Ejemplo n.º 1
        private async Task <string> ObtainLastImageCC()
            string retStr = "";

            if (!Directory.Exists(ConcurrentDataXMLfilesBasePath))
                throw new DirectoryNotFoundException("unable to locate directory: " + ConcurrentDataXMLfilesBasePath);

            DirectoryInfo   dir           = new DirectoryInfo(ConcurrentDataXMLfilesBasePath);
            List <FileInfo> lXMLFilesInfo =

            if (lXMLFilesInfo.Count == 0)
                return("No snapshots has been analyzed yet. Please wait for a couple of minutes.");

            lXMLFilesInfo.Sort((finfo1, finfo2) => finfo1.CreationTimeUtc.CompareTo(finfo2.CreationTimeUtc));

            SkyImagesProcessedAndPredictedData data = null;

                data =
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;

            if (data != null)
                retStr += "Please note that this finction is still in BETA version!" + Environment.NewLine +
                          "date of snapshot analyzed (UTC): " + data.imageShootingDateTimeUTC.ToString("u") +
                          Environment.NewLine +
                          "Sun disk condition: " + data.PredictedSDC.ToString() + Environment.NewLine +
                          "Total cloud cover: " + data.PredictedCC.CloudCoverTotal + " (of 8)";

Ejemplo n.º 2
        static async Task <ImageStatsDataCalculationResult> ConvertImageTask(object inputArgs)
            ImageStatsDataCalculationResult Result           = new ImageStatsDataCalculationResult();
            Dictionary <string, object>     ParametersPassed = inputArgs as Dictionary <string, object>;
            string    logFileName         = "";
            string    currentFullFileName = ParametersPassed["currentFullFileName"] as string;
            Stopwatch stopwatch           = null;
            List <Tuple <string, string> > lImagesRoundMasksMappingFiles = null;

            if (ParametersPassed != null)
                if (ParametersPassed.ContainsKey("ImagesRoundMasksXMLfilesMappingList"))
                    string ImagesRoundMasksXMLfilesMappingListPassed = (string)ParametersPassed["ImagesRoundMasksXMLfilesMappingList"];
                    if (File.Exists(ImagesRoundMasksXMLfilesMappingListPassed))
                        List <List <string> > llImagesRoundMasksMappingFiles =
                            ServiceTools.ReadDataFromCSV(ImagesRoundMasksXMLfilesMappingListPassed, 0, true, ";", Environment.NewLine);
                        lImagesRoundMasksMappingFiles =
                                list => new Tuple <string, string>(list[0], list[1]));

                if (ParametersPassed.ContainsKey("Stopwatch"))
                    stopwatch = ParametersPassed["Stopwatch"] as Stopwatch;

                if (ParametersPassed.ContainsKey("logFileName"))
                    logFileName = ParametersPassed["logFileName"] as string;

            TimeSpan procStart = Process.GetCurrentProcess().TotalProcessorTime;

                RoundData predefinedRoundedMask = null;
                if (lImagesRoundMasksMappingFiles != null)
                    if (lImagesRoundMasksMappingFiles.Any())
                        if (lImagesRoundMasksMappingFiles.Find(tpl => (new WildcardPattern(tpl.Item1)).IsMatch(currentFullFileName)) != null)
                            string strFoundPredefinedRoundedMaskParametersXMLfile =
                                    tpl => (new WildcardPattern(tpl.Item1)).IsMatch(currentFullFileName)).Item2;
                            strFoundPredefinedRoundedMaskParametersXMLfile =
                                strFoundPredefinedRoundedMaskParametersXMLfile.Substring(0, strFoundPredefinedRoundedMaskParametersXMLfile.IndexOf(".xml") + 4);

                            predefinedRoundedMask =
                                                               typeof(RoundData)) as RoundData;

                Image <Bgr, byte> currImg = new Image <Bgr, byte>(currentFullFileName);
                ImageProcessing   imgP    = new ImageProcessing(currImg, predefinedRoundedMask);

                Image <Bgr, byte> maskImage =
                    new Image <Bgr, byte>(new Image <Gray, byte>[]
                Image <Bgr, byte> img = imgP.tmpImage.Mul(maskImage);

                string ncFileName = ConventionalTransitions.NetCDFimageBareChannelsDataFilename(currentFullFileName,
                                                                                                ParametersPassed["outputNetCDFfilesDirectory"] as string, true, ParametersPassed["ImagesBasePath"] as string);

                Dictionary <string, object> dataToNCwrite = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                dataToNCwrite.Add("ColorChannels", img.Data);

                NetCDFoperations.SaveVariousDataToFile(dataToNCwrite, ncFileName);

                TimeSpan procEnd = Process.GetCurrentProcess().TotalProcessorTime;

                Result = new ImageStatsDataCalculationResult()
                    calcResult                  = true,
                    imgFilename                 = currentFullFileName,
                    mp5Result                   = null,
                    grixyrgbStatsData           = null,
                    stopwatch                   = stopwatch,
                    exception                   = null,
                    procTotalProcessorTimeEnd   = procEnd,
                    procTotalProcessorTimeStart = procStart

            catch (Exception ex)
                TimeSpan procEnd = Process.GetCurrentProcess().TotalProcessorTime;
                Result = new ImageStatsDataCalculationResult()
                    calcResult  = false,
                    imgFilename = currentFullFileName,
                    stopwatch   = stopwatch,
                    exception   = ex,
                    procTotalProcessorTimeEnd   = procEnd,
                    procTotalProcessorTimeStart = procStart
        private void ProcessImage(ImageStatsCollectingData srcData)
            Interlocked.Increment(ref totalFilesProcessed);
            int perc = Convert.ToInt32(100.0d * (double)totalFilesProcessed / (double)totalFilesCountToProcess);

            Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToString("s") + " : " + perc + "% : started processing file " + Environment.NewLine + srcData.filename);

            Dictionary <string, object> optionalParameters = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            optionalParameters.Add("logFileName", errorLogFilename);

            // найти и записать данные GPS
            GPSdata currimageGPS = ServiceTools.FindProperGPSdataForImage(srcData.filename, null, defaultProperties,
                                                                          ref NVdataFilesAlreadyReadDateTimeSpans, ref NVdataFilesAlreadyReadData);

            if (currimageGPS != null)
                                              ConventionalTransitions.ConcurrentGPSdataFileName(srcData.filename, strConcurrentGPSdataXMLfilesPath));

            // найти и записать данные SDC и Cloud Cover
            DateTime curDateTime = GetImageDateTime(srcData.filename);

            if (!lMissionObservedData.Any())
            lMissionObservedData.Sort((obsRecord1, obsRecord2) =>
                double dev1 = Math.Abs((obsRecord1.dateTime - curDateTime).TotalMilliseconds);
                double dev2 = Math.Abs((obsRecord2.dateTime - curDateTime).TotalMilliseconds);
                return((dev1 >= dev2) ? (1) : (-1));
            MissionsObservedData closestObservedDatum = lMissionObservedData[0];

            if ((closestObservedDatum.dateTime - curDateTime).TotalSeconds > 600)

            SunDiskConditionData currImageSDC = new SunDiskConditionData()
                filename         = srcData.filename,
                sunDiskCondition = closestObservedDatum.SDC

                                          ConventionalTransitions.SunDiskConditionFileName(srcData.filename, SunDiskConditionXMLdataFilesDirectory));

            // find grixyrgbStatsXMLfile
            SkyImageIndexesStatsData currImageStatsData = null;
            string currImageStatsDataXMLfile            = "";

            if (Directory.Exists(imageYRGBstatsXMLdataFilesDirectory))
                List <string> foundXMLfiles = Directory.EnumerateFiles(imageYRGBstatsXMLdataFilesDirectory,
                                                                       ConventionalTransitions.ImageGrIxYRGBstatsDataFileName(srcData.filename, "", false),
                if (foundXMLfiles.Any())
                    // возьмем первый попавшийся
                    currImageStatsDataXMLfile = foundXMLfiles[0];
                    currImageStatsData        =
                        ServiceTools.ReadObjectFromXML(currImageStatsDataXMLfile, typeof(SkyImageIndexesStatsData));

            SkyImagesDataWith_Concurrent_Stats_CloudCover_SDC currImageData = new SkyImagesDataWith_Concurrent_Stats_CloudCover_SDC
                skyImageFullFileName   = srcData.filename,
                skyImageFileName       = Path.GetFileName(srcData.filename),
                currImageDateTime      = curDateTime,
                observedCloudCoverData = new ObservedClCoverData()
                    dt = closestObservedDatum.dateTime,
                    CloudCoverTotal = closestObservedDatum.CloudCoverTotal,
                    CloudCoverLower = closestObservedDatum.CloudCoverLower
                concurrentDataXMLfile = "",
                concurrentData        = new ConcurrentData()
                    filename       = "",
                    datetimeUTC    = currimageGPS.DateTimeUTC,
                    GPSdata        = "",
                    GPSLat         = currimageGPS.Lat,
                    GPSLon         = currimageGPS.Lon,
                    GPSDateTimeUTC = currimageGPS.DateTimeUTC,
                    PressurePa     = closestObservedDatum.pressure,
                    gps            = currimageGPS
                grixyrgbStatsXMLfile = currImageStatsDataXMLfile,
                grixyrgbStats        = currImageStatsData,
                SDCvalue             = closestObservedDatum.SDC

        //private void ImageProcessing(ImagesProcessingData ipdt)


        private void EnumerateFilesToProcess()
            string        directory = Path.GetDirectoryName(inputBasePath);
            string        filemask  = "*.jpg";
            List <string> filesList =
                new List <string>(Directory.EnumerateFiles(directory, filemask,
                                                           bEnumerateFilesRecursively ? SearchOption.AllDirectories : SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly));

            #region filter by camID
            string ptrnCamID = "devid" + CamIDtoProcess + ".jpg";

            filesList = filesList.Where(fname => fname.ToLower().Contains(ptrnCamID)).ToList();


            Console.WriteLine("found " + filesList.Count + " images.");

            #region list, read and map image stats files

            Console.WriteLine("filtering by ready-to-use GrIxYRGB XML files...");
            List <string> statsFilesList =
                new List <string>(Directory.EnumerateFiles(imageYRGBstatsXMLdataFilesDirectory, ConventionalTransitions.ImageGrIxYRGBstatsFileNamesPattern(),
                                                           bEnumerateFilesRecursively ? SearchOption.AllDirectories : SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly));
            List <string> statsFilesListWOpath = statsFilesList.ConvertAll(Path.GetFileName);

            Console.WriteLine("found " + statsFilesList.Count + " XML stats files in directory " + Environment.NewLine +
                              imageYRGBstatsXMLdataFilesDirectory + Environment.NewLine + "by mask " +
                              Environment.NewLine + ConventionalTransitions.ImageGrIxYRGBstatsFileNamesPattern());

            int removed =
                    fname =>
                    !statsFilesListWOpath.Contains(ConventionalTransitions.ImageGrIxYRGBstatsDataFileName(fname, "",

            Console.WriteLine("removed " + removed + " items (couldn`t find stats data files). Remains " + filesList.Count + " to process.");

            if (!filesList.Any())
                Console.WriteLine("There is no " + filemask + " files that sutisfy settings specified. Processing will not be started.");

            lStatsProcessing = filesList.ConvertAll(strImgFname =>
                ImagesProcessingData retVal = new ImagesProcessingData()
                    filename = strImgFname

            //lStatsProcessing = lStatsProcessing.Where((ipd, ind) => ind < 10).ToList();

            Console.WriteLine("started reading and mapping stats data");

            int totalFilesCountToRead = lStatsProcessing.Count;
            int filesRead             = 0;
            int currProgressPerc      = 0;

            foreach (ImagesProcessingData ipdt in lStatsProcessing)
                ipdt.grixyrgbStatsXMLfile =
                        statsFname =>
                        statsFname.Contains(ConventionalTransitions.ImageGrIxYRGBstatsDataFileName(ipdt.filename, "",

                ipdt.grixyrgbStats =
                    ServiceTools.ReadObjectFromXML(ipdt.grixyrgbStatsXMLfile, typeof(SkyImageIndexesStatsData)) as

                #region calculate and report progress

                double progress = 100.0d * (double)filesRead / (double)totalFilesCountToRead;
                if (progress - (double)currProgressPerc > 1.0d)
                    currProgressPerc = Convert.ToInt32(progress);
                    Console.WriteLine("read " + currProgressPerc + "%");

                #endregion calculate and report progress


            #region list, read and map concurrent data

            List <string> concurrentDataFilesList =
                                         bEnumerateFilesRecursively ? SearchOption.AllDirectories : SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly).ToList();

            List <ConcurrentData> lConcurrentData = null;

            #region reading
            Console.WriteLine("started concurrent data reading");

            totalFilesCountToRead = concurrentDataFilesList.Count;
            filesRead             = 0;
            currProgressPerc      = 0;

            List <Dictionary <string, object> > lDictionariesConcurrentData =
                new List <Dictionary <string, object> >();
            foreach (string strConcDataXMLFile in concurrentDataFilesList)
                Dictionary <string, object> currDict = ServiceTools.ReadDictionaryFromXML(strConcDataXMLFile);
                currDict.Add("XMLfileName", Path.GetFileName(strConcDataXMLFile));


                #region calculate and report progress

                double progress = 100.0d * (double)filesRead / (double)totalFilesCountToRead;
                if (progress - (double)currProgressPerc > 1.0d)
                    currProgressPerc = Convert.ToInt32(progress);
                    Console.WriteLine("read " + currProgressPerc + "%");

                #endregion calculate and report progress

            lDictionariesConcurrentData.RemoveAll(dict => dict == null);
            lConcurrentData =
                lDictionariesConcurrentData.ConvertAll <ConcurrentData>(dict =>
                ConcurrentData retVal = null;
                    retVal = new ConcurrentData(dict);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    string strError = "couldn`t parse XML file " + dict["XMLfileName"] + " : " +
                                      Environment.NewLine + ex.Message;
            lConcurrentData.RemoveAll(val => val == null);
            #endregion reading

            #region mapping

            // map obtained concurrent data to images by its datetime
            Console.WriteLine("concurrent data mapping started");

            lStatsProcessing = lStatsProcessing.ConvertAll(ipdt =>
                string currImgFilename = ipdt.filename;
                currImgFilename        = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(currImgFilename);

                string ptrn = @"(devID\d)";
                Regex rgxp  = new Regex(ptrn, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

                string strCurrImgDT = rgxp.Replace(currImgFilename.Substring(4), "");
                strCurrImgDT = strCurrImgDT.Substring(0, 11) + strCurrImgDT.Substring(11).Replace("-", ":");

                DateTime currImgDT = DateTime.Parse(strCurrImgDT, null,

                ConcurrentData nearestConcurrentData = lConcurrentData.Aggregate((cDt1, cDt2) =>
                    TimeSpan tspan1 = new TimeSpan(Math.Abs((cDt1.datetimeUTC - currImgDT).Ticks));
                    TimeSpan tspan2 = new TimeSpan(Math.Abs((cDt2.datetimeUTC - currImgDT).Ticks));
                    return((tspan1 <= tspan2) ? (cDt1) : (cDt2));

                if (new TimeSpan(Math.Abs((nearestConcurrentData.datetimeUTC - currImgDT).Ticks)) >=
                    string strError = "couldn`t find close enough concurrent data file for image:" + Environment.NewLine +
                                      currImgFilename + Environment.NewLine + "closest concurrent data file is:" +
                                      Environment.NewLine + nearestConcurrentData.filename + Environment.NewLine +
                                      "with date-time value " + nearestConcurrentData.datetimeUTC.ToString("o");
                    nearestConcurrentData = null;

                ipdt.concurrentData = nearestConcurrentData;
                if (nearestConcurrentData != null)
                    ipdt.concurrentDataXMLfile = nearestConcurrentData.filename;


            #endregion mapping

            removed = lStatsProcessing.RemoveAll(ipdt => ipdt.concurrentData == null);
            Console.WriteLine("removed " + removed + " items (couldn`t find concurrent data). " + lStatsProcessing.Count + " files remains to process.");

            #endregion list, read and map concurrent data

            if (!lStatsProcessing.Any())
                Console.WriteLine("There is no files that sutisfy settings specified and have all required concurrent data (stats or GPS etc.). Processing will not be proceeded.");

            #region Predict SDC values using pre-trained NN parameters

            string csvHeader = lStatsProcessing[0].grixyrgbStats.CSVHeader() +
            List <string> lCSVheader      = csvHeader.Split(',').ToList();
            List <int>    columnsToDelete =
                lCSVheader.Select((str, idx) => new Tuple <int, string>(idx, str))
                .Where(tpl => tpl.Item2.ToLower().Contains("filename")).ToList().ConvertAll(tpl => tpl.Item1);

            List <List <string> > lCalculatedData = lStatsProcessing.ConvertAll(dt =>
                string currImageALLstatsDataCSVWithConcurrentData = dt.grixyrgbStats.ToCSV() + "," +
                                                                    .Replace(",", ".") + "," +
                                                                    .Replace(",", ".");
                List <string> retVal = currImageALLstatsDataCSVWithConcurrentData.Split(',').ToList();
                retVal = retVal.Where((str, idx) => !columnsToDelete.Contains(idx)).ToList();

            List <DenseVector> lDV_objects_features =
                    list =>
                    DenseVector.OfEnumerable(list.ConvertAll <double>(str => Convert.ToDouble(str.Replace(".", ",")))));

            DenseVector dvMeans  = (DenseVector)((DenseMatrix)ServiceTools.ReadDataFromCSV(NormMeansFile, 0, ",")).Row(0);
            DenseVector dvRanges = (DenseVector)((DenseMatrix)ServiceTools.ReadDataFromCSV(NormRangeFile, 0, ",")).Row(0);

            lDV_objects_features = lDV_objects_features.ConvertAll(dv =>
                DenseVector dvShifted = dv - dvMeans;
                DenseVector dvNormed  = (DenseVector)dvShifted.PointwiseDivide(dvRanges);

            DenseMatrix dmObjectsFeatures = DenseMatrix.OfRowVectors(lDV_objects_features);

            DenseVector dvThetaValues  = (DenseVector)ServiceTools.ReadDataFromCSV(NNtrainedParametersFile, 0, ",");
            List <int>  NNlayersConfig =
                new List <double>(((DenseMatrix)ServiceTools.ReadDataFromCSV(NNconfigFile, 0, ",")).Row(0)).ConvertAll
                    (dVal => Convert.ToInt32(dVal));

            List <List <double> > lDecisionProbabilities = null;

            List <SunDiskCondition> predictedSDClist =
                NNclassificatorPredictor <SunDiskCondition> .NNpredict(dmObjectsFeatures, dvThetaValues, NNlayersConfig,
                                                                       out lDecisionProbabilities, SunDiskConditionData.MatlabEnumeratedSDCorderedList()).ToList();

            //List<SunDiskCondition> predictedSDClist = predictedSDC.ConvertAll(sdcInt =>
            //    switch (sdcInt)
            //    {
            //        case 4:
            //            return SunDiskCondition.NoSun;
            //            break;
            //        case 1:
            //            return SunDiskCondition.Sun0;
            //            break;
            //        case 2:
            //            return SunDiskCondition.Sun1;
            //            break;
            //        case 3:
            //            return SunDiskCondition.Sun2;
            //            break;
            //        default:
            //            return SunDiskCondition.Defect;
            //    }

            string strToShow = "SDC values probabilities: " + Environment.NewLine +
                               "| No Sun | Sun_0  | Sun_1  | Sun_2  | Detected |" + Environment.NewLine;
            foreach (List <double> lDecisionProbability in lDecisionProbabilities)
                strToShow += "| " + lDecisionProbability[3].ToString("F4") +
                             " | " + lDecisionProbability[0].ToString("F4") +
                             " | " + lDecisionProbability[1].ToString("F4") +
                             " | " + lDecisionProbability[2].ToString("F4") + " |" +
                             predictedSDClist[lDecisionProbabilities.IndexOf(lDecisionProbability)] + "|" +
            ServiceTools.logToTextFile(errorLogFilename, strToShow, true, false);


            //lStatsProcessing =
            //    lStatsProcessing.Where((ipd, idx) => predictedSDClist[idx] == SunDiskCondition.Sun2).ToList();
            lStatsProcessing =
                lStatsProcessing.Where((ipd, idx) => predictedSDClist[idx] == sdcFilter).ToList();

            Console.WriteLine("Detected " + lStatsProcessing.Count + " images with SDC = " + sdcFilter.ToString());

            if (!lStatsProcessing.Any())
                Console.WriteLine("There is no files with SDC = Sun2. Processing will not be proceeded.");

            Console.WriteLine("finished enumerating and filtering files. Files to process: " + lStatsProcessing.Count);
        public void Start(string[] args)

            List <string> argsList = new List <string>(args);

            if (argsList.Find(str => str == "--recursive") != null)
                bEnumerateFilesRecursively = true;

            if (argsList.Find(str => str == "-y") != null)
                bStartWithoutConfirmation = true;

            // --filter-by-observed-cloud-cover-records
            // bFilterByObservedCloudCoverRecords
            if (argsList.Find(str => str == "--filter-by-observed-cloud-cover-records") != null)
                bFilterByObservedCloudCoverRecords = true;

            // sdcFilter
            if (argsList.Where(str => str.Contains("--sdc=")).Count() > 0)
                string foundArg = argsList.Where(str => str.Contains("--sdc=")).ToList()[0];
                string strValue = foundArg.Replace("--sdc=", "");
                if (strValue == "none")
                    sdcFilter = SunDiskCondition.NoSun;
                else if (strValue == "0")
                    sdcFilter = SunDiskCondition.Sun0;
                else if (strValue == "1")
                    sdcFilter = SunDiskCondition.Sun1;
                else if (strValue == "2")
                    sdcFilter = SunDiskCondition.Sun2;
                    sdcFilter = SunDiskCondition.Sun2;
                Console.WriteLine("SDC filter is not specified. Filtering by SDC will not applied.");
                sdcFilter = SunDiskCondition.Undefined; // Не применять фильтрацию

            if (argsList.Where(str => str.Contains("--camera-id=")).Count() > 0)
                string foundArg = argsList.Where(str => str.Contains("--camera-id=")).ToList()[0];
                string strValue = foundArg.Replace("--camera-id=", "");
                CamIDtoProcess = Convert.ToInt32(strValue);

                if ((CamIDtoProcess != 1) && (CamIDtoProcess != 2))
                    Console.WriteLine("camera ID out of range detected. I will not filter by camera ID.");
                    CamIDtoProcess = 0;
                Console.WriteLine("camera ID out of range detected. I will not filter by camera ID");
                CamIDtoProcess = 0; // will not filter

            if (!bStartWithoutConfirmation)
                Console.Write("Start with the mentioned properties? [y/n] ");
                string strReply = Console.ReadLine();
                if (strReply.ToLower().First() != 'y')
                    Console.WriteLine("\nWill not proceed due to user interruprion.");

            outputDataFile = strOutputDirectory + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(outputDataFile) + "-" + sdcFilter.ToString() + "-camID" +
                             CamIDtoProcess + ".xml";
            string outputCSVfile = strOutputDirectory + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(outputDataFile) + "-" + sdcFilter.ToString() + "-camID" +
                                   CamIDtoProcess + ".csv";

            Console.WriteLine("getting files list");

            #region Enumerating files

            string        directory = Path.GetDirectoryName(inputBasePath);
            string        filemask  = "*.jpg";
            List <string> filesList =
                new List <string>(Directory.EnumerateFiles(directory, filemask,
                                                           bEnumerateFilesRecursively ? SearchOption.AllDirectories : SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly));

            #region filter by camID
            if (CamIDtoProcess > 0)
                string ptrnCamID = "devid" + CamIDtoProcess + ".jpg";
                filesList = filesList.Where(fname => fname.ToLower().Contains(ptrnCamID)).ToList();

            Console.WriteLine("found " + filesList.Count + " images.");

            #region try to find concurrent and stats data already assembled into a small set of files

            List <string> assembledDataFilesList =
                                         "*.xml", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly).ToList();

            List <ImagesProcessingData> lReadAssembledData = new List <ImagesProcessingData>();
            foreach (string strAssembledDataXMlfName in assembledDataFilesList)
                    List <ImagesProcessingData> currFileContent =
                        ServiceTools.ReadObjectFromXML(strAssembledDataXMlfName, typeof(List <ImagesProcessingData>)) as
                        List <ImagesProcessingData>;
                catch (Exception ex)

            if (lReadAssembledData.Any())
                Console.WriteLine("Found pre-assembled ImagesProcessingData XML files: ");
                foreach (string s in assembledDataFilesList)

                Console.WriteLine("Read records from this set: " + lReadAssembledData.Count);
                Console.WriteLine("Images to process originally: " + filesList.Count);
                Console.WriteLine("Should I use these pre-assembled data? (y/n): ");
                string ans = Console.ReadKey().KeyChar.ToString();
                if (ans == "y")
                    lStatsProcessing = lReadAssembledData;

            #endregion try to find data already compiled into a small set of files

            if (!lStatsProcessing.Any())
                #region list, read and map image stats files

                Console.WriteLine("filtering by ready-to-use GrIxYRGB XML files...");
                List <string> statsFilesList =
                    new List <string>(Directory.EnumerateFiles(imageYRGBstatsXMLdataFilesDirectory, ConventionalTransitions.ImageGrIxYRGBstatsFileNamesPattern(),
                                                               bEnumerateFilesRecursively ? SearchOption.AllDirectories : SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly));
                List <string> statsFilesListWOpath = statsFilesList.ConvertAll(Path.GetFileName);

                Console.WriteLine("found " + statsFilesList.Count + " XML stats files in directory " + Environment.NewLine +
                                  imageYRGBstatsXMLdataFilesDirectory + Environment.NewLine + "by mask " +
                                  Environment.NewLine + ConventionalTransitions.ImageGrIxYRGBstatsFileNamesPattern());

                int removed =
                        fname =>
                        !statsFilesListWOpath.Contains(ConventionalTransitions.ImageGrIxYRGBstatsDataFileName(fname, "",

                Console.WriteLine("removed " + removed + " items (couldn`t find stats data files). Remains " + filesList.Count + " to process.");

                if (!filesList.Any())
                    Console.WriteLine("There is no " + filemask + " files that sutisfy settings specified. Processing will not be started.");

                lStatsProcessing = filesList.ConvertAll(strImgFname =>
                    ImagesProcessingData retVal = new ImagesProcessingData()
                        filename = strImgFname

//#if DEBUG
//                lStatsProcessing = lStatsProcessing.Where((ipd, ind) => ind < 10).ToList();

                Console.WriteLine("started reading and mapping stats data");

                int totalFilesCountToRead = lStatsProcessing.Count;
                int filesRead             = 0;
                int currProgressPerc      = 0;

                foreach (ImagesProcessingData ipdt in lStatsProcessing)
                    ipdt.grixyrgbStatsXMLfile =
                            statsFname =>
                            statsFname.Contains(ConventionalTransitions.ImageGrIxYRGBstatsDataFileName(ipdt.filename, "",

                    ipdt.grixyrgbStats =
                        ServiceTools.ReadObjectFromXML(ipdt.grixyrgbStatsXMLfile, typeof(SkyImageIndexesStatsData)) as

                    #region calculate and report progress

                    double progress = 100.0d * (double)filesRead / (double)totalFilesCountToRead;
                    if (progress - (double)currProgressPerc > 1.0d)
                        currProgressPerc = Convert.ToInt32(progress);
                        Console.WriteLine("read " + currProgressPerc + "%");

                    #endregion calculate and report progress


                #region list, read and map concurrent data

                List <ConcurrentData> lConcurrentData = null;

                List <string> concurrentDataFilesList =
                                             bEnumerateFilesRecursively ? SearchOption.AllDirectories : SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly).ToList();

                #region reading
                Console.WriteLine("started concurrent data reading");

                totalFilesCountToRead = concurrentDataFilesList.Count;
                filesRead             = 0;
                currProgressPerc      = 0;

                List <Dictionary <string, object> > lDictionariesConcurrentData =
                    new List <Dictionary <string, object> >();
                foreach (string strConcDataXMLFile in concurrentDataFilesList)
                    Dictionary <string, object> currDict = ServiceTools.ReadDictionaryFromXML(strConcDataXMLFile);
                    currDict.Add("XMLfileName", Path.GetFileName(strConcDataXMLFile));


                    #region calculate and report progress

                    double progress = 100.0d * (double)filesRead / (double)totalFilesCountToRead;
                    if (progress - (double)currProgressPerc > 1.0d)
                        currProgressPerc = Convert.ToInt32(progress);
                        Console.WriteLine("read " + currProgressPerc + "%");

                    #endregion calculate and report progress

                lDictionariesConcurrentData.RemoveAll(dict => dict == null);
                lConcurrentData =
                    lDictionariesConcurrentData.ConvertAll <ConcurrentData>(dict =>
                    ConcurrentData retVal = null;
                        retVal = new ConcurrentData(dict);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        string strError = "couldn`t parse XML file " + dict["XMLfileName"] + " : " +
                                          Environment.NewLine + ex.Message;
                lConcurrentData.RemoveAll(val => val == null);
                #endregion reading

                #region mapping

                // map obtained concurrent data to images by its datetime
                Console.WriteLine("concurrent data mapping started");

                lStatsProcessing = lStatsProcessing.ConvertAll(ipdt =>
                    string currImgFilename = ipdt.filename;
                    currImgFilename        = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(currImgFilename);

                    DateTime currImgDT = ConventionalTransitions.DateTimeOfSkyImageFilename(currImgFilename);

                    ConcurrentData nearestConcurrentData = lConcurrentData.Aggregate((cDt1, cDt2) =>
                        TimeSpan tspan1 = new TimeSpan(Math.Abs((cDt1.datetimeUTC - currImgDT).Ticks));
                        TimeSpan tspan2 = new TimeSpan(Math.Abs((cDt2.datetimeUTC - currImgDT).Ticks));
                        return((tspan1 <= tspan2) ? (cDt1) : (cDt2));

                    if (new TimeSpan(Math.Abs((nearestConcurrentData.datetimeUTC - currImgDT).Ticks)) >=
                        string strError = "couldn`t find close enough concurrent data file for image:" + Environment.NewLine +
                                          currImgFilename + Environment.NewLine + "closest concurrent data file is:" +
                                          Environment.NewLine + nearestConcurrentData.filename + Environment.NewLine +
                                          "with date-time value " + nearestConcurrentData.datetimeUTC.ToString("o");
                        nearestConcurrentData = null;

                    ipdt.concurrentData = nearestConcurrentData;
                    if (nearestConcurrentData != null)
                        ipdt.concurrentDataXMLfile = nearestConcurrentData.filename;


                #endregion mapping

                removed = lStatsProcessing.RemoveAll(ipdt => ipdt.concurrentData == null);
                Console.WriteLine("removed " + removed + " items (couldn`t find concurrent data). " + lStatsProcessing.Count + " files remains to process.");

                #endregion list, read and map concurrent data

            if (!lStatsProcessing.Any())
                Console.WriteLine("There is no files that sutisfy settings specified and have all required concurrent data (stats or GPS etc.). Processing will not be proceeded.");

            #region Filter by SDC values predicting it using pre-trained NN parameters

            #region //
            //string csvHeader = lStatsProcessing[0].grixyrgbStats.CSVHeader() +
            //               ",SunElevationDeg,SunAzimuthDeg,sunDiskCondition";
            //List<string> lCSVheader = csvHeader.Split(',').ToList();
            //List<int> columnsToDelete =
            //    lCSVheader.Select((str, idx) => new Tuple<int, string>(idx, str))
            //        .Where(tpl => tpl.Item2.ToLower().Contains("filename")).ToList().ConvertAll(tpl => tpl.Item1);

            //List<List<string>> lCalculatedData = lStatsProcessing.ConvertAll(dt =>
            //    string currImageALLstatsDataCSVWithConcurrentData = dt.grixyrgbStats.ToCSV() + "," +
            //                                                        dt.concurrentData.gps.SunZenithAzimuth()
            //                                                            .ElevationAngle.ToString()
            //                                                            .Replace(",", ".") + "," +
            //                                                        dt.concurrentData.gps.SunZenithAzimuth()
            //                                                            .Azimuth.ToString()
            //                                                            .Replace(",", ".");
            //    List<string> retVal = currImageALLstatsDataCSVWithConcurrentData.Split(',').ToList();
            //    retVal = retVal.Where((str, idx) => !columnsToDelete.Contains(idx)).ToList();
            //    return retVal;

            //List<DenseVector> lDV_objects_features =
            //    lCalculatedData.ConvertAll(
            //        list =>
            //            DenseVector.OfEnumerable(list.ConvertAll<double>(str => Convert.ToDouble(str.Replace(".", ",")))));

            DenseVector dvMeans  = (DenseVector)((DenseMatrix)ServiceTools.ReadDataFromCSV(NormMeansFile, 0, ",")).Row(0);
            DenseVector dvRanges = (DenseVector)((DenseMatrix)ServiceTools.ReadDataFromCSV(NormRangeFile, 0, ",")).Row(0);

            #region //
            //lDV_objects_features = lDV_objects_features.ConvertAll(dv =>
            //    DenseVector dvShifted = dv - dvMeans;
            //    DenseVector dvNormed = (DenseVector)dvShifted.PointwiseDivide(dvRanges);
            //    return dvNormed;

            //DenseMatrix dmObjectsFeatures = DenseMatrix.OfRowVectors(lDV_objects_features);

            DenseVector dvThetaValues  = (DenseVector)ServiceTools.ReadDataFromCSV(NNtrainedParametersFile, 0, ",");
            List <int>  NNlayersConfig =
                new List <double>(((DenseMatrix)ServiceTools.ReadDataFromCSV(NNconfigFile, 0, ",")).Row(0)).ConvertAll
                    (dVal => Convert.ToInt32(dVal));

            #region //
            // List<List<double>> lDecisionProbabilities = null;

            List <Tuple <ImagesProcessingData, List <SDCdecisionProbability>, SunDiskCondition> > lTplsPredictedSDClist =
                new List <Tuple <ImagesProcessingData, List <SDCdecisionProbability>, SunDiskCondition> >();

            List <List <double> >   SDCdecisionProbabilitiesListDoubles = new List <List <double> >();
            List <SunDiskCondition> imagesSDCpredicted = SDCpredictorNN.PredictSDC_NN(lStatsProcessing, NNlayersConfig,
                                                                                      dvThetaValues, dvMeans, dvRanges, out SDCdecisionProbabilitiesListDoubles);
            List <List <SDCdecisionProbability> > SDCdecisionProbabilitiesLists =
                    currSDCdecisionProbabilities =>
                    currSDCdecisionProbabilities.Select((dProb, idx) => new SDCdecisionProbability()
                sdc = SunDiskConditionData.MatlabSDCenum(idx + 1),
                sdcDecisionProbability = dProb
            lTplsPredictedSDClist =
                                                      (lDecProb, sdcPredicted) =>
                                                      new Tuple <List <SDCdecisionProbability>, SunDiskCondition>(lDecProb, sdcPredicted)).ToList(),
                    (ipd, tpl) =>
                    new Tuple <ImagesProcessingData, List <SDCdecisionProbability>, SunDiskCondition>(ipd, tpl.Item1,

            #region //
            //foreach (ImagesProcessingData dt in lStatsProcessing)
            //    List<double> currSDCdecisionProbabilities = new List<double>();

            //    SunDiskCondition currSDC = SDCpredictorNN.PredictSDC_NN(dt.grixyrgbStats, dt.concurrentData,
            //        NNlayersConfig, dvThetaValues, dvMeans, dvRanges, out currSDCdecisionProbabilities);

            //    List<SDCdecisionProbability> currSDCdecisionProbabilitiesList = currSDCdecisionProbabilities.Select((dProb, idx) => new SDCdecisionProbability()
            //    {
            //        sdc = SunDiskConditionData.MatlabSDCenum(idx + 1),
            //        sdcDecisionProbability = dProb
            //    }).ToList();

            //    lTplsPredictedSDClist.Add(
            //        new Tuple<ImagesProcessingData, List<SDCdecisionProbability>, SunDiskCondition>(dt,
            //            currSDCdecisionProbabilitiesList, currSDC));

            #region //
            //List<int> predictedSDC =
            //    NNclassificatorPredictor.NNpredict(dmObjectsFeatures, dvThetaValues, NNlayersConfig,
            //        out lDecisionProbabilities).ToList();

            //List<SunDiskCondition> predictedSDClist = predictedSDC.ConvertAll(sdcInt =>
            //    switch (sdcInt)
            //    {
            //        case 4:
            //            return SunDiskCondition.NoSun;
            //            break;
            //        case 1:
            //            return SunDiskCondition.Sun0;
            //            break;
            //        case 2:
            //            return SunDiskCondition.Sun1;
            //            break;
            //        case 3:
            //            return SunDiskCondition.Sun2;
            //            break;
            //        default:
            //            return SunDiskCondition.Defect;
            //    }

            //List<Tuple<ImagesProcessingData, SunDiskCondition>> lTplsPredictedSDClist =
            //    predictedSDClist.Zip(lStatsProcessing,
            //        (sdc, ipd) => new Tuple<ImagesProcessingData, SunDiskCondition>(ipd, sdc)).ToList();

            #region output obtained SDC data to log file

            string strToShow = "SDC values probabilities: " + Environment.NewLine +
                               "|  NoSun  |  Sun0   |  Sun1   |  Sun2   |" + Environment.NewLine;
            foreach (Tuple <ImagesProcessingData, List <SDCdecisionProbability>, SunDiskCondition> tpl in lTplsPredictedSDClist)
                List <SDCdecisionProbability> currSDCdecisionProbabilitiesList = tpl.Item2;
                strToShow += "|" +
                                                prob => prob.sdc == SunDiskCondition.NoSun).sdcDecisionProbability * 100.0d)
                                           .ToString("F2") + "%") + "|" +
                                                prob => prob.sdc == SunDiskCondition.Sun0).sdcDecisionProbability * 100.0d)
                                           .ToString("F2") + "%") + "|" +
                                                prob => prob.sdc == SunDiskCondition.Sun1).sdcDecisionProbability * 100.0d)
                                           .ToString("F2") + "%") + "|" +
                                                prob => prob.sdc == SunDiskCondition.Sun2).sdcDecisionProbability * 100.0d)
                                           .ToString("F2") + "%") + "|" + Environment.NewLine;
            ServiceTools.logToTextFile(errorLogFilename, strToShow, true, false);

            #endregion output obtained SDC data to log file

            #region filter by SDC value if needed

            if (sdcFilter != SunDiskCondition.Undefined)
                lStatsProcessing = lStatsProcessing.Where((ipd, idx) => lTplsPredictedSDClist[idx].Item3 == sdcFilter).ToList();
                Console.WriteLine("Detected " + lStatsProcessing.Count + " images with SDC = " + sdcFilter.ToString());

            #endregion filter by SDC value if needed

            #endregion Filter by SDC values predicting it using pre-trained NN parameters

            #region ObservedCloudCoverDataCSVfile

            if (bFilterByObservedCloudCoverRecords)
                Console.WriteLine("Reading observed cloud cover data CSV file...");

                if (!File.Exists(ObservedCloudCoverDataCSVfile))
                    Console.WriteLine("Unable to read observed data CSV file: " + ObservedCloudCoverDataCSVfile);

                List <List <string> > lCSVfileContents = ServiceTools.ReadDataFromCSV(ObservedCloudCoverDataCSVfile, 1,

                if (!lCSVfileContents.Any())
                    Console.WriteLine("The observed cloud cover CSV file seems to be empty: " +

                List <ObservedClCoverData> lObservedData =
                    lCSVfileContents.ConvertAll(lStr => new ObservedClCoverData(lStr));

                List <SkyImagesDataWith_Concurrent_Stats_CloudCover_SDC> lImagesFilteredByAvailableObservedData =
                    new List <SkyImagesDataWith_Concurrent_Stats_CloudCover_SDC>();

                #region filter images by available observed data using DateTimeFilterTolerance

                Console.WriteLine("Filtering by observed data available...");

                foreach (ObservedClCoverData observedData in lObservedData)
                    DateTime currObservedDatumDateTime = observedData.dt;
                    List <SkyImagesDataWith_Concurrent_Stats_CloudCover_SDC> lImagesCloseToCurrObservedDatum = lStatsProcessing
                                                                                                               .Where(ipd =>
                        TimeSpan tspan =
                            new TimeSpan(
                                    (ConventionalTransitions.DateTimeOfSkyImageFilename(ipd.filename) -
                        return(tspan <= DateTimeFilterTolerance);
                                                                                                               .ConvertAll(ifd => new SkyImagesDataWith_Concurrent_Stats_CloudCover_SDC()
                        // observedData
                        // ifd
                        skyImageFullFileName   = ifd.filename,
                        skyImageFileName       = Path.GetFileName(ifd.filename),
                        currImageDateTime      = ConventionalTransitions.DateTimeOfSkyImageFilename(ifd.filename),
                        observedCloudCoverData = observedData,
                        concurrentDataXMLfile  = ifd.concurrentDataXMLfile,
                        concurrentData         = ifd.concurrentData,
                        grixyrgbStatsXMLfile   = ifd.grixyrgbStatsXMLfile,
                        grixyrgbStats          = ifd.grixyrgbStats,
                        SDCvalue         = lTplsPredictedSDClist.First(tpl => tpl.Item1 == ifd).Item3,
                        SDCprobabilities = lTplsPredictedSDClist.First(tpl => tpl.Item1 == ifd).Item2


                #endregion filter images by available observed data using DateTimeFilterTolerance

                if (!lImagesFilteredByAvailableObservedData.Any())
                        "There is no images remain after filtering using all available data. Output will be empty.");

                ServiceTools.WriteObjectToXML(lImagesFilteredByAvailableObservedData, outputDataFile);

                #region Сформируем и запишем данные в CSV-файл
                // Здесь есть данные по наблюдаемому CloudCover

                string csvHeader = lImagesFilteredByAvailableObservedData[0].grixyrgbStats.CSVHeader() +
                List <string> lCSVoutputData = lImagesFilteredByAvailableObservedData.ConvertAll(ifd =>
                    // все стат. предикторы - как для SDC
                    // данные CloudCover
                    string retVal = "";
                    //ImagesProcessingData dt = tpl.Item2;
                    //ObservedClCoverData clCov = tpl.Item1;
                    retVal = ifd.grixyrgbStats.ToCSV() + "," +
                             ifd.concurrentData.gps.SunZenithAzimuth().ElevationAngle.ToString().Replace(",", ".") + "," +
                             ifd.concurrentData.gps.SunZenithAzimuth().Azimuth.ToString().Replace(",", ".") + "," +
                             ifd.observedCloudCoverData.CloudCoverTotal.ToString() + "," +
                             ifd.observedCloudCoverData.CloudCoverLower.ToString() + "," +
                             ifd.SDCvalue.ToString() + "," +
                             ifd.SDCprobabilities.First(prob => prob.sdc == SunDiskCondition.NoSun)
                             .sdcDecisionProbability.ToString().Replace(",", ".") + "," +
                             ifd.SDCprobabilities.First(prob => prob.sdc == SunDiskCondition.Sun0)
                             .sdcDecisionProbability.ToString().Replace(",", ".") + "," +
                             ifd.SDCprobabilities.First(prob => prob.sdc == SunDiskCondition.Sun1)
                             .sdcDecisionProbability.ToString().Replace(",", ".") + "," +
                             ifd.SDCprobabilities.First(prob => prob.sdc == SunDiskCondition.Sun2)
                             .sdcDecisionProbability.ToString().Replace(",", ".");
                string strToOutputToCSVfile = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, lCSVoutputData);

                ServiceTools.logToTextFile(outputCSVfile, csvHeader + Environment.NewLine, true, false);
                ServiceTools.logToTextFile(outputCSVfile, strToOutputToCSVfile, true, false);

                #endregion Сформируем и запишем данные в CSV-файл
                ServiceTools.WriteObjectToXML(lStatsProcessing, outputDataFile);

                #region Сформируем и запишем данные в CSV-файл
                // здесь нет данных по наблюдаемому Cloud Cover
                // не надо нам такое. Оставим все это только в виде XML-файла.

                #endregion Сформируем и запишем данные в CSV-файл
            #endregion ObservedCloudCoverDataCSVfile

            #endregion Enumerating files and output to XML and CSV file

            Console.WriteLine("saved output data to file: " + Environment.NewLine + outputDataFile + Environment.NewLine +
Ejemplo n.º 6
        private AngleSunDeviationCalcResult CalculateDevDataForImage(FileInfo finfo, Dictionary <string, object> defaultProperties, LogWindow currImageLogWindow, bool showOnlyErrors = false)
            FileInfo currFileInfo = finfo;
            Dictionary <string, object> defaultProps = defaultProperties;

            AngleSunDeviationCalcResult retRes = new AngleSunDeviationCalcResult()
                fileName = currFileInfo.FullName,

            GPSdata gps = ServiceTools.FindProperGPSdataForImage(currFileInfo.FullName, theLogWindow, defaultProperties,
                                                                 ref NVdataFilesAlreadyReadDateTimeSpans, ref NVdataFilesAlreadyReadData);

            if (gps == null)
                theLogWindow = ServiceTools.LogAText(theLogWindow, "Couldn`t find GPS data for this image.");
                retRes.calculationSucceeded = false;
                retRes.resultMessage        = "Couldn`t find GPS data for this image.";

            #region // obsolete
            //// определяем дату-время файла
            //DateTime curDateTime = DateTime.UtcNow;

            //Image anImage = Image.FromFile(currFileInfo.FullName);
            //ImageInfo newIInfo = new ImageInfo(anImage);
            //int minute = 0;
            //String dateTime = (String)newIInfo.getValueByKey("ExifDTOrig");
            //if (dateTime == null)
            //    //попробуем вытащить из имени файла
            //    string strDateTime = currFileInfo.Name;
            //    strDateTime = strDateTime.Substring(4, 19);
            //    dateTime = strDateTime;

            //    curDateTime = CommonTools.DateTimeOfString(dateTime);
            //catch (Exception)
            //    retRes.calculationSucceeded = false;
            //    retRes.resultMessage = "couldn`t get date/time for file: " + Environment.NewLine + currFileInfo.Name;
            //    return retRes;
            //curDateTime = DateTime.SpecifyKind(curDateTime, DateTimeKind.Utc);

            //GPSdata neededGPSdata = new GPSdata();
            //string currPath = currFileInfo.DirectoryName;

            //string navFilesPath = defaultProps["IoffeMeteoNavFilesDirectory"] as string;
            //List<IoffeVesselDualNavDataConverted> lAllNavData = new List<IoffeVesselDualNavDataConverted>();

            //string[] sNavFilenames = Directory.GetFiles(navFilesPath, "*.nv2", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
            //if (!sNavFilenames.Any())
            //    retRes.calculationSucceeded = false;
            //    retRes.resultMessage = "Не найдено файлов данных навигации в директории " + navFilesPath;
            //    return retRes;
            //    foreach (string navFilename in sNavFilenames)
            //    {
            //        Tuple<DateTime, DateTime> timeSpan =
            //            IoffeVesselNavDataReader.GetNavFileDateTimeMargins(navFilename);
            //        if (timeSpan == null)
            //        {
            //            continue;
            //        }

            //        if ((curDateTime < timeSpan.Item1) || (curDateTime > timeSpan.Item2))
            //        {
            //            continue;
            //        }

            //        List<IoffeVesselDualNavDataConverted> dataHasBeenRead = IoffeVesselNavDataReader.ReadNavFile(navFilename);
            //        if (dataHasBeenRead == null)
            //        {
            //            continue;
            //        }
            //        Application.DoEvents();
            //        lAllNavData.AddRange(dataHasBeenRead);
            //    }

            //lAllNavData.Sort((gpsRecord1, gpsRecord2) =>
            //    double dev1 = Math.Abs((gpsRecord1.gps.dateTimeUTC - curDateTime).TotalMilliseconds);
            //    double dev2 = Math.Abs((gpsRecord2.gps.dateTimeUTC - curDateTime).TotalMilliseconds);
            //    return (dev1 >= dev2) ? (1) : (-1);
            //neededGPSdata = lAllNavData[0].gps;
            #endregion // obsolete

            retRes.gpsData = gps;

            #region obsolete
            //double lat = gps.LatDec;
            //double lon = gps.LonDec;

            //SPA spaCalc = new SPA(curDateTime.Year, curDateTime.Month, curDateTime.Day, curDateTime.Hour,
            //    curDateTime.Minute, curDateTime.Second, (float)lon, (float)lat,
            //    (float)SPAConst.DeltaT(curDateTime));
            //int res = spaCalc.spa_calculate();
            //AzimuthZenithAngle sunPositionSPAext = new AzimuthZenithAngle(spaCalc.spa.azimuth,
            //    spaCalc.spa.zenith);
            #endregion obsolete

            AzimuthZenithAngle sunPositionSPAext = gps.SunZenithAzimuth();

            if (!showOnlyErrors)
                currImageLogWindow = ServiceTools.LogAText(currImageLogWindow,
                                                           "SPA ext sun position for " + gps.dateTimeUTC.ToString("s") + ": " + sunPositionSPAext);

            retRes.sunSPAcomputedPosition = sunPositionSPAext;

            Image <Bgr, Byte> img2process = new Image <Bgr, byte>(currFileInfo.FullName);
            img2process = ImageProcessing.ImageResizer(img2process, Convert.ToInt32(defaultProps["DefaultMaxImageSize"]));
            Image <Bgr, Byte> LocalProcessingImage = ImageProcessing.SquareImageDimensions(img2process);

            RoundData sunRoundData = RoundData.nullRoundData();

            //посмотрим, нет ли уже имеющихся данных о положении и размере солнечного диска на изображении
            string sunDiskInfoFileName = ConventionalTransitions.SunDiskInfoFileName(currFileInfo.FullName);
            //string sunDiskInfoFileName = currFileInfo.DirectoryName + "\\" +
            //                             Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(currFileInfo.FullName) + "-SunDiskInfo.xml";

            RoundData existingRoundData             = RoundData.nullRoundData();
            Size      imgSizeUnderExistingRoundData = LocalProcessingImage.Bitmap.Size;
            object    existingRoundDataObj          = ServiceTools.ReadObjectFromXML(sunDiskInfoFileName, typeof(RoundDataWithUnderlyingImgSize));

            if (existingRoundDataObj != null)
                existingRoundData             = ((RoundDataWithUnderlyingImgSize)existingRoundDataObj).circle;
                imgSizeUnderExistingRoundData = ((RoundDataWithUnderlyingImgSize)existingRoundDataObj).imgSize;

            double currScale = (double)LocalProcessingImage.Width / (double)imgSizeUnderExistingRoundData.Width;
            if (currScale != 1.0d)
                existingRoundData.DCenterX *= currScale;
                existingRoundData.DCenterY *= currScale;
                existingRoundData.DRadius  *= currScale;
            if (!existingRoundData.IsNull)
                sunRoundData = existingRoundData;

            ImageProcessing imgP = new ImageProcessing(LocalProcessingImage, true);

            if (sunRoundData.IsNull)
                SkyCloudClassification classificator = new SkyCloudClassification(img2process, defaultProperties);
                classificator.verbosityLevel             = 0;
                classificator.ParentForm                 = ParentForm;
                classificator.theLogWindow               = currImageLogWindow;
                classificator.ClassificationMethod       = ClassificationMethods.GrIx;
                classificator.isCalculatingUsingBgWorker = false;
                // classificator.SelfWorker = currBGWsender as BackgroundWorker;
                classificator.defaultOutputDataDirectory = (string)defaultProps["DefaultDataFilesLocation"];
                classificator.theStdDevMarginValueDefiningSkyCloudSeparation =
                classificator.sourceImageFileName = currFileInfo.FullName;

                retRes.imageEdgesDetected = new RoundDataWithUnderlyingImgSize()
                    circle  = imgP.imageRD,
                    imgSize = LocalProcessingImage.Size,
                DenseMatrix dmProcessingData = (DenseMatrix)imgP.eval("grix").Clone();
                    sunRoundData = classificator.DetectSunWithSerieOfArcs(imgP, dmProcessingData);
                    if (!sunRoundData.IsNull)
                        RoundDataWithUnderlyingImgSize infoToSave = new RoundDataWithUnderlyingImgSize()
                            circle  = sunRoundData,
                            imgSize = LocalProcessingImage.Size,
                        ServiceTools.WriteObjectToXML(infoToSave, sunDiskInfoFileName);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    retRes.calculationSucceeded = false;
                    retRes.resultMessage        = ex.Message;

            if (sunRoundData.IsNull)
                throw new Exception(finfo.Name + ": couldn`t detect sun position");
                retRes.sunDiskDetectedPosition = new RoundDataWithUnderlyingImgSize()
                    circle  = sunRoundData,
                    imgSize = LocalProcessingImage.Size,

            RoundData imageDetectedRound = imgP.imageRD.Copy();
            retRes.imageEdgesDetected = new RoundDataWithUnderlyingImgSize()
                circle  = imageDetectedRound,
                imgSize = LocalProcessingImage.Size,

                double dev = retRes.computedAzimuthDeviation;
                retRes.calculationSucceeded = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                retRes.calculationSucceeded = false;
                retRes.resultMessage        = ex.Message;

Ejemplo n.º 7
        private void btnCreateList_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            theLogWindow = ServiceTools.LogAText(theLogWindow, "Started processing...");

            BackgroundWorker bgwCreateList = new BackgroundWorker();

            bgwCreateList.DoWork += (bgwSender, bgwArgs) =>
                List <ImageFileDescription> lImagesFilesList         = new List <ImageFileDescription>();
                List <ImagesProcessingData> lImagesAllConcurrentData = new List <ImagesProcessingData>();
                List <ObservedClCoverData>  lObservedData            = new List <ObservedClCoverData>();

                #region check available data

                //ImagesBaseSourcePath = "";
                //ConcurrentAndStatsXMLfilesDir = "";
                //ObservedDataCSVfile = "";
                //DestinationPath = "";
                //DateTimeFilterTolerance = new TimeSpan(0, 5, 0);

                #region ImagesBaseSourcePath

                theLogWindow = ServiceTools.LogAText(theLogWindow, "Started enumerating images...");

                if (!Directory.Exists(ImagesBaseSourcePath))
                    theLogWindow = ServiceTools.LogAText(theLogWindow,
                                                         "Unable to find sky-images base source path. Please check if it does exist and contain at least one sky-image *.jpg file.");

                lImagesFilesList =
                    Directory.GetFiles(ImagesBaseSourcePath, "*.jpg", SearchOption.AllDirectories)
                    .ConvertAll(str => new ImageFileDescription(str));

                if (!lImagesFilesList.Any())
                    theLogWindow = ServiceTools.LogAText(theLogWindow,
                                                         "Unable to find any sky-images. Please check if at least one sky-image exists in base source path.");

                #endregion ImagesBaseSourcePath

                #region ConcurrentAndStatsXMLfilesDir

                theLogWindow = ServiceTools.LogAText(theLogWindow, "Started reading concurrent data and stats data using existing XML files...");

                if (!Directory.Exists(ConcurrentAndStatsXMLfilesDir))
                    theLogWindow = ServiceTools.LogAText(theLogWindow,
                                                         "Unable to find sky-images pre-calculated concurrent data XML files directory: " +
                                                         Environment.NewLine + ConcurrentAndStatsXMLfilesDir + Environment.NewLine +
                                                         ". Please check if it does exist.");

                #region read all concurrent data using all-included XML files

                List <string> lXMLfiles =
                    Directory.GetFiles(ConcurrentAndStatsXMLfilesDir, "ImagesCameraPositioning-stats-*-camID?.xml", SearchOption.AllDirectories).ToList();
                if (!lXMLfiles.Any())
                    theLogWindow = ServiceTools.LogAText(theLogWindow,
                                                         "Unable to find any XML file satisfied the following mask: \"ImagesCameraPositioning-stats-*-camID?.xml\". Please check if at least one XML of that kind does exist in directory " +

                foreach (string xmlFile in lXMLfiles)
                    theLogWindow = ServiceTools.LogAText(theLogWindow, "trying to read and parse file " + xmlFile);

                        List <ImagesProcessingData> currFileContents =
                            ServiceTools.ReadObjectFromXML(xmlFile, typeof(List <ImagesProcessingData>)) as
                            List <ImagesProcessingData>;
                        if (currFileContents != null)
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        theLogWindow = ServiceTools.LogAText(theLogWindow,
                                                             "ERROR! Unable to read data from file: " + xmlFile + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message);

                if (!lImagesAllConcurrentData.Any())
                    theLogWindow = ServiceTools.LogAText(theLogWindow,
                                                         "Unable to read any concurrent data. Please check the directory for files containing valid concurrent data XML files: " + Environment.NewLine +
                                                         "directory: " + ConcurrentAndStatsXMLfilesDir + Environment.NewLine +
                                                         "XML files mask: \"ImagesCameraPositioning-stats-*-camID?.xml\"");

                #endregion read all concurrent data using all-included XML files

                #endregion ConcurrentAndStatsXMLfilesDir

                #region ObservedDataCSVfile

                theLogWindow = ServiceTools.LogAText(theLogWindow, "Started reading observed data CSV file...");

                if (!File.Exists(ObservedDataCSVfile))
                    theLogWindow = ServiceTools.LogAText(theLogWindow,
                                                         "Unable to read observed data CSV file: " + ObservedDataCSVfile);

                List <List <string> > lCSVfileContents = ServiceTools.ReadDataFromCSV(ObservedDataCSVfile, 1, true);

                if (!lCSVfileContents.Any())
                    theLogWindow = ServiceTools.LogAText(theLogWindow,
                                                         "Unable to read observed data CSV file: " + ObservedDataCSVfile);

                lObservedData = lCSVfileContents.ConvertAll(lStr => new ObservedClCoverData(lStr));

                #endregion ObservedDataCSVfile

                #region DestinationPath

                if (!Directory.Exists(DestinationPath))
                    theLogWindow = ServiceTools.LogAText(theLogWindow,
                                                         "Unable to find the output directory: " + DestinationPath);

                #endregion DestinationPath

                #endregion check available data

                List <Tuple <ObservedClCoverData, ImageFileDescription> > lImagesFilteredByAvailableObservedData =
                    new List <Tuple <ObservedClCoverData, ImageFileDescription> >();

                #region filter images by available observed data using DateTimeFilterTolerance

                theLogWindow = ServiceTools.LogAText(theLogWindow, "Filtering by observed data available...");

                foreach (ObservedClCoverData observedData in lObservedData)
                    DateTime currObservedDatumDateTime = observedData.dt;
                    List <Tuple <ObservedClCoverData, ImageFileDescription> > lImagesCloseToCurrObservedDatum = lImagesFilesList
                                                                                                                .Where(ifd =>
                        TimeSpan tspan =
                            new TimeSpan(Math.Abs((ifd.currImageDateTime - currObservedDatumDateTime).Ticks));
                        return(tspan <= DateTimeFilterTolerance);
                                                                                                                .ConvertAll(ifd => new Tuple <ObservedClCoverData, ImageFileDescription>(observedData, ifd));


                #endregion filter images by available observed data using DateTimeFilterTolerance

                List <SkyImagesDataWith_Concurrent_Stats_CloudCover> lImagesFilteredByAnyAvailableData =
                    new List <SkyImagesDataWith_Concurrent_Stats_CloudCover>();

                #region map available stats data using image filename

                theLogWindow = ServiceTools.LogAText(theLogWindow, "Mapping concurrent and stats data...");

                lImagesFilteredByAnyAvailableData = lImagesFilteredByAvailableObservedData.ConvertAll(tpl =>
                    SkyImagesDataWith_Concurrent_Stats_CloudCover retVal = null;
                        ImagesProcessingData foundConcurrentData =
                            lImagesAllConcurrentData.Where(ipd => Path.GetFileName(ipd.filename) == tpl.Item2.fileName)
                        retVal = new SkyImagesDataWith_Concurrent_Stats_CloudCover()
                            skyImageFullFileName   = tpl.Item2.fullFileName,
                            skyImageFileName       = tpl.Item2.fileName,
                            currImageDateTime      = tpl.Item2.currImageDateTime,
                            observedCloudCoverData = tpl.Item1,
                            concurrentDataXMLfile  = foundConcurrentData.concurrentDataXMLfile,
                            concurrentData         = foundConcurrentData.concurrentData,
                            grixyrgbStatsXMLfile   = foundConcurrentData.grixyrgbStatsXMLfile,
                            grixyrgbStats          = foundConcurrentData.grixyrgbStats
                        //(tpl.Item1, tpl.Item2, foundConcurrentData);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        theLogWindow = ServiceTools.LogAText(theLogWindow,
                                                             "ERROR! Couldn`t find concurrent data for file " + Path.GetFileName(tpl.Item2.fileName) +
                                                             Environment.NewLine + ex.Message);

                lImagesFilteredByAnyAvailableData.RemoveAll(tpl => tpl == null);

                if (!lImagesFilteredByAnyAvailableData.Any())
                    theLogWindow = ServiceTools.LogAText(theLogWindow,
                                                         "There is no images remain after filtering using all available data. Output will be empty.");

                #endregion map available stats data using image filename

                theLogWindow = ServiceTools.LogAText(theLogWindow, "Writing output list to file...");

                string strOutputXMLfileName = DestinationPath +
                                              ((DestinationPath.Last() == Path.DirectorySeparatorChar)
                                                  ? ("")
                                                  : (Path.DirectorySeparatorChar.ToString())) + "FilesListToDetectCloudCover.xml";

                ServiceTools.WriteObjectToXML(lImagesFilteredByAnyAvailableData, strOutputXMLfileName);

                theLogWindow = ServiceTools.LogAText(theLogWindow, "images list wrote to file: " + strOutputXMLfileName);

        private async Task <string> ObtainLatestMeteoParameters()
            string retStr = "";

            if (!Directory.Exists(DataStoreDirectory))
                throw new DirectoryNotFoundException("unable to locate directory: " + DataStoreDirectory);

            #region WS

            DirectoryInfo   dir             = new DirectoryInfo(DataStoreDirectory);
            List <FileInfo> lWSxmlFilesInfo =

            if (lWSxmlFilesInfo.Count == 0)
                return("No data processed yet. Please wait for a couple of minutes.");

            lWSxmlFilesInfo.Sort((finfo1, finfo2) => finfo1.CreationTimeUtc.CompareTo(finfo2.CreationTimeUtc));

            LufftWSdata WSdata = null;
                WSdata =
                    (LufftWSdata)ServiceTools.ReadObjectFromXML(lWSxmlFilesInfo.Last().FullName, typeof(LufftWSdata));
            catch (Exception ex)
                return("No data processed yet. Please wait for a couple of minutes.");

            if (WSdata != null)
                retStr += WSdata.ToString() + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine;

            #endregion WS

            #region R2S

            List <FileInfo> lR2SxmlFilesInfo =

            if (lR2SxmlFilesInfo.Count == 0)
                return("No data processed yet. Please wait for a couple of minutes.");

            lR2SxmlFilesInfo.Sort((finfo1, finfo2) => finfo1.CreationTimeUtc.CompareTo(finfo2.CreationTimeUtc));

            LufftR2Sdata R2Sdata = null;
                R2Sdata =
                    (LufftR2Sdata)ServiceTools.ReadObjectFromXML(lR2SxmlFilesInfo.Last().FullName, typeof(LufftR2Sdata));
            catch (Exception ex)
                return("No data processed yet. Please wait for a couple of minutes.");

            if (R2Sdata != null)
                retStr += R2Sdata.ToString() + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine;

            #endregion R2S

            #region Ventus

            List <FileInfo> lVentusXMLfilesInfo =

            if (lVentusXMLfilesInfo.Count == 0)
                return("No data processed yet. Please wait for a couple of minutes.");

            lVentusXMLfilesInfo.Sort((finfo1, finfo2) => finfo1.CreationTimeUtc.CompareTo(finfo2.CreationTimeUtc));

            LufftVentusdata VentusData = null;
                VentusData =
                    (LufftVentusdata)ServiceTools.ReadObjectFromXML(lVentusXMLfilesInfo.Last().FullName, typeof(LufftVentusdata));
            catch (Exception ex)
                return("No data processed yet. Please wait for a couple of minutes.");

            if (VentusData != null)
                retStr += VentusData.ToString() + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine;

            #endregion Ventus

        private async Task <string> ReadCurrentCCinfo()
            string retStr = "";

            if (!Directory.Exists(DataStoreDirectory))
                throw new DirectoryNotFoundException("unable to locate directory: " + DataStoreDirectory);

            DirectoryInfo   dir           = new DirectoryInfo(DataStoreDirectory);
            List <FileInfo> lXMLFilesInfo =

            if (lXMLFilesInfo.Count == 0)
                return("No snapshots has been analyzed yet. Please wait for a couple of minutes.");

            lXMLFilesInfo.Sort((finfo1, finfo2) => finfo1.CreationTimeUtc.CompareTo(finfo2.CreationTimeUtc));

            SkyImagesProcessedAndPredictedData data = null;

                data =
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;

            if (data != null)
                retStr += "Please note that this finction is still in BETA version!" + Environment.NewLine +
                          "date of snapshot analyzed (UTC): " + data.imageShootingDateTimeUTC.ToString("u") +
                          Environment.NewLine +
                          "Sun disk condition: " + data.PredictedSDC.ToString() + Environment.NewLine +
                          "Total cloud cover: " + data.PredictedCC.CloudCoverTotal + " (of 8)" + Environment.NewLine +
                          Environment.NewLine +
                          "SDC predictions probabilities:" + Environment.NewLine;

                string strToShowSDCs = Environment.NewLine +
                                       "|  NoSun  |  Sun0   |  Sun1   |  Sun2   |" + Environment.NewLine + "" +
                                       "|" +
                                                          prob => prob.sdc == SunDiskCondition.NoSun).sdcDecisionProbability * 100.0d)
                                                     .ToString("F2") + "%") + "|" +
                                                          prob => prob.sdc == SunDiskCondition.Sun0).sdcDecisionProbability * 100.0d)
                                                     .ToString("F2") + "%") + "|" +
                                                          prob => prob.sdc == SunDiskCondition.Sun1).sdcDecisionProbability * 100.0d)
                                                     .ToString("F2") + "%") + "|" +
                                                          prob => prob.sdc == SunDiskCondition.Sun2).sdcDecisionProbability * 100.0d)
                                                     .ToString("F2") + "%") + "|";
                retStr += strToShowSDCs;
