Ejemplo n.º 1
    public void Turn(aircraft ac, float degree_turn)
        float target = 0;

        if (left_turn == true)
            turning = true;
            while (target < degree_turn)
                ac.rz  += ac.turn_rate;
                target += ac.turn_rate;
            left_turn = false;
            turning   = false;
        else if (right_turn == true)
            turning = true;
            while (target < degree_turn)
                ac.rz  -= ac.turn_rate;
                target += ac.turn_rate;
            right_turn = false;
            turning    = false;
Ejemplo n.º 2
    public int get_degree_turn(aircraft blip, int heading, int turn_direction)
        int current_heading = normalize_heading(blip);
        int degree_turn     = 0;

        print("current  " + current_heading);
        //1 is left turn, 2 is right turn
        if (turn_direction == 1 && heading < current_heading)
            degree_turn = current_heading - heading;
        else if (turn_direction == 1)
            degree_turn = (360 - heading) + current_heading;

        if (turn_direction == 2 && heading > current_heading)
            degree_turn = heading - current_heading;
        else if (turn_direction == 2)
            degree_turn = (360 - current_heading) + heading;

Ejemplo n.º 3
    void test_phrase()
        //convert string to List for easier processing
        string[]      words        = current_phrase.Split(' ');
        List <string> phrase_words = new List <string>(words);

        string alt_key     = parser.parse_altitude(phrase_words);
        string cs_key      = parser.parse_callsign(phrase_words);
        string heading_key = parser.parse_heading(phrase_words);

        if (alt_key != "empty" && phonetic_ac_callsigns[cs_key] != null && parser.altitude[alt_key] > 0)
            if (parser.elevation_action(phrase_words) == 1)
                GameObject.Find(phonetic_ac_callsigns[cs_key]).GetComponent <flight_control>().descend(parser.altitude[alt_key]);
            else if (parser.elevation_action(phrase_words) == 2)
                GameObject.Find(phonetic_ac_callsigns[cs_key]).GetComponent <flight_control>().climb(parser.altitude[alt_key]);

        if (heading_key != "empty" && phonetic_ac_callsigns[cs_key] != null)
            int turn = Int32.Parse(parser.heading[heading_key]);

            if (turn > 0)
                if (parser.turn_direction == 1)  //1 is left turn
                    update_aircraft = GameObject.Find("BIGFOOT25");
                    ac = update_aircraft.GetComponent <aircraft>();
                    GameObject.Find(phonetic_ac_callsigns[cs_key]).GetComponent <flight_control>().left_turn = true;
                    GameObject.Find(phonetic_ac_callsigns[cs_key]).GetComponent <flight_control>().Turn_Controller(ac, control.get_degree_turn(ac, ac.new_heading, 1));
                else if (parser.turn_direction == 2) //2 is right turn
                    ac.new_heading = turn;
                    GameObject.Find(phonetic_ac_callsigns[cs_key]).GetComponent <flight_control>().right_turn = true;
                    GameObject.Find(phonetic_ac_callsigns[cs_key]).GetComponent <flight_control>().Turn_Controller(ac, control.get_degree_turn(ac, ac.new_heading, 2));

        //Pilot readback
        pilot.pilot_action = pilot.pilot_readback(current_phrase, cs_key);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        // Функция запускается как только мы переключаемся на вкладку
        private void Table_of_air(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            // Запускаем таймеры для подачёта времени
            System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherTimer timer = new System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherTimer();
            timer.Tick    += new EventHandler(Timer_Tick);
            timer.Interval = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 1);

            air_flight.Text = "Генерация данных.Генерация данных.Генерация данных.Генерация данных.Генерация данных.Генерация данных.Генерация данных.Генерация данных.Генерация данных.Генерация данных.Генерация данных.";
            Console.WriteLine("Начинаю читать фаилы");
            aircraft air = new aircraft();

            Console.WriteLine("3-4 закончили упражнение");
Ejemplo n.º 5
    public void update_datablock(aircraft ac)
        string alt;

        //100 is fine, 90 will be made 090
        if (ac.current_altitude.ToString().Length < 3)
            alt = "0" + ac.current_altitude.ToString();
            alt = ac.current_altitude.ToString();

        string txt = ac.call_sign + "\n";

        txt += ac.type + " " + alt + "\n";
        txt += ac.ground_speed.ToString();

        if (acft != null)
            acft.GetComponent <Text> ().text = txt;
            print("error: updating datablock");

        GameObject c = GameObject.Find(ac.call_sign + "/Canvas");

        if (c != null)
            //keeps data block vertical
            c.transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
            print("Canvas was null");
Ejemplo n.º 6
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        //blip contains info on A/C characteristics
        blip           = new aircraft();
        blip.call_sign = this.name.ToString(); //give call sign for db look up during initialization

        rb = GetComponent <Rigidbody>();
        Vector2 start = transform.position;

        ac_database = new database();
        headings    = ac_database.get_headings();

        //xy used for determining force applied when spawned
        xVal         = start.x;
        yVal         = start.y;
        degree_turn  = 0;
        degree_count = .0f;

        acft       = GameObject.Find(blip.call_sign + "/Canvas/datablock_text");
        c          = GameObject.Find(blip.call_sign + "/Canvas");
        sector_tag = GameObject.Find(blip.call_sign + "/Sector_Canvas");
        initialize_aircraft(blip, headings);

        blip_fade1 = GameObject.Find(blip.call_sign + "blip/blip_fade1");
        blip_fade2 = GameObject.Find(blip.call_sign + "blip/blip_fade1/blip_fade2");
        blip_fade3 = GameObject.Find(blip.call_sign + "blip/blip_fade1/blip_fade2/blip_fade3");

        //initial_heading = -90; //remove after testing
        //blip.heading = initial_heading;
        //blip.rx = 0;
        //blip.ry = 0;
        //blip.rz = blip.heading;
Ejemplo n.º 7
    public int normalize_heading(aircraft blip)
        print("norm blip heading  " + blip.heading);
        int h = blip.heading;

        if (h > 360)
            h = h % 360;
        else if (h < 0)
            h *= -1;
            if (h > 360)
                h = h % 360;
        else if (h == 0 || h == 360)
            h = 360;

Ejemplo n.º 8
    public void descend_aircraft(aircraft ac)
        float feet_per_second = ac.descent_rate / 60;
        float altitude        = ac.current_altitude * 100;   //90 changes to 9000 for math
        float target_altitude = ac.new_altitude;

        while ((altitude) != target_altitude)
            //print (altitude);
            //altitude = ac.current_altitude * 100;
            if (altitude <= target_altitude)
                altitude            = target_altitude;
                ac.current_altitude = (int)altitude / 100;
                altitude            = (int)System.Math.Ceiling(altitude - feet_per_second);
                ac.current_altitude = (int)System.Math.Ceiling(altitude / 100);
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public void Turn_Controller(aircraft ac, float degree_turn)
     System.Threading.Thread mThread = new System.Threading.Thread(() => Turn(ac, degree_turn));
Ejemplo n.º 10
    public void initialize_aircraft(aircraft blip, Dictionary <string, List <float> > heading)
        ac_database = new database();
        ac_chars    = new List <object>();
        ac_chars    = ac_database.get_ac_chars(blip.call_sign);

        if (xVal < -4.5 && yVal > 2.5)
        { //NW quadrant
            blip.current_altitude = (int)ac_chars[5] / 100;
            blip.descent_rate     = (int)ac_chars[11];
            blip.climb_rate       = (int)ac_chars[10];
            blip.ground_speed     = (int)ac_chars[9];
            blip.type             = ac_chars[1].ToString();
            blip.new_altitude     = (int)ac_chars[6];
            //blip.rotation = 60f; // (float)ac_chars[12];
            //blip.xVelocity = (decimal)heading["120"][0] / 1000; // (float)ac_chars[3];
            //blip.yVelocity = (decimal)heading["120"][1] / 1000; // (float)ac_chars[4];
            //blip.turn_rate = 1;
            //blip.quadrant = 3;
            blip.heading   = -120;
            blip.rz        = blip.heading;
            blip.call_sign = gameObject.name;

            blip.blip1_rotation = blip.rotation;
            blip.blip2_rotation = blip.rotation;
            blip.blip3_rotation = blip.rotation;
        else if (xVal < -6.0 && yVal < 0 && yVal > -1)
        { //direct from west
            print("Direct West");
            blip.current_altitude = (int)ac_chars[5] / 100;
            blip.descent_rate     = (int)ac_chars[11];
            blip.climb_rate       = (int)ac_chars[10];
            blip.ground_speed     = (int)ac_chars[9];
            blip.type             = ac_chars[1].ToString();
            blip.new_altitude     = (int)ac_chars[6];
            blip.rotation         = 90f;                              // (float)ac_chars[12];
            blip.xVelocity        = (decimal)heading["90"][0] / 1000; // (float)ac_chars[3];
            blip.yVelocity        = (decimal)heading["90"][1] / 1000; // (float)ac_chars[4];
            blip.heading          = 90;
            blip.turn_rate        = 1;
        else if (xVal < -3.5 && yVal < -4 && yVal > -4.5)
        { //from SW quadrant
            blip.current_altitude = (int)ac_chars[5] / 100;
            blip.descent_rate     = (int)ac_chars[11];
            blip.climb_rate       = (int)ac_chars[10];
            blip.ground_speed     = (int)ac_chars[9];
            blip.type             = ac_chars[1].ToString();
            blip.new_altitude     = (int)ac_chars[6];
            //blip.rotation = 130f; // (float)ac_chars[12];
            // REMOVE after testing blip.xVelocity = (decimal)heading["50"][0] / 1000; // (float)ac_chars[3];
            // REMOVE after testing blip.yVelocity = (decimal)heading["50"][1] / 1000; // (float)ac_chars[4];
            blip.heading   = -50;
            blip.rz        = blip.heading;
            blip.call_sign = gameObject.name;

            //blip.turn_rate = 1;
            //blip.quadrant = 4;

            blip.blip1_rotation = blip.rotation;
            blip.blip2_rotation = blip.rotation;
            blip.blip3_rotation = blip.rotation;
        else if (xVal > 6 && yVal < -4 && yVal > -4.5)
        { //from SE quadrant
            blip.current_altitude = (int)ac_chars[5] / 100;
            blip.descent_rate     = (int)ac_chars[11];
            blip.climb_rate       = (int)ac_chars[10];
            blip.ground_speed     = (int)ac_chars[9];
            blip.type             = ac_chars[1].ToString();
            blip.new_altitude     = (int)ac_chars[6];

            blip.heading   = -300;
            blip.rz        = blip.heading;
            blip.call_sign = gameObject.name;

            blip.blip1_rotation = blip.rotation;
            blip.blip2_rotation = blip.rotation;
            blip.blip3_rotation = blip.rotation;
            //blip.rotation = -120f; // (float)ac_chars[12];
            //blip.xVelocity = heading["300"][0]; // (float)ac_chars[3];
            //blip.yVelocity = heading["300"][1]; // (float)ac_chars[4];
            //blip.heading = (int)ac_chars[2];
            //blip.turn_rate = .017f;
            //GameObject text = GameObject.Find(blip.call_sign + "Canvas/datablock_text");
            //float xt = text.transform.position.x;
            //float yt = text.transform.position.y;
            //text.transform.position = new Vector2(xt+.5f, yt-.5f);
        else if (xVal > 3 && xVal < 4 && yVal > 3 && yVal < 4)
        { //from NE
            blip.current_altitude = (int)ac_chars[5] / 100;
            blip.descent_rate     = (int)ac_chars[11];
            blip.climb_rate       = (int)ac_chars[10];
            blip.ground_speed     = (int)ac_chars[9];
            blip.type             = ac_chars[1].ToString();
            blip.new_altitude     = (int)ac_chars[6];

            blip.heading   = -210;
            blip.rz        = blip.heading;
            blip.call_sign = gameObject.name;

            blip.blip1_rotation = blip.rotation;
            blip.blip2_rotation = blip.rotation;
            blip.blip3_rotation = blip.rotation;

        /*else if (xVal > 6 && yVal < .45 && yVal > 0)
         * { //from East
         *  print("East");
         *  blip.current_altitude = (int)ac_chars[5] / 100;
         *  blip.descent_rate = (int)ac_chars[11];
         *  blip.climb_rate = (int)ac_chars[10];
         *  blip.ground_speed = (int)ac_chars[9];
         *  blip.type = ac_chars[1].ToString();
         *  blip.new_altitude = (int)ac_chars[6];
         *  blip.rotation = -80f; // (float)ac_chars[12];
         *  blip.xVelocity = heading["260"][0]; // (float)ac_chars[3];
         *  blip.yVelocity = heading["260"][1]; // (float)ac_chars[4];
         *  blip.heading = (int)ac_chars[2];
         *  blip.turn_rate = .017f;
         *  GameObject text = GameObject.Find(blip.call_sign + "Canvas/datablock_text");
         *  float xt = text.transform.position.x;
         *  float yt = text.transform.position.y;
         *  //datablock
         *  text.transform.position = new Vector2(xt + .5f, yt);
         * }
         * else if (xVal > 3 && yVal < 3.95 && yVal > 3.75)
         * { //High Approach
         *  print("High Approach");
         *  blip.current_altitude = (int)ac_chars[5] / 100;
         *  blip.descent_rate = (int)ac_chars[11];
         *  blip.climb_rate = (int)ac_chars[10];
         *  blip.ground_speed = (int)ac_chars[9];
         *  blip.type = ac_chars[1].ToString();
         *  blip.new_altitude = (int)ac_chars[6];
         *  blip.rotation = -33f; // (float)ac_chars[12];
         *  blip.xVelocity = heading["210"][0]; // (float)ac_chars[3];
         *  blip.yVelocity = heading["210"][1]; // (float)ac_chars[4];
         *  blip.heading = (int)ac_chars[2];
         *  blip.turn_rate = .017f;
         *  GameObject text = GameObject.Find(blip.call_sign + "Canvas/datablock_text");
         *  float xt = text.transform.position.x;
         *  float yt = text.transform.position.y;
         *  text.transform.position = new Vector2(xt + .5f, yt);
         * }
         * else if (xVal > 0 && xVal < 1 && yVal < 0 && yVal > -1)
         * { //departure
         *  print("Departure");
         *  blip.departure = true;
         *  blip.current_altitude = 1000 / 100;
         *  blip.descent_rate = (int)ac_chars[11];
         *  blip.climb_rate = (int)ac_chars[10];
         *  blip.ground_speed = (int)ac_chars[9];
         *  blip.type = ac_chars[1].ToString();
         *  blip.new_altitude = 9000;
         *  blip.rotation = -33f; // (float)ac_chars[12];
         *  blip.xVelocity = heading["210"][0]; // (float)ac_chars[3];
         *  blip.yVelocity = heading["210"][1]; // (float)ac_chars[4];
         *  blip.heading = (int)ac_chars[2];
         *  blip.turn_rate = .017f;
         *  GameObject text = GameObject.Find(blip.call_sign + "Canvas/datablock_text");
         *  float xt = text.transform.position.x;
         *  float yt = text.transform.position.y;
         *  text.transform.position = new Vector2(xt + .5f, yt);
         *  climb(blip.new_altitude);
         * }
         * else  //Used for testing movement
         * {
         *  print("Test Movement");
         *  blip.current_altitude = (int)ac_chars[5] / 100;
         *  blip.descent_rate = (int)ac_chars[11];
         *  blip.climb_rate = (int)ac_chars[10];
         *  blip.ground_speed = (int)ac_chars[9];
         *  blip.type = ac_chars[1].ToString();
         *  blip.new_altitude = (int)ac_chars[6];
         *  blip.rotation = (float)ac_chars[12];
         *  blip.xVelocity = 10f; // (float)ac_chars[3];
         *  blip.yVelocity = 0f; // (float)ac_chars[4];
         * }*/