Ejemplo n.º 1
        private StateMachineGenerationModel GenerateStateMachine(StateMachine stateMachine, int stateMachineIndex)
            StateMachineGenerationModel stateMachineGenerationModel = new StateMachineGenerationModel(stateMachine, stateMachineIndex);

            /*Set a flag to indicate whether the state machine should be included in generation.*/
            stateMachineGenerationModel.IncludeInGeneration = stateMachine.IsEnabled;

            /*Add the inputs.*/
            foreach (var input in stateMachine.Inputs)
                var temp = new InputGenerationModel(stateMachine, input.Id, input.Name);
                temp.FunctionReferenceIndex = stateMachine.GetInputIndex(temp.Id);

            /*Add the actions.*/
            foreach (var action in stateMachine.Actions)
                var temp = new ActionReferenceGenerationModel(action.Id, (int)stateMachine.GetActionReferenceIndex(action.Id), action.Name, stateMachine.Name);

            /*Cycle through the states in that state machine, and fill in the  */
            foreach (var state in stateMachine.States)
                /*Create the model.*/
                var stateGenerationModel = new StateGenerationModel();

                /*Initialize the model.*/
                stateGenerationModel.Name = state.Name;

                stateGenerationModel.inputList = GetListOfInputsForState(state, stateMachine);

                /*Have gotten the inputs for the state. Now, update their indices.*/
                foreach (var input in stateGenerationModel.inputList)
                    /*Search the state machine inputs for a matching GUID.*/
                    input.FunctionReferenceIndex = stateMachine.GetInputIndex(input.Id);

                stateGenerationModel.transitionList = GetListOfTransitionsForState(state, stateMachine);

                /*Add the model.*/

Ejemplo n.º 2
        private StateMachineBinaryGenerationResult Generate(StateMachineGenerationModel stateMachine, EndianBitConverter bitConverter)
            //var inputs = stateMachine
            //    .Inputs.Select(i => i.Model)
            //    .ToArray();

            var rootElementList  = new ElementList();
            var rootElementList2 = new ElementList2();

            rootElementList2.Add(bitConverter, (UInt16)stateMachine.States.Count, "Number of states");
            rootElementList2.Add(bitConverter, (UInt16)stateMachine.Model.Inputs.Length, "Total number of inputs.");
            rootElementList2.Add(bitConverter, (UInt16)0, "Initial state identifier.");

            var stateMachineBaseIndices = new List <DelayedResolutionElementUshort2>();

            foreach (var state in stateMachine.States)
                stateMachineBaseIndices.Add(new DelayedResolutionElementUshort2(bitConverter, $"EFSM binary index of state {state.Name}"));

            foreach (var del in stateMachineBaseIndices)

            for (var stateIndex = 0; stateIndex < stateMachine.States.Count; stateIndex++)
                var state = stateMachine.States[stateIndex];

                rootElementList2.Add(new MarkerElement2(stateMachineBaseIndices[stateIndex], $"State {state.Name} base index."));
                rootElementList2.Add(bitConverter, (UInt16)state.inputList.Count, "Number of inputs.");
                rootElementList2.Add(bitConverter, (UInt16)state.transitionList.Count, "Number of transitions.");

                /*The base index of IQFN data.*/
                var binIndexOfIqfnData = new DelayedResolutionElementUshort2(bitConverter, $"EFSM binary index of IQFN data for state {state.Name}");

                var tocForTransitionData = new List <DelayedResolutionElementUshort2>();

                foreach (var t in state.transitionList)
                    tocForTransitionData.Add(new DelayedResolutionElementUshort2(bitConverter, $"EFSM binary index of transition {t.Name} data."));

                rootElementList2.Add(new MarkerElement2(binIndexOfIqfnData, $"State {state.Name} start of IQFN data."));

                /*Add the IQFN function reference indices.*/
                foreach (var iqfn in state.inputList)
                    rootElementList2.Add(bitConverter, (UInt16)iqfn.FunctionReferenceIndex, $"IQFN function reference index for prototype {iqfn.Name}");

                /*Add the transition data.*/
                for (int i = 0; i < state.transitionList.Count; i++)
                    var currentTransition = state.transitionList[i];

                    /*Resolve the tocForTransitionData DelayedResolution elements.*/
                    rootElementList2.Add(new MarkerElement2(tocForTransitionData[i], $"Transition {currentTransition.Name} data."));

                    var binIndexForTrnActionsData = new DelayedResolutionElementUshort2(bitConverter, $"EFSM binary index of transition {currentTransition.Name} actions data.");

                    rootElementList2.Add(bitConverter, currentTransition.TargetStateIndex, $"Next state after transition.");
                    rootElementList2.Add(bitConverter, (UInt16)currentTransition.Opcodes.Length, $"Number of opcodes.");

                    var evenNumberOfOpcodes = false;

                    if ((currentTransition.Opcodes.Length % 2) == 0)
                        evenNumberOfOpcodes = true;

                    var    numberOfElementsRequired = (currentTransition.Opcodes.Length + 1) / 2;
                    UInt16 temp       = 0;
                    UInt16 opcodeBase = 0;
                    var    opcodes    = currentTransition.Opcodes;

                    for (UInt16 elementIndex = 0; elementIndex < numberOfElementsRequired; elementIndex++)
                        /*Iterate through the opcodes and pack them into the elements.*/
                        /*Pack the 0th and 1st opcodes.*/
                        opcodeBase = (UInt16)(elementIndex * 2);

                        /*If on the last element...*/
                        if (elementIndex == (numberOfElementsRequired - 1))
                            if (evenNumberOfOpcodes)
                                temp = (UInt16)(((opcodes[opcodeBase + 1]) << 8) | (opcodes[opcodeBase]));
                                temp = (UInt16)((0x00 << 8) | (opcodes[opcodeBase]));
                            temp = (UInt16)(((opcodes[opcodeBase + 1]) << 8) | (opcodes[opcodeBase]));

                        rootElementList2.Add(bitConverter, temp, $"Opcodes {opcodeBase} and {opcodeBase + 1}");
                        rootElementList2.Add(new MarkerElement2(binIndexForTrnActionsData, "Transition Actions data."));

                    /*Add in the number of transition action function reference indices.*/
                    rootElementList2.Add(bitConverter, (UInt16)currentTransition.Actions.Count, $"Number of transition actions for transition {currentTransition.Name}");

                    /*Add the transition actions.*/
                    foreach (var action in currentTransition.Actions)
                        rootElementList2.Add(bitConverter, (UInt16)action.FunctionReferenceIndex, $"Action {action.Name} function reference index.");

            //Number of states
            //rootElementList.Add(bitConverter, (ushort) stateMachine.States.Length, $"# of states ({stateMachine.States.Length})");
            //rootElementList.Add(bitConverter, 0x4356, "An item value");
            //rootElementList2.Add(bitConverter, 0x4356, "Version 2");
            //rootElementList2.Add(bitConverter, (UInt16)stateMachine.States.Length, $"# of states ({stateMachine.States.Length})");
            //rootElementList2.Add(bitConverter, (UInt16)stateMachine.Inputs.Length, $"# of inputs ({stateMachine.Inputs.Length})");
            //rootElementList2.Add(bitConverter, (UInt16)stateMachine.States[0].Index, $"Initial state ({stateMachine.States[0].Index})");

            /*Create an array of DelayedResolutionElementUshort2's based on each state in stateMachine.*/
            //var statesTocEntries = stateMachine.States.Select(s => new DelayedResolutionElementUshort2(bitConverter, "EFSM index of state'" + s.Model.Name + "' [{0}]")).ToArray();

            /*Get */

            //for (var stateIndex = 0; stateIndex < stateMachine.States.Length; stateIndex++)
            //    var state = stateMachine.States[stateIndex];

            //    /*Get the number of transitions for the current state.*/
            //    //var numberOfTransitionsForState = state.Transitions.Count;

            //    ///*Build a list of inputs relevant to the current state.*/
            //    //var stateInputList = new List<EmbeddedInputModel>();

            //    //foreach (var transition in state.Parent.Transitions)
            //    //{
            //    //    /*Get a list of the inputs for that transition.*/
            //    //    var transitionInputList = transition.GetTransitionInputs();

            //    //    foreach (var transitionInput in transitionInputList)
            //    //    {
            //    //        if (!StateMachineTransition.IsInputInList(transitionInput.Id, stateInputList))
            //    //        {
            //    //            stateInputList.Add(new EmbeddedInputModel(transitionInput.Id));
            //    //        }
            //    //    }
            //    //}

            //    /*Get the number of inputs for the state.*/
            //    //var numberOfInputsForState = stateInputList.Count;

            //    //stateMachine.States[0].Parent.Transitions[0].

            //    ///*Create a marker element which correspondes to the previously created DelayedResolutionElementUshort2 by submitting the respective DelayedResolutionElementUshort2 as an argument for its reference.*/
            //    //rootElementList2.Add(new MarkerElement2(statesTocEntries[stateIndex], $"State '{state.Model.Name}'"));

            //    //rootElementList2.Add(bitConverter, (UInt16)numberOfInputsForState, "Number of inputs.");
            //    //rootElementList2.Add(bitConverter, (UInt16)numberOfTransitionsForState, "Number of transitions");

            /*Pack the number of states.*/
            //rootElementList2.Add(bitConverter, stateMachine.States.Length, $"# of states ({stateMachine.States.Length})");

            //Number of inputs (do we care about this?)
            //rootElementList.Add(bitConverter, (ushort) stateMachine.Inputs.Length, $"# of inputs ({stateMachine.Inputs.Length})");

            //States TOC
            //var statesTocEntries = stateMachine.States
            //    .Select(s => new DelayedResolutionElementUshort(bitConverter, "Address of '" + s.Model.Name  + "' [{0}]"))
            //    .ToArray();

            ////Add them

            //foreach (var stateTocEntry in statesTocEntries)
            //    rootElementList.Add(stateTocEntry);

            ////Add the actual states
            //for (var stateIndex = 0; stateIndex < stateMachine.States.Length; stateIndex++)
            //    var state = stateMachine.States[stateIndex];

            //    //Add this so the beginning of the state gets resolved
            //    rootElementList.Add(new MarkerElement(statesTocEntries[stateIndex], $"State '{state.Model.Name}'"));

            //    //Number of entry actions
            //    rootElementList.Add(bitConverter, (ushort) state.EntryActions.Length, $"# of entry actions: {state.EntryActions.Length}");

            //    //Number of exit actions
            //    rootElementList.Add(bitConverter, (ushort) state.ExitActions.Length, $"# of exit actions: {state.ExitActions.Length}");

            //    //Number of transitions
            //    rootElementList.Add(bitConverter, (ushort) state.Transitions.Count, $"# of transitions ({state.Transitions.Count}) ");

            //    //Transition TOC
            //    var transitionsTocEntries = state.Transitions
            //        .Select(t => new DelayedResolutionElementUshort(bitConverter, $"Address of Transition '{t.Model.Name}': {{0}}"))
            //        .ToArray();

            //    rootElementList.AddRange(transitionsTocEntries);

            //    for (var transitionIndex = 0; transitionIndex < transitionsTocEntries.Length; transitionIndex++)
            //    {
            //        var transition = state.Transitions[transitionIndex];
            //        var transitionToc = transitionsTocEntries[transitionIndex];

            //        rootElementList.Add(new MarkerElement(transitionToc, $"Transition '{transition.Model.Name}'"));

            //        //Add the target state index
            //        rootElementList.Add(new SimpleElement(bitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)transition.Target.Index), $"Target state index: {transition.Target.Index}"));

            //        var instructionFactory = new InstructionFactory();

            //        //Get the instructions
            //        Instruction[] instructions = instructionFactory.GetInstructions(transition.Model.Condition, inputs);

            //        //Add the number of instructions
            //        rootElementList.Add(new SimpleElement(bitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)instructions.Length), $"# of instructions: {instructions.Length}"));

            //        //Add the instructions
            //        foreach (var instruction in instructions)
            //        {
            //            rootElementList.Add(new SimpleElement(new byte[] {instruction.ToByte()}, instruction.ToString()));
            //        }

            //        //Pad the list of instructions
            //        if (instructions.Length % 2 != 0)
            //        {
            //            rootElementList.Add(new SimpleElement(new byte[] { 0 }, "Padding"));
            //        }

            //        //Add the number of actions
            //        rootElementList.Add(new SimpleElement(bitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)transition.Actions.Length), $"# of transition actions: {transition.Actions.Length}"));

            //        foreach (var action in transition.Actions)
            //        {
            //            rootElementList.Add(new SimpleElement(bitConverter.GetBytes((ushort) action.Index), $"Action [{action.Index}]"));
            //        }
            //    }

            //    //Entry actions
            //    foreach (var action in state.EntryActions)
            //    {
            //        rootElementList.Add(new SimpleElement(bitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)action.Index), $"Entry Action [{action.Index}]"));
            //    }

            //    //Exit actions
            //    foreach (var action in state.ExitActions)
            //    {
            //        rootElementList.Add(new SimpleElement(bitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)action.Index), $"Exit Action [{action.Index}]"));
            //    }

            //int size = rootElementList.Resolve(0);
            int size2 = rootElementList2.Resolve(0);

            //Create the element write target
            //var elementWriteTarget = new ElementWriteTarget(size);
            var elementWriteTarget2 = new ElementWriteTarget2(size2);

            //Write it

            //Get the bytes
            //BinarySegment[] segments = elementWriteTarget.GetSegments();
            BinarySegment2[] segments2 = elementWriteTarget2.GetSegments();
            //BinarySegment2[] segments2 = elementWriteTarget2.GetSegments();

            //BinarySegment[] segments = elementWriteTarget2.GetSegments();

            //We're done here
            return(new StateMachineBinaryGenerationResult(stateMachine, segments2));