Ejemplo n.º 1
 public SparseBoolFeatures(BoolMatrix dense) : this(modshogunPINVOKE.new_SparseBoolFeatures__SWIG_5(BoolMatrix.getCPtr(dense)), true)
     if (modshogunPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending)
         throw modshogunPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public GEArtificialAntProblem()
            : base(new GEArtificialAntEvaluator(), new UniformRandomIntegerVectorCreator())
            BoolMatrix world = new BoolMatrix(santaFeAntTrail);

            Parameters.Add(new ValueParameter <IntValue>("MaximumExpressionLength", "Maximal length of the expression to control the artificial ant (genotype length).", new IntValue(30)));
            Parameters.Add(new ValueParameter <ISymbolicExpressionGrammar>("ArtificialAntExpressionGrammar", "The grammar that should be used for artificial ant expressions.", new ArtificialAntExpressionGrammar()));
            Parameters.Add(new ValueParameter <BoolMatrix>("World", "The world for the artificial ant with scattered food items.", world));
            Parameters.Add(new ValueParameter <IntValue>("MaximumTimeSteps", "The number of time steps the artificial ant has available to collect all food items.", new IntValue(600)));
            IntMatrix m = new IntMatrix(new int[, ] {
                { 0, 100 }

            Parameters.Add(new ValueParameter <IntMatrix>("Bounds", "The integer number range in which the single genomes of a genotype are created.", m));
            Parameters.Add(new ValueParameter <IGenotypeToPhenotypeMapper>("GenotypeToPhenotypeMapper", "Maps the genotype (an integer vector) to the phenotype (a symbolic expression tree).", new DepthFirstMapper()));

            Maximization.Value           = true;
            MaximizationParameter.Hidden = true;
            BestKnownQuality             = new DoubleValue(89);

            SolutionCreator.IntegerVectorParameter.ActualName           = "AntTrailSolutionIntegerVector";
            Evaluator.SymbolicExpressionTreeParameter.ActualName        = "AntTrailSolutionTree";
            Evaluator.SymbolicExpressionTreeGrammarParameter.ActualName = "ArtificialAntExpressionGrammar";
            Evaluator.QualityParameter.ActualName = "FoodEaten";

        public ArtificialAntProblem()
            : base(new Evaluator(), new ProbabilisticTreeCreator())
            BoolMatrix world = new BoolMatrix(santaFeAntTrail);

            Parameters.Add(new ValueParameter <IntValue>("MaximumExpressionLength", "Maximal length of the expression to control the artificial ant.", new IntValue(100)));
            Parameters.Add(new ValueParameter <IntValue>("MaximumExpressionDepth", "Maximal depth of the expression to control the artificial ant.", new IntValue(10)));
            Parameters.Add(new ValueParameter <IntValue>("MaximumFunctionDefinitions", "Maximal number of automatically defined functions in the expression to control the artificial ant.", new IntValue(3)));
            Parameters.Add(new ValueParameter <IntValue>("MaximumFunctionArguments", "Maximal number of arguments of automatically defined functions in the expression to control the artificial ant.", new IntValue(3)));
            Parameters.Add(new ValueParameter <ISymbolicExpressionGrammar>("ArtificialAntExpressionGrammar", "The grammar that should be used for artificial ant expressions.", new ArtificialAntExpressionGrammar()));
            Parameters.Add(new ValueParameter <BoolMatrix>("World", "The world for the artificial ant with scattered food items.", world));
            Parameters.Add(new ValueParameter <IntValue>("MaximumTimeSteps", "The number of time steps the artificial ant has available to collect all food items.", new IntValue(600)));

            Maximization.Value           = true;
            MaximizationParameter.Hidden = true;
            BestKnownQuality             = new DoubleValue(89);
            SolutionCreator.SymbolicExpressionTreeParameter.ActualName = "AntTrailSolution";
            ((ProbabilisticTreeCreator)SolutionCreator).SymbolicExpressionTreeGrammarParameter.ActualName = "ArtificialAntExpressionGrammar";
            Evaluator.QualityParameter.ActualName = "FoodEaten";

            ArtificialAntExpressionGrammar.MaximumFunctionDefinitions = MaxFunctionDefinitions.Value;
            ArtificialAntExpressionGrammar.MaximumFunctionArguments   = MaxFunctionArguments.Value;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public BoolFeatures(BoolMatrix matrix) : this(modshogunPINVOKE.new_BoolFeatures__SWIG_3(BoolMatrix.getCPtr(matrix)), true)
     if (modshogunPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending)
         throw modshogunPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
 public BoolMatrix InitializeInterations(int length, int nComponents, int nInteractions, IRandom random) {
   Dictionary<int, int> bitInteractionCounts = new Dictionary<int, int>();
   for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
     int count = nInteractions * 2 * i / length;
     if (count > 0)
       bitInteractionCounts[i] = count;
   List<BinaryVector> components = new List<BinaryVector>();
   while (bitInteractionCounts.Count > 0) {
     BinaryVector component = new BinaryVector(length);
     for (int i = 0; i < nInteractions; i++) {
       while (bitInteractionCounts.Count > 0) {
         int bit = bitInteractionCounts.ElementAt(random.Next(bitInteractionCounts.Count)).Key;
         if (bitInteractionCounts[bit]-- <= 0)
         if (!component[bit]) {
           component[bit] = true;
   BoolMatrix m = new BoolMatrix(length, components.Count);
   foreach (var c in components.Select((v, j) => new { v, j })) {
     for (int i = 0; i < c.v.Length; i++) {
       m[i, c.j] = c.v[i];
   return m;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public BoolMatrix(BoolMatrix orig) : this(modshogunPINVOKE.new_BoolMatrix__SWIG_5(BoolMatrix.getCPtr(orig)), true)
     if (modshogunPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending)
         throw modshogunPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public AntTrail(BoolMatrix world, SymbolicExpressionTree expression, IntValue maxTimeSteps)
   : this() {
   this.world = world;
   this.expression = expression;
   this.maxTimeSteps = maxTimeSteps;
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public Solution(BoolMatrix world, ISymbolicExpressionTree expression, int maxTimeSteps, double quality)
     this.World = world;
     this.SymbolicExpressionTree = expression;
     this.MaxTimeSteps           = maxTimeSteps;
     this.Quality = quality;
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public Interpreter(ISymbolicExpressionTree tree, BoolMatrix world, int maxTimeSteps) {
   this.Expression = tree;
   this.MaxTimeSteps = maxTimeSteps;
   // create a clone of the world because the ant will remove the food items it can find.
   World = (BoolMatrix)world.Clone();
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public BoolMatrix InitializeInterations(int length, int nComponents, int nInteractions, IRandom random)
            BoolMatrix m = new BoolMatrix(length, nComponents);
            int        maxBitDistance = MaximumDistance(length, nInteractions);
            var        minBounds      = new Bounds(0, length - nInteractions);
            var        maxBounds      = new Bounds(nInteractions, length - 1);

            for (int c = 0; c < m.Columns; c++)
                int min     = minBounds.Bounded(c - maxBitDistance);
                int max     = maxBounds.Bounded(c + maxBitDistance);
                var indices = Enumerable.Range(min, max - min).ToList();
                m[c, c] = true;
                while (indices.Count > nInteractions)
                foreach (var i in indices)
                    m[i, c] = true;
Ejemplo n.º 11
    public void initFieldsVal()
        Cartesian Cell;
        this.PlayerField = new int[10, 10];

        //Initialize visible and collision matrix
        this.Vision = new BoolMatrix ();
        Vision.initMatrix (10, 10);

        BoolMatrix OccupPositions = new BoolMatrix ();
        OccupPositions.initMatrix (10, 10);

        for (int size=4; size>0; size--) {
            int num = 5 - size;
            for (int i=0; i<num; i++) {
                bool isPlaced = true;
                do {
                Cell = new Cartesian(Random.Range(0,10),Random.Range(0,10));
                if (OccupPositions.isFreeCell (Cell, size)) {
                        isPlaced = false;
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public BoolMatrix InitializeInterations(int length, int nComponents, int nInteractions, IRandom random)
            BinaryVector[] components = Enumerable.Range(0, nComponents).Select(i => new BinaryVector(length)).ToArray();
            for (int c = 0; c < components.Length; c++)
                var indices = Enumerable.Range(0, length).ToList();
                if (indices.Count > c)
                    components[c][c] = true;
                while (indices.Count > nInteractions)
                foreach (var i in indices)
                    components[c][i] = true;
            BoolMatrix m = new BoolMatrix(length, nComponents);

            foreach (var c in components.OrderBy(v => v, Comparer).Select((v, j) => new { v, j }))
                for (int i = 0; i < c.v.Length; i++)
                    m[i, c.j] = c.v[i];
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public override IOperation Apply()
            ItemArray <SymbolicExpressionTree> expressions = SymbolicExpressionTreeParameter.ActualValue;
            ItemArray <DoubleValue>            qualities   = QualityParameter.ActualValue;
            BoolMatrix       world        = WorldParameter.ActualValue;
            IntValue         maxTimeSteps = MaxTimeStepsParameter.ActualValue;
            ResultCollection results      = ResultsParameter.ActualValue;

            int i = qualities.Select((x, index) => new { index, x.Value }).OrderBy(x => - x.Value).First().index;

            AntTrail antTrail = BestSolutionParameter.ActualValue;

            if (antTrail == null)
                var bestAntTrail = new AntTrail(world, expressions[i], maxTimeSteps);
                BestSolutionParameter.ActualValue = bestAntTrail;
                results.Add(new Result("Best Artificial Ant Solution", bestAntTrail));
                antTrail.World = world;
                antTrail.SymbolicExpressionTree = expressions[i];
                antTrail.MaxTimeSteps           = maxTimeSteps;
                results["Best Artificial Ant Solution"].Value = antTrail;
Ejemplo n.º 14
        public void Render(BoolMatrix boolMatrix, PixelFetcher pf, 
		       Drawable drawable)
            var dimensions = drawable.Dimensions;
              RenderDrop(boolMatrix, pf, dimensions);
              RenderShadow(pf, drawable, dimensions);
 public Interpreter(ISymbolicExpressionTree tree, BoolMatrix world, int maxTimeSteps)
     this.Expression   = tree;
     this.MaxTimeSteps = maxTimeSteps;
     // create a clone of the world because the ant will remove the food items it can find.
     World = (BoolMatrix)world.Clone();
Ejemplo n.º 16
 public virtual void copy_feature_matrix(BoolMatrix src)
     modshogunPINVOKE.BoolFeatures_copy_feature_matrix(swigCPtr, BoolMatrix.getCPtr(src));
     if (modshogunPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending)
         throw modshogunPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
Ejemplo n.º 17
 public void set_feature_matrix(BoolMatrix matrix)
     modshogunPINVOKE.BoolFeatures_set_feature_matrix(swigCPtr, BoolMatrix.getCPtr(matrix));
     if (modshogunPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending)
         throw modshogunPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
Ejemplo n.º 18
        public void Render(BoolMatrix boolMatrix, PixelFetcher pf,
                           Drawable drawable)
            var dimensions = drawable.Dimensions;

            RenderDrop(boolMatrix, pf, dimensions);
            RenderShadow(pf, drawable, dimensions);
Ejemplo n.º 19
 private AntTrail(AntTrail original, Cloner cloner)
     : base(original, cloner)
     expression   = cloner.Clone(original.expression);
     world        = cloner.Clone(original.world);
     maxTimeSteps = cloner.Clone(original.maxTimeSteps);
Ejemplo n.º 20
 public AntTrail(BoolMatrix world, SymbolicExpressionTree expression, IntValue maxTimeSteps)
     : this()
     this.world        = world;
     this.expression   = expression;
     this.maxTimeSteps = maxTimeSteps;
Ejemplo n.º 21
        public void Render(Image image, Drawable drawable, bool preview)
            int size = GetValue <int>("size");


            var procedure = new Procedure("plug_in_pixelize");

            procedure.Run(image, drawable, size);

            var palette = new MinisteckPalette();

            image.ConvertIndexed(ConvertDitherType.No, ConvertPaletteType.Custom,
                                 0, false, false, "Ministeck");


            // And finally calculate the Ministeck pieces

            using (var painter = new Painter(drawable, size, GetValue <RGB>("color")))
                Shape.Painter = painter;

                int width  = drawable.Width / size;
                int height = drawable.Height / size;

                var A = new BoolMatrix(width, height);

                // Fill in shapes
                bool limit  = GetValue <bool>("limit");
                var  shapes = new ShapeSet();
                shapes.Add((limit) ? 2 : 1, new TwoByTwoShape());
                shapes.Add((limit) ? 8 : 1, new ThreeByOneShape());
                shapes.Add((limit) ? 3 : 1, new TwoByOneShape());
                shapes.Add((limit) ? 2 : 1, new CornerShape());
                shapes.Add((limit) ? 1 : 1, new OneByOneShape());

                Action <int> update = null;
                if (!preview)
                    var progress = new Progress(_("Ministeck..."));
                    update = y => progress.Update((double)y / height);

                var generator =
                    new CoordinateGenerator(new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height), update);
                generator.ForEach(c => { if (!A.Get(c))
                                             shapes.Fits(A, c);

Ejemplo n.º 22
        public static double Evaluate(BinaryVector vector, BoolMatrix interactions, DoubleArray weights, int seed, out double[] f_i, int q, double p)
            long x = Encode(vector);

            long[]   g = Encode(interactions);
            double[] w = Normalize(weights);
            f_i = new double[interactions.Columns];
            return(F(x, g, w, (long)seed, ref f_i, q, p));
Ejemplo n.º 23
    public virtual bool set_full_feature_matrix(BoolMatrix full)
        bool ret = modshogunPINVOKE.SparseBoolFeatures_set_full_feature_matrix(swigCPtr, BoolMatrix.getCPtr(full));

        if (modshogunPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending)
            throw modshogunPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
        public void RoundTrip_3_3_Identity()
            var stringMatrix = @"1 0 0
0 1 0
0 0 1";

            var roundTrip = BoolMatrix.Parse(stringMatrix).ToString();

            Assert.AreEqual(stringMatrix, roundTrip);
Ejemplo n.º 25
 public void Fits(BoolMatrix A, IntCoordinate c)
     foreach (var shape in this)
         if (shape.Fits(A, c))
Ejemplo n.º 26
 public void Fits(BoolMatrix A, IntCoordinate c)
     foreach (var shape in this)
       if (shape.Fits(A, c))
Ejemplo n.º 27
        private BoolMatrix CreateTable(int width, int heigh)
            var result = new BoolMatrix();

            for (var i = 0; i < heigh; i++)
                result.Add(new BoolVector(width));
            return(new BoolMatrix(result));
Ejemplo n.º 28
    public BoolMatrix steal_feature_matrix()
        BoolMatrix ret = new BoolMatrix(modshogunPINVOKE.BoolFeatures_steal_feature_matrix(swigCPtr), true);

        if (modshogunPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending)
            throw modshogunPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
Ejemplo n.º 29
        public bool Fits(Painter painter, BoolMatrix A, IntCoordinate p)
            var color = painter.GetPixel(p);

            return(TrueForAll(offset =>
                var c = new IntCoordinate(p.X + offset.X, p.Y + offset.Y);
                return A.IsInside(c) && !A.Get(c) && painter.IsSameColor(c, color);
Ejemplo n.º 30
        public void Size2Square_BottomRight_3_3()
            var stringMatrix = @"
0 0 0
0 1 1
0 1 1".Trim();
            var result       = GetResult(BoolMatrix.Parse(stringMatrix));

            Assert.AreEqual(2, result.Size);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, result.StartX);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, result.StartY);
Ejemplo n.º 31
 public bool Fits(BoolMatrix A, IntCoordinate c)
     foreach (var shape in _set[_random.Next(0, _set.Count)])
         if (shape.Fits(Painter, A, c))
             shape.Fill(A, c);
Ejemplo n.º 32
        public void Size2Square_TopLeft_3_3()
            var stringMatrix = @"
1 1 0
1 1 0
0 0 0".Trim();
            var result       = GetResult(BoolMatrix.Parse(stringMatrix));

            Assert.AreEqual(2, result.Size);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, result.StartX);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, result.StartY);
Ejemplo n.º 33
 public bool Fits(BoolMatrix A, IntCoordinate c)
     foreach (var shape in _set[_random.Next(0, _set.Count)])
       if (shape.Fits(Painter, A, c))
       shape.Fill(A, c);
       return true;
       return false;
Ejemplo n.º 34
        public void Size1Square_3_3()
            var stringMatrix = @"
0 0 0
0 1 0
0 0 0".Trim();
            var result       = GetResult(BoolMatrix.Parse(stringMatrix));

            Assert.AreEqual(1, result.Size);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, result.StartX);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, result.StartY);
Ejemplo n.º 35
        public void Render(Image image, Drawable drawable, bool preview)
            int size = GetValue<int>("size");


              var procedure = new Procedure("plug_in_pixelize");
              procedure.Run(image, drawable, size);

              var palette = new MinisteckPalette();
              image.ConvertIndexed(ConvertDitherType.No, ConvertPaletteType.Custom,
               0, false, false, "Ministeck");


              // And finally calculate the Ministeck pieces

              using (var painter = new Painter(drawable, size, GetValue<RGB>("color")))
              Shape.Painter = painter;

              int width = drawable.Width / size;
              int height = drawable.Height / size;

              var A = new BoolMatrix(width, height);

              // Fill in shapes
              bool limit = GetValue<bool>("limit");
              var shapes = new ShapeSet();
              shapes.Add((limit) ? 2 : 1, new TwoByTwoShape());
              shapes.Add((limit) ? 8 : 1, new ThreeByOneShape());
              shapes.Add((limit) ? 3 : 1, new TwoByOneShape());
              shapes.Add((limit) ? 2 : 1, new CornerShape());
              shapes.Add((limit) ? 1 : 1, new OneByOneShape());

              Action<int> update = null;
              if (!preview)
              var progress = new Progress(_("Ministeck..."));
              update = y => progress.Update((double) y / height);

              var generator =
            new CoordinateGenerator(new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height), update);
              generator.ForEach(c => {if (!A.Get(c)) shapes.Fits(A, c);});

        public override IOperation Apply()
            BinaryVector   binaryVector = BinaryVectorParameter.ActualValue;
            OneBitflipMove move         = OneBitflipMoveParameter.ActualValue;
            BoolMatrix     interactions = GeneInteractionsParameter.ActualValue;
            DoubleArray    weights      = WeightsParameter.ActualValue;
            int            seed         = InteractionSeedParameter.ActualValue.Value;
            double         moveQuality  = QualityParameter.ActualValue.Value;
            int            q            = QParameter.ActualValue.Value;
            double         p            = PParameter.ActualValue.Value;

            List <int> affectedFitnessComponents = new List <int>();

            for (int c = 0; c < interactions.Columns; c++)
                if (interactions[move.Index, c])
            BinaryVector moved = new BinaryVector(binaryVector);

            MovedBinaryVectorParameter.ActualValue = moved;
            moved[move.Index] = !moved[move.Index];
            if (affectedFitnessComponents.Count * 2 > interactions.Columns)
                double[] f_i;
                moveQuality = NKLandscape.Evaluate(moved, interactions, weights, seed, out f_i, q, p);
                long     x = NKLandscape.Encode(binaryVector);
                long     y = NKLandscape.Encode(moved);
                long[]   g = NKLandscape.Encode(interactions);
                double[] w = NKLandscape.Normalize(weights);
                foreach (var c in affectedFitnessComponents)
                    moveQuality -= w[c % w.Length] * NKLandscape.F_i(x, c, g[c], seed, q, p);
                    moveQuality += w[c % w.Length] * NKLandscape.F_i(y, c, g[c], seed, q, p);

            if (MoveQualityParameter.ActualValue == null)
                MoveQualityParameter.ActualValue = new DoubleValue(moveQuality);
                MoveQualityParameter.ActualValue.Value = moveQuality;
Ejemplo n.º 37
 public static long[] Encode(BoolMatrix m)
     long[] x = new long[m.Columns];
     for (int c = 0; c < m.Columns; c++)
         x[c] = 0;
         for (int r = 0; r < 64 && r < m.Rows; r++)
             x[c] |= (m[r, c] ? (long)1 : (long)0) << r;
Ejemplo n.º 38
        private static void run()
            bool[,] Matrix = ReadBoolMatrix();
            BoolMatrix boolMatrix = new BoolMatrix(Matrix);

            if (boolMatrix.SearchMaxRectangle(out int Row, out int Column, out int height, out int width))
                WriteString("(" + Row + "," + Column + "," + height + "," + width + ")");
                WriteString("прямоугольник не найден");
 public BoolMatrix InitializeInterations(int length, int nComponents, int nInteractions, IRandom random) {
   BoolMatrix m = new BoolMatrix(length, nComponents);
   for (int c = 0; c < m.Columns; c++) {
     var indices = Enumerable.Range(0, length).ToList();
     if (indices.Count > c) {
       m[c, c] = true;
     while (indices.Count > nInteractions) {
     foreach (var i in indices) {
       m[i, c] = true;
   return m;
 public BoolMatrix InitializeInterations(int length, int nComponents, int nInteractions, IRandom random) {
   BoolMatrix m = new BoolMatrix(length, nComponents);
   int maxBitDistance = MaximumDistance(length, nInteractions);
   var minBounds = new Bounds(0, length - nInteractions);
   var maxBounds = new Bounds(nInteractions, length - 1);
   for (int c = 0; c < m.Columns; c++) {
     int min = minBounds.Bounded(c - maxBitDistance);
     int max = maxBounds.Bounded(c + maxBitDistance);
     var indices = Enumerable.Range(min, max - min).ToList();
     m[c, c] = true;
     while (indices.Count > nInteractions) {
     foreach (var i in indices) {
       m[i, c] = true;
   return m;
 public BoolMatrix InitializeInterations(int length, int nComponents, int nInteractions, IRandom random) {
   BinaryVector[] components = Enumerable.Range(0, nComponents).Select(i => new BinaryVector(length)).ToArray();
   for (int c = 0; c < components.Length; c++) {
     var indices = Enumerable.Range(0, length).ToList();
     if (indices.Count > c) {
       components[c][c] = true;
     while (indices.Count > nInteractions) {
     foreach (var i in indices) {
       components[c][i] = true;
   BoolMatrix m = new BoolMatrix(length, nComponents);
   foreach (var c in components.OrderBy(v => v, Comparer).Select((v, j) => new { v, j })) {
     for (int i = 0; i < c.v.Length; i++) {
       m[i, c.j] = c.v[i];
   return m;
Ejemplo n.º 42
 public RaindropFactory(int dropSize, int fishEye, Dimensions dimensions)
     _dropSize = dropSize;
       _newCoeff = Clamp(fishEye, 1, 100) * 0.01;
       BoolMatrix = new BoolMatrix(dimensions.Width, dimensions.Height);
Ejemplo n.º 43
    public Problem()
      : base() {
      BoolMatrix world = new BoolMatrix(ToBoolMatrix(santaFeAntTrail));
      Parameters.Add(new ValueParameter<BoolMatrix>("World", "The world for the artificial ant with scattered food items.", world));
      Parameters.Add(new ValueParameter<IntValue>("MaximumTimeSteps", "The number of time steps the artificial ant has available to collect all food items.", new IntValue(600)));

      base.BestKnownQuality = 89;
      var g = new SimpleSymbolicExpressionGrammar();
      g.AddSymbols(new string[] { "IfFoodAhead", "Prog2" }, 2, 2);
      g.AddSymbols(new string[] { "Prog3" }, 3, 3);
      g.AddTerminalSymbols(new string[] { "Move", "Left", "Right" });
      base.Encoding = new SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding(g, 20, 10);
Ejemplo n.º 44
 public BoolMatrix(BoolMatrix orig) : this(modshogunPINVOKE.new_BoolMatrix__SWIG_5(BoolMatrix.getCPtr(orig)), true) {
   if (modshogunPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw modshogunPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
Ejemplo n.º 45
 internal static HandleRef getCPtr(BoolMatrix obj) {
   return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
Ejemplo n.º 46
 public virtual void copy_feature_matrix(BoolMatrix src) {
   modshogunPINVOKE.BoolFeatures_copy_feature_matrix(swigCPtr, BoolMatrix.getCPtr(src));
   if (modshogunPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw modshogunPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
Ejemplo n.º 47
 private AntTrail(AntTrail original, Cloner cloner)
   : base(original, cloner) {
   expression = cloner.Clone(original.expression);
   world = cloner.Clone(original.world);
   maxTimeSteps = cloner.Clone(original.maxTimeSteps);
Ejemplo n.º 48
 public static long[] Encode(BoolMatrix m) {
   long[] x = new long[m.Columns];
   for (int c = 0; c < m.Columns; c++) {
     x[c] = 0;
     for (int r = 0; r < 64 && r < m.Rows; r++) {
       x[c] |= (m[r, c] ? (long)1 : (long)0) << r;
   return x;
Ejemplo n.º 49
 public BoolFeatures(BoolMatrix matrix) : this(modshogunPINVOKE.new_BoolFeatures__SWIG_3(BoolMatrix.getCPtr(matrix)), true) {
   if (modshogunPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw modshogunPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
Ejemplo n.º 50
 public static double Evaluate(BinaryVector vector, BoolMatrix interactions, DoubleArray weights, int seed, out double[] f_i, int q, double p) {
   long x = Encode(vector);
   long[] g = Encode(interactions);
   double[] w = Normalize(weights);
   f_i = new double[interactions.Columns];
   return F(x, g, w, (long)seed, ref f_i, q, p);
Ejemplo n.º 51
 public BoolMatrix get_full_feature_matrix() {
   BoolMatrix ret = new BoolMatrix(modshogunPINVOKE.SparseBoolFeatures_get_full_feature_matrix(swigCPtr), true);
   if (modshogunPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw modshogunPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
   return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 52
 public SparseBoolFeatures(BoolMatrix dense) : this(modshogunPINVOKE.new_SparseBoolFeatures__SWIG_5(BoolMatrix.getCPtr(dense)), true) {
   if (modshogunPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw modshogunPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
Ejemplo n.º 53
 public virtual bool set_full_feature_matrix(BoolMatrix full) {
   bool ret = modshogunPINVOKE.SparseBoolFeatures_set_full_feature_matrix(swigCPtr, BoolMatrix.getCPtr(full));
   if (modshogunPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw modshogunPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
   return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 54
		public ParticleEnsemble(int nparticles, double MinRad, double MaxRad, List<string> FFtype, int Height, int Width, double scaleFactor)
			int i;
			maxNumberOfParticles = 1000;	// set the maximum number of particles to 1000

			kb = 8.314;									// value of the boltzmann constant - we dont really care about units now...
			BerendsenCoupling = 1.0;		// value of the berendsen coupling constant - set this to be controlled by the artist...
			Tequilibrium = 20000;
			BerendsenThermostat = true;
			//  BerendsenThermostat=false;
			EnsembleReinitializationFlag = false;
			NumberOfParticlesChangedFlag = false;
			NumberOfParticlesIsGreaterFlag = false;

			radiiScaleFactor = 1.0;
			InitialKE = 0.0;
			gradientScaleFactor = scaleFactor;

			step = 0;
			NumberOfParticles = nparticles;
			BoxHeight = Height;
			BoxWidth = Width;

			MaxForceThreshold = 1.0e6;
			initialMaxForceThreshold = MaxForceThreshold;

			AverageVelocityAutoCorrelationFunction = new List<double>(new double[1024]);

			InitialMinVel = 100.0;
			InitialMaxVel = 200.0;

			for (int ii = 0; ii < maxNumberOfParticles; ++ii)

			if (!EliminateParticleOverlap(Height, Width))
				// adjust particle positions to eliminate overlap 
					//cout << "Can't fit " << NumberOfParticles << " particles into the simulation box " << endl;
					NumberOfParticles -= 1;                       // if there's too many particles to fit in the simulation box
					//cout << "Decrementing the number of particles to " << NumberOfParticles << endl;
					EliminateParticleOverlap(Height, Width);				// decrement the particles till it's ok
				while (!EliminateParticleOverlap(Height, Width));

			//DPMatrix tmp1 = new DPMatrix(0.0, maxNumberOfParticles, maxNumberOfParticles);			// assign tmp1 matrix to distanceMatrix & distanceMatrixLastTime
			distanceMatrix = new DPMatrix(0.0, maxNumberOfParticles, maxNumberOfParticles);
			distanceMatrixLastTime = new DPMatrix(0.0, maxNumberOfParticles, maxNumberOfParticles);
			distanceMatrixLastLastTime = new DPMatrix(0.0, maxNumberOfParticles, maxNumberOfParticles);

			particlesWithinRange = new BoolMatrix(false, maxNumberOfParticles, maxNumberOfParticles); // update the particlesWithinRange matrix

			UpdateInterParticleSeparations();						// update the interparticle separation matrix

			PotentialEnergy = 0.0;

			//initialize forcefield Object
			//	cout << FFtype[0] << endl;
			//	pForceFieldVector.push_back(new HardSpheres(this));

			// push back forceField objects onto pForceFieldVector - at present, we only have LJ forces, but this can be
			// easily expanded
			for (i = 0; i < FFtype.Count; ++i)
				if (FFtype[i] == "SoftSpheres") { pForceFieldVector.Add(new SoftSpheres(this)); }
				//		if(FFtype[i]=="ExternalField"){ pForceFieldVector.push_back(new ExternalField(this));}

			// test of the matrix class implementation 
			Mat_DP AA(1.0,3,3), BB(2.0,3,3), CC(0.0,3,3);
			NR::matadd(AA, BB, CC); // matrix addition

			for(int i=0; i<3; ++i){ // print out
				for(int j=0; j<3; ++j){
					cout << CC[i][j] << endl;

Ejemplo n.º 55
        void RenderDrop(BoolMatrix boolMatrix, PixelFetcher pf, 
		    Dimensions dimensions)
            int x0 = -_radius;
              int y0 = -_radius;
              int x1 = _newSize - _radius;
              int y1 = _newSize - _radius;
              var rectangle = new Rectangle(x0, y0, x1, y1);

              foreach (var c in new CoordinateGenerator(rectangle))
              double r = c.Radius;
              double a = c.Angle;

              if (r <= _radius)
              double oldRadius = r;
              r = (Math.Exp (r / _s) - 1) / _newCoeff;

              int k = X + (int) (r * Math.Sin(a));
              int l = Y + (int) (r * Math.Cos(a));

              int m = X + c.X;
              int n = Y + c.Y;

              if (dimensions.IsInside(k, l) && dimensions.IsInside(m, n))
              boolMatrix[n, m] = true;

              var newColor = pf[l, k] + GetBright(oldRadius, a);
              pf[l, k] = newColor;
Ejemplo n.º 56
 public Solution(BoolMatrix world, ISymbolicExpressionTree expression, int maxTimeSteps, double quality) {
   this.World = world;
   this.SymbolicExpressionTree = expression;
   this.MaxTimeSteps = maxTimeSteps;
   this.Quality = quality;
Ejemplo n.º 57
		public ParticleEnsemble(int nparticles, double MinRad, double MaxRad, List<string> FFtype, int Height, int Width, double scaleFactor)
			int i;
			// set the maximum number of particles to 1000
			m_MaxNumberOfParticles = 1000;

			Particles = new ParticleCollection(this, m_MaxNumberOfParticles); 

			// value of the boltzmann constant - we dont really care about units now...
			kb = 8.314;									
			// value of the berendsen coupling constant - set this to be controlled by the artist...
			m_BerendsenThermostatCoupling = 1.0;		
			m_EquilibriumTemperature = 20000;
			BerendsenThermostat = true;

			//  BerendsenThermostat=false;
			EnsembleReinitializationFlag = false;
			NumberOfParticlesChangedFlag = false;
			NumberOfParticlesIsGreaterFlag = false;

			m_RadiiScaleFactor = 1.0;
			InitialKE = 0.0;
			m_GradientScaleFactor = scaleFactor;

			step = 0;
			//NumberOfParticles = nparticles;
			m_BoxHeight = Height;
			m_BoxWidth = Width;

			m_MaxForceThreshold = 1.0e6;
			m_InitialMaxForceThreshold = m_MaxForceThreshold;

            // allocate maximum space for and initialize the velocity autocorrelation & FFT vectors
            m_FFTenabled = true;
            m_FFTofCorrelationFunction = new List<double>(new double[MAX_CORR_FTN_SIZE]);
            m_VelocityAutoCorrelationFunction = new double[MAX_CORR_FTN_SIZE];
            for (int ii = 0; ii < MAX_CORR_FTN_SIZE; ++ii)
                m_VelocityAutoCorrelationFunction[ii] = 0.0;
                m_FFTofCorrelationFunction[ii] = 0.0;

            for (int ii = 0; ii < FFTmatrixForMovingAverage.Count(); ++ii)
                FFTmatrixForMovingAverage[ii]= new List<double>(new double[m_NumberOfFFTAverages]);
                for(int kk=0; kk < m_NumberOfFFTAverages; ++kk){
                    FFTmatrixForMovingAverage[ii][kk] = 0.0;


			InitialMinVel = 100.0;
			InitialMaxVel = 200.0;

			for (int ii = 0; ii < m_MaxNumberOfParticles; ++ii)

			for (int ii = nparticles; ii < m_MaxNumberOfParticles; ++ii)

			if (!EliminateParticleOverlap(Height, Width))
				// adjust particle positions to eliminate overlap 
					// if there's too many particles to fit in the simulation box
					//NumberOfParticles -= 1;

					// decrement the particles till it's ok
					EliminateParticleOverlap(Height, Width);				
				while (!EliminateParticleOverlap(Height, Width));
			// create matrix to distanceMatrix & distanceMatrixLastTime
			distanceMatrix = new DPMatrix(0.0, MaxNumberOfParticles, MaxNumberOfParticles);
			distanceMatrixLastTime = new DPMatrix(0.0, MaxNumberOfParticles, MaxNumberOfParticles);
			distanceMatrixLastLastTime = new DPMatrix(0.0, MaxNumberOfParticles, MaxNumberOfParticles);
			// update the particlesWithinRange matrix
			particlesWithinRange = new BoolMatrix(false, MaxNumberOfParticles, MaxNumberOfParticles); 

			// update the interparticle separation matrix

			m_PotentialEnergy = 0.0;

			// push back forceField objects onto pForceFieldVector - at present, we only have LJ forces, but this can be
			// easily expanded
			for (i = 0; i < FFtype.Count; ++i)
				if (FFtype[i] == "SoftSpheres") { ForceFields.Add(new SoftSpheres(this)); }
Ejemplo n.º 58
		public ParticleEnsemble(int nparticles, double MinRad, double MaxRad, List<string> FFtype, int Height, int Width, double scaleFactor)
			int i;
			// set the maximum number of particles to 1000
			m_MaxNumberOfParticles = 1000;

			// value of the boltzmann constant - we dont really care about units now...
			m_KB = 8.314;
			// value of the berendsen coupling constant - set this to be controlled by the artist...	
			m_BerendsenCoupling = 1.0;		
			m_Tequilibrium = 20000;
			m_BerendsenThermostat = true;
			//  BerendsenThermostat=false;
			m_EnsembleReinitializationFlag = false;
			m_NumberOfParticlesChangedFlag = false;
			m_NumberOfParticlesIsGreaterFlag = false;

			m_RadiiScaleFactor = 1.0;
			m_InitialKE = 0.0;
			m_GradientScaleFactor = scaleFactor;

			m_Step = 0;
			m_NumberOfParticles = nparticles;
			m_BoxHeight = Height;
			m_BoxWidth = Width;

			m_MaxForceThreshold = 1.0e6;
			m_InitialMaxForceThreshold = m_MaxForceThreshold;

			m_AverageVelocityAutoCorrelationFunction = new List<double>(new double[1024]);

			m_InitialMinVel = 100.0;
			m_InitialMaxVel = 200.0;

			for (int ii = 0; ii < m_MaxNumberOfParticles; ++ii)

			if (!EliminateParticleOverlap(Height, Width))
				// adjust particle positions to eliminate overlap 
					//cout << "Can't fit " << NumberOfParticles << " particles into the simulation box " << endl;
					// if there's too many particles to fit in the simulation box
					m_NumberOfParticles -= 1;                       
					//cout << "Decrementing the number of particles to " << NumberOfParticles << endl;
					// decrement the particles till it's ok
					EliminateParticleOverlap(Height, Width);				
				while (!EliminateParticleOverlap(Height, Width));
			// assign tmp1 matrix to distanceMatrix & distanceMatrixLastTime
			m_DistanceMatrix = new DPMatrix(0.0, m_MaxNumberOfParticles, m_MaxNumberOfParticles);
			m_DistanceMatrixLastTime = new DPMatrix(0.0, m_MaxNumberOfParticles, m_MaxNumberOfParticles);
			m_DistanceMatrixLastLastTime = new DPMatrix(0.0, m_MaxNumberOfParticles, m_MaxNumberOfParticles);

			// update the particlesWithinRange matrix
			m_ParticlesWithinRange = new BoolMatrix(false, m_MaxNumberOfParticles, m_MaxNumberOfParticles); 

			// update the interparticle separation matrix

			m_PotentialEnergy = 0.0;

			// push back forceField objects onto pForceFieldVector - at present, we only have LJ forces, but this can be easily expanded
			for (i = 0; i < FFtype.Count; ++i)
				if (FFtype[i] == "SoftSpheres") 
					m_ForceFields.Add(new SoftSpheres(this)); 
Ejemplo n.º 59
 public void set_feature_matrix(BoolMatrix matrix) {
   modshogunPINVOKE.BoolFeatures_set_feature_matrix(swigCPtr, BoolMatrix.getCPtr(matrix));
   if (modshogunPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw modshogunPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();