private static void Export()
            SceneInfoForServer scene_info = Selection.activeTransform.GetComponent <SceneInfoForServer>();

            if (scene_info == null)
                EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Warning", "you must select a GameObject with SceneInfoForServer component", "Ok");
            SceneInfoForServer export_info = new SceneInfoForServer();

            export_info.scene_id   = scene_info.scene_id;
            export_info.scene_name = scene_info.scene_name;
            DoorInfo[] door_list = Selection.activeTransform.GetComponentsInChildren <DoorInfo>();
            export_info.door_list = new List <DoorInfo>(door_list);
            BornInfo[] born_list = Selection.activeTransform.GetComponentsInChildren <BornInfo>();
            export_info.born_list = new List <BornInfo>(born_list);
            NPCInfo[] npc_list = Selection.activeTransform.GetComponentsInChildren <NPCInfo>();
            export_info.npc_list = new List <NPCInfo>(npc_list);
            MonsterInfo[] monster_list = Selection.activeTransform.GetComponentsInChildren <MonsterInfo>();
            export_info.monster_list = new List <MonsterInfo>(monster_list);
            string content = LuaUtility.ToLua(export_info);

            content = "local config = " + content;
            content += "\nreturn config";
            string save_file_path = SavePath + "config_scene_" + export_info.scene_id + ".lua";

            File.WriteAllText(save_file_path, content);
            Debug.Log("save to file path : " + save_file_path);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private static void Export()
            SceneInfoForServer export_info = new SceneInfoForServer();

            export_info.scene_id   = 1001;
            export_info.scene_name = "scene_name";
            export_info.door_list  = new List <DoorInfo>();
            DoorInfo door = new DoorInfo();

            door.door_id         = 1;
            door.pos_x           = 1.1f;
            door.pos_y           = 2.2f;
            door.pos_z           = 3.123456f;
            door.target_scene_id = 1002;
            door.target_x        = 11.1f;
            door.target_y        = 22.2f;
            door.target_z        = 33.123456f;

            export_info.npc_list = new List <NPCInfo>();
            NPCInfo npc = new NPCInfo();

            npc.npc_id = 1;
            npc.pos_x  = 1.1f;
            npc.pos_y  = 2.2f;
            npc.pos_z  = 3.123456f;

            export_info.monster_list = new List <MonsterInfo>();
            MonsterInfo monster = new MonsterInfo();

            monster.monster_id = 1;
            monster.pos_x      = 1.1f;
            monster.pos_y      = 2.2f;
            monster.pos_z      = 3.123456f;

            export_info.test_dic = new Dictionary <int, string>();
            export_info.test_dic.Add(1, "one");
            export_info.test_dic.Add(3, "three");
            export_info.test_dic.Add(6, "haha");

            string content = LuaUtility.ToLua(export_info);

            Debug.Log("SceneInfoExporterForServer:Export content : " + content);