Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static Bitmap morph1(Bitmap srcimg, Line[] srclines, Line[] dstlines, WeightParams weightparams)
            if (srclines.Length != dstlines.Length)
                throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("srclines length ({0}) differs from dstlines length ({1})", srclines.Length, dstlines.Length));
            int nl = srclines.Length;

            Bitmap dstimg = new Bitmap(srcimg.Width, srcimg.Height);
            int w = dstimg.Width;
            int h = dstimg.Height;
            for (int y = 0; y < h; ++y)
                for (int x = 0; x < w; ++x)
                    Point X = new Point(x,y); //"X" is the name from the paper
                    float DSUMX = 0;
                    float DSUMY = 0;
                    float weightsum = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < nl; ++i)
                        Point P = dstlines[i].p;
                        Point Q = dstlines[i].q;
                        Point Ps = srclines[i].p;
                        Point Qs = srclines[i].q;

                        //Q,P, X -> v,u
                        Point QP = Q - P;
                        Point XP = X - P;
                        float QP_norm = QP.EuclideanNorm();
                        float u = dotp(XP, QP) / (QP_norm*QP_norm);
                        float v = dotp(XP, perp(QP)) / QP_norm;

                        //v,u, Ps,Qs -> Xs
                        Point QsPs = Qs - Ps;
                        Point QsPs_perp = perp(QsPs);
                        float QsPs_norm = QsPs.EuclideanNorm();
                        float Xsi = Ps.X + u * QsPs.X + v * QsPs_perp.X / QsPs_norm;
                        float Ysi = Ps.Y + u * QsPs.Y + v * QsPs_perp.Y / QsPs_norm;

                        //Xs -> Di
                        float DiX = Xsi - x;
                        float DiY = Ysi - y;

                        //Q,P, X -> dist
                        float dist;
                        if (u <= 0)
                            dist = XP.EuclideanNorm();
                        else if (u >= 1)
                            dist = (X - Q).EuclideanNorm();
                            dist = Math.Abs(v);

                        //dist, Q,P -> weight
                        float weight = weightparams.weight(QP_norm, dist);

                        //Di, weight -> D update
                        DSUMX += DiX * weight;
                        DSUMY += DiY * weight;
                        weightsum += weight;
                    //DSUM, weightsum -> Xs
                    float Xs = x + DSUMX/weightsum;
                    float Ys = y + DSUMY/weightsum;

                    if(Xs >=0 && Xs+1 < w && Ys >= 0 && Ys+1 < h) {
                        dstimg.SetPixel(x, y, interp(srcimg, Xs, Ys));
            return dstimg;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static void test_morph1(String srcimg, String dstimg, String srcfeat, String dstfeat)
            Bitmap srcbitmap = new Bitmap(Bitmap.FromFile(srcimg));
            Line[] srclines = Features.FromString(System.IO.File.ReadAllText(srcfeat)).floatlines();
            Line[] dstlines = Features.FromString(System.IO.File.ReadAllText(dstfeat)).floatlines();

            WeightParams weightparams = new WeightParams();
            weightparams.a = 0.1f;
            weightparams.b = 1;
            weightparams.p = 0;
            Bitmap dstbitmap = morph1(srcbitmap, srclines, dstlines, weightparams);

Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static void test_morph1_movie(String srcimg, String dstimgsfmt, String srcfeat, String dstfeat, int frames)
            Bitmap srcbitmap = new Bitmap(Bitmap.FromFile(srcimg));
            Line[] srclines = Features.FromString(System.IO.File.ReadAllText(srcfeat)).floatlines();
            Line[] dstlines = Features.FromString(System.IO.File.ReadAllText(dstfeat)).floatlines();

            for (int i = 0; i < frames; ++i)
                float w1 = 1 - (float)i/(float)(frames-1); //from 0 to 1, inclusive
                Line[] dstilines = new Line[dstlines.GetLength(0)];
                for (int j = 0; j < dstilines.GetLength(0); ++j)
                    dstilines[j] = LinesInterp.interp_endpoints(srclines[j], dstlines[j], w1);

                WeightParams weightparams = new WeightParams();
                weightparams.a = 0.1f;
                weightparams.b = 1;
                weightparams.p = 0;
                Bitmap dstbitmap = morph1(srcbitmap, srclines, dstilines, weightparams);

                String dstimg = String.Format(dstimgsfmt, i);