/// <summary> /// LoadContent will be called once per game and is the place to load /// all of your content. /// </summary> protected override async void LoadContent() { base.LoadContent(); IO = new IOComponent(this); Plugins = new PluginComponent(this); Network = new NetworkManager(this); await IO.Init(); await IO.LoadConfig(); await Network.Init(); Content = new ContentManager(); TextureLoader = new TextureLoader(Graphics.GraphicsDevice); Content.LoadTextures(Path.Combine(IO.Directories["Content"], "Textures"), this); if (IO.Config.Client.Resolution.X == 0 && IO.Config.Client.Resolution.Y == 0) { Graphics.PreferredBackBufferWidth = (int)(GraphicsAdapter.DefaultAdapter.CurrentDisplayMode.Width * .9); Graphics.PreferredBackBufferHeight = (int)(GraphicsAdapter.DefaultAdapter.CurrentDisplayMode.Height * .8); Graphics.ApplyChanges(); base.Window.Position = new Point( (GraphicsAdapter.DefaultAdapter.CurrentDisplayMode.Width - Graphics.PreferredBackBufferWidth) / 2, (GraphicsAdapter.DefaultAdapter.CurrentDisplayMode.Height - Graphics.PreferredBackBufferHeight) / 2); } else { Graphics.PreferredBackBufferWidth = IO.Config.Client.Resolution.X; Graphics.PreferredBackBufferHeight = IO.Config.Client.Resolution.Y; Graphics.ApplyChanges(); } // Initialize MonoForce after loading skins. UI.Initialize(); SpriteBatch = UI.Renderer.SpriteBatch; // Set the spritebatch to the Neoforce managed one // Create the main window for all content to be added to. Window = new MainWindow(UI, this); Window.Init(); UI.Add(Window); Window.SendToBack(); // Unlike the server, the clientside plugins must be loaded last. await Plugins.Init(); // Now that all the textures have been loaded, set the block textures foreach (var block in BlockType.Blocks.Where(x => x.IsRenderable)) { var str = "blocks." + (block.Category != null ? block.Category + "." : string.Empty) + block.Name; block.Texture = Content[str]; } }
public MapGameState(FortressGame game) : base(game) { Game = game; MapView view = new MapView(game.Session.Map); UIViewport viewport = new UIViewport(0, 0, game.Width, game.Height, view, game); UI.Add(viewport); }
private void Init() { CurrentCircuit = BaseCircuit; toolBox = new ToolBoxMenu(); UI.Add(new SelectionPanel(toolBox, false)); propMenu = new PropMenu(); SelectionPanel s = new SelectionPanel(propMenu, true); s.pos.x = width; UI.Add(s); escapeKey = Keyboard.key("esc"); }
private void InitializeUI() { _panels = new UI(this); if (_gw.Registered) { Log("Office::InitializeUI", "Creating TST-902 on {0}", _gw.Name); _tp = new Tst902(_cfg.GetInteger("panel", "rf_id", 0x03), _gw); _panels.Add_902(_tp); } Log("Office::InitializeUI", "Creating XPanel"); _xpanel = new XpanelForSmartGraphics(_cfg.GetInteger("xpanel", "ip_id", 0x04), _sys); _panels.Add(_xpanel); Log("Office::InitializeUI", "Registering devices"); _panels.Register(); }
public App() { _gui = new UI(); AppLayout.Load(); var tabs = new Tabs("section_nav", Game.Canvas.Width, Game.Canvas.Height, AppLayout.Data.SectionSelectorTabWidth, AppLayout.Data.SectionSelectorTabHeight); var sprite_tab = tabs.AddTab("SPRITE"); var map_tab = tabs.AddTab("MAP"); var sprite_editor = new SpriteEditor("sprite_editor", sprite_tab.Width, sprite_tab.Height); sprite_tab.Add(sprite_editor); sprite_editor.Align(Alignment.Center); _gui.Add(tabs); }
public ShipDesignerGameState(SpaceGame game) : base(game) { game.Resized += OnResized; Map = new ShipDesignerMap(game.Data); ShipDesignerMapView mapView = new ShipDesignerMapView(Map); UIViewport mapViewport = new UIViewport(96, 0, UI.Width - 96, UI.Height, mapView, game); mapViewport.IsAlwaysAtBottom = true; ShipDesignerModuleView moduleView = new ShipDesignerModuleView(Map); UIViewport moduleViewport = new UIViewport(0, 0, 96, UI.Height, moduleView, game); moduleViewport.IsAlwaysAtBottom = true; SpriteData testSprite = game.Data.Sprites["TestIcon"]; UIButtonSimple testButton = new UIButtonSimple( mapViewport.Bounds.Right - testSprite.Width * 4, mapViewport.Bounds.Bottom - testSprite.Height, testSprite.Width, testSprite.Height, Map.TestShip, testSprite.Base); //testButton.Tooltip = "Test the ship"; SpriteData newSprite = game.Data.Sprites["NewIcon"]; UIButtonSimple newButton = new UIButtonSimple( mapViewport.Bounds.Right - newSprite.Width * 3, mapViewport.Bounds.Bottom - newSprite.Height, newSprite.Width, newSprite.Height, Map.NewShip, newSprite.Base); //newButton.Tooltip = "Create a new ship"; SpriteData saveSprite = game.Data.Sprites["SaveIcon"]; UIButtonSimple saveButton = new UIButtonSimple( mapViewport.Bounds.Right - saveSprite.Width * 2, mapViewport.Bounds.Bottom - saveSprite.Height, saveSprite.Width, saveSprite.Height, Map.SaveShip, saveSprite.Base); //saveButton.Tooltip = "Save the current ship"; SpriteData loadSprite = game.Data.Sprites["LoadIcon"]; UIButtonSimple loadButton = new UIButtonSimple( mapViewport.Bounds.Right - loadSprite.Width, mapViewport.Bounds.Bottom - loadSprite.Height, loadSprite.Width, loadSprite.Height, Map.LoadShip, loadSprite.Base); //loadButton.Tooltip = "Load a ship"; UI.Add(testButton, newButton, saveButton, loadButton, moduleViewport, mapViewport); }
internal GSMenu(Vector2 center, int width, int height) : base(center, width, height) { Console.WriteLine("UIScale: " + Settings.UIScale); Console.WriteLine("Entering Menu!"); UI.Add(new UITextObject(new Rectangle(-128, 10, 256, 128), Anchor.Top, GameState.canvas, "SETTINGS", Color.Black, font, textAlignment.Center, 3.0f, false)); UI.Add(new UITextObject(new Rectangle(-384, -192, 256, 64), Anchor.Center, GameState.canvas, "RESOLUTION", Color.Black, font, textAlignment.Left, 1f, false)); UI.Add(new UITextObject(new Rectangle(-384, -64, 256, 64), Anchor.Center, GameState.canvas, "WINDOW MODE", Color.Black, font, textAlignment.Left, 1f, false)); UI.Add(new UITextObject(new Rectangle(-384, 64, 256, 64), Anchor.Center, GameState.canvas, "UI SIZE", Color.Black, font, textAlignment.Left, 1f, false)); UI.Add(new UITextObject(new Rectangle(0, -192, 256, 64), Anchor.Center, GameState.canvas, "MASTER VOLUME", Color.Black, font, textAlignment.Left, 1f, false)); UI.Add(new UITextObject(new Rectangle(0, -64, 256, 64), Anchor.Center, GameState.canvas, "MUSIC VOLUME", Color.Black, font, textAlignment.Left, 1f, false)); UI.Add(new UITextObject(new Rectangle(0, 64, 256, 64), Anchor.Center, GameState.canvas, "EFFECT VOLUME", Color.Black, font, textAlignment.Left, 1f, false)); UI.Add(resolutionButton = new CycleButton <Point>(new Rectangle(-184, -192, 128, 32), Anchor.Center, GameState.canvas, resolutionOptions, resolutionLabels)); UI.Add(windowModeButton = new CycleButton <bool>(new Rectangle(-184, -64, 128, 32), Anchor.Center, GameState.canvas, new bool[] { false, true }, new string[] { "windowed", "fullscreen" })); UI.Add(UIScaleButton = new CycleButton <float>(new Rectangle(-184, 64, 128, 32), Anchor.Center, GameState.canvas, uiScaleOptions, uiScaleLabels)); UI.Add(masterVolumeButton = new CycleButton <float>(new Rectangle(224, -192, 128, 32), Anchor.Center, GameState.canvas, volumeOptions, volumeLabels)); UI.Add(musicVolumeButton = new CycleButton <float>(new Rectangle(224, -64, 128, 32), Anchor.Center, GameState.canvas, volumeOptions, volumeLabels)); UI.Add(effectVolumeButton = new CycleButton <float>(new Rectangle(224, 64, 128, 32), Anchor.Center, GameState.canvas, volumeOptions, volumeLabels)); UI.Add(exitGameButton = new UIButton(new Rectangle(16, -96, 64, 32), "views/menu/wood_button_2", "", Anchor.Bottom, GameState.canvas)); new UITextObject(exitGameButton, "EXIT", Color.Black, font, textAlignment.Center, 1.0f, false); UI.Add(continueButton = new UIButton(new Rectangle(-80, -96, 64, 32), "views/menu/wood_button_2", "", Anchor.Bottom, GameState.canvas)); new UITextObject(continueButton, "APPLY", Color.Black, font, textAlignment.Center, 1.0f, false); resolutionButton.SetCurrentValue(Settings.Resolution); windowModeButton.SetCurrentValue(Settings.FullScreen); UIScaleButton.SetCurrentValue(Settings.UIScale); masterVolumeButton.SetCurrentValue(Settings.MasterVolume); musicVolumeButton.SetCurrentValue(Settings.MusicVolume); effectVolumeButton.SetCurrentValue(Settings.EffectVolume); continueButton.OnMouseUp += StartHandler; exitGameButton.OnMouseUp += ExitHandler; }
public override void Load() { ui = new UI() { DrawStats = false }; var tabs = new Tabs("tabs", Game.Canvas.Width, Game.Canvas.Height, 200, 20); var panel1 = tabs.AddTab("Window"); var panel2 = tabs.AddTab("List View"); var panel3 = tabs.AddTab("Layout"); var button_panel_1 = new Button("button_panel_1", "Open Window", 160); var list_view = new ListView("list_view", 250, 200); list_view.AddItem("Item1", null); list_view.AddItem("Item2", null); list_view.AddItem("Item3", null); list_view.AddItem("Item4", null); list_view.AddItem("Item1", null); list_view.AddItem("Item2", null); list_view.AddItem("Item3", null); list_view.AddItem("Item4", null); list_view.AddItem("Item1", null); list_view.AddItem("Item2", null); list_view.AddItem("Item3", null); list_view.AddItem("Item4", null); list_view.AddItem("Item1", null); list_view.AddItem("Item2", null); list_view.AddItem("Item3", null); list_view.OnSelect += item => { Console.WriteLine($"Selected: {item.Label}"); }; var layout_container = new Container("layout_container", 300, 300); layout_container.Add(new Button("layout_container_b1", "B1", 50)); layout_container.Add(new Button("layout_container_b2", "B3", 50)); layout_container.Add(new Button("layout_container_b2", "B3", 50)); layout_container.Layout(Orientation.Vertical, ContainerAlignment.Stretch, ContainerAlignment.End, 10, 10); layout_container.DebugColor = 10; panel1.Add(button_panel_1); panel2.Add(list_view); panel3.Add(layout_container); layout_container.Align(Alignment.Center); button_panel_1.Align(Alignment.Center); list_view.Align(Alignment.Center); ui.Add(tabs); var window = new Window("window", 300, 300); ui.SetVisible(window, false); ui.Add(window); button_panel_1.OnClick += () => { window.ShowAndFocus(); }; }
public MainMenu() { UI.Add(new UIButton("New", new NewWorkTable(), new Vector2(width / 2 - 150, height / 2), new Vector2(300, 50))); UI.Add(new UIButton("Load", null, new Vector2(width / 2 - 150, height / 2 + 55), new Vector2(300, 50))); UI.Add(new UIButton("Exit", new ExitApp(), new Vector2(width / 2 - 150, height / 2 + 110), new Vector2(300, 50))); }