Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void UpdateVelocity_CLIENT(Vector2 position, Vector2 velocity, float rotation)
            curVelocity = velocity;
            curRotation = rotation;
            float distance = Vector2.Distance(position, Owner.Transform.GlobalPositionInternal);

            if (distance >= 32f)
                Owner.Transform.Position = position;
            else if (distance >= 6f)
                snapPosition = position;
                snapMaxTime  = 0.05f;
                snapTime     = 0f;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void Update(EvaluationContext context)
            if (IsActve.GetValue(context))
                _maxPointCount = MaxPointCount.GetValue(context);

                if (TriggerReset.GetValue(context))

                var isMouseDown = IsMouseButtonDown.GetValue(context);
                if (!isMouseDown && _mouseWasDown)
                    if (_currentStrokeLength == 1 && _writeIndex > 0) // add to points for single click to make it visible as a dot
                        var lastPoint = _pointList.TypedElements[_writeIndex - 1];
                        lastPoint.Position = PointFromMousePos(context, _lastMousePos + new Vector2(0, 0.01f));
                    _currentStrokeLength = 0;
                else if (isMouseDown)
                    var mousePos = MousePos.GetValue(context);
                    if (!_mouseWasDown || Vector2.Distance(_lastMousePos, mousePos) > 0.001f)
                        AppendPoint(new Point()
                            Position    = PointFromMousePos(context, mousePos),
                            Orientation = Quaternion.Identity,
                            W           = 1,
                        AppendPoint(Point.Separator(), advanceIndex: false);
                    _lastMousePos = mousePos;

                _mouseWasDown = isMouseDown;

            PointList.Value = _pointList;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private void GrowSeed(Seed seed)
            Contract.Requires(seed != null);

            //Decide how far we're going to grow this seed
            var length = _seedDistance.SelectFloatValue(_random, _metadata);

            if (length < 0)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Seed distance must be > 0");

            //Find the first edge which is parallel with this one
            var firstParallel = FindFirstParallelEdge(
                length * _parallelLengthMultiplier.SelectFloatValue(_random, _metadata),
                _parallelCheckWidth.SelectFloatValue(_random, _metadata),
                _cosineParallelAngleThreshold.SelectFloatValue(_random, _metadata)

            //Check for intersections with other edges
            var firstIntersection = FindFirstIntersection(seed, length + _seedDistance.MinValue);

            //Reject seeds with parallel edges in certain circumstances
            if (firstParallel.HasValue)
                //There's a parallel edge and we don't intersect anything, so just ignore this seed altogether
                if (!firstIntersection.HasValue)

                //There's a parallel edge and the first intersection if *after* the parallelism starts, so ignore this seed altogether
                if (firstIntersection.Value.Value.DistanceAlongB > firstParallel.Value.Value)

            if (firstIntersection.HasValue)
                var intersectVert = _mesh.GetOrConstructVertex(firstIntersection.Value.Value.Position);
                if (intersectVert.Equals(seed.Origin))

                //If the edge doesn't contain this vertex already then split the edge we've hit
                if (!firstIntersection.Value.Key.ConnectsTo(intersectVert))
                    HalfEdge ab, bc;
                    _mesh.Split(firstIntersection.Value.Key, intersectVert, out ab, out bc);

                    var t = firstIntersection.Value.Key.Tag ?? firstIntersection.Value.Key.Pair.Tag;
                    ab.Tag = new FloorplanHalfEdgeTag(t.IsImpassable);
                    bc.Tag = new FloorplanHalfEdgeTag(t.IsImpassable);

                //Create an edge to this intersection point
                _mesh.GetOrConstructHalfEdge(seed.Origin, intersectVert).Tag = new FloorplanHalfEdgeTag(false);

                //If this is not an external wall we can create a seed continuing forward
                var tag = firstIntersection.Value.Key.Tag ?? firstIntersection.Value.Key.Pair.Tag;
                var continuationChance = _intersectionContinuationChance.SelectFloatValue(_random, _metadata);
                if (!tag.IsImpassable && _random.RandomBoolean(1 - continuationChance))
                    //New wall will be perpendicular to the wall we've hit...
                    var direction = firstIntersection.Value.Key.Segment.Line.Direction.Perpendicular();

                    //...but which perpendicular?
                    var dotRight = Vector2.Dot(direction, seed.Direction);
                    var dotLeft  = Vector2.Dot(-direction, seed.Direction);
                    if (dotLeft > dotRight)
                        direction *= -1;

                    //create new seed
                    var wallLength = Vector2.Distance(seed.Origin.Position, intersectVert.Position);
                    CreateSeed(intersectVert, direction, seed.T + wallLength);
                //Create edge along this distance
                var end = _mesh.GetOrConstructVertex(seed.Origin.Position + seed.Direction * length);
                _mesh.GetOrConstructHalfEdge(seed.Origin, end).Tag = new FloorplanHalfEdgeTag(false);

                float seedChance = _seedChance.SelectFloatValue(_random, _metadata);
                if (_random.RandomBoolean(seedChance))
                    CreateSeed(end, seed.Direction, seed.T + length);
                    // Choose which directions to grow in (LF, LR, FR, LFR) we're going to do
                    var newWalls = _random.RandomInteger(0, 3);

                    //Put some seeds at the end (right, left and straight on)
                    if (newWalls != 0)
                        CreateSeed(end, seed.Direction.Perpendicular(), seed.T + length);
                    if (newWalls != 2)
                        CreateSeed(end, -seed.Direction.Perpendicular(), seed.T + length);
                    if (newWalls != 1)
                        CreateSeed(end, seed.Direction, seed.T + length);