Ejemplo n.º 1
        /*  call CS_SERVICEREQUEST_PUB_Service : GET_SR_INFO
         *  Output : op.X_GETSR_OUT_REC
         *  call dictAddProperty() to add the individual property name, type, and value
         *  for dynamic columns feature
        public Dictionary<string, string> LookupSRDetail(decimal incident_id, string incident_number, int _logIncidentId = 0 , int _logContactId = 0)
            string request = "";
            string response = "";
            string logMessage, logNote;

            if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(SRLookupURL) || String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(SRServiceUsername) || String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(SRServicePassword))
                throw new Exception("Provider's InitForSR not run.");

            SR.CS_SERVICEREQUEST_PUB_Service client = EBSProxyFactory.GetSRServiceInstance(SRLookupURL, SRServiceUsername, SRServicePassword, SRServiceTimeout);

            SR.InputParameters3 ip = new SR.InputParameters3();
            ip.P_API_VERSION = 1;
            ip.P_API_VERSIONSpecified = true;
            ip.P_INCIDENT_ID = incident_id;
            ip.P_INCIDENT_IDSpecified = true;
            ip.P_INCIDENT_NUMBER = incident_number;
            List<SR_LOOKUP_CONTACT> contacts = new List<SR_LOOKUP_CONTACT>();
            ip.X_CONTACT = contacts.ToArray();
            List<SR_LOOKUP_TASK> tasks = new List<SR_LOOKUP_TASK>();
            ip.X_TASKS = tasks.ToArray();
            SR.OutputParameters3 op = null;
            Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch();
                request = serializer.Serialize(ip);

                logMessage = "Request of getting SR details (GET_SR_INFO). ";
                logNote = "Request Payload: " + request;
                log.DebugLog(_logIncidentId, _logContactId, logMessage, logNote);
                // call the web service, catch the exception right away
                op = client.GET_SR_INFO(ip);
                response = serializer.Serialize(op);
            catch (Exception ex)
                handleEBSException(ex, "GET_SR_INFO", _logIncidentId, _logContactId);
                // will throw the new exception (either timeout or error communicating ...)
                // b/c caller SRdetailVirtualTable GetRows expect reportRows, so need to throw it to show the msg box

            if (op.X_RETURN_STATUS == "S")
                logMessage = "Response of getting SR details (GET_SR_INFO). ";
                logNote = "Response Payload: " + response;

                log.DebugLog(_logIncidentId, _logContactId, logMessage, logNote, (int)stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds);
                logMessage = "Response of getting SR details (GET_SR_INFO (Failure). " + op.X_MSG_DATA;
                logNote = "Response Payload: " + response;
                log.ErrorLog(_logIncidentId, _logContactId, logMessage, logNote);
            Dictionary<string, string> dictDetail = new Dictionary<string, string>();

            foreach (PropertyInfo propertyInfo in op.X_GETSR_OUT_REC.GetType().GetProperties())
                Object propVal = op.X_GETSR_OUT_REC.GetType().GetProperty(propertyInfo.Name).GetValue(op.X_GETSR_OUT_REC, null);
                dictAddProperty(propertyInfo, propVal, ref dictDetail);                     

            return dictDetail;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public ServiceRequest LookupSR(decimal incident_id, string incident_number, int _logIncidentId = 0, int _logContactId = 0)
            if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(SRLookupURL) || String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(SRServiceUsername) || String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(SRServicePassword))
                throw new Exception("Provider's InitForSR not run.");

            SR.CS_SERVICEREQUEST_PUB_Service client = EBSProxyFactory.GetSRServiceInstance(SRLookupURL, SRServiceUsername, SRServicePassword, SRServiceTimeout);

            ServiceRequest result = new ServiceRequest();
            string request = "";
            string response = "";
            string logMessage, logNote;

            SR.SOAHeader hdr = new SR.SOAHeader();
            hdr.Responsibility = "SERVICE";
            hdr.RespApplication = "CS";
            hdr.Org_Id = "204";
            hdr.SecurityGroup = "STANDARD";
            hdr.NLSLanguage = "AMERICAN";

            client.SOAHeaderValue = hdr;

            SR.InputParameters3 ip_get_sr = new SR.InputParameters3();
            ip_get_sr.P_API_VERSION = 1;
            ip_get_sr.P_API_VERSIONSpecified = true;
            ip_get_sr.P_INCIDENT_ID = incident_id;
            ip_get_sr.P_INCIDENT_IDSpecified = true;
            ip_get_sr.P_INCIDENT_NUMBER = incident_number;
            List<SR_LOOKUP_CONTACT> contacts = new List<SR_LOOKUP_CONTACT>();
            ip_get_sr.X_CONTACT = contacts.ToArray();
            List<SR_LOOKUP_TASK> tasks = new List<SR_LOOKUP_TASK>();
            ip_get_sr.X_TASKS = tasks.ToArray();
            //ip.X_GETSR_OUT_REC = new SRL.APPSCS_SERVICEREQUEX16438971X1X2();
            Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch();
                request = serializer.Serialize(ip_get_sr);
                SR.OutputParameters3 op = client.GET_SR_INFO(ip_get_sr);
                //response = client.ResponseSoapContext.Envelope.Envelope.InnerXml;
                response = serializer.Serialize(op);

                if (op.X_RETURN_STATUS == "S")
                    result.RequestID = op.X_GETSR_OUT_REC.INCIDENT_ID;
                    result.RequestNumber = op.X_GETSR_OUT_REC.INCIDENT_NUMBER;
                    result.IncidentID = op.X_GETSR_OUT_REC.EXTATTRIBUTE15;
                    result.IncidentRef = op.X_GETSR_OUT_REC.EXTATTRIBUTE14;
                    result.StatusID = op.X_GETSR_OUT_REC.INCIDENT_STATUS_ID;
                    result.Status = op.X_GETSR_OUT_REC.INCIDENT_STATUS;
                    result.SeverityID = op.X_GETSR_OUT_REC.INCIDENT_SEVERITY_ID;
                    result.Severity = op.X_GETSR_OUT_REC.INCIDENT_SEVERITY;
                    result.RequestTypeID = op.X_GETSR_OUT_REC.INCIDENT_TYPE_ID;
                    result.RequestType = op.X_GETSR_OUT_REC.INCIDENT_TYPE;
                    result.Summary = op.X_GETSR_OUT_REC.SUMMARY;
                    result.SrObjVerNum = op.X_GETSR_OUT_REC.OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER;
                    result.SerialNumber = op.X_GETSR_OUT_REC.SERIAL_NUMBER;
                    result.ProductID = op.X_GETSR_OUT_REC.CUSTOMER_PRODUCT_ID;
                    result.Product = op.X_GETSR_OUT_REC.PRODUCT;
                    result.ProductDescription = op.X_GETSR_OUT_REC.PRODUCT_DESCRIPTION;

                    result.Owner = op.X_GETSR_OUT_REC.SR_OWNER;
                    result.OwnerID = op.X_GETSR_OUT_REC.SR_OWNER_ID;

                    logMessage = "Request of loading Service Request (Success). SR ID = " + incident_id;
                    logNote = "Request Payload: " + request;
                    log.DebugLog(_logIncidentId, _logContactId, logMessage, logNote);

                    logMessage = "Response of loading Service Request (Success). SR ID = " + incident_id;
                    logNote = "Response Payload: " + response;
                    log.DebugLog(_logIncidentId, _logContactId, logMessage, logNote, (int)stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds);
                    result.ErrorMessage = "There has been an error communicating with EBS. Please check log for detail.";

                    logMessage = "Request of loading Service Request (Failure). SR ID = " + incident_id + " Error: " + op.X_MSG_DATA;
                    logNote = "Request Payload: " + request;
                    log.ErrorLog(_logIncidentId, _logContactId, logMessage, logNote);

                    logMessage = "Response of loading Service Request (Failure). SR ID = " + incident_id + " Error: " + op.X_MSG_DATA;
                    logNote = "Response Payload: " + response;
                    log.ErrorLog(_logIncidentId, _logContactId, logMessage, logNote);               
            catch (Exception ex)
                result.ErrorMessage = "There has been an error communicating with EBS. Please check log for detail.";
                logMessage = "Request of loading Service Request (Failure). SR ID = " + incident_id + " Error: " + ex.Message;
                logNote = "Request Payload: " + request;
                log.ErrorLog(_logIncidentId, _logContactId, logMessage, logNote);

                logMessage = "Response of loading Service Request (Failure). SR ID = " + incident_id + " Error: " + ex.Message;
                logNote = "Response Payload: " + response;
                log.ErrorLog(_logIncidentId, _logContactId, logMessage, logNote);

                handleEBSException(ex, "Lookup Service Request", _logIncidentId, _logContactId);

            return result;
 /// <remarks/>
 public void GET_SR_INFOAsync(InputParameters3 InputParameters) {
     this.GET_SR_INFOAsync(InputParameters, null);
 /// <remarks/>
 public void GET_SR_INFOAsync(InputParameters3 InputParameters, object userState) {
     if ((this.GET_SR_INFOOperationCompleted == null)) {
         this.GET_SR_INFOOperationCompleted = new System.Threading.SendOrPostCallback(this.OnGET_SR_INFOOperationCompleted);
     this.InvokeAsync("GET_SR_INFO", new object[] {
                 InputParameters}, this.GET_SR_INFOOperationCompleted, userState);
 /// <remarks/>
 public System.IAsyncResult BeginGET_SR_INFO(InputParameters3 InputParameters, System.AsyncCallback callback, object asyncState) {
     return this.BeginInvoke("GET_SR_INFO", new object[] {
                 InputParameters}, callback, asyncState);