Ejemplo n.º 1
    protected virtual void ChangeHull(ShipHullData data)
        selectedShipHull = data;

        if (selectedShipHull != null)

            ShipSlotLayout slotLayout = ResourceManager.instance.GetShipSlotLayout(selectedShipHull.Name);

            if (slotLayout != null)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public ShipSlotLayout(ShipSlotLayout slotLayout)
     foreach (Rect slot in slotLayout.ForeSlots)
         ForeSlots.Add(new Rect(slot));
     foreach (Rect slot in slotLayout.AftSlots)
         AftSlots.Add(new Rect(slot));
     foreach (Rect slot in slotLayout.PortSlots)
         PortSlots.Add(new Rect(slot));
     foreach (Rect slot in slotLayout.StarboardSlots)
         StarboardSlots.Add(new Rect(slot));
     foreach (Rect slot in slotLayout.CenterSlots)
         CenterSlots.Add(new Rect(slot));
Ejemplo n.º 3
    public ShipDesignData(ShipDesign design)
        Design = design;
        Hull   = Design.GetHull();

        float EngineFTL             = 0;
        float Power                 = 0;
        int   CommandPointReduction = 0;
        float PowerEffiency         = 0;
        float CloakingPowerPerMass  = 0;

        int            ForeSlotCount      = 0;
        int            AftSlotCount       = 0;
        int            PortSlotCount      = 0;
        int            StarboardSlotCount = 0;
        int            CenterSlotCount    = 0;
        ShipSlotLayout slotLayout         = Hull.GetSlotLayout();

        if (slotLayout != null)
            ForeSlotCount      = slotLayout.ForeSlots.Count;
            AftSlotCount       = slotLayout.AftSlots.Count;
            PortSlotCount      = slotLayout.PortSlots.Count;
            StarboardSlotCount = slotLayout.StarboardSlots.Count;
            CenterSlotCount    = slotLayout.CenterSlots.Count;

        //Set base stats from hulldata
        CommandPoints                 = Hull.BaseCommandPoints;
        Research                      = Hull.BaseResearch;
        Repair                        = Hull.BaseRepair;
        Sensor                        = Hull.BaseSensor;
        LongRangeSensor               = Hull.BaseLongRangeSensor;
        AdvancedSensor                = Hull.BaseAdvancedSensor;
        Fuel                          = Hull.BaseFuel;
        Crew                          = Hull.BaseCrew;
        Supplies                      = Hull.BaseSupply;
        FTLSpeed                      = Hull.BaseFTL;
        ForeQuadrant.Health           = Hull.BaseHealthPerSlot * ForeSlotCount;
        ForeQuadrant.ArmorHealth      = Hull.BaseArmorPerSlot * ForeSlotCount;
        AftQuadrant.Health            = Hull.BaseHealthPerSlot * AftSlotCount;
        AftQuadrant.ArmorHealth       = Hull.BaseArmorPerSlot * AftSlotCount;
        PortQuadrant.Health           = Hull.BaseHealthPerSlot * PortSlotCount;
        PortQuadrant.ArmorHealth      = Hull.BaseArmorPerSlot * PortSlotCount;
        StarboardQuadrant.Health      = Hull.BaseHealthPerSlot * StarboardSlotCount;
        StarboardQuadrant.ArmorHealth = Hull.BaseArmorPerSlot * StarboardSlotCount;
        CenterQuadrant.Health         = Hull.BaseHealthPerSlot * CenterSlotCount;
        CenterQuadrant.ArmorHealth    = Hull.BaseArmorPerSlot * CenterSlotCount;

        //Get stats from each module
        AddQuadModuleStats(ForeQuadrant, Design.ForeModules, ref Power, ref CloakingPowerPerMass, ref CommandPointReduction, ref PowerEffiency, ref EngineFTL);
        AddQuadModuleStats(AftQuadrant, Design.AftModules, ref Power, ref CloakingPowerPerMass, ref CommandPointReduction, ref PowerEffiency, ref EngineFTL);
        AddQuadModuleStats(PortQuadrant, Design.PortModules, ref Power, ref CloakingPowerPerMass, ref CommandPointReduction, ref PowerEffiency, ref EngineFTL);
        AddQuadModuleStats(StarboardQuadrant, Design.StarboardModules, ref Power, ref CloakingPowerPerMass, ref CommandPointReduction, ref PowerEffiency, ref EngineFTL);
        AddQuadModuleStats(CenterQuadrant, Design.CenterModules, ref Power, ref CloakingPowerPerMass, ref CommandPointReduction, ref PowerEffiency, ref EngineFTL);

        //Last stat calcs
        CommandPoints  -= CommandPointReduction;
        FTLSpeed       += EngineFTL / Mass;
        PowerGenerated -= Power * (1 - PowerEffiency);
        CloakingPower   = CloakingPowerPerMass * Mass;
        MinCrew         = (int)(Crew * ResourceManager.gameConstants.MinCrewPercent);

        maxRange = CalculateMaxRange();
Ejemplo n.º 4
    public void SetDesign(ShipDesign design)

        List <Rect> ForeSlots      = new List <Rect>();
        List <Rect> AftSlots       = new List <Rect>();
        List <Rect> PortSlots      = new List <Rect>();
        List <Rect> StarboardSlots = new List <Rect>();
        List <Rect> CenterSlots    = new List <Rect>();

        DesignName = design.Name;

        ShipSlotLayout shipLayout = ResourceManager.instance.GetShipHull(design.Hull).GetSlotLayout();

        if (shipLayout != null)
            Vector2 ForePosition, AftPosition, PortPosition, StarboardPosition, CenterPosition;
            Vector2 ForeSize, AftSize, PortSize, StarboardSize, CenterSize;
            float   MinX, MaxX, MinY, MaxY, moduleScale = 16f;
            Vector2 ForeMin, AftMin, PortMin, StarboardMin, CenterMin;

            //Get size of center quadrant
            if (shipLayout.CenterSlots.Count > 0)
                Rect CenterOuterRect = shipLayout.GetCenterOuterRect();
                CenterSize = new Vector2(CenterOuterRect.width / 16, CenterOuterRect.height / 16);
                CenterMin  = CenterOuterRect.position;
                CenterSize = Vector2.zero;
                CenterMin  = Vector2.zero;

            //Get size of port quadrant
            if (shipLayout.PortSlots.Count > 0)
                Rect PortOuterRect = shipLayout.GetPortOuterRect();

                PortSize = new Vector2(PortOuterRect.width / 16, PortOuterRect.height / 16);
                PortMin  = PortOuterRect.position;
                PortSize = Vector2.zero;
                PortMin  = Vector2.zero;

            //Get size of starboard quadrant
            if (shipLayout.StarboardSlots.Count > 0)
                Rect StarboardOuterRect = shipLayout.GetStarboardOuterRect();

                StarboardSize = new Vector2(StarboardOuterRect.width / 16, StarboardOuterRect.height / 16);
                StarboardMin  = StarboardOuterRect.position;
                StarboardSize = Vector2.zero;
                StarboardMin  = Vector2.zero;

            //Get size of fore quadrant
            if (shipLayout.ForeSlots.Count > 0)
                Rect ForeOuterRect = shipLayout.GetForeOuterRect();

                ForeSize = new Vector2(ForeOuterRect.width / 16, ForeOuterRect.height / 16);
                ForeMin  = ForeOuterRect.position;
                ForeSize = Vector2.zero;
                ForeMin  = Vector2.zero;

            //Get size of aft quadrant
            if (shipLayout.AftSlots.Count > 0)
                Rect AftOuterRect = shipLayout.GetAftOuterRect();

                AftSize = new Vector2(AftOuterRect.width / 16, AftOuterRect.height / 16);
                AftMin  = AftOuterRect.position;
                AftSize = Vector2.zero;
                AftMin  = Vector2.zero;

            //Determine scale of modules
            float MaxSlotsVertical   = 1 + ForeSize.y + AftSize.y + Mathf.Max(CenterSize.y, PortSize.y, StarboardSize.y);
            float MaxSlotsHorizontal = Mathf.Max(ForeSize.x, AftSize.x, 1 + CenterSize.x + PortSize.x + StarboardSize.x);
            if (MaxSlotsVertical * moduleScale > baseRect.height * 0.9f)
                moduleScale = baseRect.height * 0.9f / MaxSlotsVertical;
            if (MaxSlotsHorizontal * moduleScale > baseRect.width * 0.9f)
                moduleScale = baseRect.width * 0.9f / MaxSlotsHorizontal;

            //Apply scale
            ForeSize           *= moduleScale;
            AftSize            *= moduleScale;
            PortSize           *= moduleScale;
            StarboardSize      *= moduleScale;
            CenterSize         *= moduleScale;
            MaxSlotsVertical   *= moduleScale;
            MaxSlotsHorizontal *= moduleScale;

            //Determine the center of the layout
            //float centerY = (Screen.height - MaxSlotsVertical) / 2 + ForeSize.y + (MaxSlotsVertical - ForeSize.y - AftSize.y) / 2;
            //float centerX = Screen.width * 0.25f + (Screen.width - MaxSlotsHorizontal) / 2 + PortSize.x + moduleScale;
            float centerY = (Screen.height - MaxSlotsVertical) / 2 + ForeSize.y + moduleScale / 2 + (Mathf.Max(CenterSize.y, PortSize.y, StarboardSize.y) - CenterSize.y) / 2;
            float centerX = Screen.width * 0.25f + (Screen.width * 0.5f - MaxSlotsHorizontal) / 2 + PortSize.x + moduleScale / 2;

            CenterPosition    = new Vector2(centerX, centerY);
            StarboardPosition = new Vector2(CenterPosition.x + CenterSize.x + moduleScale / 2, CenterPosition.y + CenterSize.y / 2 - StarboardSize.y / 2);
            PortPosition      = new Vector2(CenterPosition.x - PortSize.x - moduleScale / 2, CenterPosition.y + CenterSize.y / 2 - PortSize.y / 2);
            ForePosition      = new Vector2(CenterPosition.x + CenterSize.x / 2 - ForeSize.x / 2, Mathf.Min(CenterPosition.y, StarboardPosition.y, PortPosition.y) - moduleScale / 2 - ForeSize.y);
            AftPosition       = new Vector2(CenterPosition.x + CenterSize.x / 2 - AftSize.x / 2, Mathf.Max(CenterPosition.y + CenterSize.y, StarboardPosition.y + StarboardSize.y, PortPosition.y + PortSize.y) + moduleScale / 2);

            MinX = Screen.width;
            MaxX = 0;
            MinY = Screen.height;
            MaxY = 0;

            float CenterMinX = Screen.width;
            float CenterMaxX = 0;
            float CenterMinY = Screen.height;
            float CenterMaxY = 0;

            //Build new slots
            foreach (Rect slot in shipLayout.CenterSlots)
                Rect newSlot = new Rect((slot.x - CenterMin.x) / 16f * moduleScale + CenterPosition.x, (slot.y - CenterMin.y) / 16f * moduleScale + CenterPosition.y, moduleScale, moduleScale);
                if (newSlot.x < MinX)
                    MinX = newSlot.x;
                if (newSlot.xMax > MaxX)
                    MaxX = newSlot.xMax;
                if (newSlot.y < MinY)
                    MinY = newSlot.y;
                if (newSlot.yMax > MaxY)
                    MaxY = newSlot.yMax;

                if (newSlot.x < CenterMinX)
                    CenterMinX = newSlot.x;
                if (newSlot.xMax > CenterMaxX)
                    CenterMaxX = newSlot.xMax;
                if (newSlot.y < CenterMinY)
                    CenterMinY = newSlot.y;
                if (newSlot.yMax > CenterMaxY)
                    CenterMaxY = newSlot.yMax;
            float StarboardMinX = Screen.width;
            float StarboardMaxX = 0;
            float StarboardMinY = Screen.height;
            float StarboardMaxY = 0;

            foreach (Rect slot in shipLayout.StarboardSlots)
                Rect newSlot = new Rect((slot.x - StarboardMin.x) / 16f * moduleScale + StarboardPosition.x, (slot.y - StarboardMin.y) / 16f * moduleScale + StarboardPosition.y, moduleScale, moduleScale);
                if (newSlot.x < MinX)
                    MinX = newSlot.x;
                if (newSlot.xMax > MaxX)
                    MaxX = newSlot.xMax;
                if (newSlot.y < MinY)
                    MinY = newSlot.y;
                if (newSlot.yMax > MaxY)
                    MaxY = newSlot.yMax;

                if (newSlot.x < StarboardMinX)
                    StarboardMinX = newSlot.x;
                if (newSlot.xMax > StarboardMaxX)
                    StarboardMaxX = newSlot.xMax;
                if (newSlot.y < StarboardMinY)
                    StarboardMinY = newSlot.y;
                if (newSlot.yMax > StarboardMaxY)
                    StarboardMaxY = newSlot.yMax;
            float PortMinX = Screen.width;
            float PortMaxX = 0;
            float PortMinY = Screen.height;
            float PortMaxY = 0;

            foreach (Rect slot in shipLayout.PortSlots)
                Rect newSlot = new Rect((slot.x - PortMin.x) / 16f * moduleScale + PortPosition.x, (slot.y - PortMin.y) / 16f * moduleScale + PortPosition.y, moduleScale, moduleScale);
                if (newSlot.x < MinX)
                    MinX = newSlot.x;
                if (newSlot.xMax > MaxX)
                    MaxX = newSlot.xMax;
                if (newSlot.y < MinY)
                    MinY = newSlot.y;
                if (newSlot.yMax > MaxY)
                    MaxY = newSlot.yMax;

                if (newSlot.x < PortMinX)
                    PortMinX = newSlot.x;
                if (newSlot.xMax > PortMaxX)
                    PortMaxX = newSlot.xMax;
                if (newSlot.y < PortMinY)
                    PortMinY = newSlot.y;
                if (newSlot.yMax > PortMaxY)
                    PortMaxY = newSlot.yMax;
            float ForeMinX = Screen.width;
            float ForeMaxX = 0;
            float ForeMinY = Screen.height;
            float ForeMaxY = 0;

            foreach (Rect slot in shipLayout.ForeSlots)
                Rect newSlot = new Rect((slot.x - ForeMin.x) / 16f * moduleScale + ForePosition.x, (slot.y - ForeMin.y) / 16f * moduleScale + ForePosition.y, moduleScale, moduleScale);
                if (newSlot.x < MinX)
                    MinX = newSlot.x;
                if (newSlot.xMax > MaxX)
                    MaxX = newSlot.xMax;
                if (newSlot.y < MinY)
                    MinY = newSlot.y;
                if (newSlot.yMax > MaxY)
                    MaxY = newSlot.yMax;

                if (newSlot.x < ForeMinX)
                    ForeMinX = newSlot.x;
                if (newSlot.xMax > ForeMaxX)
                    ForeMaxX = newSlot.xMax;
                if (newSlot.y < ForeMinY)
                    ForeMinY = newSlot.y;
                if (newSlot.yMax > ForeMaxY)
                    ForeMaxY = newSlot.yMax;
            float AftMinX = Screen.width;
            float AftMaxX = 0;
            float AftMinY = Screen.height;
            float AftMaxY = 0;

            foreach (Rect slot in shipLayout.AftSlots)
                Rect newSlot = new Rect((slot.x - AftMin.x) / 16f * moduleScale + AftPosition.x, (slot.y - AftMin.y) / 16f * moduleScale + AftPosition.y, moduleScale, moduleScale);
                if (newSlot.x < MinX)
                    MinX = newSlot.x;
                if (newSlot.xMax > MaxX)
                    MaxX = newSlot.xMax;
                if (newSlot.y < MinY)
                    MinY = newSlot.y;
                if (newSlot.yMax > MaxY)
                    MaxY = newSlot.yMax;

                if (newSlot.x < AftMinX)
                    AftMinX = newSlot.x;
                if (newSlot.xMax > AftMaxX)
                    AftMaxX = newSlot.xMax;
                if (newSlot.y < AftMinY)
                    AftMinY = newSlot.y;
                if (newSlot.yMax > AftMaxY)
                    AftMaxY = newSlot.yMax;

            //Add all slots to same list
            foreach (Rect slot in ForeSlots)
            foreach (Rect slot in AftSlots)
            foreach (Rect slot in PortSlots)
            foreach (Rect slot in StarboardSlots)
            foreach (Rect slot in CenterSlots)

            //Add sloted modules
            foreach (DesignModule designMod in design.ForeModules)
                if (designMod.Position < ForeSlots.Count)
                    SlotedModule slotedModule = SlotedModule.CreateSlotedModule(designMod, ForeSlots[designMod.Position]);
                    if (slotedModule != null)
            foreach (DesignModule designMod in design.AftModules)
                if (designMod.Position < AftSlots.Count)
                    SlotedModule slotedModule = SlotedModule.CreateSlotedModule(designMod, AftSlots[designMod.Position]);
                    if (slotedModule != null)
            foreach (DesignModule designMod in design.PortModules)
                if (designMod.Position < PortSlots.Count)
                    SlotedModule slotedModule = SlotedModule.CreateSlotedModule(designMod, PortSlots[designMod.Position]);
                    if (slotedModule != null)
            foreach (DesignModule designMod in design.StarboardModules)
                if (designMod.Position < StarboardSlots.Count)
                    SlotedModule slotedModule = SlotedModule.CreateSlotedModule(designMod, StarboardSlots[designMod.Position]);
                    if (slotedModule != null)
            foreach (DesignModule designMod in design.CenterModules)
                if (designMod.Position < CenterSlots.Count)
                    SlotedModule slotedModule = SlotedModule.CreateSlotedModule(designMod, CenterSlots[designMod.Position]);
                    if (slotedModule != null)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        //Force Camera to correct position
        Camera.main.transform.position = new Vector3(0f, 5f, 0f);
        Camera.main.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(90, 0, 0);

        Indent = Screen.width * 0.15f;
        //Build all of the rectangles for slots
        for (int x = (int)Indent; x < Screen.width - 16; x += 16)
            for (int y = 0; y < Screen.height - 16; y += 16)
                Slots.Add(new Slot(new Rect(x, y, 16, 16)));

        if (loadLayout != null)
            LayoutName = loadLayout.name;
            ShipSlotLayout loadedLayout = (ShipSlotLayout) new XmlSerializer(typeof(ShipSlotLayout)).Deserialize(new StringReader(loadLayout.text));

            foreach (Rect foreslot in loadedLayout.ForeSlots)
                foreach (Slot slot in Slots)
                    if (foreslot == slot.rect)
                        slot.Quadrant = QuadrantTypes.Fore;
                        slot.Active   = true;
                        ChangeCount(slot.Quadrant, 1);
            foreach (Rect foreslot in loadedLayout.AftSlots)
                foreach (Slot slot in Slots)
                    if (foreslot == slot.rect)
                        slot.Quadrant = QuadrantTypes.Aft;
                        slot.Active   = true;
                        ChangeCount(slot.Quadrant, 1);
            foreach (Rect foreslot in loadedLayout.PortSlots)
                foreach (Slot slot in Slots)
                    if (foreslot == slot.rect)
                        slot.Quadrant = QuadrantTypes.Port;
                        slot.Active   = true;
                        ChangeCount(slot.Quadrant, 1);
            foreach (Rect foreslot in loadedLayout.StarboardSlots)
                foreach (Slot slot in Slots)
                    if (foreslot == slot.rect)
                        slot.Quadrant = QuadrantTypes.Starboard;
                        slot.Active   = true;
                        ChangeCount(slot.Quadrant, 1);
            foreach (Rect foreslot in loadedLayout.CenterSlots)
                foreach (Slot slot in Slots)
                    if (foreslot == slot.rect)
                        slot.Quadrant = QuadrantTypes.Center;
                        slot.Active   = true;
                        ChangeCount(slot.Quadrant, 1);

        selectedQuadrantType   = QuadrantTypes.Fore;
        QuadrantTypeButtonRect = new Rect(Screen.width * 0.05f, 0f, 100f, 40f);
        ResestButtonRect       = new Rect(QuadrantTypeButtonRect.x, QuadrantTypeButtonRect.y + 60f, 100f, 40f);
        SaveButtonRect         = new Rect(ResestButtonRect.x, ResestButtonRect.y + 60f, 100f, 40f);

        NameFieldRect = new Rect(Screen.width * 0.01f, SaveButtonRect.y + 60f, Screen.width * 0.13f, 30f);

        ForeCountRect      = new Rect(ResestButtonRect.x, NameFieldRect.y + 60f, 100f, 40f);
        AftCountRect       = new Rect(ResestButtonRect.x, ForeCountRect.y + 60f, 100f, 40f);
        PortCountRect      = new Rect(ResestButtonRect.x, AftCountRect.y + 60f, 100f, 40f);
        StarboardCountRect = new Rect(ResestButtonRect.x, PortCountRect.y + 60f, 100f, 40f);
        CenterCountRect    = new Rect(ResestButtonRect.x, StarboardCountRect.y + 60f, 100f, 40f);
        TotalCountRect     = new Rect(ResestButtonRect.x, CenterCountRect.y + 60f, 100f, 40f);
Ejemplo n.º 6
    void OnGUI()
        //Draw slots to screen
        foreach (Slot slot in Slots)
            if (slot.Active)
                switch (slot.Quadrant)
                case QuadrantTypes.Fore:
                    GUI.DrawTexture(slot.rect, Tex_Fore);

                case QuadrantTypes.Aft:
                    GUI.DrawTexture(slot.rect, Tex_Aft);

                case QuadrantTypes.Port:
                    GUI.DrawTexture(slot.rect, Tex_Port);

                case QuadrantTypes.Starboard:
                    GUI.DrawTexture(slot.rect, Tex_Starboard);

                case QuadrantTypes.Center:
                    GUI.DrawTexture(slot.rect, Tex_Center);
                GUI.Box(slot.rect, "");

        //Draw slot counts
        GUI.Label(ForeCountRect, "Fore: " + CountFore.ToString());
        GUI.Label(AftCountRect, "Aft: " + CountAft.ToString());
        GUI.Label(PortCountRect, "Port: " + CountPort.ToString());
        GUI.Label(StarboardCountRect, "Starboard: " + CountStarboard.ToString());
        GUI.Label(CenterCountRect, "Center: " + CountCenter.ToString());
        GUI.Label(TotalCountRect, "Total: " + (CountFore + CountAft + CountPort + CountStarboard + CountCenter).ToString());

        //Quadrant change button
        if (GUI.Button(QuadrantTypeButtonRect, selectedQuadrantType.ToString()))
            if (selectedQuadrantType == QuadrantTypes.Center)
                selectedQuadrantType = QuadrantTypes.Fore;
        //Reset Button
        if (GUI.Button(ResestButtonRect, "Reset"))
            foreach (Slot slot in Slots)
                slot.Active = false;
            CountFore      = 0;
            CountAft       = 0;
            CountPort      = 0;
            CountStarboard = 0;
            CountCenter    = 0;
        //Save button
        if (GUI.Button(SaveButtonRect, "Save"))
            ShipSlotLayout shipSlotLayout = new ShipSlotLayout();

            foreach (Slot slot in Slots)
                if (slot.Active)
                    switch (slot.Quadrant)
                    case QuadrantTypes.Fore:

                    case QuadrantTypes.Aft:

                    case QuadrantTypes.Port:

                    case QuadrantTypes.Starboard:

                    case QuadrantTypes.Center:

            Directory.CreateDirectory(Application.dataPath + "/ShipSlotLayouts");

            string        path   = Application.dataPath + "/ShipSlotLayouts/" + LayoutName + ".xml";
            XmlSerializer Writer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(ShipSlotLayout));
            FileStream    file   = File.Create(path);
            Writer.Serialize(file, shipSlotLayout);

        LayoutName = GUI.TextField(NameFieldRect, LayoutName);
Ejemplo n.º 7
    protected void FormatSlotLayout(ShipSlotLayout sourceLayout)
        float moduleScale = ModulePanel.GetModuleScale();


        Vector2 ForePosition, AftPosition, PortPosition, StarboardPosition, CenterPosition;
        Vector2 ForeSize, AftSize, PortSize, StarboardSize, CenterSize;
        float   MinX, MaxX, MinY, MaxY;
        Vector2 ForeMin, AftMin, PortMin, StarboardMin, CenterMin;

        //Get size of center quadrant
        if (sourceLayout.CenterSlots.Count > 0)
            Rect CenterOuterRect = sourceLayout.GetCenterOuterRect();
            CenterSize = new Vector2(CenterOuterRect.width / 16, CenterOuterRect.height / 16);
            CenterMin  = CenterOuterRect.position;
            CenterSize = Vector2.zero;
            CenterMin  = Vector2.zero;

        //Get size of port quadrant
        if (sourceLayout.PortSlots.Count > 0)
            Rect PortOuterRect = sourceLayout.GetPortOuterRect();

            PortSize = new Vector2(PortOuterRect.width / 16, PortOuterRect.height / 16);
            PortMin  = PortOuterRect.position;
            PortSize = Vector2.zero;
            PortMin  = Vector2.zero;

        //Get size of starboard quadrant
        if (sourceLayout.StarboardSlots.Count > 0)
            Rect StarboardOuterRect = sourceLayout.GetStarboardOuterRect();

            StarboardSize = new Vector2(StarboardOuterRect.width / 16, StarboardOuterRect.height / 16);
            StarboardMin  = StarboardOuterRect.position;
            StarboardSize = Vector2.zero;
            StarboardMin  = Vector2.zero;

        //Get size of fore quadrant
        if (sourceLayout.ForeSlots.Count > 0)
            Rect ForeOuterRect = sourceLayout.GetForeOuterRect();

            ForeSize = new Vector2(ForeOuterRect.width / 16, ForeOuterRect.height / 16);
            ForeMin  = ForeOuterRect.position;
            ForeSize = Vector2.zero;
            ForeMin  = Vector2.zero;

        //Get size of aft quadrant
        if (sourceLayout.AftSlots.Count > 0)
            Rect AftOuterRect = sourceLayout.GetAftOuterRect();

            AftSize = new Vector2(AftOuterRect.width / 16, AftOuterRect.height / 16);
            AftMin  = AftOuterRect.position;
            AftSize = Vector2.zero;
            AftMin  = Vector2.zero;

        //Determine scale of modules
        float MaxSlotsVertical   = 1 + ForeSize.y + AftSize.y + Mathf.Max(CenterSize.y, PortSize.y, StarboardSize.y);
        float MaxSlotsHorizontal = Mathf.Max(ForeSize.x, AftSize.x, 1 + CenterSize.x + PortSize.x + StarboardSize.x);

        if (MaxSlotsVertical * moduleScale > Screen.height * 0.9f)
            moduleScale = Screen.height * 0.9f / MaxSlotsVertical;
        if (MaxSlotsHorizontal * moduleScale > Screen.width * 0.45f)
            moduleScale = Screen.width * 0.45f / MaxSlotsHorizontal;

        //Apply scale
        ForeSize           *= moduleScale;
        AftSize            *= moduleScale;
        PortSize           *= moduleScale;
        StarboardSize      *= moduleScale;
        CenterSize         *= moduleScale;
        MaxSlotsVertical   *= moduleScale;
        MaxSlotsHorizontal *= moduleScale;
        if (GetSelectedModule() != null)
            SelectedModuleRect = new Rect(0, 0, GetSelectedModule().SizeX *moduleScale, GetSelectedModule().SizeY *moduleScale);

        //Determine the center of the layout
        //float centerY = (Screen.height - MaxSlotsVertical) / 2 + ForeSize.y + (MaxSlotsVertical - ForeSize.y - AftSize.y) / 2;
        //float centerX = Screen.width * 0.25f + (Screen.width - MaxSlotsHorizontal) / 2 + PortSize.x + moduleScale;
        float centerY = (Screen.height - MaxSlotsVertical) / 2 + ForeSize.y + moduleScale / 2 + (Mathf.Max(CenterSize.y, PortSize.y, StarboardSize.y) - CenterSize.y) / 2;
        float centerX = Screen.width * 0.25f + (Screen.width * 0.5f - MaxSlotsHorizontal) / 2 + PortSize.x + moduleScale / 2;

        CenterPosition    = new Vector2(centerX, centerY);
        StarboardPosition = new Vector2(CenterPosition.x + CenterSize.x + moduleScale / 2, CenterPosition.y + CenterSize.y / 2 - StarboardSize.y / 2);
        PortPosition      = new Vector2(CenterPosition.x - PortSize.x - moduleScale / 2, CenterPosition.y + CenterSize.y / 2 - PortSize.y / 2);
        ForePosition      = new Vector2(CenterPosition.x + CenterSize.x / 2 - ForeSize.x / 2, Mathf.Min(CenterPosition.y, StarboardPosition.y, PortPosition.y) - moduleScale / 2 - ForeSize.y);
        AftPosition       = new Vector2(CenterPosition.x + CenterSize.x / 2 - AftSize.x / 2, Mathf.Max(CenterPosition.y + CenterSize.y, StarboardPosition.y + StarboardSize.y, PortPosition.y + PortSize.y) + moduleScale / 2);

        MinX = Screen.width;
        MaxX = 0;
        MinY = Screen.height;
        MaxY = 0;

        float CenterMinX = Screen.width;
        float CenterMaxX = 0;
        float CenterMinY = Screen.height;
        float CenterMaxY = 0;

        //Build new slots
        foreach (Rect slot in sourceLayout.CenterSlots)
            Rect newSlot = new Rect((slot.x - CenterMin.x) / 16f * moduleScale + CenterPosition.x, (slot.y - CenterMin.y) / 16f * moduleScale + CenterPosition.y, moduleScale, moduleScale);
            if (newSlot.x < MinX)
                MinX = newSlot.x;
            if (newSlot.xMax > MaxX)
                MaxX = newSlot.xMax;
            if (newSlot.y < MinY)
                MinY = newSlot.y;
            if (newSlot.yMax > MaxY)
                MaxY = newSlot.yMax;

            if (newSlot.x < CenterMinX)
                CenterMinX = newSlot.x;
            if (newSlot.xMax > CenterMaxX)
                CenterMaxX = newSlot.xMax;
            if (newSlot.y < CenterMinY)
                CenterMinY = newSlot.y;
            if (newSlot.yMax > CenterMaxY)
                CenterMaxY = newSlot.yMax;
        CenterSlotsAreaRect = new Rect(CenterMinX, CenterMinY, CenterMaxX - CenterMinX, CenterMaxY - CenterMinY);
        float StarboardMinX = Screen.width;
        float StarboardMaxX = 0;
        float StarboardMinY = Screen.height;
        float StarboardMaxY = 0;

        foreach (Rect slot in sourceLayout.StarboardSlots)
            Rect newSlot = new Rect((slot.x - StarboardMin.x) / 16f * moduleScale + StarboardPosition.x, (slot.y - StarboardMin.y) / 16f * moduleScale + StarboardPosition.y, moduleScale, moduleScale);
            if (newSlot.x < MinX)
                MinX = newSlot.x;
            if (newSlot.xMax > MaxX)
                MaxX = newSlot.xMax;
            if (newSlot.y < MinY)
                MinY = newSlot.y;
            if (newSlot.yMax > MaxY)
                MaxY = newSlot.yMax;

            if (newSlot.x < StarboardMinX)
                StarboardMinX = newSlot.x;
            if (newSlot.xMax > StarboardMaxX)
                StarboardMaxX = newSlot.xMax;
            if (newSlot.y < StarboardMinY)
                StarboardMinY = newSlot.y;
            if (newSlot.yMax > StarboardMaxY)
                StarboardMaxY = newSlot.yMax;
        StarboardSlotsAreaRect = new Rect(StarboardMinX, StarboardMinY, StarboardMaxX - StarboardMinX, StarboardMaxY - StarboardMinY);
        float PortMinX = Screen.width;
        float PortMaxX = 0;
        float PortMinY = Screen.height;
        float PortMaxY = 0;

        foreach (Rect slot in sourceLayout.PortSlots)
            Rect newSlot = new Rect((slot.x - PortMin.x) / 16f * moduleScale + PortPosition.x, (slot.y - PortMin.y) / 16f * moduleScale + PortPosition.y, moduleScale, moduleScale);
            if (newSlot.x < MinX)
                MinX = newSlot.x;
            if (newSlot.xMax > MaxX)
                MaxX = newSlot.xMax;
            if (newSlot.y < MinY)
                MinY = newSlot.y;
            if (newSlot.yMax > MaxY)
                MaxY = newSlot.yMax;

            if (newSlot.x < PortMinX)
                PortMinX = newSlot.x;
            if (newSlot.xMax > PortMaxX)
                PortMaxX = newSlot.xMax;
            if (newSlot.y < PortMinY)
                PortMinY = newSlot.y;
            if (newSlot.yMax > PortMaxY)
                PortMaxY = newSlot.yMax;
        PortSlotsAreaRect = new Rect(PortMinX, PortMinY, PortMaxX - PortMinX, PortMaxY - PortMinY);
        float ForeMinX = Screen.width;
        float ForeMaxX = 0;
        float ForeMinY = Screen.height;
        float ForeMaxY = 0;

        foreach (Rect slot in sourceLayout.ForeSlots)
            Rect newSlot = new Rect((slot.x - ForeMin.x) / 16f * moduleScale + ForePosition.x, (slot.y - ForeMin.y) / 16f * moduleScale + ForePosition.y, moduleScale, moduleScale);
            if (newSlot.x < MinX)
                MinX = newSlot.x;
            if (newSlot.xMax > MaxX)
                MaxX = newSlot.xMax;
            if (newSlot.y < MinY)
                MinY = newSlot.y;
            if (newSlot.yMax > MaxY)
                MaxY = newSlot.yMax;

            if (newSlot.x < ForeMinX)
                ForeMinX = newSlot.x;
            if (newSlot.xMax > ForeMaxX)
                ForeMaxX = newSlot.xMax;
            if (newSlot.y < ForeMinY)
                ForeMinY = newSlot.y;
            if (newSlot.yMax > ForeMaxY)
                ForeMaxY = newSlot.yMax;
        ForeSlotsAreaRect = new Rect(ForeMinX, ForeMinY, ForeMaxX - ForeMinX, ForeMaxY - ForeMinY);
        float AftMinX = Screen.width;
        float AftMaxX = 0;
        float AftMinY = Screen.height;
        float AftMaxY = 0;

        foreach (Rect slot in sourceLayout.AftSlots)
            Rect newSlot = new Rect((slot.x - AftMin.x) / 16f * moduleScale + AftPosition.x, (slot.y - AftMin.y) / 16f * moduleScale + AftPosition.y, moduleScale, moduleScale);
            if (newSlot.x < MinX)
                MinX = newSlot.x;
            if (newSlot.xMax > MaxX)
                MaxX = newSlot.xMax;
            if (newSlot.y < MinY)
                MinY = newSlot.y;
            if (newSlot.yMax > MaxY)
                MaxY = newSlot.yMax;

            if (newSlot.x < AftMinX)
                AftMinX = newSlot.x;
            if (newSlot.xMax > AftMaxX)
                AftMaxX = newSlot.xMax;
            if (newSlot.y < AftMinY)
                AftMinY = newSlot.y;
            if (newSlot.yMax > AftMaxY)
                AftMaxY = newSlot.yMax;
        AftSlotsAreaRect = new Rect(AftMinX, AftMinY, AftMaxX - AftMinX, AftMaxY - AftMinY);
        SlotsAreaRect    = new Rect(MinX, MinY, MaxX - MinX, MaxY - MinY);
