Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static VRUIViewController Create()
            menu = SettingsUI.CreateSubMenu("ModListSettings", false);

            autoCheck  = menu.AddBool("Auto Update Check", "If enabled, automatically checks for updates on game start.");
            autoUpdate = menu.AddBool("Auto Update", "If enabled, automatically installs updates after checking for them.");

            autoCheck.applyImmediately = true;
            autoCheck.GetValue        += () => SelfConfig.SelfConfigRef.Value.Updates.AutoCheckUpdates;
            autoCheck.SetValue        += val =>
                SelfConfig.SelfConfigRef.Value.Updates.AutoCheckUpdates = val;

            autoUpdate.applyImmediately = true;
            autoUpdate.GetValue        += () => SelfConfig.SelfConfigRef.Value.Updates.AutoUpdate;
            autoUpdate.SetValue        += val =>
                SelfConfig.SelfConfigRef.Value.Updates.AutoUpdate = val;

Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static void InitUI()
            SubMenu menu  = SettingsUI.CreateSubMenu("Beat Saber Console");
            var     lines = menu.AddInt("Line Count", "How many lines the Console will display.", 15, 50, 5);

            lines.GetValue += delegate { return(Config.lines); };
            lines.SetValue += v => Config.lines = v;

            float[] timeOptions = new float[] {
                0.1f, 0.25f, 0.5f, 0.75f, 1, 1.5f, 2, 3, 4, 5
            var time = menu.AddList("Console Update Time", timeOptions, "The amount of time between Console updates in seconds.");

            time.GetValue    += delegate { return(Config.updateTime); };
            time.SetValue    += v => Config.updateTime = v;
            time.FormatValue += delegate(float c) { return($"{c} Sec."); };

            var cubes = menu.AddBool("Show Move Bars", "Show the bars that appear under the console.\n<color=#FF0000>Moving the console and output log by clicking under them will still work.</color>");

            cubes.GetValue += delegate { return(Config.showMoveCubes); };
            cubes.SetValue += v => Config.showMoveCubes = v;

            var clipboard = menu.AddBool("Copy Last Exception", "Automatically copies the Console's last logged Exception to your clipboard for easy pasting.\n<color=#FF0000>This will overwrite any previous clipboard entries.</color>");

            clipboard.GetValue += delegate { return(Config.copyToClipboard); };
            clipboard.SetValue += v => Config.copyToClipboard = v;

            var common = menu.AddBool("Hide Common Errors", "Hide common errors from appearing in the Output Log.");

            common.GetValue += delegate { return(Config.hideCommonErrors); };
            common.SetValue += v => Config.hideCommonErrors = v;

            var showStacktrace = menu.AddBool("Show Stacktrace", "Shows stacktrace in Output Log.");

            showStacktrace.GetValue += delegate { return(Config.showStacktrace); };
            showStacktrace.SetValue += v => Config.showStacktrace = v;

            var reset = menu.AddBool("Reset Positions?", "When set to true, the Console and Output log will reset to above the player.");

            reset.GetValue += delegate { return(false); };
            reset.SetValue += v =>
                if (v)
                    Config.consolePos = new Vector3(1, 2.5f, 0);
                    Config.consoleRot = new Vector3(-90, 0, 0);
                    Config.outputPos  = new Vector3(0, 2.5f, 0);
                    Config.outputRot  = new Vector3(-90, 0, 0);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static void playerProperties()
            SubMenu            fitNessCalculating = SettingsUI.CreateSubMenu("Fitness Properties");
            BoolViewController units = fitNessCalculating.AddBool("Metric Units? (Kgs, cm)");

            units.GetValue += delegate { return(ModPrefs.GetBool(Plugin.alias, "lbskgs", false, true)); };
            units.SetValue += delegate(bool lork) { ModPrefs.SetBool(Plugin.alias, "lbskgs", lork); };

            bool lbsorkgs = ModPrefs.GetBool(Plugin.alias, "lbskgs", false, true);

            if (lbsorkgs) ////Converted to kgs
                IntViewController weightKGS = fitNessCalculating.AddInt("Weight (kgs)", 36, 363, 1);
                weightKGS.GetValue += delegate { return(ModPrefs.GetInt(Plugin.alias, "weightKGS", 60, true)); };
                weightKGS.SetValue += delegate(int kgs)
                    ModPrefs.SetInt(Plugin.alias, "weightKGS", kgs);
            }/////// Freedom Units
                IntViewController weightLBS = fitNessCalculating.AddInt("Weight (lbs)", 80, 800, 2);
                weightLBS.GetValue += delegate { return(ModPrefs.GetInt(Plugin.alias, "weightLBS", 132, true)); };
                weightLBS.SetValue += delegate(int lbs)
                    ModPrefs.SetInt(Plugin.alias, "weightLBS", (int)(lbs));
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public static void PlayerProperties()
            SubMenu            fitNessCalculating = SettingsUI.CreateSubMenu("Fitness Properties");
            BoolViewController shhiWeight         = fitNessCalculating.AddBool("Show weight at launch?");

            shhiWeight.GetValue += delegate {
            shhiWeight.SetValue += delegate(bool mswv) {
                Plugin.Instance.mainConfig.displayWeightOnLaunch = mswv;

            BoolViewController units = fitNessCalculating.AddBool("Metric Units? (Kgs, cm)");

            units.GetValue += delegate {
            units.SetValue += delegate(bool lork) {
                Plugin.Instance.mainConfig.metricUnits = lork;

            bool lbsorkgs = Plugin.Instance.mainConfig.metricUnits;

            if (lbsorkgs) ////Converted to kgs
                IntViewController weightKGS = fitNessCalculating.AddInt("Weight (kgs)", 36, 363, 1);
                weightKGS.GetValue += delegate {
                weightKGS.SetValue += delegate(int kgs)
                    Plugin.Instance.mainConfig.weightKGS = kgs;
            }/////// Freedom Units
                IntViewController weightLBS = fitNessCalculating.AddInt("Weight (lbs)", 80, 800, 2);
                weightLBS.GetValue += delegate {
                weightLBS.SetValue += delegate(int lbs)
                    Plugin.Instance.mainConfig.weightLBS = lbs;
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a BoolViewController outside of the settings menu.
        /// NOTE: CustomUI.Settings.SubMenu:AddHooks() can make a call to ApplySettings.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name">The text to be displayed for this setting.</param>
        /// <param name="hintText">The text to be displayed when this settings is hovered over.</param>
        /// <returns>A new BoolViewController.</returns>
        public static BoolViewController CreateBoolViewController(string name, string hintText = "")
            BoolViewController viewController = _submenu.AddBool(name, hintText);

            // remove this view controller from the global list of CustomSettings, otherwise it'll try to call Init() when we don't need it to

Ejemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds an additional submenu in the "Settings" page
        /// </summary>
        public static void CreateSettingsMenu()
            SubMenu subMenu = SettingsUI.CreateSubMenu(Plugin.PluginName);

            hmdController           = subMenu.AddBool("Enable in headset", disclaimer);
            hmdController.GetValue += delegate { return(Plugin.IsHMDOn); };
            hmdController.SetValue += delegate(bool value)
                Logger.log.Debug($"'Enable in headset' (IsHMDOn) in the main settings is set to '{value}'");

            livCameraController           = subMenu.AddBool("Disable in LIVCamera");
            livCameraController.GetValue += delegate { return(Plugin.IsDisableInLIVCamera); };
            livCameraController.SetValue += delegate(bool value)
                Plugin.IsDisableInLIVCamera = value;
                Logger.log.Debug($"'Disable in LIVCamera' (IsDisableLIVCameraWall) in the main settings is set to '{value}'");
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public static VRUIViewController Create()
            menu = SettingsUI.CreateSubMenu("ModListSettings", false);

            autoCheck         = menu.AddBool("Auto Update Check", "If enabled, automatically checks for updates on game start.");
            autoUpdate        = menu.AddBool("Auto Update", "If enabled, automatically installs updates after checking for them.");
            showEnableDisable = menu.AddBool("Show Enable/Disable Button", "If enabled, BSIPA mods will have a button to enable or disable them.");

            autoCheck.applyImmediately = true;
            autoCheck.GetValue        += () => IPA.Config.SelfConfig.Instance.Value.Updates.AutoCheckUpdates;
            autoCheck.SetValue        += val =>
                IPA.Config.SelfConfig.Instance.Value.Updates.AutoCheckUpdates = val;

            autoUpdate.applyImmediately = true;
            autoUpdate.GetValue        += () => IPA.Config.SelfConfig.Instance.Value.Updates.AutoUpdate;
            autoUpdate.SetValue        += val =>
                IPA.Config.SelfConfig.Instance.Value.Updates.AutoUpdate = val;

            showEnableDisable.applyImmediately = true;
            showEnableDisable.GetValue        += () => Plugin.config.Value.ShowEnableDisable;
            showEnableDisable.SetValue        += val =>
                Plugin.config.Value.ShowEnableDisable = val;


Ejemplo n.º 8
        private void OnSceneLoaded(ExampleOfBadOrganization arg0, LoadExampleOfBadOrganizationMode arg1)
            new Thot().AddComponent <WhyUnityYouPieceOfCrap>();
            if (arg0.name != "MenuCore")
            SubMenu            pokeables  = SettingsUI.CreateSubMenu("Fun Times");
            BoolViewController acidShader = pokeables.AddBool("Acid Shader [SEIZURE WARNING]");

            acidShader.GetValue += delegate { return(acidShaderMode); };
            acidShader.SetValue += delegate(bool value) { acidShaderMode = value; ShittySaveSystem.SetInt("acidShaderMode", value ? 1 : 0); };
            BoolViewController spinnyBoi = pokeables.AddBool("Spinny Boi Mode");

            spinnyBoi.GetValue += delegate { return(spinnyBoiMode); };
            spinnyBoi.SetValue += delegate(bool value) { spinnyBoiMode = value; ShittySaveSystem.SetInt("spinnyBoiMode", value ? 1 : 0); };
            BoolViewController savePokeyBois = pokeables.AddBool("Spare Pokey Bois");

            savePokeyBois.GetValue += delegate { return(savePokeyBoisMode); };
            savePokeyBois.SetValue += delegate(bool value) { savePokeyBoisMode = value; ShittySaveSystem.SetInt("savePokeyBoisMode", value ? 1 : 0); };
            //BoolViewController endlessDespair = pokeables.AddBool("Void of Despair");
            //endlessDespair.GetValue += delegate { return endlessDespairMode; };
            //endlessDespair.SetValue += delegate (bool value) { endlessDespairMode = value; ShittySaveSystem.SetInt("endlessDespairMode", value ? 1 : 0); };
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public static void CreateSourceSettings(string sourceName, SubMenu parent, SourceConfigBase sourceConfig)
            var enabled = parent.AddBool("Enable",
                                         $"Read enabled feeds from {sourceName}.");

            enabled.GetValue += delegate { return(sourceConfig.Enabled); };
            enabled.SetValue += delegate(bool value)
                if (sourceConfig.Enabled == value)
                sourceConfig.Enabled = value;
                // Config.ConfigChanged = true;
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public static void Settings()
            SubMenu            befitSettings = SettingsUI.CreateSubMenu("BeFit Settings");
            BoolViewController legacyMode    = befitSettings.AddBool("Legacy Mode?");

            legacyMode.GetValue += delegate { return(ModPrefs.GetBool(Plugin.alias, "legacyMode", false, true)); };
            legacyMode.SetValue += delegate(bool leg) { ModPrefs.SetBool(Plugin.alias, "legacyMode", leg); };
            IntViewController calCountAccuracy = befitSettings.AddInt("FPS Drop Reduction: ", 1, 45, 1);

            calCountAccuracy.GetValue += delegate { return(ModPrefs.GetInt(Plugin.alias, "caccVal", 30, true)); };
            calCountAccuracy.SetValue += delegate(int acc) { ModPrefs.SetInt(Plugin.alias, "caccVal", acc); };

            BoolViewController viewInGame = befitSettings.AddBool("Show Calories In Game");

            viewInGame.GetValue += delegate { return(ModPrefs.GetBool(Plugin.alias, "dcig", true, true)); };
            viewInGame.SetValue += delegate(bool dcig) { ModPrefs.SetBool(Plugin.alias, "dcig", dcig); };

            BoolViewController viewCurrent = befitSettings.AddBool("Show Current Session Calories");

            viewCurrent.GetValue += delegate { return(ModPrefs.GetBool(Plugin.alias, "csv", true, true)); };
            viewCurrent.SetValue += delegate(bool csv) {
                ModPrefs.SetBool(Plugin.alias, "csv", csv);
                MenuDisplay.visibleCurrentCalories = csv;

            BoolViewController viewDaily = befitSettings.AddBool("Show Daily Calories");

            viewDaily.GetValue += delegate { return(ModPrefs.GetBool(Plugin.alias, "dcv", true, true)); };
            viewDaily.SetValue += delegate(bool dcv) {
                ModPrefs.SetBool(Plugin.alias, "dcv", dcv);
                MenuDisplay.visibleDailyCalories = dcv;

            BoolViewController viewLife = befitSettings.AddBool("Show All Calories");

            viewLife.GetValue += delegate { return(ModPrefs.GetBool(Plugin.alias, "lcv", false, true)); };
            viewLife.SetValue += delegate(bool lcv) {
                ModPrefs.SetBool(Plugin.alias, "lcv", lcv);
                MenuDisplay.visibleLifeCalories = lcv;
            BoolViewController viewLast = befitSettings.AddBool("Show Last Song Calories");

            viewLast.GetValue += delegate { return(ModPrefs.GetBool(Plugin.alias, "lgv", true, true)); };
            viewLast.SetValue += delegate(bool lgv) {
                ModPrefs.SetBool(Plugin.alias, "lgv", lgv);
                MenuDisplay.visibleLastGameCalories = lgv;
Ejemplo n.º 11
        protected override void DidActivate(bool firstActivation, ActivationType activationType)
            _maxResultsShownStagingValue = PluginConfig.MaxSearchResults;
            _stripSymbolsStagingValue    = PluginConfig.StripSymbols;
            _splitQueryStagingValue      = PluginConfig.SplitQueryByWords;
            _songFieldsStagingValue      = PluginConfig.SongFieldsToSearch;
            _compactModeStagingValue     = PluginConfig.CompactSearchMode;

            if (firstActivation)
                var headerRectTransform = Instantiate(Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll <RectTransform>()
                                                      .First(x => x.name == "HeaderPanel" && x.parent.name == "PlayerSettingsViewController"), this.rectTransform);
                TextMeshProUGUI titleText = headerRectTransform.GetComponentInChildren <TextMeshProUGUI>();
                titleText.text = "Options";

                _submenu = new SubMenu(this.transform);

                // have to use the ListViewController because IntViewController doesn't seem to work outside of the settings menu
                float[] maxResultsShownValues =
                    Enumerable.Range(PluginConfig.MaxSearchResultsMinValue, PluginConfig.MaxSearchResultsMaxValue + 1)
                    .Select((x) => (float)x).ToArray();
                _maxResultsShownSetting = _submenu.AddList("Maximum # of Results Shown", maxResultsShownValues,
                                                           "The maximum number of songs found before a search result is shown.\n" +
                                                           "<color=#11FF11>A lower number is less distracting and only displays results when most irrelevant songs are removed.</color>\n" +
                                                           "<color=#FFFF11>You can force a search result to be shown using the button on the center screen.</color>");
                _maxResultsShownSetting.GetTextForValue += x => ((int)x).ToString();
                _maxResultsShownSetting.GetValue        += () => _maxResultsShownStagingValue;
                _maxResultsShownSetting.SetValue        += delegate(float value)
                    _maxResultsShownStagingValue = (int)value;
                    _resetButton.interactable    = true;
                    _applyButton.interactable    = true;
                SetSettingElementPosition(_maxResultsShownSetting.transform as RectTransform);
                _maxResultsShownSetting.applyImmediately = true;        // applyImmediately is after Init(), otherwise it calls SetValue once

                _splitQuerySetting = _submenu.AddBool("Search Each Word Individually",
                                                      "Split up the search query into words and searches the song details for those words individually. " +
                                                      "A song will only appear in the results if it contains all the words typed.\n" +
                                                      "<color=#11FF11>'ON' - For when you know some words or names in the song details, but not the specific order.</color>\n" +
                                                      "<color=#11FF11>'OFF' - Useful if you want to search for a particular phrase.</color>");
                _splitQuerySetting.GetValue += () => _splitQueryStagingValue;
                _splitQuerySetting.SetValue += delegate(bool value)
                    _splitQueryStagingValue   = value;
                    _resetButton.interactable = true;
                    _applyButton.interactable = true;
                SetSettingElementPosition(_splitQuerySetting.transform as RectTransform);
                _splitQuerySetting.applyImmediately = true;

                float[] songFieldsValues = new float[3]
                    (float)SearchableSongFields.All, (float)SearchableSongFields.TitleAndAuthor, (float)SearchableSongFields.TitleOnly
                _songFieldsSetting = _submenu.AddList("Song Fields to Search", songFieldsValues,
                                                      "A query will only search in these particular details of a song.\n" +
                                                      "<color=#11FF11>Can get relevant results quicker if you never search for song artist or beatmap creator.</color>\n" +
                                                      "Options - 'All', 'Title and Author', 'Title Only'");
                _songFieldsSetting.GetTextForValue += delegate(float value)
                    switch (value)
                    case (float)SearchableSongFields.All:

                    case (float)SearchableSongFields.TitleAndAuthor:
                        return("<size=80%>Title and Author</size>");

                    //case (float)SearchableSongFields.TitleOnly:
                        return("Title Only");
                _songFieldsSetting.GetValue += () => (float)_songFieldsStagingValue;
                _songFieldsSetting.SetValue += delegate(float value)
                    _songFieldsStagingValue   = (SearchableSongFields)value;
                    _resetButton.interactable = true;
                    _applyButton.interactable = true;
                SetSettingElementPosition(_songFieldsSetting.transform as RectTransform);
                _songFieldsSetting.applyImmediately = true;

                _stripSymbolsSetting = _submenu.AddBool("Strip Symbols from Song Details",
                                                        "Removes symbols from song title, subtitle, artist, etc. fields when performing search.\n" +
                                                        "<color=#11FF11>Can be useful when searching for song remixes and titles with apostrophes, quotations, or hyphens.</color>");
                _stripSymbolsSetting.GetValue += () => _stripSymbolsStagingValue;
                _stripSymbolsSetting.SetValue += delegate(bool value)
                    _stripSymbolsStagingValue = value;
                    _resetButton.interactable = true;
                    _applyButton.interactable = true;
                SetSettingElementPosition(_stripSymbolsSetting.transform as RectTransform);
                _stripSymbolsSetting.applyImmediately = true;

                _compactModeSetting = _submenu.AddBool("Use Compact Mode",
                                                       "Removes the keyboard on the right screen, replacing it with a smaller keyboard on the center screen.");
                _compactModeSetting.GetValue += () => _compactModeStagingValue;
                _compactModeSetting.SetValue += delegate(bool value)
                    _compactModeStagingValue  = value;
                    _resetButton.interactable = true;
                    _applyButton.interactable = true;
                SetSettingElementPosition(_compactModeSetting.transform as RectTransform);
                _compactModeSetting.applyImmediately = true;

                _defaultButton = BeatSaberUI.CreateUIButton(this.rectTransform, "CancelButton",
                                                            new Vector2(-37f, -32f), new Vector2(36f, 10f),
                                                            DefaultButtonPressed, "Use Defaults");
                _resetButton = BeatSaberUI.CreateUIButton(this.rectTransform, "CancelButton",
                                                          new Vector2(16f, -32f), new Vector2(24f, 9f),
                                                          ResetButtonPressed, "Reset");
                _applyButton = BeatSaberUI.CreateUIButton(this.rectTransform, "CancelButton",
                                                          new Vector2(43f, -32f), new Vector2(24f, 9f),
                                                          ApplyButtonPressed, "Apply");
                // force show current value in config

            _resetButton.interactable = false;
            _applyButton.interactable = false;
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public static void Settings()
            SubMenu            befitSettings = SettingsUI.CreateSubMenu("BeFit Settings");
            BoolViewController pluginEnabled = befitSettings.AddBool("Plugin Enabled?");

            pluginEnabled.GetValue += delegate {
            pluginEnabled.SetValue += delegate(bool plug) {
                Plugin.Instance.mainConfig.BeFitPluginEnabled = plug;
            IntViewController calCountAccuracy = befitSettings.AddInt("FPS Drop Reduction ", 1, 65, 1);

            calCountAccuracy.GetValue += delegate {
            calCountAccuracy.SetValue += delegate(int acc) {
                Plugin.Instance.mainConfig.calorieCounterAccuracy = acc;

            BoolViewController viewInGame = befitSettings.AddBool("Show Calories In Game");

            viewInGame.GetValue += delegate {
            viewInGame.SetValue += delegate(bool dcig) {
                Plugin.Instance.mainConfig.inGameCaloriesDisplay = dcig;

            BoolViewController viewCurrent = befitSettings.AddBool("Show Current Session Calories");

            viewCurrent.GetValue += delegate {
            viewCurrent.SetValue += delegate(bool csv) {
                Plugin.Instance.mainConfig.sessionCaloriesDisplay = csv;
                MenuDisplay.visibleCurrentCalories = csv;

            BoolViewController viewDaily = befitSettings.AddBool("Show Daily Calories");

            viewDaily.GetValue += delegate {
            viewDaily.SetValue += delegate(bool dcv) {
                Plugin.Instance.mainConfig.dailyCaloriesDisplay = dcv;
                MenuDisplay.visibleDailyCalories = dcv;

            BoolViewController viewLife = befitSettings.AddBool("Show All Calories");

            viewLife.GetValue += delegate {
            viewLife.SetValue += delegate(bool lcv) {
                Plugin.Instance.mainConfig.lifeCaloriesDisplay = lcv;
                MenuDisplay.visibleLifeCalories = lcv;
            BoolViewController viewLast = befitSettings.AddBool("Show Last Song Calories");

            viewLast.GetValue += delegate {
            viewLast.SetValue += delegate(bool lgv) {
                Plugin.Instance.mainConfig.lastGameCaloriesDisplay = lgv;
                MenuDisplay.visibleLastGameCalories = lgv;
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public static void InitializeMenu()

            MenuButtonUI.AddButton("Reload Chroma", OnReloadClick);
            MenuButtonUI.AddButton("Show Release Notes", "Shows the Release Notes and other info from the Beat Saber developers", delegate { SidePanelUtil.ResetPanel(); });
            MenuButtonUI.AddButton("Chroma Notes", "Shows the Release Notes and other info for Chroma", delegate { SidePanelUtil.SetPanel("chroma"); });
            MenuButtonUI.AddButton("Safety Waiver", "Shows the Chroma Safety Waiver", delegate { SidePanelUtil.SetPanel("chromaWaiver"); });

             * SETTINGS
            SubMenu            ctSettings             = SettingsUI.CreateSubMenu("Chroma Settings");
            BoolViewController hideSubMenusController = ctSettings.AddBool("Hide CT Menus", "If true, hides all other Chroma menus.  This has a lot of options, I know.");

            hideSubMenusController.GetValue += delegate { return(ChromaConfig.HideSubMenus); };
            hideSubMenusController.SetValue += delegate(bool value) { ChromaConfig.HideSubMenus = value; };

            BoolViewController ctSettingsMapCheck = ctSettings.AddBool("Enabled Map Checking", "If false, Chroma and its extensions will not check for special maps.  Recommended to leave on.");

            ctSettingsMapCheck.GetValue += delegate { return(ChromaConfig.CustomMapCheckingEnabled); };
            ctSettingsMapCheck.SetValue += delegate(bool value) { ChromaConfig.CustomMapCheckingEnabled = value; };

            ListViewController ctSettingsMasterVolume = ctSettings.AddList("Chroma Sounds Volume", new float[] { 0.1f, 0.2f, 0.3f, 0.4f, 0.5f, 0.6f, 0.7f, 0.8f, 0.9f, 1f }, "Master volume control for sounds made by Chroma");

            ctSettingsMasterVolume.GetValue    += delegate { return(ChromaConfig.MasterVolume); };
            ctSettingsMasterVolume.SetValue    += delegate(float value) { ChromaConfig.MasterVolume = value; };
            ctSettingsMasterVolume.FormatValue += delegate(float value) { return(value * 100 + "%"); };

            BoolViewController ctSettingsDebugMode = ctSettings.AddBool("Debug Mode", "Very performance heavy - only do this if you are bug chasing.");

            ctSettingsDebugMode.GetValue += delegate { return(ChromaConfig.DebugMode); };
            ctSettingsDebugMode.SetValue += delegate(bool value) { ChromaConfig.DebugMode = value; };

            ListViewController ctLogSettings = ctSettings.AddList("Logging Level", new float[] { 0, 1, 2, 3 }, "The further to the left this is, the more will be logged.");

            ctLogSettings.applyImmediately = true;
            ctLogSettings.GetValue        += delegate { return((int)ChromaLogger.LogLevel); };
            ctLogSettings.SetValue        += delegate(float value) { ChromaLogger.LogLevel = (ChromaLogger.Level)(int) value; ChromaConfig.SetInt("Logger", "loggerLevel", (int)value); };
            ctLogSettings.FormatValue     += delegate(float value) { return(((ChromaLogger.Level)(int) value).ToString()); };

            StringViewController ctPassword = ctSettings.AddString("Secrets", "What could it mean?!?!");

            ctPassword.GetValue += delegate { return(""); };
            ctPassword.SetValue += delegate(string value) {
                if (value.ToUpper() == "SAFETYHAZARD")
                    ChromaConfig.WaiverRead = true;
                else if (value.ToUpper() == "CREDITS")


            ChromaLogger.Log("Sub-menus " + (ChromaConfig.HideSubMenus ? "are" : "are not") + " hidden.");

             * SUB-MENUS
            if (!ChromaConfig.HideSubMenus)
                float[] presets = new float[colourPresets.Count];
                for (int i = 0; i < colourPresets.Count; i++)
                    presets[i] = i;

                 * NOTES COLOURS
                SubMenu ctNotes = SettingsUI.CreateSubMenu("Chroma Notes");

                ListViewController ctAColour = ctNotes.AddList("Left Notes", presets);
                ctAColour.applyImmediately = true;
                ctAColour.GetValue        += delegate {
                    String name = ChromaConfig.GetString("Notes", "colourA", "DEFAULT");
                    for (int i = 0; i < colourPresets.Count; i++)
                        if (colourPresets[i].name == name)
                ctAColour.SetValue += delegate(float value) {
                    ColourManager.A = colourPresets[(int)value].color;
                    ChromaConfig.SetString("Notes", "colourA", colourPresets[(int)value].name);
                ctAColour.FormatValue += delegate(float value) {

                ListViewController ctBColour = ctNotes.AddList("Right Notes", presets);
                ctBColour.applyImmediately = true;
                ctBColour.GetValue        += delegate {
                    String name = ChromaConfig.GetString("Notes", "colourB", "DEFAULT");
                    for (int i = 0; i < colourPresets.Count; i++)
                        if (colourPresets[i].name == name)
                ctBColour.SetValue += delegate(float value) {
                    ColourManager.B = colourPresets[(int)value].color;
                    ChromaConfig.SetString("Notes", "colourB", colourPresets[(int)value].name);
                ctBColour.FormatValue += delegate(float value) {

                SettingsNoteMenuAddedEvent?.Invoke(ctNotes, presets, colourPresets);

                 * LIGHTS COLOURS
                SubMenu ctLights = SettingsUI.CreateSubMenu("Chroma Lights");

                ListViewController ctLightAmbientColour = ctLights.AddList("Ambient (bg) Lights", presets);
                ctLightAmbientColour.applyImmediately = true;
                ctLightAmbientColour.GetValue        += delegate {
                    String name = ChromaConfig.GetString("Lights", "lightAmbient", "DEFAULT");
                    for (int i = 0; i < colourPresets.Count; i++)
                        if (colourPresets[i].name == name)
                ctLightAmbientColour.SetValue += delegate(float value) {
                    ColourManager.LightAmbient = colourPresets[(int)value].color;
                    ChromaConfig.SetString("Lights", "lightAmbient", colourPresets[(int)value].name);
                ctLightAmbientColour.FormatValue += delegate(float value) {

                ListViewController ctLightAColour = ctLights.AddList("Warm (red) Lights", presets);
                ctLightAColour.applyImmediately = true;
                ctLightAColour.GetValue        += delegate {
                    String name = ChromaConfig.GetString("Lights", "lightColourA", "DEFAULT");
                    for (int i = 0; i < colourPresets.Count; i++)
                        if (colourPresets[i].name == name)
                ctLightAColour.SetValue += delegate(float value) {
                    ColourManager.LightA = colourPresets[(int)value].color;
                    ChromaConfig.SetString("Lights", "lightColourA", colourPresets[(int)value].name);
                ctLightAColour.FormatValue += delegate(float value) {

                ListViewController ctLightBColour = ctLights.AddList("Cold (blue) Lights", presets);
                ctLightBColour.applyImmediately = true;
                ctLightBColour.GetValue        += delegate {
                    String name = ChromaConfig.GetString("Lights", "lightColourB", "DEFAULT");
                    for (int i = 0; i < colourPresets.Count; i++)
                        if (colourPresets[i].name == name)
                ctLightBColour.SetValue += delegate(float value) {
                    ColourManager.LightB = colourPresets[(int)value].color;
                    ChromaConfig.SetString("Lights", "lightColourB", colourPresets[(int)value].name);
                ctLightBColour.FormatValue += delegate(float value) {

                SettingsLightsMenuAddedEvent?.Invoke(ctLights, presets, colourPresets);

                 * OTHERS COLOURS
                SubMenu ctOthers = SettingsUI.CreateSubMenu("Chroma Aesthetics");

                ListViewController ctBarrier = ctOthers.AddList("Barriers", presets);
                ctBarrier.applyImmediately = true;
                ctBarrier.GetValue        += delegate {
                    String name = ChromaConfig.GetString("Aesthetics", "barrierColour", "Barrier Red");
                    for (int i = 0; i < colourPresets.Count; i++)
                        if (colourPresets[i].name == name)
                ctBarrier.SetValue += delegate(float value) {
                    ColourManager.BarrierColour = colourPresets[(int)value].color;
                    ChromaConfig.SetString("Aesthetics", "barrierColour", colourPresets[(int)value].name);
                ctBarrier.FormatValue += delegate(float value) {

                ListViewController ctBarrierCorrection = ctOthers.AddList("Barrier Col. Correction", new float[] { 0, 0.1f, 0.2f, 0.3f, 0.4f, 0.5f, 0.6f, 0.7f, 0.8f, 0.9f, 1f, 1.1f, 1.2f, 1.3f, 1.4f, 1.5f, 1.6f, 1.7f, 1.8f, 1.9f, 2f });
                ctBarrierCorrection.GetValue += delegate {
                ctBarrierCorrection.SetValue += delegate(float value) {
                    ColourManager.barrierColourCorrectionScale = value;
                    ChromaConfig.SetFloat("Aesthetics", "barrierColourCorrectionScale", value);
                ctBarrierCorrection.FormatValue += delegate(float value) { return(value * 100 + "%"); };

                ListViewController ctSignB = ctOthers.AddList("Neon Sign Top", presets);
                ctSignB.applyImmediately = true;
                ctSignB.GetValue        += delegate {
                    String name = ChromaConfig.GetString("Aesthetics", "signColourB", "Notes Blue");
                    for (int i = 0; i < colourPresets.Count; i++)
                        if (colourPresets[i].name == name)
                ctSignB.SetValue += delegate(float value) {
                    ColourManager.SignB = colourPresets[(int)value].color;
                    ChromaConfig.SetString("Aesthetics", "signColourB", colourPresets[(int)value].name);
                    ColourManager.RecolourNeonSign(ColourManager.SignA, ColourManager.SignB);
                ctSignB.FormatValue += delegate(float value) {

                ListViewController ctSignA = ctOthers.AddList("Neon Sign Bottom", presets);
                ctSignA.applyImmediately = true;
                ctSignA.GetValue        += delegate {
                    String name = ChromaConfig.GetString("Aesthetics", "signColourA", "Notes Red");
                    for (int i = 0; i < colourPresets.Count; i++)
                        if (colourPresets[i].name == name)
                ctSignA.SetValue += delegate(float value) {
                    ColourManager.SignA = colourPresets[(int)value].color;
                    ChromaConfig.SetString("Aesthetics", "signColourA", colourPresets[(int)value].name);
                    ColourManager.RecolourNeonSign(ColourManager.SignA, ColourManager.SignB);
                ctSignA.FormatValue += delegate(float value) {

                ListViewController ctLaserColour = ctOthers.AddList("Laser Pointer", presets);
                ctLaserColour.applyImmediately = true;
                ctLaserColour.GetValue        += delegate {
                    String name = ChromaConfig.GetString("Aesthetics", "laserPointerColour", "Notes Blue");
                    for (int i = 0; i < colourPresets.Count; i++)
                        if (colourPresets[i].name == name)
                ctLaserColour.SetValue += delegate(float value) {
                    ColourManager.LaserPointerColour = colourPresets[(int)value].color;
                    ChromaConfig.SetString("Aesthetics", "laserPointerColour", colourPresets[(int)value].name);
                    ColourManager.RecolourMenuStuff(ColourManager.A, ColourManager.B, ColourManager.LightA, ColourManager.LightB, ColourManager.Platform, ColourManager.LaserPointerColour);
                ctLaserColour.FormatValue += delegate(float value) {

                ListViewController ctPlatform = ctOthers.AddList("Platform Accoutrements", presets);
                ctPlatform.applyImmediately = true;
                ctPlatform.GetValue        += delegate {
                    String name = ChromaConfig.GetString("Aesthetics", "platformAccoutrements", "DEFAULT");
                    for (int i = 0; i < colourPresets.Count; i++)
                        if (colourPresets[i].name == name)
                ctPlatform.SetValue += delegate(float value) {
                    ColourManager.Platform = colourPresets[(int)value].color;
                    ChromaConfig.SetString("Aesthetics", "platformAccoutrements", colourPresets[(int)value].name);
                    ColourManager.RecolourMenuStuff(ColourManager.A, ColourManager.B, ColourManager.LightA, ColourManager.LightB, ColourManager.Platform, ColourManager.LaserPointerColour);
                ctPlatform.FormatValue += delegate(float value) {

                SettingsOthersMenuAddedEvent?.Invoke(ctOthers, presets, colourPresets);

                ExtensionSubMenusEvent?.Invoke(presets, colourPresets);

Ejemplo n.º 14
        private static void SetupChromaSparksMenu(float[] presets, List <NamedColor> colourPresets)
             * PARTICLES
            SubMenu ctParticles = SettingsUI.CreateSubMenu("Chroma Sparks");

            float[] particleMults = new float[] { 0f, 0.1f, 0.2f, 0.3f, 0.4f, 0.5f, 0.6f, 0.7f, 0.8f, 0.9f, 1f, 1.1f, 1.2f, 1.3f, 1.4f, 1.5f, 1.6f, 1.7f, 1.8f, 1.9f, 2f,
                                                  2.25f, 2.5f, 2.75f, 3f, 3.25f, 3.5f, 3.75f, 4f, 4.25f, 4.5f, 4.75f, 5f,
                                                  5.5f, 6f, 6.5f, 7f, 7.5f, 8f, 8.5f, 9f, 9.5f, 10f,
                                                  11f, 12f, 13f, 14f, 15f, 16f, 17f, 18f, 19f, 20f,
                                                  22.5f, 25f, 27.5f, 30f, 32.5f, 35f, 37.5f, 40f, 42.5f, 45f, 47.5f, 50f,
                                                  55f, 60f, 65f, 70f, 75f, 80f, 85f, 90f, 100f,
                                                  110f, 120f, 130f, 140f, 150f, 160f, 170f, 180f, 190f, 200f };

            //Completely disable particle affecting
            BoolViewController ctParticlesEnabled = ctParticles.AddBool("Override Particles");

            ctParticlesEnabled.GetValue += delegate { return(ChromaSparksConfig.ParticleManipulationEnabled); };
            ctParticlesEnabled.SetValue += delegate(bool value) { ChromaSparksConfig.ParticleManipulationEnabled = value; };

            //global Particles Mult
            ListViewController ctParticlesMax = ctParticles.AddList("Global Particle Max", particleMults);

            ctParticlesMax.GetValue    += delegate { return(ChromaSparksConfig.ParticlesGlobalMaxMult); };
            ctParticlesMax.SetValue    += delegate(float value) { ChromaSparksConfig.ParticlesGlobalMaxMult = value; };
            ctParticlesMax.FormatValue += delegate(float value) { return(value * 100 + "%"); };

            //slash Particles Mult
            ListViewController ctSlashAmt = ctParticles.AddList("Slash Part. Amount", particleMults);

            ctSlashAmt.GetValue    += delegate { return(ChromaSparksConfig.SlashParticlesMult); };
            ctSlashAmt.SetValue    += delegate(float value) { ChromaSparksConfig.SlashParticlesMult = value; };
            ctSlashAmt.FormatValue += delegate(float value) { return(value * 100 + "%"); };

            /*//slash Particles Life
             * ListViewController ctSlashLife = ctParticles.AddList("Slash Part. Lifetime", particleMults);
             * ctSlashLife.GetValue += delegate { return Plugin.slashParticlesLifeMult; };
             * ctSlashLife.SetValue += delegate (float value) { Plugin.slashParticlesLifeMult = value; Plugin.didChangeSettings = true; };
             * ctSlashLife.FormatValue += delegate (float value) { return value * 100 + "%"; };*/

            //slash Particles Life
            ListViewController ctSlashSpeed = ctParticles.AddList("Slash Part. Speed", particleMults);

            ctSlashSpeed.GetValue    += delegate { return(ChromaSparksConfig.SlashParticlesSpeedMult); };
            ctSlashSpeed.SetValue    += delegate(float value) { ChromaSparksConfig.SlashParticlesSpeedMult = value; };
            ctSlashSpeed.FormatValue += delegate(float value) { return(value * 100 + "%"); };

            ListViewController ctSlashTimeScale = ctParticles.AddList("Slash Part. TimeScale", particleMults);

            ctSlashTimeScale.GetValue    += delegate { return(ChromaSparksConfig.SlashParticlesTimeScale); };
            ctSlashTimeScale.SetValue    += delegate(float value) { ChromaSparksConfig.SlashParticlesTimeScale = value; };
            ctSlashTimeScale.FormatValue += delegate(float value) {
                if (value == 1)
                return(value + "/s");

            //explosions Particles Mult
            ListViewController ctExplosionsAmt = ctParticles.AddList("Explosion Part. Amount", particleMults);

            ctExplosionsAmt.GetValue    += delegate { return(ChromaSparksConfig.ExplosionParticlesMult); };
            ctExplosionsAmt.SetValue    += delegate(float value) { ChromaSparksConfig.ExplosionParticlesMult = value; };
            ctExplosionsAmt.FormatValue += delegate(float value) { return(value * 100 + "%"); };

            /*//explosions Particles Life
             * ListViewController ctExplosionsLife = ctParticles.AddList("Explosion Part. Lifetime", particleMults);
             * ctExplosionsLife.GetValue += delegate { return Plugin.explosionParticlesLifeMult; };
             * ctExplosionsLife.SetValue += delegate (float value) { Plugin.explosionParticlesLifeMult = value; Plugin.didChangeSettings = true; };
             * ctExplosionsLife.FormatValue += delegate (float value) { return value * 100 + "%"; };*/

            //explosions Particles Life
            ListViewController ctExplosionsSpeed = ctParticles.AddList("Explosion Part. Speed", particleMults);

            ctExplosionsSpeed.GetValue    += delegate { return(ChromaSparksConfig.ExplosionParticlesSpeedMult); };
            ctExplosionsSpeed.SetValue    += delegate(float value) { ChromaSparksConfig.ExplosionParticlesSpeedMult = value; };
            ctExplosionsSpeed.FormatValue += delegate(float value) { return(value * 100 + "%"); };

            ListViewController ctExplosionsTimeScale = ctParticles.AddList("Explosion Part. TimeScale", particleMults);

            ctExplosionsTimeScale.GetValue    += delegate { return(ChromaSparksConfig.ExplosionParticlesTimeScale); };
            ctExplosionsTimeScale.SetValue    += delegate(float value) { ChromaSparksConfig.ExplosionParticlesTimeScale = value; };
            ctExplosionsTimeScale.FormatValue += delegate(float value) {
                if (value == 1)
                return(value + "/s");
Ejemplo n.º 15
        public static void CreateBeatSyncSettingsUI(SubMenu parent)
            var timeoutInt = parent.AddInt("Download Timeout",
                                           "How long in seconds to wait for Beat Saver to respond to a download request",
                                           5, 60, 1);

            timeoutInt.GetValue += delegate { return(Config.DownloadTimeout); };
            timeoutInt.SetValue += delegate(int value)
                if (Config.DownloadTimeout == value)
                Config.DownloadTimeout = value;

            var maxConcurrentDownloads = parent.AddInt("Max Concurrent Downloads",
                                                       "How many song downloads can happen at the same time.",
                                                       1, 10, 1);

            maxConcurrentDownloads.GetValue += delegate { return(Config.MaxConcurrentDownloads); };
            maxConcurrentDownloads.SetValue += delegate(int value)
                if (Config.MaxConcurrentDownloads == value)
                Config.MaxConcurrentDownloads = value;
                // Config.ConfigChanged = true;

            var recentPlaylistDays = parent.AddInt("Recent Playlist Days",
                                                   "How long in days songs downloaded by BeatSync are kept in the BeatSync Recent playlist (0 to disable the playlist).",
                                                   0, 60, 1);

            recentPlaylistDays.GetValue += delegate { return(Config.RecentPlaylistDays); };
            recentPlaylistDays.SetValue += delegate(int value)
                if (Config.RecentPlaylistDays == value)
                Config.RecentPlaylistDays = value;
                // Config.ConfigChanged = true;

            var allBeatSyncSongs = parent.AddBool("Enable All BeatSync Songs",
                                                  "Maintain a playlist that has all the songs downloaded by BeatSync.");

            allBeatSyncSongs.GetValue += delegate { return(Config.AllBeatSyncSongsPlaylist); };
            allBeatSyncSongs.SetValue += delegate(bool value)
                if (Config.AllBeatSyncSongsPlaylist == value)
                Config.AllBeatSyncSongsPlaylist = value;
                // Config.ConfigChanged = true;

            var timeBetweenSyncs = parent.AddSubMenu("Time Between Syncs",
                                                     "Minimum amount of time between BeatSync syncs (Set both to 0 to run BeatSync every time the game is started).", true);
            var hours = timeBetweenSyncs.AddInt("Hours", "Number of hours between BeatSync syncs.", 0, 100, 1);

            hours.GetValue += delegate { return(Config.TimeBetweenSyncs.Hours); };
            hours.SetValue += delegate(int value)
                if (Config.TimeBetweenSyncs.Hours == value)
                Config.TimeBetweenSyncs.Hours = value;
                // Config.ConfigChanged = true;

            var minutes = timeBetweenSyncs.AddInt("Minutes", "Number of minutes between BeatSync syncs.", 0, 59, 1);

            minutes.GetValue += delegate { return(Config.TimeBetweenSyncs.Minutes); };
            minutes.SetValue += delegate(int value)
                if (Config.TimeBetweenSyncs.Minutes == value)
                Config.TimeBetweenSyncs.Minutes = value;
                // Config.ConfigChanged = true;
Ejemplo n.º 16
        internal static void CreateMenu()
            SubMenu            GeneralMenu       = SettingsUI.CreateSubMenu("Random Sabers");
            int                folderPathLength  = Plugin.SabersFolderPath.Length;
            BoolViewController enabledController = GeneralMenu.AddBool("Enable Random Sabers", "Random sabers on song startup. ");

            enabledController.GetValue += () => { return(PlayerPrefs.GetInt(PrefsModSection + PrefsModEnabled) == 1); };
            enabledController.SetValue += (val) => { PlayerPrefs.SetInt(PrefsModSection + PrefsModEnabled, val ? 1 : 0); if (!val)
            BoolViewController displaySelectedSaberController = GeneralMenu.AddBool("Display Selected Saber", "Displays the selected Saber's name when starting the song.");

            displaySelectedSaberController.GetValue += () => { return(PlayerPrefs.GetInt(PrefsModSection + PrefsDisplaySelectedSaberEnabled) == 1); };
            displaySelectedSaberController.SetValue += (val) => { PlayerPrefs.SetInt(PrefsModSection + PrefsDisplaySelectedSaberEnabled, val ? 1 : 0); };
            BoolViewController listsEnabledController = GeneralMenu.AddBool("Enable Saber Menus", "Enables secondary menus to add or remove sabers from the selection pool. Settings are saved even if the menus are turned off. ");

            listsEnabledController.GetValue += () => { return(PlayerPrefs.GetInt(PrefsModSection + PrefsModListsEnabled) == 1); };
            listsEnabledController.SetValue += (val) => { PlayerPrefs.SetInt(PrefsModSection + PrefsModListsEnabled, val ? 1 : 0); };
            SetAllController SetAllController = GeneralMenu.AddIntSetting <SetAllController>("Set All Sabers To ", "Turn all sabers on, off, or do nothing.");

            SetAllController.SetValues(0, 2, 1);
            SetAllController.GetValue += () => { return(0); };
            SetAllController.SetValue += (val) => {
                setAllValue = val;
                if (1 == val)
                    for (int i = 0; i < Plugin.SaberCount; i++)
                        PlayerPrefs.SetInt(PrefsEnabledSabersSection + Plugin.GetSaberName(i), 1);
                        isSaberEnabled[Plugin.GetSaberName(i)] = true;
                else if (2 == val)
                    for (int i = 0; i < Plugin.SaberCount; i++)
                        PlayerPrefs.SetInt(PrefsEnabledSabersSection + Plugin.GetSaberName(i), 0);
                        isSaberEnabled[Plugin.GetSaberName(i)] = false;
            //Add option lists in groups of SabersPerMenu.
            if (1 == PlayerPrefs.GetInt(PrefsModSection + PrefsModListsEnabled))
                int sabersCount = Plugin.SaberCount;
                //Console.WriteLine("------------------------------------Random Sabers Menu Setup-----------------------------------");
                int MenuCount = Mathf.CeilToInt((float)sabersCount / SabersPerMenu);
                //Console.WriteLine(sabersCount + " Sabers, " + MenuCount + " Menus. ");
                for (int i = 0; i < MenuCount; i++)
                    int    startingSaberIndex = i * SabersPerMenu;
                    string menuName           = "Random Sabers (";
                    if (0 != i)
                        string StartSaberName    = Plugin.GetSaberName(startingSaberIndex);
                        string previousSabername = Plugin.GetSaberName(startingSaberIndex - 1);
                        string firstLetter       = StartSaberName.Substring(0, 1).ToUpper();
                        menuName += firstLetter;
                        if (previousSabername.Substring(0, 1).ToUpper() == firstLetter)
                            menuName += StartSaberName.Substring(1, 1).ToUpper();
                        menuName += Plugin.GetSaberName(startingSaberIndex).Substring(0, 1).ToUpper();
                    menuName += " - ";
                    menuName += Plugin.GetSaberName(Mathf.Min(sabersCount - 1, (i + 1) * SabersPerMenu)).Substring(0, 1).ToUpper();
                    menuName += ")";
                    //Console.WriteLine("Added Menu: " + menuName);
                    SubMenu subMenu = SettingsUI.CreateSubMenu(menuName);
                    for (int j = 0; j < SabersPerMenu && startingSaberIndex + j < sabersCount; j++)
                        string             saberName  = Plugin.GetSaberName(startingSaberIndex + j);
                        BoolViewController controller = subMenu.AddBool(saberName, "Add or remove " + saberName + " from the random sabers options. ");
                        controller.GetValue += () => {
                            if (1 == setAllValue)
                            else if (2 == setAllValue)
                        controller.SetValue += (val) =>
                            isSaberEnabled[saberName] = val;
                            PlayerPrefs.SetInt(PrefsEnabledSabersSection + saberName, val ? 1 : 0);
                            Console.WriteLine("Set " + saberName + " to " + PlayerPrefs.GetInt(PrefsEnabledSabersSection + saberName));
                //Console.WriteLine("------------------------------------Random Sabers Menu Setup-----------------------------------");