        stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\t\tbool op = Details::Greater(opl, opr2);", indent);

                    case OperatorTypes.GreaterEqual:
                        stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\t\tbool op = Details::GreaterEqual(opl, opr2);", indent);

                    case OperatorTypes.Less:
                        stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\t\tbool op = Details::Less(opl, opr2);", indent);

                    case OperatorTypes.LessEqual:
                        stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\t\tbool op = Details::LessEqual(opl, opr2);", indent);

                        stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\t\tbool op = false;", indent);

                stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\t\tif (!op)", indent);
                stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\t\t\tresult = BT_FAILURE;", indent);
            else if (attach.IsCompute())
                if (attach.Opl != null && !attach.Opl.IsMethod && attach.Opl.Var != null && attach.Opr1 != null && attach.Opr2 != null)
                    PropertyDef prop = attach.Opl.Var.Property;
                    if (prop != null)
                        string typeName = DataCppExporter.GetGeneratedNativeType(attach.Opr1.ValueType);

                        RightValueCppExporter.GenerateCode(attach.Opr1, stream, indent + "\t\t\t", typeName, "opr1", "opr1");
                        RightValueCppExporter.GenerateCode(attach.Opr2, stream, indent + "\t\t\t", typeName, "opr2", "opr2");

                        string oprStr = string.Empty;
                        switch (attach.Operator)
                            case OperatorTypes.Add:
                                oprStr = "opr1 + opr2";

                            case OperatorTypes.Sub:
                                oprStr = "opr1 - opr2";

                            case OperatorTypes.Mul:
                                oprStr = "opr1 * opr2";

                            case OperatorTypes.Div:
                                oprStr = "opr1 / opr2";

                                Debug.Check(false, "The operator is wrong!");

                        oprStr = string.Format("({0})({1})", typeName, oprStr);

                        string property = PropertyCppExporter.GetProperty(prop, attach.Opl.Var.ArrayIndexElement, stream, indent + "\t\t\t", "opl", "attach");
                        string propName = prop.BasicName.Replace("[]", "");

                        if (prop.IsArrayElement && attach.Opl.Var.ArrayIndexElement != null)
                            ParameterCppExporter.GenerateCode(attach.Opl.Var.ArrayIndexElement, stream, indent + "\t\t\t", "int", "opl_index", "attach_opl");
                            property = string.Format("({0})[opl_index]", property);

                        string propBasicName = prop.BasicName.Replace("[]", "");
                        if (!prop.IsArrayElement && (prop.IsPar || prop.IsCustomized))
                            uint id = Behaviac.Design.CRC32.CalcCRC(propBasicName);

                            stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\t\tBEHAVIAC_ASSERT(behaviac::MakeVariableId(\"{1}\") == {2}u);", indent, propBasicName, id);
                            stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\t\tpAgent->SetVariable(\"{1}\", {2}, {3}u);", indent, propBasicName, oprStr, id);
                            stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\t\t{1} = {2};", indent, property, oprStr);

                        if (attach.Opr1.IsMethod)
                            RightValueCppExporter.PostGenerateCode(attach.Opr1, stream, indent + "\t\t\t", typeName, "opr1", string.Empty);

                        if (attach.Opr2.IsMethod)
                            RightValueCppExporter.PostGenerateCode(attach.Opr2, stream, indent + "\t\t\t", typeName, "opr2", string.Empty);

            stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\t\treturn result;", indent);
            stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\t}}", indent);
Ejemplo n.º 37
 protected virtual void GenerateConstructor(Attachment attachment, StreamWriter stream, string indent, string className)
Ejemplo n.º 38
        //if there is a 'Predicate' attachment, convert it to a Condition node and attach it to the '_custom_condition' connector.
        private void AutoRestruct(List <Node.ErrorCheck> result, int version, Behaviac.Design.Attachments.Attachment a, Node node)
            if (version <= 1)
                string attachClass = a.GetType().FullName;
                if (attachClass.IndexOf("PluginBehaviac.Events.Predicate") >= 0)
                    DesignerPropertyInfo propInfo = DesignerProperty.GetDesignerProperty(a.GetType(), "Opl");
                    RightValueDef        opl      = propInfo.GetValue(a) as RightValueDef;
                    propInfo = DesignerProperty.GetDesignerProperty(a.GetType(), "Opr");
                    RightValueDef opr = propInfo.GetValue(a) as RightValueDef;
                    propInfo = DesignerProperty.GetDesignerProperty(a.GetType(), "Operator");
                    OperatorType  oprr    = (OperatorType)propInfo.GetValue(a);
                    OperatorTypes oprType = (OperatorTypes)((int)OperatorTypes.Equal - (int)OperatorType.Equal + (int)oprr);
                    propInfo = DesignerProperty.GetDesignerProperty(a.GetType(), "BinaryOperator");
                    Behaviac.Design.Attachments.BinaryOperator binaryOpr = (Behaviac.Design.Attachments.BinaryOperator)propInfo.GetValue(a);

                    string clss      = node.GetType().FullName;
                    bool   bIsSeqSel = (node.GetType().IsSubclassOf(typeof(Sequence)) ||

                    bool bCare = (bIsSeqSel ||

                    if (bCare ||
                        clss == "PluginBehaviac.Nodes.Query" ||
                        clss == "PluginBehaviac.Nodes.DecoratorCountLimit")

                        Type newType = Plugin.GetType("PluginBehaviac.Nodes.Condition");

                        Behaviac.Design.Nodes.Node           newNode   = Behaviac.Design.Nodes.Node.Create(newType);
                        Behaviac.Design.Nodes.Node.Connector connector = node.GetConnector(Node.Connector.kInterupt);

                        if (connector != null && connector.Identifier == Node.Connector.kInterupt && connector.ChildCount > 0)
                            //it has multiple Predicates, so insert all of them to a newly created Sequence
                            Node oldOne = (Node)connector.GetChild(0);
                            if (oldOne.GetType().IsSubclassOf(typeof(Condition)))
                                AddAfterConditions(node, binaryOpr, newNode, connector, oldOne);
                                if (bIsSeqSel)
                                    Decorator d = oldOne as Decorator;
                                    node      = oldOne;
                                    connector = node.GetConnector(BaseNode.Connector.kGeneric);
                                    oldOne    = (Node)d.Children[0];

                                if (oldOne.GetType() == typeof(PluginBehaviac.Nodes.And))
                                    if (binaryOpr == Behaviac.Design.Attachments.BinaryOperator.Or)
                                        node.RemoveChild(connector, oldOne);
                                        Type selType1 = Plugin.GetType("PluginBehaviac.Nodes.Or");

                                        Behaviac.Design.Nodes.Node sel = Behaviac.Design.Nodes.Node.Create(selType1);
                                        sel.AddChild(BaseNode.Connector.kGeneric, oldOne);
                                        sel.AddChild(BaseNode.Connector.kGeneric, newNode);

                                        node.AddChild(BaseNode.Connector.kInterupt, sel);
                                        oldOne.AddChild(BaseNode.Connector.kGeneric, newNode);
                                else if (oldOne.GetType() == typeof(PluginBehaviac.Nodes.Or))
                                    if (binaryOpr == Behaviac.Design.Attachments.BinaryOperator.And)
                                        node.RemoveChild(connector, oldOne);
                                        Type selType1 = Plugin.GetType("PluginBehaviac.Nodes.And");

                                        Behaviac.Design.Nodes.Node sel = Behaviac.Design.Nodes.Node.Create(selType1);
                                        sel.AddChild(BaseNode.Connector.kGeneric, oldOne);
                                        sel.AddChild(BaseNode.Connector.kGeneric, newNode);

                                        node.AddChild(BaseNode.Connector.kInterupt, sel);
                                        oldOne.AddChild(BaseNode.Connector.kGeneric, newNode);
                                else if (oldOne.GetType().IsSubclassOf(typeof(Condition)))
                                    AddAfterConditions(node, binaryOpr, newNode, connector, oldOne);
                            //the first condition
                            Behaviac.Design.Nodes.Node notNode = null;
                            if (bIsSeqSel)
                                //for sequence/selector, it is reverted
                                Type notType = Plugin.GetType("PluginBehaviac.Nodes.DecoratorNot");

                                notNode = Behaviac.Design.Nodes.Node.Create(notType);
                                node.AddChild(BaseNode.Connector.kInterupt, notNode);
                                notNode.AddChild(BaseNode.Connector.kGeneric, newNode);
                                node.AddChild(BaseNode.Connector.kInterupt, newNode);

                        // initialise the attachments properties
                        IList <DesignerPropertyInfo> lp = newNode.GetDesignerProperties();
                        for (int p = 0; p < lp.Count; ++p)
                            if (lp[p].Property.Name == "Opl")
                                lp[p].Property.SetValue(newNode, opl, null);
                            else if (lp[p].Property.Name == "Opr")
                                lp[p].Property.SetValue(newNode, opr, null);
                            else if (lp[p].Property.Name == "Operator")
                                lp[p].Property.SetValue(newNode, oprr, null);

                        // update attacheent with attributes
                    else if (clss == "PluginBehaviac.Nodes.Action")
                        Type newType = Plugin.GetType("PluginBehaviac.Events.Precondition");

                        Behaviac.Design.Attachments.Attachment newNode = Behaviac.Design.Attachments.Attachment.Create(newType, node);

                        // initialise the attachments properties
                        IList <DesignerPropertyInfo> lp = newNode.GetDesignerProperties();
                        for (int p = 0; p < lp.Count; ++p)
                            if (lp[p].Property.Name == "BinaryOperator")
                                lp[p].Property.SetValue(newNode, binaryOpr, null);
                            else if (lp[p].Property.Name == "Opl")
                                lp[p].Property.SetValue(newNode, opl, null);
                            else if (lp[p].Property.Name == "Opr2")
                                lp[p].Property.SetValue(newNode, opr, null);
                            else if (lp[p].Property.Name == "Operator")
                                lp[p].Property.SetValue(newNode, oprType, null);
                            else if (lp[p].Property.Name == "IsAlive")
                                lp[p].SetValueFromString(result, newNode, "true");

                        // update attacheent with attributes
            } // if (version <= 1)
Ejemplo n.º 39
 public virtual void GenerateInstance(Attachment attachment, StreamWriter stream, string indent, string nodeName, string agentType, string btClassName)
Ejemplo n.º 40
 public virtual void GenerateClass(Attachment attachment, StreamWriter stream, string indent, string nodeName, string btClassName)
Ejemplo n.º 41
        protected override void GenerateMethod(Behaviac.Design.Attachments.Attachment attachment, StreamWriter stream, string indent)
            base.GenerateMethod(attachment, stream, indent);

            PluginBehaviac.Events.Predicate predicate = attachment as PluginBehaviac.Events.Predicate;
            Debug.Check(predicate != null);

            stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\tvirtual EBTStatus update_impl(Agent* pAgent, EBTStatus childStatus)", indent);
            stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\t{{", indent);
            stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\t\tBEHAVIAC_UNUSED_VAR(pAgent);", indent);
            stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\t\tBEHAVIAC_UNUSED_VAR(childStatus);", indent);
            stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\t\tEBTStatus result = BT_FAILURE;", indent);

            // BinaryOperator
            switch (predicate.BinaryOperator)
            case BinaryOperator.And:
                stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\t\tthis->m_bAnd = true;", indent);

            case BinaryOperator.Or:
                stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\t\tthis->m_bAnd = false;", indent);

            string typeName = Plugin.GetNativeTypeName(predicate.Opl.ValueType);

            // opl
            RightValueCppExporter.GenerateCode(predicate.Opl, stream, indent + "\t\t\t", typeName, "opl", string.Empty);

            // opr
            VariableCppExporter.GenerateCode(predicate.Opr, stream, indent + "\t\t\t", typeName, "opr", string.Empty);

            // Operator
            switch (predicate.Operator)
            case OperatorType.Equal:
                stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\t\tbool op = Details::Equal(opl, opr);", indent);

            case OperatorType.NotEqual:
                stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\t\tbool op = !Details::Equal(opl, opr);", indent);

            case OperatorType.Greater:
                stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\t\tbool op = Details::Greater(opl, opr);", indent);

            case OperatorType.GreaterEqual:
                stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\t\tbool op = Details::GreaterEqual(opl, opr);", indent);

            case OperatorType.Less:
                stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\t\tbool op = Details::Less(opl, opr);", indent);

            case OperatorType.LessEqual:
                stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\t\tbool op = Details::LessEqual(opl, opr);", indent);

            case OperatorType.And:
                stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\t\tbool op = opl && opr;", indent);

            case OperatorType.Or:
                stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\t\tbool op = opl || opr;", indent);

                stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\t\tbool op = false;", indent);
            stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\t\tif (op)", indent);
            stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\t\t\tresult = BT_SUCCESS;", indent);

            stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\t\treturn result;", indent);
            stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\t}}", indent);
Ejemplo n.º 42
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the drawing and updating of the graph.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e) {

            // calculate the mouse position in the graph
            PointF graphMousePos = _nodeLayoutManager.ViewToGraph(_lastMousePosition);

            // when the layout was changed it needs to be recalculated
            bool layoutChanged = _nodeLayoutManager.LayoutChanged;

            if (layoutChanged) {
                _nodeLayoutManager.UpdateLayout(e.Graphics, _forceChangeLayout);
                _forceChangeLayout = false;

            // center the root behaviour if requested
            if (_pendingCenterBehavior) {
                _pendingCenterBehavior = false;

            // select the pending node
            if (_selectedNodePending != null) {
                if (_selectedNodePendingParent != null) {
                    if (_selectedNodePendingParent.CanBeExpanded() && !_selectedNodePendingParent.IsExpanded) {
                        _selectedNodePendingParent.IsExpanded = true;

                    SelectedNode = _selectedNodePendingParent.GetChild(_selectedNodePending);

                } else {
                    SelectedNode = RootNodeView.FindNodeViewData(_selectedNodePending);

                if (SelectedNode != null) {
                    if (SelectedNode.CanBeExpanded() && !SelectedNode.IsExpanded) {
                        SelectedNode.IsExpanded = true;

                    SelectedNode.SelectedSubItem = SelectedNode.GetSubItem(_selectedAttachmentPending);

                _selectedNodePending = null;
                _selectedNodePendingParent = null;
                _selectedAttachmentPending = null;

                if (ClickEvent != null) {

            // check if we must keep the original position of the mouse
            if (_maintainMousePosition) {
                _maintainMousePosition = false;

                // move the graph so that _graphOrigin is at the same position in the view as it was before
                float mouseX = (graphMousePos.X - _graphOrigin.X) * _nodeLayoutManager.Scale + _nodeLayoutManager.Offset.X;
                float mouseY = (graphMousePos.Y - _graphOrigin.Y) * _nodeLayoutManager.Scale + _nodeLayoutManager.Offset.Y;

                _nodeLayoutManager.Offset = new PointF(mouseX, mouseY);

            // check if we must keep the original position of _maintainNodePosition
            else if (_maintainNodePosition != null) {
                // move the graph so that _graphOrigin is at the same position in the view as it was before
                RectangleF bbox = _maintainNodePosition.IsFSM ? _maintainNodePosition.GetTotalBoundingBox() : _maintainNodePosition.BoundingBox;
                PointF viewpos = new PointF(bbox.X * _nodeLayoutManager.Scale, bbox.Y * _nodeLayoutManager.Scale);

                _nodeLayoutManager.Offset = new PointF(_graphOrigin.X - viewpos.X, _graphOrigin.Y - viewpos.Y);

            // reset the node whose position we want to keep
            _maintainNodePosition = null;

            // draw the graph to the view
            _nodeLayoutManager.DrawGraph(e.Graphics, graphMousePos, _currentNode, SelectedNode, _highlightedNodeIds, _updatedNodeIds, _highlightedTransitionIds, _highlightBreakPoint, _profileInfos);

            // check if we are currently dragging a node and we must draw additional data
            if (_dragTargetNode != null && _dragAttachment == null && (KeyCtrlIsDown && _movedNode != null || _dragTargetNode.Node != _movedNode)) {
                if (_dragAttachMode == NodeAttachMode.Attachment) {
                    // we could draw some stuff for attachements here
                } else {
                    // draw the arrows for the attach modes

                    // get the bounding box of the node
                    RectangleF bbox = _dragTargetNode.BoundingBox;

                    // get the bounding box of the connector
                    _dragTargetConnector = null;

                    // the depth of the area for the mouse
                    const float offset = 12.0f;

                    // the distance of the arrow from the border and its height
                    const float innerOffset = 2.0f;

                    // the horizintal middle of the node
                    float centerX = bbox.Left + bbox.Width * 0.5f;
                    float centerY = bbox.Top + bbox.Height * 0.5f;
                    float centerBoxX = bbox.X + bbox.Width * 0.4f;
                    float centerBoxWidth = bbox.Width * 0.2f;

                    // the half width of the arrow depending of the node's height
                    float arrowHalfWidth = (bbox.Height - innerOffset - innerOffset) * 0.5f;

                    // calculate the mouse areas for the different attach modes
                    RectangleF top    = new RectangleF(centerBoxX, bbox.Top, centerBoxWidth, offset);
                    RectangleF bottom = new RectangleF(centerBoxX, bbox.Bottom - offset, centerBoxWidth, offset);
                    RectangleF center = new RectangleF(centerBoxX, centerY - offset * 0.5f, centerBoxWidth, offset);
                    RectangleF left   = new RectangleF(bbox.X, bbox.Y, offset, bbox.Height);

                    // update for dragging in a new node
                    BehaviorNode behavior = _dragNodeDefaults as BehaviorNode;

                    if (behavior != null && behavior.FileManager == null) {
                        behavior = null;

                    // the node that is currently dragged
                    Node draggedNode = (_movedNode != null) ? _movedNode : (_dragNodeDefaults as Node);

                    if (draggedNode == null) {

                    Node.Connector parentConnector = _dragTargetNode.Node.ParentConnector;
                    bool canBeAdoptedByParent = parentConnector != null && (!parentConnector.IsAsChild || AdoptNodeByAncestor(_dragTargetNode.Node.Parent, draggedNode));
                    //bool targetCanBeAdoptedByParent = (_movedNode == null) || (_movedNode.ParentConnector != null) && _movedNode.ParentConnector.AcceptsChild(_dragTargetNode.Node);
                    bool hasParentBehavior = _dragTargetNode.HasParentBehavior(behavior);
                    bool parentHasParentBehavior = (_dragTargetNode.Parent == null);

                    bool isFSM = _rootNodeView.IsFSM || (_rootNodeView.Children.Count == 0);

                    bool mayTop = !isFSM && canBeAdoptedByParent /*&& targetCanBeAdoptedByParent*/ && !parentHasParentBehavior &&
                                  parentConnector != null && parentConnector.AcceptsChild(draggedNode);

                    bool mayBottom = mayTop;

                    bool mayCenter = !parentHasParentBehavior && (_rootNodeView.IsFSM && draggedNode.IsFSM || canBeAdoptedByParent && 
                                     draggedNode.GetType() != _dragTargetNode.Node.GetType() &&
                                     parentConnector != null && !parentConnector.IsReadOnly && parentConnector.AcceptsChild(draggedNode, true) &&

                    bool mayLeft = !isFSM && (_dragTargetNode.Node.Parent != _movedNode) &&
                                   canBeAdoptedByParent && !parentHasParentBehavior && !hasParentBehavior &&
                                   parentConnector != null && !parentConnector.IsReadOnly && parentConnector.AcceptsChild(draggedNode, true) &&
                                   !(draggedNode is BehaviorNode) && draggedNode.CanAdoptNode(_dragTargetNode.Node);

                    // update for moving an existing node
                    bool dragTargetHasParentMovedNode = false;

                    if (_movedNode != null) {
                        mayCenter = false;
                        dragTargetHasParentMovedNode = KeyShiftIsDown && _dragTargetNode.Node.HasParent(_movedNode);

                        // a node may not dragged on itself and may not dragged on one of its own children
                        if (_dragTargetNode.Node == _movedNode || dragTargetHasParentMovedNode) {
                            //mayTop = KeyCtrlIsDown;
                            mayTop &= KeyCtrlIsDown && (_dragTargetNode.Node.ParentConnector != null) && _dragTargetNode.Node.ParentConnector.AcceptsChild(_movedNode);
                            mayBottom = mayTop;
                            mayLeft = false;

                        } else {
                            // a dragged node cannot be placed in the same position again
                            mayTop &= (KeyCtrlIsDown || _dragTargetNode.Node.PreviousNode != _movedNode);
                            mayBottom &= (KeyCtrlIsDown || _dragTargetNode.Node.NextNode != _movedNode);
                            mayLeft &= _movedNode.CanAdoptChildren(_dragTargetNode.Node) && (!KeyShiftIsDown || _movedNode.Children.Count == 0);

                    if (_copiedNode != null) {
                        mayCenter = false;
                        mayLeft &= _copiedNode.CanAdoptChildren(_dragTargetNode.Node) && (!KeyShiftIsDown || _copiedNode.Children.Count == 0);
                        mayTop &= (_dragTargetNode.Node.ParentConnector != null) && _dragTargetNode.Node.ParentConnector.AcceptsChild(_copiedNode);
                        mayBottom = mayTop;

                    } else if (_clipboardPasteMode) {
                        mayCenter = false;
                        mayLeft &= !KeyShiftIsDown;

                    // reset the attach mode
                    _dragAttachMode = NodeAttachMode.None;

                    // the vertices needed to draw the arrows
                    PointF[] vertices = new PointF[3];

                    // draw the top arrow if this action is allowed
                    if (mayTop) {
                        vertices[0] = new PointF(centerX - arrowHalfWidth, top.Bottom - innerOffset);
                        vertices[1] = new PointF(centerX, top.Top + innerOffset);
                        vertices[2] = new PointF(centerX + arrowHalfWidth, top.Bottom - innerOffset);

                        if (top.Contains(graphMousePos)) {
                            _dragAttachMode = NodeAttachMode.Top;
                            e.Graphics.FillPolygon(Brushes.White, vertices);

                        } else {
                            e.Graphics.FillPolygon(Brushes.Black, vertices);

                    // draw the bottom arrow if this action is allowed
                    if (mayBottom) {
                        vertices[0] = new PointF(centerX - arrowHalfWidth, bottom.Top + innerOffset);
                        vertices[1] = new PointF(centerX + arrowHalfWidth, bottom.Top + innerOffset);
                        vertices[2] = new PointF(centerX, bottom.Bottom - innerOffset);

                        if (_dragAttachMode == NodeAttachMode.None && bottom.Contains(graphMousePos)) {
                            _dragAttachMode = NodeAttachMode.Bottom;
                            e.Graphics.FillPolygon(Brushes.White, vertices);

                        } else {
                            e.Graphics.FillPolygon(Brushes.Black, vertices);

                    // draw the center rectangle if this action is allowed
                    if (mayCenter) {
                        if (center.Contains(graphMousePos)) {
                            _dragAttachMode = NodeAttachMode.Center;
                            e.Graphics.FillRectangle(Brushes.White, centerX - arrowHalfWidth * 0.5f, centerY - innerOffset * 2.0f, arrowHalfWidth, innerOffset * 4.0f);

                        } else {
                            e.Graphics.FillRectangle(Brushes.Black, centerX - arrowHalfWidth * 0.5f, centerY - innerOffset * 2.0f, arrowHalfWidth, innerOffset * 4.0f);

                    // draw the left arrow if this action is allowed
                    if (mayLeft) {
                        vertices[0] = new PointF(left.Right - innerOffset, left.Top + innerOffset);
                        vertices[1] = new PointF(left.Right - innerOffset, left.Bottom - innerOffset);
                        vertices[2] = new PointF(left.Left + innerOffset, left.Top + left.Height * 0.5f);

                        if (_dragAttachMode == NodeAttachMode.None && left.Contains(graphMousePos)) {
                            _dragAttachMode = NodeAttachMode.Left;
                            e.Graphics.FillPolygon(Brushes.White, vertices);

                        } else {
                            e.Graphics.FillPolygon(Brushes.Black, vertices);

                    // draw the right arrow if this action is allowed
                    foreach(Node.Connector connector in _dragTargetNode.Connectors) {
                        RectangleF bboxConnector = _dragTargetNode.GetConnectorBoundingBox(bbox, connector);
                        RectangleF right = new RectangleF(bboxConnector.Right - offset, bboxConnector.Y, offset, bboxConnector.Height);

                        bool mayRight = !_rootNodeView.IsFSM && !dragTargetHasParentMovedNode &&
                                        !hasParentBehavior &&
                                        !connector.IsReadOnly &&
                                        connector.AcceptsChild(draggedNode) &&
                                        (!connector.IsAsChild || AdoptNodeByAncestor(_dragTargetNode.Node, draggedNode));

                        if (mayRight && draggedNode != null && connector == draggedNode.ParentConnector) {
                            mayRight = false;

                        if (mayRight) {
                            float inOffset = bboxConnector.Height > innerOffset * 4.0f ? innerOffset : 3.0f;

                            vertices[0] = new PointF(right.Left + inOffset, right.Top + inOffset);
                            vertices[1] = new PointF(right.Right - inOffset, right.Top + right.Height * 0.5f);
                            vertices[2] = new PointF(right.Left + inOffset, right.Bottom - inOffset);

                            if (_dragAttachMode == NodeAttachMode.None && right.Contains(graphMousePos)) {
                                _dragTargetConnector = _dragTargetNode.Node.GetConnector(connector.Identifier);
                                _dragAttachMode = NodeAttachMode.Right;
                                e.Graphics.FillPolygon(Brushes.White, vertices);

                            } else {
                                e.Graphics.FillPolygon(Brushes.Black, vertices);

            // draw last mouse pos
            //e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(Pens.Red, graphMousePos.X -1.0f, graphMousePos.Y -1.0f, 2.0f, 2.0f);

            //when we are dragging an existing node we draw a small graph representing it
            if (_movedNodeGraph != null) {
                // update the layout for the graph. This happens only once inside the function.

                // offset the graph to the mouse position
                _movedNodeGraph.Offset = new PointF(_nodeLayoutManager.Offset.X + graphMousePos.X * _nodeLayoutManager.Scale,
                                                    _nodeLayoutManager.Offset.Y + graphMousePos.Y * _nodeLayoutManager.Scale - _movedNodeGraph.RootNodeLayout.LayoutRectangle.Height * 0.5f * _movedNodeGraph.Scale);

                // draw the graph
                _movedNodeGraph.DrawGraph(e.Graphics, graphMousePos);

            // attachment
            if (_currentNode != null && _dragTargetNode != null &&
                _dragAttachment != null && _dragTargetAttachment != null && _dragAttachment != _dragTargetAttachment &&
                _dragTargetNode.Node.AcceptsAttachment(_dragAttachment.Attachment)) {
                _dragAttachMode = NodeAttachMode.None;

                Attachments.Attachment sourceAttach = _dragAttachment.SelectableObject as Attachments.Attachment;
                Attachments.Attachment targetAttach = _dragTargetAttachment.SelectableObject as Attachments.Attachment;

                if (sourceAttach != null && targetAttach != null &&
                    sourceAttach.IsPrecondition == targetAttach.IsPrecondition &&
                    sourceAttach.IsTransition == targetAttach.IsTransition &&
                    sourceAttach.IsEffector == targetAttach.IsEffector)
                    SubItemRegin regin = _dragTargetNode.GetSubItemRegin(graphMousePos);
                    int itemIndex = _currentNode.GetSubItemIndex(_dragAttachment);
                    int targetItemIndex = _dragTargetNode.GetSubItemIndex(_dragTargetAttachment);

                    if (regin != SubItemRegin.Out && itemIndex >= 0 && targetItemIndex >= 0) {
                        RectangleF bbox = _dragTargetNode.GetSubItemBoundingBox(graphMousePos);

                        const float offset = 8.0f;
                        const float innerOffset = 2.0f;

                        float centerX = bbox.Left + bbox.Width * 0.5f;
                        float centerY = bbox.Top + bbox.Height * 0.5f;
                        float centerBoxX = bbox.X + bbox.Width * 0.4f;
                        float arrowHalfWidth = bbox.Width * 0.12f;

                        RectangleF top = new RectangleF(centerX - arrowHalfWidth, bbox.Top, arrowHalfWidth * 2.0f, offset);
                        RectangleF bottom = new RectangleF(centerX - arrowHalfWidth, bbox.Bottom - offset, arrowHalfWidth * 2.0f, offset);

                        PointF[] vertices = new PointF[3];

                        switch (regin) {
                            case SubItemRegin.Top:
                                if (KeyCtrlIsDown || _currentNode != _dragTargetNode || itemIndex != targetItemIndex - 1) {
                                    vertices[0] = new PointF(centerX - arrowHalfWidth, top.Bottom - innerOffset);
                                    vertices[1] = new PointF(centerX, top.Top + innerOffset);
                                    vertices[2] = new PointF(centerX + arrowHalfWidth, top.Bottom - innerOffset);

                                    if (top.Contains(graphMousePos)) {
                                        _dragAttachMode = NodeAttachMode.Top;
                                        e.Graphics.FillPolygon(Brushes.White, vertices);

                                    } else {
                                        e.Graphics.FillPolygon(Brushes.Black, vertices);


                            case SubItemRegin.Bottom:
                                if (KeyCtrlIsDown || _currentNode != _dragTargetNode || itemIndex != targetItemIndex + 1) {
                                    vertices[0] = new PointF(centerX - arrowHalfWidth, bottom.Top + innerOffset);
                                    vertices[1] = new PointF(centerX + arrowHalfWidth, bottom.Top + innerOffset);
                                    vertices[2] = new PointF(centerX, bottom.Bottom - innerOffset);

                                    if (bottom.Contains(graphMousePos)) {
                                        _dragAttachMode = NodeAttachMode.Bottom;
                                        e.Graphics.FillPolygon(Brushes.White, vertices);

                                    } else {
                                        e.Graphics.FillPolygon(Brushes.Black, vertices);


            if (_movedSubItem != null) {
                NodeViewData.SubItemText subitem = _movedSubItem as NodeViewData.SubItemText;

                if (subitem != null) {
                    RectangleF boundingBox = new RectangleF(graphMousePos, new SizeF(50, 12));
                    e.Graphics.FillRectangle(subitem.BackgroundBrush, boundingBox);

            // draw FSM related
            DrawFSMArrow(e, graphMousePos);
            DrawFSMDragCurve(e, graphMousePos);

            //the first time of paint, to collapse plan failed branch by default
            Behavior b = this.RootNode as Behavior;

            if (b.PlanIsCollapseFailedBranch > 0) {
                if (b.PlanIsCollapseFailedBranch == Behavior.kPlanIsCollapseFailedBranch) {
                    NodeViewData root = (NodeViewData)this.RootNodeView.Children[0];


Ejemplo n.º 43
        protected override void GenerateMethod(Behaviac.Design.Attachments.Attachment attachment, StreamWriter stream, string indent)
            base.GenerateMethod(attachment, stream, indent);

            AttachAction attach = attachment as AttachAction;

            if (attach == null)

            stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\tprotected override EBTStatus update_impl(behaviac.Agent pAgent, behaviac.EBTStatus childStatus)", indent);
            stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\t{{", indent);
            stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\t\tEBTStatus result = EBTStatus.BT_SUCCESS;", indent);

            if (attach.IsAction())
                string method = MethodCsExporter.GenerateCode(attachment, attach.Opl.Method, stream, indent + "\t\t\t", string.Empty, string.Empty, "opl");

                stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\t\t{1};", indent, method);
                MethodCsExporter.PostGenerateCode(attach.Opl.Method, stream, indent + "\t\t\t", string.Empty, string.Empty, "opl");
            else if (attach.IsAssign())
                if (attach.Opl != null && !attach.Opl.IsMethod && attach.Opl.Var != null && attach.Opr2 != null)
                    PropertyDef prop = attach.Opl.Var.Property;
                    if (prop != null)
                        RightValueCsExporter.GenerateCode(attachment, attach.Opr2, stream, indent + "\t\t\t", attach.Opr2.NativeType.Replace("::", "."), "opr2", "opr2");

                        string property = PropertyCsExporter.GetProperty(attachment, prop, attach.Opl.Var.ArrayIndexElement, stream, indent + "\t\t\t", "opl", "attach");
                        string propName = prop.BasicName.Replace("[]", "");

                        if (prop.IsArrayElement && attach.Opl.Var.ArrayIndexElement != null)
                            ParameterCsExporter.GenerateCode(attachment, attach.Opl.Var.ArrayIndexElement, stream, indent + "\t\t\t", "int", "opl_index", "attach_opl");
                            property = string.Format("({0})[opl_index]", property);

                        string propBasicName = prop.BasicName.Replace("[]", "");

                        if (!prop.IsArrayElement && (prop.IsPar || prop.IsCustomized))
                            uint   id           = Behaviac.Design.CRC32.CalcCRC(propBasicName);
                            string oplAgentName = PropertyCsExporter.GetGenerateAgentName(prop, "opl", "attach");

                            stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\t\t{1}.SetVariable(\"{2}\", {3}u, opr2);", indent, oplAgentName, propBasicName, id);
                            if (prop.IsPublic)
                                stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\t\t{1} = opr2;", indent, property);
                                string agentName = PropertyCsExporter.GetGenerateAgentName(prop, "opr2", "opr2");
                                stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\t\tAgentExtra_Generated.SetProperty({1}, \"{2}\", opr2);", indent, agentName, propBasicName);

                        if (attach.Opr2.IsMethod)
                            RightValueCsExporter.PostGenerateCode(attach.Opr2, stream, indent + "\t\t\t", attach.Opr2.NativeType.Replace("::", "."), "opr2", string.Empty);
            else if (attach.IsCompare())
                ConditionCsExporter.GenerateOperand(attachment, stream, indent + "\t\t\t", attach.Opl, "opl", "");
                ConditionCsExporter.GenerateOperand(attachment, stream, indent + "\t\t\t", attach.Opr2, "opr2", "");

                switch (attach.Operator)
                case OperatorTypes.Equal:
                    stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\t\tbool op = (opl == opr2);", indent);

                case OperatorTypes.NotEqual:
                    stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\t\tbool op = (opl != opr2);", indent);

                case OperatorTypes.Greater:
                    stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\t\tbool op = (opl > opr2);", indent);

                case OperatorTypes.GreaterEqual:
                    stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\t\tbool op = (opl >= opr2);", indent);

                case OperatorTypes.Less:
                    stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\t\tbool op = (opl < opr2);", indent);

                case OperatorTypes.LessEqual:
                    stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\t\tbool op = (opl <= opr2);", indent);

                    stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\t\tbool op = false;", indent);
                stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\t\tif (!op)", indent);
                stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\t\t\tresult = EBTStatus.BT_FAILURE;", indent);
            else if (attach.IsCompute())
                if (attach.Opl != null && !attach.Opl.IsMethod && attach.Opl.Var != null && attach.Opr1 != null && attach.Opr2 != null)
                    PropertyDef prop = attach.Opl.Var.Property;
                    if (prop != null)
                        string typeName = Plugin.GetNativeTypeName(attach.Opr1.ValueType);
                        typeName = typeName.Replace("::", ".");

                        RightValueCsExporter.GenerateCode(attachment, attach.Opr1, stream, indent + "\t\t\t", typeName, "opr1", "opr1");
                        RightValueCsExporter.GenerateCode(attachment, attach.Opr2, stream, indent + "\t\t\t", typeName, "opr2", "opr2");

                        string oprStr = string.Empty;
                        switch (attach.Operator)
                        case OperatorTypes.Add:
                            oprStr = "opr1 + opr2";

                        case OperatorTypes.Sub:
                            oprStr = "opr1 - opr2";

                        case OperatorTypes.Mul:
                            oprStr = "opr1 * opr2";

                        case OperatorTypes.Div:
                            oprStr = "opr1 / opr2";

                            Debug.Check(false, "The operator is wrong!");

                        oprStr = string.Format("({0})({1})", typeName, oprStr);

                        string property = PropertyCsExporter.GetProperty(attachment, prop, attach.Opl.Var.ArrayIndexElement, stream, indent + "\t\t\t", "opl", "attach");
                        string propName = prop.BasicName.Replace("[]", "");

                        if (prop.IsArrayElement && attach.Opl.Var.ArrayIndexElement != null)
                            ParameterCsExporter.GenerateCode(attachment, attach.Opl.Var.ArrayIndexElement, stream, indent + "\t\t\t", "int", "opl_index", "attach_opl");
                            property = string.Format("({0})[opl_index]", property);

                        string propBasicName = prop.BasicName.Replace("[]", "");
                        string agentName     = PropertyCsExporter.GetGenerateAgentName(prop, "opl", "attach");

                        if (!prop.IsArrayElement && (prop.IsPar || prop.IsCustomized))
                            uint id = Behaviac.Design.CRC32.CalcCRC(propBasicName);

                            stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\t\t{1}.SetVariable(\"{2}\", {3}u, {4});", indent, agentName, propBasicName, id, oprStr);
                        else if (prop.IsPublic)
                            stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\t\t{1} = {2};", indent, property, oprStr);
                            stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\t\tAgentExtra_Generated.SetProperty({1}, \"{2}\", {3});", indent, agentName, propBasicName, oprStr);

                        if (attach.Opr1.IsMethod)
                            RightValueCsExporter.PostGenerateCode(attach.Opr1, stream, indent + "\t\t\t", typeName, "opr1", string.Empty);

                        if (attach.Opr2.IsMethod)
                            RightValueCsExporter.PostGenerateCode(attach.Opr2, stream, indent + "\t\t\t", typeName, "opr2", string.Empty);

            stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\t\treturn result;", indent);
            stream.WriteLine("{0}\t\t}}", indent);
Ejemplo n.º 44
 protected virtual void GenerateMethod(Attachment attachment, StreamWriter stream, string indent)
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new subitm which can render an attachment on the node.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="backgroundNormal">The background brush used when the subitem is not selected.</param>
 /// <param name="backgroundSelected">The background brush used when the subitem is selected. If it cannot be selected, use null.</param>
 /// <param name="labelFont">The font used to draw the label.</param>
 /// <param name="labelBrush">The brush used to draw the label.</param>
 protected SubItemAttachment(Attachments.Attachment attach, Brush backgroundNormal, Brush backgroundSelected, Font labelFont, Brush labelBrush) :
     base(backgroundNormal, backgroundSelected, labelFont, labelBrush, Alignment.Center, false) {
     _attachment = attach;