Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void UpdateParticles()
            foreach (Particle p in particles)
                if (!p.timer.IsRunning)
                if (p.timer.ElapsedMilliseconds >= 250)
                    p.Pos    = new EngineFunctions.COORD(p.Pos.X, (short)(p.Pos.Y - p.Speed));
                    p.Moved += p.Speed;
                    if (p.Pos.Y < 0 || p.Moved > p.Life)
                        p.KillFlag = true;
                if (p.Pos.Y < 20 && p.Pos.Y >= 0)
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(p.Pos, p.PartChar, p.Color, Map.CurLevelInfo.Key);

            particles.RemoveAll(x => x.KillFlag == true);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void DrawMenu()
            EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD(10, 5), line1, ConsoleColor.White);
            EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD(10, 6), line2, ConsoleColor.White);
            EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD(10, 7), line3, ConsoleColor.White);
            EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD(10, 8), line4, ConsoleColor.White);

            EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD(20, 12), line5, ConsoleColor.White);
            EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD(20, 13), line6, ConsoleColor.White);
            EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD(20, 14), line7, ConsoleColor.White);
            EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD(20, 15), line8, ConsoleColor.White);

            for (int x = 0; x < Console.WindowWidth; x++)
                EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)x, 17), '-', ConsoleColor.White);

            if (!showSaves)
                foreach (MenuItem mi in defaultItems)
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(mi.position, mi.text, ConsoleColor.White);
                foreach (MenuItem mi in saveItems)
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(mi.position, mi.text, ConsoleColor.White);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void DrawEnemy()
            switch (enemytype)
            case EType.Grunt:
                EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(loc, 'E', ConsoleColor.DarkRed);

            case EType.Beast:
                EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(loc, 'B', ConsoleColor.DarkMagenta);

            case EType.Fighter:
                EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(loc, 'F', ConsoleColor.Blue);

            case EType.Warrior:
                EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(loc, 'W', ConsoleColor.Red);

            case EType.Glider:
                EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(loc, 'G', ConsoleColor.DarkCyan);

            case EType.Dragon:
                EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(loc, 'D', Map.CurLevelInfo.Key);
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public void DrawDivider()
     for (int x = 0; x < Console.WindowWidth; x++)
         EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(x), (short)(21)), '-', ConsoleColor.DarkGray);
Ejemplo n.º 5
 private void DrawDoor(Tuple <EngineFunctions.COORD, EngineFunctions.COORD> t)
     if (t.Item1.X < t.Item2.X) //door to the right
         for (int y = (Console.WindowHeight - 10) / 2 - 2; y <= (Console.WindowHeight - 10) / 2 + 2; y++)
             EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(Console.WindowWidth - 1), (short)y), 'X', ConsoleColor.DarkYellow);
     else if (t.Item1.X > t.Item2.X) //door to the left
         for (int y = (Console.WindowHeight - 10) / 2 - 2; y <= (Console.WindowHeight - 10) / 2 + 2; y++)
             EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD(0, (short)y), 'X', ConsoleColor.DarkYellow);
     else if (t.Item1.Y < t.Item2.Y) // door to the bottom
         for (int x = Console.WindowWidth / 2 - 2; x <= Console.WindowWidth / 2 + 2; x++)
             EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)x, (short)(Console.WindowHeight - 10)), 'X', ConsoleColor.DarkYellow);
     else if (t.Item1.Y > t.Item2.Y) // door to the top
         for (int x = Console.WindowWidth / 2 - 2; x <= Console.WindowWidth / 2 + 2; x++)
             EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)x, 0), 'X', ConsoleColor.DarkYellow);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public void DrawItem()
            switch (IType)
            case ItemType.Bomb:
                EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(Location, 'B', ConsoleColor.DarkBlue);

            case ItemType.Heart:
                EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(Location, 'H', ConsoleColor.Magenta);

            case ItemType.Key:
                EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(Location, 'K', ConsoleColor.White);

            case ItemType.Magic:
                EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(Location, 'M', ConsoleColor.DarkCyan);

            case ItemType.Crystal:
                EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(Location, (char)0xA4, ConsoleColor.Yellow);

            case ItemType.Sphere:
                EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(Location, '0', Map.CurLevelInfo.Key);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public void DrawSpheres()
            short xStart = (short)(Console.WindowWidth / 1.25);
            short yStart = (short)(Console.WindowHeight - 3);

            for (short x = 0; x < Spheres.Count; x++)
                EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(xStart + x), yStart), (char)0xA4, Spheres[x]);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public void DrawItemsToBuy()
            short x = 30;

            for (int index = 0; index < 3; index++)
                prices[index] = GetPrice(itemsForSale[index]);
                EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(x + index * 10), 9), prices[index].ToString(), ConsoleColor.Yellow);
                EngineFunctions.screenBufferArray[11, x + index * 10 + 1] = GetChar(itemsForSale[index]);
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public void DrawItemAmounts()
            short xStart = (short)(Console.WindowWidth / 1.25);
            short yStart = (short)(Console.WindowHeight - 7);

            EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD(xStart, yStart), "Keys: " + Keys, ConsoleColor.White);
            EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD(xStart, (short)(yStart + 1)), "Bombs: " + Bombs, ConsoleColor.DarkBlue);
            EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD(xStart, (short)(yStart + 2)), "Magic: " + MagicAmt, ConsoleColor.DarkCyan);
            EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD(xStart, (short)(yStart + 3)), (char)(0xA7), ConsoleColor.Yellow);
            EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(xStart + 1), (short)(yStart + 3)), ": " + Money, ConsoleColor.Yellow);
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public void DrawItem(ItemType it)
            short start = (short)(Console.WindowWidth / 3 + 15);

            for (short x = start; x < (start + 11); x++)
                EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD(x, (short)(Console.WindowHeight - 2)), '-', ConsoleColor.White);
                if (x == start + 4 || x == start + 6)
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD(x, (short)(Console.WindowHeight - 8)), ' ', ConsoleColor.White);
                else if (x == start + 5)
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD(x, (short)(Console.WindowHeight - 8)), 'e', ConsoleColor.White);
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD(x, (short)(Console.WindowHeight - 8)), '-', ConsoleColor.White);
            for (short y = (short)(Console.WindowHeight - 8); y <= Console.WindowHeight - 2; y++)
                EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(start - 1), y), '|', ConsoleColor.White);
                EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(start + 11), y), '|', ConsoleColor.White);

            switch (it)
            case ItemType.Bomb:
                EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(start + 6), (short)(Console.WindowHeight - 7)), '*', ConsoleColor.DarkBlue);
                EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(start + 5), (short)(Console.WindowHeight - 6)), '/', ConsoleColor.Gray);
                EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(start + 4), (short)(Console.WindowHeight - 6)), '_', ConsoleColor.Blue);
                EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(start + 3), (short)(Console.WindowHeight - 5)), '/', ConsoleColor.Blue);
                EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(start + 5), (short)(Console.WindowHeight - 5)), '\\', ConsoleColor.Blue);
                EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(start + 3), (short)(Console.WindowHeight - 4)), '\\', ConsoleColor.Blue);
                EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(start + 4), (short)(Console.WindowHeight - 4)), '_', ConsoleColor.Blue);
                EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(start + 5), (short)(Console.WindowHeight - 4)), '/', ConsoleColor.Blue);

            case ItemType.Magic:
                EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(start + 5), (short)(Console.WindowHeight - 7)), '_', ConsoleColor.DarkGray);
                EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(start + 4), (short)(Console.WindowHeight - 6)), '/', ConsoleColor.DarkGray);
                EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(start + 6), (short)(Console.WindowHeight - 6)), '\\', ConsoleColor.DarkGray);
                EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(start + 4), (short)(Console.WindowHeight - 5)), '|', ConsoleColor.White);
                EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(start + 5), (short)(Console.WindowHeight - 5)), '~', ConsoleColor.DarkCyan);
                EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(start + 6), (short)(Console.WindowHeight - 5)), '|', ConsoleColor.White);
                EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(start + 4), (short)(Console.WindowHeight - 4)), '\\', ConsoleColor.DarkGray);
                EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(start + 5), (short)(Console.WindowHeight - 4)), '_', ConsoleColor.DarkGray);
                EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(start + 6), (short)(Console.WindowHeight - 4)), '/', ConsoleColor.DarkGray);
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public void DrawShop()
            short yBottom = (short)(Console.WindowHeight - 10);
            short Wstop   = (short)(Console.WindowWidth - 3 * (Console.WindowWidth / 4));
            short Estop   = (short)(Console.WindowWidth - (Console.WindowWidth / 4));

            for (int i = Wstop; i < Console.WindowWidth / 2 - 2; i++)
                EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(i), yBottom), '#', ConsoleColor.Gray);
            for (int i = Console.WindowWidth / 2 + 2; i <= Estop; i++)
                EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(i), yBottom), '#', ConsoleColor.Gray);
            for (int i = Wstop; i <= Estop; i++)
                EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(i), 0), '#', ConsoleColor.Gray);
            for (int i = 0; i < Console.WindowHeight - 10; i++)
                EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD(Wstop, (short)(i)), '#', ConsoleColor.Gray);
                EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD(Estop, (short)(i)), '#', ConsoleColor.Gray);

            if (CanBuy)
                for (int x = Console.WindowWidth / 2 - 5; x < Console.WindowWidth / 2 + 5; x++)
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)x, 3), '_', ConsoleColor.DarkGray);

                EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(Console.WindowWidth / 2 - 6), 4), '/', ConsoleColor.DarkGray);
                EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(Console.WindowWidth / 2 + 5), 4), '\\', ConsoleColor.DarkGray);

                EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(Console.WindowWidth / 2 - 7), 5), '/', ConsoleColor.DarkGray);
                EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(Console.WindowWidth / 2 + 6), 5), '\\', ConsoleColor.DarkGray);
                EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(Console.WindowWidth / 2 - 3), 5), '*', ConsoleColor.DarkGray);
                EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(Console.WindowWidth / 2 + 2), 5), '*', ConsoleColor.DarkGray);

                EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(Console.WindowWidth / 2 - 8), 6), '/', ConsoleColor.DarkGray);
                EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(Console.WindowWidth / 2 + 7), 6), '\\', ConsoleColor.DarkGray);
                EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(Console.WindowWidth / 2 - 3), 6), '_', ConsoleColor.DarkGray);
                EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(Console.WindowWidth / 2 - 2), 6), '_', ConsoleColor.DarkGray);
                EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(Console.WindowWidth / 2 - 1), 6), '_', ConsoleColor.DarkGray);
                EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(Console.WindowWidth / 2), 6), '_', ConsoleColor.DarkGray);
                EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(Console.WindowWidth / 2 + 1), 6), '_', ConsoleColor.DarkGray);
                EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(Console.WindowWidth / 2 + 2), 6), '_', ConsoleColor.DarkGray);

Ejemplo n.º 12
        public void DrawShopOnMap()
            EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(location.X + 2), (short)(location.Y)), '_', ConsoleColor.DarkBlue);
            EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(location.X + 1), (short)(location.Y + 1)), '/', ConsoleColor.DarkBlue);
            EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(location.X + 3), (short)(location.Y + 1)), '\\', ConsoleColor.DarkBlue);

            EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(location.X), (short)(location.Y + 2)), '/', ConsoleColor.DarkBlue);
            EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(location.X + 2), (short)(location.Y + 2)), 'S', ConsoleColor.DarkBlue);
            EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(location.X + 4), (short)(location.Y + 2)), '\\', ConsoleColor.DarkBlue);

            EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(location.X), (short)(location.Y + 3)), '|', ConsoleColor.DarkBlue);
            EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(location.X + 1), (short)(location.Y + 3)), '_', ConsoleColor.DarkBlue);
            EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(location.X + 2), (short)(location.Y + 3)), (char)0x7F, ConsoleColor.DarkBlue);
            EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(location.X + 3), (short)(location.Y + 3)), '_', ConsoleColor.DarkBlue);
            EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(location.X + 4), (short)(location.Y + 3)), '|', ConsoleColor.DarkBlue);
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public void MoveEnemy()
            if (DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay.Subtract(timeSinceUpdate) > TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1))
                timeSinceUpdate = DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay;
                EngineFunctions.COORD curPlayerPos = Game.player.location;

                // modify x position
                if (loc.X < curPlayerPos.X && loc.X < Console.WindowWidth - 3)
                    if (!CheckCollision(FaceDirection.Right))
                        EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(loc, ' ');
                        loc = new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(loc.X + 1), loc.Y);
                else if (loc.X > curPlayerPos.X && loc.X > 2)
                    if (!CheckCollision(FaceDirection.Left))
                        EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(loc, ' ');
                        loc = new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(loc.X - 1), loc.Y);

                // modify y position
                if (loc.Y < curPlayerPos.Y && loc.Y < Console.WindowHeight - 13)
                    if (!CheckCollision(FaceDirection.Down))
                        EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(loc, ' ');
                        loc = new EngineFunctions.COORD(loc.X, (short)(loc.Y + 1));
                else if (loc.Y > curPlayerPos.Y && loc.Y > 2)
                    if (!CheckCollision(FaceDirection.Up))
                        EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(loc, ' ');
                        loc = new EngineFunctions.COORD(loc.X, (short)(loc.Y - 1));
Ejemplo n.º 14
        public void DrawHealth(int hp)
            short yStep = (short)(Console.WindowHeight - 7);
            short xStep = 3;

            for (int x = 0; x < hp; x++)
                if (x > hp)
                if (x % 16 == 0)
                    xStep = 3;
                EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD(xStep, yStep), '|', ConsoleColor.Red);
Ejemplo n.º 15
        public void PlaceCharacter()
            switch (curFacing)
            case FaceDirection.Up:
                EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(location, '^', ConsoleColor.Green);

            case FaceDirection.Down:
                EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(location, 'V', ConsoleColor.Green);

            case FaceDirection.Left:
                EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(location, '<', ConsoleColor.Green);

            case FaceDirection.Right:
                EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(location, '>', ConsoleColor.Green);
Ejemplo n.º 16
        public void PlaceCharacterNewScreen()
            Console.SetCursorPosition(location.X, location.Y);
            switch (curFacing)
            case FaceDirection.Up:
                EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(location, '^', ConsoleColor.Green);

            case FaceDirection.Down:
                EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(location, 'V', ConsoleColor.Green);

            case FaceDirection.Left:
                EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(location, '<', ConsoleColor.Green);

            case FaceDirection.Right:
                EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(location, '>', ConsoleColor.Green);
Ejemplo n.º 17
        private void DrawGameOver()
            string gameLine1 = @" /¯¯¯¯/|¯¯¯¯|   /¯¯¯¯/-\¯¯¯¯\   \¯¯¯¯\     /¯¯¯¯/  /¯¯¯¯/\¯¯¯¯\ ";
            string gameLine2 = @" |.: | |____|   |..::|_|::. |   |  .:||¯¯¯||.:: |  \____\_¯¯¯¯  ";
            string gameLine3 = @" |:::| \¯¯¯¯\   |.:::|¯|:::.|   |.:::|'\_/'|:::.|  /¯¯¯¯/¯____";
            string gameLine4 = @" \____\/____/   |____| |____|  /____/|\_'_/|\____\ \____\/____/ ";

            string overLine1 = @"  /¯¯¯/¯\¯¯¯\   |¯¯¯¯| |¯¯¯¯|  /¯¯¯¯/\¯¯¯¯\ |¯¯¯¯|\¯¯¯¯\  ";
            string overLine2 = @" |::..| |..::|  |.::.| |.::.|  \____\_¯¯¯¯  |.:::|/____/ ";
            string overLine3 = @" |.:::| |::: |  |::. | |.:::|  /¯¯¯¯/¯____  |::: |\¯¯¯¯\";
            string overLine4 = @"  \___\_/___/    \___\_/___/   \____\/____/ |____| |____| ";

            EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD(9, 6), gameLine1, ConsoleColor.Red);
            EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD(9, 7), gameLine2, ConsoleColor.Red);
            EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD(9, 8), gameLine3, ConsoleColor.Red);
            EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD(9, 9), gameLine4, ConsoleColor.Red);

            EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD(12, 11), overLine1, ConsoleColor.Red);
            EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD(12, 12), overLine2, ConsoleColor.Red);
            EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD(12, 13), overLine3, ConsoleColor.Red);
            EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD(12, 14), overLine4, ConsoleColor.Red);

            EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD(35, 20), "PRESS SPACE...", ConsoleColor.White);
Ejemplo n.º 18
 private void SetSelection(List <MenuItem> items)
     EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(items[selection].position.X - 4),
                                                             (short)items[selection].position.Y), "->", ConsoleColor.White);
Ejemplo n.º 19
        public void DrawSword(SwordType st)
            short start = (short)(Console.WindowWidth / 3);

            for (short x = start; x < (start + 11); x++)
                EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD(x, (short)(Console.WindowHeight - 2)), '-', ConsoleColor.White);
                if (x == start + 2 || x == start + 8)
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD(x, (short)(Console.WindowHeight - 8)), ' ', ConsoleColor.White);
                else if (x == start + 3)
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD(x, (short)(Console.WindowHeight - 8)), "Space", ConsoleColor.White);
                else if (x >= start + 4 && x <= start + 7)
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD(x, (short)(Console.WindowHeight - 8)), '-', ConsoleColor.White);
            for (short y = (short)(Console.WindowHeight - 8); y <= Console.WindowHeight - 2; y++)
                EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(start - 1), y), '|', ConsoleColor.White);
                EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(start + 11), y), '|', ConsoleColor.White);

            switch (st)
            case SwordType.Wood:
                for (short y = 0; y < 4; y++)
                    if (y == 2)
                        for (short x = 0; x < 3; x++)
                            EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(start + 4 + x), (short)(Console.WindowHeight - 6 + y)), '=', ConsoleColor.DarkYellow);
                        EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(start + 5), (short)(Console.WindowHeight - 6 + y)), '|', ConsoleColor.DarkYellow);

            case SwordType.Short:
                EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(start + 7), (short)(Console.WindowHeight - 6)), '/', ConsoleColor.Gray);
                EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(start + 6), (short)(Console.WindowHeight - 5)), '/', ConsoleColor.Gray);
                EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(start + 4), (short)(Console.WindowHeight - 3)), '/', ConsoleColor.Gray);
                for (short x = 0; x < 3; x++)
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(start + 4 + x), (short)(Console.WindowHeight - 4)), '=', ConsoleColor.Gray);
                EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(start + 3), (short)(Console.WindowHeight - 4)), '<', ConsoleColor.Gray);
                EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(start + 7), (short)(Console.WindowHeight - 4)), '>', ConsoleColor.Gray);

            case SwordType.Great:
                EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(start + 6), (short)(Console.WindowHeight - 7)), '/', ConsoleColor.Cyan);
                EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(start + 7), (short)(Console.WindowHeight - 7)), '\\', ConsoleColor.Cyan);

                EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(start + 5), (short)(Console.WindowHeight - 6)), '/', ConsoleColor.Cyan);
                EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(start + 7), (short)(Console.WindowHeight - 6)), '/', ConsoleColor.Cyan);
                EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(start + 4), (short)(Console.WindowHeight - 5)), '/', ConsoleColor.Cyan);
                EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(start + 6), (short)(Console.WindowHeight - 5)), '/', ConsoleColor.Cyan);
                for (short x = 0; x < 4; x++)
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(start + 3 + x), (short)(Console.WindowHeight - 4)), '=', ConsoleColor.Cyan);
                EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(start + 2), (short)(Console.WindowHeight - 4)), '<', ConsoleColor.Cyan);
                EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(start + 7), (short)(Console.WindowHeight - 4)), '>', ConsoleColor.Cyan);

                EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(start + 3), (short)(Console.WindowHeight - 3)), '/', ConsoleColor.Cyan);
                EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(start + 4), (short)(Console.WindowHeight - 3)), '/', ConsoleColor.Cyan);
Ejemplo n.º 20
 public void Killed()
     EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(loc, ' ');
Ejemplo n.º 21
        private void DrawMagicToScreen(bool erase)
            switch (player.curFacing)
            case FaceDirection.Up:
                EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(player.location.X - 2), (short)(player.location.Y - 4)),
                                              erase ? ' ' : '*', ConsoleColor.DarkCyan);
                EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(player.location.X), (short)(player.location.Y - 4)),
                                              erase ? ' ' : '*', ConsoleColor.DarkCyan);
                EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(player.location.X + 2), (short)(player.location.Y - 4)),
                                              erase ? ' ' : '*', ConsoleColor.DarkCyan);
                EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(player.location.X - 1), (short)(player.location.Y - 2)),
                                              erase ? ' ' : '*', ConsoleColor.DarkCyan);
                EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(player.location.X), (short)(player.location.Y - 2)),
                                              erase ? ' ' : '*', ConsoleColor.DarkCyan);
                EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(player.location.X + 1), (short)(player.location.Y - 2)),
                                              erase ? ' ' : '*', ConsoleColor.DarkCyan);

            case FaceDirection.Down:
                EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(player.location.X - 2), (short)(player.location.Y + 4)),
                                              erase ? ' ' : '*', ConsoleColor.DarkCyan);
                EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(player.location.X), (short)(player.location.Y + 4)),
                                              erase ? ' ' : '*', ConsoleColor.DarkCyan);
                EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(player.location.X + 2), (short)(player.location.Y + 4)),
                                              erase ? ' ' : '*', ConsoleColor.DarkCyan);
                EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(player.location.X - 1), (short)(player.location.Y + 2)),
                                              erase ? ' ' : '*', ConsoleColor.DarkCyan);
                EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(player.location.X), (short)(player.location.Y + 2)),
                                              erase ? ' ' : '*', ConsoleColor.DarkCyan);
                EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(player.location.X + 1), (short)(player.location.Y + 2)),
                                              erase ? ' ' : '*', ConsoleColor.DarkCyan);

            case FaceDirection.Left:
                EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(player.location.X - 4), (short)(player.location.Y - 2)),
                                              erase ? ' ' : '*', ConsoleColor.DarkCyan);
                EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(player.location.X - 4), (short)(player.location.Y)),
                                              erase ? ' ' : '*', ConsoleColor.DarkCyan);
                EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(player.location.X - 4), (short)(player.location.Y + 2)),
                                              erase ? ' ' : '*', ConsoleColor.DarkCyan);
                EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(player.location.X - 2), (short)(player.location.Y - 1)),
                                              erase ? ' ' : '*', ConsoleColor.DarkCyan);
                EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(player.location.X - 2), (short)(player.location.Y)),
                                              erase ? ' ' : '*', ConsoleColor.DarkCyan);
                EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(player.location.X - 2), (short)(player.location.Y + 1)),
                                              erase ? ' ' : '*', ConsoleColor.DarkCyan);

            case FaceDirection.Right:
                EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(player.location.X + 4), (short)(player.location.Y - 2)),
                                              erase ? ' ' : '*', ConsoleColor.DarkCyan);
                EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(player.location.X + 4), (short)(player.location.Y)),
                                              erase ? ' ' : '*', ConsoleColor.DarkCyan);
                EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(player.location.X + 4), (short)(player.location.Y + 2)),
                                              erase ? ' ' : '*', ConsoleColor.DarkCyan);
                EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(player.location.X + 2), (short)(player.location.Y - 1)),
                                              erase ? ' ' : '*', ConsoleColor.DarkCyan);
                EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(player.location.X + 2), (short)(player.location.Y)),
                                              erase ? ' ' : '*', ConsoleColor.DarkCyan);
                EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(player.location.X + 2), (short)(player.location.Y + 1)),
                                              erase ? ' ' : '*', ConsoleColor.DarkCyan);
Ejemplo n.º 22
        private void DrawBomb()
            if (player.IsBombPlaced && bombTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds >= 2500)
                EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(player.bombLoc, ' ', ConsoleColor.DarkBlue);
                player.IsBombPlaced = false;
                explosion           = true;
            if (player.IsBombPlaced && bombTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds <= 1500)
                EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(player.bombLoc, '@', ConsoleColor.DarkBlue);
            else if (player.IsBombPlaced && bombTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds > 1500)
                EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(player.bombLoc, '@', flashing ? ConsoleColor.Red : ConsoleColor.DarkBlue);
                if (DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay.Subtract(bombFlashTimer) > TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100))
                    flashing       = !flashing;
                    bombFlashTimer = DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay;

            if (explosion && bombTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds <= 150)
                if (player.bombLoc.X - 3 > 0)
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(player.bombLoc.X - 3), (short)(player.bombLoc.Y)), '*', ConsoleColor.DarkBlue);
                if (player.bombLoc.X - 2 > 0 && player.bombLoc.Y + 1 < Console.WindowHeight - 10)
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(player.bombLoc.X - 2), (short)(player.bombLoc.Y + 1)), '*', ConsoleColor.DarkBlue);
                if (player.bombLoc.Y + 3 < Console.WindowHeight - 10)
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(player.bombLoc.X), (short)(player.bombLoc.Y + 3)), '*', ConsoleColor.DarkBlue);
                if (player.bombLoc.X + 2 < Console.WindowWidth - 1 && player.bombLoc.Y + 1 < Console.WindowHeight - 10)
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(player.bombLoc.X + 2), (short)(player.bombLoc.Y + 1)), '*', ConsoleColor.DarkBlue);
                if (player.bombLoc.X + 3 < Console.WindowWidth - 1)
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(player.bombLoc.X + 3), (short)(player.bombLoc.Y)), '*', ConsoleColor.DarkBlue);
                if (player.bombLoc.X + 2 < Console.WindowWidth - 1 && player.bombLoc.Y - 1 > 0)
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(player.bombLoc.X + 2), (short)(player.bombLoc.Y - 1)), '*', ConsoleColor.DarkBlue);
                if (player.bombLoc.Y - 3 > 0)
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(player.bombLoc.X), (short)(player.bombLoc.Y - 3)), '*', ConsoleColor.DarkBlue);
                if (player.bombLoc.X - 2 > 0 && player.bombLoc.Y - 1 > 0)
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(player.bombLoc.X - 2), (short)(player.bombLoc.Y - 1)), '*', ConsoleColor.DarkBlue);
                EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD(player.bombLoc.X, player.bombLoc.Y), '*', ConsoleColor.DarkBlue);
            else if (explosion && bombTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds >= 150)
                explosion = false;
Ejemplo n.º 23
 public void CheckEnemyCollision()
     foreach (Enemy e in enemies)
         //push player away from enemy
         if (e.loc.Equals(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(player.location.X - 1), player.location.Y)))
             EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(player.location, ' ');
             if (player.location.X + 4 >= Console.WindowWidth - 1)
                 player.location = new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(Console.WindowWidth - 2), player.location.Y);
                 player.location = new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(player.location.X + 4), player.location.Y);
             player.TookDamage = true;
             player.CurHP     -= e.Damage;
         else if (e.loc.Equals(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(player.location.X + 1), player.location.Y)))
             EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(player.location, ' ');
             if (player.location.X - 4 <= 0)
                 player.location = new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(1), player.location.Y);
                 player.location = new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(player.location.X - 4), player.location.Y);
             player.TookDamage = true;
             player.CurHP     -= e.Damage;
         else if (e.loc.Equals(new EngineFunctions.COORD(player.location.X, (short)(player.location.Y - 1))))
             EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(player.location, ' ');
             if (player.location.Y + 4 >= Console.WindowHeight - 11)
                 player.location = new EngineFunctions.COORD(player.location.X, (short)(Console.WindowHeight - 12));
                 player.location = new EngineFunctions.COORD(player.location.X, (short)(player.location.Y + 4));
             } player.TookDamage = true;
             player.CurHP       -= e.Damage;
         else if (e.loc.Equals(new EngineFunctions.COORD(player.location.X, (short)(player.location.Y + 1))))
             EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(player.location, ' ');
             if (player.location.Y - 4 <= 0)
                 player.location = new EngineFunctions.COORD(player.location.X, (short)(1));
                 player.location = new EngineFunctions.COORD(player.location.X, (short)(player.location.Y - 4));
             player.TookDamage = true;
             player.CurHP     -= e.Damage;
     if (player.CurHP <= 0)
         gameOver = true;
Ejemplo n.º 24
        public void EraseSword()
            switch (Sword)
            case SwordType.Wood:
                #region Starting Sword
                switch (curFacing)
                case FaceDirection.Up:
                    for (int y = 1; y <= 4; y++)
                        EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD(location.X, (short)(location.Y - y)), '|', ConsoleColor.DarkYellow);

                case FaceDirection.Down:
                    for (int y = 1; y <= 4; y++)
                        EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD(location.X, (short)(location.Y + y)), '|', ConsoleColor.DarkYellow);

                case FaceDirection.Left:
                    for (int x = 1; x <= 4; x++)
                        EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(location.X - x), location.Y), '-', ConsoleColor.DarkYellow);

                case FaceDirection.Right:
                    for (int x = 1; x <= 4; x++)
                        EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(location.X + x), location.Y), '-', ConsoleColor.DarkYellow);

            case SwordType.Short:
                #region Short Sword
                switch (curFacing)
                case FaceDirection.Up:
                    for (int y = 1; y <= 4; y++)
                        EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD(location.X, (short)(location.Y - y)), '|', ConsoleColor.DarkYellow);

                case FaceDirection.Down:
                    for (int y = 1; y <= 4; y++)
                        EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD(location.X, (short)(location.Y + y)), '|', ConsoleColor.DarkYellow);

                case FaceDirection.Left:
                    for (int x = 1; x <= 4; x++)
                        EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(location.X - x), location.Y), '-', ConsoleColor.DarkYellow);

                case FaceDirection.Right:
                    for (int x = 1; x <= 4; x++)
                        EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(location.X + x), location.Y), '-', ConsoleColor.DarkYellow);

            case SwordType.Great:
                #region Great Sword
                switch (curFacing)
                case FaceDirection.Up:
                    for (int y = 1; y <= 5; y++)
                        EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD(location.X, (short)(location.Y - y)), ' ', ConsoleColor.DarkYellow);

                case FaceDirection.Down:
                    for (int y = 1; y <= 5; y++)
                        EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD(location.X, (short)(location.Y + y)), ' ', ConsoleColor.DarkYellow);

                case FaceDirection.Left:
                    for (int x = 1; x <= 5; x++)
                        EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(location.X - x), location.Y), ' ', ConsoleColor.DarkYellow);

                case FaceDirection.Right:
                    for (int x = 1; x <= 5; x++)
                        EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(location.X + x), location.Y), ' ', ConsoleColor.DarkYellow);
            SwordHit = false;
Ejemplo n.º 25
        public void DrawRoom()
            short yBottom = (short)(Console.WindowHeight - 10);
            short xFar    = (short)(Console.WindowWidth - 1);

            #region Room Borders
            switch (RoomType)
            case 0:
                #region 4-way intersection
                for (short i = 0; i < Console.WindowWidth / 2 - 2; i++)
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD(i, (short)(0)), '#', ConsoleColor.Gray);
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD(i, yBottom), '#', ConsoleColor.Gray);
                for (short i = (short)(Console.WindowWidth / 2 + 2); i < Console.WindowWidth; i++)
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD(i, (short)(0)), '#', ConsoleColor.Gray);
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD(i, yBottom), '#', ConsoleColor.Gray);
                for (short i = 0; i < (Console.WindowHeight - 10) / 2 - 2; i++)
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(0), i), '#', ConsoleColor.Gray);
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD(xFar, i), '#', ConsoleColor.Gray);
                for (short i = (short)((Console.WindowHeight - 10) / 2 + 2); i < Console.WindowHeight - 10; i++)
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(0), i), '#', ConsoleColor.Gray);
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD(xFar, i), '#', ConsoleColor.Gray);

            case 1:
                #region T-up Intersection
                for (int i = 0; i < Console.WindowWidth / 2 - 2; i++)
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(i), 0), '#', ConsoleColor.Gray);
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(i), yBottom), '#', ConsoleColor.Gray);
                for (int i = Console.WindowWidth / 2 + 2; i < Console.WindowWidth; i++)
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(i), 0), '#', ConsoleColor.Gray);
                for (int i = 0; i < Console.WindowWidth; i++)
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(i), yBottom), '#', ConsoleColor.Gray);
                for (int i = 0; i < (Console.WindowHeight - 10) / 2 - 2; i++)
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD(0, (short)(i)), '#', ConsoleColor.Gray);
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD(xFar, (short)(i)), '#', ConsoleColor.Gray);
                for (int i = (Console.WindowHeight - 10) / 2 + 2; i < Console.WindowHeight - 10; i++)
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD(0, (short)(i)), '#', ConsoleColor.Gray);
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD(xFar, (short)(i)), '#', ConsoleColor.Gray);

            case 2:
                #region T-down Intersection
                for (int i = 0; i < Console.WindowWidth / 2 - 2; i++)
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(i), yBottom), '#', ConsoleColor.Gray);
                for (int i = Console.WindowWidth / 2 + 2; i < Console.WindowWidth; i++)
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(i), yBottom), '#', ConsoleColor.Gray);
                for (int i = 0; i < Console.WindowWidth; i++)
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(i), 0), '#', ConsoleColor.Gray);
                for (int i = 0; i < (Console.WindowHeight - 10) / 2 - 2; i++)
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD(xFar, (short)(i)), '#', ConsoleColor.Gray);
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD(0, (short)(i)), '#', ConsoleColor.Gray);
                for (int i = (Console.WindowHeight - 10) / 2 + 2; i < Console.WindowHeight - 10; i++)
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD(0, (short)(i)), '#', ConsoleColor.Gray);
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD(xFar, (short)(i)), '#', ConsoleColor.Gray);

            case 3:
                #region T-Left intersection
                for (int i = 0; i < Console.WindowWidth / 2 - 2; i++)
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(i), 0), '#', ConsoleColor.Gray);
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(i), yBottom), '#', ConsoleColor.Gray);
                for (int i = Console.WindowWidth / 2 + 2; i < Console.WindowWidth; i++)
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(i), 0), '#', ConsoleColor.Gray);
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(i), yBottom), '#', ConsoleColor.Gray);
                for (int i = 0; i < (Console.WindowHeight - 10) / 2 - 2; i++)
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD(0, (short)(i)), '#', ConsoleColor.Gray);
                for (int i = (Console.WindowHeight - 10) / 2 + 2; i < Console.WindowHeight - 10; i++)
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD(0, (short)(i)), '#', ConsoleColor.Gray);
                for (int i = 0; i < Console.WindowHeight - 10; i++)
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD(xFar, (short)(i)), '#', ConsoleColor.Gray);

            case 4:
                #region T-Right intersection
                for (int i = 0; i < Console.WindowWidth / 2 - 2; i++)
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(i), 0), '#', ConsoleColor.Gray);
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(i), yBottom), '#', ConsoleColor.Gray);
                for (int i = Console.WindowWidth / 2 + 2; i < Console.WindowWidth; i++)
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(i), 0), '#', ConsoleColor.Gray);
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(i), yBottom), '#', ConsoleColor.Gray);
                for (int i = 0; i < (Console.WindowHeight - 10) / 2 - 2; i++)
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD(xFar, (short)(i)), '#', ConsoleColor.Gray);
                for (int i = (Console.WindowHeight - 10) / 2 + 2; i < Console.WindowHeight - 10; i++)
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD(xFar, (short)(i)), '#', ConsoleColor.Gray);
                for (int i = 0; i < Console.WindowHeight - 10; i++)
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD(0, (short)(i)), '#', ConsoleColor.Gray);

            case 5:
                #region NW-corner
                for (int i = 0; i < Console.WindowWidth / 2 - 2; i++)
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(i), 0), '#', ConsoleColor.Gray);
                for (int i = Console.WindowWidth / 2 + 2; i < Console.WindowWidth; i++)
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(i), 0), '#', ConsoleColor.Gray);;
                for (int i = 0; i < (Console.WindowHeight - 10) / 2 - 2; i++)
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD(0, (short)(i)), '#', ConsoleColor.Gray);
                for (int i = (Console.WindowHeight - 10) / 2 + 2; i < Console.WindowHeight - 10; i++)
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD(0, (short)(i)), '#', ConsoleColor.Gray);
                for (int i = 0; i < Console.WindowWidth; i++)
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(i), yBottom), '#', ConsoleColor.Gray);
                for (int i = 0; i < Console.WindowHeight - 10; i++)
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD(xFar, (short)(i)), '#', ConsoleColor.Gray);

            case 6:
                #region NE-corner
                for (int i = 0; i < Console.WindowWidth / 2 - 2; i++)
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(i), 0), '#', ConsoleColor.Gray);
                for (int i = Console.WindowWidth / 2 + 2; i < Console.WindowWidth; i++)
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(i), 0), '#', ConsoleColor.Gray);
                for (int i = 0; i < (Console.WindowHeight - 10) / 2 - 2; i++)
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD(xFar, (short)(i)), '#', ConsoleColor.Gray);
                for (int i = (Console.WindowHeight - 10) / 2 + 2; i < Console.WindowHeight - 10; i++)
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD(xFar, (short)(i)), '#', ConsoleColor.Gray);
                for (int i = 0; i < Console.WindowWidth; i++)
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(i), yBottom), '#', ConsoleColor.Gray);
                for (int i = 0; i < Console.WindowHeight - 10; i++)
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD(0, (short)(i)), '#', ConsoleColor.Gray);

            case 7:
                #region SW-corner
                for (int i = 0; i < Console.WindowWidth / 2 - 2; i++)
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(i), yBottom), '#', ConsoleColor.Gray);
                for (int i = Console.WindowWidth / 2 + 2; i < Console.WindowWidth; i++)
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(i), yBottom), '#', ConsoleColor.Gray);
                for (int i = 0; i < (Console.WindowHeight - 10) / 2 - 2; i++)
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD(0, (short)(i)), '#', ConsoleColor.Gray);
                for (int i = (Console.WindowHeight - 10) / 2 + 2; i < Console.WindowHeight - 10; i++)
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD(0, (short)(i)), '#', ConsoleColor.Gray);
                for (int i = 0; i < Console.WindowWidth; i++)
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(i), 0), '#', ConsoleColor.Gray);
                for (int i = 0; i < Console.WindowHeight - 10; i++)
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD(xFar, (short)(i)), '#', ConsoleColor.Gray);

            case 8:
                #region SE-corner
                for (int i = 0; i < Console.WindowWidth / 2 - 2; i++)
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(i), yBottom), '#', ConsoleColor.Gray);
                for (int i = Console.WindowWidth / 2 + 2; i < Console.WindowWidth; i++)
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(i), yBottom), '#', ConsoleColor.Gray);
                for (int i = 0; i < (Console.WindowHeight - 10) / 2 - 2; i++)
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD(xFar, (short)(i)), '#', ConsoleColor.Gray);
                for (int i = (Console.WindowHeight - 10) / 2 + 2; i < Console.WindowHeight - 10; i++)
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD(xFar, (short)(i)), '#', ConsoleColor.Gray);
                for (int i = 0; i < Console.WindowWidth; i++)
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(i), 0), '#', ConsoleColor.Gray);
                for (int i = 0; i < Console.WindowHeight - 10; i++)
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD(0, (short)(i)), '#', ConsoleColor.Gray);

            case 9:
                #region E-dead End
                short stop = (short)(Console.WindowWidth - 3 * (Console.WindowWidth / 4));
                for (int i = stop; i < Console.WindowWidth; i++)
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(i), 0), '#', ConsoleColor.Gray);
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(i), yBottom), '#', ConsoleColor.Gray);
                for (int i = 0; i <= Console.WindowHeight - 10; i++)
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD(stop, (short)(i)), '#', ConsoleColor.Gray);
                for (int i = 0; i < (Console.WindowHeight - 10) / 2 - 2; i++)
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD(xFar, (short)(i)), '#', ConsoleColor.Gray);
                for (int i = (Console.WindowHeight - 10) / 2 + 2; i < Console.WindowHeight - 10; i++)
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD(xFar, (short)(i)), '#', ConsoleColor.Gray);

            case 10:
                #region W-dead End
                short stop = (short)(Console.WindowWidth - (Console.WindowWidth / 4));
                for (int i = 0; i < stop; i++)
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(i), 0), '#', ConsoleColor.Gray);
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(i), yBottom), '#', ConsoleColor.Gray);
                for (int i = 0; i <= Console.WindowHeight - 10; i++)
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD(stop, (short)(i)), '#', ConsoleColor.Gray);
                for (int i = 0; i < (Console.WindowHeight - 10) / 2 - 2; i++)
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD(0, (short)(i)), '#', ConsoleColor.Gray);
                for (int i = (Console.WindowHeight - 10) / 2 + 2; i < Console.WindowHeight - 10; i++)
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD(0, (short)(i)), '#', ConsoleColor.Gray);

            case 11:
                #region N-dead End
                short Wstop = (short)(Console.WindowWidth - 3 * (Console.WindowWidth / 4));
                short Estop = (short)(Console.WindowWidth - (Console.WindowWidth / 4));
                for (int i = Wstop; i < Console.WindowWidth / 2 - 2; i++)
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(i), 0), '#', ConsoleColor.Gray);
                for (int i = Console.WindowWidth / 2 + 2; i < Estop; i++)
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(i), 0), '#', ConsoleColor.Gray);
                for (int i = Wstop; i <= Estop; i++)
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(i), yBottom), '#', ConsoleColor.Gray);
                for (int i = 0; i < Console.WindowHeight - 10; i++)
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD(Wstop, (short)(i)), '#', ConsoleColor.Gray);
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD(Estop, (short)(i)), '#', ConsoleColor.Gray);

            case 12:
                #region S-dead End
                short Wstop = (short)(Console.WindowWidth - 3 * (Console.WindowWidth / 4));
                short Estop = (short)(Console.WindowWidth - (Console.WindowWidth / 4));
                for (int i = Wstop; i < Console.WindowWidth / 2 - 2; i++)
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(i), yBottom), '#', ConsoleColor.Gray);
                for (int i = Console.WindowWidth / 2 + 2; i <= Estop; i++)
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(i), yBottom), '#', ConsoleColor.Gray);
                for (int i = Wstop; i <= Estop; i++)
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(i), 0), '#', ConsoleColor.Gray);
                for (int i = 0; i < Console.WindowHeight - 10; i++)
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD(Wstop, (short)(i)), '#', ConsoleColor.Gray);
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD(Estop, (short)(i)), '#', ConsoleColor.Gray);

            case 13:
                #region H-Hall
                for (int i = 0; i < Console.WindowWidth; i++)
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(i), 0), '#', ConsoleColor.Gray);
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(i), yBottom), '#', ConsoleColor.Gray);
                for (int i = 0; i < (Console.WindowHeight - 10) / 2 - 2; i++)
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD(0, (short)(i)), '#', ConsoleColor.Gray);
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD(xFar, (short)(i)), '#', ConsoleColor.Gray);
                for (int i = (Console.WindowHeight - 10) / 2 + 2; i < Console.WindowHeight - 10; i++)
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD(0, (short)(i)), '#', ConsoleColor.Gray);
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD(xFar, (short)(i)), '#', ConsoleColor.Gray);

            case 14:
                #region V-Hall
                short Wstop = (short)(Console.WindowWidth - 3 * (Console.WindowWidth / 4));
                short Estop = (short)(Console.WindowWidth - (Console.WindowWidth / 4));
                for (int i = Wstop; i < Console.WindowWidth / 2 - 2; i++)
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(i), 0), '#', ConsoleColor.Gray);
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(i), yBottom), '#', ConsoleColor.Gray);
                for (int i = Console.WindowWidth / 2 + 2; i <= Estop; i++)
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(i), 0), '#', ConsoleColor.Gray);
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD((short)(i), yBottom), '#', ConsoleColor.Gray);
                for (int i = 0; i < Console.WindowHeight - 10; i++)
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD(Wstop, (short)(i)), '#', ConsoleColor.Gray);
                    EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD(Estop, (short)(i)), '#', ConsoleColor.Gray);

            #region Draw Obstacles
            for (int index = 0; index < blocks.Count; index++)
                for (short x = blocks[index].Left; x <= blocks[index].Right; x++)
                    for (short y = blocks[index].Top; y <= blocks[index].Bottom; y++)
                        EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD(x, y), Map.CurLevelInfo.Value, Map.CurLevelInfo.Key);

            #region Erase Sections
            for (int index = 0; index < destroyed.Count; index++)
                EngineFunctions.DrawToConsole(new EngineFunctions.COORD(destroyed[index].X, destroyed[index].Y), ' ');