Ejemplo n.º 1
        public async Task <SMSMessageStoreData> ProcessAndSaveAsync(SMSMessageStore rawMessage)
            var proccessedSMS = await this.ProcessAsync(rawMessage);

            var saveToStore = await App.Database.DatabaseConnection.Table <SMSMessageStoreData>()
                              .FirstOrDefaultAsync(r => r.TransactionId == proccessedSMS.TransactionId);

            if (saveToStore != null)
            var smsMsgStoreIns = new SMSMessageStoreData
                UnixTimeStamp     = App.Database.GetUnixTimeStamp(),
                SMSMessageStoreId = rawMessage.Id,
                TransactionId     = proccessedSMS.TransactionId,
                TransactionTime   = proccessedSMS.TransactionTime,
                Amount            = proccessedSMS.Amount,
                ClientDataId      = proccessedSMS.ClientDataId,
                TransactionSynced = false,
                TransactionTypeId = proccessedSMS.TransactionTypeId,
            await App.Database.DatabaseConnection.InsertAsync(smsMsgStoreIns);

Ejemplo n.º 2
        private async Task <SMSMessageStoreData> ProcessSaleFloatToAgent(SMSMessageStore rawMessage)
            //NLV92KJXU5 Business Deposit Confirmed on 31/12/19 at 3:43 PM. Take Ksh20,100.00 cash from 105104 - Jays Call Mobile Accra Trading Centre Ground Floor Nairobi. Your Float balance is Ksh51,617.00

            var resultStoreData = new SMSMessageStoreData();

            resultStoreData.SMSMessageStore = rawMessage;
            resultStoreData.TransactionType = await getTransactionType(GeneralConfiguration.TransactionTypeConfig.SaleFloatToAgent);

            resultStoreData.TransactionTypeId = resultStoreData.TransactionType.Id;

            var stringManipulate = rawMessage.TextMessage;
            int startIndex = 0, endIndexCurrent = stringManipulate.ToLower().IndexOf(' ');
            //get the transaction code
            var transactionCode = stringManipulate.Substring(startIndex, endIndexCurrent).Trim();

            resultStoreData.TransactionId = transactionCode;
            stringManipulate = stringManipulate.Remove(startIndex, endIndexCurrent);

            //get the transaction time number for which this was bought
            startIndex       = stringManipulate.ToLower().IndexOf(" on".ToLower()) + 4;           //so that we begin from where the date time is exactly
            stringManipulate = stringManipulate.Substring(startIndex);                            //begin from the end of ksh at amount begin point
            startIndex       = 0;                                                                 //now the string starts from phone number begin point to the end
            endIndexCurrent  = stringManipulate.ToLower().IndexOf(". Take".ToLower());            //find the index of Take
            var transactionTime = stringManipulate.Substring(startIndex, endIndexCurrent).Trim(); //and copy that as amount to variable

            resultStoreData.TransactionTime = getFormatedDate(transactionTime);
            stringManipulate = stringManipulate.Remove(startIndex, endIndexCurrent);//delete the copied amount from this string

            //get the amount
            //strip string to KES point
            startIndex       = stringManipulate.ToLower().IndexOf("Ksh".ToLower()) + 3;                        //so that we begin from where the amount is exactly
            stringManipulate = stringManipulate.Substring(startIndex);                                         //begin from the end of ksh at amount begin point
            startIndex       = 0;                                                                              //now the string starts from amount to the end
            endIndexCurrent  = stringManipulate.ToLower().IndexOf(' ');                                        //find the first space
            var transAmount = stringManipulate.Substring(startIndex, endIndexCurrent).Replace(",", "").Trim(); //and copy that as amount to variable

            resultStoreData.Amount = Convert.ToDouble(transAmount);
            stringManipulate       = stringManipulate.Remove(startIndex, endIndexCurrent);//delete the copied amount from this string

            //get the agent name and phone phone number
            startIndex       = stringManipulate.ToLower().IndexOf("from") + 5;               //so that we begin from where the phone is exactly
            stringManipulate = stringManipulate.Substring(startIndex);                       //begin from the end of ksh at amount begin point
            startIndex       = 0;                                                            //now the string starts from number begin point to the end
            endIndexCurrent  = stringManipulate.IndexOf(" - ");
            var clientPhoneNumber = stringManipulate.Substring(startIndex, endIndexCurrent); //and copy that as amount to variable

            stringManipulate = stringManipulate.Substring(endIndexCurrent + 3);              //trim to remove the number
            endIndexCurrent  = stringManipulate.IndexOf(".");
            var clientUniqueName = stringManipulate.Substring(0, endIndexCurrent).Trim();    //begin from pos 3 to skip ( - )

            resultStoreData.ClientData = await getClientDataFromNameAndPhone(clientUniqueName, clientPhoneNumber, true);

            resultStoreData.ClientDataId = resultStoreData.ClientData.Id;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private async Task <SMSMessageStoreData> ProcessBuyFloatFromAgent(SMSMessageStore rawMessage)
            //NLO1WBXPWD Business Deposit Confirmed on 24/12/19 at 3:59 PM. Give Ksh130,000.00 cash to 147101 - Ropem Telcom Bethsaida Ziwani Kariokor. New Working balance is Ksh147,550.69

            var resultStoreData = new SMSMessageStoreData();

            resultStoreData.SMSMessageStore = rawMessage;
            resultStoreData.TransactionType = await getTransactionType(GeneralConfiguration.TransactionTypeConfig.BuyFloatFromAgent);

            resultStoreData.TransactionTypeId = resultStoreData.TransactionType.Id;
            var stringManipulate = rawMessage.TextMessage;
            int startIndex = 0, endIndexCurrent = stringManipulate.ToLower().IndexOf(' ');
            //get the transaction code
            var transactionCode = stringManipulate.Substring(startIndex, endIndexCurrent).Trim();

            resultStoreData.TransactionId = transactionCode;
            stringManipulate = stringManipulate.Remove(startIndex, endIndexCurrent);

            //get the transaction time number for which this was bought
            startIndex       = stringManipulate.ToLower().IndexOf(" on".ToLower()) + 4;           //so that we begin from where the date time is exactly
            stringManipulate = stringManipulate.Substring(startIndex);                            //begin from the end of ksh at amount begin point
            startIndex       = 0;                                                                 //now the string starts from phone number begin point to the end
            endIndexCurrent  = stringManipulate.ToLower().IndexOf(". Give".ToLower());            //find the index of Take
            var transactionTime = stringManipulate.Substring(startIndex, endIndexCurrent).Trim(); //and copy that as amount to variable

            resultStoreData.TransactionTime = getFormatedDate(transactionTime);
            stringManipulate = stringManipulate.Remove(startIndex, endIndexCurrent);//delete the copied amount from this string

            //get the amount
            //strip string to KES point
            startIndex       = stringManipulate.ToLower().IndexOf("Ksh".ToLower()) + 3;                        //so that we begin from where the amount is exactly
            stringManipulate = stringManipulate.Substring(startIndex);                                         //begin from the end of ksh at amount begin point
            startIndex       = 0;                                                                              //now the string starts from amount to the end
            endIndexCurrent  = stringManipulate.ToLower().IndexOf(' ');                                        //find the first space
            var transAmount = stringManipulate.Substring(startIndex, endIndexCurrent).Replace(",", "").Trim(); //and copy that as amount to variable

            resultStoreData.Amount = Convert.ToDouble(transAmount);
            stringManipulate       = stringManipulate.Remove(startIndex, endIndexCurrent);//delete the copied amount from this string

            //get the agent name and phone phone number
            startIndex       = stringManipulate.ToLower().IndexOf("to") + 3;                 //so that we begin from where the phone is exactly
            stringManipulate = stringManipulate.Substring(startIndex);                       //begin from the end of ksh at amount begin point
            startIndex       = 0;                                                            //now the string starts from number begin point to the end
            endIndexCurrent  = stringManipulate.IndexOf(" - ");
            var clientPhoneNumber = stringManipulate.Substring(startIndex, endIndexCurrent); //and copy that as amount to variable

            stringManipulate = stringManipulate.Substring(endIndexCurrent + 3);              //trim to remove the number
            endIndexCurrent  = stringManipulate.IndexOf(".");
            var clientUniqueName = stringManipulate.Substring(0, endIndexCurrent).Trim();    //begin from pos 3 to skip ( - )

            resultStoreData.ClientData = await getClientDataFromNameAndPhone(clientUniqueName, clientPhoneNumber, true);

            resultStoreData.ClientDataId = resultStoreData.ClientData.Id;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public async Task <SMSMessageStoreData> ProcessCustomerDeposit(SMSMessageStore rawMessage)
            var resultStoreData = new SMSMessageStoreData();

            resultStoreData.SMSMessageStore = rawMessage;
            resultStoreData.TransactionType = await getTransactionType(GeneralConfiguration.TransactionTypeConfig.CustomerDeposit);

            resultStoreData.TransactionTypeId = resultStoreData.TransactionType.Id;
            //OAO4KVPDQ4 Confirmed. On 24/1/20 at 8:26 AM Take Ksh1,100.00 cash from PASCALENE W MAINA Your M-PESA float balance is Ksh27,197.00.
            var stringManipulate = rawMessage.TextMessage;
            int startIndex = 0, endIndexCurrent = stringManipulate.ToLower().IndexOf(' ');
            //get the transaction code
            var transactionCode = stringManipulate.Substring(startIndex, endIndexCurrent).Trim();

            resultStoreData.TransactionId = transactionCode;
            stringManipulate = stringManipulate.Remove(startIndex, endIndexCurrent);

            //get the transaction time number for which this was bought
            startIndex       = stringManipulate.ToLower().IndexOf(". On".ToLower()) + 5;          //so that we begin from where the date time is exactly
            stringManipulate = stringManipulate.Substring(startIndex);                            //begin from the end of ksh at amount begin point
            startIndex       = 0;                                                                 //now the string starts from phone number begin point to the end
            endIndexCurrent  = stringManipulate.ToLower().IndexOf(" Take".ToLower());             //find the index of Take
            var transactionTime = stringManipulate.Substring(startIndex, endIndexCurrent).Trim(); //and copy that as amount to variable

            resultStoreData.TransactionTime = getFormatedDate(transactionTime);
            stringManipulate = stringManipulate.Remove(startIndex, endIndexCurrent);//delete the copied amount from this string

            //get the amount
            //strip string to KES point
            startIndex       = stringManipulate.ToLower().IndexOf("Ksh".ToLower()) + 3;                        //so that we begin from where the amount is exactly
            stringManipulate = stringManipulate.Substring(startIndex);                                         //begin from the end of ksh at amount begin point
            startIndex       = 0;                                                                              //now the string starts from amount to the end
            endIndexCurrent  = stringManipulate.ToLower().IndexOf(' ');                                        //find the first space
            var transAmount = stringManipulate.Substring(startIndex, endIndexCurrent).Replace(",", "").Trim(); //and copy that as amount to variable

            resultStoreData.Amount = Convert.ToDouble(transAmount);
            stringManipulate       = stringManipulate.Remove(startIndex, endIndexCurrent);//delete the copied amount from this string

            //get the client name
            startIndex       = stringManipulate.ToLower().IndexOf("from".ToLower()) + 5;           //so that we begin from where the phone is exactly
            stringManipulate = stringManipulate.Substring(startIndex);                             //begin from the end of ksh at amount begin point
            startIndex       = 0;                                                                  //now the string starts from phone number begin point to the end
            endIndexCurrent  = stringManipulate.ToLower().IndexOf(" Your".ToLower());              //find the first space
            var clientUniqueName = stringManipulate.Substring(startIndex, endIndexCurrent).Trim(); //and copy that as amount to variable

            resultStoreData.ClientData = await getDefaultCustomerForDeposit();

            resultStoreData.ClientDataId = resultStoreData.ClientData.Id;
            resultStoreData.Narration    = clientUniqueName;                                     //this in narration will help shift this record to its right place in ledgers
            stringManipulate             = stringManipulate.Remove(startIndex, endIndexCurrent); //delete the copied amount from this string

Ejemplo n.º 5
        public async Task <SMSMessageStoreData> ProcessPurchaseAirtime(SMSMessageStore rawMessage)
            var resultStoreData = new SMSMessageStoreData();

            resultStoreData.SMSMessageStore = rawMessage;
            resultStoreData.TransactionType = await getTransactionType(GeneralConfiguration.TransactionTypeConfig.PurchaseAirtime);

            resultStoreData.TransactionTypeId = resultStoreData.TransactionType.Id;
            //OAO0KWM4LQ confirmed. You bought Ksh50.00 of airtime for 254712106254 on 24/1/20 at 9:09 AM.New  balance is Ksh27, 147.00.Use current M - PESA PIN to activate M - PESA if you change sim
            //treat like deposit ask if money was give
            var stringManipulate = rawMessage.TextMessage;
            int startIndex = 0, endIndexCurrent = stringManipulate.ToLower().IndexOf(' ');
            //get the transaction code
            var transactionCode = stringManipulate.Substring(startIndex, endIndexCurrent).Trim();

            resultStoreData.TransactionId = transactionCode;
            stringManipulate = stringManipulate.Remove(startIndex, endIndexCurrent);

            //get the amount
            //strip string to KES point
            startIndex       = stringManipulate.ToLower().IndexOf("Ksh".ToLower()) + 3;                        //so that we begin from where the amount is exactly
            stringManipulate = stringManipulate.Substring(startIndex);                                         //begin from the end of ksh at amount begin point
            startIndex       = 0;                                                                              //now the string starts from amount to the end
            endIndexCurrent  = stringManipulate.ToLower().IndexOf(' ') + 1;                                    //find the first space
            var transAmount = stringManipulate.Substring(startIndex, endIndexCurrent).Replace(",", "").Trim(); //and copy that as amount to variable

            resultStoreData.Amount = Convert.ToDouble(transAmount);
            stringManipulate       = stringManipulate.Remove(startIndex, endIndexCurrent);//delete the copied amount from this string

            //get the phone number for which this was bought
            startIndex       = stringManipulate.ToLower().IndexOf("for".ToLower()) + 4;       //so that we begin from where the phone is exactly
            stringManipulate = stringManipulate.Substring(startIndex);                        //begin from the end of ksh at amount begin point
            startIndex       = 0;                                                             //now the string starts from phone number begin point to the end
            endIndexCurrent  = stringManipulate.ToLower().IndexOf(' ') + 1;                   //find the first space
            var phoneNumber = stringManipulate.Substring(startIndex, endIndexCurrent).Trim(); //and copy that as amount to variable

            resultStoreData.ClientData = await getClientDataFromPhone(phoneNumber);

            resultStoreData.ClientDataId = resultStoreData.ClientData.Id;
            stringManipulate             = stringManipulate.Remove(startIndex, endIndexCurrent);//delete the copied amount from this string

            //get the transaction time number for which this was bought
            startIndex       = stringManipulate.ToLower().IndexOf("on".ToLower()) + 3;            //so that we begin from where the date time is exactly
            stringManipulate = stringManipulate.Substring(startIndex);                            //begin from the end of ksh at amount begin point
            startIndex       = 0;                                                                 //now the string starts from phone number begin point to the end
            endIndexCurrent  = stringManipulate.ToLower().IndexOf('.');                           //find the first space
            var transactionTime = stringManipulate.Substring(startIndex, endIndexCurrent).Trim(); //and copy that as amount to variable

            resultStoreData.TransactionTime = getFormatedDate(transactionTime);

            stringManipulate = stringManipulate.Remove(startIndex, endIndexCurrent);//delete the copied amount from this string
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public async Task <SMSMessageStoreData> ProcessAsync(SMSMessageStore rawMessage)
            #region MPESA AGENT message
            //BUY ARTIME MESSAGE
            //OAO0KWM4LQ confirmed. You bought Ksh50.00 of airtime for 254712106254 on 24 / 1 / 20 at 9:09 AM.New  balance is Ksh27, 147.00.Use current M - PESA PIN to activate M - PESA if you change sim
            //WITHDRAW MESSAGE
            //OAN3KNQZC7 Confirmed. on 23/1/20 at 7:51 PM Give Ksh1,530.00 to JAPHET MAINA MBOGO 0720435807. New M-PESA float balance is Ksh28,297.00
            //OAO4KVPDQ4 Confirmed. On 24/1/20 at 8:26 AM Take Ksh1,100.00 cash from PASCALENE W MAINA Your M-PESA float balance is Ksh27,197.00.
            if (rawMessage.TextMessage.ToLower().Contains("airtime".ToLower()))
                return(await this.ProcessPurchaseAirtime(rawMessage));
            else if (rawMessage.TextMessage.ToLower().Contains("Business Deposit".ToLower()) &&
                     rawMessage.TextMessage.ToLower().Contains("Take".ToLower()))//must be up here as it has give and take
                return(await this.ProcessSaleFloatToAgent(rawMessage));
            else if (rawMessage.TextMessage.ToLower().Contains("Business Deposit".ToLower()) &&
                     rawMessage.TextMessage.ToLower().Contains("Give".ToLower()))//must be up here as it has give and take
                return(await this.ProcessBuyFloatFromAgent(rawMessage));
            else if (rawMessage.TextMessage.ToLower().Contains("Give".ToLower()))
                return(await this.ProcessCustomerWithdraw(rawMessage));//test this handles both registered and un registered number withdrawal
            else if (rawMessage.TextMessage.ToLower().Contains("Take".ToLower()))
                return(await this.ProcessCustomerDeposit(rawMessage));
            else if (rawMessage.TextMessage.ToLower().Contains("Reversal".ToLower()))
                return(await this.ProcessReverseTransaction(rawMessage));
            else if (rawMessage.TextMessage.ToLower().Contains("Commission".ToLower()))
                return(await this.ProcessCommissionPayment(rawMessage));

            else if (rawMessage.TextMessage.ToLower().Contains("transferred from Float".ToLower()))
                return(await this.ProcessTransferedFromFloatToWorking(rawMessage));
            else if (rawMessage.TextMessage.ToLower().Contains("transferred from Working".ToLower()))
                return(await this.ProcessTransferedFromWorkingToFloat(rawMessage));

            throw new NotImplementedException("Sorry supplied message is not supported");
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public static async Task <SMSMessageStoreData> ProcessAndSaveAsync(SMSMessageStore rawMessage)
            if (rawMessage == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("rawMessage");

            SMSMessageStoreData result = null;
            var currentProcessor       = Processors.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Support(rawMessage.SenderId));

            if (currentProcessor != null)
                result = await currentProcessor.ProcessAndSaveAsync(rawMessage);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        private async Task <SMSMessageStoreData> ProcessCommissionPayment(SMSMessageStore rawMessage)
            //OA1831LCUQ confirmed. Commission of Ksh17,807.19 paid to your Working account. Working Balance is Ksh16,968.03 on 1/1/20 at 2:10 AM
            var resultStoreData = new SMSMessageStoreData();

            resultStoreData.SMSMessageStore = rawMessage;
            resultStoreData.TransactionType = await getTransactionType(GeneralConfiguration.TransactionTypeConfig.CommissionPayment);

            resultStoreData.TransactionTypeId = resultStoreData.TransactionType.Id;

            var stringManipulate = rawMessage.TextMessage;
            int startIndex = 0, endIndexCurrent = stringManipulate.ToLower().IndexOf(' ');
            //get the transaction code
            var transactionCode = stringManipulate.Substring(startIndex, endIndexCurrent).Trim();

            resultStoreData.TransactionId = transactionCode;
            stringManipulate = stringManipulate.Remove(startIndex, endIndexCurrent);

            //get the amount
            //strip string to KES point
            startIndex       = stringManipulate.ToLower().IndexOf("Ksh".ToLower()) + 3;                        //so that we begin from where the amount is exactly
            stringManipulate = stringManipulate.Substring(startIndex);                                         //begin from the end of ksh at amount begin point
            startIndex       = 0;                                                                              //now the string starts from amount to the end
            endIndexCurrent  = stringManipulate.ToLower().IndexOf(' ');                                        //find the first space
            var transAmount = stringManipulate.Substring(startIndex, endIndexCurrent).Replace(",", "").Trim(); //and copy that as amount to variable

            resultStoreData.Amount = Convert.ToDouble(transAmount);
            stringManipulate       = stringManipulate.Remove(startIndex, endIndexCurrent);//delete the copied amount from this string

            //get the transaction time number for which this was bought
            startIndex       = stringManipulate.ToLower().IndexOf("on ".ToLower()) + 4;           //so that we begin from where the date time is exactly
            stringManipulate = stringManipulate.Substring(startIndex);                            //begin from the end of ksh at amount begin point
            startIndex       = 0;                                                                 //now the string starts from phone number begin point to the end
            var transactionTime = stringManipulate.Substring(startIndex).Trim().Replace(".", ""); //and copy that as amount to variable

            resultStoreData.TransactionTime = getFormatedDate(transactionTime);

            resultStoreData.ClientData = await getClientDataFromNameAndPhone(genericCustomerName, genericCustomerPhone);

            resultStoreData.ClientDataId = resultStoreData.ClientData.Id;
Ejemplo n.º 9
        private async Task <SMSMessageStoreData> ProcessTransferedFromFloatToWorking(SMSMessageStore rawMessage)
            //OA2545YOU3 Confirmed. Ksh16,000.00  transferred from Float Ac.to Working Ac..New Working Ac. Balance is Ksh32,968.03.New Float Balance is Ksh50,003.00 on 2/1/20 at 4:26 PM
            var resultStoreData = new SMSMessageStoreData();

            resultStoreData.SMSMessageStore = rawMessage;
            resultStoreData.TransactionType = await getTransactionType(GeneralConfiguration.TransactionTypeConfig.FloatToWorking);

            resultStoreData.TransactionTypeId = resultStoreData.TransactionType.Id;

            var stringManipulate = rawMessage.TextMessage;
            int startIndex = 0, endIndexCurrent = stringManipulate.ToLower().IndexOf(' ');
            //get the transaction code
            var transactionCode = stringManipulate.Substring(startIndex, endIndexCurrent).Trim();

            resultStoreData.TransactionId = transactionCode;
            stringManipulate = stringManipulate.Remove(startIndex, endIndexCurrent);

            //strip string to KES point
            startIndex       = stringManipulate.ToLower().IndexOf("Ksh".ToLower()) + 3;                        //so that we begin from where the amount is exactly
            stringManipulate = stringManipulate.Substring(startIndex);                                         //begin from the end of ksh at amount begin point
            startIndex       = 0;                                                                              //now the string starts from amount to the end
            endIndexCurrent  = stringManipulate.ToLower().IndexOf(' ');                                        //find the first space
            var transAmount = stringManipulate.Substring(startIndex, endIndexCurrent).Replace(",", "").Trim(); //and copy that as amount to variable

            resultStoreData.Amount = Convert.ToDouble(transAmount);
            stringManipulate       = stringManipulate.Remove(startIndex, endIndexCurrent);//delete the copied amount from this string

            //get the transaction time number for which this was bought
            startIndex       = stringManipulate.ToLower().IndexOf("on ".ToLower()) + 4;           //so that we begin from where the date time is exactly
            stringManipulate = stringManipulate.Substring(startIndex);                            //begin from the end of ksh at amount begin point
            startIndex       = 0;                                                                 //now the string starts from phone number begin point to the end
            var transactionTime = stringManipulate.Substring(startIndex).Trim().Replace(".", ""); //and copy that as amount to variable

            resultStoreData.TransactionTime = getFormatedDate(transactionTime);

            resultStoreData.ClientData = await getClientDataFromNameAndPhone(genericCustomerName, genericCustomerPhone);

            resultStoreData.ClientDataId = resultStoreData.ClientData.Id;
Ejemplo n.º 10
        private async Task <SMSMessageStoreData> ProcessReverseTransaction(SMSMessageStore rawMessage)
            //OA516AJI99 confirmed. Reversal of transaction OA566A7X9G has been successfully reversed on 5/1/20 at 1:14 PM and Ksh500.00 is debited from your M-PESA account. Your new float account balance is Ksh39,516.00
            var resultStoreData = new SMSMessageStoreData();

            resultStoreData.SMSMessageStore = rawMessage;
            if (rawMessage.TextMessage.ToLower().Contains("credited"))
                resultStoreData.TransactionType = await getTransactionType(GeneralConfiguration.TransactionTypeConfig.ReverseTransactionCredited);
                resultStoreData.TransactionType = await getTransactionType(GeneralConfiguration.TransactionTypeConfig.ReverseTransactionDebited);
            resultStoreData.TransactionTypeId = resultStoreData.TransactionType.Id;

            var stringManipulate = rawMessage.TextMessage;
            int startIndex = 0, endIndexCurrent = stringManipulate.ToLower().IndexOf(' ');
            //get the transaction code
            var transactionCode = stringManipulate.Substring(startIndex, endIndexCurrent).Trim();

            resultStoreData.TransactionId = transactionCode;
            stringManipulate = stringManipulate.Remove(startIndex, endIndexCurrent);
            //get the reversed transaction and put it in narration
            //start from end of transaction
            startIndex       = stringManipulate.ToLower().IndexOf("transaction".ToLower()) + 12;
            stringManipulate = stringManipulate.Substring(startIndex);  //trim to start of next
            startIndex       = 0;
            endIndexCurrent  = stringManipulate.ToLower().IndexOf(' '); //move to the begining of the first step
            var reversedEntry = stringManipulate.Substring(startIndex, endIndexCurrent);

            resultStoreData.Narration = reversedEntry;
            stringManipulate          = stringManipulate.Remove(startIndex, endIndexCurrent);

            //get the transaction time number for which this was bought
            startIndex       = stringManipulate.ToLower().IndexOf(" on".ToLower()) + 4;           //so that we begin from where the date time is exactly
            stringManipulate = stringManipulate.Substring(startIndex);                            //begin from the end of ksh at amount begin point
            startIndex       = 0;                                                                 //
            endIndexCurrent  = stringManipulate.ToLower().IndexOf(" and".ToLower());              //find the index of Take
            var transactionTime = stringManipulate.Substring(startIndex, endIndexCurrent).Trim(); //and copy that as amount to variable

            resultStoreData.TransactionTime = getFormatedDate(transactionTime);
            stringManipulate = stringManipulate.Remove(startIndex, endIndexCurrent);//delete the copied amount from this string

            //get the amount
            //strip string to KES point
            startIndex       = stringManipulate.ToLower().IndexOf("Ksh".ToLower()) + 3;                        //so that we begin from where the amount is exactly
            stringManipulate = stringManipulate.Substring(startIndex);                                         //begin from the end of ksh at amount begin point
            startIndex       = 0;                                                                              //now the string starts from amount to the end
            endIndexCurrent  = stringManipulate.ToLower().IndexOf(' ');                                        //find the first space
            var transAmount = stringManipulate.Substring(startIndex, endIndexCurrent).Replace(",", "").Trim(); //and copy that as amount to variable

            resultStoreData.Amount = Convert.ToDouble(transAmount);
            stringManipulate       = stringManipulate.Remove(startIndex, endIndexCurrent);//delete the copied amount from this string

            resultStoreData.ClientData = await getClientDataFromNameAndPhone(genericCustomerName, genericCustomerPhone);

            resultStoreData.ClientDataId = resultStoreData.ClientData.Id;

Ejemplo n.º 11
        public async Task <SMSMessageStoreData> ProcessCustomerWithdraw(SMSMessageStore rawMessage)
            var resultStoreData = new SMSMessageStoreData();

            resultStoreData.SMSMessageStore = rawMessage;

            //withdraw saf no
            //OAN3KNQZC7 Confirmed. on 23/1/20 at 7:51 PM Give Ksh1,530.00 to JAPHET MAINA MBOGO 0720435807. New M-PESA float balance is Ksh28,297.00
            //withdraw non saf
            //OA314OGB3N  Confirmed.On 3/1/20 at 11:18 AM.Give Ksh5,100.00 cash to +254734373935.New M-PESA float balance is Ksh23,103.00
            //treat like deposit ask if money was give
            var stringManipulate = rawMessage.TextMessage;
            int startIndex = 0, endIndexCurrent = stringManipulate.ToLower().IndexOf(' ');
            //get the transaction code
            var transactionCode = stringManipulate.Substring(startIndex, endIndexCurrent).Trim();

            resultStoreData.TransactionId = transactionCode;
            stringManipulate = stringManipulate.Remove(startIndex, endIndexCurrent);

            //get the transaction time number for which this was bought
            startIndex = stringManipulate.ToLower().IndexOf("Confirmed.On".ToLower());//so that we begin from where the date time is exactly
            bool unRegisteredWithDraw = false;

            if (startIndex < 0)
                startIndex = stringManipulate.ToLower().IndexOf("Confirmed. on".ToLower()) + 14;
                unRegisteredWithDraw = true;
                startIndex          += 13;//for non customer sakes
            if (unRegisteredWithDraw == true)
                resultStoreData.TransactionType = await getTransactionType(GeneralConfiguration.TransactionTypeConfig.CustomerWithdrawUnRegistered);
                resultStoreData.TransactionType = await getTransactionType(GeneralConfiguration.TransactionTypeConfig.CustomerWithdraw);
            resultStoreData.TransactionTypeId = resultStoreData.TransactionType.Id;

            stringManipulate = stringManipulate.Substring(startIndex);                                             //begin from the end of ksh at amount begin point
            startIndex       = 0;                                                                                  //now the string starts from phone number begin point to the end
            endIndexCurrent  = stringManipulate.ToLower().IndexOf("Give".ToLower());                               //find the index of Take
            var transactionTime = stringManipulate.Substring(startIndex, endIndexCurrent).Trim().Replace(".", ""); //and copy that as amount to variable

            resultStoreData.TransactionTime = getFormatedDate(transactionTime);
            stringManipulate = stringManipulate.Remove(startIndex, endIndexCurrent);//delete the copied amount from this string

            //get the amount
            //strip string to KES point
            startIndex       = stringManipulate.ToLower().IndexOf("Ksh".ToLower()) + 3;                        //so that we begin from where the amount is exactly
            stringManipulate = stringManipulate.Substring(startIndex);                                         //begin from the end of ksh at amount begin point
            startIndex       = 0;                                                                              //now the string starts from amount to the end
            endIndexCurrent  = stringManipulate.ToLower().IndexOf(' ');                                        //find the first space
            var transAmount = stringManipulate.Substring(startIndex, endIndexCurrent).Replace(",", "").Trim(); //and copy that as amount to variable

            resultStoreData.Amount = Convert.ToDouble(transAmount);
            stringManipulate       = stringManipulate.Remove(startIndex, endIndexCurrent);//delete the copied amount from this string

            //get the client name
            startIndex       = stringManipulate.ToLower().IndexOf("to".ToLower()) + 3;  //so that we begin from where the phone is exactly
            stringManipulate = stringManipulate.Substring(startIndex);                  //begin from the end of ksh at amount begin point
            startIndex       = 0;                                                       //now the string starts from phone number begin point to the end
            endIndexCurrent  = stringManipulate.ToLower().IndexOf("New".ToLower());     //find index of New
            stringManipulate = stringManipulate.Substring(startIndex, endIndexCurrent); //and copy that as amount to variable
            endIndexCurrent  = stringManipulate.ToLower().LastIndexOf(" ");
            if (endIndexCurrent < 0)
                endIndexCurrent = stringManipulate.Length;
            var clientUniqueName = stringManipulate.Substring(0, endIndexCurrent).Trim().Replace(".", "");

            //incase the unique name starts with a + then this a non saf customer withdraw
            var clientPhoneNumber = string.Empty;

            if (clientUniqueName.StartsWith("+"))
                //non saf withdrawal
                clientUniqueName  = clientUniqueName.Replace("+", "");
                clientPhoneNumber = clientUniqueName;
                //for a registered saf number withdrawal
                startIndex       = 0;
                endIndexCurrent  = stringManipulate.LastIndexOf(" ");
                stringManipulate = stringManipulate.Substring(startIndex, endIndexCurrent);///remove upto  New

                endIndexCurrent  = stringManipulate.LastIndexOf(" ");
                clientUniqueName = stringManipulate.Substring(startIndex, endIndexCurrent); // Separates the name from phone

                stringManipulate = stringManipulate.Replace(clientUniqueName, "");          //delete the copied amount from this string
                //get the client name
                clientPhoneNumber = stringManipulate.Trim().Replace(".", "");

            resultStoreData.ClientData = await getClientDataFromNameAndPhone(clientUniqueName, clientPhoneNumber);

            resultStoreData.ClientDataId = resultStoreData.ClientData.Id;