Ejemplo n.º 1
            private static void HandleSelectableClick(Selectable selectable)
                var optionsSelector = selectable.GetComponent <OptionsSelectorElement>();

                if (optionsSelector != null)

                var twoButtonToggle = selectable.GetComponent <TwoButtonToggleElement>();

                if (twoButtonToggle != null)

                var slider = selectable.GetComponentInChildren <Slider>();

                if (slider != null)
Ejemplo n.º 2
        protected virtual void SetOnPointerClick(Selectable select)
            var inputfield = select.GetComponentInChildren <InputField>();

            if (inputfield)
                inputfield.OnPointerClick(new PointerEventData(EventSystem.current));
Ejemplo n.º 3
    protected void HideChildText(Selectable component, bool isActive)
        Text childText = component.GetComponentInChildren <Text>();

        if (childText == null)

        childText.enabled = isActive;
Ejemplo n.º 4
    private IEnumerator CheckForBrochure()
        yield return(null);

        if (done)
            yield break;
        //Get the SetupRoom to call the ModManagerHoldable
        SetupRoom          setupRoom = (SetupRoom)SceneManager.Instance.CurrentRoom;
        ModManagerHoldable _brochure = setupRoom.ModManagerHoldable;
        //Grab ModButton and move it to give room for the new button
        Selectable ModButton = _brochure.OpenModManagerButton;

        ModButton.transform.Translate(0, 0, 0.01f);
        //Clone the ModButton
        Selectable ManualButton = Object.Instantiate(ModButton, ModButton.transform);
        //Grab the Brochure's selectable to add the new button to the list of its children selectables.
        Selectable Brochure = _brochure.GetComponent <Selectable>();

        //Actually move the new button
        ManualButton.transform.Translate(-0.005f, -0.002f, 0.005f);
        //Quickly grab the texture for the middle panel so I can replace it.
        MeshRenderer replace = _brochure.GetComponent <Transform>().Find("PanelMiddleBack").GetComponent <MeshRenderer>();

        replace.material.mainTexture = ManualCheckerLoader.Instance.brochureReplacement;
        Brochure.Children            = Brochure.Children.Concat(new[] { ManualButton, null }).ToArray();
        //The text autosizing makes the text smaller, which I do not want. So for now, setting this to false.
        ManualButton.GetComponentInChildren <TextMeshPro>().enableAutoSizing = false;
        ManualButton.GetComponentInChildren <TextMeshPro>().text             = "Manage Manuals";
        //Using this to deal with see through text in the Manual manager, maybe.
        fontmaterial = ManualButton.GetComponentInChildren <TextMeshPro>().fontMaterial;
        font         = ManualButton.GetComponentInChildren <TextMeshPro>().font;

        /*Getting ready to call EnterModManagerStateFromSetup, however, I will be replacing modManagerScene with my own scene
         * As such, I'll basically be copying this method here, and replacing the last line.*/
        //ManualButton.OnInteract += delegate () { button = true; Debug.LogFormat("[Manual] " + button.ToString()); SceneManager.Instance.EnterModManagerStateFromSetup(); return false; };
        //ManualButton.OnInteract += delegate () { button = true; SceneManager.Instance.EnterModManagerStateFromSetup(); return false; };
        ManualButton.OnInteract += delegate() { OnInteract(); return(false); };
        done = true;
Ejemplo n.º 5
    void Update()
        if (UI.UIHover)
        Selectable selected = Master.INSTANCE.Selected;

        // Resets the selection UI.
        foreach (Transform child in selection.transform)
        // If nothing is selected, then get turn off the selection pane and return.
        if (selected == null)
            selection.GetComponent <Image>().enabled = false;
        // Makes sure the selection pane is turned on if something is selected.
        selection.GetComponent <Image>().enabled = true;
        // This is the y coordinate of each component, it increases by 10 between each class
        // and 22 between each component in the class.
        int y = 0;

        // Loops through each class registered for the UI.
        foreach (Type clazz in classes)
            y += 10;
            // Gets the instance of the current class in the selected object.
            var component = selected.GetComponent(clazz);
            if (component == null)
                component = selected.GetComponentInChildren(clazz);
            // If the selected object actually has that class.
            if (component != null)
                // Gets each property with the show value in that class.
                PropertyInfo[] values = ShowValue.getValues(clazz);
                foreach (PropertyInfo value in values)
                    y += 22;
                    drawValues(value, component, y);
Ejemplo n.º 6
    protected void handleSell()
        Selectable choice   = EventSystem.current.currentSelectedGameObject.GetComponent <Selectable>();
        string     response = choice.GetComponentInChildren <Text>().text;

        if (response == "DONE")
            isSelling = false;
            isBuying  = false;
        else if (response == "<empty>")
            FindObjectOfType <DialogueManager>().setMerchResponse("> Cargo pod empty");
        else if (response.Contains("hybrid grain"))
            FindObjectOfType <DialogueManager>().setMerchResponse("> Sale of hybrid grain is prohibited per station quarantine");
            string[] cargo = GameControl.control.cargo;
            for (int i = 0; i < cargo.Length; i += 1)
                if (cargo[i] == response)
                    GameControl.control.cargo[i] = "<empty>";
                    string cost    = response.Substring(response.Length - 2);
                    int    intCost = Convert.ToInt32(cost);
                    GameControl.control.credits += intCost;
                    sold = true;
            if (sold)
                cargo = GameControl.control.cargo;
                FindObjectOfType <DialogueManager>().setSell(cargo[0], cargo[1], cargo[2], cargo[3], "DONE");
                FindObjectOfType <DialogueManager>().setMerchResponse("> I'll buy that");
                sold = false;
Ejemplo n.º 7
    protected void handleBuy()
        Selectable choice   = EventSystem.current.currentSelectedGameObject.GetComponent <Selectable>();
        string     response = choice.GetComponentInChildren <Text>().text;

        if (response == "DONE")
            isSelling = false;
            isBuying  = false;
            string[] cargo = GameControl.control.cargo;
            for (int i = 0; i < cargo.Length; i += 1)
                if (cargo[i] == "<empty>")
                    GameControl.control.cargo[i] = response;
                    string cost    = response.Substring(response.Length - 2);
                    int    intCost = Convert.ToInt32(cost);
                    GameControl.control.credits += -intCost;
                    bought = true;
            if (bought)
                FindObjectOfType <DialogueManager>().setMerchResponse("> Excellent choice");
                bought = false;
                FindObjectOfType <DialogueManager>().setMerchResponse("> Cargo hold full");
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public Element(string name, string group, string layer, DateTime startTime, DateTime endTime, int size,
                       SpanAlignment guideSpan = SpanAlignment.None, bool calendarAligned = false, Color?setColor = null)
            this.name            = name;
            this.group           = group;
            this.layer           = layer;
            this.size            = size;
            points               = new bool[size, size];
            this.guideSpan       = guideSpan;
            this.calendarAligned = calendarAligned;

            RectTransform labelParentRTF
                = Instantiate(instance.elementLabelContainer, instance.labelLayersByName[layer]);

            //Debug.Log( "label parent rtf: " + labelParentRTF + "; label parent: " + labelParentRTF?.gameObject );
            labelParentRTF.name = name;
            labelParent         = labelParentRTF.gameObject;

            labelPrefabToUse = instance.labelPrefab;
            if (guideSpan == SpanAlignment.Months)
                labelPrefabToUse = instance.monthLabelPrefab;
            if (guideSpan == SpanAlignment.Years)
                labelPrefabToUse = instance.yearLabelPrefab;
            if (guideSpan == SpanAlignment.Decades)
                labelPrefabToUse = instance.decadeLabelPrefab;

            if (guideSpan == SpanAlignment.None)
                this.color = setColor ?? MaxDifferentColor(instance.elementsPerLayer[layer].Select(e => e.color), 10);

                listing           = Instantiate(instance.elementListingPrefab, instance.elementList);
                listingText       = listing.GetComponentInChildren <Text>();
                listingText.text  = name;
                listingText.color = color;
                instance.elementsByListing[listing] = this;
                GroupElementListing gel = listing.GetComponentInChildren <GroupElementListing>();
                gel.element = this;
                gel.layer   = layer;

                if (!instance.groups.Contains(group) && group != "--")

                    var groupListing = Instantiate(instance.groupListingPrefab, instance.groupList);
                    groupListing.GetComponentInChildren <Text>().text = group;
                    gel       = groupListing.GetComponentInChildren <GroupElementListing>();
                    gel.group = group;
                    gel.layer = layer;

                label = Instantiate(labelPrefabToUse, labelParent.transform as RectTransform);
                Text labelText = label.GetComponentInChildren <Text>();
                labelText.text  = name;
                labelText.color = color.ShiftLuma(0.25f);
                Color backingColor = color * 0.4f;
                backingColor.a = 0.4f;
                label.GetComponentInChildren <Image>().color = backingColor;

                blocks.Add(new TimeBlock(startTime, endTime));
Ejemplo n.º 9
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        if (SelectionMode)
            if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
                Ray        ray = Game.GetCurrentCamera().ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
                RaycastHit hit;
                if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit))
                    if (hit.collider != null && EventSystem.current != null && !EventSystem.current.IsPointerOverGameObject())
                        var gameObject = hit.collider.gameObject;
                        var selectable = gameObject.GetComponent <Selectable>();
                        if (selectable != null)
                            if (selectable.Equals(Selected))
                                Selected.IsSelected = false;
                                Selected = null;
                                if (Selected != null)
                                    Selected.IsSelected = false;
                                Selected = selectable;
                                selectable.IsSelected = true;
            else if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(1))
                Ray        ray = Game.GetCurrentCamera().ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
                RaycastHit hit;
                if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit))
                    if (hit.collider != null && EventSystem.current != null && !EventSystem.current.IsPointerOverGameObject())
                        var gameObject = hit.collider.gameObject;
                        var selectable = gameObject.GetComponent <Selectable>();
                        if (selectable != null && selectable.gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <Resource>() == null && Selected.GetComponentInChildren <Resource>() != null)
                            var resource = Selected.gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <Resource>();
                            resource.gameObject.transform.position = selectable.gameObject.transform.position;
                            resource.gameObject.transform.Translate(0, 1, 0);
                            Selected = null;

            if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.G) && Selected != null)
                Player.transform.position = Selected.transform.position;
                Player.transform.Translate(0, 1.5f, 0);
Ejemplo n.º 10
    // Selects the given object, adding a visual marker
    public void Select(Selectable selectable)
        CurrentSelection = selectable;
        CurrentMarker = (GameObject)Instantiate(selectionMarker, CurrentSelection.gameObject.transform.position, Quaternion.identity);
        CurrentMarker.transform.parent = CurrentSelection.gameObject.transform;

        CurrentSelectionVision = CurrentSelection.GetComponentInChildren<Vision>();

        if(CurrentSelectionIsMyControllable()) {
            CurrentControlMenu = ((Controllable)CurrentSelection).ControlMenus[ControlStore.MENU_BASE];
Ejemplo n.º 11
	 * Depending on the current situation with the selected object and where our mouse is hovering,
	 * different cursors will need to be displayed
	private void setCursor(Selectable selectedObject) {
		// We only need to set custom cursors if a friendly ant unit is currently selected
		if (selectedObject != null && selectedObject.GetComponent<AntUnit>() != null && selectedObject.isNeutralOrFriendly()) {
			Selectable hoveredObject = getSelectableAtPosition((Vector2) Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition));
			if (hoveredObject != null) {
				// If a Tile is the topMostSelectable then we should display a 'move' type cursor
				if (hoveredObject.GetComponent<Tile>() != null) {
					if (hoveredObject.gameObject.layer != LayerMask.NameToLayer("Tile")) {
						Cursor.SetCursor(moveToDisabledCursor, Vector2.zero, CursorMode.Auto);
					} else {
						Cursor.SetCursor(moveToCursor, Vector2.zero, CursorMode.Auto);
				if (hoveredObject.GetComponent<Scentpath>() != null) {
					Cursor.SetCursor(moveToCursor, Vector2.zero, CursorMode.Auto);
				// If Food is the topMostSelectable and we currently have a Gatherer selected, display a 'gather' type cursor
				if (selectedObject.GetComponent<GathererUnit>() != null && hoveredObject.GetComponent<Food>() != null) {
					Cursor.SetCursor(gatherCursor, Vector2.zero, CursorMode.Auto);
				// If an AntUnit is the topMostSelectable and we currently have a Warrior selected, display an 'attack' type cursor
				if (selectedObject.GetComponent<WarriorUnit>() != null && hoveredObject.GetComponent<Attackable>() != null && !hoveredObject.isNeutralOrFriendly()) {
					Cursor.SetCursor(attackCursor, Vector2.zero, CursorMode.Auto);
				// If a ruined anthill is the topMostSelectable and we currently have a Queen selected, display a 'build' type cursor
				if (selectedObject.GetComponent<QueenUnit>() != null && hoveredObject.GetComponent<DeadAnthill>() != null) {
					Cursor.SetCursor(buildCursor, Vector2.zero, CursorMode.Auto);
				// If a friendly anthill is the topMostSelectable and we currently have a Gatherer with food selected, tell it to drop food off
				if (selectedObject.GetComponent<GathererUnit>() != null && selectedObject.GetComponentInChildren<Food>() != null && hoveredObject.GetComponent<Anthill>() != null && hoveredObject.isNeutralOrFriendly()) {
					Cursor.SetCursor(dropAtHomeCursor, Vector2.zero, CursorMode.Auto);
		// Lastly, if no cursor has been set, use the default