private static void SetDepartmentProperties(Taxon department, string departmentName) { department.Name = Regex.Replace(departmentName.ToLower(), @"[^\w\-\!\$\'\(\)\=\@\d_]+", "-"); department.Title = departmentName; department.Description = departmentName; department.UrlName = department.Name; }
private static void SetTagProperties(Taxon tag, string tagName) { tag.Name = Regex.Replace(tagName.ToLower(), @"[^\w\-\!\$\'\(\)\=\@\d_]+", "-"); tag.Title = tagName; tag.Description = tagName; tag.UrlName = tag.Name; }
private static TaxonViewModel BuildTaxaTreeBfs( Taxon taxon, Func<ITaxon, TaxonViewModel> viewModelBuilder, Func<IQueryable<Taxon>, IQueryable<Taxon>> sort, TaxonomyManager manager, int taxaCountLimit, ref int currentTaxaCount) { var queue = new Queue<TaxonData>(); TaxonViewModel rootViewModel = null; queue.Enqueue(new TaxonData() { Taxon = taxon }); while (queue.Count > 0) { var currentNode = queue.Dequeue(); var currentViewModel = viewModelBuilder.Invoke(currentNode.Taxon); if (currentViewModel != null) { // If this is the first created view model, set it to be the root one. if (rootViewModel == null) rootViewModel = currentViewModel; if (currentNode.LastKnownParent != null) { currentNode.LastKnownParent.SubTaxa.Add(currentViewModel); } currentTaxaCount++; if (taxaCountLimit > 0 && currentTaxaCount == taxaCountLimit) { return rootViewModel; } } // If the current taxon is included in the tree, it should be the parent of the inner taxa. var lastKnownParent = currentViewModel ?? currentNode.LastKnownParent; var subTaxa = manager.GetTaxa<Taxon>().Where(t => t.Parent.Id == currentNode.Taxon.Id); var sortedSubtaxa = sort.Invoke(subTaxa); foreach (var childTaxon in sortedSubtaxa) { queue.Enqueue(new TaxonData() { LastKnownParent = lastKnownParent, Taxon = childTaxon }); } } return rootViewModel; }
// 更新可见性。 private void _UpdateVisibility() { Taxon currentTaxon = Common.CurrentTaxon; grid_Tags.Visibility = currentTaxon.Tags.Count > 0 ? Visibility.Visible : Visibility.Collapsed; grid_Synonyms.Visibility = currentTaxon.Synonyms.Count > 0 ? Visibility.Visible : Visibility.Collapsed; stackPanel_TagsAndSynonyms.Visibility = currentTaxon.Tags.Count > 0 || currentTaxon.Synonyms.Count > 0 ? Visibility.Visible : Visibility.Collapsed; grid_Parents.Visibility = !currentTaxon.IsRoot ? Visibility.Visible : Visibility.Collapsed; grid_Children.Visibility = taxonButtonGroup_Children.GetGroupCount() > 0 ? Visibility.Visible : Visibility.Collapsed; grid_Excludes.Visibility = currentTaxon.Excludes.Count > 0 ? Visibility.Visible : Visibility.Collapsed; grid_Desc.Visibility = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(currentTaxon.Description) ? Visibility.Visible : Visibility.Collapsed; }
// 获取类群的长名称。 public static string GetLongName(this Taxon taxon) { if (taxon is null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(); } // if (taxon.IsAnonymous) { return("<节点>"); } else { StringBuilder taxonName = new StringBuilder(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(taxon.ChineseName)) { taxonName.Append(taxon.ChineseName); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(taxon.ScientificName)) { taxonName.Append(' '); taxonName.Append(taxon.ScientificName); } } else { Rank rank = taxon.Rank; if (rank.IsPrimaryOrSecondaryRank()) { taxonName.Append(rank.GetChineseName()); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(taxon.ScientificName)) { taxonName.Append(' '); taxonName.Append(taxon.ScientificName); } } else { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(taxon.ScientificName)) { taxonName.Append(taxon.ScientificName); } } } return(taxonName.ToString()); } }
public void ImportOrders() { //GET ALL FROM EXCEL for (int i = 2; i <= worksheetGeneral.Dimension.Rows; i++) { if (worksheetGeneral.Cells[i, orderCol].Value != null) { string orderName = worksheetGeneral.Cells[i, orderCol].Value.ToString().Trim(); string className = worksheetGeneral.Cells[i, classCol].Value.ToString().Trim(); try { Taxon newTaxon = new Taxon { TaxonName = worksheetGeneral.Cells[i, orderCol].Value.ToString().Trim(), TaxonomyStateId = Constants.stateId_order, KingdomId = _kingdomId, PhylumId = _getPhylumIdFromExcel(i), SubphylumId = _getSubPhylumIdFromExcel(i), ClassId = _getClassIdFromExcel(i), SubclassId = _getSubClassIdFromExcel(i), Group = _getGroupInfo(i) }; if (!_checkTaxonExists(newTaxon.TaxonName)) { if (newTaxon.PhylumId != null && newTaxon.ClassId != null) { newTaxon.PhylumId = _infContext.Taxon.Where(tax => tax.TaxonName == "Gliederfüßer (Arthropoda)").Select(tax => tax.TaxonId).FirstOrDefault(); } _infContext.Taxon.Add(newTaxon); SaveToContext(); _uniqueOrdersDict.Add(newTaxon.TaxonName, newTaxon.TaxonId); Logger.Debug("--- Added Taxon " + newTaxon.TaxonName); IncrementCounter(); } else { var alreadyTax = _infContext.Taxon.Where(tax => tax.TaxonName == newTaxon.TaxonName).FirstOrDefault(); if (!alreadyTax.Group.Contains(newTaxon.Group)) { alreadyTax.Group += "," + newTaxon.Group; _infContext.Update(alreadyTax); } } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Error(e, "Error adding new Order Taxon " + worksheetGeneral.Cells[i, orderCol].Value.ToString().Trim() + " to Context"); } } } Logger.Info("-- Finished Import of Orders"); }
private static List <Taxon> getCenters(List <FObject> points, int eps) { double[] dists = new double[points.Count]; int[] centers = new int[eps]; int startinpos = (new Random()).Next(0, points.Count); centers[0] = startinpos; for (int i = 1; i < eps; i++) { double sum = 0.0; dists = getdists(points, centers, i); for (int j = 0; j < dists.Length; j++) { if (exists(j, centers, i)) { continue; } else { sum += dists[j]; } } double randdist = (new Random()).NextDouble() * sum; double distcount = 0.0; for (int j = 0; j < dists.Length; j++) { if (exists(j, centers, i)) { continue; } else { distcount += dists[j]; if (distcount >= randdist) { centers[i] = j; break; } } } } List <Taxon> taxlist = new List <Taxon>(); for (int i = 0; i < centers.Length; i++) { Taxon tax = new Taxon(); tax.mass_center = points[centers[i]]; taxlist.Add(tax); } return(taxlist); }
private void AddMaterialRowsForTaxon(DataMatrix results, Taxon taxon) { var ids = XMLIOService.GetMaterialForTaxon(taxon.TaxaID.Value); foreach (XMLIOMaterialID id in ids) { var links = SupportService.GetMultimediaItems(TraitCategoryType.Material.ToString(), id.MaterialID); foreach (MultimediaLink link in links) { AddTaxonRow(results, taxon, link, "Material", id.MaterialID); } } }
public void ClassificationTaxonModel_Deserialization_ShouldWork() { XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Taxon)); Taxon response = null; using (var reader = new StreamReader(@"DataFiles\classification-taxon.xml")) { response = (Taxon)serializer.Deserialize(reader); } Assert.IsNotNull(response, "Deserialized object should not be null."); Assert.AreEqual("Insecta", response.Name, "Name should match."); }
public static Node CreateOrSetParents(string scientificName, Type type, SubjectManager subjectManager) { string[] nameArray = scientificName.Split(' '); WikipediaReader wReader = new WikipediaReader(); /** * Lactuca -> Genus * Lactuca sativa -> Species * Lactuca sativa var. capitata -> Variation - Subspecies * Lactuca sativa var. capitata Larissa -> SubSpecies * Lactuca sativa Larissa -> SubSpecies * */ //Lactuca sativa - create genus return genus Taxon genus = GetOrCreateGenus(nameArray[0], subjectManager); if (nameArray.Count() == 2) { return(genus); } //Lactuca sativa Larissa -> SubSpecies if (nameArray.Count() == 3 && !nameArray.Contains("var.")) { string name = nameArray[0] + " " + nameArray[1]; return(GetOrCreateSpecies(name, type, subjectManager, genus)); } //Lactuca sativa var. capitata -> Species if (nameArray.Count() == 4 && nameArray.Contains("var.")) { string name = nameArray[0] + " " + nameArray[1]; return(GetOrCreateSpecies(name, type, subjectManager, genus)); } //Lactuca sativa var. capitata Larissa -> SubSpecies if (nameArray.Count() == 5 && nameArray.Contains("var.")) { string name = nameArray[0] + " " + nameArray[1]; return(GetOrCreateSpecies(name, type, subjectManager, genus)); } if (nameArray.Count() > 5) { string name = nameArray[0] + " " + nameArray[1]; return(GetOrCreateSpecies(name, type, subjectManager, genus)); } return(null); }
/**TODO: refactor below **/ public void ImportClasses() { if (classCol != 0) { for (int i = 2; i <= worksheetGeneral.Dimension.Rows; i++) { if (worksheetGeneral.Cells[i, classCol].Value != null) { try { Taxon newTaxon = new Taxon { TaxonName = worksheetGeneral.Cells[i, classCol].Value?.ToString().Trim(), TaxonomyStateId = Constants.stateId_class, KingdomId = _kingdomId, SubphylumId = _getSubPhylumIdFromExcel(i), PhylumId = _getPhylumIdFromExcel(i), Group = _getGroupInfo(i), }; if (!_checkTaxonExists(newTaxon.TaxonName)) { //hack because client cant keep his excels clean if (newTaxon.PhylumId != null) { newTaxon.PhylumId = _infContext.Taxon.Where(tax => tax.TaxonName == "Gliederfüßer (Arthropoda)").Select(tax => tax.TaxonId).FirstOrDefault(); } var newTaxonId = _infContext.Taxon.Add(newTaxon); SaveToContext(); Logger.Debug("--- Added Taxon " + newTaxon.TaxonName); IncrementCounter(); } else { var alreadyTax = _infContext.Taxon.Where(tax => tax.TaxonName == newTaxon.TaxonName).FirstOrDefault(); if (!alreadyTax.Group.Contains(newTaxon.Group)) { alreadyTax.Group += "," + newTaxon.Group; _infContext.Update(alreadyTax); } } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Error(e, "Error adding new Class Taxon " + worksheetGeneral.Cells[i, classCol].Value + " to Context"); } } } Logger.Info("-- Finished Import of Classes"); } }
// 检查指定类群的违规项。 public static IReadOnlyCollection <IValidator> Validate(this Taxon taxon) { List <IValidator> result = new List <IValidator>(); foreach (var validator in _Validators) { if (!validator.IsValid(taxon)) { result.Add(validator); } } return(result); }
public void Equals_IfIDsAreTheSame_True() { var t1 = new Taxon { Id = Guid.NewGuid() }; var t2 = new Taxon { Id = Guid.NewGuid() }; Assert.IsFalse(t1.Equals(t2)); t2.Id = t1.Id; Assert.IsTrue(t1.Equals(t2)); }
public bool IsValid(Taxon taxon) { Dictionary <string, object> dict = new Dictionary <string, object>(); foreach (string synonym in taxon.Synonyms) { if (!dict.TryAdd(synonym, null)) { return(false); } } return(true); }
public async Task AddSpecies(string genus, string species, string zone = "", string description = "") { // Check if the species already exists before attempting to add it. if ((await BotUtils.GetSpeciesFromDb(genus, species)).Count() > 0) { await BotUtils.ReplyAsync_Warning(Context, string.Format("The species \"{0}\" already exists.", BotUtils.GenerateSpeciesName(genus, species))); return; } await BotUtils.AddGenusToDb(genus); Taxon genus_info = await BotUtils.GetGenusFromDb(genus); using (SQLiteCommand cmd = new SQLiteCommand("INSERT INTO Species(name, description, genus_id, owner, timestamp, user_id) VALUES($name, $description, $genus_id, $owner, $timestamp, $user_id);")) { cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("$name", species.ToLower()); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("$description", description); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("$genus_id",; cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("$owner", Context.User.Username); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("$user_id", Context.User.Id); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("$timestamp", DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.ToUnixTimeSeconds()); await Database.ExecuteNonQuery(cmd); } Species[] sp_list = await BotUtils.GetSpeciesFromDb(genus, species); Species sp = sp_list.Count() > 0 ? sp_list[0] : null; long species_id = sp == null ? -1 : sp.Id; if (species_id < 0) { await BotUtils.ReplyAsync_Error(Context, "Failed to add species (invalid Species ID)."); return; } // Add to all given zones. await _plusZone(sp, zone, string.Empty, onlyShowErrors : true); // Add the user to the trophy scanner queue in case their species earned them any new trophies. if (OurFoodChainBot.Instance.Config.TrophiesEnabled) { await Global.TrophyScanner.AddToQueueAsync(Context, Context.User.Id); } await BotUtils.ReplyAsync_Success(Context, string.Format("Successfully created new species, **{0}**.", BotUtils.GenerateSpeciesName(genus, species))); }
public bool IsValid(Taxon taxon) { Dictionary <string, object> dict = new Dictionary <string, object>(); foreach (string tag in taxon.Tags) { if (!dict.TryAdd(tag, null)) { return(false); } } return(true); }
public TaxonPage(Taxon taxon) { InitializeComponent(); var vm = new TaxonViewModel(taxon); vm.Navigation = Navigation; BindingContext = vm; //Browser.Source = new UrlWebViewSource() { Url = string.Format("{0}.aspx", taxon.Name.ToLower().Replace(" ", "_")) }; Browser.Source = new UrlWebViewSource() { Url = string.Format("{0}", taxon.ScientificName.Replace(" ", "%20")) }; }
public async Task <ActionResult <Taxon> > PostTaxonItem(Taxon item) { try { _infContext.Taxon.Add(item); await _infContext.SaveChangesAsync(); return(CreatedAtAction(nameof(GetTaxonItem), new { id = item.TaxonId }, item)); } catch (System.Exception e) { var exp = e; } return(null); }
public static Models.Taxon GetTaxon(this IEnumerable <Models.Taxon> source, Taxon taxon) => source.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Kingdom == taxon.Kingdom && t.Subkingdom == taxon.Subkingdom && t.Infrakingdom == taxon.Infrakingdom && t.Phylum == taxon.Phylum && t.Subphylum == taxon.Subphylum && t.Class == taxon.Class && t.Subclass == taxon.Subclass && t.Order == taxon.Order && t.Family == taxon.Family && t.Genus == taxon.Genus && t.Species == taxon.Species && t.Subspecies == taxon.Variety && t.Subvariety == taxon.Subvariety && t.Form == taxon.Form);
// private static void _RecursiveFillAtoms(Taxon taxon, List <EvoAtom> evoAtoms) { if (taxon is null || evoAtoms is null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(); } // foreach (var child in taxon.Children) { evoAtoms.Add(EvoAtom.FromTaxon(child)); _RecursiveFillAtoms(child, evoAtoms); } }
private Taxon GetTaxon(Boolean refresh = false, TaxonId?taxonId = null) { if (_taxon.IsNull() || refresh) { // _taxon = (Taxon)(CoreData.TaxonManager.GetTaxonById(GetUserContext(), TaxonId.Bear)); if (taxonId.HasValue) { _taxon = (Taxon)(CoreData.TaxonManager.GetTaxon(GetUserContext(), taxonId.Value)); } else { _taxon = (Taxon)(CoreData.TaxonManager.GetTaxon(GetUserContext(), 246126)); } } return(_taxon); }
public void UpdateCurrentTaxonInfo() { ViewModel.LoadFromCurrentTaxon(); Taxon currentTaxon = Common.CurrentTaxon; taxonTitle.Taxon = currentTaxon; tagGroup_Tags.UpdateContent(currentTaxon.Tags); tagGroup_Synonyms.UpdateContent(currentTaxon.Synonyms); tagGroup_Synonyms.ThemeColor = currentTaxon.GetThemeColor(); _UpdateParents(); _UpdateChildren(); _UpdateExcludes(); _UpdateVisibility(); }
public void CanSetGenera() { var GeneraId = Guid.NewGuid(); var taxon = new Taxon { Genus = new Genus() { Id = GeneraId } }; Assert.AreEqual(taxon.Genus.Id, GeneraId); var Genera = new Genus(); Genera.Title = "astro"; (taxon as Taxon).Genus = Genera; Assert.AreEqual((taxon as Taxon).Genus.Title, "astro"); }
public DataValidationResult ValidateTaxonMove(Taxon source, Taxon dest) { var map = GetTaxonRankMap(); // Can only really validate if the ranks of the source and target are 'known' if (map.ContainsKey(RankKey(dest)) && map.ContainsKey(RankKey(source))) { TaxonRank destrank = map[RankKey(dest)]; TaxonRank srcrank = map[RankKey(source)]; if (!IsValidChild(srcrank, destrank)) { return(new DataValidationResult(false, String.Format("{0} is not a valid child of {1}", srcrank.LongName, destrank.LongName))); } } return(new DataValidationResult(true)); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a taxon for test /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public ITaxon GetReferenceParentTaxon(IUserContext userContext, int taxonId) { ITaxon refTaxon = new Taxon(); string conceptDefinitionPartString = ""; DateTime createdDate = new DateTime(2004, 01, 20); Int32 createdBy = userContext.User.Id; string personName = @"Hölje Soderås"; DateTime validFromDate = new DateTime(1763, 02, 08); DateTime validToDate = new DateTime(2447, 08, 01); // refTaxon.ConceptDefinitionFullGeneratedString = conceptDefinitionFullGeneratedString; refTaxon.PartOfConceptDefinition = conceptDefinitionPartString; refTaxon.CreatedBy = createdBy; refTaxon.CreatedDate = createdDate; refTaxon.DataContext = new DataContext(userContext); refTaxon.ModifiedByPerson = personName; refTaxon.ValidFromDate = validFromDate; refTaxon.ValidToDate = validToDate; refTaxon.Id = taxonId; int taxonNameId = DyntaxaTestSettings.Default.TestParentTaxonNameId; // ITaxonName refTaxonName = GetReferenceTaxonName(userContext, taxonId, taxonNameId); ITaxonCategory taxonCategory = GetReferenceTaxonCategory(userContext, 1); ITaxonProperties taxonProperties = new TaxonProperties() { IsValid = true, DataContext = new DataContext(userContext), TaxonCategory = taxonCategory, ValidToDate = new DateTime(2111, 12, 31) }; refTaxon.SetTaxonProperties(new List <ITaxonProperties>() { taxonProperties }); refTaxon.Category = taxonCategory; // ITaxonName recName = new TaxonName(userContext); refTaxon.Author = "ReferenceParentAuthor"; //GetReferenceTaxonName(userContext, taxonId, taxonNameId).Author; refTaxon.ScientificName = "ReferenceParentScentificName"; //GetReferenceTaxonName(userContext, taxonId, taxonNameId).Name; refTaxon.CommonName = "ReferenceParentCommonName"; //GetReferenceTaxonName(userContext, taxonId, taxonNameId + 1).Name; //ITaxon grandParentTaxon = GetReferenceGrandParentTaxon(userContext, DyntaxaTestSettings.Default.TestParentTaxonId +10); //refTaxon.GetParentTaxa(userContext).Add(new TaxonRelation() { RelatedTaxon = grandParentTaxon, ValidFromDate = DateTime.Now, ValidToDate = new DateTime(2022, 1, 30) }); //List<ITaxonRelation> grandParentsList = new List<ITaxonRelation>(); //grandParentsList.Add(new TaxonRelation() { RelatedTaxon = grandParentTaxon, ValidFromDate = DateTime.Now, ValidToDate = new DateTime(2022, 1, 30) }); //refTaxon.ParentTaxa = grandParentsList; return(refTaxon); }
// 按照指定方式获取父类群。 public static IReadOnlyList <Taxon> GetParents(this Taxon taxon, GetParentsOption option) { if (taxon is null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(); } // List <Taxon> result = new List <Taxon>(); if (!taxon.IsRoot) { if (option == GetParentsOption.EditMode) { // 上溯到任何具名分类阶元类群,保留任何类群 result.AddRange(taxon.GetParents( TaxonFilter.Any, TaxonFilter.Named | TaxonFilter.AnyRank, includeTermination: true, skipParaphyly: false)); // 如果没有上溯到任何主要分类阶元类群,直接上溯到顶级类群,保留任何类群 if (result.Count <= 0) { result.AddRange(taxon.GetParents( TaxonFilter.Any, TaxonFilter.None, includeTermination: true, skipParaphyly: false)); } } else if (option == GetParentsOption.Least) { // 首先上溯到任何具名类群,保留任何具名类群,不跳过并系群 result.AddRange(taxon.GetParents( TaxonFilter.Named | TaxonFilter.AnyRank, TaxonFilter.Named | TaxonFilter.AnyRank, includeTermination: true, skipParaphyly: false)); // 如果上溯到任何未指定分级类群或演化支类群,继续上溯到任何主要或次要分类阶元类群,保留任何具名类群,跳过并系群 if (result.Count > 0) { Taxon parent = result[^ 1];
public void UpdateTaxon(Taxon taxon) { StoredProcUpdate("spBiotaUpdate", _P("intBiotaID", taxon.TaxaID), _P("vchrEpithet", taxon.Epithet, ""), _P("vchrAuthor", taxon.Author, ""), _P("vchrYearOfPub", taxon.YearOfPub, ""), _P("bitChgComb", taxon.ChgComb, 0), _P("chrElemType", taxon.ElemType, ""), _P("bitUnplaced", taxon.Unplaced, 0), _P("bitUnverified", taxon.Unverified, 0), _P("vchrRank", taxon.Rank, ""), _P("intOrder", taxon.Order, 0), _P("chrKingdomCode", taxon.KingdomCode, "A"), _P("bitAvailableName", taxon.AvailableName, ""), _P("bitLiteratureName", taxon.LiteratureName, ""), _P("vchrAvailableNameStatus", taxon.NameStatus, "")); }
private static Taxon _GetTaxonOfTree(PhylogeneticTree tree, IReadOnlyList <int> indexList) { if (tree is null || indexList is null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(); } // Taxon taxon = tree.Root; foreach (var id in indexList) { taxon = taxon.Children[id]; } return(taxon); }
/// <summary> /// Saves an attribute to a taxon. Do not forget to call SaveChanges on your TaxonomyManager. /// ** Extension **. /// </summary> /// <exception cref="ArgumentOutOfRangeException">Thrown when one or more arguments are outside the /// required range.</exception> /// <param name="currentTaxon">This taxon.</param> /// <param name="key">Dictionary Key to store the value as.</param> /// <param name="value">Data to store.</param> /// <param name="isJson">(Optional) If it's a complex object, convert to JSON.</param> public static void SetValue(this Taxon currentTaxon, string key, object value, bool isJson = false) { string data = (isJson) ? JsonConvert.SerializeObject(value) : value.ToString(); if (data.Length >= 255) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value", "Data length exceeded, Max 255"); } if (!currentTaxon.Attributes.ContainsKey(key)) { currentTaxon.Attributes.Add(key, data); } else { currentTaxon.Attributes[key] = data; } }
private string MakeFeatureKey(FeatureDataRow data, Taxon taxon) { var b = new StringBuilder("rowkey"); foreach (DataColumn col in data.Table.Columns) { b.Append("_").Append(data[col]); } if (taxon != null) { b.Append("_").Append(taxon.Epithet); } else { b.Append("_Unidentified"); } return(b.ToString()); }
// 获取继承的分类阶元。 public static Rank GetInheritedRank(this Taxon taxon) { if (taxon is null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(); } // if (taxon.Rank.IsPrimaryOrSecondaryRank()) { return(taxon.Rank); } else { Taxon nearestPrimaryOrSecondaryRankParent = null; Taxon parent = taxon.Parent; while (parent is not null) { if (parent.Rank.IsPrimaryOrSecondaryRank()) { nearestPrimaryOrSecondaryRankParent = parent; break; } else { parent = parent.Parent; } } if (nearestPrimaryOrSecondaryRankParent is null) { return(taxon.Root.Rank); } else { return(nearestPrimaryOrSecondaryRankParent.Rank); } } }
public void TestAddTaxa() { // First find a root to start from... var parent = Service.GetTaxon(7009); // Insecta Assert.NotNull(parent); // Create a new family... var taxon = new Taxon { TaxaParentID = parent.TaxaID, Author = "Smith", YearOfPub = "1990", AvailableName = false, ChgComb = false, Epithet = "Test Taxa", ElemType = "F", KingdomCode = "A", Unplaced = false, Unverified = false, LiteratureName = false, Order = 0 }; // insert it... Service.InsertTaxon(taxon); Assert.IsTrue(taxon.TaxaID.HasValue); Trace("Inserted TaxaID: {0}", taxon.TaxaID); var other = Service.GetTaxon(taxon.TaxaID.Value); AssertObjectsEqual(other, taxon, "Rank", "NameStatus", "Parentage", "Shadowed", "RankLong", "KingdomLong", "RankCategory", "DateCreated", "WhoCreated", "DateModified", "WhoModified", "GUID", "ObjectID"); }
/// <summary> /// Deletes any tags in Sitefinity that are not used by anything. /// </summary> /// <param name="taxonomyManager">The manager to use to delete the unused tags.</param> public static void DeleteAllUnusedTags(this ITaxonomyManager taxonomyManager) { if (taxonomyManager == null) { return; } List <Taxon> existingTags = taxonomyManager.GetTaxonomy <FlatTaxonomy>(TaxonomyManager.TagsTaxonomyId).Taxa.ToList(); List <Guid> existingTagIds = existingTags.Select(t => t.Id).ToList(); var tagIdsToDelete = taxonomyManager.GetUnusedTaxonGuids(existingTagIds); foreach (Guid tagIdToDelete in tagIdsToDelete) { Taxon existingTagToDelete = existingTags.SingleOrDefault(t => t.Id == tagIdToDelete); if (existingTagToDelete != null) { taxonomyManager.Delete(existingTagToDelete); } } taxonomyManager.SaveChanges(); }