/// <summary>
        /// Write element end tag. Each element may contain
        /// a single dictionary, a single value, or multiple array items.
        /// The element name passed to this method must match the element name passed
        /// to the matching WriteStartElement(...) call at the same indent level.
        /// </summary>
        public void WriteEndElement(string elementName)
            // Check state transition matrix
            if (currentState_ == TreeWriterState.ElementStarted)
                currentState_ = TreeWriterState.ElementCompleted;
            else if (currentState_ == TreeWriterState.DictCompleted)
                currentState_ = TreeWriterState.ElementCompleted;
            else if (currentState_ == TreeWriterState.ValueCompleted)
                currentState_ = TreeWriterState.ElementCompleted;
            else if (currentState_ == TreeWriterState.ArrayCompleted)
                currentState_ = TreeWriterState.ElementCompleted;
                throw new Exception(
                          $"A call to WriteEndElement(...) does not follow a matching WriteStartElement(...) at the same indent level.");

            // Check that the current element name matches the specified name. Writing the actual end tag
            // occurs inside one of WriteStartDict, WriteStartArrayItem, or WriteStartValue calls.
            if (elementName != currentElementName_)
                throw new Exception(
                          $"EndComplexElement({elementName}) follows StartComplexElement({currentElementName_}), element name mismatch.");
        /// <summary>
        /// Write start document tags. This method
        /// should be called only once for the entire document.
        /// </summary>
        public void WriteStartDocument(string rootElementName)
            // Check transition matrix
            if (currentState_ == TreeWriterState.Empty && elementStack_.Count == 0)
                currentState_ = TreeWriterState.DocumentStarted;
                throw new Exception(
                          $"A call to WriteStartDocument(...) must be the first call to the tree writer.");

            // Get root XML element name using mapped final type of the object
            string rootName = currentDict_.GetType().Name;

            // Check that the name matches
            if (rootElementName != rootName)
                throw new Exception(
                          $"Attempting to deserialize data for type {rootElementName} into type {rootName}.");

            rootElementName_    = rootElementName;
            currentElementName_ = rootElementName;
            var currentDictInfoList = DataTypeInfo.GetOrCreate(currentDict_).DataElements;

            currentDictElements_ = new Dictionary <string, PropertyInfo>();
            foreach (var elementInfo in currentDictInfoList)
                currentDictElements_.Add(elementInfo.Name, elementInfo);
            currentArray_         = null;
            currentArrayItemType_ = null;
        /// <summary>
        /// Write element start tag. Each element may contain
        /// a single dictionary, a single value, or multiple array items.
        /// </summary>
        public void WriteStartElement(string elementName)
            if (currentState_ == TreeWriterState.DocumentStarted)
                currentState_ = TreeWriterState.ElementStarted;
            else if (currentState_ == TreeWriterState.ElementCompleted)
                currentState_ = TreeWriterState.ElementStarted;
            else if (currentState_ == TreeWriterState.DictStarted)
                currentState_ = TreeWriterState.ElementStarted;
            else if (currentState_ == TreeWriterState.DictArrayItemStarted)
                currentState_ = TreeWriterState.ElementStarted;
                throw new Exception(
                          $"A call to WriteStartElement(...) must be the first call or follow WriteEndElement(prevName).");

            currentElementName_ = elementName;
            currentElementInfo_ = currentDictElements_[elementName];
        /// <summary>Pop state from the stack.</summary>
        private void PopState()
            // Pop the outer element name and state from the element stack
            var stackItem = elementStack_.Pop();

            currentElementName_   = stackItem.CurrentElementName;
            currentState_         = stackItem.CurrentState;
            currentDict_          = stackItem.CurrentDict;
            currentDictElements_  = stackItem.CurrentDictElements;
            currentElementInfo_   = stackItem.CurrentElementInfo;
            currentArray_         = stackItem.CurrentArray;
            currentArrayItemType_ = stackItem.CurrentArrayItemType;
        /// <summary>
        /// Write end tag for an array. A call to this method
        /// must be followed by WriteEndElement(name).
        /// </summary>
        public void WriteEndArray()
            // Check state transition matrix
            if (currentState_ == TreeWriterState.ArrayItemCompleted)
                currentState_ = TreeWriterState.ArrayCompleted;
                throw new Exception(
                          $"A call to WriteEndArray(...) does not follow WriteEndArrayItem(...).");

            // Pop state
 /// <summary>
 /// Write value start tag. A call to this method
 /// must follow WriteStartElement(...) or WriteStartArrayItem().
 /// </summary>
 public void WriteStartValue()
     // Check state transition matrix
     if (currentState_ == TreeWriterState.ElementStarted)
         currentState_ = TreeWriterState.ValueStarted;
     else if (currentState_ == TreeWriterState.ArrayItemStarted)
         currentState_ = TreeWriterState.ValueArrayItemStarted;
         throw new Exception(
                   $"A call to WriteStartValue() must follow WriteStartElement(...) or WriteStartArrayItem().");
        /// <summary>
        /// Write value end tag. A call to this method
        /// must be followed by WriteEndElement(...) or WriteEndArrayItem().
        /// </summary>
        public void WriteEndValue()
            // Check state transition matrix
            if (currentState_ == TreeWriterState.ValueWritten)
                currentState_ = TreeWriterState.ValueCompleted;
            else if (currentState_ == TreeWriterState.ValueArrayItemWritten)
                currentState_ = TreeWriterState.ValueArrayItemCompleted;
                throw new Exception(
                          $"A call to WriteEndValue(...) does not follow a matching WriteValue(...) at the same indent level.");

            // Nothing to write here
        /// <summary>
        /// Write end document tag. This method
        /// should be called only once for the entire document.
        /// The root element name passed to this method must match the root element
        /// name passed to the preceding call to WriteStartDocument(...).
        /// </summary>
        public void WriteEndDocument(string rootElementName)
            // Check state transition matrix
            if (currentState_ == TreeWriterState.DocumentStarted && elementStack_.Count == 0)
                currentState_ = TreeWriterState.DocumentCompleted;
                throw new Exception(
                          $"A call to WriteEndDocument(...) does not follow  WriteEndElement(...) at at root level.");

            // Check that the current element name matches the specified name. Writing the actual end tag
            // occurs inside one of WriteStartDict, WriteStartArrayItem, or WriteStartValue calls.
            if (rootElementName != rootElementName_)
                throw new Exception(
                          $"WriteEndDocument({rootElementName}) follows WriteStartDocument({rootElementName_}), root element name mismatch.");
        /// <summary>
        /// Write end tag for an array item. A call to this method
        /// must be followed by either WriteEndArray() or WriteStartArrayItem().
        /// </summary>
        public void WriteEndArrayItem()
            // Check state transition matrix
            if (currentState_ == TreeWriterState.ArrayItemStarted)
                currentState_ = TreeWriterState.ArrayItemCompleted;
            else if (currentState_ == TreeWriterState.DictArrayItemCompleted)
                currentState_ = TreeWriterState.ArrayItemCompleted;
            else if (currentState_ == TreeWriterState.ValueArrayItemCompleted)
                currentState_ = TreeWriterState.ArrayItemCompleted;
                throw new Exception(
                          $"A call to WriteEndArrayItem(...) does not follow a matching WriteStartArrayItem(...) at the same indent level.");

            // Do nothing here
Ejemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Write dictionary end tag. A call to this method
        /// must be followed by WriteEndElement(...) or WriteEndArrayItem().
        /// </summary>
        public void WriteEndDict()
            // Check state transition matrix
            if (currentState_ == TreeWriterState.DictStarted)
                currentState_ = TreeWriterState.DictCompleted;
            else if (currentState_ == TreeWriterState.DictArrayItemStarted)
                currentState_ = TreeWriterState.DictArrayItemCompleted;
            else if (currentState_ == TreeWriterState.ElementCompleted)
                currentState_ = TreeWriterState.DictCompleted;
                throw new Exception(
                          $"A call to WriteEndDict(...) does not follow a matching WriteStartDict(...) at the same indent level.");

            // Restore previous state
Ejemplo n.º 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Write atomic value. Value type
        /// will be inferred from object.GetType().
        /// </summary>
        public void WriteValue(object value)
            // Check state transition matrix
            if (currentState_ == TreeWriterState.ValueStarted)
                currentState_ = TreeWriterState.ValueWritten;
            else if (currentState_ == TreeWriterState.ValueArrayItemStarted)
                currentState_ = TreeWriterState.ValueArrayItemWritten;
                throw new Exception(
                          $"A call to WriteEndValue(...) does not follow a matching WriteValue(...) at the same indent level.");

            // Check that we are either inside dictionary or array
            Type elementType = null;

            if (currentArray_ != null)
                elementType = currentArrayItemType_;
            else if (currentDict_ != null)
                elementType = currentElementInfo_.PropertyType;
                throw new Exception($"Cannot WriteValue(...)for element {currentElementName_} " +
                                    $"is called outside dictionary or array.");

            if (value.IsEmpty())
                // Do not record null or empty value into dictionary, but add it to an array
                // Add to dictionary or array, depending on what we are inside of
                if (currentArray_ != null)
                    currentArray_[currentArray_.Count - 1] = null;

            // Write based on element type
            Type valueType = value.GetType();

            if (elementType == typeof(string) ||
                elementType == typeof(double) || elementType == typeof(double?) ||
                elementType == typeof(bool) || elementType == typeof(bool?) ||
                elementType == typeof(int) || elementType == typeof(int?) ||
                elementType == typeof(long) || elementType == typeof(long?))
                // Check type match
                if (!elementType.IsAssignableFrom(valueType))
                    throw new Exception(
                              $"Attempting to deserialize value of type {valueType.Name} " +
                              $"into element of type {elementType.Name}.");

                // Add to array or dictionary, depending on what we are inside of
                if (currentArray_ != null)
                    currentArray_[currentArray_.Count - 1] = value;
                else if (currentDict_ != null)
                    currentElementInfo_.SetValue(currentDict_, value);
                    throw new Exception($"Value can only be added to a dictionary or array.");
            else if (elementType == typeof(LocalDate) || elementType == typeof(LocalDate?))
                // Check type match
                if (valueType != typeof(int))
                    throw new Exception(
                              $"Attempting to deserialize value of type {valueType.Name} " +
                              $"into LocalDate; type should be int32.");

                // Deserialize LocalDate as ISO int in yyyymmdd format
                LocalDate dateValue = LocalDateUtil.FromIsoInt((int)value);

                // Add to array or dictionary, depending on what we are inside of
                if (currentArray_ != null)
                    currentArray_[currentArray_.Count - 1] = dateValue;
                else if (currentDict_ != null)
                    currentElementInfo_.SetValue(currentDict_, dateValue);
                    throw new Exception($"Value can only be added to a dictionary or array.");
            else if (elementType == typeof(LocalTime) || elementType == typeof(LocalTime?))
                // Check type match
                if (valueType != typeof(int))
                    throw new Exception(
                              $"Attempting to deserialize value of type {valueType.Name} " +
                              $"into LocalTime; type should be int32.");

                // Deserialize LocalTime as ISO int in hhmmssfff format
                LocalTime timeValue = LocalTimeUtil.FromIsoInt((int)value);

                // Add to array or dictionary, depending on what we are inside of
                if (currentArray_ != null)
                    currentArray_[currentArray_.Count - 1] = timeValue;
                else if (currentDict_ != null)
                    currentElementInfo_.SetValue(currentDict_, timeValue);
                    throw new Exception($"Value can only be added to a dictionary or array.");
            else if (elementType == typeof(LocalMinute) || elementType == typeof(LocalMinute?))
                // Check type match
                if (valueType != typeof(int))
                    throw new Exception(
                              $"Attempting to deserialize value of type {valueType.Name} " +
                              $"into LocalMinute; type should be int32.");

                // Deserialize LocalTime as ISO int in hhmmssfff format
                LocalMinute minuteValue = LocalMinuteUtil.FromIsoInt((int)value);

                // Add to array or dictionary, depending on what we are inside of
                if (currentArray_ != null)
                    currentArray_[currentArray_.Count - 1] = minuteValue;
                else if (currentDict_ != null)
                    currentElementInfo_.SetValue(currentDict_, minuteValue);
                    throw new Exception($"Value can only be added to a dictionary or array.");
            else if (elementType == typeof(LocalDateTime) || elementType == typeof(LocalDateTime?))
                // Check type match
                if (valueType != typeof(long))
                    throw new Exception(
                              $"Attempting to deserialize value of type {valueType.Name} " +
                              $"into LocalDateTime; type should be int64.");

                // Deserialize LocalDateTime as ISO long in yyyymmddhhmmssfff format
                LocalDateTime dateTimeValue = LocalDateTimeUtil.FromIsoLong((long)value);

                // Add to array or dictionary, depending on what we are inside of
                if (currentArray_ != null)
                    currentArray_[currentArray_.Count - 1] = dateTimeValue;
                else if (currentDict_ != null)
                    currentElementInfo_.SetValue(currentDict_, dateTimeValue);
                    throw new Exception($"Value can only be added to a dictionary or array.");
            else if (elementType == typeof(Instant) || elementType == typeof(Instant?))
                // Check type match
                if (valueType != typeof(long))
                    throw new Exception(
                              $"Attempting to deserialize value of type {valueType.Name} " +
                              $"into Instant; type should be int64.");

                // Deserialize Instant as ISO long in yyyymmddhhmmssfff format
                Instant instantValue = InstantUtil.FromIsoLong((long)value);

                // Add to array or dictionary, depending on what we are inside of
                if (currentArray_ != null)
                    currentArray_[currentArray_.Count - 1] = instantValue;
                else if (currentDict_ != null)
                    currentElementInfo_.SetValue(currentDict_, instantValue);
                    throw new Exception($"Value can only be added to a dictionary or array.");
            else if (elementType.IsEnum)
                // Check type match
                if (valueType != typeof(string))
                    throw new Exception(
                              $"Attempting to deserialize value of type {valueType.Name} " +
                              $"into enum {elementType.Name}; type should be string.");

                string stringValue = (string)value;

                // Deserialize enum as string
                string enumString = (string)value;
                object enumValue  = Enum.Parse(elementType, enumString);

                // Add to array or dictionary, depending on what we are inside of
                if (currentArray_ != null)
                    currentArray_[currentArray_.Count - 1] = enumValue;
                else if (currentDict_ != null)
                    currentElementInfo_.SetValue(currentDict_, enumValue);
                    throw new Exception($"Value can only be added to a dictionary or array.");
                // We run out of value types at this point, now we can create
                // a reference type and check that it implements Key
                object keyObj = (Key)Activator.CreateInstance(elementType);
                if (keyObj is Key)
                    Key key = (Key)keyObj;

                    // Check type match
                    if (valueType != typeof(string) && valueType != elementType)
                        throw new Exception(
                                  $"Attempting to deserialize value of type {valueType.Name} " +
                                  $"into key type {elementType.Name}; keys should be serialized into semicolon delimited string.");

                    // Populate by parsing semicolon delimited string
                    string stringValue = value.AsString();

                    // Add to array or dictionary, depending on what we are inside of
                    if (currentArray_ != null)
                        currentArray_[currentArray_.Count - 1] = key;
                    else if (currentDict_ != null)
                        currentElementInfo_.SetValue(currentDict_, key);
                        throw new Exception($"Value can only be added to a dictionary or array.");
                    // Argument type is unsupported, error message
                    throw new Exception($"Element type {value.GetType()} is not supported for serialization.");
Ejemplo n.º 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Write start tag for an array item. A call to this method
        /// must follow either WriteStartArray(...) or WriteEndArrayItem().
        /// </summary>
        public void WriteStartArrayItem()
            // Check state transition matrix
            if (currentState_ == TreeWriterState.ArrayStarted)
                currentState_ = TreeWriterState.ArrayItemStarted;
            else if (currentState_ == TreeWriterState.ArrayItemCompleted)
                currentState_ = TreeWriterState.ArrayItemStarted;
                throw new Exception(
                          $"A call to WriteStartArrayItem() must follow WriteStartElement(...) or WriteEndArrayItem().");

            object addedItem = null;

            if (currentArrayItemType_ == typeof(string))
                addedItem = null;
            else if (currentArrayItemType_ == typeof(double))
                addedItem = default(double);
            else if (currentArrayItemType_ == typeof(double?))
                addedItem = null;
            else if (currentArrayItemType_ == typeof(bool))
                addedItem = default(bool);
            else if (currentArrayItemType_ == typeof(bool?))
                addedItem = null;
            else if (currentArrayItemType_ == typeof(int))
                addedItem = default(int);
            else if (currentArrayItemType_ == typeof(int?))
                addedItem = null;
            else if (currentArrayItemType_ == typeof(long))
                addedItem = default(long);
            else if (currentArrayItemType_ == typeof(long?))
                addedItem = null;
            else if (currentArrayItemType_ == typeof(LocalDate))
                addedItem = default(LocalDate);
            else if (currentArrayItemType_ == typeof(LocalDate?))
                addedItem = null;
            else if (currentArrayItemType_ == typeof(LocalTime))
                addedItem = default(LocalTime);
            else if (currentArrayItemType_ == typeof(LocalTime?))
                addedItem = null;
            else if (currentArrayItemType_ == typeof(LocalMinute))
                addedItem = default(LocalMinute);
            else if (currentArrayItemType_ == typeof(LocalMinute?))
                addedItem = null;
            else if (currentArrayItemType_ == typeof(LocalDateTime))
                addedItem = default(LocalDateTime);
            else if (currentArrayItemType_ == typeof(LocalDateTime?))
                addedItem = null;
            else if (currentArrayItemType_ == typeof(Instant))
                addedItem = default(Instant);
            else if (currentArrayItemType_ == typeof(Instant?))
                addedItem = null;
            else if (currentArrayItemType_.IsClass)
                addedItem = null;
                throw new Exception($"Value type {currentArrayItemType_.Name} is not supported for serialization.");

Ejemplo n.º 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Write start tag for an array. A call to this method
        /// must follow WriteStartElement(name).
        /// </summary>
        public void WriteStartArray()
            // Push state

            // Check state transition matrix
            if (currentState_ == TreeWriterState.ElementStarted)
                currentState_ = TreeWriterState.ArrayStarted;
                throw new Exception(
                          $"A call to WriteStartArray() must follow WriteStartElement(...).");

            // Create the array
            object createdArrayObj = Activator.CreateInstance(currentElementInfo_.PropertyType);

            if (createdArrayObj is IList) // TODO Also support native arrays
                var createdArray = (IList)createdArrayObj;

                // Add to array or dictionary, depending on what we are inside of
                if (currentArray_ != null)
                    currentArray_[currentArray_.Count - 1] = createdArray;
                else if (currentDict_ != null)
                    currentElementInfo_.SetValue(currentDict_, createdArray);
                    throw new Exception($"Value can only be added to a dictionary or array.");

                currentArray_ = createdArray;

                // Get array item type from array type using reflection
                Type listType = currentElementInfo_.PropertyType;
                if (!listType.IsGenericType)
                    throw new Exception(
                              $"Type {listType} cannot be serialized because it implements only IList but not IList<T>.");
                Type[] genericParameterTypes = listType.GenericTypeArguments;
                if (genericParameterTypes.Length != 1)
                    throw new Exception(
                              $"Generic parameter type list {genericParameterTypes} has more than " +
                              $"one element creating an ambiguity for deserialization code.");
                currentArrayItemType_ = genericParameterTypes[0];

                currentDict_         = null;
                currentElementInfo_  = null;
                currentDictElements_ = null;
                string className = currentElementInfo_.PropertyType.Name;
                throw new Exception(
                          $"Element {currentElementInfo_.Name} of type {className} does not implement ICollection.");
Ejemplo n.º 14
        /// <summary>
        /// Write dictionary start tag. A call to this method
        /// must follow WriteStartElement(...) or WriteStartArrayItem().
        /// </summary>
        public void WriteStartDict()
            // Push state before defining dictionary state

            // Check state transition matrix
            if (currentState_ == TreeWriterState.DocumentStarted)
                currentState_ = TreeWriterState.DictStarted;

                // Return if this call follows StartDocument, all setup is done in StartDocument
            else if (currentState_ == TreeWriterState.ElementStarted)
                currentState_ = TreeWriterState.DictStarted;
            else if (currentState_ == TreeWriterState.ArrayItemStarted)
                currentState_ = TreeWriterState.DictArrayItemStarted;
                throw new Exception(
                          $"A call to WriteStartDict() must follow WriteStartElement(...) or WriteStartArrayItem().");

            // Set dictionary info
            Type createdDictType = null;

            if (currentArray_ != null)
                createdDictType = currentArrayItemType_;
            else if (currentDict_ != null)
                createdDictType = currentElementInfo_.PropertyType;
                throw new Exception($"Value can only be added to a dictionary or array.");

            object createdDictObj = Activator.CreateInstance(createdDictType);

            if (!(createdDictObj is Data)) // TODO Also support native dictionaries
                string className = currentElementInfo_.PropertyType.Name;
                throw new Exception(
                          $"Element {currentElementInfo_.Name} of type {className} does not implement Data.");

            var createdDict = (Data)createdDictObj;

            // Add to array or dictionary, depending on what we are inside of
            if (currentArray_ != null)
                currentArray_[currentArray_.Count - 1] = createdDict;
            else if (currentDict_ != null)
                currentElementInfo_.SetValue(currentDict_, createdDict);
                throw new Exception($"Value can only be added to a dictionary or array.");

            currentDict_ = (Data)createdDict;
            var currentDictInfoList = DataTypeInfo.GetOrCreate(createdDictType).DataElements;

            currentDictElements_ = new Dictionary <string, PropertyInfo>();
            foreach (var elementInfo in currentDictInfoList)
                currentDictElements_.Add(elementInfo.Name, elementInfo);
            currentArray_         = null;
            currentArrayItemType_ = null;