public HeightmapMarginWithInfo UpdateWherePossible(HeightmapMarginWithInfo newMargin)
            //Preconditions.Assert( _heightmapMargin.Length == newMargin.HeightmapLength, todo change not to length but to lods
            //    string.Format("Current margin length is {0} != new margin length == {1} ", _heightmapMargin.Length, newMargin.HeightmapLength));
            Preconditions.Assert((newMargin.Position.IsHorizontal && Position.IsHorizontal) || (newMargin.Position.IsVertical && Position.IsVertical),
                                 string.Format("Current and new margins are one vertical one horizontal: Old {0} new {1}", _heightmapMargin, newMargin));

            bool haveCommonElements = Position.HaveCommonElementWith(newMargin.Position);

            Preconditions.Assert(haveCommonElements, string.Format("Current {0} and new {1} margin dont have common elements", HeightmapMargin, newMargin));

            MarginPosition commonSegment = Position.GetCommonSegment(newMargin.Position);

            var ourStartPercent = Position.InvLerp(commonSegment.StartPoint);
            var ourStartOffset  = (int)Math.Round((double)HeightmapWorkingLength * ourStartPercent);

            var ourEndPercent = Position.InvLerp(commonSegment.EndPoint);
            var ourEndOffset  = (int)Math.Round((double)HeightmapWorkingLength * ourEndPercent);

            var theirStartPercent = newMargin.Position.InvLerp(commonSegment.StartPoint);
            var theirStartOffset  = (int)Math.Round((double)newMargin.HeightmapWorkingLength * theirStartPercent);

            var theirEndPercent = newMargin.Position.InvLerp(commonSegment.EndPoint);
            var theirEndOffset  = (int)Math.Round((double)newMargin.HeightmapWorkingLength * theirEndPercent);

            return(new HeightmapMarginWithInfo(SetMarginSubElement(ourStartOffset, ourEndOffset, theirStartOffset, theirEndOffset, newMargin), Position, LodFactor));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void SetApexHeight(Point2D apexPoint, float value, int lod)
            Preconditions.Assert(lod >= SubmapInfo.LodFactor, "Cant set apex height. Lod factor is too small");
            var pixelSize = (int)Math.Pow(2, lod - SubmapInfo.LodFactor);

            if (Equals(apexPoint, SubmapInfo.DownLeftPoint))
                HeightmapArray.SetDownLeftApexMarginHeight(value, pixelSize);
            else if (Equals(apexPoint, SubmapInfo.DownRightPoint))
                HeightmapArray.SetDownRightApexMarginHeight(value, pixelSize);
            else if (Equals(apexPoint, SubmapInfo.TopLeftPoint))
                HeightmapArray.SetTopLeftApexMarginHeight(value, pixelSize);
            else if (Equals(apexPoint, SubmapInfo.TopRightPoint))
                HeightmapArray.SetTopRightApexMarginHeight(value, pixelSize);
                Preconditions.Fail(string.Format("Point {0} is not apex point", apexPoint));
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public HeightmapMargin SetLength(int newWorkingLength)
     if (WorkingLength > newWorkingLength)
         Preconditions.Assert(WorkingLength % newWorkingLength == 0, "New margin is not multiplication of current margin");
         var      newPointSize = Length / newWorkingLength;
         float [] newValues    = new float[newWorkingLength + 1];
         for (var i = 0; i < newWorkingLength; i++)
             newValues[i] = _marginValues.Skip(i * newPointSize).Take(newPointSize).Sum() / newPointSize; //average
         newValues[newWorkingLength] = _marginValues[WorkingLength];
         return(new HeightmapMargin(newValues));
     else if (WorkingLength < newWorkingLength)
         Preconditions.Assert(newWorkingLength % WorkingLength == 0, "New margin is not multiplication of current margin");
         var      newPointSize = newWorkingLength / WorkingLength;
         float [] newValues    = new float[newWorkingLength + 1];
         for (var i = 0; i < WorkingLength; i++)
             for (var j = 0; j < newPointSize; j++)
                 newValues[i * newPointSize + j] = Mathf.Lerp(_marginValues[i], _marginValues[i + 1],
                                                              (float)j / newPointSize);
         newValues[newWorkingLength] = _marginValues[WorkingLength];
         return(new HeightmapMargin(newValues));
     return(new HeightmapMargin(_marginValues));
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public HeightmapPosition GetPositionOnOtherHeightmap(int otherHeightmapWidth, int otherHeightmapHeight)
            Preconditions.Assert(otherHeightmapHeight <= _heightmapSizeHeight, " Prawopodobnie margin jest barny z bardziej skomplikowanej heightmapy do mniej skomplikowanej.");
            Preconditions.Assert(otherHeightmapWidth <= _heightmapSizeWidth, " Prawopodobnie margin jest barny z bardziej skomplikowanej heightmapy do mniej skomplikowanej.");
            int xDivisor = _heightmapSizeWidth / otherHeightmapWidth;
            int yDivisor = _heightmapSizeHeight / otherHeightmapHeight;

            return(new HeightmapPosition((int)Math.Floor((double)_xPos / xDivisor), (int)Math.Floor((double)_yPos / yDivisor), otherHeightmapWidth, otherHeightmapHeight));
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public float GetHeight(Point2D apexPoint)
            Preconditions.Assert(SubmapInfo.IsPointPartOfSubmap(apexPoint), String.Format("Point {0} is not part of submap ", apexPoint));
            int globalOffsetX = apexPoint.X - SubmapInfo.DownLeftX;
            int globalOffsetY = apexPoint.Y - SubmapInfo.DownLeftY;
            int offsetX       = (int)(HeightmapArray.WorkingWidth * Mathf.InverseLerp(0, SubmapInfo.Width, globalOffsetX));
            int offsetY       = (int)(HeightmapArray.WorkingHeight * Mathf.InverseLerp(0, SubmapInfo.Height, globalOffsetY));

            return(HeightmapArray.GetHeight(offsetX, offsetY));
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public HeightmapPosition(int xPos, int yPos, int heightmapSizeWidth, int heightmapSizeHeight)
            Preconditions.Assert(xPos >= 0 && xPos < heightmapSizeWidth, " xPos must be between 0 and heightmapSizeWidth");
            Preconditions.Assert(yPos >= 0 && yPos < heightmapSizeHeight, " yPos must be between 0 and heightmapSizeHeight");

            _xPos = xPos;
            _yPos = yPos;
            _heightmapSizeWidth  = heightmapSizeWidth;
            _heightmapSizeHeight = heightmapSizeHeight;
        private HeightmapMargin SetMarginSubElement(int ourStartOffset, int ourEndOffset, int theirStartOffset, int theirEndOffset, HeightmapMarginWithInfo newMargin)
                (ourEndOffset - ourStartOffset) == (theirEndOffset - theirStartOffset),
                String.Format("Cant set subelement. Offset lengths are not equal. Our start {0} end {1} their start {2} end {3} ",
                              ourStartOffset, ourEndOffset, theirStartOffset, theirEndOffset));
            var length    = ourEndOffset - ourStartOffset;
            var newValues = new float[_heightmapMargin.Length];

            Array.Copy(_heightmapMargin.MarginValues, newValues, newValues.Length);
            for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                newValues[ourStartOffset + i] = newMargin.HeightmapMargin.MarginValues[theirStartOffset + i];
            return(new HeightmapMargin(newValues));
 public MarginPosition GetCommonSegment(MarginPosition other)
                          string.Format("Cant get common element of margins {0} and {1} - they have no common element ", this, other));
     if (IsHorizontal)
         return(new MarginPosition(
                    new Point2D(Math.Max(StartPoint.X, other.StartPoint.X), StartPoint.Y),
                    new Point2D(Math.Min(EndPoint.X, other.EndPoint.X), EndPoint.Y)));
         return(new MarginPosition(
                    new Point2D(StartPoint.X, Math.Max(StartPoint.Y, other.StartPoint.Y)),
                    new Point2D(EndPoint.X, Math.Min(EndPoint.Y, other.EndPoint.Y))));
        public HeightmapArray simplyfy(int lodFactor)
            Preconditions.Assert(lodFactor > 0, "lodFactor must be bigger than 0");
            int newWorkingWidth  = WorkingWidth / (int)Math.Pow(2, lodFactor - 1);
            int newWorkingHeight = WorkingHeight / (int)Math.Pow(2, lodFactor - 1);

            Preconditions.Assert(newWorkingWidth >= 4, "Minimal heightmap  width dimension must be at least 4, and would be " + newWorkingWidth);
            Preconditions.Assert(newWorkingHeight >= 4, "Minimal heightmap  height dimension must be at least 4, and would be " + newWorkingHeight);
            if (lodFactor != 1)
                return(new HeightmapArray(simplyfy(newWorkingWidth, newWorkingHeight)));
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public void SetBottomMargin(HeightmapMarginWithInfo margin)
     Preconditions.Assert(margin.Position.IsHorizontal, string.Format("Bottom margin {0} cant be set as is not horizontal", margin));
Ejemplo n.º 11
 public void SetLeftMargin(HeightmapMarginWithInfo margin)
     Preconditions.Assert(margin.Position.IsVertical, string.Format("Left margin {0} cant be set as is not vertical", margin));
 private void AssertPositionsAreCorrect(Point2D endPos, Point2D startPos)
     Preconditions.Assert(!Equals(startPos, endPos), string.Format("Start pos {0} and end pos {1} of margin can't be the same", startPos, endPos));
     Preconditions.Assert(startPos.X == endPos.X || startPos.Y == endPos.Y,
                          string.Format("Start pos {0} and end pos {1} are not horizontal nor vertical", startPos, endPos));
 private void AssertMarginHasProperLength(HeightmapMargin margin, int workingLength)
     Preconditions.Assert(margin.WorkingLength == workingLength,
                          "Cant set margin. It has wrong length. Old working length " + workingLength + " new working length " + margin.WorkingLength);