public override void OnInput(char c) { switch (state) { case TState.EStateTransferActive: { switch (c) { case '0': { state = TState.GettingDeviceID; } break; case '1': { if (currentInterval > 1) { --currentInterval; SendMessageToMyself(Message.KMsgSetParameters); } } break; case '3': { if (currentInterval < 5) { currentInterval++; SendMessageToMyself(Message.KMsgSetParameters); } } break; case '\r': { SuspendTransfer(); SendMessageToMyself(deviceID, Message.KMsgSuspendTransfer); } break; default: break; } } break; case TState.EStateTransferSuspended: { switch (c) { case '\r': { SendMessageToMyself(Message.KMsgResumeTransfer); } break; default: break; } } // Для других состояний default: break; } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { switch (mState) { case TState.LOADED: initTest(); foreach (TreeNode rn in this.treeView1.Nodes) { foreach (TreeNode sn in rn.Nodes) { if (sn.Checked) { TestCase ts = sn.Tag as TestCase; if (ts != null) tm.Cases.Add(ts); } } } _resetTreeNodeColor(); this.textBox1.Text = ""; _onOutPut("**** Test Start ****"); _onOutPut(" "); button1.Text = "Pause"; mState = TState.TESTING; break; case TState.PAUSING: mState = TState.TESTING; button1.Text = "Pause"; break; case TState.TESTING: mState = TState.PAUSING; button1.Text = "Start"; break; } }
public override void MainOverride() { UseMessageInput(DefaultMailBox); UseKbdInput(); state = TState.EStateGettingDeviceID; ProcessIncomingMessages(); }
public bool IsIncludeIn(TState state) { return (_state.Equals(state) || (_superstate != null && _superstate.IsIncludeIn(state))); }
private LineStateInfo(bool isDirty = false, bool multilineToken = false) { EndLineState = default(TState); IsDirty = isDirty; MultilineToken = multilineToken; }
public LineStateInfo(TState endLineState) { EndLineState = endLineState; IsDirty = false; MultilineToken = false; }
public override bool ResultsInTransitionFrom(TState source, object[] args, out TState destination) { destination = default(TState); return(false); }
public Async(TState state, Func <Task> action, Reflection.InvocationInfo actionDescription) : base(state, actionDescription) { _action = action; }
protected ActivateActionBehaviour(TState state, Reflection.InvocationInfo actionDescription) { _state = state; _actionDescription = actionDescription ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(actionDescription)); }
public StateConfiguration(TestMachine <TState, TTrigger, EventArgs> machine, TState state) { m_machine = machine; m_state = state; }
/// <summary> /// Add an action to be performed along with the state transition. /// <para>It is important to consider what to do if the /// Action encounters and exception. Handle the exception within the action if possible, otherwise the exception /// is propogated back to the caller that initates the state transition.</para> /// <para>The state machine can either remain in the current state by passing it to <paramref name="errorState"/> /// otherwise, it might make sense to define a specific error state for the state machine with specific transitions /// to recover from the error</para> /// </summary> /// <param name="action">Action to be performed</param> /// <param name="errorState">State to transition to in the event of an exception executing <paramref name="action"/></param> public new ConditionalTransitionWithAction WithAction(Action action, TState errorState) { Action = action; ActionErrorState = errorState; return(new ConditionalTransitionWithAction(this)); }
public override vodi OnSuspend() { switch (state) { case TState.EStateTransferActive: { state = TState.EStateTransferSuspended; SendMessageToDispatcher(deviceID, Message.KMsgSuspendTransfer); } break; default: break; } }
public override void OnMailBoxMessage(Message msg) { switch (state) { case TState.EStateGettingDeviceID: { state = TState.EStateInitTransfer; deviceID = GetDeviceID(); } break; case TState.EStateSwitchDevice: { state = TState.EStateInitTransfer; SendMessageToDispatcher(deviceID, Message.KMsgSuspendTransfer); deviceID = GetDeviceID(); } break; case TState.EStateInitTransfer: { ShowInfo(Message.KMsgDevRequest); switch (RequestDevice(deviceID)) { case Message.KErrNo: { if (MainMenu() != NewDevice) { state = TState.EStateTransferActive; SetDeviceParameters(); } else state = TState.EStateGettingDeviceID; } break; case Message.KErrDeviceNotRegistered: { state = TState.EStateGettingDeviceID; ShowError(Message.KErrDeviceNotRegistered); } break; case Message.KErrDeviceNotReady: { state = TState.EStateInitTransfer; ShowError(Message.KErrDeviceNotReady); } default: throw new ArgumentException("Bad message code"); } } break; case TState.EStateTransferActive: { switch (msg.Command) { case Message.KMsgReceivedData: { ProcessIncomingData(msg); } break; case Message.KMsgSetParameters: { SetDeviceParameters(); // ?????? } break; case Message.KMsgSuspendTransfer: { state = TState.EStateTransferSuspended; ShowInfo(Message.KMsgSuspendTransfer); } break; case Message.KMsgResumeTransfer: { state = TState.EStateResumeTransfer; } break; case Message.KMsgStopTransfer: { state = TState.EStateResumeTransfer; ShowInfo(Message.KMsgStopTransfer); } break; case Message.KMsgError: { switch (msg.Code) { case Message.KErrDeviceNotReady: case Message.KErrLostConnection: { state = TState.EStateResumeTransfer; ShowError(msg.Code); } break; default: { throw new ArgumentException("Bad error code"); } } } break; } } break; case TState.EStateTransferSuspended: { if (msg.Command == Message.KMsgResumeTransfer) { state = TState.EStateResumeTransfer; } else throw new ArgumentException("Bad message code"); } break; default: throw new ArgumentException("Bad state"); } }
private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (mState != TState.NONE) return; initTest(); Dictionary<string, List<TestCase>> dic = tm.loadTestCases("./plugins/etest/cases"); this.treeView1.Nodes.Clear(); foreach (KeyValuePair<string, List<TestCase>> kvp in dic) { TreeNode root_node = new TreeNode(); root_node.Checked = true; root_node.Text = kvp.Key; root_node.Tag = "root_node"; foreach (TestCase tcase in kvp.Value) { TreeNode node = new TreeNode(); node.Checked = true; node.Text =; node.Tag = tcase; if (ot_name.Length != 0 && node.Text != ot_name) continue; root_node.Nodes.Add(node); } if (root_node.Nodes.Count != 0) this.treeView1.Nodes.Add(root_node); } this.treeView1.ExpandAll(); button1.Text = "Start"; mState = TState.LOADED; }
internal State(TState stateId) : base(stateId) { }
public Entry(World world) { this.isEmpty = true; this.state = WorldUtilities.CreateState <TState>(); this.state.Initialize(world, freeze: true, restore: false); }
StateConfiguration InternalPermit(TTrigger trigger, TState destinationState, string guardDescription) { return(InternalPermitIf(trigger, destinationState, () => true, guardDescription)); }
public Configurer Permit(TTrigger trigger, TState changeTo, Action execute) => Permit(trigger, changeTo, () => { execute(); return(true); });
private void toolStripMenuItem2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { tm.shutdown(); button1.Text = "Start"; textBox1.Text = ""; mState = this.treeView1.Nodes.Count == 0 ? TState.NONE : TState.LOADED; }
public Configurer Permit(TTrigger trigger, TState changeTo) => Permit(trigger, changeTo, () => true);
public Sync(TState state, Action action, Reflection.InvocationInfo actionDescription) : base(state, actionDescription) { _action = action; }
public Configurer Permit(TTrigger trigger, TState changeTo, Func <bool> condition) { Machine.Permits.Add(new Permit(State, trigger, changeTo, condition)); return(this); }
public Scope(IFdbDatabase db, [AllowNull] TState state) { this.Db = db; this.State = state; }
public Configurer(TState state, StateMachine <TState, TTrigger> machine) { this.State = state; this.Machine = machine; }
public void Release(TState state) { // Return state to pool _states.ReturnToPool(state); }
private protected virtual void CloneCore(TState state) { state.WindowedBuffer = WindowedBuffer.Clone(); state.InitialWindowedBuffer = InitialWindowedBuffer.Clone(); }
public LineStateInfo(TState endLineState, bool isDirty) { EndLineState = endLineState; IsDirty = isDirty; MultilineToken = false; }
private static void MapFunctionWithoutBuffer(DataBox <TInput> input, DataBox <TOutput> output, TState state) { state.ProcessWithoutBuffer(ref input.Value, ref output.Value); }
public bool Includes(TState state) { return(_state.Equals(state) || _substates.Any(s => s.Includes(state))); }
private static void MapFunctionWithoutBuffer(DataBox <TInput> input, DataBoxForecastingWithConfidenceIntervals <TOutput> output, TState state) { state.ProcessWithoutBuffer(ref input.Value, ref output.Forecast, ref output.ConfidenceIntervalLowerBound, ref output.ConfidenceIntervalUpperBound); }
public StateRepresentation(TState state) { _state = state; }
private void InitFunction(TState state) { state.InitState(_parent.WindowSize, _parent.InitialWindowSize, _parent, _parent.Host); }
/// <summary> /// Accept the specified trigger and transition to the destination state. /// </summary> /// <param name="trigger">The accepted trigger.</param> /// <param name="destinationState">The state that the trigger will cause a /// transition to.</param> /// <returns>The reciever.</returns> public StateConfiguration Permit(TTrigger trigger, TState destinationState) { EnforceNotIdentityTransition(destinationState); return(InternalPermit(trigger, destinationState, string.Empty)); }
/// <summary> /// Accept the specified trigger and transition to the destination state. /// </summary> /// <param name="trigger">The accepted trigger.</param> /// <param name="destinationState">The state that the trigger will cause a /// transition to.</param> /// <param name="guard">Function that must return true in order for the /// trigger to be accepted.</param> /// <returns>The reciever.</returns> public StateConfiguration PermitIf(TTrigger trigger, TState destinationState, Func <bool> guard) { EnforceNotIdentityTransition(destinationState); return(InternalPermitIf(trigger, destinationState, guard)); }
StateConfiguration InternalPermitIf(TTrigger trigger, TState destinationState, Func <bool> guard, string guardDescription) { Enforce.ArgumentNotNull(guard, nameof(guard)); _representation.AddTriggerBehaviour(new TransitioningTriggerBehaviour(trigger, destinationState, guard, guardDescription)); return(this); }
StateConfiguration InternalPermit(TTrigger trigger, TState destinationState) { return(InternalPermitIf(trigger, destinationState, () => true)); }
public IStateConfiguration Allow(TTrigger trigger, TState destinationState) { m_machine.AddTransition(m_state, trigger, destinationState); return(this); }
private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { switch (mState) { case TState.NONE: case TState.PAUSING: case TState.LOADED: break; case TState.TESTING: this.timer1.Stop(); TestMain.EnumCaseResult r = tm.enumerateCases(); if (r == TestMain.EnumCaseResult.ENUMCASE_OVER) { tm.shutdown(); _onOutPut(" "); _onOutPut("**** Test Over ****"); this.button1.Text = "Start"; mState = TState.LOADED; } this.timer1.Start(); break; } }