Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void ImportLdToken(int token)
            object obj = _methodIL.GetObject(token);

            if (obj is TypeDesc)
                var type = (TypeDesc)obj;

                if (type.IsRuntimeDeterminedSubtype)
                    _dependencies.Add(GetGenericLookupHelper(ReadyToRunHelperId.TypeHandle, type), "ldtoken");
                    if (ConstructedEETypeNode.CreationAllowed(type))
                        _dependencies.Add(_factory.ConstructedTypeSymbol(type), "ldtoken");
                        _dependencies.Add(_factory.NecessaryTypeSymbol(type), "ldtoken");

                // If this is a ldtoken Type / GetValueInternal sequence, we're done.
                BasicBlock nextBasicBlock = _basicBlocks[_currentOffset];
                if (nextBasicBlock == null)
                    if ((ILOpcode)_ilBytes[_currentOffset] == ILOpcode.call)
                        int methodToken = ReadILTokenAt(_currentOffset + 1);
                        var method      = (MethodDesc)_methodIL.GetObject(methodToken);
                        if (IsRuntimeTypeHandleGetValueInternal(method))
                            // Codegen expands this and doesn't do the normal ldtoken.

                _dependencies.Add(GetHelperEntrypoint(ReadyToRunHelper.GetRuntimeTypeHandle), "ldtoken");
            else if (obj is MethodDesc)
                var method = (MethodDesc)obj;
                if (method.IsRuntimeDeterminedExactMethod)
                    _dependencies.Add(GetGenericLookupHelper(ReadyToRunHelperId.MethodHandle, method), "ldtoken");
                    _dependencies.Add(_factory.RuntimeMethodHandle(method), "ldtoken");

                _dependencies.Add(GetHelperEntrypoint(ReadyToRunHelper.GetRuntimeMethodHandle), "ldtoken");
                Debug.Assert(obj is FieldDesc);

                // First check if this is a ldtoken Field / InitializeArray sequence.
                BasicBlock nextBasicBlock = _basicBlocks[_currentOffset];
                if (nextBasicBlock == null)
                    if ((ILOpcode)_ilBytes[_currentOffset] == ILOpcode.call)
                        int methodToken = ReadILTokenAt(_currentOffset + 1);
                        var method      = (MethodDesc)_methodIL.GetObject(methodToken);
                        if (IsRuntimeHelpersInitializeArray(method))
                            // Codegen expands this and doesn't do the normal ldtoken.

                var field = (FieldDesc)obj;
                if (field.OwningType.IsRuntimeDeterminedSubtype)
                    _dependencies.Add(GetGenericLookupHelper(ReadyToRunHelperId.FieldHandle, field), "ldtoken");
                    _dependencies.Add(_factory.RuntimeFieldHandle(field), "ldtoken");

                _dependencies.Add(GetHelperEntrypoint(ReadyToRunHelper.GetRuntimeFieldHandle), "ldtoken");
Ejemplo n.º 2
        // Todo: This is looking up the hierarchy to DefType and ParameterizedType. It should really
        // call a virtual or an outside type to handle those parts
        internal bool RetrieveRuntimeTypeHandleIfPossible()
            TypeDesc type = this;

            if (!type.RuntimeTypeHandle.IsNull())

            TypeBuilderState state = GetTypeBuilderStateIfExist();

            if (state != null && state.AttemptedAndFailedToRetrieveTypeHandle)

            if (type is DefType)
                DefType typeAsDefType = (DefType)type;

                TypeDesc          typeDefinition = typeAsDefType.GetTypeDefinition();
                RuntimeTypeHandle typeDefHandle  = typeDefinition.RuntimeTypeHandle;
                if (typeDefHandle.IsNull())
                    NativeFormat.NativeFormatType mdType = typeDefinition as NativeFormat.NativeFormatType;
                    if (mdType != null)
                        // Look up the runtime type handle in the module metadata
                        if (TypeLoaderEnvironment.Instance.TryGetNamedTypeForMetadata(new QTypeDefinition(mdType.MetadataReader, mdType.Handle), out typeDefHandle))
                    Ecma.EcmaType ecmaType = typeDefinition as Ecma.EcmaType;
                    if (ecmaType != null)
                        // Look up the runtime type handle in the module metadata
                        if (TypeLoaderEnvironment.Instance.TryGetNamedTypeForMetadata(new QTypeDefinition(ecmaType.MetadataReader, ecmaType.Handle), out typeDefHandle))

                if (!typeDefHandle.IsNull())
                    Instantiation instantiation = typeAsDefType.Instantiation;

                    if ((instantiation.Length > 0) && !typeAsDefType.IsGenericDefinition)
                        // Generic type. First make sure we have type handles for the arguments, then check
                        // the instantiation.
                        bool argumentsRegistered = true;
                        bool arrayArgumentsFound = false;
                        for (int i = 0; i < instantiation.Length; i++)
                            if (!instantiation[i].RetrieveRuntimeTypeHandleIfPossible())
                                argumentsRegistered = false;
                                arrayArgumentsFound = arrayArgumentsFound || (instantiation[i] is ArrayType);

                        RuntimeTypeHandle rtth;

                        // If at least one of the arguments is not known to the runtime, we take a slower
                        // path to compare the current type we need a handle for to the list of generic
                        // types statically available, by loading them as DefTypes and doing a DefType comparaison
                        if ((argumentsRegistered && TypeLoaderEnvironment.Instance.TryLookupConstructedGenericTypeForComponents(new TypeLoaderEnvironment.HandleBasedGenericTypeLookup(typeAsDefType), out rtth)) ||
                            (arrayArgumentsFound && TypeLoaderEnvironment.Instance.TryLookupConstructedGenericTypeForComponents(new TypeLoaderEnvironment.DefTypeBasedGenericTypeLookup(typeAsDefType), out rtth)))
                        // Nongeneric, or generic type def types are just the type handle of the type definition as found above
            else if (type is ParameterizedType)
                ParameterizedType typeAsParameterType = (ParameterizedType)type;

                if (typeAsParameterType.ParameterType.RetrieveRuntimeTypeHandleIfPossible())
                    RuntimeTypeHandle rtth;
                    if ((type is ArrayType &&
                         (TypeLoaderEnvironment.Instance.TryGetArrayTypeForElementType_LookupOnly(typeAsParameterType.ParameterType.RuntimeTypeHandle, type.IsMdArray, type.IsMdArray ? ((ArrayType)type).Rank : -1, out rtth) ||
                          TypeLoaderEnvironment.Instance.TryGetArrayTypeHandleForNonDynamicArrayTypeFromTemplateTable(type as ArrayType, out rtth)))
                        (type is PointerType && TypeSystemContext.PointerTypesCache.TryGetValue(typeAsParameterType.ParameterType.RuntimeTypeHandle, out rtth)))
                    else if (type is ByRefType)
                        // Byref types don't have any associated type handles, so return success at this point
                        // since we were able to resolve the typehandle of the element type
            else if (type is SignatureVariable)
                // SignatureVariables do not have RuntimeTypeHandles

            // Make a note on the type build state that we have attempted to retrieve RuntimeTypeHandle but there is not one
            GetOrCreateTypeBuilderState().AttemptedAndFailedToRetrieveTypeHandle = true;

Ejemplo n.º 3
        private void ImportCall(ILOpcode opcode, int token)
            // Strip runtime determined characteristics off of the method (because that's how RyuJIT operates)
            var        runtimeDeterminedMethod = (MethodDesc)_methodIL.GetObject(token);
            MethodDesc method = runtimeDeterminedMethod;

            if (runtimeDeterminedMethod.IsRuntimeDeterminedExactMethod)
                method = runtimeDeterminedMethod.GetCanonMethodTarget(CanonicalFormKind.Specific);

            if (method.IsRawPInvoke())
                // Raw P/invokes don't have any dependencies.

            string reason = null;

            switch (opcode)
            case ILOpcode.newobj:
                reason = "newobj"; break;

            case ILOpcode.call:
                reason = "call"; break;

            case ILOpcode.callvirt:
                reason = "callvirt"; break;

            case ILOpcode.ldftn:
                reason = "ldftn"; break;

            case ILOpcode.ldvirtftn:
                reason = "ldvirtftn"; break;

                Debug.Assert(false); break;

            if (opcode == ILOpcode.newobj)
                TypeDesc owningType = runtimeDeterminedMethod.OwningType;
                if (owningType.IsString)
                    // String .ctor handled specially below
                else if (owningType.IsGCPointer)
                    if (owningType.IsRuntimeDeterminedSubtype)
                        _dependencies.Add(GetGenericLookupHelper(ReadyToRunHelperId.TypeHandle, owningType), reason);
                        _dependencies.Add(_factory.ConstructedTypeSymbol(owningType), reason);

                    if (owningType.IsMdArray)
                        _dependencies.Add(GetHelperEntrypoint(ReadyToRunHelper.NewMultiDimArr_NonVarArg), reason);
                        _dependencies.Add(GetHelperEntrypoint(ReadyToRunHelper.NewObject), reason);

                if (owningType.IsDelegate)
                    // If this is a verifiable delegate construction sequence, the previous instruction is a ldftn/ldvirtftn
                    if (_previousInstructionOffset >= 0 && _ilBytes[_previousInstructionOffset] == (byte)ILOpcode.prefix1)
                        // TODO: for ldvirtftn we need to also check for the `dup` instruction, otherwise this is a normal newobj.

                        ILOpcode previousOpcode = (ILOpcode)(0x100 + _ilBytes[_previousInstructionOffset + 1]);
                        if (previousOpcode == ILOpcode.ldvirtftn || previousOpcode == ILOpcode.ldftn)
                            int                  delTargetToken    = ReadILTokenAt(_previousInstructionOffset + 2);
                            var                  delTargetMethod   = (MethodDesc)_methodIL.GetObject(delTargetToken);
                            TypeDesc             canonDelegateType = method.OwningType.ConvertToCanonForm(CanonicalFormKind.Specific);
                            DelegateCreationInfo info = _compilation.GetDelegateCtor(canonDelegateType, delTargetMethod, previousOpcode == ILOpcode.ldvirtftn);

                            if (info.NeedsRuntimeLookup)
                                _dependencies.Add(GetGenericLookupHelper(ReadyToRunHelperId.DelegateCtor, info), reason);
                                _dependencies.Add(_factory.ReadyToRunHelper(ReadyToRunHelperId.DelegateCtor, info), reason);


            if (method.OwningType.IsDelegate && method.Name == "Invoke")
                // TODO: might not want to do this if scanning for reflection.
                // This is expanded as an intrinsic, not a function call.

            if (method.IsIntrinsic)
                if (IsRuntimeHelpersInitializeArray(method))
                    if (_previousInstructionOffset >= 0 && _ilBytes[_previousInstructionOffset] == (byte)ILOpcode.ldtoken)

                if (IsRuntimeTypeHandleGetValueInternal(method))
                    if (_previousInstructionOffset >= 0 && _ilBytes[_previousInstructionOffset] == (byte)ILOpcode.ldtoken)

                if (IsActivatorDefaultConstructorOf(method))
                    if (runtimeDeterminedMethod.IsRuntimeDeterminedExactMethod)
                        _dependencies.Add(GetGenericLookupHelper(ReadyToRunHelperId.DefaultConstructor, runtimeDeterminedMethod.Instantiation[0]), reason);
                        MethodDesc ctor = method.Instantiation[0].GetDefaultConstructor();
                        if (ctor == null)
                            MetadataType activatorType        = _compilation.TypeSystemContext.SystemModule.GetKnownType("System", "Activator");
                            MetadataType classWithMissingCtor = activatorType.GetKnownNestedType("ClassWithMissingConstructor");
                            ctor = classWithMissingCtor.GetParameterlessConstructor();
                        _dependencies.Add(_factory.CanonicalEntrypoint(ctor), reason);


                if (method.OwningType.IsByReferenceOfT && (method.IsConstructor || method.Name == "get_Value"))

                if (IsEETypePtrOf(method))
                    if (runtimeDeterminedMethod.IsRuntimeDeterminedExactMethod)
                        _dependencies.Add(GetGenericLookupHelper(ReadyToRunHelperId.TypeHandle, runtimeDeterminedMethod.Instantiation[0]), reason);
                        _dependencies.Add(_factory.ConstructedTypeSymbol(method.Instantiation[0]), reason);

            TypeDesc exactType = method.OwningType;

            bool resolvedConstraint    = false;
            bool forceUseRuntimeLookup = false;

            MethodDesc methodAfterConstraintResolution = method;

            if (_constrained != null)
                // We have a "constrained." call.  Try a partial resolve of the constraint call.  Note that this
                // will not necessarily resolve the call exactly, since we might be compiling
                // shared generic code - it may just resolve it to a candidate suitable for
                // JIT compilation, and require a runtime lookup for the actual code pointer
                // to call.

                TypeDesc constrained = _constrained;
                if (constrained.IsRuntimeDeterminedSubtype)
                    constrained = constrained.ConvertToCanonForm(CanonicalFormKind.Specific);

                MethodDesc directMethod = constrained.GetClosestDefType().TryResolveConstraintMethodApprox(method.OwningType, method, out forceUseRuntimeLookup);
                if (directMethod == null && constrained.IsEnum)
                    // Constrained calls to methods on enum methods resolve to System.Enum's methods. System.Enum is a reference
                    // type though, so we would fail to resolve and box. We have a special path for those to avoid boxing.
                    directMethod = _compilation.TypeSystemContext.TryResolveConstrainedEnumMethod(constrained, method);

                if (directMethod != null)
                    // Either
                    //    1. no constraint resolution at compile time (!directMethod)
                    // OR 2. no code sharing lookup in call
                    // OR 3. we have have resolved to an instantiating stub

                    methodAfterConstraintResolution = directMethod;

                    resolvedConstraint = true;

                    exactType = constrained;
                else if (constrained.IsValueType)
                    // We'll need to box `this`. Note we use _constrained here, because the other one is canonical.
                    AddBoxingDependencies(_constrained, reason);

            MethodDesc targetMethod = methodAfterConstraintResolution;

            bool exactContextNeedsRuntimeLookup;

            if (targetMethod.HasInstantiation)
                exactContextNeedsRuntimeLookup = targetMethod.IsSharedByGenericInstantiations;
                exactContextNeedsRuntimeLookup = exactType.IsCanonicalSubtype(CanonicalFormKind.Any);

            // Determine whether to perform direct call

            bool directCall = false;

            if (targetMethod.Signature.IsStatic)
                // Static methods are always direct calls
                directCall = true;
            else if (targetMethod.OwningType.IsInterface)
                // Force all interface calls to be interpreted as if they are virtual.
                directCall = false;
            else if ((opcode != ILOpcode.callvirt && opcode != ILOpcode.ldvirtftn) || resolvedConstraint)
                directCall = true;
                if (!targetMethod.IsVirtual || targetMethod.IsFinal || targetMethod.OwningType.IsSealed())
                    directCall = true;

            bool allowInstParam = opcode != ILOpcode.ldvirtftn && opcode != ILOpcode.ldftn;

            if (directCall && !allowInstParam && targetMethod.GetCanonMethodTarget(CanonicalFormKind.Specific).RequiresInstArg())
                // Needs a single address to call this method but the method needs a hidden argument.
                // We need a fat function pointer for this that captures both things.

                if (exactContextNeedsRuntimeLookup)
                    _dependencies.Add(GetGenericLookupHelper(ReadyToRunHelperId.MethodEntry, runtimeDeterminedMethod), reason);
                    _dependencies.Add(_factory.FatFunctionPointer(runtimeDeterminedMethod), reason);
            else if (directCall)
                bool referencingArrayAddressMethod = false;

                if (targetMethod.IsIntrinsic)
                    // If this is an intrinsic method with a callsite-specific expansion, this will replace
                    // the method with a method the intrinsic expands into. If it's not the special intrinsic,
                    // method stays unchanged.
                    targetMethod = _compilation.ExpandIntrinsicForCallsite(targetMethod, _canonMethod);

                    // Array address method requires special dependency tracking.
                    referencingArrayAddressMethod = targetMethod.IsArrayAddressMethod();

                MethodDesc concreteMethod = targetMethod;
                targetMethod = targetMethod.GetCanonMethodTarget(CanonicalFormKind.Specific);

                if (targetMethod.IsConstructor && targetMethod.OwningType.IsString)
                    _dependencies.Add(_factory.StringAllocator(targetMethod), reason);
                else if (exactContextNeedsRuntimeLookup)
                    if (targetMethod.IsSharedByGenericInstantiations && !resolvedConstraint && !referencingArrayAddressMethod)
                        ISymbolNode instParam = null;

                        if (targetMethod.RequiresInstMethodDescArg())
                            instParam = GetGenericLookupHelper(ReadyToRunHelperId.MethodDictionary, runtimeDeterminedMethod);
                        else if (targetMethod.RequiresInstMethodTableArg())
                            bool hasHiddenParameter = true;

                            if (targetMethod.IsIntrinsic)
                                if (_factory.TypeSystemContext.IsSpecialUnboxingThunkTargetMethod(targetMethod))
                                    hasHiddenParameter = false;

                            if (hasHiddenParameter)
                                instParam = GetGenericLookupHelper(ReadyToRunHelperId.TypeHandle, runtimeDeterminedMethod.OwningType);

                        if (instParam != null)
                            _dependencies.Add(instParam, reason);

                        _dependencies.Add(_factory.RuntimeDeterminedMethod(runtimeDeterminedMethod), reason);
                        _dependencies.Add(_factory.MethodEntrypoint(targetMethod), reason);

                        if (targetMethod.RequiresInstMethodTableArg() && resolvedConstraint)
                            if (_constrained.IsRuntimeDeterminedSubtype)
                                _dependencies.Add(GetGenericLookupHelper(ReadyToRunHelperId.TypeHandle, _constrained), reason);
                                _dependencies.Add(_factory.ConstructedTypeSymbol(_constrained), reason);

                        if (referencingArrayAddressMethod && !_isReadOnly)
                            // Address method is special - it expects an instantiation argument, unless a readonly prefix was applied.
                            _dependencies.Add(GetGenericLookupHelper(ReadyToRunHelperId.TypeHandle, runtimeDeterminedMethod.OwningType), reason);
                    ISymbolNode instParam = null;

                    if (targetMethod.RequiresInstMethodDescArg())
                        instParam = _compilation.NodeFactory.MethodGenericDictionary(concreteMethod);
                    else if (targetMethod.RequiresInstMethodTableArg() || (referencingArrayAddressMethod && !_isReadOnly))
                        // Ask for a constructed type symbol because we need the vtable to get to the dictionary
                        instParam = _compilation.NodeFactory.ConstructedTypeSymbol(concreteMethod.OwningType);

                    if (instParam != null)
                        _dependencies.Add(instParam, reason);

                        if (!referencingArrayAddressMethod)
                            _dependencies.Add(_compilation.NodeFactory.ShadowConcreteMethod(concreteMethod), reason);
                            // We don't want array Address method to be modeled in the generic dependency analysis.
                            // The method doesn't actually have runtime determined dependencies (won't do
                            // any generic lookups).
                            _dependencies.Add(_compilation.NodeFactory.MethodEntrypoint(targetMethod), reason);
                    else if (targetMethod.AcquiresInstMethodTableFromThis())
                        _dependencies.Add(_compilation.NodeFactory.ShadowConcreteMethod(concreteMethod), reason);
                        _dependencies.Add(_compilation.NodeFactory.MethodEntrypoint(targetMethod), reason);
            else if (method.HasInstantiation)
                // Generic virtual method call

                if (exactContextNeedsRuntimeLookup)
                    _dependencies.Add(GetGenericLookupHelper(ReadyToRunHelperId.MethodHandle, runtimeDeterminedMethod), reason);
                    _dependencies.Add(_factory.RuntimeMethodHandle(runtimeDeterminedMethod), reason);

                _dependencies.Add(GetHelperEntrypoint(ReadyToRunHelper.GVMLookupForSlot), reason);
            else if (method.OwningType.IsInterface)
                if (exactContextNeedsRuntimeLookup)
                    _dependencies.Add(GetGenericLookupHelper(ReadyToRunHelperId.VirtualDispatchCell, runtimeDeterminedMethod), reason);
                    _dependencies.Add(_factory.InterfaceDispatchCell(method), reason);
            else if (_compilation.HasFixedSlotVTable(method.OwningType))
                // No dependencies: virtual call through the vtable
                MethodDesc slotDefiningMethod = targetMethod.IsNewSlot ?
                                                targetMethod : MetadataVirtualMethodAlgorithm.FindSlotDefiningMethodForVirtualMethod(targetMethod);
                _dependencies.Add(_factory.VirtualMethodUse(slotDefiningMethod), reason);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        protected override void ComputeMetadata(NodeFactory factory, out byte[] metadataBlob, out List <MetadataMapping <MetadataType> > typeMappings, out List <MetadataMapping <MethodDesc> > methodMappings, out List <MetadataMapping <FieldDesc> > fieldMappings)
            MetadataLoadedInfo loadedMetadata = _loadedMetadata.Value;

            metadataBlob = _metadataBlob;

            typeMappings   = new List <MetadataMapping <MetadataType> >();
            methodMappings = new List <MetadataMapping <MethodDesc> >();
            fieldMappings  = new List <MetadataMapping <FieldDesc> >();

            Dictionary <MethodDesc, MethodDesc> canonicalToSpecificMethods = new Dictionary <MethodDesc, MethodDesc>();

            // The handling of generic methods which are implemented by canonical code is interesting, the invoke map
            // needs to have a specific instantiation for each canonical bit of code.
            foreach (GenericDictionaryNode dictionaryNode in GetCompiledGenericDictionaries())
                MethodGenericDictionaryNode methodDictionary = dictionaryNode as MethodGenericDictionaryNode;
                if (methodDictionary == null)

                MethodDesc method = methodDictionary.OwningMethod;
                Debug.Assert(method.HasInstantiation && !method.IsCanonicalMethod(CanonicalFormKind.Any));

                MethodDesc canonicalMethod = method.GetCanonMethodTarget(CanonicalFormKind.Specific);

                if (canonicalToSpecificMethods.ContainsKey(canonicalMethod))
                    // We only need to record 1 specific to canonical method mapping

                canonicalToSpecificMethods.Add(canonicalMethod, method);

            // Generate type definition mappings
            foreach (var definition in _typeDefinitionsGenerated)
                int token;
                if (loadedMetadata.AllTypeMappings.TryGetValue(definition, out token))
                    typeMappings.Add(new MetadataMapping <MetadataType>(definition, token));

            foreach (var method in GetCompiledMethods())
                if (!MethodCanBeInvokedViaReflection(factory, method))

                // If there is a possible canonical method, use that instead of a specific method (folds canonically equivalent methods away)
                if (method.GetCanonMethodTarget(CanonicalFormKind.Specific) != method)

                int token;
                if (loadedMetadata.MethodMappings.TryGetValue(method.GetTypicalMethodDefinition(), out token))
                    MethodDesc invokeMapMethod = GetInvokeMapMethodForMethod(canonicalToSpecificMethods, method);

                    if (invokeMapMethod != null)
                        methodMappings.Add(new MetadataMapping <MethodDesc>(invokeMapMethod, token));
                else if (!WillUseMetadataTokenToReferenceMethod(method) &&
                    MethodDesc invokeMapMethod = GetInvokeMapMethodForMethod(canonicalToSpecificMethods, method);

                    // For methods on types that are not in the current module, assume they must be reflectable
                    // and generate a non-metadata backed invoke table entry
                    // TODO, the above computation is overly generous with the set of methods that are placed into the method invoke map
                    // It includes methods which are not reflectable at all.
                    if (invokeMapMethod != null)
                        methodMappings.Add(new MetadataMapping <MethodDesc>(invokeMapMethod, 0));

            foreach (var eetypeGenerated in GetTypesWithEETypes())
                if (eetypeGenerated.IsGenericDefinition)

                if (eetypeGenerated.HasInstantiation)
                    // Collapsing of field map entries based on canonicalization, to avoid redundant equivalent entries

                    TypeDesc canonicalType = eetypeGenerated.ConvertToCanonForm(CanonicalFormKind.Specific);
                    if (canonicalType != eetypeGenerated && TypeGeneratesEEType(canonicalType))

                foreach (FieldDesc field in eetypeGenerated.GetFields())
                    int token;
                    if (loadedMetadata.FieldMappings.TryGetValue(field.GetTypicalFieldDefinition(), out token))
                        fieldMappings.Add(new MetadataMapping <FieldDesc>(field, token));
                    else if (!WillUseMetadataTokenToReferenceField(field))
                        // TODO, the above computation is overly generous with the set of fields that are placed into the field invoke map
                        // It includes fields which are not reflectable at all, and collapses static fields across generics

                        // TODO! enable this. Disabled due to cross module import of statics is not yet implemented
                        // fieldMappings.Add(new MetadataMapping<FieldDesc>(field, 0));
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public override ComputedInstanceFieldLayout ComputeInstanceLayout(DefType defType, InstanceLayoutKind layoutKind)
            MetadataType type = (MetadataType)defType;

            if (type.IsGenericDefinition)
                ThrowHelper.ThrowTypeLoadException(ExceptionStringID.ClassLoadGeneral, type);

            // CLI - Partition 1, section 9.5 - Generic types shall not be marked explicitlayout.
            if (type.HasInstantiation && type.IsExplicitLayout)
                ThrowHelper.ThrowTypeLoadException(ExceptionStringID.ClassLoadExplicitGeneric, type.GetTypeDefinition());

            // Count the number of instance fields in advance for convenience
            int numInstanceFields = 0;

            foreach (var field in type.GetFields())
                if (field.IsStatic)

                TypeDesc fieldType = field.FieldType;

                // ByRef instance fields are not allowed.
                if (fieldType.IsByRef)
                    ThrowHelper.ThrowTypeLoadException(ExceptionStringID.ClassLoadGeneral, type);

                // ByRef-like instance fields on non-byref-like types are not allowed.
                if (fieldType.IsByRefLike && !type.IsByRefLike)
                    ThrowHelper.ThrowTypeLoadException(ExceptionStringID.ClassLoadGeneral, type);


            if (type.IsModuleType)
                // This is a global type, it must not have instance fields.
                if (numInstanceFields > 0)
                    ThrowHelper.ThrowTypeLoadException(ExceptionStringID.ClassLoadGeneral, type);

                // Global types do not do the rest of instance field layout.
                ComputedInstanceFieldLayout result = new ComputedInstanceFieldLayout();
                result.Offsets = Array.Empty <FieldAndOffset>();

            // CLI - Partition 2, section 22.8
            // A type has layout if it is marked SequentialLayout or ExplicitLayout.  If any type within an inheritance chain has layout,
            // then so shall all its base classes, up to the one that descends immediately from System.ValueType (if it exists in the type’s
            // hierarchy); otherwise, from System.Object
            // Note: While the CLI isn't clearly worded, the layout needs to be the same for the entire chain.
            // If the current type isn't ValueType or System.Object and has a layout and the parent type isn't
            // ValueType or System.Object then the layout type attributes need to match
            if ((!type.IsValueType && !type.IsObject) &&
                (type.IsSequentialLayout || type.IsExplicitLayout) &&
                (!type.BaseType.IsValueType && !type.BaseType.IsObject))
                MetadataType baseType = type.MetadataBaseType;

                if (type.IsSequentialLayout != baseType.IsSequentialLayout ||
                    type.IsExplicitLayout != baseType.IsExplicitLayout)
                    ThrowHelper.ThrowTypeLoadException(ExceptionStringID.ClassLoadBadFormat, type);

            // Enum types must have a single instance field
            if (type.IsEnum && numInstanceFields != 1)
                ThrowHelper.ThrowTypeLoadException(ExceptionStringID.ClassLoadGeneral, type);

            if (type.IsPrimitive)
                // Primitive types are special - they may have a single field of the same type
                // as the type itself. They do not do the rest of instance field layout.
                if (numInstanceFields > 1)
                    ThrowHelper.ThrowTypeLoadException(ExceptionStringID.ClassLoadGeneral, type);

                SizeAndAlignment instanceByteSizeAndAlignment;
                var sizeAndAlignment = ComputeInstanceSize(
                    out instanceByteSizeAndAlignment

                ComputedInstanceFieldLayout result = new ComputedInstanceFieldLayout
                    ByteCountUnaligned = instanceByteSizeAndAlignment.Size,
                    ByteCountAlignment = instanceByteSizeAndAlignment.Alignment,
                    FieldAlignment     = sizeAndAlignment.Alignment,
                    FieldSize          = sizeAndAlignment.Size,

                if (numInstanceFields > 0)
                    FieldDesc instanceField = null;
                    foreach (FieldDesc field in type.GetFields())
                        if (!field.IsStatic)
                            Debug.Assert(instanceField == null, "Unexpected extra instance field");
                            instanceField = field;

                    Debug.Assert(instanceField != null, "Null instance field");

                    result.Offsets = new FieldAndOffset[] {
                        new FieldAndOffset(instanceField, LayoutInt.Zero)
                    result.Offsets = Array.Empty <FieldAndOffset>();


            // If the type has layout, read its packing and size info
            // If the type has explicit layout, also read the field offset info
            if (type.IsExplicitLayout || type.IsSequentialLayout)
                if (type.IsEnum)
                    ThrowHelper.ThrowTypeLoadException(ExceptionStringID.ClassLoadBadFormat, type);

                var layoutMetadata = type.GetClassLayout();

                // If packing is out of range or not a power of two, throw that the size is invalid
                int packing = layoutMetadata.PackingSize;
                if (packing < 0 || packing > 128 || ((packing & (packing - 1)) != 0))
                    ThrowHelper.ThrowTypeLoadException(ExceptionStringID.ClassLoadBadFormat, type);

                Debug.Assert(layoutMetadata.Offsets == null || layoutMetadata.Offsets.Length == numInstanceFields);

            // At this point all special cases are handled and all inputs validated
            return(ComputeInstanceFieldLayout(type, numInstanceFields));
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public static bool operator !=(StringIterator it1, StringIterator it2)
     Debug.Assert(Object.ReferenceEquals(it1._string, it2._string));
     return(it1._index != it2._index);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public void Start(BaseEffect effect)
            if (live_preview_enabled)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("LivePreviewManager.Start() called while live preview is already enabled.");

            // Create live preview surface.
            // Start rendering.
            // Listen for changes to effectConfiguration object, and restart render if needed.

            live_preview_enabled     = true;
            apply_live_preview_flag  = false;
            cancel_live_preview_flag = false;

            layer       = PintaCore.Layers.CurrentLayer;
            this.effect = effect;

            //TODO Use the current tool layer instead.
            live_preview_surface = new Cairo.ImageSurface(Cairo.Format.Argb32,

            // Handle selection path.
            selection_path = (PintaCore.Layers.ShowSelection) ? PintaCore.Workspace.ActiveDocument.Selection.SelectionPath : null;
            render_bounds  = (selection_path != null) ? selection_path.GetBounds() : live_preview_surface.GetBounds();
            render_bounds  = PintaCore.Workspace.ClampToImageSize(render_bounds);

            history_item = new SimpleHistoryItem(effect.Icon, effect.Name);

            // Paint the pre-effect layer surface into into the working surface.
            using (var ctx = new Cairo.Context(live_preview_surface)) {
                layer.Draw(ctx, layer.Surface, 1);

            if (effect.EffectData != null)
                effect.EffectData.PropertyChanged += EffectData_PropertyChanged;

            if (Started != null)
                Started(this, new LivePreviewStartedEventArgs());

            var settings = new AsyncEffectRenderer.Settings()
                ThreadCount    = PintaCore.System.RenderThreads,
                TileWidth      = render_bounds.Width,
                TileHeight     = 1,
                ThreadPriority = ThreadPriority.BelowNormal

            Debug.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss:ffff") + "Start Live preview.");

            renderer = new Renderer(this, settings);
            renderer.Start(effect, layer.Surface, live_preview_surface, render_bounds);

            if (effect.IsConfigurable)
                if (!effect.LaunchConfiguration())
                    PintaCore.Chrome.MainWindowBusy = true;
                    PintaCore.Chrome.MainWindowBusy = true;
                PintaCore.Chrome.MainWindowBusy = true;
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public static bool IsStringBuilder(TypeSystemContext context, TypeDesc type)
     Debug.Assert(type != null);
     return(type == GetStringBuilder(context, throwIfNotFound: false));
Ejemplo n.º 9
 /// <summary>
 /// This is used to set base type for generic types without metadata
 /// </summary>
 public void SetBaseType(DefType baseType)
     Debug.Assert(!_baseTypeCached || _baseType == baseType);
     _baseType       = baseType;
     _baseTypeCached = true;
Ejemplo n.º 10
        protected override async Task <IImmutableList <Exception> > WriteMessagesAsync(IEnumerable <AtomicWrite> messages)
                _log.Debug("Entering method WriteMessagesAsync");
                var exceptions = ImmutableList <Exception> .Empty;
                using (var atomicWrites = messages.GetEnumerator())
                    while (atomicWrites.MoveNext())
                        Debug.Assert(atomicWrites.Current != null, "atomicWrites.Current != null");

                        var batch = new TableBatchOperation();
                        foreach (var currentMsg in atomicWrites.Current.Payload
                                 .AsInstanceOf <IImmutableList <IPersistentRepresentation> >())
                            Debug.Assert(currentMsg != null, nameof(currentMsg) + " != null");

                                new PersistentJournalEntry(currentMsg.PersistenceId,
                                                           currentMsg.SequenceNr, _serialization.PersistentToBytes(currentMsg),

                            if (_log.IsDebugEnabled && _settings.VerboseLogging)
                                _log.Debug("Attempting to write batch of {0} messages to Azure storage", batch.Count);

                            var results = await Table.ExecuteBatchAsync(batch);

                            if (_log.IsDebugEnabled && _settings.VerboseLogging)
                                foreach (var r in results)
                                    _log.Debug("Azure table storage wrote entity [{0}] with status code [{1}]", r.Etag,
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            exceptions = exceptions.Add(ex);

                _log.Debug("Leaving method WriteMessagesAsync");
                foreach (var ex in exceptions)
                    _log.Error(ex, "recorded exception during write");

                 * Part of the Akka.Persistence design.
                 * Either return null or return an exception for each failed AtomicWrite.
                 * Either everything fails or everything succeeds is the idea I guess.
                return(exceptions.IsEmpty ? null : exceptions);
            catch (Exception ex)
                _log.Error(ex, "Error during WriteMessagesAsync");
            private bool ComputeCanCompareValueTypeBits(MetadataType type)

                if (type.ContainsGCPointers)

                if (type.IsGenericDefinition)

                OverlappingFieldTracker overlappingFieldTracker = new OverlappingFieldTracker(type);

                bool result = true;

                foreach (var field in type.GetFields())
                    if (field.IsStatic)

                    if (!overlappingFieldTracker.TrackField(field))
                        // This field overlaps with another field - can't compare memory
                        result = false;

                    TypeDesc fieldType = field.FieldType;
                    if (fieldType.IsPrimitive || fieldType.IsEnum || fieldType.IsPointer || fieldType.IsFunctionPointer)
                        TypeFlags category = fieldType.UnderlyingType.Category;
                        if (category == TypeFlags.Single || category == TypeFlags.Double)
                            // Double/Single have weird behaviors around negative/positive zero
                            result = false;
                        // Would be a suprise if this wasn't a valuetype. We checked ContainsGCPointers above.

                        MethodDesc objectEqualsMethod = fieldType.Context._objectEqualsMethod;

                        // If the field overrides Equals, we can't use the fast helper because we need to call the method.
                        if (fieldType.FindVirtualFunctionTargetMethodOnObjectType(objectEqualsMethod).OwningType == fieldType)
                            result = false;

                        if (!_hashtable.GetOrCreateValue((MetadataType)fieldType).CanCompareValueTypeBits)
                            result = false;

                // If there are gaps, we can't memcompare
                if (result && overlappingFieldTracker.HasGaps)
                    result = false;

Ejemplo n.º 12
 /// <include file='doc\UserControl.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="UserControlControlBuilder.SetTagInnerText"]/*' />
 /// <internalonly/>
 public override void SetTagInnerText(string text)
     Debug.Assert(InDesigner == true, "Should only be called in design-mode!");
     _innerText = text;
Ejemplo n.º 13
 internal static bool ObjectHasComponentSize(object obj)
     Debug.Assert(obj != null);
     return(obj.EETypePtr.ComponentSize != 0);
Ejemplo n.º 14
        //private static bool _requestedPermission = false;

        public ContactPageModel()
Ejemplo n.º 15
        public static MethodIL EmitIL(MethodDesc method)
            Debug.Assert(((MetadataType)method.OwningType).Name == "Volatile");

            bool isRead = method.Name == "Read";

            if (!isRead && method.Name != "Write")

            // All interesting methods have a signature that starts with `ref location`
            if (method.Signature.Length == 0 || !method.Signature[0].IsByRef)

            ILOpcode opcode;

            switch (((ByRefType)method.Signature[0]).ParameterType.Category)
            case TypeFlags.SignatureMethodVariable:
                opcode = isRead ? ILOpcode.ldind_ref : ILOpcode.stind_ref;

            case TypeFlags.Boolean:
            case TypeFlags.SByte:
                opcode = isRead ? ILOpcode.ldind_i1 : ILOpcode.stind_i1;

            case TypeFlags.Byte:
                opcode = isRead ? ILOpcode.ldind_u1 : ILOpcode.stind_i1;

            case TypeFlags.Int16:
                opcode = isRead ? ILOpcode.ldind_i2 : ILOpcode.stind_i2;

            case TypeFlags.UInt16:
                opcode = isRead ? ILOpcode.ldind_u2 : ILOpcode.stind_i2;

            case TypeFlags.Int32:
                opcode = isRead ? ILOpcode.ldind_i4 : ILOpcode.stind_i4;

            case TypeFlags.UInt32:
                opcode = isRead ? ILOpcode.ldind_u4 : ILOpcode.stind_i4;

            case TypeFlags.IntPtr:
            case TypeFlags.UIntPtr:
                opcode = isRead ? ILOpcode.ldind_i : ILOpcode.stind_i;

            case TypeFlags.Single:
                opcode = isRead ? ILOpcode.ldind_r4 : ILOpcode.stind_r4;

            // Ordinary volatile loads and stores only guarantee atomicity for pointer-sized (or smaller) data.
            // So, on 32-bit platforms we must use Interlocked operations instead for the 64-bit types.
            // The implementation in mscorlib already does this, so we will only substitute a new
            // IL body if we're running on a 64-bit platform.
            case TypeFlags.Int64 when method.Context.Target.PointerSize == 8:
            case TypeFlags.UInt64 when method.Context.Target.PointerSize == 8:
                opcode = isRead ? ILOpcode.ldind_i8 : ILOpcode.stind_i8;

            case TypeFlags.Double when method.Context.Target.PointerSize == 8:
                opcode = isRead ? ILOpcode.ldind_r8 : ILOpcode.stind_r8;


            byte[] ilBytes;
            if (isRead)
                ilBytes = new byte[]
                    (byte)ILOpcode.prefix1, unchecked ((byte)ILOpcode.volatile_),
                ilBytes = new byte[]
                    (byte)ILOpcode.prefix1, unchecked ((byte)ILOpcode.volatile_),

            return(new ILStubMethodIL(method, ilBytes, Array.Empty <LocalVariableDefinition>(), null));
Ejemplo n.º 16
 protected override void OnUpdate(double progress, Gdk.Rectangle updatedBounds)
     Debug.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss:ffff") + " LivePreviewManager.OnUpdate() progress: " + progress);
     PintaCore.Chrome.ProgressDialog.Progress = progress;
     manager.FireLivePreviewRenderUpdatedEvent(progress, updatedBounds);
        public RemoteSessionHyperVSocketServer(bool LoopbackMode)
            // TODO: uncomment below code when .NET supports Hyper-V socket duplication

             * NamedPipeClientStream clientPipeStream;
             * byte[] buffer = new byte[1000];
             * int bytesRead;
            _syncObject = new object();

            Exception ex = null;

                // TODO: uncomment below code when .NET supports Hyper-V socket duplication

                 * if (!LoopbackMode)
                 * {
                 *  //
                 *  // Create named pipe client.
                 *  //
                 *  using (clientPipeStream = new NamedPipeClientStream(".",
                 *                                                      "PS_VMSession",
                 *                                                      PipeDirection.InOut,
                 *                                                      PipeOptions.None,
                 *                                                      TokenImpersonationLevel.None))
                 *  {
                 *      //
                 *      // Connect to named pipe server.
                 *      //
                 *      clientPipeStream.Connect(10*1000);
                 *      //
                 *      // Read LPWSAPROTOCOL_INFO.
                 *      //
                 *      bytesRead = clientPipeStream.Read(buffer, 0, 1000);
                 *  }
                 * }
                 * //
                 * // Create duplicate socket.
                 * //
                 * byte[] protocolInfo = new byte[bytesRead];
                 * Array.Copy(buffer, protocolInfo, bytesRead);
                 * SocketInformation sockInfo = new SocketInformation();
                 * sockInfo.ProtocolInformation = protocolInfo;
                 * sockInfo.Options = SocketInformationOptions.Connected;
                 * socket = new Socket(sockInfo);
                 * if (socket == null)
                 * {
                 *  Dbg.Assert(false, "Unexpected error in RemoteSessionHyperVSocketServer.");
                 *  tracer.WriteMessage("RemoteSessionHyperVSocketServer", "RemoteSessionHyperVSocketServer", Guid.Empty,
                 *      "Unexpected error in constructor: {0}", "socket duplication failure");
                 * }

                // TODO: remove below 6 lines of code when .NET supports Hyper-V socket duplication
                Guid serviceId = new Guid("a5201c21-2770-4c11-a68e-f182edb29220"); // HV_GUID_VM_SESSION_SERVICE_ID_2
                HyperVSocketEndPoint endpoint = new HyperVSocketEndPoint(HyperVSocketEndPoint.AF_HYPERV, Guid.Empty, serviceId);

                Socket listenSocket = new Socket(endpoint.AddressFamily, SocketType.Stream, (System.Net.Sockets.ProtocolType) 1);

                HyperVSocket = listenSocket.Accept();

                Stream = new NetworkStream(HyperVSocket, true);

                // Create reader/writer streams.
                TextReader           = new StreamReader(Stream);
                TextWriter           = new StreamWriter(Stream);
                TextWriter.AutoFlush = true;

                // listenSocket is not closed when it goes out of scope here. Sometimes it is
                // closed later in this thread, while other times it is not closed at all. This will
                // cause problem when we set up a second PowerShell Direct session. Let's
                // explicitly close listenSocket here for safe.
                if (listenSocket != null)
                    try { listenSocket.Dispose(); }
                    catch (ObjectDisposedException) { }
            catch (Exception e)
                ex = e;

            if (ex != null)
                Dbg.Assert(false, "Unexpected error in RemoteSessionHyperVSocketServer.");

                // Unexpected error.
                string errorMessage = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(ex.Message) ? ex.Message : string.Empty;
                _tracer.WriteMessage("RemoteSessionHyperVSocketServer", "RemoteSessionHyperVSocketServer", Guid.Empty,
                                     "Unexpected error in constructor: {0}", errorMessage);

                throw new PSInvalidOperationException(
Ejemplo n.º 18
 public static string Substring(StringIterator it1, StringIterator it2)
     Debug.Assert(Object.ReferenceEquals(it1._string, it2._string));
     return(it1._string.Substring(it1._index, it2._index - it1._index));