Ejemplo n.º 1
        public async Task <JsonResult> EditTag(string TagToAdd, int[] TagToDel, int BlogID)
            var TagsToAdd = TagUtil.SplitTags(TagToAdd);

            if (TagsToAdd.Any(t => t.Length > 20))
                return(Json(new { errmsg = "标签不得超过20字符" }));
                Blog b = _db.Blogs.Find(BlogID);
                if (b == null || BlogID <= 0 || (b.option != null && b.option.LockTags))
                    return(Json(new { errmsg = "无效id,请刷新重试" }));
                var tibs = await _db.TagsInBlogs.Include(tib => tib.tag).Where(t => t.BlogID == BlogID).ToListAsync();

                // Remove TagToAdd items from TagsToDel
                var TagsToDel = TagToDel == null ?
                                new TagsInBlog[0] :
                                tibs.Where(tib => TagToDel.Contains(tib.TagID) && !TagsToAdd.Contains(tib.tag.TagName, SqlStringComparer.Instance)).ToArray();
                // Remove already exist tags from TagsToAdd
                TagsToAdd = TagsToAdd.Where(s => tibs.All(tib => !SqlStringComparer.Instance.Equals(tib.tag.TagName, s))).ToArray();

                if (tibs.Any(tib => !tib.IsRemovable(b.Author, User.Identity.Name, _blogUtil.CheckAdmin(), HarmonySettings.BlacklistTags) && TagToDel.Contains(tib.TagID)))
                    return(Json(new { errmsg = "您不能删除作者添加的或黑名单标签" }));
                if (tibs.Count + TagsToAdd.Length - TagsToDel.Length > 10)
                    return(Json(new { errmsg = "标签不得超过10个" }));
                else if (tibs.Count + TagsToAdd.Length - TagsToDel.Length < 1)
                    return(Json(new { errmsg = "请至少添加一个标签" }));
                List <Tag> AddedTags = _tagUtil.AddTagsForBlog(BlogID, TagsToAdd, User.Identity.Name);
                _db.TagHistories.AddRange(TagsToDel.Select(tib => new TagHistory
                    AddBy    = tib.AddBy,
                    BlogID   = BlogID,
                    DeleteBy = User.Identity.Name,
                    TagName  = tib.tag.TagName,
                    Time     = DateTime.Now

                bool isHarmony = BlogHelper.BlogIsHarmony(_db, b, HarmonySettings);
                if (isHarmony != b.isHarmony)
                    b.isHarmony = isHarmony;
                    _cacheService.ClearHPCache(this, null);
                await _db.SaveChangesAsync();

                var currentTags = tibs.Except(TagsToDel).Select(tib => tib.tag).Concat(AddedTags).OrderBy(t => t.TagName);
                TriggerEditTags(b, currentTags);
                return(Json(AddedTags.ToDictionary(t => t.TagID.ToString(), t => t.TagName)));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public async Task <PartialViewResult> HPSetting(HPSettingsModel model)
            string option, tagBlacklist = null;
            var    allCategories = _catUtil.GetCategoryList();
            var    categories    = model.GetCategoryOptions();

            if (categories.SelectedIds.Count == 0 || (allCategories.Count == categories.SelectedIds.Count))
                option = string.Empty;
                option = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(categories.SelectedIds);
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.BlacklistTagNames))
                var taglist = TagUtil.SplitTags(model.BlacklistTagNames);
                if (taglist != null && taglist.Length > 0)
                    var tags = await _bdb.Tags.Where(t => taglist.Contains(t.TagName)).ToDictionaryAsync(t => t.TagName.ToLower(), t => t.TagID);

                    var notfound = taglist.Where(n => !tags.ContainsKey(n.ToLower()));
                    if (notfound.Any())
                        ViewBag.NotFoundTags = string.Join(",", notfound);
                        ViewBag.Success      = false;
                        return(PartialView("_HPSettingPartial", model));
                    tagBlacklist = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(tags.Values.AsEnumerable());
            UserProfile user = _db.Users.Include("option").SingleOrDefault(u => u.UserName == User.Identity.Name);

            if (user.option == null)
                user.option = new UserOption();
            user.option.homepageCategories   = option;
            user.option.homepageHideHarmony  = model.HideHarmony;
            user.option.homepageTagBlacklist = tagBlacklist;
            _blogUtil.CacheUserOption(user.option, User.Identity.Name);
            await _db.SaveChangesAsync();

            ViewBag.Success = true;
            return(PartialView("_HPSettingPartial", model));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public async Task <ActionResult> Edit([FromServices] HtmlSanitizerService sanitizerService, int id, BlogEdit blog, IFormFile[] files, bool setmain = false)
            ViewBag.CategoryList = _catUtil.GetCategoryDropdown(blog.CategoryID);
            ViewBag.id           = id;
            if (NolinkCategories == null || !NolinkCategories.Contains(blog.CategoryID))
                if (blog.BlogLinks == null)
                    ModelState.AddModelError("", "链接地址不能为空");
                    blog.BlogLinks = blog.BlogLinks.Where(b => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(b.url)).ToArray();
                    if (!BlogHelper.checkBlogLinks(blog.BlogLinks))
                        ModelState.AddModelError("", "链接地址不能为空,且不得包含javascript");
            if (blog.Content == null || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(BlogHelper.removeAllTags(blog.Content)))
                ModelState.AddModelError("", "内容不能为空或纯图片");
            if (!_blogUtil.CheckAdmin())
                blog.Content = sanitizerService.Sanitize(blog.Content);
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                Blog          originalblog    = _db.Blogs.Find(id);
                bool          hasupload       = false;
                List <string> dellist         = null;
                List <string> newlist         = null;
                string        thumb           = null;
                string        newthumb        = null;
                string[]      originalImglist = originalblog.ImagePath?.Split(';') ?? new string[] { };
                string[]      currentImglist  = blog.ImagePath?.Split(';') ?? new string[] { };
                int           imgcount        = currentImglist.Length;
                bool[]        uploadpos       = null;
                if (originalblog.option != null)
                    originalblog.option.MergeWith(_blogUtil, blog.Option);
                else if (!blog.Option.OverrideOption(_blogUtil).IsDefault())
                    originalblog.option = blog.Option;
                if (originalblog.IsLocalImg)
                    dellist = originalImglist.ToList();
                    thumb   = dellist.First();
                if (currentImglist.Length != 0) //item has local image & might or might not changed
                    // foreach name in current imglist, if orignal imglist does not contain the name,it is not valid
                    if (!currentImglist.All(n => originalImglist.Contains(n)))
                        ModelState.AddModelError("", "内部参数错误,请刷新重试");
                    // foreach name in orignial imglist, if current imglist does not contain the name,delete it
                    dellist = originalImglist.Except(currentImglist).ToList();
                    originalblog.ImagePath = blog.ImagePath;
                if (files != null)
                    uploadpos = new bool[files.Length];
                    imgcount += files.Where(f => f != null).Count();
                    for (int i = 0; i < files.Length; i++)
                        var data = files[i];
                        if (data != null)
                            if (data.Length > 1048576 * 4 || !data.ContentType.Contains("image"))
                                ModelState.AddModelError("", "单个文件不得超过4MB,且必须是图片");
                            hasupload    = true;
                            uploadpos[i] = true;
                            uploadpos[i] = false;
                if (hasupload) // has upload file
                        newlist = await _uploadUtil.SaveImagesAsync(files, false);
                    catch (Exception e)
                        ModelState.AddModelError("", "保存图片时发生异常:(" + e.Message + ")。如多次出错,请汇报给管理员。");
                    if (newlist.Count < 1)
                        ModelState.AddModelError("", "图片服务器上传出错,请稍后再试。如多次出错,请汇报给管理员。");
                    int i = 0;
                    if (originalblog.IsLocalImg && setmain && files[0] != null && currentImglist.Length > 0)
                        List <string> updatedImgList = new List <string>(currentImglist);
                        updatedImgList.Insert(0, newlist[0]);
                        originalblog.ImagePath = string.Join(";", updatedImgList);
                        blog.Content           = BlogHelper.InsertImgPlaceholder(blog.Content);
                    else if (!originalblog.IsLocalImg)
                        originalblog.ImagePath = string.Join(";", newlist);
                        originalblog.ImagePath = string.Join(";", currentImglist.Concat(newlist));
                    blog.Content            = BlogHelper.ReplaceNewImgPlaceholder(blog.Content, i, currentImglist.Length, uploadpos);
                    originalblog.IsLocalImg = true;
                if (!originalblog.IsLocalImg || imgcount == 0) //no img no upload
                    string imgname = BlogHelper.getFirstImg(blog.Content);
                    if (imgname == null || imgname.Length < 5)
                        ModelState.AddModelError("", "请添加预览图!(上传或外链图片)");
                        blog.ImagePath = originalblog.ImagePath;
                    originalblog.ImagePath  = imgname;
                    originalblog.IsLocalImg = false;
                    newthumb = originalblog.ImagePath.Split(';').ToList().First();

                var mention = new MentionHandler(_udb);
                blog.Content = mention.ParseMentions(blog.Content);
                mention.SendMentionMsg(_msgUtil, originalblog.Author, originalblog.BlogTitle, Url.Action("Details", new { id = originalblog.BlogID }));
                if (blog.Option != null && (originalblog.option != null || !blog.Option.IsDefault()))
                    originalblog.option = blog.Option;
                // else image uploaded before and did not changed
                string[]   tags        = TagUtil.SplitTags(blog.BlogTags);
                List <Tag> updatedTags = null;
                    // Replace 【】() with []()
                    originalblog.BlogTitle  = blog.BlogTitle.ToSingleByteCharacterString();
                    originalblog.Content    = BlogHelper.RemoveComments(blog.Content);
                    originalblog.CategoryID = blog.CategoryID;
                    originalblog.Links      = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(blog.BlogLinks);
                    if (blog.Option.NoApprove)
                        originalblog.isApproved = false;
                    else if (originalblog.isApproved == false)
                        originalblog.isApproved = null;
                    else if (originalblog.isApproved == null)
                        // Remove pending votes since the blog has changed.
                        var audits       = _db.BlogAudits.Where(b => b.BlogID == originalblog.BlogID).ToList();
                        var lastDecision = audits.Where(ba => ba.AuditAction == BlogAudit.Action.Approve || ba.AuditAction == BlogAudit.Action.Deny).OrderByDescending(ba => ba.BlogVersion).FirstOrDefault();
                        int lastVersion  = lastDecision == null ? 0 : lastDecision.BlogVersion;
                        _db.BlogAudits.RemoveRange(audits.Where(ba => ba.BlogVersion > lastVersion && (ba.AuditAction == BlogAudit.Action.VoteApprove || ba.AuditAction == BlogAudit.Action.VoteDeny)));
                    updatedTags            = _tagUtil.SetTagsForBlog(originalblog.BlogID, tags, originalblog.Author);
                    originalblog.isHarmony = BlogHelper.BlogIsHarmony(_db, originalblog, HarmonySettings);
                    if (originalblog.IsLocalImg && newlist != null)
                        await _uploadUtil.DeleteFilesAsync(newlist);
                if (dellist != null && dellist.Count > 0)
                    await _uploadUtil.DeleteFilesAsync(dellist);
                if (thumb != null && thumb != newthumb && blog.IsLocalImg)
                    await _uploadUtil.DeleteFileAsync(thumb.Replace("/upload/", "/thumbs/"));
                if (originalblog.IsLocalImg && thumb != newthumb)
                    await _uploadUtil.SaveThumbAsync(originalblog.ImagePath);
                if (originalblog.Author != User.Identity.Name)
                    _adminUtil.log(User.Identity.Name, "editblog", originalblog.BlogID.ToString());
                TriggerEditBlog(originalblog, updatedTags);
                return(RedirectToAction("Details", new { id }));
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public async Task <ActionResult> Create(BlogEdit blog, [FromServices] HtmlSanitizerService sanitizerService)
            ViewBag.CategoryList = _catUtil.GetCategoryDropdown();
            ViewBag.UserHanGroup = GetUserHanGroup();
            string        content    = blog.Content;
            bool          isLocalimg = false;
            Blog          newblog;
            List <string> imglist = null;

                if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                    throw new BlogException();
                if (content == null || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(BlogHelper.removeAllTags(content)))
                    ModelState.AddModelError("", "内容不能为空或纯图片");
                    throw new BlogException();
                if (NolinkCategories == null || !NolinkCategories.Contains(blog.CategoryID))
                    if (blog.BlogLinks == null)
                        ModelState.AddModelError("", "链接地址不能为空");
                        throw new BlogException();
                        blog.BlogLinks = blog.BlogLinks.Where(b => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(b.url)).ToArray();
                        if (!BlogHelper.checkBlogLinks(blog.BlogLinks))
                            ModelState.AddModelError("", "链接地址不能为空,且不得包含javascript");
                            throw new BlogException();
                if (!_blogUtil.CheckAdmin())
                    content = sanitizerService.Sanitize(content);
                if (blog.HanGroupID.HasValue && !_db.HanGroupMembers.Any(h => h.Username == User.Identity.Name && h.HanGroupID == blog.HanGroupID))
                    ModelState.AddModelError("", "汉化组ID无效,请刷新重试。");
                    throw new BlogException();
                List <IFormFile> BlogImages = new List <IFormFile>();
                if (Request.Form.Files.Count > 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i < Request.Form.Files.Count; i++)
                        var file = Request.Form.Files[i];
                        if (file.Length > 0)
                            if (!file.ContentType.Contains("image"))
                                ModelState.AddModelError("", "不接受的文件类型");
                                throw new BlogException();
                            else if (file.Length > 1048576 * 4)
                                ModelState.AddModelError("", "文件不得超过4MB");
                                throw new BlogException();
                            isLocalimg = true;
                            content = BlogHelper.removeImgPlaceholder(content, i);
                if (!isLocalimg)
                    var imgname = BlogHelper.getFirstImg(content);
                    if (imgname == null || imgname.Length < 5)
                        ModelState.AddModelError("", "请添加预览图!(上传或在文中外链图片)");
                        throw new BlogException();
                    imglist = new List <string>()
                        imglist = await _uploadUtil.SaveImagesAsync(BlogImages);
                    catch (Exception e)
                        ModelState.AddModelError("", "保存图片时发生异常:(" + e.Message + ")。如多次出错,请汇报给管理员。");
                        throw new BlogException(e.Message, e);
                    if (imglist.Count < 1)
                        ModelState.AddModelError("", "图片服务器上传出错,请稍后再试。如多次出错,请汇报给管理员。");
                        throw new BlogException();
                string imgpath = string.Empty;
                if (imglist != null)
                    imgpath = string.Join(";", imglist);
                bool approve = User.IsInRole("Administrator") || User.IsInRole("Writers") || User.IsInRole("Moderator");
                // Replace 【】() with []()
                blog.BlogTitle = blog.BlogTitle.ToSingleByteCharacterString();
                blog.ImagePath = imgpath;
                content        = BlogHelper.RemoveComments(content);
                newblog        = _blogUtil.AddBlog(blog.BlogTitle, content,
                                                   blog.CategoryID, imgpath, User.Identity.Name, approve, isLocalimg, blog.BlogLinks);
                var taglist = new List <Tag>();
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(blog.BlogTags))
                    string[] tags = TagUtil.SplitTags(blog.BlogTags);
                    taglist = _tagUtil.AddTagsForBlog(newblog.BlogID, tags, newblog.Author);
                var save = false;
                if (BlogHelper.BlogIsHarmony(_db, newblog, HarmonySettings))
                    newblog.isHarmony = true;
                    save = true;
                if (blog.HanGroupID.HasValue)
                    _db.HanGroupBlogs.Add(new HanGroupBlog {
                        BlogID = newblog.BlogID, HanGroupID = blog.HanGroupID.Value
                    save = true;
                if (blog.Option != null && !blog.Option.IsDefault())
                    newblog.option = blog.Option.OverrideOption(_blogUtil);
                    if (newblog.option.NoApprove)
                        newblog.isApproved = false;
                    save = true;
                if (save)
                TriggerNewBlog(newblog, taglist);
            catch (BlogException e)
                if (Request.IsAjaxRequest())
                        err = e.Message + string.Join(";", ModelState.Values.SelectMany(m => m.Errors)
                                                      .Select(err => err.ErrorMessage)
                if (isLocalimg && imglist != null)
                    await _uploadUtil.DeleteFilesAsync(imglist.Concat(new[] { blog.ImagePath.Split(';')[0].Replace("/upload/", "/thumbs/") }));
            if (Request.IsAjaxRequest())
                return(Json(new { id = newblog.BlogID, src = BlogHelper.firstImgPath(newblog, true) }));
            return(RedirectToAction("Details", new { id = newblog.BlogID }));