Ejemplo n.º 1
        static bool IsMessageAllowedToStartTheSaga(IInvokeHandlerContext context, SagaMetadata sagaMetadata)
            if (context.Headers.ContainsKey(Headers.SagaId) &&
                context.Headers.TryGetValue(Headers.SagaType, out var sagaType))
                //we want to move away from the assembly fully qualified name since that will break if you move sagas
                //between assemblies. We use the FullName instead, which is enough to identify the saga.
                if (sagaType.StartsWith(sagaMetadata.Name))
                    //so now we have a saga id for this saga, and if we can't find it, we shouldn't start a new one

            return(context.MessageMetadata.MessageHierarchy.Any(messageType => sagaMetadata.IsMessageAllowedToStartTheSaga(messageType.FullName)));
        static bool IsMessageAllowedToStartTheSaga(LogicalMessage message, SagaMetadata sagaMetadata)
            string sagaType;

            if (message.Headers.ContainsKey(Headers.SagaId) &&
                message.Headers.TryGetValue(Headers.SagaType, out sagaType))
                //we want to move away from the assembly fully qualified name since that will break if you move sagas
                // between assemblies. We use the fullname instead which is enough to identify the saga
                if (sagaType.StartsWith(sagaMetadata.Name))
                    //so now we have a saga id for this saga and if we can't find it we shouldn't start a new one

            return(message.Metadata.MessageHierarchy.Any(messageType => sagaMetadata.IsMessageAllowedToStartTheSaga(messageType.FullName)));