// Reproduce the previous video in the playlist. void BtnPrevious_TouchUpInside(object sender, EventArgs e) { int currentIndex = PlayerView.PlaylistIndex; // There is no previous video if we reached to the beggining of the list. if (currentIndex == 0) { return; } // Play previous video in the playlist. PlayerView.PreviousVideo(); // Highlight the current video in Table View. var newIndex = currentIndex - 1; var indexPath = NSIndexPath.FromRowSection(newIndex, 0); TblVideos.SelectRow(indexPath, true, UITableViewScrollPosition.Top); // Enable the next button because maybe we are not longer in the last video of the playlist. EnableButton(BtnNext); // Disable the Previous button if we reach to the beggining of the playlist. if (newIndex == 0) { DisableButton(BtnPrevious); } }
public Object GuardarVideos(List <TblVideos> List) { try { BDVideosUSAVEntitiesModelSolicitudes Model = new BDVideosUSAVEntitiesModelSolicitudes(); foreach (var item in List) { TblVideos Video = Model.TblVideos.FirstOrDefault(v => v.IdYoutube == item.IdYoutube); if (Video == null) { Model.TblVideos.Add(item); Model.SaveChanges(); } else { Video.NombreVideo = item.NombreVideo; Video.Descripcion = item.Descripcion; Video.Photo = item.Photo; //agregar numero de visitas; Model.SaveChanges(); } } return("Videos Guardados Correctamente"); } catch (Exception ex) { return(ex); } }
// Search for videos with user suggestion. void SearchForVideos() { indicatorView.StartAnimating(); Task.Run(async() => { // Get videos that result from user suggestion var result = await YouTubeManager.SharedInstance.GetVideos(search); videos.AddRange(result); InvokeOnMainThread(() => { // Show videos on TableView TblVideos.ReloadData(); indicatorView.StopAnimating(); }); }); }
// Retrives the playlist from YouTube. void GetPlaylist() { // We validate if we are already getting the playlist // to avoid a duplicate call. if (isPlaylistRequested) { return; } isPlaylistRequested = true; indicatorView.StartAnimating(); Task.Run(async() => { // Retrives the playlist from YouTube. var result = await YouTubeManager.SharedInstance.GetVideos(playlist); videos.AddRange(result); InvokeOnMainThread(() => { // Show new videos in TableView TblVideos.ReloadData(); indicatorView.StopAnimating(); isPlaylistRequested = false; // Enable the Player View to start playing videos from Playlist. if (firstLoad) { // Try using this method once, due it reloads the whole view. // If you want to play another video from Playlist, // use PlayVideoAt method. PlayerView.LoadPlaylistById(playlist.Id); firstLoad = false; } }); }); }