Ejemplo n.º 1
 public Track(Track PreviousTrack, Arc Transition)
     if (_Target==null) throw new InvalidOperationException("You must specify a target Node for the Track class.");
     Queue = PreviousTrack;
     _Cost = Queue.Cost + Transition.Cost;
     _NbArcsVisited = Queue._NbArcsVisited + 1;
     EndNode = Transition.EndNode;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public Track(Node GraphNode)
     if ( _Target==null ) throw new InvalidOperationException("You must specify a target Node for the Track class.");
     _Cost = 0;
     _NbArcsVisited = 0;
     Queue = null;
     EndNode = GraphNode;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private void Propagate(Track TrackToPropagate)
            foreach ( Arc A in TrackToPropagate.EndNode.OutgoingArcs )
                if ( A.Passable && A.EndNode.Passable )
                    Track Successor = new Track(TrackToPropagate, A);
                    int PosNF = _Closed.IndexOf(Successor, SameNodesReached);
                    int PosNO = _Open.IndexOf(Successor, SameNodesReached);
                    if ( PosNF>0 && Successor.Cost>=((Track)_Closed[PosNF]).Cost )
                    if ( PosNO>0 && Successor.Cost>=((Track)_Open[PosNO]).Cost )
                    if ( PosNF>0 )
                    if ( PosNO>0 )

Ejemplo n.º 4
 private Node[] GoBackUpNodes(Track T)
     int Nb = T.NbArcsVisited;
     Node[] Path = new Node[Nb+1];
     for (int i=Nb; i>=0; i--, T=T.Queue)
     Path[i] = T.EndNode;
     return Path;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Use for a 'step by step' search only. This method is alternate to SearchPath.
        /// The algorithm must have been initialize before.
        /// </summary>
        /// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">You must initialize AStar before using NextStep().</exception>
        /// <returns>'true' unless the search ended.</returns>
        public bool NextStep()
            if ( !Initialized ) throw new InvalidOperationException("You must initialize AStar before launching the algorithm.");
            if ( _Open.Count==0 ) return false;

            int IndexMin = _Open.IndexOfMin();
            Track BestTrack = (Track)_Open[IndexMin];
            if ( BestTrack.Succeed )
                _LeafToGoBackUp = BestTrack;
            return _Open.Count>0;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 /// <summary>
 /// Use for a 'step by step' search only. This method is alternate to SearchPath.
 /// Initializes AStar before performing search steps manually with NextStep.
 /// </summary>
 /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">StartNode and EndNode cannot be null.</exception>
 /// <param name="StartNode">The node from which the path must start.</param>
 /// <param name="EndNode">The node to which the path must end.</param>
 public void Initialize(Node StartNode, Node EndNode)
     if ( StartNode==null || EndNode==null ) throw new ArgumentNullException();
     Track.Target = EndNode;
     _Open.Add( new Track(StartNode) );
     _NbIterations = 0;
     _LeafToGoBackUp = null;