Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void ButtonUpdate_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            if (dataContext == null)
                dataContext = new DataClassesProjectClassifyDataContext();
            Prizes prizes = dataContext.Prizes.FirstOrDefault(p => p.ID.Equals(_currentPrizeID));

            if (prizes != null)
                var prizeses =
                        p =>
                        p.Name.Equals(prizes.Name) && p.AccountName.Equals(prizes.AccountName) && p.PayYear.Equals(prizes.PayYear) &&
                        p.Department.Equals(prizes.Department) && p.PrizeClassify.Equals(prizes.PrizeClassify) &&
                        p.Project.Equals(prizes.Project) && p.AwardName.Equals(prizes.AwardName));
                    foreach (var pr in prizeses)
                        pr.Prize = Convert.ToDecimal(TextBoxPrize.Text);
                catch (Exception error)
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public Prizes GetPrizeById(int id)
                DbCommand command = _factory.CreateCommand();
                command.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM Prizes WHERE Id = @id";

                command.Parameters.Add(instance.GetParameter("id", id, _factory));

                DbDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader();

                if (reader.Read())
                    Prizes prize = new Prizes();

                    prize.Id         = Convert.ToInt32(reader["Id"]);
                    prize.PictureSrc = Convert.ToString(reader["PictureSrc"]);
                    prize.PrizeName  = Convert.ToString(reader["PrizeName"]);


            catch (DbException)
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public void AddPrize(LuckyDipPrize prize)
     if (!Prizes.Contains(prize) && OnAddPrize(prize))
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public List <Prizes> GetPrizes()
                DbCommand command = _factory.CreateCommand();

                command.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM Prizes";

                DbDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader();

                while (reader.Read())
                    Prizes prize = new Prizes();

                    prize.Id         = Convert.ToInt32(reader["Id"]);
                    prize.PictureSrc = Convert.ToString(reader["PictureSrc"]);
                    prize.PrizeName  = Convert.ToString(reader["PrizeName"]);


            catch (DbException)
Ejemplo n.º 5
        private void DataGridPrizes_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
            if (DataGridPrizes.SelectedItem == null)
                _currentPrizeID             = 0;
                GridPrizeDetail.DataContext = null;
                Prize prize = (Prize)DataGridPrizes.SelectedItem;
                _currentPrize = new Prize();
                _currentPrize = prize;
                Prizes prizes =
                        p => p.Name.Equals(prize.Name) && p.AccountName.Equals(prize.AccountName) &&
                        p.Department.Equals(prize.Department) && p.PrizeClassify.Equals(prize.PrizeClassify) &&
                        & p.AwardName.Equals(prize.AwardName) && p.PayYear.Equals(prize.PayYear) &&

                _currentPrizeID             = prizes?.ID ?? 0;
                GridPrizeDetail.DataContext = prize;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public void RemovePrize(IPrize prize)
     if (Prizes.Contains(prize))
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public void RemovePrizes()
     foreach (IPrize prize in Prizes)
Ejemplo n.º 8
 private string GetData()
     this._id      = ID;
     this._name    = NAME;
     this._address = Address;
     this._prizes  = PRIZES;
     return(string.Format("ID: {0}\nName: {1}\nAddress: {2}\nPrizes: {3}\n"
                          , _id, _name, _address, _prizes));
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public override Boolean Check(CompetitionPoster @object)
     return((Discipline?.Check(@object.Discipline) ?? true) &&
            (Prizes?.Check(@object.Prizes) ?? true) &&
            (StarterPackItems?.Check(@object.StarterPacks) ?? true) &&
            (Description?.Check(@object.Description) ?? true) &&
            ((SlotCost?.Check(@object.SlotCost.Minimum.Amount) ?? true) ||
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public void InitPrizes()
            if (Prizes == null)
                Prizes = new List <LuckyDipPrize>();

Ejemplo n.º 11
        public virtual IEnumerable <LuckyDipPrize> GetPrizes(double chance)
            if (Prizes == null || Prizes.Count == 0)
                yield break;

            Normalize(ref chance);

            foreach (var p in Prizes.Where(e => !e.Disabled && e.Chance >= chance).OrderByDescending(e => e.Chance))
                yield return(p);
Ejemplo n.º 12
 /// <summary>
 /// 初始化抽奖容器
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns></returns>
 private void InitLotteryDrawContainer()
     if (!Prizes.IsNull() && Prizes.Count > 0)
         int lastMax = 0;
         Container = new Dictionary <string, ArrayList>();
         foreach (KeyValuePair <string, byte> ld in Prizes)
             ArrayList typeRange = CreateTypeRange(ld.Value, lastMax);
             Container.Add(ld.Key, typeRange);
             lastMax = (int)typeRange[1];
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public virtual LuckyDipPrize[] GetPrizes(double chance)
            if (Prizes == null || Prizes.Count == 0)
                return(new LuckyDipPrize[0]);

            Normalize(ref chance);

            var p = Prizes.Where(e => !e.Disabled && e.Chance <= chance).OrderByDescending(e => e.Chance).ToArray();

            //p.ForEach(o => Console.WriteLine("Prize: T: {0} C: {1}", o.Type, o.Chance));

Ejemplo n.º 14
        public PartialViewResult DrawResult(int num)
            var drawList = (from mp in _db.Member_Prize
                            join m in _db.Members on mp.MemberID equals m.Id into Members
                            from members in Members.DefaultIfEmpty()
                            join p in _db.Prizes on mp.PrizeID equals p.Id into Prizes
                            from prize in Prizes.DefaultIfEmpty()
                            orderby mp.AddTime descending
                            select new DrawResultModel()
                Member = members,
                Prize = prize
            }).Where(x => x.Member != null && x.Prize != null).Take(14);

        private void DataGridPrizes_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
            Prizes prizes = (Prizes)DataGridPrizes.SelectedItem;

            if (prizes == null)
                GridDetail.DataContext = null;
                PrizeId = 0;
                ButtonRemove.IsEnabled = false;
            GridDetail.DataContext = prizes;

            Department department = _listDepartment.FirstOrDefault(d => d.Name.Equals(prizes.Department));

            //ListBoxItem listItemDepartment = new ListBoxItem();
            //listItemDepartment.Content = new TextBlock() { Text = prizes.Department };
            //foreach (var item in ListBoxDepartment.Items)
            //    if (item == department)
            //    {
            //        ((ListBoxItem)item).IsSelected = true;
            //    }
            ListBoxDepartment.SelectedItem = department;
            if (department != null)
            Employee employee = _listEmployee.FirstOrDefault(em => em.AccountName.Equals(prizes.AccountName));

            if (employee != null)
                ListBoxEmployee.SelectedItem = employee;
            PrizeClassify prizeClassify =
                _listPrizeClassify.FirstOrDefault(pc => pc.PrizeClassifyName.Equals(prizes.PrizeClassify));

            if (prizeClassify != null)
                ListBoxPrizeClassify.SelectedItem = prizeClassify;
            ButtonPay.IsEnabled    = false;
            ButtonRemove.IsEnabled = true;
Ejemplo n.º 16
        protected void EndGamble(Mobile from)
            if (from == null || from.Deleted)


            double a = Utility.RandomDouble();
            double b = Math.Min(LuckCap, from.Luck) / (double)LuckCap;
            double c = a + b;

            Normalize(ref c);

            //Console.WriteLine("LDT: A = {0} B = {1} C = {2}", a, b, c);

            LuckyDipPrize prizeEntry = GetPrize(c);

            if (prizeEntry == null || prizeEntry.Disabled || prizeEntry.Equals(LuckyDipPrize.Empty))
                from.SendMessage(34, "Sorry {0}, you didn't win anything, better luck next time!", from.RawName);

            Item prize = prizeEntry.CreateInstance <Item>();

            if (prize == null)

                    "WARNING: An instance of {0} could not be constructed in {1} at {2}",

                from.SendMessage(34, "We couldn't process your ticket, please try again.");

            from.SendMessage(85, "Congratulations, you won a prize! ({0})", prize.ResolveName(from));
Ejemplo n.º 17
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the total player picks and total value based on the selected prize levels
        /// </summary>
        public void updateInfo()
            if (Prizes.getNumPrizeLevels() > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < Prizes.getNumPrizeLevels(); i++)
                    if (DivModel.levelBoxes[i].IsSelected)

                DivModel.TotalPlayerPicks = DivModel.calculateTotalCollections();
                DivModel.TotalPrizeValue  = DivModel.calculateDivisionValue();

Ejemplo n.º 18
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates all of the info and prize level box data in the division
        /// </summary>
        public void updateDivision()
            if (Prizes.getNumPrizeLevels() > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < DivisionModel.MAX_PRIZE_BOXES; i++)
                    if (DivModel.levelBoxes[i].IsAvailable && DivModel.levelBoxes[i].IsSelected)
                        DivModel.levelBoxes[i].IsSelected = false;

                DivModel.TotalPlayerPicks = DivModel.calculateTotalCollections();
                DivModel.TotalPrizeValue  = DivModel.calculateDivisionValue();
Ejemplo n.º 19
        /// <summary>
        /// Listens for "shouts" made by other classes, if it is subscribed to that class
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pass"></param>
        public void onListen(object pass)
            if (pass is PrizeLevels.PrizeLevels)
                Prizes = (PrizeLevels.PrizeLevels)pass;

                for (int i = 0; i < DivisionModel.MAX_PRIZE_BOXES; i++)
                    DivModel.levelBoxes[i].IsAvailable = false;

                for (int i = 0; i < Prizes.getNumPrizeLevels(); i++)
                    DivModel.levelBoxes[i].IsAvailable = true;

Ejemplo n.º 20
        protected IQueryable <DrawResultModel> Filter(RewardFilter filter, LuckyDrawEntities _db)
            var fResult = (from mp in _db.Member_Prize
                           join member in _db.Members on mp.MemberID equals member.Id into Members
                           from m in Members.DefaultIfEmpty()
                           join prize in _db.Prizes on mp.PrizeID equals prize.Id into Prizes
                           from p in Prizes.DefaultIfEmpty()
                           where mp.HasReceived &&
                           (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filter.MemberMobile) ? m.Mobile.Contains(filter.MemberMobile) : true) &&
                           (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filter.MemberName) ? m.Name.Contains(filter.MemberName) : true) &&
                           (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filter.PrizeName) ? p.Name.Contains(filter.PrizeName) : true)
                           select new DrawResultModel()
                Member = m,
                Prize = p,
                Id = mp.Id,
                AddTime = mp.AddTime

Ejemplo n.º 21
        public Prizes UpdatePrize(int i, Prizes prize)
                DbCommand command = _factory.CreateCommand();
                command.CommandText = "UPDATE Prizes SET PictureSrc = @PictureSrc, PrizeName = @PrizeName";

                command.Parameters.Add(instance.GetParameter("PictureSrc", prize.PictureSrc, _factory));
                command.Parameters.Add(instance.GetParameter("PrizeName", prize.PrizeName, _factory));


                prizes[i].PictureSrc = prize.PictureSrc;
                prizes[i].PrizeName  = prize.PrizeName;

            catch (DbException)
Ejemplo n.º 22
        public Prizes AddPrize(Prizes prize)
                DbCommand command = _factory.CreateCommand();

                command.CommandText = "INSERT INTO Prizes (PrizeName, PictureSrc) VALUES (@PrizeName, @PictureSrc)";

                command.Parameters.Add(instance.GetParameter("PrizeName", prize.PrizeName, _factory));
                command.Parameters.Add(instance.GetParameter("PictureSrc", prize.PictureSrc, _factory));


                prize.Id = instance.GetNewId("Prizes", _connection);
            catch (DbException)
Ejemplo n.º 23
 public double GetMaxChance()
     return(Prizes.Max(e => e.Chance));
Ejemplo n.º 24
 public void AddPrize(IPrize prize)
     _drawer.Add(prize, _resourceRepository.GetTextureByType(prize.GetType()));
Ejemplo n.º 25
        public SpinOutcome Spin(int stake, int betLines)
            //Set prizes
            this.Prizes = new List <Prize> {
                new Prize {
                    CardId = 0, Streak = 5, Multiplier = 5000
                new Prize {
                    CardId = 1, Streak = 3, Multiplier = 3
                new Prize {
                    CardId = 1, Streak = 4, Multiplier = 10
                new Prize {
                    CardId = 1, Streak = 5, Multiplier = 100
                new Prize {
                    CardId = 2, Streak = 3, Multiplier = 5
                new Prize {
                    CardId = 2, Streak = 4, Multiplier = 20
                new Prize {
                    CardId = 2, Streak = 5, Multiplier = 100
                new Prize {
                    CardId = 3, Streak = 3, Multiplier = 5
                new Prize {
                    CardId = 3, Streak = 4, Multiplier = 20
                new Prize {
                    CardId = 3, Streak = 5, Multiplier = 100
                new Prize {
                    CardId = 4, Streak = 3, Multiplier = 7
                new Prize {
                    CardId = 4, Streak = 4, Multiplier = 25
                new Prize {
                    CardId = 4, Streak = 5, Multiplier = 150
                new Prize {
                    CardId = 5, Streak = 3, Multiplier = 7
                new Prize {
                    CardId = 5, Streak = 4, Multiplier = 25
                new Prize {
                    CardId = 5, Streak = 5, Multiplier = 150
                new Prize {
                    CardId = 6, Streak = 3, Multiplier = 10
                new Prize {
                    CardId = 6, Streak = 4, Multiplier = 30
                new Prize {
                    CardId = 6, Streak = 5, Multiplier = 200
                new Prize {
                    CardId = 7, Streak = 3, Multiplier = 10
                new Prize {
                    CardId = 7, Streak = 4, Multiplier = 30
                new Prize {
                    CardId = 7, Streak = 5, Multiplier = 200
                new Prize {
                    CardId = 8, Streak = 3, Multiplier = 15
                new Prize {
                    CardId = 8, Streak = 4, Multiplier = 75
                new Prize {
                    CardId = 8, Streak = 5, Multiplier = 500
                new Prize {
                    CardId = 9, Streak = 3, Multiplier = 15
                new Prize {
                    CardId = 9, Streak = 4, Multiplier = 75
                new Prize {
                    CardId = 9, Streak = 5, Multiplier = 500
                new Prize {
                    CardId = 10, Streak = 3, Multiplier = 15
                new Prize {
                    CardId = 10, Streak = 4, Multiplier = 75
                new Prize {
                    CardId = 10, Streak = 5, Multiplier = 1000
                new Prize {
                    CardId = 11, Streak = 2, Multiplier = 5
                new Prize {
                    CardId = 11, Streak = 3, Multiplier = 100
                new Prize {
                    CardId = 11, Streak = 4, Multiplier = 250
                new Prize {
                    CardId = 11, Streak = 5, Multiplier = 2500
                new Prize {
                    CardId = 12, Streak = 2, Multiplier = 10
                new Prize {
                    CardId = 12, Streak = 3, Multiplier = 150
                new Prize {
                    CardId = 12, Streak = 4, Multiplier = 500
                new Prize {
                    CardId = 12, Streak = 5, Multiplier = 5000

            Random rng = new Random();

            this.Reels  = new int[3, 5];
            Reels[0, 0] = CheckNumberDrawn(rng.Next(1, Card_End_13));
            Reels[0, 1] = CheckNumberDrawn(rng.Next(1, Card_End_13));
            Reels[0, 2] = CheckNumberDrawn(rng.Next(1, Card_End_13));
            Reels[0, 3] = CheckNumberDrawn(rng.Next(1, Card_End_13));
            Reels[0, 4] = CheckNumberDrawn(rng.Next(1, Card_End_13));
            Reels[1, 0] = CheckNumberDrawn(rng.Next(1, Card_End_13));
            Reels[1, 1] = CheckNumberDrawn(rng.Next(1, Card_End_13));
            Reels[1, 2] = CheckNumberDrawn(rng.Next(1, Card_End_13));
            Reels[1, 3] = CheckNumberDrawn(rng.Next(1, Card_End_13));
            Reels[1, 4] = CheckNumberDrawn(rng.Next(1, Card_End_13));
            Reels[2, 0] = CheckNumberDrawn(rng.Next(1, Card_End_13));
            Reels[2, 1] = CheckNumberDrawn(rng.Next(1, Card_End_13));
            Reels[2, 2] = CheckNumberDrawn(rng.Next(1, Card_End_13));
            Reels[2, 3] = CheckNumberDrawn(rng.Next(1, Card_End_13));
            Reels[2, 4] = CheckNumberDrawn(rng.Next(1, Card_End_13));

            //Map the draws to game reels, just for output simplicity and readability
            this.GameReels = new List <GameReel>
                new GameReel
                    Id        = 1,
                    Positions = new List <GameReelPosition>
                        new GameReelPosition {
                            Id = 0, CardId = Reels[2, 0]
                        new GameReelPosition {
                            Id = 1, CardId = Reels[1, 0]
                        new GameReelPosition {
                            Id = 2, CardId = Reels[0, 0]
                new GameReel
                    Id        = 2,
                    Positions = new List <GameReelPosition>
                        new GameReelPosition {
                            Id = 0, CardId = Reels[2, 1]
                        new GameReelPosition {
                            Id = 1, CardId = Reels[1, 1]
                        new GameReelPosition {
                            Id = 2, CardId = Reels[0, 1]
                new GameReel
                    Id        = 3,
                    Positions = new List <GameReelPosition>
                        new GameReelPosition {
                            Id = 0, CardId = Reels[2, 2]
                        new GameReelPosition {
                            Id = 1, CardId = Reels[1, 2]
                        new GameReelPosition {
                            Id = 2, CardId = Reels[0, 2]
                new GameReel
                    Id        = 4,
                    Positions = new List <GameReelPosition>
                        new GameReelPosition {
                            Id = 0, CardId = Reels[2, 3]
                        new GameReelPosition {
                            Id = 1, CardId = Reels[1, 3]
                        new GameReelPosition {
                            Id = 2, CardId = Reels[0, 3]
                new GameReel
                    Id        = 5,
                    Positions = new List <GameReelPosition>
                        new GameReelPosition {
                            Id = 0, CardId = Reels[2, 4]
                        new GameReelPosition {
                            Id = 1, CardId = Reels[1, 4]
                        new GameReelPosition {
                            Id = 2, CardId = Reels[0, 4]

            //Form the lines
            int[] line1  = { Reels[1, 0], Reels[1, 1], Reels[1, 2], Reels[1, 3], Reels[1, 4] };
            int[] line2  = { Reels[0, 0], Reels[0, 1], Reels[0, 2], Reels[0, 3], Reels[0, 4] };
            int[] line3  = { Reels[2, 0], Reels[2, 1], Reels[2, 2], Reels[2, 3], Reels[2, 4] };
            int[] line4  = { Reels[0, 0], Reels[1, 1], Reels[2, 2], Reels[1, 3], Reels[0, 4] };
            int[] line5  = { Reels[2, 0], Reels[1, 1], Reels[0, 2], Reels[1, 3], Reels[2, 4] };
            int[] line6  = { Reels[1, 0], Reels[0, 1], Reels[1, 2], Reels[0, 3], Reels[1, 4] };
            int[] line7  = { Reels[1, 0], Reels[2, 1], Reels[1, 2], Reels[2, 3], Reels[1, 4] };
            int[] line8  = { Reels[0, 0], Reels[0, 1], Reels[1, 2], Reels[2, 3], Reels[2, 4] };
            int[] line9  = { Reels[2, 0], Reels[2, 1], Reels[1, 2], Reels[0, 3], Reels[0, 4] };
            int[] line10 = { Reels[1, 0], Reels[2, 1], Reels[1, 2], Reels[0, 3], Reels[1, 4] };
            int[] line11 = { Reels[1, 0], Reels[0, 1], Reels[1, 2], Reels[2, 3], Reels[1, 4] };
            int[] line12 = { Reels[0, 0], Reels[1, 1], Reels[1, 2], Reels[1, 3], Reels[0, 4] };
            int[] line13 = { Reels[2, 0], Reels[1, 1], Reels[1, 2], Reels[1, 3], Reels[2, 4] };
            int[] line14 = { Reels[0, 0], Reels[1, 1], Reels[0, 2], Reels[1, 3], Reels[0, 4] };
            int[] line15 = { Reels[2, 0], Reels[1, 1], Reels[2, 2], Reels[1, 3], Reels[2, 4] };
            int[] line16 = { Reels[1, 0], Reels[1, 1], Reels[0, 2], Reels[1, 3], Reels[1, 4] };
            int[] line17 = { Reels[1, 0], Reels[1, 1], Reels[2, 2], Reels[1, 3], Reels[1, 4] };
            int[] line18 = { Reels[0, 0], Reels[0, 1], Reels[2, 2], Reels[0, 3], Reels[0, 4] };
            int[] line19 = { Reels[2, 0], Reels[2, 1], Reels[0, 2], Reels[2, 3], Reels[2, 4] };
            int[] line20 = { Reels[1, 0], Reels[2, 1], Reels[2, 2], Reels[2, 3], Reels[1, 4] };

            this.Lines = new List <Line>
                new Line {
                    Id = 1, Outcome = line1, YPositions = new int[] { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 }, UICoordinates = "0111213141"
                new Line {
                    Id = 2, Outcome = line2, YPositions = new int[] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, UICoordinates = "0010203040"
                new Line {
                    Id = 3, Outcome = line3, YPositions = new int[] { 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 }, UICoordinates = "0212223242"
                new Line {
                    Id = 4, Outcome = line4, YPositions = new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 1, 0 }, UICoordinates = "0011223140"
                new Line {
                    Id = 5, Outcome = line5, YPositions = new int[] { 2, 1, 0, 1, 2 }, UICoordinates = "0211203142"
                new Line {
                    Id = 6, Outcome = line6, YPositions = new int[] { 1, 0, 1, 0, 1 }, UICoordinates = "0110213041"
                new Line {
                    Id = 7, Outcome = line7, YPositions = new int[] { 1, 2, 1, 2, 1 }, UICoordinates = "0112213241"
                new Line {
                    Id = 8, Outcome = line8, YPositions = new int[] { 0, 0, 1, 2, 2 }, UICoordinates = "0010213242"
                new Line {
                    Id = 9, Outcome = line9, YPositions = new int[] { 2, 2, 1, 0, 0 }, UICoordinates = "0212213040"
                new Line {
                    Id = 10, Outcome = line10, YPositions = new int[] { 1, 2, 1, 0, 1 }, UICoordinates = "0112213041"
                new Line {
                    Id = 11, Outcome = line11, YPositions = new int[] { 1, 0, 1, 2, 1 }, UICoordinates = "0110213241"
                new Line {
                    Id = 12, Outcome = line12, YPositions = new int[] { 0, 1, 1, 1, 0 }, UICoordinates = "0011213140"
                new Line {
                    Id = 13, Outcome = line13, YPositions = new int[] { 2, 1, 1, 1, 2 }, UICoordinates = "0211213142"
                new Line {
                    Id = 14, Outcome = line14, YPositions = new int[] { 0, 1, 0, 1, 0 }, UICoordinates = "0011203140"
                new Line {
                    Id = 15, Outcome = line15, YPositions = new int[] { 2, 1, 2, 1, 2 }, UICoordinates = "0211223142"
                new Line {
                    Id = 16, Outcome = line16, YPositions = new int[] { 1, 1, 0, 1, 1 }, UICoordinates = "0111203141"
                new Line {
                    Id = 17, Outcome = line17, YPositions = new int[] { 1, 1, 2, 1, 1 }, UICoordinates = "0111223141"
                new Line {
                    Id = 18, Outcome = line18, YPositions = new int[] { 0, 0, 2, 0, 0 }, UICoordinates = "0010223040"
                new Line {
                    Id = 19, Outcome = line19, YPositions = new int[] { 2, 2, 0, 2, 2 }, UICoordinates = "0212203242"
                new Line {
                    Id = 20, Outcome = line20, YPositions = new int[] { 1, 2, 2, 2, 1 }, UICoordinates = "0112223241"

            //Populate the winning streaks list according to current winnings
            this.LineStreaks = new List <LineStreak>();
            this.StakedLines = Lines.Where(x => x.Id <= betLines).ToList();
            foreach (var l in StakedLines)
                var s = checkWinnings(l);
                if (s.Streak > 0)

            //Calculate the prizes for the lines
            this.LinePrizes = new List <LinePrize>();
            foreach (var s in LineStreaks)
                var winning = Prizes.Where(x => x.CardId == s.CardId && x.Streak == s.Streak).ToList();
                if (winning.Count() > 0)
                    var w = winning.First();
                    this.LinePrizes.Add(new LinePrize {
                        CardId = s.CardId, LineId = s.LineId, Streak = s.Streak, Multiplier = w.Multiplier

            //Calculate total winnings
            int totalWinnings = 0;
            int linebet       = stake / betLines;

            foreach (var p in this.LinePrizes)
                totalWinnings += linebet * p.Multiplier;

            var winningsLines = this.Lines.Where(x => this.LinePrizes.Select(y => y.LineId).Contains(x.Id)).ToList();

            //Create and return the outcome of the spin
            return(new SpinOutcome
                LineWinnings = this.LinePrizes,
                Reels = this.GameReels,
                TotalWinnings = totalWinnings,
                WinningLines = winningsLines
        private void CreateDepartmentSheet(XLWorkbook document, string department)
                var ws = document.Worksheets.Add(department);
                ws.Cell(1, 1).Value = "HNCDI(" + _year + "年度)项目奖励明细";
                List <string> departmentClassifies =
                    _prizeses.Where(p => p.Department.Equals(department))
                    .Select(p => p.PrizeClassify)
                var awards =
                    _prizeses.Where(p => p.Department.Equals(department))
                        p => new { Classify = p.PrizeClassify, Project = p.Project, AwardName = p.AwardName })
                var title      = ws.Range(1, 1, 1, 2 + awards.Count() + departmentClassifies.Count());
                int lastestCol = 2 + awards.Count() + departmentClassifies.Count();
                for (int i = 1; i <= lastestCol; i++)
                    ws.Column(i).Width = 9;
                title.Style.Font.FontSize        = 14;
                title.Style.Font.FontName        = "宋体";
                title.Style.Font.Bold            = true;
                title.Style.Alignment.Horizontal = XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Center;
                title.Style.Alignment.Vertical   = XLAlignmentVerticalValues.Center;
                Dictionary <int, string> dictionaryClassify = new Dictionary <int, string>();
                Dictionary <int, string> dictionaryProject  = new Dictionary <int, string>();
                Dictionary <int, string> dictionaryAward    = new Dictionary <int, string>();
                var employees =
                    _prizeses.Where(p => p.Department.Equals(department))
                        p => new { Name = p.Name, AccountName = p.AccountName, Department = p.Department })
                ws.Cell(3, 1).Value = "姓名";
                ws.Range(3, 1, 4, 1).Merge();
                int currentCol = 3;
                foreach (string classify in departmentClassifies)
                    ws.Cell(3, currentCol).Value = classify;
                    int currentClassifyCols = awards.Count(p => p.Classify.Equals(classify));
                    int lastCol             = currentCol + currentClassifyCols;
                    ws.Range(3, currentCol, 3, currentCol + currentClassifyCols).Merge();
                    for (; currentCol <= lastCol; currentCol++)
                        dictionaryClassify.Add(currentCol, classify);
                ws.Cell(4, 2).Value = "总计";
                ws.Range(4, 2, 5, 2).Merge();
                ws.Range(4, 2, 5, 2).Style.Fill.BackgroundColor = XLColor.ForestGreen;

                for (currentCol = 3; currentCol <= lastestCol; currentCol++)
                    if (currentCol == 3)
                        ws.Cell(4, currentCol).Value = "小计";
                        ws.Range(4, currentCol, 5, currentCol).Merge();
                        ws.Range(4, currentCol, 5, currentCol).Style.Fill.BackgroundColor = XLColor.Yellow;
                        if (dictionaryClassify[currentCol] != dictionaryClassify[currentCol - 1])
                            ws.Cell(4, currentCol).Value = "小计";
                            ws.Range(4, currentCol, 5, currentCol).Merge();
                            ws.Range(4, currentCol, 5, currentCol).Style.Fill.BackgroundColor = XLColor.Yellow;
                    if (dictionaryClassify[currentCol] == "国家、省部级优秀勘察、设计、咨询奖")
                        string test = "";
                    List <string> projects =
                        awards.Where(p => p.Classify.Equals(dictionaryClassify[currentCol]))
                        .Select(p => p.Project)
                    foreach (string project in projects)
                        ws.Cell(4, currentCol).Value = project;
                        ws.Cell(4, currentCol).Style.Alignment.WrapText = true;
                        if (awards.Count(p => p.Classify.Equals(dictionaryClassify[currentCol]) && p.Project.Equals(project)) > 1)
                            int projectCols = awards.Count(p => p.Classify.Equals(dictionaryClassify[currentCol]) && p.Project.Equals(project));
                            ws.Range(4, currentCol, 4, currentCol + projectCols - 1).Merge();
                            for (int i = 1; i <= projectCols; i++)
                                dictionaryProject.Add(currentCol, project);
                            dictionaryProject.Add(currentCol, project);
                for (currentCol = 4; currentCol <= lastestCol; currentCol++)
                    if (currentCol > 4 && dictionaryClassify[currentCol] != dictionaryClassify[currentCol - 1])
                    var col           = currentCol;
                    var projectAwards =
                            p =>
                            p.Classify.Equals(dictionaryClassify[col]) &&
                    foreach (var award in projectAwards)
                        ws.Cell(5, currentCol).Value = award.AwardName;
                        ws.Cell(5, currentCol).Style.Alignment.WrapText = true;
                        dictionaryAward.Add(currentCol, award.AwardName);

                int currentRow = 6;

                foreach (var employee in employees)
                    ws.Cell(currentRow, 1).Value = employee.Name;
                    List <Prizes> employeePrizeses =
                        _prizeses.Where(p => p.AccountName.Equals(employee.AccountName) && p.Name.Equals(employee.Name)).ToList();
                    decimal employeeMoney = employeePrizeses.Sum(p => p.Prize) ?? 0;
                    ws.Cell(currentRow, 2).Value = employeeMoney.ToString("N0");
                    for (currentCol = 3; currentCol <= lastestCol; currentCol++)
                        if (currentCol == 3)
                            employeeMoney =
                                employeePrizeses.Where(p => p.PrizeClassify.Equals(dictionaryClassify[currentCol]))
                                .Sum(p => p.Prize) ?? 0;
                            ws.Cell(currentRow, currentCol).Value = employeeMoney == 0
                                ? "0"
                                : employeeMoney.ToString("N0");
                            ws.Cell(currentRow, currentCol).Style.Fill.BackgroundColor = XLColor.Yellow;
                            if (dictionaryClassify[currentCol] != dictionaryClassify[currentCol - 1])
                                employeeMoney =
                                    employeePrizeses.Where(p => p.PrizeClassify.Equals(dictionaryClassify[currentCol]))
                                    .Sum(p => p.Prize) ?? 0;
                                ws.Cell(currentRow, currentCol).Value = employeeMoney == 0
                                    ? "0"
                                    : employeeMoney.ToString("N0");
                                ws.Cell(currentRow, currentCol).Style.Fill.BackgroundColor = XLColor.Yellow;
                        Prizes prize =
                                p =>
                                p.PrizeClassify.Equals(dictionaryClassify[currentCol]) &&
                                p.Project.Equals(dictionaryProject[currentCol]) &&
                        if (prize?.Prize == null)
                        ws.Cell(currentRow, currentCol).Value = (Convert.ToDecimal(prize.Prize)).ToString("N0");
                ws.Cell(currentRow, 1).Value = "合计";
                decimal departmentMoney = _prizeses.Where(p => p.Department.Equals(department)).Sum(p => p.Prize) ?? 0;
                ws.Cell(currentRow, 2).Value = departmentMoney == 0 ? "0" : departmentMoney.ToString("N0");
                for (currentCol = 3; currentCol <= lastestCol; currentCol++)
                    if (currentCol == 3)
                        departmentMoney =
                                p =>
                                p.Department.Equals(department) &&
                                p.PrizeClassify.Equals(dictionaryClassify[currentCol])).Sum(p => p.Prize) ?? 0;
                        ws.Cell(currentRow, currentCol).Value = departmentMoney == 0
                            ? "0"
                            : departmentMoney.ToString("N0");
                        if (dictionaryClassify[currentCol] != dictionaryClassify[currentCol - 1])
                            departmentMoney =
                                    p =>
                                    p.Department.Equals(department) &&
                                    p.PrizeClassify.Equals(dictionaryClassify[currentCol])).Sum(p => p.Prize) ?? 0;
                            ws.Cell(currentRow, currentCol).Value = departmentMoney == 0
                                ? "0"
                                : departmentMoney.ToString("N0");
                    departmentMoney =
                            p =>
                            p.Department.Equals(department) &&
                            p.PrizeClassify.Equals(dictionaryClassify[currentCol]) &&
                            p.Project.Equals(dictionaryProject[currentCol]) &&
                            p.AwardName.Equals(dictionaryAward[currentCol])).Sum(p => p.Prize) ?? 0;
                    ws.Cell(currentRow, currentCol).Value = departmentMoney == 0 ? "0" : departmentMoney.ToString("N0");
                var lastestRow = ws.Range(currentRow, 2, currentRow, lastestCol);
                lastestRow.Style.Fill.BackgroundColor = XLColor.ForestGreen;
                ws.Range(4, 2, currentRow, 2).Style.Fill.BackgroundColor = XLColor.ForestGreen;
                ws.Range(currentRow, 3, currentRow, lastestCol).Style.Fill.BackgroundColor = XLColor.ForestGreen;
                var mainbody = ws.Range(3, 1, currentRow, lastestCol);
                mainbody.Style.Font.FontSize             = 10;
                mainbody.Style.Font.FontName             = "宋体";
                mainbody.Style.Alignment.Horizontal      = XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Center;
                mainbody.Style.Alignment.Vertical        = XLAlignmentVerticalValues.Center;
                mainbody.Style.Border.OutsideBorder      = XLBorderStyleValues.Thick;
                mainbody.Style.Border.OutsideBorderColor = XLColor.Black;
                mainbody.Style.Border.InsideBorder       = XLBorderStyleValues.Thin;
                mainbody.Style.Border.InsideBorderColor  = XLColor.Black;
                ws.Columns().Width = 10;
                ws.Rows().Height = 15;
                ws.Row(1).Height = 20;
                ws.Row(4).Height = 80;
                ws.Row(5).Height = 80;
                //MessageBox.Show("导出部门 " + department + " 数据成功!");
            catch (Exception error)
Ejemplo n.º 27
 public virtual double GetAveragePrizeWorth()
     return(Prizes.OfType <LuckyDipBankCheckPrize>().Average(e => e.Worth));
Ejemplo n.º 28
 public double GetMinChance()
     return(Prizes.Min(e => e.Chance));
Ejemplo n.º 29
 public virtual int GetMaxPrizeWorth()
     return(Prizes.OfType <LuckyDipBankCheckPrize>().Max(e => e.Worth));
Ejemplo n.º 30
 public double GetAverageChance()
     return(Prizes.Average(e => e.Chance));